r, NOVEMBER 20.1919. su:~'ime@@@ RUDY MOIST AIIk FURP 3 111ME RUDY DIVINE FUiE FURNACE j PIPE AND PIPELESS jA Good Furrnace. Instaled Right, It I Hcatin- Plant JVe Knoiv flou' to Do This ISchanck Hardware ~SPECIALS FOR THff WINTER b Fitoî-U-Ca ps C Oshiorn 1Dre-.s and Work Gl1,,% es a -d Y.Mit- tens, wariz.ly Iined. P avaria Sweaters, J.rsV's orsted ý:. .-ilk and Rope Stitoi, uo î, V Ne' I.. ïOnd Collar Styles 0 Cotton, part wool and wool Utiîon Silit- piece Underwear, s2.50, 5:1.3, ý, S and $5.00. Pajamas and Night -RO<?es$.0 Bilk, Wool, Lisle and Co*.toi Socks POUt Shoes Feit Slippers, C-vcrshoes, Lined Rubber Boots anîd Rubber Overshoes. We are the exclusive azents in this sccti P'ETER.S îDianond Brandu) Shoes the 81 binding guarantee a SOLID LEA¶HEI WE.êREI, SLID COMFORT SHOE AI] styles and shades. Prices right for a shoe c -EVERYTHING FOR MEN" J. B. MORSE & C PHONE, 14 - - LIBERTY MEN WANTED! Steady wôrk ail winter and year 'round for good men. Good wages to start and chances for advancement and to share in ho- ouses paid twice a month. Good working conditions. AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. LIBERTY VILLE Liberty Theatre SATURDAY, Nov. 22 FRED STONE ln "JohnnieGetYourGun" SUNDAY,; Nov. 23 UILA LEE lu 66 "Pppy Love" WEDNEsDAY, Nov. 26 BRYANT WASHBURN i "Poor Boob" THURDAy, Nov. 2 (THANKSMtVnG) -MAGUERITECLMMJCin ",Three M«en a Girl"O -'I ALEX FELDMAN TELEPHONE 307-J UIBERTY VILL, ILL 1 Pay the Higbest Pnicet' for Junk and OId Autos Automobile Parts for Sale W. IH. WILSON FARM AT DRUCES LAKE Tii. W. Il. Wilson farm, Druce4 le.kca, cOnsisting of 80 acres hai' beca Soîd lb Arthtur Chappeli, Ch!- cago. The coneiuieration ie reported to b.' ln the nclgborhood of $15.000. Mr. Chappeil ili move bis famiiy (r Druicen Lake andl operate the faras, '-tailing Macch lot. He plans tu wake extensive Improvemento about the farm. The WJl5on farm le considered ane of the cholceat tanne lainWarren toywnebip. It hbas heen In the baude of the Wilson famlly for about tblrty- lve Yeei'. T. J. Stabl & Co,< vere lthe brokera la (he ona e... I Union Thanksgivinp Servicesg NACES '10 Thi re wilii e a Union Thanks;gi.ving IL ib r vl e s servie(-" this ' ar hetween theMethodist LiLF IU> il 'piscopai and the Pebtra hrhl The se rvs i.l be he i t tire Preshy- terian uhurcioc 'Ihanksgiving morning! NOTCEfit 1luI_______\1__!divan and wikiliegin promptiy at 10 o'ciock1 ri l ef.ed oHeol.l t o Ira. Byron o lby bas nr ly reco e h oRev ii,îc r. Th t' r i fi hea Ail and !<a i.'. .iîîbt <il liti. I "tietit SUli' u ion ch r ochul r a he s en 'e . d o or ad r , m rýZ 8 . nd Curh ilagî'r t h nd e . T* * e f r ttr e î e e a e r runS oiias rîg h vsi t t e is ') endiln C .Fullr viith berWaun rtve moThatschaservices ha.' beina eptef rea is oz.in akgn ensa.I E t.ooradttn, of th ankrsgeiin sie o ie, iwhoni s s.t the rica Ci cao ptt h r -en itho e.-ur w piart byails toristiean M a *heg) '.1 RM er the or f fr Psn , dy, ethpta,,j lwyimrin.Ca._ ud'Sn hMalne o ay rise , bteinguscd orei r e cialch Mr.andIll. Ioil ýientSuu Hth inter winet e auher n d pasw tbc rime e. 'Thci r wi bn a : ~ Boydeependina couple Mo r. andll be Ia r yai nftdane menssage bi tcc ur ce hes pii d r .inllie Delran vlnWel tte uioiu hrdy nna r i -th e fied tinhtefrsrTaue- 'ia.t iht icaofsieveraiday.' at DCeMbuler 1, ivied Wh th e lieht c h a sprvieYouar en."atremt th re C.ives i ch kean . Duddles of The lantonecentty purihaofca hy the --- - IflI ilsr ah iii &t hewei:AiâtM r C Ibli:LibraYbalan eof d y rvie en sdf rrees ca hsatray. lol mpoig.hinclo e ya eceadiwit, ii AV ,,J xli, Kaîlîrr n ilîinlîiîuanda<id Nr... .loe laid «uuat once. br<n' a T lene iW . tod tla spendngra cople t Misracmessageith arrîs id home Satupir- MrW.-i eli'..îiîîv l r ad vly e dsay tevAuito, rium ThWa y gt n inDgc, alh me hial -Eiscoa tue. [i illte'Chi1cr o fo keea a, iii , sp e iler sh ,bas ben n the Liepyll of ivig 'spirit . î<u r . lc.oretti4 MrsUi C . 0.ek cnd a nde hme bs ude fa , The lndvern ent fo r nas nîî, the uia ciiltc- ~'iIi< o t. Grylk, iie rs .MMule ei'.ad cMeras oiato n b l(îîprasen Is a o d Satur a.'kalIfaiih~en d nclosEe std yaviscand dau lotsr, iplai. ui v.r g' f<..'ii, _______________ l- C hers- ami n tliii.' Wiie.l! i, lard lu <ic' ,i c e.v enttwifron<'.shngton.D Ciîiioist-Episcop .. Guilri ' la- ,I ürofMi. , I l.<ah, set i hr seb benin th err l'1ît .< nCi. F. K i li.ilsic1 iu'iiî r-c rail Lv. O <O < ml)NOTEa> ai ti.3iî ii ýe i.ill,1 Co ereI opr. Mr.rand. rsHIGeoreH.LCooper îi. 'and Mc _ý H kand Os (,c il h e m vd rr retcai n cuhef ll. i fu' vr.iî y a . E-1 d. r, \i i 4 c to $2.0O i inte péfa o ahf ,r,,, MaI, ci t'shy elleftWedn sd I - fiir S . A t :l ii'ouii iidiiraue.îî îu'c i i l Imain <ra Ias arave ue'n t Fod at eblg th . I i.i.c.'Ir i. ' svlir nivý -ii , ii 1 1 ki il. ii',tii Sm c I.' .1.i' << iii. J a. idcpè.-., '1-lîr<iltiide c l ' I', '[e Jil ) O 1-r me ii ra i ..'m tir-il. r h', .di tif.<led to us . -îi i l. cai ::: r m d 'iivi'r ri,îet' < i Mr ad 'r.! " usI L o,, .îî " rclastîîîsî i<suc r, r îu i lior ot, P'îf"i dell .'îy Li.' c.00, $2.0 I ixcc o eli f,îW'o'rv yar ,1 JnirEek. , 11(er rt7:th - w îg a i -liilu a T is ), Sfr. 'ca I I îuci c tii aS t r. <ie l An e ssaf aMre t- . c, . Ioiv r ii rl lor ti l o t - p "..Th tcd 1u FA;.ii 75e up e 'sl u"r e h i O r iii (h for i t iireRî t r iiPr rattbr.pts.by !îi. t oN r ;tA I- , I ;si r i . I el ie iae it rir V . .' il iC îî ii.'îîî î, ' i e S 1 il T h.pdNI. " te Rule,!('r part % nddanc .. je Fray %Ir.nIng i-Steirre d Liîlîaiî 1, i'; , im Oft.r y. i ngaîeive and «sei rP ,i l e .l i.b rc21 , ithe Ev. o en 'S cil,v t ii.ttndit @ue ir , or iir - Ii-ai' r 5itl i r Sus"A i'fipaind. i Rlm J-ýror iu v lfd r . eý ýn w t f a The R e d je e -l OpmaQ i pute.. U esl<hî <ud Z ui i ~ ~ ~ ~ snt thý lae t TeSgm n Sg iCrles.y-s a o t he.el un ior ma r i ia li s Hi Senon hrdN- an105do. Df thid te 0 f tier. T. H .wl iea ne-eintoeo o ls ae . ai'. S eioi, tler t p )sord. taîmet0edesayevnigNo. 6, ricl« SsinV ief os..,h tilt . rs, a Sl i' lir i fur d.os y lor I e S . . i th H gh cho l udi ori m. -ue P t p ty ofj e fr o t. ' in a ai's A ltî ii î , "t> LoS rd it. n i d re Tiub es, 1 ckedpt y andille15ani ce ia nts i Tîiy ae ou o atpptori ouis Thv W o ad in fut % Q Te prer1 t h wed hy rtheSociad1 W.', tie StdenrMt body isb lak io H vtî %lies40 afamîte 'li, on rte co. rne o D sion Soci apînesy aid succeselu bei Wrtzw . UBene 4ticî AILLe, ILL.a antd ouglitasseurehAveissien fpur- - Flroyde Si'er. B'ntueb yMrs riende. rln Giiy M, S L D chatsedb. r rhm fCiao 1oP'ayei Sunday sehool 10 a. m. Pi'eachitg11ia. m., topic of sermon, "The l)etilatioa of Truc Greatuese." Speclal music. Preachlng 7:30 p. mn . (opte of sermon, 'Attatulnge3uccees '" Speclimusie. Christian Endeanor 6:45 p mn., toplr, 'How Mey vwe Practice Tbaneukglvlug," leade.à, MI&@ Lois Lyon and l.. Floreuce Loveil. There yl te no prayer meeting on Wsdueeday, Novembei' 26. Iustaad thera viii b. a Union Tbankoglvlug service et thls cburcb, Thurmday moaini btwoen 10 and 1l O'cloek, just orne hour Ia longth. Mr. Kîsîbaner. ai the M. 9. church yvUl .lilver the sermon. Thora yull he union choir. 1ý Boy Scouts Tuesdey .veilng, Nov. 25. et the dîureh; Camp Fir.e Girlseaitlb. Choir practîce Fridal .vealng; Mr. Mattlmon, choîister; Unre. Flore Durand, orgaigt. with bis famiy arrived lest week. L. T. H. S. Finit Defoet ln the Football Mise Helen Simfflp of Waukegan, Season of 1919. calleil on relatives here Saturday. She t3choûl vas dipmiàsed Friday ai noo. reports that hier father, T. A. Simpson/ ln order that ail the pupils Who bail county superintendent of echools, Who mffans Of goluz mlghî attend the Rames bas been quite illin h lightly better. at DeoPlaue. With &bout flfty rioter@ Mr'. and Mns. Joe Beshel and Mr. and Oui' team journev.d %0 Desplaines with Mn@. Wm. Hawthorne visited (heur hopes fur a ,Ictory. Oui' hope. vers aiter, lire. Charles McCure at the sadly disePPOlnted. Jane licAflhter hoapital Sunday. Mr&.. MIn, won the ton@ »If hlcked Off.1 McClure ie impi'oving and hopes to bie uilng [he Ifrot quarter DEoPlau. imade home in a fee days. tva touebdows and kick.d both gol Joseph -Boyd7' ho in attending Dtheteseodqare esile University of North~ Dakota, spent Sun- modeber thîrd touehdown. Our boy@ day and Mondey vlt bhie mother, Mm'..tben detarmined that Beaplalu.. hould1 S. J. Young. 'Ha played in the malle no mor~e touebdowsn Mmd pla"ed1 Marquette, North Dakota gaine in< tiroir b.e. Thiror effort@ rsslt.d la Our Milwaukee on Saturday. tret*thd. n Potal e.. .g he 1Ail i>embers of Victoi'y Affilrnted b.Tsecoaldwhei s@r.d bbt Couneil, N. A. U., who attended ltheeTb@ "cod bilvocard l' bathor j ss5eting leet veek received a ticket to toure eîeade voberd orth tucbovn.1 the movie. Ail membere attending DWightlemancugd ssber lus. pasedo.u next meeting December lOti, vili lie R «<iaa cond t ouchdawu. M, a 1 treeted thse saone ay, better corne. hltcd gursoa uedw. & J. W. Butley bas aold hie bouse on la the lest quartsr Daspýslsê made Division treet to Mi'.and Mn.. John her f th and lest touebdown, but mlssd Williams. Charles Trenner who nov tue goal klck. The gae.ndsd wlthe occupy the house will move hie femily score 32 tui 13, lu Despialos faro,. ta thse house on Stewart avenue, vaceted Thse defeat is due ta the ladt that soin. by the Lorocco family, who moved of tbe bois played lu positions that they1 Saturday to Chicago. wee neper i. dlabee&us soins 0f Robert C. Odom, who ince October our besi playera bied boom lujnrsd lu inch 1918, bas been on overseas duty in & ay s uot 1tah ahableto enter the France, arriveil aafely et hie homne in name. But, never-thejie., aur bois this city, Saterdey evening. Prior ta carired on the Rama ln a vay tirat as entering thse service he vas employed et a credlîîto the ichool and were-good tbe Arcady railla, ince destroyed by tire. lasero. Thîs ls the ouiy gains vo have If not auccesaful in finding employment foat out of cîglit. The bIn-up va.. be thinks of i'e-enliiting. Ends, VoîkeÏ aud Sarnen.. 1 Harry Putnam left lest Friday for hie Tackle., Caeey and Buttertieîd. home in Wyoming, a, ranch about 80 Guards, Jedillca and Rîttls'. miles from Douglas. Haerry ikes for t'enter, Wlrt. the west as soon as cold wéatber aet@ in Fuilbark, Hapke. so as to tue witb bie familY tbrough thse Hait back. Enlebi'ectand Wîghtman. vinter, but as soon as spring opens up Quarterback. Porteaus.% hie returns to Libertyville ta train fest ETHEL TiTIýs youngsters ta makçe the circke faster. The new motor vehîcle îav<, a copy AUCTION BALE. of wlchwasrecivcdrecntl by On lait Tueaday, Noveunher 18, ab the hL h ws î lvd ec nînre y12:80 %action sale was hebd lu the HiRh eevere penalty upon ftie thefi of euch @he aaioilm i utcsta e vebîcies. Section 39 ýresd. as follows: been turned lu to the 'Lost and ?7oumtd "Wheve stalsa mto'velîcl ofDepartmenat'4weesuldapubllii auctlon. grheater sal (an$5,otr eclesofThe proceed@ vers turned ltotatte orr valueI 1<nown$f5,corame to hve Athietîe association. orben tolen whinthesnte tashane-HarrIet Ruby bas charge of the "LosI beenstoenwit Intnt,4y uchre-andl Fouud Department?" Ail tudents celvlng or buying, to defneud the ow-n- w ho looe articles are asked ta report ta er, or coaceals any motor vehîcle ber and @ho viii do oeryrthtng. possible knowing the stame tn have been stol- toretur the artlesuto tbem. Likowlse en, shah h le ned ln any sum nôtflot «tudentsoflndlng article. ihouid nottfy exceed $500 and bie fmpcoaanied la the Hanrlet Ruby. lu thîs vay W@ hope ta tate penittntiai'y fot lesd than twa prevent much las.]. ebuo. years noai more (han 15 yee.i'. VIOLAWxleE- Fîthar'. Wey of Econol.lg As a generel thing, father'. tayaut.it vay of eCOnOWIilaRtle o stop the chU. dren tram spending.-Dallas New& WHERE ARE YOUR fVALUABLE PAPERS? \Ve have, Just tnstalled in oui' Siafe Depo.- Vauit 36 NEW, Heavy-Type Corstruci SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES.i Would yoîî flot be wise to, sec%'r'. the u9eut one of these Boxes in which to keep yot notes, deeds, insurance policies, Astracts other valuables? Cati and see th 'ri. For your LIBERTY BONDS our SAVE KEEF !NG DEPARTMENT service is best. THt rvice is fre-e. The First National Bank j of Libertyville, llinois RESOURCES 0F MORE THAN HALI A MILIION DOLLAR One of your guarantees of correct mi%, vice here is the fact that your every Iumbi! order, large or emali, has our closest persoiWa attention in the filhing. We take no chance of making any avoi4aIle mietake. It is a vital part of our service to you to insure YÔW, complete satisfaction in every cleal in otîr yard. ----------- ------- TELEPHONE-AUTONOmSa LONG DISTAINCE 5E-J IEAflUAI1 HARTMANN HOUSE- HERY HARlTMANN, Prop. WHEIELING, ILLINOIS On MilvankasAv... 2 i.fsn C2" Independent CIa"siied Ads Pag. Ask mou user 09 ------------ - -:: ------------ -------- Philippmno Embroidered GÔwns and Envelopes $30175 Silk Comosile, $1.2 5 and up Silk Stockings - $2.00 to $2.75 W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY, We dose Thursday .ghts at 6-00. Saturday nights t 9-00 al other nights et &8M f« Sorfcec T, NOVEMÈER 20,1919.