CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Nov 1919, p. 11

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LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, 1'ITURSDAY:,NOVEMBER 27, 1919. PAGE THIiEE. 'Libertyv0tle 'Indepcdn lAE~~ LZakeCounty Independnt - Waukegan Weely Sun IN AÀ OATS Exlprossions ot ,patroqtin and loyalty fn Anrnf'm cnîrn- C ON D IT ION said when one's'fingers are crosse hoeme to be the = actce of. the day-and the onu who maapulated theil' Mrs. Lucy Wright has Accident ineathink they Are fooling the public but they're not. Which Seems Trivial, then You can't be FORL and ÂGAXNBT Uncle Samn ail at the, Loses Consciousness. saine Urne. Waulcegan. Nov. 25 ...Whenever a feilow ie shoi; down nowadays, no Mat- Airbougbhr wasi a week ago iast ter under what circumuta.nces, there always ia "the wo* Sunday nl,ht that Mrs. Lucy Wright, men in the case." Suspicion points to the guy that's andMO o nes W tt! M.orge Wand eeier been bumped off. whether ho be a stid bueinesMan, aSt(-t1 sustained a lait when corIne pilar of th church, or juet a plain, low down aalary bird. home from cburcb with them, ebe di.- This ia flauntd before the public of the humil- played fn seriotis effects f rona the fa!! P ation it causes his farnfy and friende, and ho can't an- 0i-n rallier acute as she pazsed swer. icto a state of comal. IR deveioPs thai swr.' sh e lias been In that condition ever aInce and Mr%. Wbeeier and Miss The coal minera want to work five days a week and Jonc aovr e oinigta orr cnsd ýARE WILLING TO ACCEPT a 31 per cent raise. Well. i!'t- the oterome,Ms ewho wouldn't be? They apparently7 arenIt 50 soliCitious Wright s'as returning from the Pires- cf teirbroter nionrna's ireude s thy iake bbtérian church an the Sutiday ve of teïrbroherunin Mnys ireideas heymak be nlng. As they neared the corner of lieve-for, the rich mnan can go where the climiate is tulian anîd Couni>- treets the eWctric war'er;thepeo ina RA tosta whee h is Ân EX light was nt burning. Consequelrt!Y warmr; he por an I tosta whee h is.AmdEM lin.crossing fover to tbe rigbt ide nf needs coaI te keep hirnuef wa=~; and the factories have li-,-îret . Nrs. Wright suslained a ~ve nd wmake be sa leto h eluso to be kept going to givehIii nioney to< buy ceal at any i fa!! ', ad slileers'sable theougel up price. The coal nuners are furniah1ng the world wlth a le corner,,ber friends feared sbe ban forcful llusratin of~ .ga>e ~i~ded1 ben huri rather badi>'. However, sbe forcfulj4u traig f otanese u e -uy" e1 gat-up and s'a, about the bouse but kiser fiimself in sa'deuOuuu for extending ie power. a f i-s'dnyg ago agreed s'itblber friends that abe sbould cal! a doctor. Sbe did so and il s'as then seen she had been burt more than shi- reaiized. Then came tlhe state of unconscinus- POLIH FO 14 I. L Ce UIÇK tinss and -;he has not regained bier DEPENDENT CiIURCl SUccùuWS TODAY Ibfaioake rigbî, ihwhebsh N N RTICIC 4Othis tali and w s'as jognie IN aulmegan Nov C l0'Sbe f-Mnerly s'as e#gagcd in the iLý C. Qutagle. 233 N. Genezee Street, tnilliifery business andTor years she (ied at 11i30 Ii morning lit the Iived witb tbe late Miss En~a Sburn- A r)!ýi i of Pl-1rpsideqts of McAlimter hospitai fo!iowing an liit- Isa>. Noir, '.g-, liai banded together ness of several s'eeks. He badl a leg, _________ ang! ziv-1 il break away froîîî rh.- amputa!ed about six s'eeC ago and mince thi- anputation. 0 an ir,'!i !,ntiieîrr:rch Thty are or i He s'as the tather off Mrs. Car! Mul- ganiz-- . hat thr-y ral ihge and Charles Quiggle. Jopri Na'tlonal Cf0 bol e__________ î7v(a . viii Clrr.-,îgo,jiosi. r, -VUJLAN STRIKE tlis u ;;r. r, - i.,oa iRoman 4<a;uîoli. Poaeible.Origin of "Loater." chr-h. An nid Dutcbman In New Nor ad f.I,? .ker-huing th,. nanie the miafortuné <o have a shîlftlemsa C TCT O O offi ', , hiim ii oiîitngyoung Amnerran tai4 !i love wth hie fun& ir.cdn an arric, ini lii. daugliter. He- lsauîproved ut this and Sun W ! ai.%* Nov. 15th," drae used to «ay to bier. 'Herpr ornes thnt CI i0 $112-50 Ai tn !j ùn, it lie ,"gaà.-loter of yaurq, the IdIp gnood for r.oth- zerF of i.. ii.-vahlirtii Ioda>' W j ng." Bas' the 'a" got nta the word are 5.-h' etikets as stated in 'ta Dat known. but an Idle mac langing The strike at the Vulcan Louisville ilii l ai! l'l it are not repreaenting around cambe ta lie cîtîlezi a "oaffer." Smeltlng Co.. cost lte City of Northt ibiq ti,-i ,eel are going to tbe Chicago, $112.50. The total cost for ouil oyu.ý> iciiurch. We are con dui ing , rffi, for the Purpose of Wtrn fs pat, fri -ict rtc h 1iaismIcg !IcI.. ni fonds 10 buLl 1a W eingHe anta. w t urnmlsing Co.paipoeto puritgthie cliurcb î i, - spring and are coi ni s- Plants sbould b aee ihaSetn o rprydrn h reire,-.-cr i , -,uro îpoea pry ot witb a eisp or a glass. trike, amDunt ta $225. but the otticials Thase ltâ au a be moved auld lie of the cancern agreed 10 stand hait off Srko,,r.' tia,!.- the foiiowicg atate- plac-ed where the water s'il! nat dam-.h x5ne iient t, g. rirdijng the ýndpend- sie carpets or floors; those tbat cau- A communication s'as received from l n iîî: not-such as large feras or ple W P. Breen. station agent for the c ir :g ort1t Si. J u. should bave sonetbing spread an tbe Chicago North Western Raiiroad, rein- - hNw'Drai CatholiicchUrch s'as floor beneatb them ta catch tbe Miter, ive to, the bumper in the rear off the îî-id in 0- ci t of Northi Chicago! Il drip. The wter must lbe Morrow buliding on 2Zfnd street. He fi i t. i21st. 1919, and eiected Lsprayed tram above so that a11 the', te Coutha tequCan adepie s', l ,t -i î, a iimrn,0ortbe leaves receive I: this carries o <hth Cua ilsre uea ndiae.nTes vie, ý, 1îir c iîîie0 sî hic.ry repaira on the bupr Th iit ,,-r- .l.-e o d ere: A .uduel and te the nnly catural WaY for communication s'as accepted and -i-io,,. r îinProi-o , loriisn. ior - pln t rclv sae.. iced on file and the natter referred Adr, , . oetfufa. athe railroad comrnittee ta investi- (rli- ane i o. t at,w îi en o i. gate and report hack at the next regu- <î,-î jo>;Pef, >lacinrowskl, Jeon Tu pri,îih utcs ueslar meeting. Wîev~~ba li-'-.i.r.-aner lahsewki ht cornIes quietAlderman McLearn reported that lbe iii .i&ii, ader lusiewk harswhchoem t cmefothtoibad inspected ail street In North Chi- ;inAilxtSi.dam Iaacitsi.ere 1 sncbram ever>' dry knoli ot sera, cago durîng the past s'eek and that 15.,i miîbesi-s l ihe Jindeipendent grass, tram eerypcue p.a; ,tbey are ail in faIrl>' gond condition. chut-i bs!ff-Imbedded stone on whlch te drili; The Citq Cierk s'as instructed ta ________________ Parch auti ahînes, comes Ot tol-th elb communicate s'ith the Public Service poor and hucgry. and ta sucin as are Ca.,li regard ta the installation of' Do Vour Seat. iot> simple taste-Emerson. lightîs at the corners off 101h and Vic- The ntn il %ho,. .ioesnot seek encli day _____tori_ a a treet anid 15th- and-Jackson wdo is very level best. Do nattes1 __i treet. lunt his task ls (loin .g himself an ln. ~W lUICAlsS cOUr5 "r jury and Increusing hie dbt to bu-1 Emgiea asually bunt In pair., one .'manty. Lite la a serious busine... I1turd frtghtening the prey from its Vruin the New Ern, Federal Peniton- 'hidlng piace ani the other pouncing nry, Leavenwortb, Kan. enl h as Il tries ta escape. New Majestilc Thea tr( SATURDAY, NOV. 29 Waukegan, 11i Matine, Prîce 25c anhd Sc; Ndight, SOc and $1.00, plus war tax R. M.HARVEY Presente liq-w'i 7-m' 'ï 'knd Creole B"at'Y Chcrns - THE LARGEST AND HIGREST CLASS MJIINSTREL:ORGANIZATION EN RU«TE A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION 50 MînstielFK-itis and Qièèéna Iiieluding Famouts-%lad Singers, Entrancing Danc ers, Novelty Eutertainer, Expert Comiedihn-s, hI. stramental and Vocal Soloists. A 20-Pieee Band Every Man a Soloist. TIIREE DAMÂ6iE SUIT CASES'IN N. CIIICA(O COURT LAST N16HIT PlFriday evening s'as s busy ave- *nicg ln Northn Chicago police court. riee damage suits came up before Justice Nelson. K. Adan, Gregoros'ski. Broads'ay, a8k- ed $30 damage tram Is. Francep iluchanaki, 141h street. He alleged that John Suchanski, son of Mis. 8P.<chask i tres' a stane thru a largc windaw in bis home. Hies'as as'ard- ed $30 damtages. A judgmant of $9893 s'as entered *rigainat Mis. 4Nfary Weiuga of 15tlt Street ln favor off Anton Jakres'eld for a.rmeat bill. -Antop Jakrewakt entered suit fo! . $30Ô againat Antan DudeIt for ani' 1,esed meat.and grocer>' bill. The ees'as cantinued until Prîda>', Dec. Stin. Rev. "geg A. Rilby of the le- -ilustrial league, Chicago, s'il! preacb - lolli morning , ad eveuing at titi (Preabyter!an churcb Sunday. Rteg ujsa, nrne'services s'il! start al 10:45. Theères'ill be a special cbild res' prpgrasp Sunda>'. - The members of tbe Polonia Club Àibd of the Girls' choir of Hal>' Rasary *cfurcb entèrtilnad tbe Palania bal WAl, evenig ly Rer. Theodore CZnnstka and 31ev. Charles Marcin- LI kiOwigcs, Vastor and assistant of Ho!>' Roiy iurcin. d, The O do( oLocal Improvement s'11! meut *Wednes<lay evenlng at the Coacil ,Chambers. - . >rà-. Rebers, Lncoin Street, la gStp< i~t!es frMý Mesiato. .s4smsa tiin «"k eelS"at Prebyterta Cburch baamett Wed- iUeday If My vq c, il M t PROU URUCUAT 0 WASHiNGTON-.OUne cf th% ebaricing ladis of Washington aoclety this wintur lea Mme. J. Va- rein.,s'tte of the nes minister t0 the tUnited Statua trom Uruguay. "ea la expected to, b. one of thne popular hostessa of thne season. Sihe brouillt ber three children wltb lier. ed as scout miaster and wil take charge off the troop to-nigbt. The new scout master states that a larger mernbership lit desired. Ever>' boy in ,>, Chicago bets'een the agi-s off Il and 18 Is eiigibie ta Joie the îroop. Tony narbic Evanston s'as arre.ledç b>' Chief Hemmick Monday niorning on a charge of drunk and di-orderl>' conduct. He s'as the fi-st drunk to bie arre.,ted ln North tVhicagu in scierai weeks. He was fined $5 and costs. The choir- of the Prembyterian Churrh s'il! meet ai the honme of Mr. anti Mrs. C. Benson Frida>-, Novera- ber 28. Miss Blanche Deacon bas ltiken a position at the American Steel & Wire Co. ROOMER'S ANiER AROUSE»; BRAKS 5SEVYE N LIGIITS Martin Lipak s'as arrested late Sat- urday evening ln Northn Chicago by Officer Potncky on s charge preterred b>' John Pemus. Pernus conducts a rooming bouse on llth street, and Lipak lsaone of bisi rooniers. He alleges that Lipak has a babit off keeping a light burning la bis rooni ail nighil. Llpak toi4 fUlm that i-s'ould keep a light in bis roen, ail night if lie sco desired. Pemus thein turned off the light. Ulrak became 1inccnsed ai the manner that b. s'as bein g treated and broke seven l!Xbts ln the borne. At the bearing last clgbt blie gr" t0 psy the cost off Installing new ligints, and aiso ta pa>' court coats sa the case s'as disrnissed. New Klcd. Little Frederick, fit-e, s'as 'aottIK their neighbd'r «cross the way anduo-' ticed Nirs. Smith %,il!, a cgw pairet eye-giaqses. "Ofi, m lioa. e es- elimed on Rrriving home. 11 went o*e- ta sec Mis. Smith and site sears look- Ing glasses én ber eyes." If you are going to uise youl' car this winter have -us keep you-r battery up) to top noteli of efficiency. If you lay the car up place the J3atteî-y in Dry Storag,.er-hîe and hiave-ai- A-i Batteî'y next Spring. OOLWIL STORlgE BÂTTERY *OMP.A4 Phono 2022 Wiuksi4 ad Kaooha TE - M-T * àrIpt - OalsriM=J. GmPro N AumblU .No Capo opa ofl~ 171 North Av.. ukea GENESEE STREET The Bigger, Better Men's Store in Lake County A BIG ARRA Y 0F- G IFTS! -for Thanksgiving and Christmas Awaits You Here It seems a littie early to be talking about Christmas shopping. However, be wise-takt, a tip from us- SHOP EARLY! It Isn't Hard to Buy for a Man If you corne to our store our stock of everytbing a mnan needs is always coniplete and up to date. SUIRTS!1 SHIRTS! 1 TUE ALWAYS USEFUL GIPT Ont- large stovk un-Indes ail or the very lai cst ini the shirt file. Silk Shirts, mîade of sturdlv 511k Jres( f ('relies and Tub Silk. Any man w iil) e pro iff to %-vear eone of these Shirts. Our assortnvient of MNetric Shirts is n114\w eoil)ete.Most nien know this i)ran(l and hinn Metrie Shirts if they cau. NECKWEAR! NECKWEAR I Ilaiidsoiie Si1k Ties - niade in the îiew shaîies that lie kuîows are rorrect, and in patternîs anîd <'oloris that will please the wornan w~ho buys theli, ald flhe nian lîoN wears thern.-Aso ]Rich Knhticis The very hieight of fashion and good taste iade of pure silk. Will slip easily through the collar anîd NvilI hold their shape. .Aiy marril-d wonran wvil1 tell GLOVECS Von tlat a jiian never (,an get too) The, autoist 'vîli appreciate a nxany pairs. , We -have thent ini pair of our heakýy drwýving gloves. the verv fiîîest silk as %vell as of also ncw con-qilete stock of dress al1-Nývool. Buy his Hosiery here gloves. The verýy latest .'1e have and lie will be upl-to-date wvhen theîn in ail sizes, and foi ail pur going ont, and wari and son- poses. fortable w"hen at honlQ. Ukde&rwear Only the best grades of under- wsear w~ill satisfy flic parititîlr mnan. Ours ai-e just tlîis kind. Wv- have them iial styles, liglît. niîed- i uiii or liravy weigits. Fleeeed or f1eQe.ed lhned. B-ath-robts A splendid assortment of men's Bath iolws just received. Large variety of latest patterus and colors. The illustration to the rigli oîily shows one of the rxuany fancy b3ath Robes iioW in stoék. The early shopper *Nill get tffi, ehoiec. Sweethearts and wives-this is just tlie gift you have been waiting for.-Conie iiow ani buy nowv when our stock is complete. l\ ~ \ \U j» .5 l'e é6éé&âéééé~ SZAT& S l NO J AEA ormes1 rw9wlwl >6644b" pePtNDABLZ jy?,o ý-çell ýl"-* ýwToeý-- w w. i I I I III UlBERTYVILLE INDEPÈNDENT, IMURSP4:Yý,,, N- MBER 27,,1919. , PAÇ.F, THRBE.

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