CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Nov 1919, p. 8

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Mght TXRBERTYVTLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1919. Air',OEl PRAIRIE V EW asiECH10ST" M TH TREATY CAINOT. NEPNT NHi FASarat e prnhait>I is croillid wth lign Kue K-rDr. letcer f Saem, ade ca InGornle Auent Conotrained te Admit having qid: "P'rettiness dioes not TbdrMr.Augsit Ku r-o Dr. Fletchereof Salem, made a call in Tbat Her Soldier Nephew Had Imatter. if a woilan haes charm and ordaom. a Tusdyatte a el.beratur ag $ntdai oreceAntioch last week. Tin8 of Birth Has LUttle to Do "Thoroughnes." , energy, aihe clin secure whatever else . eI drome. op e ac aMaeth.Eraddayiago ndS.u n tiMis@ Helen hie'ullouah of Chicagxo. WithGenun --- "N"® she ®e"i""-'°v. s"ee""' p°er.- andMrsC. olh wie a sonans d adl oflehicaoys von @hrMpet the week-end at Channel iilake. -There are always pacifiais. An nu- There ls a distinction between pretti- àuy. son and, bength M*.Famltiy e d atS M %r@. J. Smithe i- very vil11at thisterriting. That Is Senator Hitchcok a righteous Irra ssure to Increase their oel and beauty. A fluffy-beaded, high- ay,01NosuembAser 20, ' beth rs . cel petlatSudy Mr. sand Mrs. fHarry Vanderspool, who Statistice Show Thent Nature Practical.numbers; a righiteous war changes the ly powdered hund rouged woman may Sr..thdy were treated ito a sur- -rA. ehme ndfailiad rsi1.made their hom. lnn&Antioch for tellepast Iyi Play$ Ne Favorites 1in Her sympathy of ceWfh pilis othes ny spitmae fthe. riy.ttore whli* esomeness, clanines, Mr. Nhmerand tellyann6Mo. .have à moved to Libertyville Production of the Gifted th e Prsident• 1 ahyo aler nesieofte lm 0owiloarmsAnte lattler is rayla their relati vesand friends. Coon were Libersyville cllers one day ie li"'a' u"Oe7o h at.seves. nlii o hrn n h atrl without saying that fal had a laslt week. where the latter has taken a Position.OnsothEah Aunt Pleace, who bas brought upll a the 1 " ently endowed. btime aud a bountiful lunch. Éoy Koten of Naperville. and a cous@in 1tumoremovaledn hPalmrohla t Weo srlgr eiv httepae ehwi ukrs.Se ». rand. Mr. J. B. Turnbull of %Vau- and famniy spent Sun day at the parson- 'tmr eordi hcoatW "rignking" ut the time of birth gov- ehwLaQukrs.S la Funnel Made Pmom Milk Bottis. ýsecliretteH. C, P ýn a'day 1@ doiingIlveriely. Mr Palmer womlan of gentde authority, and the unlta a ierneo da -,y re cllers tatheoupleyedage went to) Cuicago Tuesday imorning to enu hruhuaifadtht rmchildren were gooand ildocile, not l caonbutheoshodad e ~ ~ ~ In Thrdy oaHdkn pn oped3ealiterar'iY Point of view eertain moths diricult tobtrainhein the wa they r land Mru@. Alberttaydar visibid the w ith friends at e r are more favorable thian onthers ln K001n Observer* at Washington Feel shofiuld w trithon txe wtioDic especially In food-canning seasion, may ifll lilt, L Brrngou Fidy. lre Af edRihadsa,.idagher1W i tueH iabrand bhas purch'aseýd thle hich t ebor.That All Efforts t.o Amend the m Eu. wthoeecpti•. •c be made by cutting rtehody of an er's ier in BbantonM-rid. lt MrBIls lfed RihaêRd caddaughntir.. Jaànm H -adtriiihouseon takesreet Takito the hadred best British Treaty Will Provo the youngest boy, wans ilcharmIng but ordinairy milk bottle. Threlbottllein e.~~~ie Heny Gabe ad Ms.Augstalleeisiedat he oe Rihars omeuncareless and adventit*rous youingster; trimmed rat the desired point hb tyl and daughter, Elizabeth attended ailoat A. Richard-, Wedneslday. Tn awsmdetrghGog writers stinrce the dlay of Chaucer, no Futile.• hie ead was alwatys full of ma many un R aloo-saturated lc wd aroun nig funeral of M-@. Mary Swan in lion I10teenthaler spent lacouple dayslssta'fry-ihvwribrtn h --paad bdeas tt it wvashard toa fnd lapplying al maitch. The glass will rtyvtille Saturday. this m Ain) the city and at Planefield. 1,weis Mavlage has molli hi larmn ofl120 four m nths February. May. August WsigoAg 2. eao p hma n netig'naeog"ra ee ttatpit fe MIss Avis Payne and Mr. and ci lr, 1. Mrs temell and Mr@. Doutentier %were c es fA tic o ereWe e n< on hre Dc- Ichocic,vwho lis leaing the uight In to finish it. is lack of conventration breakhing the.,dge lam oothed.lloff ou Trio frm tborders on Loon Lake. lt1* iutywr t.r hre i i- the senate for- the )raitl!ention of tþe and aerdierliness serol y pert.1urbdn Dolph~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ %Iie r n r.Bet ukpée hemeigotecmt r . Mr ary Bojylan ha@ returned toien lellte dirit, and Thomazs peaice treaty, has issued-t a statement to Aunt Peacewho feared Ithey idctda mr he n h unli e uk raSunday. ass).-i,. net ateMrs.Alreb Th.T ur. utoc ftr pedigieerlieelie ofwil o m r mden at heefec tii e mlth ohr rimi a fudnfntlrefc o carctr .to Knotl l ce Dund as aM. busine C S day.Mr. w'i it hohrsisser at Virginia, NMinnesota n fmbaeGer!Meeit, , alof the treaty lintthe senate are o Dick was eighteen when thl, watr braike Mtor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in thisplaclThusdaytMr.andIrs.i.lohlHadrris.oAn . issnarydollok rturndhheer aui.i.lntill.Anthny eope, aarisoncondentof teirfblltyrtadefatray ou, and hi faternprmitedahmetolavele wter ýr.'and& rs H. C. Payne vidited thLe taether visited air. EnmmaKtueger a e a Ploc eurid eeA tnsworth and(]Wilki.,CC llis ametuaI ý inewt e ýriinenmets on tellefloor of rthe sen. enlist. Of coursepoomr Aunt Penéeewas This w ir lie for remnoving germ's brother and sister lin Whbumada thre General hospital SunAY lyt aehe oewP brprs orte and Addison twere both fhornaRte that they tare %wiling to go to a deeldy distresseýtd, but, hiniig once san Tlæ epuii of sal soda jilmatly sud ealled on friendm. Christ Stockman is visiting friendi>a s e ' w ille oup wum u m Chicgo Pt ln May, a le s m oire tr wnin 11" vote thtis weekl. fully and fraiy eýxire ed lher mind, ail iteeN, %orib ofi chloride of Mra. Alert Snyderanid children %were fewerdays at (Glenview and SIherni-rvllPý OInce but villmakle the trip smi- ees r tti. Moore. Bulwer Iytn.T a s Senator Hthev'ssatm ntws shte maintatined a discre-et silenati- l me. l'uit th i n anil ;learthen bowL, tMI visitors aitithehome ofthve Thre ladies' of the' Vernon -cemetery r.FakCinsît ls ek od e m .Jrmad Sr given eout just aftrroh- e left te h te erward, and took io. readling rthe pa- eadd]tw u r111.s of w at andstûr. let fisen p aret iu huod, aseito.aedecidle1 t to lhave wt eatvsi hcaoa e M bri.House wh ere enhd enerdwiri, pers arnd poring over imapii. She fe-it settle, tw o ur of ii ii the Nwater and elbr'spaent ner aucnda . assciaio .aae ·noMi-s Leonella Tayior was a Kenioha August seemstu b,,thre birthmionth rthe preshllent iabOut i -etreaty. ly expreledlher pity fore-sufertirs of bottle it. It w illI n efruit Jstalns _r. snd Mrs. George Braineird ere baEaar tie.vear, btori pbtouols, fonayr. o petfo i ha inh er orITelofetee wthth reidn ay n al aiosbt t a ude-an ee id beboriektilsti es4teli;of r.hBr wawfe of Waut- and o n mel are o a a t , . Mr-. George Jo'aneou pent MondaY lu Dryden, Herrick, Scott. ShelS t- followed a red-letter daylin lihe scn- stood thlat siw re nli t irfarie as dsppas: a uickly iwash sa a te rstofth wek.Mcaugli h me.Itwil py ou t io · ey rand Teninysn.I 1 atefor the frieras of the teat. strongrly aslever. waril i ...rr abr)loI ekM n h pe Sui .tol, le toothmMoer Apparently Novembel,.r l a1u.uky ThlsehOfr eao M u br T e a enewts thlat 114k in the A baty girl wanborn lai weekto \lr' monthfor literary 1plie, for ramongez one of the veterun R pMia ead- performancit(e of a gallant explo!t lidi anh onregtinalChuchandMr@. Lewisonl. ,those wwerevilbornîin Novembeiir are e iaginst telleShanitung amliment been svreywone-.Lter, a cont FArn Eae any.o Banday S ol1:15. - -1--The card partyand danice given laâst Thomafs Chatterton, w oin disappoint- a 9ed th m iorty f he or raelnval.1d ome vslidbte ainlle.n a*rch service11l. Subject. "The Fair Fred Parsons of Chicago e wa.' 16 Thursday by the laIes sodahItyv o1 %ih, ment and ovrt, onndtd uli<e e d hrel thns remniitee i. oe .f yrdIinlr ,lrelated the det heyrin- sil." S ripture lesmon :4 Pêalm, get ofthis sistr. Nire. K_ P. atn S. ers rhas lrgl.uatdd pa egh e; Willim Coupier, who(ufte mot e fet i ve a r l o ts tha t k y olv e ard fiheti; ick hu ers- er o i g i s i ryonde oInvitelease bmg ong .Thrdyand a very igood timurepu rte-i fered from melanchoEna and suicnahenmd gindahihatugaly anto ftee emy nd ruIleh rfine rniehmtcm TeOld MaidPfreii aMwo h:ghly sisFlorence lIroigan. wuo has bhen manra, and finally died insanep; Oliver Iamen mdmet in paticula awlei;.ti l as broghtin severa th, l.pisn : f h- . n rhrlent.hA eusertain-dan audience afIeVeral bhu[). takinmrtreatment, aitLte WiUlowbrook Goldsmith, continually im) prison lfor agaviist en me na tclir rs vevaton Suenit as obt p*se ,rv e ha ihee woal Ar FRM NT ŒNTR dred atitelleAssmbly hall ou Friday aiaimi ensai eylw debt: Joln" """in.", " s" "t " ' htwud eestt e dn hlwee p nsos "tien 's re nge in'or a- night. The P. A& A's realir.ed over 1104i .Pllesw sa 'jao years in prison, thereiby givingus•Pi- trety bact o the.power s. g ee k m lot4hree eesii sealgat rg Diebold ofChicago, pent Salt- foRh fot o hs M i " T e Mön gri's.Pogres;' witsubect to ftog.1 I ts t is the genral, th, io n among the lketlir storel h ig aleSge r.tth rprspfieh hen a him"es" wf, il, tllisiýlgIat landil Sueday whith relatives here. caasr ee MdmsGlrnpasentger Miay of passion a 1il-humlor, died ian Ikeens thobervýiers OiniWanhing.tongthat "Au sntl,"erbien.f"ik' ss es.eore Hrte reurnd Tursa McD we . ae, Sei. Msdhe t Miss Maukee IMitcheil of Ciceago, spenit Robert Loui teveso ufeedfon ento- Mcumer haslmeretn off. ters, uhig " olieve yu'rIeis froma fw dytriainwiha lord R JdPeti theweekendwetilles larhPolockealostconinul il-helth an diaryet ny hadwy tat he ppoentsjus aspleut wl s prud f Dck airWaring vesinthecity. Sr, , aioway, Jran, W . Pd • . Mr. and Mr@ Ernest Situons are, at forty-four. .o h raymyhv at ya n fun aw htyu Bbsbohr ekn ene a ru Oenu ad enyHesa adBecker. A. Wilirnan. Beecham. Goodman, ofn nothi oe nVcoi S uhfr h fvre nts' renfte at tyhat the cotroasany orputgrassnnhimaritrrs sipper afte ý apent8onday afternioon with Mr. C .Jhso n .P atn im treet which the% recently pur-hased of Of the others, January saw the h:rth te oregeatoscttoe.Ant Peace lod startled; thenthyadbecene.Ltrnth Mre. Joe Dobuer of West Fre-mont. WoodmananudGallo way. IMissAuguesaRuben Jone. of Bobbie Burns, IlyroiànuidLwt"omymn, taorMtubrse ele ihdignity : "I have notafennBbdscvrdtemche Cutteeke&a ivterr Ga@ rnadecrry omensuonherpwokyofT. Norton has purchased she tircet Carrol, author of Aiei \odr as p - hefinal anil ln ethe Shantung Wald anything, Elizaheth ; but 1 donnotadashsstewsabutoptn wrisng-ad cary ut sch pay. he f Iowa of W. 8tanley. Mr. Snodgras mand"wowsas afmu ah-Controversy." sait llenator Hite-1nek coincent thrat Iamlepleased. Thee knows the slippers hie ceswiftly runnlag 'M. " r&WMaiogma a sn.will also h ave charge of The Liberty sl bs ea Mr@ tne.Th matician' ln is statemnent.Icolant condonre combat, but 1 amsiel- toward her, crying out as hie did set oan id Mrs.tWins, &"rIdlm rankn.Basmar to be givenunder the auspices of soldthi's arm to e of anley. Moeachwas the birthmonth of Solel- Continuin, Senator Hitchcock maid: cerely rejoiced in spirit to learn that "Don't put themr on. There's a bird's 0" en==illkend rask.Fant heldosofte rebteisihrc nesortole ekown utio om &eyofbahe Blett anBreelnsing. f lizbeh 'I told thre preident that the Shan. Richard has at huit shown that he hal mest hnide and you'il L-k1 the youag Wcaira @"» b Gat. sa Turosy evening, December 4th at the busde seple antioch authe hCavrrettn roi ing. e h e tu lng amendmient- put on In the Oireignprofited! by my training. There have ne, I., wih htrsstmshre ad evra ristoth oh lak InApi wsbon h getetrelations comittee, would be defeat. been many timnes wen 1 own I have bai a ins r. Mairy iswas of ArmesMn.I.I eeratradte home. Mrs. Norton la Mr@. Clark's genius the English Language has ed byle a decisive vote ln the senat. 1 been unjust to the dear lad. I feared Mrs. F. H. eyertertai atererihywl ov ntefrmnon itmSa e'arwhietoldhimn thant at least 12 Republican he did not have It ln bhemtoacquire Wasting Light. amand& gwlwmrvl»wmàm mencL.aury soity ofte ros. be t monce. among others born ln this month were senators would vote againt the the habit of thoroughnes. But frmc A lighting vexperr says that &bout is l s@ehdkMstet Libetvi, f wo.r uto. Mr. Jenseenand childrn spén6 the last Wordsworth, Noble, Hebe, Swinburne amndmnt.wht this gentleman han told us RIch- 121,000,000 vworth of light ls wastend Ni.- adwsame-hr. s ocop the arehpter of ther study f6ewe i hcg heesei nd Herbert. Charlotte Bronte and "T pesdient see lae thd em tls ohvebcm vr eri onr hog Undba"se@'*€ramadeof Compaioa" ithMrs. th Anî aChcgosbil h, e thony Trollopewere aloborn u in 1 ttelotoer e i d ei tlhe u netalsttoouh!ve-Yeoth'sfalre to eep ind owsrglobere- - agameuee kow l issFemnit le M asing her youngess chid'o eyes treated ti ot.the siuat to in the elp moadvte UCompaion. Stooub"Y"' aletsandoer widwght ae egeaivbeted W aserdnday"67of s& i" by a specilit June la not a verylegood mnthe.thentreat orwdentoda'yb etating 0nIkI.Illfrom dstand odirt.Telightingcesill so Le e obekun herm t f F9raolitPettis of Eie, of apopleny. Johne Thaler le digging se rers tn hie Charles Rende and Chiarles Kingsley rd the a ll oteamen tdm i entIn 1 -lforith emntin is ot.T 500,000,000,il asa y miBotees e bailleurG ets Cone Wa. ndLaestets big sinletowrtrd gsedtote omite ha i1igtand if this expert in right, e ale a" einnudme ser seohWh r iondecr lctelueat The Antioch Commercial assocition July gave un Thackeray and George as welltte o a sonteft h.Loit #Mction. wasigg two-ffths orfithle. med th@W msy most ha eldi ametinglainhe so«n ha"lTueday Bernard Shaw, and those interested "liini hti sbs o ecibdteesar i ies meetemason ia an =n y lin asi tmerm hos enngwhich was weillattended. A in astrology may, fndt à resemblance the resftion lethe at Ie r egad-touseeyoeIr,"saId the bill collector. IMWOu Ie xe a, aresre:Mer.sand Mrs.Gorgde Pettisand btwenthswosairst.gettreay i he"Tte ear- oo bâtd, toobad," murmured Mr.. avery, gam e meedt e.aarrec. C. W. Pettiesiaed Mr. and number or ont of to wn visitours weratellepteber aOtoris erebohlessoflwhat la done te t ln the comn-Jobbles. "Now, what do you think of The Portuguese were the trot te Ummlaarolsayn-llrs FMed aggie. pes i1per monthadMrs. Heans and tH .tttee, where the opponents are l ilte tatlsr'v"ut. Well, Iguess that hauntnegroes in the Interior of Africa & Gnd he dar M Ms. aak ad dugter Ia ccm. r bl fWueawohsWells being bornin September and «maj oritry mcondrthehedtflotloton" orus a laes!nth cloue.-h P»WMe. OM]r»St17er»d take a linltervestin the ailabrand "The country cannot be settled uc. Arst dshient of negroes to the New pele Ms.Roays trke adgo&',1grocery store, movedi b e Hillabrand CleigKasadSeia nO.tif this treaty ls disposed of ln the World took place ln 1508, when the alvises tarsa (hicago. on thoeir way to ticber. te propeir way. Nothing will be tleIdPotgeelndsmeiSaoD- il" im a' .Iamber aM Ide nm whetolls levethey have located. honne on V-etoriastreet week. FaalyMito, yan Mttewaslog s t s enin.. ord'BoeaesnCtaac.lnmng.Sroatattie o Dhe ei. and -à P-0 Ki- &»- Tes ofaleembera of She Prebyterian New steel bare have been Installed] on Arnold were bore'in December, a Ta stebsso l u ru hti e ona rat eengoeenth ce ntur tfinin n egroe aros %69s-m « gasDaPb'ellmo ebaretemd thenampper at the Prie. she windows and doore of 8tate banikwerailleseolae Austin and Carlyle. bls ow a dl enard Bfaruch, wo c atact inte wrldasonthe guansa th e lntic wta crurie n. on .Mrm.nos m s se- 12 jrina erh at Highland Park ti week, also the rewte bueglar proof Bo there Is hope for maostpeople au was IlIstening to the statemtent of Mr. river, which partly separatesi Brazi h tatcW@ are n e e - byitfer¡ne birthmoanths are concerned. Hiccc.M.Hthokrsoded. and Argentina. The precipcee avili etepd ethe. h Lé ioloeyatr gvnb e.Jh Hthok r ichokrsol fw hehthre river pluinges le 210 feet Plotm sOf christ. le. o 1 udd d ctçd9ee Reproducing the Talmud. th.bai ee T cutyi ighe, thait of Niagara heing 167 fe. Alpcue fCrs o nel 9. a a .heiomeofMr- »st Etee Î & Horenberger and Dorothe 'Il! .,-Il! no( ""111:1 I One of the Ielrcumstances due to rapi oig ota1onlso.Th hAurc sJ.13fe ido nerepresenst the artiste' Imaginative Miamosi Thusda. , egiiase ateedd a ous pary a ozaus oi waain l mnit.oMiw the war Istt it h as been found nec- •wntatin...bout twvo and a half frines lasi- w i s coneponbsdmrores r. Md d M J. W. aHuslchtig elleandel ao-etawek.nd 'nO* Wuo-Ma1U1eil sary to reproduce thé plates for p ." edletation.i" M. ithcck agara. It ts eslefimated that 100,000- liat ao herdecptosf i .il Anna DearZlove were Milwass" W- N rieýim.wr an Uaneazaa Ol :l"lýý lpiol ultuduf printing telHlebrew Talmud, orig- add t aha..Mrfeieto s MndmntHtonk000 tons of Nwater vas over Niagarapesoalapernc Te oksof sitreTursay nd ridy anu amty oat.fordineriai4t -uilu, gon pn inll poduedintheton f il- > te fregnreltinscomiteewil i a hor.Alaktisimtesivs heLeoare a Vnc ad Rphelar un. Harry Kohl of Chicago. apenS a .f , 'Y .. . brtá ljl urJN ý afnausi When thbis City was vca- he voted down when It coes up. W, falls Of Igunllzu 10to0tonts. the earlest acceptable ones, s opl ayel edt we.ek with Ue. rrs-y.Tw Mie q prrt" r i'e, i ii s.r e arletwr -ped have rat least 40 Demflo,-ratq and '2c àt Mrs. Mitchell- ie - a Modyn t u 2u ua nlaijnp fur amunmilton. To remet thle work R-pullIenns whO will stand tog;etlir---- - - daugr tarrived at tu- TniUEA n ibe oudtk ea iha aos o eienments. ihvote anr d Mrs. Arthur BHrl mal Fr y u!.d >%trdiary ou ltt. wie w lean il 1 .f he so large on others but Joy embe r 1t.d - Æ tthu . p- Inn l t is found nii-tessary that thre 'bou frty leit r r kin deny~~ýl To nradWltiNsatir u q - q op -'l m i.ýlu puel Plates shouild be madle by phtbo-.ngraqv-9 Wa partyatiteehome of AM Ilrg- ry N,,r u u j ». n imp Ing, tand tis w lrmisno% helingfilne it t eir) 0en ",Ird le Mne Wheeler, Frida eilIven nai oIs ul i M nrelune teaupce f the HivIitc(f h (k pe, eei ht lre. Hiram P>artlett retiluned bums rs'sur; sadnS b6mzaaus T-ntfon Of Orthwilox Rabbis of telleUnit- tr.ty w oir h 1e Ila til by thIs X i day aler m niding a fI w dayis atiFron -- States j e nol a' of t.v b r at theY ll l14 hsome of hier daugzhter, Mrs FraLieeLtesmeAan The Talmuel conlains ,00 pages, 8 libtna thedu neabu Friendsh-ip is1, 1! w hlrh, wheon It by 14. and it is divuled jInto 18 vlu e lls.pillti f t. Mrs. Hannah I arby o ibry(Asfiwd yho-rvilneoFac- h irtvoueisfnihd adth r thliParish House, Libertyville, Ill. ýwWf» ber augher, Ms. Alrt D) e,.Ordent, mneilIs vew i- l rkennat mron e il s eond i nprint nw.Itle est ated N:I i A aier dtya cughedaysr Al t v rihgt n itr fri a 19 el'à.t o ears b .i ,rI 1 .pu «v oior iWEDNESDAY AND T HURSDAY Barman Brockman was a l'a!atinie iM W. A tt.r 'fAywJ, tpLt 1fbthe ore lerl do wve discern te iopi .ýthill u ol la t D CE BRordaddt tur one day last week, d gla Mr ats.r, M l.or hopl- estoring licoi ts for- Army Animale Bought Abroad. thopnnofheL u f - rs. Wm. Stoerp and n and Aire Wattier mer stati . Coairse Stones, If they lbe Not all of ro the animnis usedl by the toslnrvdatrtevst oteÅrnBohH m okn ,$"is T newreog rvvitsTh, hazlar gi v en by teciddren f t!.,.fratiured,my bI-cemenitéil again: United States e.xpl,(itionairy forces 1n l 11,o \bi e lse. Comre0w vD h ste 11,mem-Boh oeCok âaday. Grammar schioi oulna afrtwi o , spo nenvr-utrS. TLou- overmens s vwre takien froin ille; he 1evnt hsimi te. irtold - Apron BOtth Fish Pond tire. Clavton lHuteWI e ,, n ! hughter Il a i ay Iv, 1e don. counitry. More thain twice asoi matny Lthe rIlf ien mtle 1,;,s Ather son Il Wednesdaya- Sp i hi e a rdwere bugtabromli. The total num- tolr"e r l ihoehe " n tl, a, d IA. ,Unadl;ke 1ehavo,. s yr e-e ;-; eChicken Dinner Thursday Evening a r t- atern th aut. ernce n i i ohl ofenlingchtomes of hor-,s in lFrance oamounted - Bterial Place is Exclusive. DCM E t S h Boem t rioetl. her fathier ,nlil, .: on.On onme to 1M09M8: lin Slnin, 1.531: nndm intr Onle of threamost e m, im buirial venu,ý undy partleut!nr r in h.. had ftd"P (GreIl Britin. 11.18. Thre vaiue of pil:wen s in thew Norl is situinti'l at0 C n sa d 3 e t : yurgd tu an1 1 h.1,, r; Shfedratlotelereceiveýr and h l' axnked for tellepurchaseslin Flrnc, w%aie$43,1'2) 04; Harthile In Westehiester 50cehtoan.35Nenw ent ttend-olit, were gue f IIMr. num erfni - r wiinllg about Il mi h mi Great lirinin, York, a short ride friom the nos rewmb a a h s ma un- * hma iut tæo o tldhr ooag,5 4 11Po i l n llli-of $4, e y(, i.Ir n )erlea. lI i It H resltinF low dbr of te l ks'M1,Tu.myin upbea - im u wa buy. fte E M for 1'2:.'-77 hors;.s pr phe in,- of lthe dogq rend other psof lthe V4e ho- 4. q'li ehesh me. iheeclimdtoheIveITll d OnIber of m swnnby ogs alreonot "thrown Iinto lth, aredvitæ i st I'landthi U ertve g. mohe, ou mg eoe y: "O , purchaused olver I- Iinmoutnted tol 2!,. grmmril" nt Hartsdinte nor are they Worupin .oodl tih, -!hUrc(-Il,, : e rnm]i ainU ny hsdmeofte07,l)with «alviale of$115,1.The-rF N.ft wIth nmrely in stlek of wood to, DEA N C ladie of t;- l, Lie et d oril, em boi d the .lisone'were 9341 n li>p vlueid atI $2.m 28, Indiete vwhere thy Ille: Many Iliarts- ildies01of tIý nnumr e" akye t af tebie i ibrhpuir,,haseç-l inrane:1211 les, ldaite tombistonres cost ias miluand ne Tickets, 35 Cents w attended the hagot of the wStmne VOL. Use Paic PATIE duffer a luit of lion ref which dent by déclare gay for familles. a home méediatel money, tor has dependir care or seem tg ln Most The d the strIk they did an solon 'ho are had to for as are the doctora' visit of A erta whichi kt rnt f1 drmnuse dy-they alcelsa to.-and warmth th eadi Com the round moat @WCr 0&, not b or his de stable? Why it Why or Read 1t W. Sec aka was >authoritie motore lu arrest Wa tion of at 1 fIllinois ed beer Owsen on erly re Orian An ordi Mghth at \ictory as night This i matel The pa: the :nonth An tity ora rui was Sho

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