CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Nov 1919, p. 3

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1,11nERITVLE INDEPENDEN'P, THURSDAY., NOVEMBER 27, 1919. ,OFFICER BAT'ILES " LEGLESS MAN NI3AR' IVITI 3 EN;ON E hr)il. wre bricksin tire ,dt Y Yi LY LOSES AÀ IIAND taikl.,; twl i-h hl b t'o lILd IS ELI3I3 SIO i ttirewindow with cons'idoirabII- TJROU6IJ ILLNESSýi 11i, and ( ii ts wsfrinî-riy coi- EarI Moran of Waukegan Al Rok hru h fiVe, lsi oniIlMi li tid ut t l TrioHurisRs itiayiit0tlterp. fie tleciared that a mFI Windows ai Geo. Robinson ;, ti thi-. hoii. ~Wnilt! ho t But Sut fers Another Heavy Home near Officers house. Bl,î ~ APTToN HrEmATENED dîi the dtarmage 10 the Robinnbonho, WOMAN SCREAMS: MEN RUN 1hnigoftdtor.Mhrliv' wxi ow'.Tir, gur.dai the I-tatrancq A eo o ,e Y iré ie îrican Ste~el & Wl re' (o. r KFi il it-an siipid and ftel A Edw o pl e h? 8 lttlt sn î 's plant saw t he leit-t irt obut inde r th,' a ht-ei l o i ghitl a n) - m n E alad J Mihiîe andti wo or. tidilnot civ.- char;t'.8-4sbho is t îttIoyqelIla iiit ta * ),y.-,ti s ago ati l x on three unkown Inii t i n ahi ch six on % toI) rot ýct t h(,-profi t o tf Itleh e Itgi- I.t liu(oYthu ande lit i la shoa î'r' irtltiî ireabolit two lia 'r . tor ' i i ntatour al, roitghIý s a;posi oclok Stnîiy Jtot-itî i . howîaiit M li- ritîdI, IIoo arroi,-s ntr ii Ilii luit h1, rt-t-t-ni had it'ason tou hi' On South th., 'llin litîti andtir i'o i na o t6w-- I.v li ler %9 s l nce Isj cer bllt' (i)ti i ., îni'iow liraklng ea'.î.s aiu -h- iiii h tthr e îII na Men. Ait ,Jtif lt..- ni'n î~-îîii ~ h -uandi tte i ar, Pt'.+ ~ , - irt i store-'Y ' i isi tir surgfean!z Ir ut îtitît W it atîtý'.ti1;1, î . $" n t ittt k . th. , oîll b. et 1 * drkn'. v i~îî of - ft-I t t î~ n 'îitwt, i h 1; - ,rYii Ioitii taiiiîit 1î,> 2 entîre left iiand thfetcr - l it lý . or ch i.' i t 'tu.a C~ înî i iI4-att-1 i t hi - 1it ;.i I,,- t i' 1:l v itt0!ti'oiig aloi tc e ri.'- ii o tn - il ' 1371,l t in Y-t ooid othr p;ic lr , iT* ..i'M t 'e, tif 'tIIOvf,'ei an iiiu . coloril 'v,'ean î-i it 1.l Stii 1< l, ii . v ttinrI l h- ii Ion; i't' ii ljtM r vere v wi t .' i l iin ii' i i I eltt i loptL' t t î. i ii - IItuim , 7Ittttt'iti in i-f. eîta , , nil K rt- a i!22 KIti .t t fo, I tl ii- il fi tîtit- b r ic kri il th r i îî k ' t nfilt t I - l f i a I , ' whi' u ti ert t 1 1 t l nr e -iItt Lfli.,Airtlit h' i tt n1 ltWltd ttotîatîa:îîettti%, A- L iih ml a,, t it -d ii tt ,.t t l in ;,.s-ie) iii i itt frtitii',it,.Ihl,.l'îItiil m fou r c a t hi fireti aitit ri d inî l' trt " i l.- Ii' ItîL l f i r- t e, t it t , il ii I ! iti i n u. . t iti i t lt t t i l 6 u i i h e t oar i r Ro tn-t ;A - rt ar t 1o I fii , h i lV t:ijîlitonii iow' t y t.Yii W : 'il 0 ,4 t, h'in iitl-titif-tI! to ia f iri n t at i l i-i. "1 , l"tt , 9 lt' 4 lil br an liii lira; taitul A lia lu,~tlit t t liii , iitiilfin 'iit ii ulgtttn u i,- t ' l i i i ;:tn,], Th ri-su itl is tibat t- iýniîoch Iiîtroi- i andti iough hiý lt .t intt îl, aiidages îîý,i slîFdorî s' NI r-i mran*-h usWtt t aiîîîu1ateîI Sttltt-t1tahlii otiv that i t waLe it- t F-i il- ta use an itbiail lmbs sa hl, taiiupon wliirh he seuls Ilitinso-li. :toîiigblinsell by blocks of a'oo-i in eithi-r band. Ta bave lest ane of his handi, would bave made li next to ii tpuiie ta get arounti aI al, Tht- Wtiukegan young man bas re- turni-t i(, 1,7aukFgan te spend Thanits aii-lotwîth relatives 1He aya ho has -more reason te be thankful this yeer than for a long tîme. Shurtleff -Enters Race for U. S. Senator (Elgin Courier.) McHenry county speakeras aVeral 'limes menllaned tena"me of E&- ward DE, Shurtliff Of Marengo, -Pro- vosed candidate for United States semetr, as ana ln laver af the mni- i therm outlngot the Grant highway. that la, rom Elgin ta Dundeeau*i ihencf thru -Hunley. Stata's Attorney Charles L. Abbott hinted in lis talk that Siturtlers friafnds had lsken tbistais ateans- nrounce tbe Marengo mati's candida- "y.Wp'rc, for hlm heflrt aud soul,it the stat(e's attarney sald- "Mes hon- est but sadacive,' Ce-e.aare ald cverywhere in sciezuiflc- e:ly sested packages of 20 oigsreltes; or ten packuages (200 cigarettes) in a gloa- ine-paper-ctuecred carton. W. alrongly recommend ihus cartaon for th. home or office aupply, or wthen you tra vel R, J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Wlaa'Sla.N. C. j' If you'd like a cigarette that does flot leave any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor, sinoke Camelsi If you hunger for a rich, mellow-mild cigarette that has ail that desirabie cigarette "body"-weU, you get some Camels as quickly as you can 1 CameIs' expert blend makes ail this deightfui quaiity possible. Your personal test will prove that Camel Cigarettes are the only cigarettes you ever srnoked that just seem made to meet your taste i You wili prefer them to either ldznd of to-. bacco smoked straightl Compare Camels for quaity and satisfaction with any cigarette ini the world at any fficel j.POINTING THE WAY TO 1920 SwekhgRepubli6m ictoties m the leSte eletm in MaumhsÏtts. Kentucky aud May- land. and e. local elecitoom nNew York City md Stau. on Tuusday. Novemêher 4. Corngju"iorne yearin ad&mm eof d(w aiamal elecfim of 1920. thie resuis am of proais.gpao. tua in disclshmg aà ro»mu n d mm iuiksb poprm bmd Iasit lipmrty à powerand à mcl" yr- agait xt a«coadiioma Most s~igncamt of anl is th. e elecio of Gar. urmmarlvinhCoodge. of Mumejietta. by a n u- V ,,,', mamity approximatins 125.000. Hm théRqblicanPcandid-te beca.the <le mo& Om~ of am janof iaw snd arder and pure,- sdulterated md unfraid catr&- distucêcto a stand for radiais. on the part of hii ,pso- at. AM thle people of <Le S5w. slaowed "ii aggreusve loyaity by railymg te,<the sandard r.Ased by Csovenaor Coolidge overwlimhgl. Massachustta. in <lins gang aon record so de. cUisivy. su"ie a blow at thec soviet sud Boisheia amd kindredci vii, <liai will clarify te inshr hn ml quattera. Kgatucky. far the dird time ih ber 6istas7, brait mway fro. lier Solid South fourimp sud put good adminisetaom above tradition by ehecing aRepuli- lican govcmr. Here State imsae c made part- Mocunt. but with America Fini <the pmrty slogan. New Jersey. -thé. Presiden's State. for the irt sud ofiy bue sauce he was givesi highest national honoa.s chose a DemocraticgoverDor On a .wt issue hin L gwith thc PresidenCr lait veto of a ps'ohlbimaê forcement Meaure. Edwardsthe succmsful cmadidite. procliumed fia. <he pimform MOTHERS GO TO SCIOOL TO PAROLE BEERzRUN= LEARN DRESSMAKING NRSFTRTRE WFFI(S IN Cfl lMI, EDWARD CIIAMBERS- TO DE PRESIDENT 0F THE SANTA F RY. md su.p <liai li enwait! cmdemvar lmaire New Jersey -ai wet as thie Atlantic Occa." Ili3 p- poil vra in thle supor of cits and gave kam the eletios. But. at the smm tint. the State re-elected a Republican leiaature. Sumil confort. iMecd. eau corne tate . %ue Homti oui of sucb a victory. Maryland. on the face of tht emuras. isAai but. if moitally. a Republican State. Tiie gavent-, oruhi lin he.balance by s arrowargua. whtreai hrou ture immemoriai. witi rare exceptions. Maryaad lia ranked as a Dcmocratic stronghoid. Tammmuys routinh New York City is by n meu secooMy ih igdiGeance. Standig for good fovcnmetnsd ofierng ciean. capable candidates. and. above &IL .opposhg aànaclinc-madt judiciary. the RepuMkiea achieved a notable triumph.. Tht huge .eotraicnsjorty givra to Governor Smithi a year mgo mclted sway mec nacre nothingnesa sud ouly Bous Murphy, son-in-iaw and a few minor candidates wcre savcd faont the wrcckage.6 To the mcly-cmfrsuchiud wamcn voters is to b. scr'bed a large degye cf dhe credit for tIi over- thtaw of Tammmsuy HaIl Taking ebeir duty of ciiz"iPshipscatsiy. idry raliid la the poiliseariy sud i arge nuiebers sud. dispiaying a kuowiedgc of men sud issues. eai u tcir ballota for good' gov- crument as typicd by tlic Republican -candidates. A rohust Aimerica»isun. ih cvidencc evcrywhcrc. $ho"s <lai Anincan problenas arc uppermost and predoinhant. sud that in Sia mmd local mopraise- mmnlt eDemocraic party. wîela its imellciency. ifs ixapacitY sud itî ehtmuagancc. and. morcover. widi is temporizing witi radicalisut sud ils heni toward Socialisa.bka bemn irid sud fouud wamiin-uî- terIb »an1ing jin Stade or National imusef ins Edwîrd Chtambers bas beau wlth I the Sant Fe for tblrty-seven yeMI. IAfior bas ing occupîed relIs in the lHe startat Inl a trucker in the check lAtkt'eîîunty jail at Waukt'gan for the lng department at Puablo, Colo, He lait three w'eek.ui tbrough a failure Io warked is Wtt along the vionas pa il te fines of $100 and-cests lin- Important Unes and tiien ha bocanis posed against eacb of thein on their a vice prasjdent, wbich position he piea of guilty ta the charge of havlng ban filled for souteUrne, Wbeu the atternpled te smuggla beer fron Keno- war came obe Wals apPOiuled On Ï_ ' sha througit Lake county to Chicago, the, rallroad 'commission for the gov- J. P. flanabar and James Guilloyle, eriment. wblch handled alil ralrads bath of Chicago. vere released on pre- He occupied tbe %position of trame batlon ioday. monager ot the satire system ot This was on condition that they rends i tnder govarnmant contrai wouild retumn ta Chicago sud earn the Tis In Rosait wul the graait reebb: inoney wit whitch tu pay thoîr fimes, nillon possible that could cOme ta A domen telagranis, orderlng the.rois a man in railroad watt, lHa heu mainlng defnans in luChicago 1teia: ibis position wlth gretat scceu *à&d pair In circuit court hers, sud ba ar- in <atetr wu id that Mr. ahi.. raigned, were Ignored. A@ à ressuit, bers, efforts itiped ranch In maklu Circuit Judge Edwards ordared Shériff lte raiîîroad admWghtration as Green te go la Chicago and bring assaini as il vaz. Oliierwi» *âhl thena here forciblY. ont lte efforts of a man of his abi. Judge Edwards le dinappolated ovler iiy Ir wosld have talleffi the tact tiret it bas been faumd Impos- Hie Dauhtir à Nun sible te brimg amy oft1h. owuens of lthe Mr. Chamîbers boit bis vite aboli~ baer Into court ber.Helie tha ta ina' yaars o, lie has fof'ohI1i-- lhey are more gullty ttaon ltetrijek roeibresboys 4liial!One girl. .11111f --drivers and.,vitila ha bas bean content agtrafo el&» u ta let lte drIverèoff it i n es of $ sIL dmabterh dand liyaiai as.ets ancdieai tas. leoamientWou i ntlite u tccn t wil hicih.lle -0 surpisnllrgeh"%nbc cf wo. m ThacboaD urm &ng Ins inara o li e be in tcith clohi having ta do witit the work tethe A srpisigl Lu nmbe o wo wth heblaliboad attrn.ootae es n tthatr I fbtg clt br rie Iheht io iestTe det y.y men in Philadelpia. as in lier big measure. andi an efficient teacher. lte would feedlîke imposing Jolilsentencesi oet amngro odsoa cities. dont know blai, te makre dresses cassis maing raptd progres. for te beer ovnaa's, this itavimg been Rbrl aae iacl irg or trimt ala. One af the activitues ,S azs t a cloIa thrtiue t a isiit rmthle tplant, Tulsa, Okia. Thte second aoià. vhichtlCoemunity Strvioe liaihmtarter! sioulderr' -ughed one motter in relief tirst, y tg edw4tarnFlanict.a nebIpism bsness in tite Pennisylvania ntropolis la a hen thecfirat demansrauoncended, "1 At Ihat, lit la poîntati out by Sl tc's St Ban inPa'nauclso, l' . ids eaes oftiiglt cassstaillerevornenon neye could make leum corne together Attorney Welct, ltae ownars of tile a, ssii uanlvrîy ieamn these tiiings together ith ailier rigrt under the arm." iseer are mot eticaplng scot fre, for -.%r. Chambers fratananti, cornes ths dcsnestic arts. -Andtha' a butlon'hole, i it?" thay must stand.ltelegs ofthlit beer, Wauikagan ta vîsit bis sisters fai The wonen meet In a public uchool aid anoiher. "Well. il won't evter wbîct in cacit case ottan ions ta ha- entertalns tilleulaament avany lire st Stait e desks like regular pupilas P@ botter me again. for sure" tween $600 and 1800. lbcy pas i breCticago. finti the blackboard a greant bp in the il looks as thougit any number oif Ha ridas aven thé <counltry In t pi' study of patterns. Philadeîphia cl'.:dren %vere going to !> aie c-ar ant, has dame this for nmi Simple Sarments for the chiltiren dressed more tncxpcnsivcly anti mtor ThéePapyrus Plant. sears, lie usua.lly camtes te Wau' tornatte frst object a of study for the orttîly-and i,.ort tetr"taie', lu lte itoî'y tld hy Mrs. Wllliams. kegan on the Narlbwestenn, leav-img beginners. With a lttie girlaimotel, befor 11 mention Io made of papyrus, wbicb bis privat' <ctr In Chicago. was calledil'papa"' In the lime when ieottît'are niost eataid __________________the mummy of ber storyhIved., lrona il uitsî tt-fsti aitaining the pina 1 ett.nii4 l'-th oIuucit The et's v îi -that word camne the (Ireek "papuros" ari - wblrli the pnesldcncy oft titis ONEM N SREII? tust'nr cantR hîstonlan ileradolus enlIe.! It "beiîtî.< t istart u iti' dittt'rt 'titito-, anti aur Engilisitward "p'aper."-.The aitaitiit e btteshr tt, otalItitlithat as presîdant cf loi. 1 ,<rd on "hîhîn," niuing a borok, %vicih ii ýSiini - t' r. Cnhjambers ndouti CARS HURE WJLL Y ltt i c. r-ttuoo antifonibsltol t' tt %,lI;tr e ile ttclrga ob-mr 'A111 11. l ii fit'-h aie crried on Into tcou r isard wIl ot, i e i le ic:tst $ St O l arm I E VC Ii. .1i 10 W:tlukt'-ta in i "I. ible." Go 10 a gondoiti itoniiy anti - -gn im hsevratand r "i . t ii- t' i Cî lt tiiiit i î> 't y i w\%il]<fili]a long Il-a tif îî ui(s le- ~ ,îitgî î,î a îtr aliei io t iitil i ini'.t' lilit, :aIt glrnlng tvtb "hbilo' anti tbcy are ail ______'ht.f it,%% ireat rar i i'PIttios 'conneclt with houks, MelgisI or CuropeaCeunotis. Supt. Simons AIIays Fears of iltelltd . li-or" o_______t gorahrs teav Persons Who Believe New ______IiiIi',__________tomi -Curieus! mie heigbt allov,. the ses of te dIffOr' &ome ihrdlq arc aiwtully crinsfiitte cnnteetlosaioelu n to150i lOvgU. Cars Wouild Be Menace. +want ta kiitîtwlîul la geion. S ~IfaeIl bfe:foîiti 5,Blla i Explitntng I'istory aofl'ress. ' 53.5; linssît, .50r, GorGernny, 007; aria ttii t lut 'gi If lhey set.'l huiîîîîî 'tuig iiiî'lr Brîtaîn, 712; Rouranola, 9M~; DeUMUti ALL HAVE SAFETY DEVICES of all iiitthe iittwit. I'.t\,l' i, mir nvtttut;rhoaîîtho-.Ntî%lit cote coe tAiilîlîhn clni,115 iae ~ tutu'. Y tltl itittuilIutt' Il ofutti esigate i it-itit titi Su i"i 200; Scandinavie hNnrxvsy amd Bye- Som., ahi' It,,l.' ha'. hi',n Iliel tnt!if o t nt f th s ilît t"dn) .04 tl, Af ; uîrII.l concerntiagil ire .iatiiuietut ~in ii ' hi-lttrY tftr-. MttrtfoiOi i tti rsstt'l t'i'ydn) ,0;Iay .'6;Asra keit i in, Ito ii1î ýreI , car iirt, njoet - ,io,:iitrrt2:t. ïl l'eq1îîît î i % firltiur Titis Iiri bas t.i ,,l-, let a69: B lk n p;iiilsla, 1, 0;,Spelu lt- aaititor f.olI .ili.. ui i,, h idr l ti[ N'lu i a o :til n i iiiigol, 2 21 : Sw tera d, oiii If ntIon o te e a y itrqitilt -oterlni'. tii ti"ý tî'.landl 2M 'utuF'nthi IbI hWculd appéaîr t tyltit ,l ia bi enlu t Iltilonniseti b'.' tht iicarOte itiil ,'%t "r i- it"'- n ttt~l"Oii f tI.-.-itî'o -'..i- t t oilresi, tRassia, la thSe thîrtilowet., nîext uta. llîttt 'llte piintipal tilt t iiggy.r,> iAnd 'eutti'titî' s h h u 'h ti'i~ i- it je(ti han t- iiiiwl iittib.- a tiLIii ,.i,-rîEitil ii'i'uttttWsrmn d Cool Calons. tiirt'.',t li ti irite tlerîtîî'¶îrttttti'ttie'h e f hin Watches Nat New. T'lh.e iat'n or iliuvalig colorait Ille Palr-ilt-t111t' li) at i l- ai itth tl- - Thet luit s itîtitt-. Ihutofaveqenji-eieh arioso1th.- senats qtickly. are t-ar ahi!o- nu Iijjchua titnge. tj i, t 'or.r ai'; rutI t, i tti i ta'-' hitivii, y(>l'I iti'tir roil predaui- .Nir Sin. S îlîtîf i i itentient of iltir Tîdes of the Ocean. iut'ti tutus il. P. Vt. BI-LrI 'o)tf Biii ttit l lit ing, l'it >'t'iit t gret-it, yîtt1i voI'iitg <<ittti, i i0 il lSunti,,B ooknN.J.,lin.', rî'tl t14 "" rtange., rt-l iit Ired i oret.o r. t art or, g. vji- t- rtîî î' i t ason Tht- Incuming antI tI(.ti' ii tgoing of0 lnTho, NI, lii t.or iiilu tit t hi i ît l Wbv te Olit'.itilI 'tice wilil iOt- t ihe hi liS la en'ta fletîy tt'o. gruivla- t n fitr' titti la- Roit iti I ' 1tiishi tiliti- anrd titi iti'. uni.. e-.of thona n f i ltuence ii of tton h'Iooi t fl-i-t ' I. o ut ,andi 1xl::; tr r- t1iu 'iir. 'sb i be sert-e. 'Ni l t h ie on- n i an iotan ,(. oitta peak, dilrtstior Ilft, the li l i . 'lht ii; î, t. ..îî nti ttd -ijr titl, l ii'l-i-ttn ble ss'stetnu s a-l lvi \i ilIS Th i tiperitlin and tite traf- wnter frottille, ticjths on lte anme 'th"("tt:rtr' tîiî' ii'îuueîf'iii . ' 2 ilt.-'rt-iîî lt-u tutu b it' ili î,nîtld sai ,Itetorily ilospiti' prînclpli' flunt il pl li lifts ter. te i ttt hsU i~ u'u'thee titi, i i-i tr' 'tii' tsi etilwtn e- Ibe ~ ~ ~ i tattbttic01an enormous-.Anti ns %t i b n ip.t -&lie -iir rushes n'q-îîîîu ii> ia,, - --il'j i i'1ti'.' it'tiiih -ir husînet s iiiii iii -2 and evcning,' de- in t10fil]the spart, lt-fi ; se lit(' shai.- ii tiit a i lt.ritt li- roitt The ti iitli' i. tlared Mr.S tuait'n. Cary b.'lng large îaw water nenr store rus.ýhes onIt te t 'it't.lttiîfiilit tut-ti lt'i ttf 1P"- ly a ilarîiifi-t-iitfîg o-enter te rîusithetcextra ape.-ratuei y rlsing ot carat gvIl. Th'. -i h -'.islarliedCoult Drink Water. cluring thef.' tours la natumallY -aeY lie, on ttcejiinelpie Uth waler Nli:i-f& ttit' iiIf among heiiiiittitrttiîlc bevenagia gi 'ut catîsitîcinig tl(,ii'bg popuation scecîs Ifs own level. e coionîi ta i". tinall couti!fini- o! that City. "tThe ,Idvantages of tte one-niatiRemsarkabte Change uaitîng te Iiti-i î î iîîhtu tr't. U fIervit-t'irtur at lber_-ill be moi-c Have Ws'ong Idem. Newgpuipcr rli'o"it lttiwad have h,'i'ti hîrd fi..,titfTht' PIIgt'îm cars bin peliallin.l. .ahfoneqtieftly il people an. crtée mare concemned hiimachf t.illoti rat*niti.taIf îy sin@me fathir;- te-.- tm'.itt".t.îsl ecaUU outs down the numbtu r 0paasseager, gaboutcercalng i favorabe Impression ta atet car. The, one-man cars art' auputnuttttnuti&ufavorableiImpressifntrmp, ta ttc>- rît t. i i ut.irttîtg w arlý. ilgttr ati'pik ap mdstp qle ttn about ltae kinli o! person tbey yard tht' .I'nur.- . . IlC.n. sslîî-îu ,oNlot; t tI'li- esWI r titan thte cars nov lu uase'. Bain- wi 'alîle cconslilpred, Il kile ade- trîfugarl rfu'oit-liti-t lu.' its But Il]'oYcoii payera d'n ktia t ot kin adn euitt-1oort bwt'steîîtuîritiî tilt -itheiylflg- t "ly tut" m o t i o n v i t e n p a s s e t i g e r s a r e p a y t u t o t ît n ' orrir d et h lb ' i t U r e s o ft hlI e b u t , t i f t- î î î . t ', i ' t i ll i i s u p s a l t t i - - E i l thit arfîes. Titey are siafety cars origlial. a'iuit'.itsiuiiiuttnp. vr .t f _ - Paize Thim W'aukegan Man WiIr Succeed President Ripley as Head of the Great System. FRIENDS HERE ARE ELATED 1'w,. ii C.i ' hamhnbersi,vitee lý«ide1 il-i iiteSanta Fe, in soon a in 1 '; ii ithe preil. ltni ni ii .. ai dInget te, ni i ' ire, s 1-:,rî,i . PRîpiey, preatent itst t ,it', -t, la - e n in il lîî':îth lot ý ei) .î0 Iinti', and is Ii t tt r, il' t n I ll coiin fite so n il i 1"î ' ii1l-i l N t,* iit 5 who bas iit'ttn wiih h-,i.Santa iV . .t i it a,- 'i uîîh, lt i.iiid ta 1w Nir li , i li- t- lits 1; i-g.i pr rh, a!t-t, t'i; uiroui Lii ilittago tii n tng pal, I -i ls iii ol thte p tstO ti i itiax tarot rai a nian bain ii *I N îu h 'i(ýlti t 'h use :t t'tii es stili lie 1w' andr tt w ho i,. .a t"iU'tie t via%- titi,' in 'ht' it id hamîbers h a-, at Issut iachedti he îinnacle of t-ui t -' , " tir,iîîd rîrcits, For. te Ile 1, t 'iii nt iii tlit' Fe railroad iabt on,î 'ti ni >(i tot î t a job asathenu it ini 'aîi.,adl(titi .int- triUhi'tnted n W'ttl'.t-iîn ftiliewas harn ber. ilty-aine yî'urs ago and lits relatives lie ýish it i lit-h litît r c '.1 t-tsi Hian ta., i, rMil'.-DittC(hanibers8, and Miss Louîise.w ilt ttolr 'bither, Jin, lite in theolad honte. while Frink. an assistanît stîperiniendent for àr maur. lives In Chicago. Tom', 1he oiber broutier isin iiLos Angeles *1 y 1

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