CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Nov 1919, p. 2

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LIBERTYVJE I MBPENDNT. TEMSDÂVf. NOVEMBER 27, 1919. DEPUTY SIIERIFFS TO GET PAY IN WJRE MILL DUTIES 1The ampliibious tut-le a "nothiig 1 rieriîi Green rî'vpaîuîuy LISI 01 on"~ Milton Hl. Baker. a Chrlisan ci-. Bis Now For Those Who ence nurse of Highiland Park. wito bas Were on the Job. ntrted on a 5,000 mile motorcycle trip____ tbrough Florida. and like tite truile. be carnies bis bouse on bis back aud WILL RUN INTO THOUSANOS Man travel Mitit equal case ou land or Onbs ooryleh crte 1 Titi iii ut '.itiff' . watiti<ltduty On he mtorycl be arres 12during the wiî-e mili stike. alto gui faot folding hoat of a type used by ex- up at 5 o'clock mornine., anti .,ieni an plorers. Wlîsn lie cornes 10 a lake ite itîttr abouti Tenti t sre t. wiio veut simply uufoldg tebhast, places te mu- dowu lucre eveningsata 5 aînd îaîroiled torcycle ln il,. attaches te mtor tto for an tour. vito aîpeared ter,' Sat- the. propeller shaft and goea akimming urday afiernoan ai quit tlng tinîte aud over the vaves. if te gasaus Out or a o foiiowed thte workm.'n lo sud the englue goes dead. be bias a paddle. fro:n tetîtillinl order to Pritteet them, If te Paddle anapa ite pas a sali. are goîug to be paid for tteir services. He also carnies a lent. viticti te cuti Tiey are going t0 be guruenMuai thc pliet uver iimseif and te molorcycli' state iaw, aîows. nameiy -îwo satiay at ulgitt. if au lite land, or Ot cm tue -for titeir we'rk. ht des ciops tit iSuer- boat If on te vater. if Greenu r noa couîpiiing te bis As a protection against saSltltVfortitese depuîy siteriffs sud will pre- Suud, he carnies a waterproof floor- seat tlîem to te board ut' suitervisors tag for the lent antd an air nîattreqq, aIt ic meeting o<thie ninhtttof Lecem. vwblch may serve thte dotuble purpasel ber. of a Ilile presen et- or an air tank toi Tiere lias b. en some qutestioin rigitt j[eep tite boat afloat. llong u lta, . ' ite dt'ptîi ici.ere But Itis dors flot comple thte equllo gon lo be Itit or not. Ttc law says ment. Thers lea aca'tping oulfil 'a 1li ' t- lu icaiti if tiiev instat ulton h. eompte' e an'orî ii. nîtifor tek te 'fora nd Shi <ilfi Gi. en admit s thai 50 tians' qRtching Flaridas famoos green troul. ihlavi'i-lied 10 be gisen titeir paytitat snd a mosquito tint. Titi'wiiuie outtil ili- i otin iit:iiifout1 lie conîplete ta balauceti on il notorcîct' sie car.tit.cing over te men fort'hie vblch folds up viten Inthu ai.ta, lt were on tiuty andiputii n l tt ir bills aceordiugly. li-e itd no ___________________du lit 10 shotw bitw îuî'i ite toI tlw t t 1 be. but said hilatrying 10 :nakc il us 1!careful as possible to a îy men jottfoi- EThe W year bas seen a thet11et-y sert cii antd fot it> lam~e increase in the num- dtty. Thle dertut lot nuuiberetl ay 1 fl111 200to 51)a day ftor some ber of Eleçtric Wasbing, days. Accord-intds ut titis rat'. il la Machines, Electric Irons ' sIY e'ltmw te total aniotint to be aiI or 1,plettss idgone nu)it, and Vacuum leaners in t1o thousa:nds o~f dolars.S0son use in homes. meeting titese deputy siteriff's' buils la et ident front the foitowlng titfroui Jolîitr'ferring to te situation tere: IlThe reason ls easily un» Anuter ]te-n Mas sdded today ta derstood. They are L. thedC05t Of te teel strike. a total ai' ray staggelrtng. vien lte couniy ber Savers. was called upon lu pay a bill or $11.500 The Maim., prerented ity Siteriff New. qThe Wasbing Machine does kiî'k, was miade before te board of tht wo&k.You need o uevr; s.comlevaapit watdhi4i The Vacuum 't0 investigate the dlaim, citeck te cx- Cleaner demlanda only that 11W bobrd adrprltci1 YoS guideit. No prepara- _r, 1, 'l", I d"! ';7,î'1 h tie thiseaqared icIohe > 0 issBifoshave been issued fromntte imatthe lectic Ion oher -1tetf'a Office sud flled vîitlte count dM etnue«t it tu the.a"aet ty clerk. 0f titis number ouly a smal "et. percentage bas been maiutalned as a aocket.regular force of specisl deputies ready to resî>oud lu cl On short notice. Titis Ws'lîd hu luforce bas besu gradually dlrnnsited as te trike bas vorn oui sud tse possi- Monthly Payments tilities uf dsorders gravn less. Ixediue Heavy j Under stale law te special deputies Pu li D.I. CSrvice Co. have iteen paid two dollars a day lu * ~$U5ft .J~'i~'~"* addition ta buard aud lodging. The of dotenIliosaim presentsd by Siterlff Newkirk p ofNorternIlliois Includes automobile iire. maintenance of te SPeclal deputy force sud utiten __________________________ epenses incurred in te PrePsredness move, lu addition lu te payment Of If. BAI RSTW MANUYAOTURC@R or OSVILN Y MarWe ad Granite Monuments INS»ý(E liE WRECKS lIHiLA» PKï. J çeIIuae-tey w rK m Liver Description ,ir, »dece s Sit« DU. I. L. TAYLOR OS.. b VFives NUWW B"k uidb , efI:-1 ta 8.80 "d 7ISo Spea ÉMUMo U mroedwaw. oppouit. part LmhYtviie. laos. ~m.0. F. murrnim, VIUNUiART SURODON. £~UlAU fATUVUUUUA. EHANN V.COLDY Mo. 68 Hom.. Cook Avo.. Phase168-J UUSRTYVILtE. . ILLINOIS LYHLL H. MORRS ATTOCET-A&T.LAw LlbuiyilIe . Minois @m Pbfme Eu-N. Omo@ Pbsg.i, PAUL MAC GUFFI. AITORNBT AT LAI. ltbertyvIlll.,Ilîlinol. pmu88 MAVMTI .DECICER 807 Wabingon Street esUEDOAN. .-. ILLINOIS oU.. Phono MS Bd&. Pho.. 1840-R rU»JT M893kte oi sdrame. Aged HomseTbief Smashes po- licoe Motorcycli and Digs a Hole in Brick Wall. TO BE TRIED FOR SANITY Herman Mueller, ageti 65, vita pieaded gully lu hores. seallug lu circuit court bers Tbursday afler- nuon, veut vilentiy Insane afler ho. Iug removed tlu tbe H4gitani! Park Jaal, vitre lte police visi t binves- tigate reports taIt e may bave besu lmPlIcated la roitherles ter.. Whouenihluland Park police an- rgved aI lite station Ibis luorning tttey bontd ltaI th. jail ia.jbeen vrocked !urnugtlie ulgitI hy Muet!- en. Thte Police mololcydle vitcit an la te jlitcorridor bai! bee5 reduosi! to a Vplie ut unk. Wit a pice»t the steel trame Mueller bai! piod locessî large section of brick undet une of tevindows.i.nuitl au itour more ite vould have *arked hlm vay titruan suescaepe. Rela o its tried for bu lunsaulty. Titra cassideration ai hbis aie ltecourt aulhitenltlu Waukegan bai! Jusd Muelior but %t aud conts ou hie pins of guiily tu harnse atealing aiHithland Park, Mueler wva rre.tldnome tinte ego an a charge uf tesilng a btorne nf Joseph, H. Stipes ut Highliand! Park. The age! man vas arraigusi! ln court Titursday afternuon and! pleade! guilly. Oui of considerallon for bis age sud otter mitigstlug cirý cunstauces lte autitorities hadt citanîsi lte pies lu larceny. Deputy Siteniff Fred Rudalpit ac. Compaflied Muellsr to Highland Park sn te cauli! obtalu lte money. The Highlmnd Park police tou gUested ltaI Mteller 'be turne! os- 'Pto 'them outil atter an luvesliga. Ion bas been mai!e about a sertes ut itunglanies ltera. On te ay tla Hightland! Park Moellon bai!compaîine! af a sitarp Pain lu bis teai!. If hoeeta bees locked in a con h" Wou" nul bave beec able lu do lte' damage te di!, but ito iad hsem Placed lu the corridor of lite 355 as il vas betleved h. vas itarmess. r e ALL te f»MIIy, The indepen -lECUN DO ALL A ÀTURTLE UOES, iniie flu Rx WeI'ti't(ue,'l'he 1)h. einiluîr graîndi jtiîv il ratite iliil Decemiîbet 1, and i li itieJilati tliti'prosem~iitor (tr'.r tl itet), i 0I llte twoit u. nbti'oi'f, lý1, bdy ai tuai time. YANK, WOUNDED IN FRANCE, ON TRIAL IIERE FOR LARCENY BULLETIN I l look lte jury in lte Ashtey came but a few minutese lu arrive at a verdict acquilling the defend- a rt. Sentiment, it appeared, play. ed s large part in the finding of ltse jury. Waukegan. No.v17. Leslie E. Asitley , sged 25, a Yank 10t' 'it-iiut rîcan, witassinvailit- il I1 a tht îesultt uta a'ouuded leg, sud vito speut ueurly tva montits lu tse Fort Sheridan itospitli. as placsd Ou trial lu circuit court at Wau- kegsu loday ou a charge of Iarceuy. Witnesei esltled tal vitile Asitley vas employsi! au a civilisa truck driv- er at te Fart un Labor day, te su- tersi! a tilar sitop conducîçi! by Paul Pekar and,. leavlug bis aid cltiing, os- 'capsd vitit a uew suit of biue serge daottes. Sert. 'Slyker ofthVie fort lestifici! tit te sav Asitley lunlte tailorabop atter te itad trted te front door sud fouud il locked. He ssit! te asked Aahley If te vorked lunlte place, vitereupon. ite sys, te young mau leaped titru a .nssr vInduv sud tartsd o ru lu- yard te lakts. He sud tvaolter men pursued Asbley, tesys, sud eàptured iml befars h hatd gous far, Asbley vas taksu lu Highliand! Park, vitere b. vas iteld la lits grand jury. Ho vas indlcted laVer. Ho made a complets deutal todaY Outhlie charge Ihal b.eulnered lte tallor îiiop sud ioislte cociig, assertlng ltaI ho bai! Parcitasd lai a store lu Chicago about a mout prsvlausly. Thte defeudanl admutted. buveven. ltat hohall been arretd previouily Ou complalut of bis employer. James Belle, vWho ciarged hlm vih bas-lui attempled ta sIsal bts er. Ashley sd- mitlsi! taklng lte Car out for a ride. but deuls yi nt uention 10 steel il. He vawus &COllIsIon ou te trip sud broke ltse radistur. He vas seuteucei! tu serve 20 deaysinllte couuty jall at Waukegan, wvicit bedid. Asitiey IS rePreseuted hy Attoney Block.Tits case veut ta lte jury eI Moon. LENIENCY SIIOW 3 SMRS W'HO ENTERED STORE Are DiSCharged in Order that TheYMaY Retudn to Navy WithoîtTr"a. Titrougi thlesIleucy 0of Circuit Judge Edvards and Bate'.A &tlorey Wehch, tre. allon fron t1he naval station have sscaped punîsitueut for au allegei! hunglary at Nortit Chiicago. The Cases againal lits young mmn be been dismisîsi!. Titeir uaunes are: L J. SCHLENKER. ROBERT WATKINB. ERNEST HOLLEY. Tites outs ans allegei! lu have enlersi! s igar store ai Nantit Chics. go Oclober 5. Tbey vers li!licted by lte grand Jury on a charge af hurg- lsny sud also ltaI uf carryiug cou- Icealsi! vesPons. To have parclsi! tie I Youîhs vaut! have meaul a disitoitor able dîscitange tram te uavy. te salue as If titey bai! besu founi! gullty sud itad serve! s sentence. Outie othen baud il vas pointed out ltatIif tlhey vers dlfcbarged, titey could re- tam a lte estation sud completesthem euhîalmeuts as If uatiig hbap- pensi!. Tihe court officieis bore vers dispossi! lu give te boys a chance sud discitarged titem. PractIcaliy aillte criminel case. us tte court Calilbave been iispoeed ur ln une vay or anuter, viitlte excep- Vian of te Bitldon Uiquor case, vielc te sciedulsi! to go on trial seft Mou. day morn.t la figai! hhbat IlviR lake more lImatva try Il. viîci accounîs for lb.e.ct tatl il lal âot staa1dtouions-ev morua&ni blocl< 1 Ridgejand Sub Waukegani. . W. Buttrefield and wife to Han- nab P. Brettwd $1000 lot 1 block 1 Channel Lake Bluff$. Mary S. Meyer and itumband t0 Otto Jahriing and %wîlv wd $12255, tract of land ln SW quarter Sec 22 Vernon Township. W. H. Johnson and wife to Fred D. C]asýeî. wd $10. E 20 acres of SE quar- ter NE quartor Sec 25 lh'erfeiid Twp. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS C5. W. Evuts tit site tii .1.i Seul ti, Wl> 10i fIt. oit'i21_1- .iîiii~~~ 't.(Ulli lL 'o*s Non il F. F. Clark tnt l meto Itl. h.I_ i iren tt ar ie, \\ 1) $10 -N 4:1 ft. lut 4 aud S 1-2 lot 5llîk 4 Lyon & liai chiis stl., Waul."gn Antirpm,%W'otiuan't!a iii'to G %iccl*edie, I)V0t 'It tti 4 wolfl"s sut , a S und i.akc 1)10('k( 15 W &t . iiS, rings, Wtu- kegan. E'. V. Dai:sion and stite et alt t P. H. i.eiujk a'd wti a ttcWD $10 lotin luvillage etihtt> l N. E.Proctir antd IFto Ellen C. Vauduzer, Wtt )$Io-iult 6 Couiti> Clerlis suit., Aniiocit CartlleBruce anti wifc to c. E, Baulels. sud aife, Wl) $500 lo)t t Bruce Luden su Inl sec. 24, Avon township. Theo Sehander and' wife to Hiida Ramsslle, WD $2,90OO-iot 12 Suther land & Jeusen'_ Southt Sde sub., Waukegan. Nov. il, 1919. N. P. Badge sud Wlfe to David Jeamesun, VWB $.165-iots 167 la 17t Belmont add., Waukegan. Josepht Naviado-wsk land wife la Ps terMiazeties sud wlfe, WD $1-hot 1 block 7 Wa,hbUrn Spriugs, Wau, kegan. Frank lwatuski sud wife to Frank Durtrat, Wr> $1-lot E Woodhridge - suit., Northt Chicago. 'T. P. Olsen sud wife 10 ijeasie A. Surlie Wl) SI-lot 1 McKays sub. ot block 1 McKays 2ud add., Watukegan. B. A. Grady sud vifs lu A. S. Kennedy, WD 8640-lots 30 sud 31 Grady & Hallowells 2nd sub. Wall- Icegan. W.' H. Mller and wife 10 B. B. sud Annie Campbtel, WII 10-lal 4 MiII. ers sb. ai Crooksd Lake. W. H. Mfler and wfe te Aunie E. Campi.bel,"WI) 81:-lot 21 Miller's sUlit, ai Croiýced 'L*s. November 12. 1919 Hairby Duddles sud vifs te C. A. Bauklsvîcg sud vite vd $2200, lots 18 and lit block 16 Wasbburu Park, No. Chicago. J. H. Washbur n ad vifs ta Barbara Mareth vi! $2850. lots 26 and! 27 Wit- Bey, Webb sud Raviers Suit. Grays- lake. Emma, Drut Vo H. C. Draut qc $10. lots 1 sabd 2 Oakland Bob Oraystake. Navsmber 13, 1919 Margaret IL Gentry lu P B. Rudi! and vifs vd $10, W 50 fi N 142 ft lot 8 block 12 Highland Park. - Anus 0. Miller snd huabani! ta Emil Kositier and vite vd $10. lots 16 and! 17 and tj't lot "B" Miller's Bob la Sec. 16 Grn Tvp. W. H. Miller sud vifs te Citas. Bucit, and! vite vd $10, lot 2 Mller'a uBh on Crooked Ulae. C. A. Nevoonb Jr. tu Catherine Blacbsuiec deed $2000. los 14 snd 15 block 4 Wasbburu -Park. No Chicago. Anertesu Steel and~- Wire Co. te Cyclone Pence Cou.,vd Il. 1 1-2 acts lu B hait Sec Sa Waukegau. W. H. Joitnson sud vit, te Berlta L. Stpele vd $10, N 2.29 ch. lot 3 Scheool TroutoelSuB ofutSec. I& Wau- kegan. : . Maria BSweuey te Frank Bebser ahi! vifs vi! $10. lots 6, 7 sud 8 *hlock 2 lenux Bob. Nor-thiChicago., Master lu 'Ciiacery tu Ambras' Ruuyard, desd, $1253.38, lote 16 aud 17 block I1 Dreyer. Bob No. Chticago. Elizabeth .-Wilson te T. 3. Stahl vd $10, W 80 acres OW quarter Sec 20 Warren Tvp. November 14, 1919 Ritale ot N. A. Bleele taeA. J. Dur- tou deed $6.000. lot 3 block 27 Original Waukegau. P. . Roger.sud vifs et aI te B. H. Edvaris vd $1, lut 10 block 2 Rogers Norths Bide Adi! Wàukegau. 1-LeviS avage sud vifs te 0. B. Wedge vi! $10, 40.acres Iu Bec 16 sud N 8fla NE quarter Bec. 24 R Ailci Townshtip. R. 0. Berglrom sud vifs ta HuldR vi!gt-nw $5, lot 10 block 5 Lette' Su akegsu. ý T. J. Stal ansd vite ta A. R. W. Citappeillvd $10. W 80 acres 5W quit, ter Bec 20 Warren Twp. John Hlm sund vifste luiHl.Launu, Hlmn o. vd $16000. 8 loti at Lake Z*t tleh. Fioreuce 0. Curtis eolal 1te3L E. Me- Ohitansd vite vu! $1, B 64 ft lot 8 block 4 14W Aid Waultegsn. T. X. R'ok fal viftaVoRenore Welcit and L. &. feiler vd $8500, lot 1 C'entral Tru et Co. ta A. E. Moras. W. F. Kalwitz to Edward V1ach.wd oeed $8500, lot 8 Clark's tte*Sub of $10, lote 12, 13 and 14 block 3 La « bloèk 54 H.gbland Park. Suti North C(hicago. H. W. Wbedon and wife Io J E F J. Bouchonville io Anna Bouchon- McGuire snd wife wd $10 E 201 acres vle. deedm $30, lotR 1, 2 and , Plerce's SE quarter NW quarte-r hcetion 18 Sub. Village of Wauconda and 20 acre& Itei'rfirld Twîî. in N W cor SW quarter Sec 28 WaeÀ November 15, 1919 conda Twp. Libbie M. Husted to E. J. Smith John 'Welchter to Jan.Welchter andM wd $10. lot 5 block 10 Original Wau- aitgliter wd $10.,1lot 12 Tweepd & WiI- kegan.. mlugton's Sub Fox Lake. P UT it Blush Up to Prince Albert'to produce more smoke [-happiriess than you ever before collected!1 P. A.'s buflt to fit your silokeappetlte like kids fit your hands 1 It has the jutndandiest flavor and coolness and fragranice you ever ran agamnst 1 just what a whale of joy Prince Albert really is you want to find out the double-quickest thing you do next. And, put it down how you could sinoke P. A. for hours without tongue bite or parching. Our exclusive patented prçcess cuts out bite and parch. 1Realize what it would mean to get set witha joy'us jùnrny pipe or the papers every once and a while. And, puif to 'beat the ýards1 Without acomobackl WVhy, P. s good you feel lue you'd juat have to cat that fragrant autokel PLR.e Rnol Tobacco Compaay, Winato.Soleui N. C. Spend the Eveni*g at Theoetre in Milwaukee See the. penclid show bin at the M4"0 %eateMlwaukee.- North Shore trains wMl take you to Milwaukee in time to se. the entire show. Take the 6:.02 p. m train from Libertyvilleý coninecting with the limited at Iake BlufL' Dinlng car' atàached. Returu at 11:00 P. M., arrivlng atLibertyvMle at 12:53 a. m Popular High Glass Features at thé Majesti tis week Information on the abovç> program may be obtained from "cetagent. North-Shore LUne Libertyville Passenger Station Phone Libertyville 74 P~tp 'rwtL AND TIIEN SOMEI REzINDICTMENT WA ISN'T DRIJNK OF LT. QUANDT AND BECAUSE BREATII WELLS TO BE ASKED ýSNELLS 0F BOOZE Tîtat he a"t1 ask theenî.btr - grsi:éà jury toi re-indict both Lieut. sîmpw bec ~ a' breatit Harry F. Quandt and Rex Wells, two ameils 'r utl a~ur lsoini Wallkegaii mn hargdiwîi arson l ion that he la -intlo.ed. nAs a re- In conne tion wjtl the destruict ion by suit, Philip Piiik of Eleventh street. 'lire 0 l heir automnobilves, 'a the Northt Chicago, was freed ln circuit SItai ement m.ade today ity S atces Ai. court laite Wednesday aflernoon when tonîy James G. Welchit. Judge Edward., todk lthe case fram lte Titis statemnent wag maîde foiioving case from thte jury. th, uîîuouncenienl tltat tite Re-, Pin'k had bei n indicted on a charge M'cils case would nol be tried ai of drivlng a iuotor vehicle viîle lu- titis terni of court . Aeordlng telite toxicaied. His truck crashed luto a prriseculor., the Wells case ias sinilar side-car molor' cle contaiuing a uan te litiof Ueut. Quandi ln ihai the and two 'wonen, fit the corner of indictinent, againat lm neglects to Teutit Street and McAlleter ave, on liat the sttekholders of lte insuraCef' October 10. couî-pany wlîich paid ithe cîsiman sd lnstead of sloîîping to ascertalu it hue hesu hbeld ltaittis is nec-< whether or nul auy of the victims was pýV:iry .itilere nie j.îisitirance rom- iuiured. Pink r.nitinued on his way. A htany ta flot ineorporatc-d. Northt Chicago, mitorcycle policeman Thte case uaiuist thte naval station pursued hlm, atchting up with hlm at olticer was dismissed aller the work bourteentit Street. Pink said he vas of oht ainlnig a jury had ticen alartî. ,ou bis way honte, but rould flot explain lthe sate iaving discovered the erroï Why h itedi un ity Eleventit street, ln lte ludiciment. wbere he salît b lived. Tite opinion was expressed b e vas takun to lte NortitCiticago some thai inasîtlucl, us L.ieut. Quanit Police station. Police officers teetified id lien in îeoparly Il woitld be lui-ltat vitile titcy could detect liquor ossible te atarit new proceedin"' ýon tte breaili of l'ink. ithey did net againstut i i The ~ploserulur sau1 ihiuk Ile vas muloxlcaied. as he con. lthe naval officer lias flot Yei been du ced himsell aIl rigitt witile luntteir n eolîuriy as a tiefendîint liotpreslence. Th-, evidence vas se pal- colisideredin ithe condition until af Pably weak liai tte court teit ltere ter tî~~i ttI( .ur a b,: inee d l,lo w no us e in littiong-t go to tite jury. aitof ir iî . f i s> lith,, ain, i s il le m

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