CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Nov 1919, p. 4

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LIBERTYViILLE nDEPEI,%DFNT". TII1IRSD AVY, NOVEMBER 27, 1919. j~rys~I!~1ndpendent LEAGUEFUFL ~ ~~4t ~.- aukganWeeiySun A ERICAN IDEAL Office Ti->epheeuu Nuniber 1, Libertyvîie Exchtange. Offcii 'utuiionleu TteVriae f ie. - - Herbert Hoover Says Democra- Offcini Publication for Lake County Boardt cf Supervisora' Proceedinga cies Replacîed Autocracies lesueti Eu-ny 'lmurtilisuJ, -r-iiz EntéIletlp lsKnown o puiatn at Our Bidding. 1SUBSCRI PTI ON PRCE, $1.60 PER YLAR S7RICTLY IN AOVANCE .. .. ..................... ............................................... . ngs FOOD ADMINISTRATION CHIEF. WPd.H. ECKHARDT ........... ............. .... ..... ...tLocal Mau",er - .-- IUrges Ratification an Qnound Thoti MEXICO RAS RER FINGERS TO HER NOSE. T Denied the opportu-nity of writing notes to European ha rulers including the Kaiser and others. the denocratio va state department in Washington now finds amusement esF in 'witing notes to the MexicanGovorirment, telling Car-LE raliza and others that they wlll be Il slapped on the wrist' t nleas they release immediately William O. Jenkins, the j American Consular Agent at Pueblo, who recently was hi kldnapped by bandits. Jenkins has been in the peniten-% tlary in Mexico City and bias otherwîse been treated like I a scoundrel yet he is the officiai. representative of the Un - I lted States.' Anyway the treatment of MirJenkins fîr- nishes Washington with the excuse for again writingi notes and we presinne their hands there have been a lit- tie out of practice of late and therefore they are glad Of n the opportunity which the Jenkins case presents to them. fc Eeferring to the same incident. the Tribune today edi. - toiisly wound up with: "Wo are constantly getting out of tiglit fixes-with the Moxicans making gestures of contempt at us. Mexico ougtto adopt for the national seal the figure of a peon wlth his thumb to bis nose'" 1t11 And se Edward Chambers, A WAUKEGAN BOY. is tG-be president of the Santa Fe railroad. Well, now isn't tht great? Isn't it fine to think that a Waukegan boy has; risen to mcli a pinnacle of 'success? We personally do otkiw Mr. Cha.mbers but w're mighty glad to 1now a tht a product of Waukegan-a boy born not in wealth &ad not witli pull but instead of-pocr parentr,~ 9d with ambition-li.;as attained that point of success. He V Igetting there because ho made go9Ü, flot because smie- t bodyADt puai hm aong;ho il ave hatis er-t h~p he ecod o thrd argst ailoadpostio inthe d Uultd Sate. Tereare ew oreimprtat s Sten P tba th Satale.1fr Cambrs'man fiens breareE hpp tohea tht ie a't reclith pinace t wich I evey mn o&th Sata s ystrn e duli lis h.dhie 'eYe and ambition pointed ever since lie went on the pay- 2011 but whlch position only a very few can at4in. And a VFa-uegan boy in one of that very few. Good for Bd- "sard Chiambers. ïWaukegan in proud of hlmi; Waukegan congratulatos him. Hoeliasmore than made good. I Mother Joues says lunlier speech in Waukegan that. ]en Franklin in 1784- said that the venld could supply t #»Ief vlth foodatufs by, having everYbodY work four I bours a day. Wel, iBen vu living today ie'd have a different version. Imagine worklng four hours - a. day - evez at a higli wag« and- paylng $15 a pair for shoes, That0 "a Wrhy mhos, etc", A=l 80 higl-becaufe the productionb of ilb. country lia been curtailed no terribly. Out work- lIg huri dovu for everybody to four houri a day andt "SRebody'î« going to star,, sebody'is goln, toi freoe1, Audit Won't b. epe11."ë Joues" and othersr uiIO ares upported by the people they befuddle Withi mo- d"lltc -ad anarchuatc Ideas and who cannot look intof th. tuture. Tue boom of Governor Frank 0. 1Lovd.n, or Ilnois, for thé.IRepublican nomination for president bas been lMmced in Washington by Congesmian rank 1. &dtbl, wh@ Je also the chairnof lthé inisQ.teCen- aI lepublican committee, according a report &rM Waalng ou ogreuna itb,, u ina uaeet flywGovenor Lowden in offered tb the Party ua aean- didtemo a a mee favSie seia Mnnig «eugbfor the job. _____ A Baltimore corporation lias been organlzed. capital- f lied at $100000 to conduct suake faii for the puryose 1" ef ranufacturlng suake oil. It Is to b. lioped thie cil il flot teb. uned te limber the joints Of those vho desiro te, d0 "bisnewfangîed serpetin. dancing. Highland Park to Join -- hi-ni- vthin a vP-n1 short turp ne. With Town of Rav!nia !u, or l ~te a~ u1egtail ha r o rn ' mAiovement te senex Ravinla te Comerce e a favorably on the- ,; iUghind Park andi te hai- the ceuni-t.cne ""d t ovus knovn as Ravinla le un- lhe rn-ose n ed-î eofte donceirn - e8W aY ln boli North Shore suburbq, are a building 150 vite anti 250 fi-eh ; à-J. onesandArtur Jnse orRa. ('M itutatitin a five acre of grorieru A.M a.Joespanti rite nensent Rn-Serclarv Hollîster has locatid: ", 7 Y y eayti plan Ile meetng wvth R1lbétrc f round antibase nuuîl 1 lO u both tavus anti that lghln it dt'- ho benda of the cenceme that if %s* ialk. regard tie nane Ravinia; thtý-r tIi et-h haVe titi building on- 18s more deairable hi-cause ofut ms repu- s'r1(IPdh eut titauki-gan viii he abte ttft sas an oPeratlc center. tt e -- onuaki-arneet poliglt al 90 go t a vote in betb tovns 1 moey is apufif t5ck on tue fllonthhî- -- a* thé Apring electian. I isiallme-nt Dlan. _________________ I i-ada of te onc-n have assureut I Si-cr'tai- iirullster thal lhey are a 00 Ug cmUSI Seeks Faclory Mitlliun dollar corporation vîthi ail Si@ n a tht- capital stock paît in. At tlrm SieI ualegan prne-nb tino the sacretary ofthtit <(iamber et CommeOrce la leoing ui Amillon dollar eoncern, manufe-- itir flîanci aîf-tng luntunu sul l lag speUuÔletmirung motora. in,- Bratitreet s2d 1upon report recelyeul a que f Waa~ema, ani vli tepenti iargely lie negetlatmons ,~. ie puf t Cietacfliat are contînueîi. At Present every ï&âË4tiDloo10ks mont favorable. Peace Treaty WiIi Coltapse Without L-eague of Nations. Iy, who can find énployînent andt domination ln tlîce4e Institutions, and treattes founded on this basis have estabiited etabillty after eaeh great war for a horter or longer turne, but neyer more than a generation. ..America came forward iitti a rîtw ideti, and wê Inststed upon Its luec- tion Into this pence confüretîce. '«e claiflied that Itwans poSsible to set up such a plece of nîacbinery wlth such authority, that the baîlancee ef powver cotîid be a ha îîltîedlias a retle of the mtddle ages. WVe camluied an entre construction of this treaty and] every word and lUne tn Iltot bend te thîsls dea. #'Outside of thie Lt-tgue ot Natioim the treaty ltself hls ns aîy defletetictes. It represents votupromises betweeuî many men and betwleen îuany selfishi ti Herbert Hoevenrtases deeply con- lnterests, and thse very compromises cerneti ever the opposaition b lteand deftclence.lire multtpiied by the 5eague et Nattons le the Unitedi mnny new nais that have entereil Stales that hiebas let blînîseîf hae t upon is signature', andtihie veîy safety terytea-edt tlength un the Li-ague sît- et the lrenty listdt lies ten acourt et nationl. Ie a tatk wlth the New York appi-si fea tih- enueedy of wroîîgs le 'iiiies correspoeutnt ln Parts, the Hibe treaty. Fcood Admihnistration Chtef assents that Benefits of the League. havlng cnuged the Lentgue ien 10 pre- "One îing ta metale. There, In no voit .&nwten cannor abandon Il. WeboyfhuateiggowI hta connut wtthdmnw, hie raya. and leavebdyebuaieniaswlotaa Europe 10 chaos. 'To abandton the tni-afy could he mnade tînt would rit .tague Covenant noc îîîîaîî a tathe tiuvelep tujusti i. andt prove taihave treaty Itseli wtîî coîtaipse." len svretug it o-ni- partîculars. As BHt. Hoevers._ videi acquatetance the 'covenant pur lis totny tîiore Is a wtth condittons betti lwri and cbnoad, plac-e ai witlî riîlri-ss mîînblounîd ils reputatten as an nilmtîîlstra ter, Ia mid tiiroiîgh î iti tth- guod-iwll of man et gréatal fiains who dents scttiit si nod eeI.i - iîne T ho ver facta, not theontes, niit>' bts state nauliîr i . ileteî et mnlt onie o et ta î-ietimportanet con- e eepitl i,~ ie tpoInts yet rîbuin s tt e -rt-ielît i algai- tIiseii- ti)hi os v il, i. t1: ,ia e tietireft-rcîl '1'ic-a re raroe or lîrîlpointe le con- ,opf si-c.un.ilîg inr. tiuiire jutigiliont le î-ction ssItbthtju î,î,îe.itt iiaiy,'- ti;li Ie ttaited Ju .,,lî'e rstifies the ifr. i luipvur, 'thtuaioii Ill".rful <utîsil I 1cccaiii n ut tlic Ui.2uue. eratiiîti by the Au, i iizii public. W" 'li lpîaîîîîî 11- cî,iluait Dow needt o ta <tIlgist tlue Liitc ti lit au, lia î, îîî lt tt iî.î îii cti cl eor n ctitury andi a lînlf h-in ative- lialîse. .nti ng denioera i îlot ou îl' as 1ktj .It %cui dta otlie ex t rrn-ut i -t-ieîty fth Ini u terral fls et ail so- ru fev u' rtiinitîifs Iai ny Iiuiiiilhppros e -ii-iy, but alsi, as th-e nty r-aI scie- tn atbet i iif trî'lictIut i f guard ngîu est wir. 'e tiave boliesoîthA tIloi', s ta I iaiii.îu l s-i it>5 and proclulrii, le senson and eut, sulrîtiale i teî-lut la îiggiîii 'tnt a werld lte wbleit there c'îs astaini 1uîio,-BitIaii il free expression fuît enfoncennent e in sith oeesî iiaoti aId wittia do- tla witi ert Ilue iuîîjority ias tle rosI ritinotfnthe oli.firntIthe sdngers luiais et goveruimerut, iras essantîilferor htst e t i sonjis I cuîîrheut nuger tie adnceinent et civilizallon. antidiitpullnnkfornlthiae c."i Io no0us tint we have proved Ilsti normeus bu- pullhit fuîîî tue obivat e n us rîuîp beneitts t in t hqt get ,'lalant leg 1ry.npiay leaving a ctîrrc for centinueti Amerîcan Ideas Have Pravaiied. ser~vices liait tionc. '«a went tutoulte wsu- te destroy ,W.e hase suc.ieiltd teIn aemont ex- autecnacy as nanmenace te our earn andti rnonpinary degne lnle ii~osin ig lit aii other democractas. If wa hatil ot Europe the cenîhîlete conviction thiat cnteu lnt tha wsn eveny Inch et Euro- ce are absoiutely ullsînearested. rThe uu-,n soit todayicwiriipbe under auto- mensequence I ti <lui-eeta scarcahy , !: V; i iu, uŽ i'ir;! -ul a nu rani, wernan onr'tttis- hiecan reni] ('(Il' cîI Ou the weld. <Out OetsIn laEurope that does Cotlooek 10 Uie vlctory bas cofite the destructien Of jUnlted States asnrthe ullimate source tho four great autocracles ln Ger- froi. wbicl they mnust recelve assur- nrany, Russia, Turkay and Austria anti ances andti guuinlsip le thte lîbertie8 the >lttle autocracy le Craes. New wbtch Ihey have en w eured after lemocracies have sprung mbt belng in go many geenrat ol .1u struggle. Petandi i.tnland, Letvta. Llhhuania, 'This la not a pi-ebleiti of protecting Esthonta, Czechosiovairia, Greater the big nations, for tbe few that te- Sembla, Greece, Siberla, and even Ger- main can, weî looik atter themmeives. irany andi Austrîn bave satabîlabeti Wbat ve bave don. s lata set up a ilemoeeiatic governmentR. Beyonti score of littia demurcracis. andi If the tiiese s boat of glaiat republies, aride Amertean people coultil visualize lisir as Armeia, Georgia, Azenhaijan and banidiwonk they would iesîst witl the others, huave spruing up, and agate as saine dîetntten that tlîey dit!fle a ru-suIt of this gri-,t world movement 1017r that our goveraeitt roceeti." the constitutions of Spain, Ibumania, ________ anti even Eegland, have matie a final ascent ta complele franchise andi de- Use of Amsnored Train*. mocracy, although they stiîl milntain Armoreti traies vers part oftIhe de- a symbel of royalty. fenses efthlie enst coant of Englanti, If -We have been the living sprlng: for la now perrmîttedti t announce. lits tant century nnd haîf frein whtce With the engine-In the mitddle, thess these Mdens have spmung, anti vs bats ran f0 anti bstween thie cosst fortifies- tumphei. The world totiay, excepîthdons, canrying troops anti aminuni- fer a comparatlvaiy tew reactlauary tien. anti communistlc autocractes, in dem- The. coaches, matie over CeaI cars ocratte, anti w. tit IL .ers piateti with iifeel one-balf inch *A mani who takes a vifs andthibck. Ie the aides were 28 rifle loop- blesses tIse woriti with severalIinfante hoies, vitit slidtug doors. cana go away anti Isave fhi.on Thse aintrack badti lre. compart- the dlaim iaI there vas no legal ma.- meula for Maxim guno, RDnaMDInUnton niage. toi'eon anti a gun platform. Oa *Theue iafant deinocracies ail have eacb site of lie maeUirm ~compart- pohltîcal, social anti fronomie prob- mlent were thre. observation bales. iv. lemus involvtng thair neigbors tha rifle loopholesand tbree openingu for are fraugbt vîtil the mant intense the Maxime. Thre ammunlilon room friction. Tiiere are uo nalural b<>unti- bail observation ant idfe loopiieles andi arien ln Europe. Rtaces are nof comn- 50 pigeonholes. eaci holding tva 12. pact; they biend i a every border. They pount shelis for fie gun moenteti on nîeti raîîway communication antiselie platforn. This car wau locateti outi-tu througb their neighbors' terri- sithtIe endi ef the train. torny. The lecomative wau ammorst-wlth 'Many at liese sInIs miust for lis a shielti for fie braireuz anti lower ina- nhlxt few years stnuggie ahinoit for eilnery and tidltng moeal »buttera for barsebheuta maîntain tliu-very the cabi windows. existence. Every one ai lie. lu go- - ing to dolis bast; te protectlifs ovu Product of Many MInde. lnteres, even in tbe...rejudtcs 0flis The federal reserve basîkiug Ryntemi nelghbors. vas the restait of Revera] yeare of pub- Gov.rnm.îits Lack Exporle.sîMe Icdiscussion vili suggestions ironit «We ia America ahoulti reails.tirat baukere anti businesu men. At ant usmocracy, as a stcli[eftriofa govern- Mrne, lu November. 1918. liera were ment au we know l, la possible only liree ianklng bille before cougreis- wili bighiy educaat populations anti a bouse bill, a ill cf Cialitnan Owens a large force of mon who are capable sud five otier DE>mocrats of lie men- ai governmsnt. Few of lhe min who ate finanre committee, andi s bull ofi compose these govuîmments bave bat i v. Itepublican usembers aifiat coin- any actual expantence et governlng milice. A. bill trawnu by Senator anti their population" rewaefully il- Owens af Oklahoma, the iterate. ' senate committee on banklug anti cur "Tbey wiii requit. a generation Of ren'ey, anti Representative Glace of Vii' actual national lte lu peace ta de- glnla. chairanan of the bouge commit- velop ire.eteucatten ant fi ini ugov- tee, vas finaiiy Introtiocet anti, after erement. .any amentiments, passeti. -Il vas "Untess tiiese eotintrles bave a guait!- knoWn as lie Ovens-Gtama bill and log baud anti reterseeln their quiilei&. wam lie product of muny mmmd. l a court oet hpî-ns for thIsaIt rocgs.andi ouf et congress. tls Europe will go hack 10 chaos.________-- If thora ie such an institution, rep- DoGais- resentieg the' public opinion of lie ITh e nrclo f rain. l,,ora 'World, and able te exert Its autherity. l'trie cty olhies thîe rnmh'tmmati they, viii grow tsabl&,We cao. etr.ia hîic-tt-r---î iu flot turfi back tntombbilu ' pllemae Plaue() a boîn îîiiiru;,Ilî publie iuow. ga.tiientigs. Ihîlththuter îîuîîlchuici 'Thora la anther point 'ibiciton assembiies sulfi-red us a rt-ant. needi unphasts. 'oîi ra leslth- l ieblot p ;sîn.l erto have aln-sys bei-n bannit ohthe churci lthaoit beeca ulishont iin ilu theomy of a balance af power. Strong- a sultahie lext bei-ntii th- annoiltie- ar races have been sel Dp te domInat. menti ot tht- week. the weaket, partly vith a view te I Near lthe endi eofte qnnuinatine tite maintalnlng stahlity anti to a grater ifisal announcement. "'N4 Services tiegreté vits a view ta malnatalnlngoc- 5uiadaY.,' appearet. andtite ntamuse. cupationu anti pesitions for thre ro- met if passer@-by anti tn tue conster, actionarles ai lie 1*orli. laation oethe church members lb waî "Tire balace of power la boru « supplemintei by the fext, '"BeTi ar-mies aud navies, iarltograeles, -.-,~sliu ani -esciaea'.m aseral- LYDELL M. MORRIS. Attome.. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Public notice in bereby given that the Subscruber Administrator of the Estate of Julii L. Ede, deceased, will attend the County Court of Lake County,- at a term thereof to be holden at the Court House in Wraukegan, in said County, on the first Mbnday of January next, 1920, when and where ail persona having laima againat Raid estate are notified and requested tu present the Rame to esaid court for adjudication. WILLIAm EDE, Administrator. Waukegan, November 17, 1919. s 47-3 ADJUDICATION NOTICE Public notice is liereby given that the 1subscriber, administratrix of the estate rof George W. Mitchell, deceased, wiIi attend the, county court ot Lake ceîînty, 7at a term thereof to be ýolden at the court bouse in Waukegan, f said county, on the f irst Montqay of January next, 1920, when and where ail persons having clainis against ad estate are notified land requested In prescrnt the. s .aieto sald court for adjudication. CAR~OLINE MITCHELL, AdministratriX. Waukegrn, Ill., November 10, 1919. ----------------------------- .The Unitedti Stes goverument vant STATr, OP ILLINOIS,1 sa lie people of tfilla-country te knov CouNTY op LAKEJ mare about. milk anti mllir produefs la thse County Court of Lake Caunty. anti- fiels- relation te buman Uic. Speclal Asuesumant YNa. 14, Vilage of Thoa s vy congrema appropriai ti 32 L ryile oralyso f tr 000 ta enable lie goverumeubal depari- Lietvie eralyti faai mnente Interestel te be atiequatelY rep- ater ees resentet at t4~ National Dsll'y Show SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. lu Chicago lis yer. Notice is hereby givea fa ail persans The United States bas bien ipending interesteti thai the Presitient anti Boardi taike>solms of meuney lu mvestigatlng of Trustees ot the Village of Libertyville, dslry condtions lu ibis anti forelgu Lake County, Illinois, having ortiereti cauntries. that a local mprovemetlt coasisfiag af a Why net take a lemmon il-o. Uncle1 coneecteti systeni et viîrifîeii ile pipef Sa néIae oeabu 11 n! nivitifiedt weu ring segment blocki tallitroucts? The place le the N,a- d tions] Dairy Show ln Chicago, fron. -sien sewers, icluding colIcretç mae- Octbes- 6 te 12. haies, ceecrete drap maniteles, concrele ________________ 1 outleftp wali, vîtnilieti tile pipe juec- Mies Julia Latbrop, heati of fie lions osed with vitnifieti dises, toe Children's Bureau at Washington anti geiher with lte adjusting anti coneecbingi one aifie country's mont noteti vo,- et presenit sIenm water catch basins or en, vmll be at te National Dafry Show mlets anti norm water sewers, he matie in Chicago thîs'year. janti consîructetla, ang anti under There ill bcertain streets, avenues, pinces, courts Thr u e enormou ei"bits anti antipublic ways -on parts of streets, competlflons of mlk, butter sud ebeeue aeus lcs orsadpbi tromait Ilparts ai the country nt lieavnepcscrt ati ubc National Dalry'Shov lu Chicago thf ways in lte Village et Libettyville, Lake yeux. Couaty, Illinois, ant inl, along anti1 under certain privafe property i'lte Tire dteInldusbry lafe hé i rysaiti Village af Libertyylîle, Laite Cunly, flot.furtitites nman's mantsi vfoti =x Illinois, anti in certai privale, propeiiy: withià anti wifhouithteccorporâ*"flinits , 131-m ý U..GVRNENJWANT ADS HAS A M ESSAGE I RATES- 0C:rtoitparLino, Lad, Insertion.f TO DAIRY PEOPLE!+ REAL*ETT lae oit, v. fialeulIt. tudtetioumer FOR bALE-Chofrc rémidellte loto. on OFrîti, $WORLU e .509). tI.$4,010, MeKiniey Av..- le, -4 eIR D iilmtclsil!lie p wdFOR SALE-Sh IIIVI"i1I mawd And Has Chosen National Dairy 1.Nri >aeLtw,'nics a P ersiemiiFunîh-s -t .W r- Show in Chicago in October FRSL-i rneVle fblilm Wooid IV. orkiîîî.C iVo4611f as Plce t TrasmitIt. exas. Irrigated lands that beat the! FOR SALE- 'hisirnut drisinlirRe. 4 -i world for richness of soit and ail year banu-saîd Kîîîlît l uitiev Itasiiu- round clitoate. Ten cuttings et Alfalfa alte itl'hotte 181. 47tf FRINNATIONS O C[T ff in une year. 200 bushels etfpotatose; FRIN 80 bushels fe crn andl10tons et cabbageFRSLE10cds well saoe frein the amte acre. Figure that- up. eak cord weod. C. F. Bunte, Tele- Sphone 30-M3, Lake Zurich 6t Degatlons Prom Many Land* Acrmu But grape fruit beats thein ail fer profit. _h 6t Sea WII B Prsan teLauÇ Wtakyeuownndbektr~t~dDELAYS THIS YEAR ARE DANGER- What Unel. 8cm Mr at te Say prove what we say. Excursions every Oum, Order stunri SScbEaîL Zio Abot hi MatIjportant two weeks. John H. lýolmes, 907 Otis hnsqtîturîr)s & Inidumtrfi-tr 4, Zir, World Industry. Building, Chicago, 111. 42-tf CtY. Ilii. i'ton.- 41) Ziîîn i ily. 2tIf FOR SALE- Illinois tarin at a bargain WANTED-TO boy pige weîghing front People ef thie werld muet bave milk price. We have 275 acres i n Pope1 9()to 126 ib8. Caîl Libertyvilie 22, and nihik productis Ie ever-increastng iceunty, Ill.. for sale at $16,01X) and it is Itick McMahon. 48-1 qunnties. Neyer was tihe fecesstY a real snap. The place is im preved with 1- --- -- - - quit. as vital as new.i odbtodstobuligan uh1WN D-1#liti(M ilees The dairy întîustry In manirof the godut d st ut A ildingthe and i uch Wan ailt-frm l l , ,r,.lrniîWoor countrles ef wsr-tern Europe bas beeut kand dr. 'r saIlt ohe l kand nd igh aîîiIgcanenîtî-ril iîiî,î In a large ineasure. destroyer] by the addy.Tee'salîtu btct ad'. .-î, ' rps ravages et the sanguinary confiict. In- hickory saw timber. This would make tant mnrrallty le somne et these Ecro- la fine borne am it a good stock and grain WNE-lîîrOiiI îkînJr pean couitirlcs, foltewtng the teoses0fI farm. If sold- by Nov. lot, posiesslun mloitI.îlLf fothil 1îiI I îre dnlry cattie ced dntry products, was o crn lie hard and some goeid milk cuws itîiilitii M ,rîî,.II l'ilI1j 'liii ua. or* aemething appelltng durlng the-year. f<or have of everything. Ih s îniy tour îA>îH f- .'.Lioi. inî . h,. and even tiew Il lttie better. miles t-ast va i imps-n on th i1 i C'. nr îîr . : TtUnited 51,1-s geverninent bas John H. IlIlnt, s, 9017 OiiîBuiling "' :I 1i i lia12 lid cormissions in Europe studylng Chicagoî, 111. 4 i2 îIi 'I \itla N1 this condition; tt tins hnd commIsislons OR SALE,-- uillblorxled tChester devoting deep stîidy te the dalry situ.WN Ii ,iLata i2 :i li Whit«ite- pigs, 7 weeksnid, weight ation tin tils countîry. liS l iIlI .-pilitilli 3.ý 10 40 Polifds: also a ro:Igimî-re C. And th(- gns-rntneýnt's message on W. hoar, wtjigtit 175 l'ouedsý, a grand- the nu-eesslty tor cantlnued andtInte- ,Liery ,î s o etWltdwotI ii trlnci-No. s:tat cri-aspii proîduciofn tof î]nry caIlle In î.îlg irea iii-î.'n i' v, iue. John , I Wt'b t thte United State--, md of fmilti and ti lt1I« ieIl, ,11..I>2. produets Is ta lie tieltvered te the na- tions<of te entîr- worid aet the Na- STATE (IF LîîIANi id O ,ie1 i'e adi tional Dfltry Show Crt tis te be field tOt NT% t iF'l-ALAS' tSi il,' fIîirîh nii ttîts )ear le Chicago frein Otuber 6 Int,, .. ry Clçut çi <Citai< tý/PriIîcî I\ Aîicd i .id îVllage to 1. Spcî 1A sesrnon Na.13 vi 1,g 0e o Lberlî i lIc wiîîiiii and vi lhouit ils As Important as Any War Measune. Lrh, pvit.,r a alemetW itarrl lteis. la hiic îî Onverniiei bsa Viitlhasn aiit Sutiy i1p-1 i SttI c l, iitIle 0î,rI e.,iL aItaed censîioi- ibis îiesaige te be as Inîpar- bPbCIAL AbSESSMENT NOI CE Iýý'. îlIit,lofai id \Villaîgeofti berty- tant as aey dulitvered te the peeople Notice is fîcrtv given oa %itatns lIcleW in fiihi ioffice OaIlle ic Jk ai the svhile thîe great srar was te progressa îeîleres.tedItiratIllie 'rcsideîit aid Board Couaity couîrt oi La ,ke CiiuîIliais, Ceegress bas approlininted $25,000 pieif-1ut rislecs outheli.iVillage ot Liberty% i'le. on ire 1511,(1;Ldil\IlAi2ua,til. l1919, pressiy for tti rilirpse of enaibiing ILake- Caunly,Ilîlinois, Ilias îng irdcfed lufI lle Pîiri ise III îirucîdiIuý a -steem of these departurents af the fedierai gov. I- taj local iniproverrîeirt cuîîsisting ai a relief andi ,turîn cers for Ilie reinoval ernment inter-sted te exhîhît at the cc,îîrected sysimîlioa* six inch carl iran 'of Storm, surface, drainiage and acentiewi National Da~iry Sltow, to detliver thiq virsisippstgtlrwtltreWlf nsi ilgadhiigpo ringiuîg past-%ar mi-sange anîl te vîsual- atend speinctoelir ilîtreaalcsin sarVIll laig of sd batîîîpro- ize te thé people-tte relation ot miik fi) drants, slîîîi aif valve, teessdspcavdeifrleiiangtsîii pe'- and mîlti predectq te huan lite. castings, andti al aiher necessary adituncis Ilient wholly by special assessrliettand Threrngh the department of state at aind matccial tur saine, be made, con- having providcd for the issuing oft h- Wasbington fermaliinvitations. were stlriicled and laid me, aîong andi under provement bonds therefur, and t he extended teril t or-lgn govereiments t0 part ai North Avenue andtillII Court in crdinîance for the sainie bting aortflii send delegations or comnîtsslens te flie saîd village of Libeityville, L4ke the office ef the Village Clerti oi safd Chicago et te lime et the National Cuntv, ILînois, in fle nîstiner shOwîr' Village Of ibni v llc iîd fiavieg Dalry Shew to get the message and .antd set otlnfic he rdînance allacînedtu applieti ta the Cou,,i,%vourt ut said Lake aie toecxchange Inormation and i 113 tvof s 'aill..ofîîLibetIv ville, Coui),ifor an ac ofîcîî ttiretofîe Ii. naia-s . u o it- u Sî e CilIllhe i,11;,e oùi Ue (erk (Aile r'aid iuii> 'lre i îto lbertef ils, lq advtsivd that alne:îtly 17 fîIii;.î (.outi.l ' of I ak e Ci îîîiii ,Ilimois. 1 andti 1as. Iii he, elar iaving been ermeents have fni-:,phd ibis inv i:itien IIel icIlî dWy 01Aii '\ - [. )' 1919, 1 teade ati ticurnled la saîi Couîrt as and wlili senti delegzattons te il,' DaIrY f(, ic, purpese i fire-ploleceion aad for sîtoawn 'y Illte coittertsstupiers iceport Show. It la prtobable that rîîany othebië-îî11plyuig watc-n fer t.iv u. Of a Portion filîr ii l te, ti ce iftIllte clerti ai aid wiil delilkewlse. 'of 'Zhe inbabtanîsofilie Village of Libery-;, <otmtyCourt' on fice t7th day of Thus, tire National DalrY Show et vile, Lke Cotunty, Ilinois, andi having Noîcarber, A.,1D. 1919, tire final te.aing t1919 takes on an International charac-' provîdeti 1er payinmrtar salti nîiprove-, thereon wîll be'hati and ic et,-eand fer. . itwIIl be the post-war ciearing ment iib, speciai assessmeat payable in 'place et the returnof the summaona Ibouse andi bureau of information on the ten i nsallments wjth interest ai the rate issuet inle aid cause will bc, on the lith dairy industry of the world. etf hve per cent. per annuni, andi the da>' of December, A. D.. i919, aiIII) States Take Notice of the show. issuing ef improvement bonda therefor, o'clock A. M. or as scion thereatter as the Offictai recognition of the importance the ordinance for the senne being On file busmness of the Court will permit. of the. National DatrY Show thls year in the office of the Village Cîerk of said i Al persons desiring may file objec- f0 th coutry nti he wrlVillla ge iigof Libertyville. lions ia saiti Court on or before saîi day wili alto be taken by governeru of dif And having appliedti 1 the CounlY andi may appear on the hearing ant i make ire n lt State ailprbbveumty Court oif Lake County, Illinois, for an their defense. asktng for a large attentiance at thi e sment codittcuao adpoe he beft.aaidaaelsament la said report ushow that Ifs mesage may be heard mentiacrigt h eeis eîoned, la payable in ten (10) inatail- by many earu anud.ta verir wonderful And an assesment therefor having mente, with inierest at the rate oftfive andi complet. exhibitu may Ill. sen by been madie and returnedt 1 saiti Court. per cent. per aunum. many eyes. -, The final hearing thereoil wiîî b had That a apecial assessment lias been There lu no person leBI»Y way cou- on the 8th day of Decenîber A. D. 1919, madie 10 raise the coal oi aald improve- neefed wth the Vreat bd ii.tudsr ai 10 o'clock A. M., or au 80on1 thercaffer ment, and flhnt the total ceai of said et fhe tUnited State»-enu industs-y as the business of the Court will permit. mprovemenî as shown by the estimafe wbose output runa Up te fthe tremend- Ail persons desi ring may file objections la $91,372.00. and the total cest et aaid ons estimated total of thre billion rtbfr at-dy n a <30000,000> dollars a year.-who ta saiti Courtb t at aadmyImprovement as showa by the report of aboutimis the Daîry Show. appearon the hearing and miake their the commissioners la 393,382.00, andt ta r The. goverment ban a most viean detense. , hs Igt he total amount asaessed as benefits important message for aMl Daied ai Libertyville, Illinois, bslt upon the public is 86102-24. day ot'*November, A. D. 19W~., Dateti ai Libertyville, Illinis. ihis lIgh TAKE LESON ROMUNCLSAM V1LLAGý 0F LIBERTYVILLE, by day of November, A. D. 19M9 -AEALSO FO NL A W. H. Studer, fhe-persou appointeti by î AY B. MORSE xlveryosi, te inteete 1 tin e a" the Preaident of- tIse Board ot Local E LHANAN W. ÔOLBY, lîutinents, botb thone engaged in uIf and I mprovements of the Village of Liberty- - ssoFRfflKfH. EGER, a tiiome vio us. mtk Sud milk prod-. ville, Lake Couniy, Illinois, 10 make saititiCo apoiaicdito make saiti a net&--*e latter Lucludlng almout .,.s- enasellement. 472 assesmient..d. IF m 47-2

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