CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Nov 1919, p. 12

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LIBEIÏMTVLL TINDPEN.mwr T.T1QTP A v- vei¶fxmen ne WJEIN EARNEST; NO FAKE BOUT iT Highland Park Man Asks Sun to HeIp Himi Find a Help- meet who Wants Home. HIS FIRST WIFE RAN AWAY Highland Park.,111., Nov. 21, 1919. Dear Edtor: If there bc aoy wldows in Late county seeking a husbaod and wotîli appreclate a good man who haii: gociî eMPlOYMeot. let ber wrIte' me. Aite between 40 and 50 years. heiglît 5 feet 8 huchbes , weight 15 paunde. iProte-st- ant faith. AIea the maidiens ean coule. Very trul>'. HARMON STANLEYi. Box 218. When the Sua receivedtht ie above letter, the followlng et-tier"msas seul ta Stanley ta maie sure it was t betia lide letter of lnqulry: We received a note fro:n yurén- ferrlug ta th,, article oin bachllrs, ai leait It ,was signed witiî yoîr naint VITil yoîx please inferni rue it yeno wrate fit? 1would 1k ta us it but vaxit ta miia sur tlaat il 'sas >ou wlto sut me l tter Il u iestion. Anud an thie as it actitis Ici î c r"Obrstiag the firsI letter cauit.- tlIte Sun abawing ilIi aiiley lesiiorily looklug for a good 'site: Dear Sr: la haste. i wilsa, thItt 1 amn the mn wbs-o wrote you rt-gai- 11ng widows. etc. 1co meet the wld- ow or lady you nia>' wlsl ta stcure tfor Lake Couni The Great Manyof The Very New est -in AilSites nty's Greatest Store tor Women and ChildrenI alues Extraordinary in-I Nov. S'ale of -Coats Which are Handsomely Fur Trimmed 1 Long and!hrïCat odes for Wo ;;; fffïeT and 7iîors ihîs 'wiy aeslat.d aunaual event wasslong ln prdparation, Il nd s rich ln economl.a that grsw out of Our slngularhy lua£la a =sdy enier mark«t. I. OcOfteare in advan ced midwlnter modes% and ln rîcher, amart.a', mnip- er icea~ble fabtlos. my aa% f*or tolsi W-.sny adapttd for Wear wlth sepsrate f . Taken altoether thîs la truly a "WONDIRiFUL SALE." ,MA~ Y, -N U V EMEi3i 27,I 199Ifl. Children's Bathrob s, Sites 2 to 4, at 1.69 Chlldren'a batlh robes for these Cool mrcauhga lu7 pretty colorlu;s lu 2 to 4 ouly, at $1.69. Children'à Bathrobes and Slippers at 3.98 Pretty littie sets of iouse alippers and varm bath robes lu aises tu 14 marked as a spial at $3.98. Children's Sleepers, 2 to 6, at 1.49 Chldreus vwan fianuelette sleeping garmunets -Sises 2 to 6 wltb test at $1.49. Children's Sleepers, 8 to 14, at 1.98 Children's heavy flanuelette sleeping garments' lu aises 8 to 14, vithout teet. Speclal at $1.98. 1.50- House-Dress Aprons at 97c A very speclal value hudeed are tbese house-iaprons lu ilgbt sud darn colorluga at 97c. 2.50 Hcïuse-Dress-Aprons 1.50 Womeu's sud Misaes'- bousedress aud' bungalow a prou. in ail aszes and colora at Il 50. 2,.48 Fleeced UnionSuits 1.79 WOMOUiWn warmly tieeçd union- suia luwhite sud fleala snd lu ail styles and lis. nie by publlshlng samet.lhng lain r ansd give the Harbor 'boys a llft ou PaPer. 1Iwoud bcgreatly oaied TT PI3TERS TO thWr cablif.. you l yu cn pont ut o ;)e N 0-To Caemp At LibertjfVille ber burdens kingforward tuU0W1SCOUTS REA r'e::dScouts sud Scout Mastlera lirbren nte iMctoflvrguli Pedtenght lu the Libertyville 1 prefer one who masy have' a lh &H W CO T R A Boy Scout cabîn en the Des Plains of )ier own. if Psmuag any maie, YOU ILRAIR ~UV1River, Wednesday, November,26. ri- f-ettd me 1 will have ta select theŽ býst I 1I lIîuaaTaîgv nearest that equlvalent ..My fomeil ID AR DANCiE trIng m ivn moring et 10 wife ran away. 1 secured a divorce They wlll bes prepared for auy klnd last June. I propose ta hîll»onPtIl. serinewldw wth y wekt wa% aukcgsn, Nov. 25. of weather snd, a big time lea atîci- A largewldcrawdh of mekl wagd.pated. WlVll you help? Alrecodo e n boys are i E. C. Morgan, Scout Master of the b-_________attndhe OYllbertyville Troopa, will lie lu charge Scot ow-Mow ta be hcld on the, snd will instruct the men lu wood. TtxIecntitit C, A' North Ileach, next Friday evenlng, op. crfft/ scoutlnge CabPng, etc. This las the sil aii -siîî' the~ Reisai coai dock. AIl Scouts an exxceptîararoPPOrtunîty afforded a the attit'- l 'n Oie.. ourteen Trooji aow coaaected llmîted number of Dmen. AnYonue 's-ae illiilti.î t .t swlshhng ta go should calI Mr. Sargent. Pertnyliuila.i....- ,thl the ' Wsukegan COunceil. wiit at- Phone 6 ta find out If accammodations New J'r.eey, P-.,. , tend with theîr fathers, older broth- cao be hall. Geiîrgla. .-- I~;, an; d friends. An livitation la also____________ rot, :t nited to aIl hoys and aren ofte cnt, jitiji, iivs wlio wlvh 1tui-nia> a gîîod lime Her Ohier Bourder. Fetîraîe 1:. 1 .1 w l lie scouti. Tillile Cliingc'r ss ys filiait lIn sklng ter 17.S S.îttl ~cA :nanmmotlî canîpflre will bhIca fer commoiioins rit in triîage place New>i;ii.,, ;. or the' evening. Scolt Peiers. a vestemIaay she tiiîqtàltelitf there were girli..11tii * 7- 7' ICfirok.-t' Indian. ailI cunduct an -o ohr Itoiritri. Na. repliet: the 161,S .S. i;i.tIrditin war danîce arouîd 1the faire. [1linîldivy i',ui uIi 1789J; Rîîî; '!i,îî :' ' ;-si aweiee-t-andillntermsÎlngcerù- 1 , .. 'ît. 4Il ii n , îtand m niony Mr.Petes wii met wih th lù lqit fli lîie v-lots to.ý- __________ on>' Mr.Petrs ~-îtîojet wlh th ;',attle Post-lntellazeii'm'r. soiuf. of Troop 3 il'the cY. next Tu s%- r, fieence. day uining,. ladrilt then ais a tribu: Thvn winl be songs. 9toriés WheatsAlwte 'Prforrd -Foed. -'i- " ' ~ 'Vni'-u farbur oyswil1ie le hlle more pteople are living Ir. tue w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý! thi Sc*ont Mzst' ', C at î ~world tûdsy Ilepenîdenat lapon ri(e Ihan I~Ma retîafila Iws 's-l the i' iî-nistheîl for upan îvheut for subçlseaeietsnd q __________:fili ,q, lit,, o'a -i -ov; r the' lire. grenter aauaîber of 1the humnufamlly WhatMe OdntUns ..-san4 Thf- WntliraîbI lînrbor Tromip eîîiecîlîve lapon miIlIat than any otiier cereal JIhs H Odnt n,,SanL o'i îîî'ttI0-loietîldiîng of thpeir loti fond, tIheiatith1e preferred feni Johisl hin spîndfiiebis frst va- icabjo wthii 1,tii b-. tîtir troop mept. Sflg tht' lilglîr tlvllized'peaplen. ,atînuan nsfarm. %When for 1the IOrSi i'pjlace.,aun Tha ksni; lue Pay. Tîhe The alure progre'ssive peoples of the ri> lie sflw the ehtl;.ttil I lîtinF v,'-ep î orî' if nt 11101>Ilîtrbor aile Partit laîvi'îeaIever ên wet estersf. ,n th(, roît 11P riteme. Hiho o .ýklila o jin with 1th- Scotîts on tlîtý <rninas tf îî hetive beaen assdcovered levoi-r tick u n ta thnt grand sîaid iw i ia etu 1'tp finish il ta» and maie lD Egyptimi loaîths of the first clynas- -hilé t:iy are -t eîiT01Ifi niofetthe occasion. The Scouats tY, daullîg haici4,000 B. C.. wlaie - - - - or W'eîtkguan ara' nIro lnîltpil ta Joan brend of m>liIiît ligglasen exeiavîîtms fliii- inthrcp Itarbor boys on tit! from th,- rll!i, of ithe îîrelîl2t.tarlc lao Tli 't: Oitrtlc Thougimt. (,IV. nIl N sîggestetl that a nomber ~.italgnîna l tiete ,<>the~ Scqtîts here wlll talle a train tau wîir tWiîe aîdlmteaaasi îîîîît-' 'q'Winth raulHarboir dîring teafternoon Itn.Wl.rutl -e y Lake County 's Greatest Store for Women and 'Childr9n After ihan lisgiving Specials Saturdayand Al Next WeeIk Silk Waists to $5 at 2.98 An assortnient of good-looklng styles ln tub> silkii. Jap alîks, anal crepe de chines ln must ail Lize. SiIk Georgette Waists to-85 .0 at $5 Pratty Georgette B!l< crepes lni a varlety of attraac tive. walnta ln wunti.aicoloa i i. e Silk Waists"to $20 at 11.75 lîandsome na.w creatlons lD walgts Of fine teon.tta rePeil. manY et which have pelîluint ad lie CD" effec'rs. 2.50 Corsets at 1.49 Wiaens corset:; ln wantail styles in values ta $'-, 0 mnarked for clearance at thls very low prit-,- Corsets to $5 Special at 3.29 W'omenq adlittaises' corsets inufrntand i back lact, styles lna white and flesh 'm aÏerlals. $2 Satinette Blocomers at 1.48 Wamen'a and Mlises' blomers of silkollne and satinette wlth fancy sherred or ruffled knees. Extrai Heavy Silk Jersey Bloomers 4.50 Womena and Misses' extra heavy ai Jersey bloomners ln pretty new styles In flesh. Silk Jersey Vests and Chemise 3.98 Vests of gond quallty slik Jersey ad chemises of satin anad silk crepe ln white and flesh Pretty Silk Corset Covers 1.19 and 1.98 The ai cornet cnvers at $i.19 are made taoseiliat $1.50. Those et Si.98 are worth ta $2.U) White ond flash. Colored Corset Covers 2.98 A wonderful varlety of new corset cavera ln navy, rose, black and brocaded rlbbon effecta. New Handbags and Purses of Velvet and Leather Very Special at- 1.50, 3.50, 4.98, 6ë98, 9.75, 12.50 and 16.98 " varlety of baga aimait au wlde as the deanand for t!îem.' The laewest styles.,coora and shaperi are Included in velvets. velours, leathers beautlfully sîi llned and nrnny belng tassel trlanmed and fitted wlth coin parde and narror. Women's $5 Silk Petticoats 3.98 Pettîcoats wlth beatherblocua or aîll-o-nette tops and taffeta flounces of itrilng patterns and colore. Women's Silk Petticoats Special 7.50 Pettîcoats of satine ln vary-colored effecta as well as those exqulsite silk Jerseys. $2 Gauntiet Gloves at 1.49 Women's and Misses' chamokette gauntlet gloves in ail colora wlth a strap fastenlng ai 1the wrlst. 1.50 Chamoisette Gloves at 1.19 A very speclal purchase enables us to Offer this untasual bargala chamiosette glove ln ail color. oena2.25 Heavy Double Silk Gloves 1.69 W ensudMis' extra heavy. double s11k glove.a o! a very excellent quallty la al: colors and sîzes. 89c Silk Boot Hose at 69c Waaten's and Misses' filie ai boot hase ln mnat ail colora and sîzea, whîite tlîey last et 69e. 1.75 Silk -Hose Special at 1.49 Here la a wonderful apportunlty enabllng you ta secure an extra quality silk hose ln ail colora and sîzes at $1.49. Women's Bathrobes to 7.50 at $5 Many wauted colora ln women's warm bathrabes la pretty styles are offered ai this law price of $5.00_ Children's Coats Special 7.98 to 16.50 Chlldren'i coatis ln mixtures, velours, meltons, ker eys, broadclotbs, plushea, etc., many of whlch are fur trlaied. Children's 2.50- Gingham Dresses 1.98 Chlldren'a glugbam dresses ln llght, medium and dark coloriage lu mnat aIl aises at 11.98. Children's 3.50 and $4 Gingham Dresses 2.98 Sises up ta 14 lu many very pretty styles lu Plain colora and stripes, plaids, checks, etc. Children's Serge and Plaid Dresses 3.98 to 7.98 Serges aud plaida An ail colora snd à nunaber of d ecidedly uew aud becomlug little styles. TF . sys a r,. 1n l 1 n ang ta t lii we- nus, Tht tint eas cari ban d -aý hea ver, pro. arri pt, tuai catt dro, -pro, Il aide driu the tuai true Mal roua si got low fol]( T and hala Aý saw moac le that Due sud nonl ruar tIon molli Sun sti a pro, 11:. ant fin 'l i IL ' PX« MUR.

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