CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Dec 1919, p. 3

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LrUERTYVZLIE IXDEPENDENT, >Ju 8AT. A',DECEMI3EFR 1,1919). .U CI1PL N D N Ii.' break. for lit wua realized that If a fire TO DÀRK ESS DY any ritart it miîght do a lot of danil TOIDRKNESS BY 'nWI wa r*rsoin TERRIFIC fi AL E 1:)1,>acl - - 1 l , ' t s, ti Lai' ,n buildling Storm also Puts the Fire Alarm ;s nr eet wti. r.. a <'bnnfe> ~-Systemn Out of Commission; hîilf~u llih'n Does Much Damage. l~d~î Oi îOTHER CIllES DARK ALSO t<tifeltu.' <'lt *vçrlgia. wi .1t lioni' lot'r whil itil w;ti fot ai( Waukpgan wa's viltedi Saturday panried by zero weather l 'wa nsgKFit and iSoiir .îI tiot nil a b> a ilft) ia i p d ropinutternlierîttir.' whili c Mlle gale ti tint(ti"esl iiitei damlae. inartk ed <on accolant of! hi. v. o.iit " 0119 the.. note , 'rio,' '>letl'l' tt ri . intL vas the ptwî,nr ng lto arknesr of; practicaliy t?, , riftire rit vstje' al oe orUsTbeo the we'.t jsîdi l tiI Mrt'I oi!hr -otir forlitl f T Fibitii nourh > 'l ri. - W4 s.(î*jil !;if er <iplltl iiihsi>'(s'. ii windoa' , ' Ils il Flvn n dit av.n- (11t1 ' tti ' f ' lýI"' ii,11: i -1 'ingt. tto i l , os,'rtlo'r. I!î ,11 Iii 'ii dari<ne'msu 1i h,- liii' u i srnil Ii l ~siti ii. i ~ ~ ' thre silutI o '5 i 'if us liii..s trouble sW . onît V,, t In iii l I h . M -1 ti, 5Vi î. ' nide. 's' O 0Ilia55"',i J City ' t'W,, ,.1 j. o ' At tii ii night. Is.jir' I rr' r t,. l'l, Si' - lie ' r SC i ris îî ,sî , r. andl r- pair the t iast Tlhie tir. î v.î ilt nIon Ii,-. iirsj aide watt tsi' rittf 1<'1 t i. 'sn m I,tS ~S~ a lars'r u.F- ,' il' Ih. NIIlan hîiiî Titii s ' ic ri n Grand a: i, srI i 's'~ t:."iiNp., i' ",'tj . crasslred , I a'î'inl 't5riiî li' fr.ttrr tort tiuil .i)".ii17 virem. j ' 'tif O1ýIt:.. Il h,1-1, Tlriyîustlîr li, l). fr t, I i 'îi to the 71rl' Pr a r iIpýr.rtpaliii rited s at'.iare. n~j t". s 'r k Csmela ari.sosld e'esy- wheris.scientiftcatly 'sajd MmSd thi. cartn , lts-hei &Ooi or office oupply sr IL J. Reimoida Tobanut Co. wiatm4%due N. C. ever ~o~.r. Ç,amî,'î; t - anypricoI P,,. factio:r t ta'. libcra " Y.i.ui.r . tnnd ettvrti', ft u ..C À1- Fatrifrora an.,,' urple.' tS'.tsirtc22"wtty udoî'niaý ,ýtj y .,ble. d In f'.ct, Carrais aupeal 50 'n.~sies.' wa asyo . rît cver, c. r'rx ui ' ' ', U'Il . dKY ONLY, LIMIT FQR NEWSPAPERMEN HERE IS ONE WHO BECAME A BISHOP Rt. R«. Char!.. Sumnner Burch, for Tblrt..h Y.«» an Editor, Now On.e1~ of Joint Cominiauin DIr.ctlng Na-_ _ _ _ _ - tlon-WdeCampaign. - frlLYMNHi. POilER, <'PIONEER FLORIST 1w AND BIUNTER, DIES Death of WeII Inown Wauke- gan Citizen Occurred Sun- day, Following Stroke. WAS FLORISI FOR 25 YEARS X.sili'ra.[tc'nbii blshop's robes. S-.tiayvi iC t heNavY itntplss'. dec- Wa> tWt11lo I>tani tt . l For 13 yenrs b. vWUChrarles Summaner Burl ewl le illJ 't;,) i i iil"ntîilràerrp of 'Y o" isisaun hiith sil,' llorîst. a,'res ilockl paper edîtos of KmasaCity' and Detroit.Todaybe is i . n' ii ri nie- O ls'rlîed iout in one loi, Nai, sî tIhsî Istrsl! litsi('ils î the Rlght Revs. Charles SuinorBurch EplecopalliubOp tsl ian it ' fi tîip n the lUnited il ..t! . 'i. V î ailsit. îti ; i 31, 'îoî 0<ofNew York. i i l i n liri w ts te d y i l aplan tii'I.t5îîitî'îa Iîig!i, Formcrly bis words vent from thse typewriter to thsefioc ý l.tlteI nal ani~ 1l ttlI" 1.uit lrîss' compoim ~~oomn and an, ta thse columins of thse dalie*,Iirtto'a obl andttosî belp mo dpublic opinion. Now tisey g o ont to thse-1,t. itlnzth -! sfil; of alie, members of tise Episcopal Church in theii. f ew ;09 ,l r l,'n il N . Vol;. York, and beyond, bplnz ta inspire the. Ciurcis t. 1,'ýi n l5;. lie' îtîii,'solaks 'i, petti epnibilitis which thse day of reconstruàc-fr*i1,n * rii- . 'l ',arnd %ti lI! on has laid upon lit. 5t s, i For viien thes upreme body of the Churcis. thse triea- 1'i r, h r -r.r111i iiri t V', u . ,,iel general con'vention, met recently in Detroit-the isie i iiii j 4 i' i:1. YI dý1 cty visere the Blshop of New York once turned out ilIt ,Y copy» for thse ?ress-it apponted him ta the jointri iii) i s iCommission wich, vlth the au th ont y of thre entire i ' ' '~' hurch belrlnd it, is directiîîg the $42.t000,000 Episcopal d w ,rirjoît' 'lit i ' ~~"~" Nation-Wide Campaign by wshîcl thte Clircli plans a is'iYtti pad its work In ever>' fidd play its full part ini î~' li il li 'an. , i building a new order ont rf the prrsent chaos. Ili'1<r ' r u :,'iis-m,.'r.îiriiirg, andr Bishop Bnrch aaw-perllaps witt thre old "news senti"a . "" tInt' i iti r "r i III ha Milii.' r rr'isîr --thse importance of the Nation-W.ide Campaigo from dbat Pol'î u , ri. ii' ui thse first h rP.iiI'o o i i' lài ' shIv'Poidecn- aIlih,,'sbi frs patoaladres a '514.': ' 'lieI, . , thse Diocese of'New Yor', foUlowin his elevation to the, 1 1,2 blshopric, "lias furulshed is, at e o cr .1 by i!-l, lit, 'i l it s o%,5r jlà, new mutilai relationsip, with a task wortlry of oui i , t' ' j"I'j l , s. jîs'"ve île'Ii;, r'i i it ', l iei Nation-'Wide Camplaign R iutended to reacis 'or -î ii iI tr i.à:ij tss'r. andi taucis tise le and purgese-oi every 'marinii ssirisro'onsisa ur z,),, n and chid connected dîrectl>' or remotely wi tih. ihe r ir oi tî'fo h i i \j'1'1'i j. , îri Chnrch's existence. If the Chrch of Christ is tholad t4's 's i ris itti tos i- ssii!l be là hi. fifait ta nd conseve'the g"tispirijallis'u'rwone1 asis througb h enesciie willingly offered yor:Il11 iIIlrze 1, r rave en an bc" in th worl' spir ta v a1u , it 1it.'t " rt1 .ri, ; .ul.ii 'ii iistils !rniri iiýevrlou - j'i Il"'iiinil'i'.li !t\'a. enflat awakek in ach man akeen &eau.of s iIi rusi li 'It b i1iisut'ri10 ome Ills riîilt:l",ài a mair'ili b' po mbM1ty fe onsetTllg tise.valuesi- lrl: Llt' 'il"I ng II -tsiri .îit v fl' -vi l s i "i le 5. >s ai l Lt i 50, st e' L si It h C i lpt arit clttît lrs'ing sutifclant per- i ai or h se in,,f,, Ilî ~~ j1~Li "ie]i Cal II ICIC nt IEah st.trbtadivs ions and ii' l ti uhslitr I' .a' t ruli' " ) t ji ait_ M O R R IS , IL L O L J i j ;,itt sîl, ss niistî o I l brigade , lm te, WiiV.tiks'jan a lt rt' lila.r i t L'i '.l 5 ~ r ii i i. , à 1 i rss tti ' ll hsar the,' niler or tire ' inc, thai t'lit lis t ? AR E ,1 i ài O' * '. 1 AàII....ilI. .. litiitr .!tre uls nflo r.tîl-lt S. 11 101urut 11of >i i n I l ithe,. ii su' il lii îttIt'sl'5't9 ln nttrt 1, (1:1;.)~W9 i, 7 ,I7 pl , 1 pIpî.lîfiii legierlation Ir fortht-onîfing frosu I. asittwo onsu.ndta' ~ Ii 4 j, ttoi ti.".'îraj LU1tU IIfoi'Iil[ congrtis. will depend soylel>'upon thre daýj: lln -, flarol and Mrs IAonil ' rit lotr- tIandI patriotism of!herfeva P l %auktgat. laud- f 1-5aconi '-,a;:ý Il Michigan Harborst ti0on. II.a nd Nrs. Am,înda Tliomp'.on o! Homes of A. A. Angel and G. T. r,:. tI f tiiM it r, xpn Basst's Letter Explains à urth('Chicago. atrona e hrntnBoe no I i niî j ff l,,Isît' itîIllehs~îatiuiuî'. r' e of Tryîngthe Case At present roearvîsîs cannot iere r- Stutitial i tu Iiiajinuî haliCostrMany limes theokenllstd for duit>'tor ans'sort except In Ili., l'îok la he h.Wiite and Tobin Sundav Niqht. 'i.', i. rti snd Itîs t' luiks ale0fthlul. case ofhy theioeigprgrpsa l"uns'ral Honme. Grand avenue and Ge'- - gt.\Vhil i Vale.oflssMle.sîtiolsue,' i"s uttisafflh o fi s'. treet. Rev. Ganster officat- il I harles uit. Micli.i"oî' the i Iean Admiral Bassettîs letter. This ing, interttent ho Mllhurn cemetery. LITTLE LOOTIS T AKEN. d a,' < i.ia% înat ' tlà,do) gan. SIT ED SX YAR G.siy 1 Mr flotter liad been a member of! "CtA)ea abrlinl. ATDSI ER G. Altirough tire act approved Jul>' 11, thMioi og o prb-wueaIenbl .Moliuo Saginast. Illack Ciintutn a'o 1919, provided that 'During tire fiscal longin ta thre Bine Lodge. Royal Tao is uit "hieirohm.s a , . - ouge rivet,. MleIl.,the 811f 'rir Te fanoua Morri's ib>Iet3 mule year endlng Junel.30 1920, no member Ar-ehand Commander>'. Tire Masons larîreul Sursisà eiiing, ,%<ti it. lu.,l<ssjît l ked. caille up fora tiearîng today in circuit of tire naval re.4erve farce saed! le will take charge at tire conclusion of Itire*amisthhI ' ries of !. f'l 1;;rlcour'. Airy. A. F. tlcaubien explainesi recalled te active dut>' for tnalglug thie regular services. tarit% sr i lt' work. th, ~ lat fils client, J. P. Morris of Annapo- or for an>' purpase except as irereto- whe' -s',s-l uitse ilr L.LIJ- IIlis'. ,laslit and califat be present. fore plii'1'ded.'lit flebelleved that Emploer Mst Py fQr tiOtl <s I.flàsj ioitd,1h7 ur RELEÀ JAI143 ut. akesi for a continuance but Judge man3 o! tire reserves are analous te ('<tînt, Sti(et, ai 9:25. 1). ni. Tîrey v Ed'sards declinesi ta grant It. taklng be.comne indentiflesi wirtirte partieu- Death of Mob Vîctimj loiind Mr. Angîl waiting in froOn 1 the position tlIaStihre are sufficlent tain unit In tireir localîr and vil rg- By a decision o! il itreste Industrial tirehrose. il, reporter] tiris ' 44.U 51 lE ta littrolnae ralps ovluntaruîy for Instructions.-, board Ada t3ozier, 8951 Praire avenue. ire retut'ne,î hou ta a'ndl sartetl 'o uitnis'Ie vitronStirhe presence of Mr. Mor- Tire Offer of enlisement In thse reg- Ciao do! ofHenry Dozier. ta Ilos'k hI loi h.e ht>as'd iOtfu M I1 E V Eris '. Tilt. la tantamount to a vlctory alar navy la being ireld eut tu ailr.- Negro Wôrkman, ls awarded 3,50 ao s'abotut .n4isîs. IHEê likiît it M XC N E VC foiJames 1Doyle, tire defandant. RenlvissWitirtire banasof four ble pald b>' Morrie & Co. as resýuir <'(f acYstalio a re'et to tire home o!fa-il,__ Here are soute !flire outatandins mantirs' wartlme PaY and a thirty.dSày r Dozier's deati aStirhe !lands o! a iiob neigirbor and îalîeîî tie police. 'Ed Adams Oreedt e e facts In tis most unuanal case: leave before reportlng for dut>', the, o! fellow enployes on Etoirange ave- When Poîlicemen oIlicks andi'sc Me-I U o di~U Original vaine oh mule. $225. >nlstment tera in> for tire remats. nue. Sontir Chicago, JUl>' Il. "lie de- l'ssuu' nt,îresî iretipouse e i.v for Coast Guard Duty Sub- Case iras bàsen tried lhree timas iba- (fer o! tire reservlst's four year emli. cision fil regardesi as tir,,Initial inter- foîînd m-s suYî hnri oiily-urvy oe et lrsriigsain ai pretation of theIlîlinois vnw mnslatlo', 1lits-vli, n ivr >jo~i jc oCla nlime. fore ansi ttrny ms a ent lnctilgsain andtl)8lve meIibeen instructer] ta canvass ail retervos I compensation lav vhereby an ample>'- h.'. titipen ti uo l Etrance hau. - amouoled fie thosisands a! dollars. on Iris «afer. is l financlaîlly responsible ta tireh' I ,nji a alndow -ORDER CAUSES SIIR HERE. Litigation started aven six yearls dapandents o! an emple >'e killedi irva he hi onjned Tetef1-a. mtrescaps d tirroughi i.' nasarent douiî -1 lin wast ereat "i In Waukagaiii Morris won case twice-Jury dusa- ENTERTAIN YANKS in ths icair. ,touIti stlien 1is i.'.lear'ned tfil I I ,greed falt irrd trial. At i ~P. l tiirulI iras reuesti Ailtti. tf this lity, alo s n n Marris clans a tire placed a mule fruu li ;'tl . ngsuîhin 1 u'nas.s r-;asdrna tt10 in loies Pasture anlairtalonerwien AM S IL S r [î'l 'uisnlite Chaning- ssuîhall jot- t.ceiM lorsleus la iral AND edliaIitirarauredSOhl tons retur-nodul l îi'tliv lundi tîat i n i'ai'.dnt'.- s I, go to Teata tnt îlotle sent back a decreitit old animai W insdw illtlial en inui a nd aasilîl tneit., t' , rt u oast gîtait!A- t uit wts practicaîll> onthle-ssa HaP ~j~Jf A ilkui'. n hl 'l ., tî .k'n. M b h l, ig "lloe il saystth> ainsisled lit waa' hi. ot ititilaIN D 'l t i gi un il - I; I. lrikpîact.lcl '0on- I i.. iiri'iy mien whîî ,,:ý ant iltai he waa airligesl i.,repevîn sid, i.til,. j .lsnii~vinepait sli' s ut1u. roiuhiis r ta 713 is .owO .uiule. Many aaUregan Homes Are nu lu' î- ,.i'rii j, îîîîîîîîît îta ir. i tr t. nI 1 l r lld h 1 titute itittod ui -11, -it lla ult flai Il ,lýil Il fif(,clriring Iîto Ii- ')crigiv il Opened to Service Men Who e ' ~ traI, ti . ..ui.sîî lu, the hur i ' t i l th. . ' 'l 'Ilius. oaàii voile, uni! I l ti lt iuîia o itn '" I li ii . i l, te b r il,:1i,,, j t. rl id it nlo t ng 1<, f i) Ii 'l' ht'n ci-Eat Dinner Ilere. $500.000 FOR NAVAL SIA. 'nr t 'nl. r'lh.hf il<X'in . r slii otu OPN O'S A IE Y t ' .ii.rI t. iior sutet! . i i iung l.,I. i' h :c, ' r l tt 'lti i nit -; Ilîsilon- ss'u te open- This is to be Used for Dredging i" u, ii " iui"Iis 1lt f., lui t to atirl liii iitOl].il4 to inrv'sn e layto recesve r abrand Making the '~~ 'r r)],5'u ia"t uistiii ui is rrr lruirlr Many of Neccssary Repairs. 1 '1i Iil. h, s id t -la ; : qpi il'il, ilMi r I nrr uI i rs'svsutu1t fit," ,YIj , îI I uhý'. a, is'pr.'s'snt- iI' - l, ilt tle ]>ltl['l I . lo tl d 'rtcel il tit i ls ua sîsu tîu htrougl tire j , r i n O \t l ll ,ilî 1 > ,, 1 l 'ru. li. ' l,it tI ti s-ruIrill di i i er- it'75 rutsle i t i . -.i > a a r . I ' ' 'i t, tri r .., il- tr il i l; t'. 1 t :i t II O iTli t rrt iIr(l!i I .uî i ii t i, . s a day 't !~îYrj. i i '~ il l liiitirii~ ~' r' j " it ' r Ai , i " m'uuoi l'!Th ît]nts If ai %lit il r1 '\lur'N l e rît"' . 1: 1 r. i i k[lIERE.lo' il Io "'r,1 it,! . d n - ut Il. ;in mio i î 0îîi't fo 'il n ' eni.,i i lit ir-VI L a e f r P ri nd e, 'ut i u u ii 't sh'.'iilr't easily tle s: it.. 'ii' 'r" hiver uit ~ <i'<~ tirRussell Forrester. i' ii"îstts 1ts o ,,,rette o 310l î i r...r ili?7 W',, wîri~CN.ii' tr ' iii3 t% Ii.1r 1s l".! iext, ac- Watikegan Woman Answers t ' tt'ît's t 'II'i 7rl ,' It' ilt.Il'Ipin fil, te -i Li I '.','rid ai titt i 'r ftîs ar ils",r il i '11mui tir,, lt's I tslu i sr. i' , oit fare sa ws"ll. Their t' j 'Itiri!n r* . i v M tbl iun" Ai the - r. ' îet~satis- iînrîî'r n r .ui.&Uur uery: ~lJhy Did Brundage I lci i I ~ ., ;j",l,".~5: nuis r 'îrîî. ii'ansd Go Over Heads of Lake Co. ls .toi',efi lo . i I. 'lut' tIt. tr1- ' 'uii ' 1 isoits'or- -~~~ rit,'srir r îrjr il; 'till. liii'f'., h . lit Prt<luIr i.1ttittrf ia titdrrers 'r' iîorîatten how idaIy.e ' . - 'tN,î.lu'.ri \t, 2' unr t 'jss j ' ' . i'. sTurkish Appropriitir- . -ked for'the masn- j t I j fi, uril i h. ' i ' i r . .~ ,'uI-,o lui- hcsa., t, Ildnrj-'n ohf Wsscon. trritit 1if. à 5 ~\VXrIiti "nr'.jF4ILY R U TE -ý;0 ulli : sun in ivers 'and, "tinciade $175, A IY EU T D n. IJ very COQ fan Mitwa'uj' ' .$"3000 fer thlirs ' a 'tserr i ssurs'gorî'uî v. rtic, us .' In .rt. y t'î.rflt IFoux river. $16.51 0 for Orilen Pay , h v, l l, lt' siuttu rj n i <omît ii)s'n lus i ruj r' l I. j o $12.000 for tirs ",rijeon ha a nsil"" , .i .o là,itîîr asik 4'd s us i t j i i 'i i r i j ' 'irt. P h. "'rtaste or any Lk îrtr .;,s canal, $6.600,for Il' ,) l t ituioi-ribo6uit m,îoer. ltili itu Sr u z-, .julisa tbey are Kewvaunee and i sI 0"0 fon Kenosha - W,,jl't'itnlie.,2 ire sur of $.5 000 s asked for theîiî r.1 'lîl îoîî>011 iy Ils' udIt l jr 'l u s 'i' u r S I filitranrd '.u-tn .ars t ia l iI gtît' ri thie r. ý' , ".siroket- in mt na c f tt iagn a aine.111.tIn tItt'i,,llii 1s t". ellla 'sîfie rie lis' tlic' ' '; î - si tit~')i lt 5sttý, 1 .ý- i t FtI rs' i - lI r , I' u, <ri ai'.reh r'.- w L r 1 I : fcoupons, Fund for irsai ni 0g Station. iii sî ti e i 0ui 1I' fire- aytlt,îmal'le Iuît " ii *r Iati r s luii t us i- I 'i - t îoiln ;le or d E rrefr Ciîxa f.. - '--Tire um of $50000 s askedi for have ts sitliving nenîr ilerc rt i nii.rtt Pit" nd! ie arr j-John )rfrCujthe Great Lali' Naval riing Sta- 'nsIiw vsirai 'm tllklngabout. NEMilt'iîhist %tI' ' PI" trnf iintiit'. CPou' s! 'ifN' ull an Thtisfather a.trins snzjude'. $6.000 for sais- +iroste places are opean sp toisillîe, lwo us îeuî Nîr' ss , t.ttu 'ti stIî'lutr uiIsr aur'e 'ntne _____________________________ ries. $100.00for wages, and $394- aiud sst ouir o'clock morirings-- anîl frsr ir lai't Tir'rl'tiN- nwh 'n, Dosn.îrastd, tTii,eisti> fromu 000 for CquispfliCt, matenrial, etc. surely peopît' art nI liringinît potttat", Tonugl tIrC t -'n,'U'î f l"tlu i: intt irt igrt.ta maie 'This ta as agarnat $1,307,800. exiiend. seii'. ulire Itltite of fil oii'y 'ttorep t il bcli l si iti a liii,,'il ilr rnte triain k' irul fuir tise ed in tire fiscal year 1919 and $850,'.____________gastr 0 i s'. t is'îîî.rlhi iuf il 17IG Il preseti-tars '.as i tir a ,Jtln Burt. 000 appropriatesi fan the fiscal >ear Postry and Prose. . jtIitliiuIif Mti-ttrtt t hotus'. TiI-1 Ciyt.a'l'i s".Burlt 1920. NI r, l'.es' llorrk eus! luirtli tru'.et,.. ,ail 011.s ni' rt tn.î. 'I . t fl iths, Itritisis For ithi m'intenanlce ansd Imyrove- "Aeroas tire Alps lies ItaIy', May' bu il sis Y ro! tIir utr' tjIl i nhî'rttsiîu rtils' sîTti r-shli-1urs .'vs',l vti IMent o! barbons at the Moutirs o! a gaod graduatlng motta, hut a igh 1 iiili Ir it t'ia. t Yut r tltin t't555 fisê'Am riprc n Esuus'îliion irvforce&. thlie Chilcago and Calumet rivera nnd *laol clagIn Kansas chsse firde: Mi% rwfflatt'uultwili snter'tiffn rThloir- î"' îrilrttss. trîipfruor ingIand at Indiana IHarbor, In&.-, theire numofIBes'ond uts lesSire suîwhuck finit theraiaI dinîîsr hart sinlu uunor o!fNMiss ho Watikgan in il dr)I> siria on lie $991,0f) islasaked. Thia Inctudes s.'nrtli."-Boigton't'rttnscrlpt. 'Gilbertt fier firt.!dJ uext week. vatpr finre day'. ACT TO ORtIANIZE NAVAL RUE$ERVE- AS MOBILE BODY Plan to test Readiness of 350,- 000 Men for Immediate Action. BASSETT SENDS LETTERS. Out of thse noiae and tension of editorlal rooma, me.- have gone le poujuion, atragely eontrms<d to those they left. rage ThrS 3 «Ponn rmý 1

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