CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Nov 1919, p. 11

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_..~LI -«. _MË t q_ __, 1-:1>M EPENDIÉ:T, DTAY, NOVEMBER20, 1919. - .-I----,, .. -1PÀOE THRiEr.'Lý I>ersem .'ý Rend and Bridge <rnmittee. proceedings necemeay In submiiit the! ter taxes erroneiauml peid by hlm 1North Shore Fruit Co. Rublni's Iuly 17. MrÊt Pritchiard .._....25.00 i-$$'S hlbp ,,Enu:nerqýted Amount, Superviser Meyer move4i Uiat thé" proposition totevtr tterg ~refunded on an assEsdvauto Potatoesq and Onlions__.....$17.75 Groceries ........... ............ 11.82 Yuiy 17,, Mrs. -Fletcher........2B.00 R 2413 $3993.371 repart bie referred bi._ ta h aicld ular election ln November. jt $200. Ilubin's And that ail the eXPenses for err- .Iuly 26, Rosette Mandese .. 10.00 0-11. 309 520.01 and Bridge Commlttee. 1 auperviaor Webb of Antioch mnoved JACOB BEEMSTrRBOER. droceries............................ $16-16 tiloyeg suthorized by the Count> Board Aug. 4. Lakte County ....i..... 2100.00 s -10 ils 1354.41 Supervisor Iiraebner moved 9s 9 thet the Boira accept and adlopt th By R. 4. Barnum, Clerk. 1And that the expenses for emplayes ta bse employed opqiadsre u.4 lo o Bd rs900 159 23.91. stbstitute thet têtepropcsed bond lm-' Resqiation of iniproving by pvb Notice of meeting of Illinois State euthorizcd by the County Board ta bce ifond 0o the prisoners confined In Aug. 16. Miss E Ppton _.... . 4.55 12' 2106 3137.94,seh umltd f .100.0 fo o .a monaipdtt by th odadHomne Association was read and on emnployes ta prepare and serve fond said jail fer the month ending the 5tit Aug. 6, S. J. Young...........46.00 .ý Il 411 731.59 Ronds,. Brldtgc 1omtte motion of supervisor Holistein ac- for the prisoners confined ¶i ý!ald jail day of Septeinber. A. D. 1919 are as Aug. 13, Herbert Wehers ... 10.00 lé 1715 1065.08, Aye and Nay vote beigaidfr aeadNyvt eing celled for cepted and plaçaet on file, for tite riontit endiiig the 5th day of oowtwt:Ag18Mr.T<ap150 804 29 48.8 Superviser Kir8chtier';i mnotir)a vas ti lupervlsor McCuilough, Superviser, l upervisr eb fWakanJuyAD.91.reasflo: Employe Days Empioyed Ami. Paid Aug. 18, Mrs. Roy Hllioîtt - .. 45ý00. 9151 Thos9,arid ye o oing aeSut i on: b' mVîl otio: va mre ytef itt adrean è ofPule Buildinregardi Mys BEssJGe, 35 days.. .......45 0.00 Mri. J. Green, 31 days.... ..... o.,o Aug. 20, '.%r-.. Ralph Brown_ 60.001 1 7.6 43 15.1 Balrstow. Barnatalble, Brown, Eger,, nteade--dth ir eadn Ay ese,3 y .. ...-.....500 M N,47-8 43630.27. gAèaeSprieaýmr utberetfrSprned Am lleasley 31 days «..... .... 36.00 Aug. 22, Bernardi Carroll. 25.00 45- 67. Hlotetn. Klir.ichrier. Martin, Murphy.i ThoFe votip aeaeSprîasmr iial omfrEprned And aigo attacited are ail the bis, Andi aiso aXtachesi are ail. the bils, Aug. 26-Alicê Godwin ... 10.000 , 2102 452 67.49 MeCulaugit. OX.Conner, Paddock, flCtrstow. Brown, Ciapo, Eger, Holl- lent of Hlghways and Stiperintendent ,,ucha', and.iother evldPncees of Pur- vouchtera and other evîdences o! par- Atig. 27, Mrs. Chas. Eames.. 5.00 â4.1 0 679 Thompson. Webb of Antiocli, Webb or ,ýteiî. l!iion. Msar'tin, Maetiter, Mon- ,of 8 chools. Chaîrmen Fil ordere chaise of food and provisionîs. together caeofadndpviostghrAe2.Mr.ByEio 35.00 O 599 89607' Waukegan. 1 4. ahnICneRndhVro.tttlt et eli vrul wlth a statement pf the itelp em- wîtîî a atatement or the help employed ïï.44 ..600'Smsncui eToée voting No are Stieio' ,ebifAiiCt 3 eiedymrigs ~ î-~i ployer!, wiich aniaunts te the toteJ whicli enmounts ta the total qum i et 12921A , 9 443 .. 66.07CVk. Crepo, Dîlger, Medl'.er, Ring-' 1 hasýe voting No are Superviseras andi Mr. ipsncuibePreý'ent. .u ofun 12, 1919 e ori Ct dh.lecoe. 7. ?e edMClog.2Survsi Sprvisor Webb o01 WAaUkegan la fahcti respecttuiiy sali- S241.58. Disbursements % e1 99 M0. pastrict .....1269 1890.81 Superviwer* Paddock rouverti l et the' Clark nlot votlng. ;u,.e to adjailin tutul Wedfl' day mîttesi. Ail o! which is reapettully salit te September 1199... 12775 *ukegan City lteport of the Roai mnd Bridge Comt- Superviser l0%ebb o! Antiocit ex- morning until 10 o'clock for Commit- ELMER J. GREEN, mittesi.. ki istrict .....5717 858 - mlttee ha referred back ta lthe Cým- tendesi tie Invitation of Mr. Appley, tewr.MiocaisIl epro t al ELMER J. GREî'EN, Septeniber 1, 1919, balance l44i on bandi..................ý.. ...124.60 mnittce te asis furtier roads ta the, Super n tendent o! the County Faim. agn lîos State of llinois. Keeper oftcJi. la rasy......$199 - - prograni. tn actordance v.ith 1 for diniier at the County Farm. Sup- September 24th, 1919. Countymets o!n 1ae 1919 StttoIlîo ' 33665.99 the amaunt decîdesi upon. iervirur ovedt thet the Boerd accept 1~ , Elmer J. Green. Keeper of the' Caurity of Lakea: ibreift.Jse1 99t 380.0 r. Si. Cash on band ..... S . 124.60 r- Motion carrlesi. t.,the invitation for dinner Wedneisday. Board met puarsuant ta adioir n- Jaîl for the County aforesaid. do sol- 1, Elmer J1. Green. Keeprr of ttc Septemrber 1, 1919. 1e 21. Scitool Fundi Text...33641.67 -Stîpervitior Kîrîsclner novsitha Suptenîber 24th. Mot>on carried. ment with Chairman FIéke presiding emniy swear that the ,food andi pro- JaU for tht' Couniy aforeait!. do sol-Ayaî a.prvsos.. 06 6LII t. 1. Cash on handi the. Roasi andi Bridge Coniiittee ieý Siiný'v1sor Ringdrihi movesi that and the followlng fenilera Pres n t: visions reportesi an purchaFed were emnly swear that the foodi andi pro- Amtr&C. rvsos..i 06 ordistribution . ..._........ 33666.17 authoizesi tu select sucit roasis sa w.11 the' Board adjourit for Commlittce Supervisors BairstoW, , Barnastahle, purchasesi andi uged soily for the. vibions reportcdl as purchasei, were A. & A. ItJlectric Ca,. Tlig & 17iii.27:e aboy@ a i tih' report on te Dis- comPly with the previaus resolution,, norit antîl 1:30 P. 14. Motion car- Brown. Clark, Craspo, Dîlger. Eger, prîsoners ansi ielp la saIsit jil, and purchatitd andi usesi soiely for ,1.P pria- Grils......................7Id5.50 ,table Puni et thia date. Septem- and i tat, the' Roasi ansi Bridge Comn-iriesi.1 Ficite. Hoîdrisige. Hollhtein. lcution. that the eccountz for employmient are ontera ln saisi Jail, ansi that tht' sc- Dr. C. S. Ambrase, Anesqtietica. 10.00 179.881199 mîttee have the proper resoiîîtion pre- 1,,:18t P. M. Board calied ta Grder Kîrschner, Martin, Maether. M'ý>er, for employes authorieil by the Cout coutas for emploaiment are For vmn Misa Grayce Allen., nurse. 8ý,72 201.101 199 rpotuysumtd talepaeltsbmttepopeibnds- wîhCImnFeepetlng. Monahan, Murphy. McCullough. 0 ty Board, ail amounting ta the' total ployes authorizesi by te îCounty M.10orable Bloard of Supervisera. sue ta te votera of the County at Supervisei Eger move ilto reconsisi- ('annor, P'addock. Ringilehl. Straltton. muai o! $255.52, witich Samlunt is due Boarsi ail amonuting tai thte tol...i surit Abbott Leboretories, getieriti ST. 4. SIMPSON. the Novemiber 1919 elaction. Motion er the Invitation ta Caunty Farm for Thomptson. Vercoe. Webb Of Antioch. ansi tipaisi afler aliowing ail ju't or Two, H-lndresi Forty-Titrep. and 58- expense........... ........ .175 1 tus 6p"rntnd4 o! .ctoi car-. dînner and eceept sante for Thurrday. Webb of WVaukegan. 26. credIts. ,167 44.90 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c >aeCut.Sprio e~ oelt i September 25th. thereby giving M-. Absent -Supervisai Burgess. 1. ELMER J. GREEN. 100i Dolar awihailunt a dtnsi. 3 rstoW. Chnder..... ...9 442 hae falong comunIatIon was journ unlil Septe.nber 23. 1919, et 10 Appley ansi its agisistantil more time Minutes of preceding meeting iead Keeper of the Jail. Enpais J.te aloi G ljaRENt, Bladalve Chanier M........ Ca. . , h olwn omlA. Mi. Motion carriesi. ta prepare Sanie. Mutilr a, si. andi upan motion of Supervisoi Suhacribeil ansi swOrn ta hefore me - Keeper a! the' Jail. Presi Buckt provisions -.-.,,.. -172.00 .5 flntd V' ATRE aukegaa. Illinois. Lewis; 0. Brockway, (!'-cuit Cient. Thomisn approved hl hdy fJlA .19 . Sbcie n wr tLM e J. or GReN ii U. Gida............s -- .910 1OFFICE 0F STATE' pt TTOR11,191. September 23, 1919. guitmitted the follov.*Irg.rrport vilii h Superviser Klr4chner inovesi tiat LEW A. HENDER, . i rh day o! Septamber, A. D. 1919. A. E. Brown, proviions, gen- i i Wauitcgarf, Septme Bo 11. arsi met pursuant ta adjaurn- wam raid ansi on mot ion of Supervisai th malter o! leasing offices for Sup- County Clark. LE A. HE-1 m xaue.......37 tac Honorable Board of Supervié- ment wlth Chairnian Ficite prcsiding. Eger referresi In the Committee aiorinetn of A.oos beNDE le!, t 1 0 K b Cmmtt iars, Lakte CountY. Illinois: ansi te ollowîng members present: SettIement witit the Circuit Cîccit. th Committet' on Builsiingý ar J. J. BARNSTABLE. 1 Clerk. Brkie & Wright, evquiPtmnt, 56.24 Gentlemen: Supervisera Beirstow. Brown, Clark. Te the' Honorable Beerd of Superviis- Grounsis with powier ta act. Mot:on CHAS. H. CRAPO. Q). K. by Commlttce: ,generslt exvense.............9.10 ;11077 , junsr tht' law Of ibis state, itla a8 Crapa. Dilger. Eger, Fîcite. Hoîdrisige, ors of Lakte County. Illinois: carriesi. WVaukegan, Ill., June 6tit. 1919. W. J. STATTON. Chairr-in. Arthuar Blanchtard, general ex- 'W7.4,Illation of the' Seaicit ansi Seizurc HoIlitein, Hutton, Maril, Maetiqrý The undensîgnesi, Clerk of lte Cir- SuevTrTtaienCarmn< F; the Honorable Board oif Supervis- J. J. BRA.NSTABLE, pense ................... 6.40 1 H46 pohbiioSîcrior. Jaer0crRi sahhsrabti Ttonpon sasiConî, uîi ospcofly eprt irui os ! ait Cuny.hlinos.CHS.H.CRPO.tes opect.18nra.87e 1.8 ' *t ta0 transport ~itaica'ti1lg liquor Meye'r, Monohan. McCullough, O'Con- cuit Court ansi ex-officia, Recordier of Commiîtt'e on Settlement wiîî the Trso a e m onty lpne frfn auealinois. D.AS M. Caîro gnealex i75 rougit fohiito County Pq'iîr nr. ,onerl StiatoramhmpJuneali Sonit wud rspiter y eprtitToalalunt pense....or.ood...............D.M..ouron,.51.00ex siemrssutflite SipeprdrAcAdaaI ter--VVrrrat'.eWeitb o! ioAnîlWc bbofetheo! tite inollowing tRecncîpte ansiCErcunti-lingrepart:tto tueyf6th, 1919...........$110ne5s 'rui[liene 5ohorali ' Board o!. 1u19.v penCei ......t.r..e.B.tte.y Ca.. li10.49 17 lblit the' Unaites States haS Waukgan. turcs of my office ftromn November 30, lgrpr:.t uy6h 99... .....$1-2'oteHnril or fSpri-ClelsoaeBteyC. n p-hiItO teriitOT7 slttct Juiy Absn uevsi antbe a- 91 oMy1.11.icuie Help H-ire - ...... .....-...145.0e ors a! Laite County. Illinois: do .i.......................3.10 1, 1919. it fiasi beeome a matter of giao. Kirseier. Murphy Paddock. 5. mi. e flnîmnarcraitrn a!~a Due Laite Cotrnty traom June Total amount o! ixpense fer Mis. Mausi Collina, nurse...110.00 . IÀ.0 et anti ynce t the' autitWtties ùtl Minutes o! previoup meeting rad, ,Ri-corît ut' o mntesi dddrn afya ...... . .... .. 3378 it ta .ïaîy lst for board- foodi for Couniy Prisoners Chicago Telephone Ca. 78.40 lite a.dminditsthe d atnitrato a si uupo motmotion upea! seSuperviecosdrgMai--ean833-42..50- m....o.erome ...t..Pr...$334250 11 .1vrnmen urisnest-- t3.10taugueptthmbereperai er expense.................. 3.00 ,dIiti5stice in tig tsate. tit couritles. Itler eppraved. Irî(orsing Fees Receivasi .. ........._8. ....ý.ý. 2867.90 Nambeûr o! Prisoliais ln Coanty Jai 6th. 1919 .................175 lisiOrry general wages.. 71.66 -k11 ucit loadad with ittiesi beer have Superviser Bairatow, addreF.sed the ILîcorling Fesa Recaived prev. reporteil ý.... 358.95 for mentit o! June. 51. fieîp Hice...... ....... ............ 116.0 Swan flahluuisl, do...........2.00 152.r. jassIIIIei tbroU8t Ibis roultY tramn Ke- Board In regard ta te meeting wîith LE .GEN u aeCut ri uutDrt&Shatls"c 53 102 ,a. Twrin Laites andi Milwauktee C te e Higitway Depertment on Sep- Total Recording Fi-as Raci-ive-s . . .. _ýý.. $3226.85 Sheriff o! Lakte CoUnty. Illinois. lst ta Septemiser lat for Mrs. M. Dunning general 1».01eCity ofCicagO6 Touring cars have lember 22. 1919. . Court C'ast,,; Earnesi ....-3ý__- ,-1447.75 State o! Illinois, boarsiing Government Prison- wageA..................... 225.00 ' 1=.0 3Iebenep9.0mic0hei Suevse aritw C 812o outCst ee34.7....5 _-.. Cou_..aty ..._ 11.7 ont i Lk.os fth on-eo!.-------- La..............te.6Dr .E.Dneas:letete 00 68950 lin o! truck drivers, who wt'e en- the Roai ansi Bridge Comniîitee, suht- turt Costa Raceîvei prev. reportesi.. .. ý...ý 11.00 To Lew A. Hendea. Clark o!be tfuteoer i Cota.................91 J r. . 11. Egeeuls et ....... 10.00 .87 1 il aI titis occupation. for titis pur- mitteil tht' following rerolution: , yBado aeCutIlni:frMnho uut 0 r.-ly&Flos eea At a oference with lte Honora- AId Ronds itereînafter describesi tif Niclaeu ot and8287 alo h'Cut frsi apr ELMER j. GREEN, expense.................. .0 bi Bl-adJ.BunaeAtony Impravei wîith an eigbtecn (18)> fool Misct'lianeoss Caes Receivadasi 8 .. ... ..ý... . 1248.45 suanca o! tht' dut>' iniposesi upon me hrf !LieCut. MisM eie.nre204 44.»Oqeereî o! titis state. yestersiay, we - <mcede roadway. ansi titet bonds o! Total Court Consh Receivas._i.._ ..._ .._ $1248.75 hy Iaw. do herehy report ltat titi Supierviser Mactiier ediliessei lthe Cari Fick. gerteral expene 31.85 24.i00 1 dIcluded taI te ODîY ws.y ta stop tae ('ouaty bc Insued iterefor under ____ usfrfoias rvsoafrlt boarsi with oral report of Judiciar>' Funkts Book Siop. Genemal ex- 3.50 fl iiiegal tratfic was b>' 3oîn ection 150 a! an Act entities "An 'ftlmgs anse6090 adlng of tte prisanara confinai lin Committet', recommeadiag tht' matter pense......................6.76 .97 ? Idei day aniastto 'l raosis ln .%el tu revit' lthe la vin relation t iiiot ilUotsres ...... $501 sais jai for.. -it mt e....... l.....e. o! bri.0ng lie Lakte Count' Lew Li- tva. Forvor. gpneral weges 225.00 S. N lke county leading fromt th* State !'oais ansi bridges". eMlnutyil June 27. ______-.. ... _-_._._.. _-...._,,__._$50.3 Sd __ frth mt edigtho binn 6.614ftonsti. As Stata'a; Attorney! o! 93 as tkmansiedi 1_______________ fith day o! August A. D. 1919 are ai brary ta datîe ansi furuIsiting Court. Cara Mrg. Co., genarel ex- 00 .60 lIgake CotntY. I desîre St Ibis lime 10 T Il E HIGHLAND PARII-DEEII- EFrontE --o Choliows. tnwi' Rerser li so fudtbtture 90sAnsRn us . 2.78 60.00 raquest tell count>' Board ta appropri- FIELD) ROAD, beginning et lte -est ýâary $500Wauitegtf, Illinois, Prn hohase fPrcar Aual SprvisaheJi ar comovt lte Miss Agît Halgnsan, nurêse.. 10.008 - Ma sufficlent motne>' ta poel men et comparaît' liit of tae Cilty o! Higit- Ciert ire . ..._S 402 eteHnrbetardu 23. 1919s Frcank i 0fy urcase $P2rc9tase rpr a ie ofubokciary Cotea ani w A. Menen iral agce,. 100 159.04 *pôds keasting fiont lte Stte o! e'asi Park, at tht' nortiest corner ot Postage & Exprs. 5.8 ogfLaeCutIlni.W tSd BkyBress 51.38 bc aLcete anit Coual>'. lilnnis.f. ....... 440 il 4« he ai YuCumniittee onkSettlement wîith A. Joitnson Mutk 6.17 Aye ansi Ney vote baing cellail for Herlict's Maltesi Ml11k, pro- 677.U8 ~ Wlt supervision of aur cotinty ". NI titene soutitwasiterly ansi wt'i Total Expanses . .8_5021.63 teCircuit Clerk w Outl respeetfully No. Short' Fruit Co. Potabtees 16.25 by Superviser Webb o! Antiocit, SuP-ý vision@.....................4.00 - ... *,e~riff. for tePOe O! 'tPing ôS lthe Intersection wîit ltae Chico- Total Eamnings la exceas of!e-etul eotta ehv ul' rcre 62 rie Biao-qmto a are .Hy.Li ig&Gis.. 61 1.2 s examinittg bath tOtiiing care ansi "Wisens5ia Felerril AId late int, epne . ... -- ......' 073 iiŽspnedell Reparte tud w havcute x- pRua s reries 16.2 ervo aloi otio, .a cMre I ~ s'I.erîblg & Grgls... 61 1196.49é t aseertaiti whether tha iaw Village of Roufed.a itac o extanees in .xes of 0173 amnittReosaniAcus o!' Werne r h lt flown 61_64 g-îri 1.0 ~a~ata getsn vlila- miemoerlemditanc bci Tom-eil axeso Lewis 0. Bmocitway, Circuit CleritCkrcme 26 Those votiaz Aye are Supervisera general expense............ .0 wilit ,I lthe judgmettt of tht' Attorntey' fre 30t ae gradeis ..y o! ...0.. . ......e.. 697 ansi Recomder.'!ar lthe hiait yeer end- Ansi that ail tite expensea for eut Bairstaw, Eger. Holirlidge, Hollilela. Misen Verne~ Hamrly, aute.. 326-29 iii ~ iinm and mysaît Ibis ln ltae onlY .visie ansi wilth an 18 foot cancrels ,>Fi ofIlio ing May 31, 1919, and finl lteé sea u e.atoielb'teCalyHto.Krcar attr Myr .H ~ !Lme a wrr me hieai ned "b>' which [ha lew ,avceat, ai an estimeteil coet ai Caunty of Lake, as: correct. . .Boardi ta be employesi te prepare ansi oghn Murphy, 0'ConeRn- -ig ia '.... 64 baý- -M i enforcei ansi titi administra- 571.000,00. 1Lewis 0. Broetway bel ng ilul>' IN fini thet darng lthe bial! yeer serve lthe foosi faitie urîsonrers con- dahit Vtan, Web onakn. Ring .hdsn il, rS............,56.4 .,on- o! juâtice maintaineil. White TEHL DA RQD ben sw nanohsesta that itere have been 3374 documents fluet la saisi jeul for ei mont ansi- daitl. Verei, WNbo!ar Wsueat!. Oy &ps J...î... nea TH ffaDY Ottivagswrno oeltos sys ..a the foegoIng reodi;ltttt annaa as ng tte 5h day oif Auguat A. D). 1919. Thorse, votîng N er re, MapriI 1 ax ... ....... ......16.20 10 s~,uch a plan WHll inalv oeepnt. aeAdRueN.1.ta tht' repart mate b>' hilm i correct 10 tht'ý Circuit Cierit during lthe saisi bl!i year- are, as foliowa, towit: fin BeataiCrîpau , Mis . MttbuOnre .. -~ 1 10 ,,M~~~~ay restull In svittg itis coutil>' xemt corporae limita fth iy !f bsofh k wlesge, informatinadkpBJhsn Klea ae f .3 violence ta afficers o! lte law Hisîta ansi west a distance o! 2 18bie.rtr>'tîeDlas itIlt eepsEfiiv mlys Paît Thoîpson, Webb o! Antiocit. 10. ý,. J. .î-iweî. efanerai axnpe , 35.4 tsid ta the general public. andi us cer- -rifles. more or lems. t an Intersection LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY. of- lthe office for the saii bal! yeum Mrr. E. J. Green U. ' $80.01à W. E. Wetkins. SecretaiT o! yht X nydb4-rg Bidg% & Grdsi.. . - taîni>' neeiaiY for lte effective (,ni eth the ,Chlcago-WîaeCansutt Ferlerat Lubckees ansit 'Fair taoiain befar mewne amounte 10lile CieeuoOie'iouas n> es 15.10 foreement of ltae law. .Mud Roule, la be Iniprveil wih a Susrbdadsont eoem mutt h uno .v 'huadAn eslY 2 60 ihwsde....... -1.................C7 l luffl - May' I aise request eit Ibis lime tu iradesi way 30 feat wide ansi witt an tits 13ti day a! Seplemiter, A. Di. 1919. Seven Handresi Oas ansi 35-100 Dol- E. J. Green. freight ansi exprea.3 taitteil tht' folwing report wiii .e 187685 .discsa a tîats-i DeutyClert. epenea ae On' Tioasnil eveneen Ansi aisa attacheil arc ail lth bila, Disposition o! $100.00 afei b>' tht'. ',~e>,gaae x 187.85ý1ad iscs lte malterý daaiüobsI o! $70,000.00. vopie reOeTosndSvn n uelters ansi otitar avidencas o! par- Laite County Boartd o! SupervisOrS for aesp isait...............1-It~ .pp.a Atm>' r A. deti. BOpTFCr. lad 37100 til]arni:tigat h cxCesitq vu w:nrcrca........ 10 et nioseas iei Karrii ganeral wafg . t110n 2 6,71 Ver>' incerel>' >'otIrs. TIIE ROCK LAN D ROAD , bein g T tc foîîow îng peliions wem e fl t i se o o d a d r v s g ansihe 37-100l D ollars: lia lita Leakpt C u t,& o, P ov si n 1058.69 . JAMES G. WELCl. -'tale' Aid Route No. 9. front an la- anio oino uevsiuaîc2l Neso xeie mutî ~co eih a softamnsi o tsefl. taetitlY Fpai babilut etp literai Laite ..... . W. ' - Ca. provsio 155.3 Laie Couil>' -ii eritîi ,; 1h lit CilaoWie efarrasi ta tht' Comittlc onE- 1Dollars. which saidsi aut bas beau paisi ci, wlich amoanta la lthe total soný /mmu ni iteallie. enreexne. ... I Rote n he orh- oenugAs"soent: o $71.9.Cap-Patin Products. Il 10.00 I7E. Largsati. isg & Grirs . " 4c ii iAdRuel ienrt aosAssmns 1 ite County Treasamar ansi his Rt'- otpctul, ies Il 943.6U Supervisai Vercot' îoved Ihat lte west q iarum o! Section 19, T. 43 N. Laite Porest. Illinois, eeipt titerefar is tilesi wlth itis ra- Ail o! whith is rsatul u- L .IuiaiAeli Iltas Attorney' ba autitorizesi ta ai- R. 12 E, o! 3rd P. M. theace vent te Septemiter ICI. 1919. part; wa woulil Iherefore racommend l tttet. Cap-Draft Herses 10.00 Lux Aru Sales Co., Geasmal, à- :,plyscbelai eesm.Mtn;L-- aiea RoteiNo.n et (ltwna- Le ELMER .GEN T. E. Wilson, Wilson, Ill.KStSt po> ucitd hal a cas>' Mo Ivie.) ,îiiî Rouinte No. th <Iiwaete IT onorable Board o! Superviser@,. that lte repÔrt o! saisi Circuit Cîcit epR o! liaR E. CL6Sac IO Josipe .................e. ~<~' llectins( o! Laktel CoutI>, Illinoia. ansi Recorder bc' approvesi. Laite, AfteJi. cu-oe1 . G". ,Mawnrcnt, xAm. ,,7 ~Supe"Igor Seattan mo>' at- ono Rua e No. 9 <beîng Park Ave Gen~tlme n r Ail o! wiih is trEepeeîful>' suit- State o! Illinis, Hawtborn Parm, Ilawtitatt, 11.0'A j.O Mrswînt, generl exs.. 1 a "a Lla mens ta Stop speesi violations un 3tate Aid Route No. S. titence wt'st- adnRle'as eleKle' h B. C. THOMPO 1, Eu-r J. Green, iteeper of lte jeul ý &pris ~ lrieoIi ....................... 1 >' ttis CoutI>. Motion carriesi. , t n>'l on saisi Raoute Na. 9 la tht' west are lt'e ôwaars o! lots 2* and. 3 of I. MI HOLDRînaui for lthe Countti eforesaid, t soie-inly Fst Cup-Bes ai er>' (Iattle Ex. 200Ioe oPîtl a..... ' Supervise.r Crapa niovai ltaItt lac of lthe Town of Liberlyvilîs. a Subdivis.ion o! Lot 299 la lthe City' o! M. P. DILGER, awcar ta lthe foot ansi provisions me- Folly Pari, Libertyville. 111. 10.0 rs aAI îiel geeral nuse 144.81 R. purcitasing Comauitte' ite authorizesi .atal distance o! 6 3-4 miles, more or Laite Forest, represeal ansi state ltaI Comte portail as pumehasesi, were purchaaed 2dCssi'1.0Ms ai c.aglinre250 'tr . mo uchs toorcycîs fo tt lems, 1a b.s lnpravedwIlh a iasitht'> were erroneousl>' assesseil for tht' sîpervTî>r pether movel taI tht' aniccIsii'bmlt nsnr . E. Cox, ,Roundgi~Ake, Ill- , raklit ManVeage & Ca.- me Me..b eerutf's office. Motion carricil, wa> 30 feet wlde andi witi an 1 8 foot cear, 191l an saii propeil>' tht' suaii repaut hab accep tari ansi adaptt'd. Mo- salit jaîl and itelli ansi titat th(- Cash-Beat Baby Boy 1.0 poi1nq...... . 81 Supevisi Barstw. Ct~iaianol ncree pvimel. t af $1270. Yotr petituoners furtiter 1lion crried. acccunts for emîplaenit are for cm- James Haralds Griffin, Wautegen. 111 W- F- MrLaughin& a.d. 720 e lthe Roasi ansi Bridge Cenimittet'. stb- ,ot o! $195,400.00. , n1., rapresent lthaI te>- dud ne, dIscovt'r Wauittgan. Illinois, plysat îeib>' lthe Catint> aiBa at'G) 10.00 Mnnel lIno. equlmel3t .. .. 2881 laltk. ntier! lthe foiiowing repaî t: GREEN BAY ROAD frrnm an inertae error until tite> camne ho 1- >' O/m liteout Tr0rr Boyrsa aamhorintii ta it tta am e st [Sitie Gmne', 11. 1. , ~Maxiy. dm..........145.07 Wakga.If. Su. 1 11. etino!Waiîsgu aret lt liteir taxes la the plng a! 1919,j Na. Iý . -if Twoù Hunsiret ansi Seveat' anc sino Engravîng Cups100MadiBs.eiîmtt -2.6 viig O'o ltae Hotiorable Bhoard o! Sapervis- ;outiteasl quarter a! Secetion 19. Tý ,heh s'es tee halae for ti<mn ta appeli. Stelae o! liî nais. 9jý >)lls hc mui l u ýfwMr lnolae nftioU os Laite Couty>. Ill. tS N. R. î2 E. o! 3rd P. M. thene itefome th Bor o! Rcvîew ta pro- Lakte Coual>. ss tii annid alter allowitig ail juat 1105.00 Milliar Ca.. provisions .1 ... 66.2% tq lte l ire noriher' oir, Green Ba>' Rotil for a tist lthe over-assessnîenl. i Receiveil titis 23ril daty O! Sept.. creilits. 1 W. E. WATKINS. Marna Narzelt. geneal wAges 30-6 - Vour commitlet t wift wes delà distance o! 5 miles, mare or isse. lai SaIt petilionters theretore respect- 11919. o! L. 0. Bracitsay Six Ilutisresi . ELMER J. GEEN. Superviser Maetitar moveil tirat tht' Nortit Short' Dairv Isàd tee ls: ý gated tht' work o! selecting andi e- te narth Fine et Section 31, T. 46, fully reqacat yaur honorable body >'Seventy-nl ' ansi 72-100 Dollars for - Keeper o! the' Jail. Purciesittg Commlfteet' haeuthorixed <Crmairi Ce.. provisIons ..- 4,0 ,9. 1otnmensiing certain roadin ta be Ir- Nl. R. 12 E. o! Sisi P. M. la the titat >'aa direct that tht'> ha refuniele xcess fees for hait yar ending Ma>' Suhscrihat ansi swamn ta before meta 1 enter Frit contract with lthe West "nYrtb sida Hesmi. Ralarv, Sa 5n.85 pervi-,. . #voves b>' paving with ltae propasd e vu o o! Beatan, ta ha Improveil witt ltae amount o! taxess*paid on saisi 11. 1919. tii.î t !Aga .f.11. p~ihn opt> frîwuok o iltnvPorMtsC o185 bond isse ae ean oadmtait~aldw> a' ide anti wih $1270. go erroacouat>' assassei for ROY W. BRACHER, E A.IND ,PhmcasRorC.,gnfl 1 . '01 (i lt la recomatet lthe followinit -,r 18 fooet eonctute.pamant. at an Count> Taxes ansi &it you ieo0i $679.73. Counly, Treiasurer. LEWt A. EN ER. Lpbrarent piscountfit Merite 1920 Wtmtit 5 scensp.... Reor .,.... ge.5r0 lu:, f4*OU st M- wuie Av egrp nsiae os f 00.0 ment the' refunding b>' other laxing SupervIsor Vcea.ç, ('tiatrmhan o! tae 0.lnt pKr ceti Coîscoutit aIpo lim We!s pa'ett exan............ 75 , -r i>Eèo«kland Rond, frntt lthe Teerpt THE BARRINGTON RDAD. timing bodies of Ilir proportion o! taxes re- Finiance Camailtîce , !;bite th .K.e> omit Motion csîrriesi. Pssro & eis Rsg n f od(aMlakeAe n train 3aIs AId Roula No. 10-A. tuortit a ,el'ei fromaid roeu seset olw eot J. . IIARNSTABLE. Superviser Maecher. Citaimman of <terS ..................... .160K . . 1îl1wauitee Ave. tiamougil Area te tIan- distance a! 1 1-2 ilesa la the' uortit Yoîîr peainersfrotu a l sessînt t îofln ois reat:HAS. H. CRAPO. Laite Caunt> Hospital Auiittg Ceont- illii poseiI. canerai wages 4A.00 31. 'bon, a distance o! 8 milecs. Fine o! the, goutbwest' quarter o! Sec- attcntion ta tite stalament hardao et- Cout> o! Laite. rq Waukegan. Ill., mîttet'. submitted lthe foilowing me- IP,,hile Sqervtce Cao.. ligitt saSd 1 . ~ Jakes Roasi. frait Wauconsia ta Vo- lient 25. T., 43 N. R. 4 3. o! 3rd P. M.. lacheil b>' the' essessar o! lthe Town o! Bound o! Supervisons. September Augusl 6, 1919. pat;iwpr..................... Xit 26 880 ~ gJ a istncea! mies lie îiproveil wilt a gradeil W5>' Shtt'isi- la support of itis dailm, Term, 1919. 0the' Honorable Board o! Suliervis- State o! Illinois, mr'-i Ratsmuissen, general ,Round Laite Rosnd, frai Hainles- 30 test wtde.and with an Il toot <tîn- Respecîfahi> subîltei, Mn. Chairman andi Gentlemen o! lthe ors o! Lakte County, Illinois: Lakte Canl>, as: ., -ý i..g. . .......... 53.40 Il .villa narttwslemil lte h enIer 01l crete pavement, et anr cattnateil coat i ALBERT KELLEY. Bloardi of gultervisors: . Total a-nount o! expt"nst for Board o! Supervisera. Septenther é, M. Reveil j& r'o.. saulsment 11n ri G ecini av, fa ite ofs 3eiles o lita T4200000 CACNAVLjRIORDON KELLEY. .Your Finance Committet' ta whoîn foodi for ('allaI> Prîsoners Teri, 1919. . 1.,,rto" R. WsII. onoliînns. IR157 1 pradatit c fronat' ptvemest lita mai ithel H it AiDol, oS ga LESLIE KELLEY. tie report a! Laite Bluff Orpitange f roni Jul' 5ti tah August 61th, Mm. Ciairutin ansi Boardl o! Supêrvis- ter> Rover. u'lgs - guidm. 173.155 7.1 nantit anti soutit rosi, andi on saisi nîing et an intersection wiîiî Stale Aid Lak aOn 1ie lIon SAado ue~sr aiessrf , rmmmnlttttti 11 5. ý noth ad Suthfondtran Gand out No 9, n te ilatao Wau- boutil , & Ermeneous Commitee, sat of 15,000.00 te appraptrlalei ta Hall Hlire'....... ...................15.57 or tnle ()r nprs .a.nt...... ut..... 26 te. ta ltae Sautht comperate limita of conda. titeaca nortter> a. dsace iof Gentlemen: AbrKel>,G r aisi Orpitenage for the' cere o! Laits Due Laite Count>' train tht' Geacral Hospitl Auttiing wouid ie» t,'s'j1'. ýravjsianî...... . A~Àaliock, adistance o! 4 3- tto, & 1-4 miles, molle an legs a aun- Tic pelîlionergAbrs.leGr CoutI> citdran. Gos nainient for boamiling teave ta report thet lte>' have axea., wil m - îsa. apene axîtense 97-74 lit 1oti liai!i mieat iasu tai-seeloit wlith Rtouté Ne. 7, lu Voie. don Kelit'> andl liesîhe Kelit'>, w ita Respect fuli>' subriei, Goeînîont Prisonera .....128.70 neS tht' books ansi «aots of the qInsisii RAlinr Co.. do...- 64R ':. ~Thme a!rt hititile Rasid te i3ngta utc bmr-d*tta rdswy *n iots 2 ansi 3Subdivision o! Lot A. W. VERCOE. I hase meceiveti frara lte gov- Superlaletieat o! saiti Hospital ansijý 9 Srp~nC doa..... ..... . ; 13.*1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~unpavad tel.ten lt'e Isa secellons of fet wlde andi wtith an 18 foot con.i 299 la Lake Farest. .coiplaiut andiJMSOCNO. enna o tadn o-!n eacrrcsi ia ic at~ o........i ' 13.91 0eet> copited eo disan. a! Wr.t pavaEent eaneimteca!t&e llt>'ieor-sialonI.CW.MYE crantent prisonera for lthe report the itemns'o! receipl ansi dis-.îrt erm s&G 07 ýý ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a .100..0 mi -eetycmltd itnefcrt aeet ta sia1 theur respective Iota ta lte asuaa ot Stiprvisor Mampli> uavad lilt lthe last Quarter ending Jul>' bursemants are a Ollaws: gt'ýîngeql-.î tiein & Marine Aý r-a ta litele Tw o! Cua.fie GRAND0.00 AV 1E 1 tt i .e1270. anti whieb saaemant 1 canaisi- rebort hcaecceptet ansi adopffl. Mo. a,11......... 360 . Wn-. Cioit .. it ........ .... .0 '7 n A. rion. te theIPT Ton t uahCa.GAN.................t.111....0 ................... 3605RCEP 16.25 abi~~ni~g et lite soulit ine o! lte ot o ,ie'anna iap-sn er juat. Titaratore I recommeail that tien carriesi. fusti ni eudaî attes !tt'cn-c.rsie le eamt lte>' b refundasi titat amaunt ansi that -Th 'imcaonthl>' reports sUrd otate- Jail fer mentir o! Jul>'. 49. Jane 1. Balance ............ ......$ 906.56 Hldvs ,e <7,-tý.......... . t il2 tlroug t li ý*edt part a! Sectilons 2 5 corporate line o! lte 'VIDee~ o! Laite >or Hai. Bosi> laite sucit action as ments of accouaIs for Jane,ý ,Pisi ani ELMER J. GEEN. Cash R.eioved ti@i 1eiaSialr eae ' &ý1S 36 eth #benîer lUne o! Section 26. Villa, tisance aiI ta un Intersectioin me>' ha necessar>'ty eusi eIneral99 eeîirJ.Ce', Siei!o Lkxott>,iitai. Jn . oel itie'1.0 es............ 50 a idistance ot 2 1-4 miles. sitit Sllte Aid Rtoute No. L"' ansi 1emount. 1 Sàeriff, werc ras ansi on maotion o! SIaIe o!ap Ilinla Jan .... tal> osa.. .1 . ;iù anti... ..ti 288 eTht Dearfiis aS1ihaniPraseStlAId Randt Na.lan P, legla-1 - ReopecfuiIy suhuilteil. gqper.vîsar Bairstow accepteil ansi Cout> o! Laite, as: -Jane 2 Mme. Arthtur Petitlire , imaSla.', . 116 a! e_ . .y Bor o! Lat Coti>' ..înls JaneuA 5.TlWN .aite. Coat'... .2500.00 ý peS........... .... . 69 4

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