CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Nov 1919, p. 16

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rr I$tIL NTIRSAIN VRT 0 99 _____________ jut sonth of *asxena 4ve.. (Or In. SALEdicated $1,000. and gCave ba. ki r, deet:for $1.w0. MARK PAST WEEK - Calti A. BUsick buh h'Jcb son houses On norherly .d rid LSavenue.. West of Ash s . for nominal IN REALTY DEAUS ýnieaInsJc uelcllbd ces. £ *~IN HIGH-LAfND PARK- SeveriPi rCes of Improveu Aiden E. Moras hought tthe 1l>aTett 'Proert inWauega1~ entroerty on east side Lake a' Pmpety i Waueganhav enZtral Trust Co., for $8.500.i Changed Hands. Tmeo scheurmniannbouglt OUîh'Dag- InmIa front Greesaehaulni S-111lt&iIk LOANS ABOVE THE AVERAGE and Idicated 81 subject tu enCI)rubr6flc Cy A. K. Bowes, Asst. Stcretary IN DEERF-,EI.D TOWNSHM' Sacyrlty Titis & Trust Ci. j. Fred NicGuire' took tite In ' BusIessof Q.~ ecor. ~ acres Ili NW ý14 Sec. 18 L0111 lie..rv Busnes ofe the Rdcg1'ord *s o i( v."liedon f or indî.?ated ~ for he wek ýdIngNov.15, 519. Friel D t'i. b:iuglit " 11 Number of conveyance'.. 12. i NV 14 sec. 3n froin V%. î9. 'u)il Nun*er of 1'. S. di.schargi s.. i;iisoit1r îîdiae.I Si.Oî . Nuoiber of chattel me)rigaz,,. 1 . i art î' pr $ :0 Number cf trust deeds e1'I D011i Nl; ilTY ;n.'~~ alags. 32. Enieline Lemlier boulgli! 0oil' ,v Total number of instrumt.,l titi it place on Doiuglas ave * 1or n2 i. Ix!d 175. $3,iott and gave bac tru>i 1s!I, f Tota &mûnt f lons,$1.300. Totalss uimoimt 0 bnps, $ 6k ;t ) WiP. Crn.m bought -h' Y 1»%@siov te velge susrettBond place on sOîth 54( -Il ii The fllowig ar the.mcr in' on lt., for In.dacteti $2 .0 (banoi!--.v j,": r r iare ilht.:ba.'k trust deeti fr $.t.0lI~. IN WAUEGAN-IN c.RAYSLA.K- e.rtba L Stele bouglit t! ?S u1 Wm.O on 6ati w£rcoîin i, 'e property o.ii~ the WId'r -0,Jt2xepp, Nli. Thomp3n ce nS on the soutL, on North Sherid.- See. 35 for $6.000. rond, from W. H. Johnson fnr Tii arbara '.%areih bought theo .xIu cateti$4i0. ubjeri to <nt.Ile .' Washburn place for $2,250 zjre. IN ANTIOCH VIhLAGF-'r.tiik A. Emarny J. Smitih ,gItîîtm Lif. ing îe bough he Eflc Lo 'l ~cuvht wmîans properly on s531st ile Fox M. Hu-e'd hiOuse onfl .t îriver road for lîiicated $12.000. ais& Couny s., jst orthlitthe Wi.lamîs store properiy ( for indlcated $2,50o. an] gt9 ' - sI" Fxrvrra. oio hn trust deeti for $5.000. sîe atFr o r rlrer r atnoihS3.000h. John E. Mefhane and wife bouthi INet akesaifo Sd.attiIL'.d the urtis anti Stoîz ProPertY In west iN I$AT ~the H-le age f. S Wedf !2 aie.Northt avenue,. asWiotng teM e s bogin tecLs 16 e a r 1 n 'f t llonooh place, for Inditiated $5,10c lae fr'ndicate. 1 i2,00. LO andi gave batik trust tiectifor $1.000 IN Aefr NdaT- d$200 Audrew J. Burton bougbt a lot On N RAT eut ide Southt Sherîins rond,. ad- lu Heisa bot.iiit the -~i -i it E »lun" tis N. J.1.Robert.s place, f ron Lyons property In Stantons Sîbdn tb" ateele estate for $6.000. for indicated 1U300 anti gave baci Rusell H. Edwards bougit a lot on trust deeti for $2500. north side, Ritigelanti ave.. front F. IN WARREN-Aitbur E. W. Cbal) C. Rogers, et ai, fer nonminal ciii peliba)ugbt 'hie Elizabeth I1«li iéeratt0fl. farm of 80 acres In 8W 14 Sec. 20 john W. Sesger bought use cf Il, from Theo J. Stahi for $150001. Evains p)laces on east sîde, Ash st.. L.AKE ZURICHI-Hlmn, Laun Hîrn Co, tuai t s~ $5 . 81R~Unee.t»lilsliitori hoi, r m,l n t. tfml b hjo is F om jjf~ ~ on t :iî ari WlK Snu. IlN o $A1COnDal - Rchar lm lie, ~expiainl-.ig that the rraucn lil 3Receivcd in .Train Crash thel WO î. .' - > 1 avc g.ttlrig a AN WUgh l~ICteA-Rchardf1'hsoweil .the'tilstrIbutioii of Ibis coa! luhinal"he-tv beglittell ntmoAsof E Cae a NeI'ANI I5, lii. andled t i n tt, la bc'cauwe It. I4 a/'rctly toC'ay te Doweî fans d rSECase » W U À ED eitiertency andi we are in' a posîllo John CarruAi, cîati 'eur, dÉrd Tuer theDowll ara i Ses. 1 ýn" I*te organize to bhandiele t baller thaît i .ay eN vcii g at 5 v ..e"k from injur - for $C,000. ' 'n" i seernedanyone lewzuae I_ ý ,r naoibl IN VERi4ON-,Otto and Enna Jahrl- U . ereumsnce.eIlsela u dir l t ic s etilil v.tii'and tit"801,,,lt Ig bougti the Mary S. Meyer trni 'ofI L JI4 J cie m t ratc ote il la ou r dergee ,t;s t t r w t ii vlî atDwiC use wAs of 65 sare in W 1-4 Sec. 22 for $12,255. Th__- e Dally Sun bas recelved an fin and to trest ail concerneti falarly andi Weaver, bond or te radio schooal.1 portant notire from the Norihwet'Il ihgetisdrtioad cu n l y I.e Vvibta Welch Played Al rad ihrOad explalnlng the tsatum 0f ta)- want you te aist un In gettîng bu- eftCreat Lalors, 'i r rîck t> i Ai;asIfer larpar musethe fart that we are Nol-h ib 8 fhi ti lcierte trapiaw in Strang 11Murder . Case rufereflCuicr theIhei ru îiereiatttthcîrs.l Ctitel3ltiOi5'Ulo r, whst ralîroada. liere jetahtua afexplafla - 1 There has been mucb Ictix'uiit f iYy note: as te the reasontlite grand jui-y ru -1 it'Il bi;ly important that therel- cently dîi sot ntilct Mare. liertert I hcUid basne ai.) iud.rst%7,d1ng witt 1 ïStrang. of Highiland Prewlîu-a regard t thetîandlling of the cal'A- e d chargeai wih te murdeotuî iii; itatiion by the rallroads In the pres band. Conidenatia i nior.îîllîcn , îuî test emergescy. The fa"ti. et flic ise Ai-N ed - a Sun reporter toda ti 1 i lee -sItuatIon are lîî:t the raîtiroad bal,,- We lv -leýelan tbat Staie's Atoriiey Weicli îîac 't. sot conflacateticriai In transit. but \hntiîrj esbr. ail bais evience tiofore triei g sua.'actng untier ib th ttO bcf lite Il y kr. aiy jury, andt hes adiseil tbam thi i..! i1 Fuel Atininstrs.iicn difi. JusI ,'rtoi lesa they deenieti it strongia eitest te th ie date of il:(, ssike. hnItil 1 .. lien thet' yes are weak ani caglly lie You XAY ara =K A" obt.aln a conviction they sIiotld no.: their rails ail -aiil ti<n Il tranýi . î"icinfl:uiesd.ST R G BA T E return a true bill. 1 whieh a coaile sb,-rsg ticivri d v>str..tcn bck r ape lebeti itieri sleCessary te aoti sufferiflg. 'on Mle oko ae mbl ihrrt thisralîoati10 dt'. herelinsitefocar locinear the kysa in resd;ng. ,,WILL DO. BEGNSF R Mic. oal tielivereti frein o-igini o(1- M'lien tiiere are liendailtes whlclî mcedi- Itiîny foi- tle fii'st hundre1 Signées anti noe nil contlaated lîy (;L .Iiensdo rnet reileve. .mls f~-ta ntra 'titis raJIroati. We ae r i (13iie. Atrta tra Rirfiuted coal to a gond ...y u vkimîhpbgnt 600 ACREe siua le If oif ynî ave alîy of thlese Sylnptoîfls Ilsh -1w SIN cYIR f any kînti. WttI ou -Iaat,c o-sve oi Registcî'ed OPtonwctrist. The Still Better Willard Jesse Klrtly. formerly an oicrl*b-. .- With Thread là ubbr *rist at Rcy's Je.welry store. who wcnt te Sheridan. wyo. a montb aro te THRE E-Z-MT I G L S B U .Insulaîon. will satisfy. *taire uP a 600 acce governmi'nl daimin ntioor C'oscî COLWELL STORÂG vries ite bas just conyileteti tuilu1fldin Odorlesti - Sanitary - Germ Proof Jewelers anîd Optieians BÂTTERY SOIAGIY a @ack ast inl about ready t0iO No t'îumblng - Na Cesspoual cone a réel amr ý a taht lv iehl.B T E YC B A Y ntaval service ferorA Primecolime pipeFiolE.pert Wateh Rcpairing -te war and, therefore, la entîtitGî hoeî~ Poe22 600 acres cf goyernmrent ] anid."Mir. 4>R.AX . CAMPBEW.J Waukegan and lKenosha iad Mrs. Klrhv motored.ti 10Shee~ian 171 North Ave.. Woukegau1 I Krbys are esthusiastlC ahu'tiselir nb, horne. Sherîian ta ha-jing a ibig boom anti Mr Klrby intenda tnest il a Jewelry and optilcai store ther,% sext 75<1 ar naddition tao ieratinl tlCe Eranch. Look for the Malt. n Evqry mailsand womss on Perth 10. l îm gonîip qîinlit7. If you Wtl .n I»J tnl Ikthe trîîîihi' ta 10CR for IL r li This We k of theivers Seumble ion CU6. ug OUR SUOCEB8 0F? LÂBT BÂTURDÂY i Seing th's BaDge and the. intereat ahown by the people of Wa ukegan in obtahing thidBbtter range is our reason for extending our spec ial- offer for one more week. Sonorar'alkiug Mavhines CONRAD - & LAJI>RGE tThe New- One-Price-T-ýAl FurnIture Store, '220-222 Washington Street I>ioiie 1654' -a.- - I I I b. Your Photograph THE BEST GIFT 0F ALU! O %Discount on, Ml Photographs 10 % Ordered Before December1 TE MPLE S T U DIO ~0. .9=j Lake Count-9' Greateet Store for Women anid Children Values Extraordinary in- TheGrç Nov. Sa-leof Coats Many of Which are Handsomely Fur Trimmed .....1.... ........... The VeryjIlNewest 1Long and Short Coat -in Al Sizes for Women, lisses and Juniors Models FlUewldly arecitet anual v.sT heaa onte -*laadvanced imld*lnter modes, and .0iloerioiisatr oearlsb netlato» n la *deold#dly esi* meritat. To. an . rc isooilta rweut of Or ersenurvice"ntae Many are fur trimMed--4manty adapted for mear, wth separate fum.--Takef l atogettler this le trulY 2 "WOf4DEFFL SALC." 5IN 0 aim 1, 'LU Nortft 'Lienesee btreet

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