CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Dec 1919, p. 4

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LIEBRTYVýLEINDEMqD IBE 4,119. LIBETYVtLL DoEPE~DKT, THTTRSDAY, DECEFBR4 99 M'ry~ UeIndependen Sports Doom Foot Bindinglin C ia ~ l~p~ssJs, -Waukegan Weekly Sun OfficeTeleph Ne umnbr 1, Libertyville Exchange. * £neredai ~.îr crîT î~-îrvlll, II. a Secôt~id Claýie. Mail Matter 1 Offici ai Publicat ion for The Village of Libert.viile. Officiai Pubilcation for Lake County Board of Supervisors' Proceedinga leaoed EPry Tbîîr."luAîiv-, xizlgitrtpes ade Knou non Application SUBSCRIPVODN 'PftCE, $150 PER YeAR SIRICTLY IN AOVAN CE * .J. SMITH ......... ............................................................. Loitor PG. SMITH.-..... ................ ............................................. manager! ,,WM. M. ECKHAROT .................................. ...... ... Local Mans.cer, TAKES HIMELFP TOO SRIOUSLY. Mayor Hoan. Zocialist of Milwaukee. makes out a C oor ase for himself in "explaining" his recent unwill- lesu to welcome the king of the Belgians to his city. The trouble with such persons as Mayor Hoan il that they are too much concerned with the divine right of Hoans. They take themselves with excessive seriousness. They tbink they represent a superlor political order and that they must flot unbend and be gracions to any repre- sentative of a "lhated and outworn regune." 0f course as a zhatter of fact King Albert is as democratio a person as one would care to meet. 'He has no false ideas about the divinity 'lthat doth hedge about a king." and if May- or Hoan had' put aside his narrow prejudices and met1 thé, Belgian monarch. he would have found it easy enough to get on common ground and 'share in a pro- fitable exehange of views. Ijnfortunately the Milwaukee ,Mayor preferred to wrap himself ini a virtuous air of aloofness.-Providence Journal We're flot at war now that anybody knQwo of-yet It is harder tO get sugar notr than during the war. THEN we had oui' allotment per person. NOW you get it when you can get along without it mnost of the time. Thua ebile what Sherman said of war may be true. it also goes in peace-tiznes as well as far as sugar la concerned. They are committing suicide down in Mexico City because of the belief that is spread that the world W~ill e4d betwen December 17 and 20. Now if everylz MWeian could onlyr be made to btieve thý!" F-I fa0, ha à onft.c.. a ma UUUÂC ka. A T;4 8tates. One thlug la certaii to a nend between the l7thb Rot ieé fa r away if thinga have of ae WOULD SVURNDER AÀLLEfiED BEER.R UN- NERSTe SIERJFF hn lMeyers oI-Cicago Serves Notice That He Wants to Get Off Bond. MEN CANNOT BE LOCATED.' Because John Meyers or Chicago Wbo Rigned the bonds of sever.1ai ai- leged beerrunners bas bec<rne tlred Of his bargain and now seeks la with- dr*Iw, It al)l be necesaaY for the de- fendants tu gel new bondamen t o . 'jour» ln the countY laLI untUlthe «tle's attorney gels ready 10 place teoitrial. Just why Meyers wishes to with- draw from the bonds of the alleged boer runflera la not known but lie besved notice of hlm desîres bers and Oherif! Green sent a deputy sheciff to Chicago ln an effort to locate the dweteaats. He was directed to in- ha» 1tnem that Meyers desired te aurrender tbem to te authorities. Tlhe mere statement of Meyers that b. wlshee tob urrender the m en la »t auffliclent as the law Provides thai the, Oniy way In whlcb se can be re- IOaaed traM the bonds la bo preaenl the défendants In court here and tbea -ask the court to release hi». Hla fat',M to take Ibis course and tba hilure of the defendants to appear hmr. abjects the bondsman to liabilU. ty of bis acta. The. dePuty sheriff wbo went to lObijqo was not able- th locale any of the alleged beerrunners tu Chicagc Md d ilal not knoWn what the nx utep will be. LIIIJI. IAILOR, lUITIÀ APLANE, 15 BROUGJIT IERE Ubertyvilie Young Man Suffers Serlous Fracture of the Left Leg. PAINIVjD WHILE IN THE AIR -Let.Lloy'd 1;ylor of! Uberlvyffile W= vsInJurai November 18 at Dan. vile, Ky.,.wvien a paiiuenge-carrying âhaplne b vas ploting plunged tu -lpground. vas brouglit ta Wauke- SIhmomJnnby hua uncie, Dr. ~. . ~yir o Lbertyviiie. Wito bar U Z=id a lvle as 8000 as hi ,j»W ofun soupisews eýidet ~j~J.a i'pe»ved ta lthe &" wsudUiij la wou r De 5a1ved Lue Uriited i:If the world doesn't corne 'anci 2th, Mexico's finish is s keep on down there us they IAn X-ray plurlure showed that te vic- tllni8 lit leg vas fractumed, the bones bieng spinîered itadiy. He vas e- I.Utaved ta lthe Jane MuAlster itospitai witire bu yull be cared for. Lient. Taylor lias been fiying for 9titee years. Iurlng the war ite serv- eui as an airplane insîructor, belng at four different flying fieds. T1he soung mani vas Injured an November 18, 1918, Just a year 10 a dlair before bis last accident. At that tue ite was fling an amTy plane over Chica- go. le bal pianned to vait bue bome in Liitertyviiie. bis plan being 10 make thte trip In bis plane. Wbiie flylng aver Grant Park. Chicago, et nigist,' b coIided vith a tsfl fiagpole a.nd vas bnaised omadeMble. Tite accident vitich happened Ibis niontit occurrcdwville Uciul. Taylor vas carrylng John Purseli of Win- chtester, Ky., as s passenger. Titey had mad a ianding at Danville for1 gas and oul and veere taking off.' Ilieut. Tylor bad flot feltweIl ail day. -When thte plane vas about 160 feel in the -air lte youngr man fainted Iawr. The plane, vithout a guiding band, circled about wildîy and then began lils davnward plunge. Tite pilot e- cavered bie sensels llghtiy vbsn lie feit tbe machine faliing but ho. rSul. -not save iniseif as lte distan-ze vas flot sufficient. Hi, passenger suffer- ed a wounded eye vhicb may cause hlm tao bacethe sîghtothelite imber. tBotit vere removed tu a hospitai vitheme titcY ecelved the best of came. t r.Fa'Y of Waukegan acc..pan- h-nU Dr. Taylor t0 Danville, and me. ntained vitit hlm. Thte return trip t vas deiayed because M. Tayloi's con dion did flot warrant bis being mov ed. AflerIeaving tite army airpiane service Lieut. Taylor 100k up commeis ciel flyint D'DIRECTORS 0F RFI) CROSS SELECTED At a tmteelng of teWauîkegan- N'orîtChicago ChaPler of lte Red r, ross. ýPld at the hieadquarters et 318 %lMadison Street, on Wednesds'y I uing, te board 0f directors for lire comlng yeer vere selected. Thte new boardrconsista ar the folioving dirvrtors: C. P7. Blacirmer, 'Mrs. HI. C. Burneil, s 1 (, ~ Cairarb, Daniel A. Grady, j 'harles T. Ford. Miss l.arx se Men- rr-tT. E. Morris. W. J. Sackman. MiîruF. T. q7rgent, Mns.,C. FI Srthr W. B. Sîruit, W E. Stafford, I Mrs. C. F.. Stulpy, 7Mra. W. f; tStrrirg xnd 1Ml-sgNelibe 'atter. A A r-".trg vUt helicld nexî NIon day evenirig for te purpose ofateer in thý ru iier-, tramin ng -lte r. Happlnese i Ife intobe happy. we rnus happy no; If v are te, be happy, vs t- mum be happy bters; if ve am to be àl7 rd nn #.or'iuutltin.-lxhnn«.. Amerfeais Freedoin of 'Action I l in.,. awun perative and Bo und ou* et 1Our Foot Disappealrlg. moa V a Exporta te Baaket bal. tennis and jumping ti tho Ou'ént, ropo ae .cuigChina of the ageld Saore tlhl *Jo 41w celusoofbiding the feet of ber Ohbserver VVcoOD+ daughters.These Ameioeanoexts am psvlngiu as effiedesain doing Clmw.b. wbo reetl reterned frai» a tinctiy American Institution. the play- away widtrhat evil as la the law of the nine-intha' 'tour 9l th. Far East In çround; and now the Chinese Empire Chinese republic againat the practioe oenection with the Eptacopal Nation-. s dotted wtb these open air places. of foot binding. In many instances it Wide g gn. Infact. Mr Wood One can't easly estiniate the citent of la even more efficacons for there can ranks tihe Amrican playground as ane the beneit future generations in the be no basket bal, tennis or rope jump- of oui' moat important ..export" to Orient wili derive fromin tis infusion ing for the girl with bound fret and the Orient.lie hopes it will be *'ex- of the spirt of &re,. open air America ince the "new wornan" of China. even portedd" in Stilil =r unttes into the youth of China. *e in ber girihooci insista u partici«a- through thse Nation-ide "apig In the one detail, for Instance, of timg ini American spotst= bondoo as that car.pegn seeka to raise more binding the feet of Chineae girls% oui' mustgo tban $4000,000 b o trengtben ail piaygrounds are working a revojution. Al gkinds*of 'Anican so -sae phases ofi Episcopal activiiers at home There can bre no basket beill & tennis popularý in Young China aai n otheer and abroSd. 0 or rope jumnping.for a gii i th bound IWANT ADS t RATES- 10 Conte par Urne, Each Insertion., REAL ESTATE 1 bave sm .l V thSli huj.a.alloiuse at prlc.è fr,,i $2' 50. 3,<00,4,0U>0, $4.700.,*($6.,$7.500 to>$8.500. Al riiodlcri,îi,.-Àclylocated, il b.ý ii.amed t(ib hf)war.ytîrne. k'dwtîîAut..lîîî Phone 1, Nîr' i. <,ss îlhle fs(rs Irquirp Iridependont ulile. *44 .5 FOR bALE-I bai.,-rvm'.iueelrgson NeîlA ve' NI ce. (uIII I , M. .4 FOR SALE-22 amiei.p, ri.,nnhle If tlen ut once Pijir..Lili,rtyviile 181. 41 FOR SALE-Shavng, suni .aw doit. Spilcal lirivem ta quatitr:. uic-ce. FaT mers le mebtcl,r, etc ii. W Roub. blinm IiNaoid Worklnu ICo. 46-tf FOR ALE-I~eiîtutdriving biîaue '* MISCELLANEOUS -i abli. Pboîiel 47tl ý - 4 OW'"LE-raitîdrîvîrrg lors.gud 'FOR SALE-Twii dame 5iiwtC16 plu@. iarneým anîd KIible vif) buggy .like 6 and I8 wpekm Wid, ahIl jeb tu egtU #5>t-. i'lî,iiu'Libergi ville 181 41-t tri. 1 lleci,8noLtls, i guol ('0w, trp@ie.n lui Jaiiiiaiyv. 1 grade Ou..rt#mpiy DELAYS THIS VEAR ARE DANGER- heIfer. 8 minho. Will, tiado colt for ansu# rder Starîn 8aeh Early.ZLon, goud buggy snd sul ari .Wil Inmtitutionés& indualiesd, Dept. 4, Zioîn trade rw aud h.'ltecfor flt ladfrepb 1 Clr.lIll. Pliai,.' 41) Zioa>lit,. 20f nernasv ciiw.Rafg ra l'ai, Tiweil Line Ronad, lirtyvillp. 111. 49 1WANTED-Mll- bands, catin.'î nîiskere Rnd H. 'A. , Rht:îî,'Wood FOR SALE An eleven room bouse andi ra I.î.g .,oiiiiiy46t smaili hem on good sized lot, located on Maple avenue, in Waucîrnda, Ill WANTEO-Mcîî,,r mW.i tiiutîiý orders property now u.sed forra hotel anid knuwn iUrfiiig fuijils s mn Ligd îefoir the as thte Eroncheon bouse. Price $3(rnO gijUflui glirasiru.î 'I l()--r uiîl file for foir 15 days froni date of tbis ad. Tele- 1119,11. su .1111.1Ir.u) ii Ait rîates phone«16 J -2 Waucurnda, or write owner, j aii. iiscwig;ete Lu ii' "îîî i. George M. Husîo, 2411 N. Main street. im, i.-ry . the r.îarxn Rockford, Ill. 49-1 8,, il r,îr., ', 812 ' o~ntî ouries comigto John «"Quetiy but systenratically for the fret, a'n sir'cc he Ci e gn n-ist-s ÂlII.WU4LJ I I11ULIN, liii îu c> crîy (if %vire rii-.lfriim W. Wood, Foreigni Secthrto the pat twenty yems." bce mid "we bave upon taking part in sprts the bind- ~ ~ ~ , SltIL <p.rf~ç..~iMl B rdof Missions of the picolal bcen exporting to the Orient thaîtdis- iugup ofthefeet is bound tugo. - Sr tlit.I Il~aake .' . aul iofiheîlwri ( ,Mîil-y OF BO S; LA DS IN -Thefollowirrg aire frutt i t.. Hu'gîrnai Aliril 5, 1917, b. ginning or the- star. to ther lpatrons and enifloyes by loi- ('l'<aIliiiinittec. I-leas-I' '1li-r itathe L T R RE U ED 14--tiu sto r-ri 't, at Crr-rrLali:s.,uî was pointid the fillrraing suggestions arLS, ,how t I>ii l lcKiv .as -r u' - 1 l i ru Iiw .rt-, \. i i tryI i rul offi eu- r e so .a seIlru ier tfbr s crviif y i n ci'v resvig UNDER ESPIONAGE i ii' el) an'-:o-r d rIli' s.-iI a. d rîre owering uo thu' ru nî Mayhem Charge is Preferred i!ii gnyw h e- i-onîui-vc-d or the luù lithe IVn.îr-tl stîres. Mur!i î-1u.rruîu suîtri î-ally ho ben llur,îl Against A ugust Lehn'an lu i aiprr n uliwrguu h s~tr ut: t rIIare ni,,o. î .>.-. r i as urii ar-so far as thiil, ulic ACT MYAIL.> IULi 'z' .rrr,î 'î uin i , loIi rlii. acu-îu i.Sîrprîî Employe of Jannery. conservatuin tKnasiirt-sailtIrullir utili- 11!9 irn rt -îrîî',- u r,,xi ly ind th-, heat oppressive 1lPi i irteuifi' uld gi, otru ieîrrn t it,; inrhieeo. munt stores and public buildings and is ffc bldnhoedpaLet WIaukegan Man Can't Get Let. ' rr r.redurucrrii of eir.rrr Ai lrh- : O r -1, '-in> tre. cuchu theatrees ltt., e- a orii aeianu ro aras hey ai-, l.-'lAill r o- .î d t .11 and ailtotiiers uring i-st 'r lîgitt ter to Milwaukee Newspi R N d F FI u t n<. thrGru.-.- 1>9,-o Iniai r n.1r'îiare hr-reblyrequested t,, cîrierve fuel per as Resuit 0f Wartime L~omander Allen ueciarcd the muen- CI511o mth n i 'si:,,t and we suggént the foilliwini, ruies D Action. îrT , cnrorabu-as hfore d.spite te wil xil riî19 !i-n h- friei i .01vse otLsera je glon B U I E S a v n g o f c ria .l. E l ri .ri; e r, 3 s l I 'r s - i , n t w l t i twie m e y g l o PAPEiII ___THMAILBUSNESS___Hfui-r i ~ ntriirel 1 K urri a î wastt-d, wastes mi rruch fuel, turn off PAER DEIE TE rxîr- - il raduators inaitrcems flot in actual use, ni e 5 5~ f t-o ' o o > w h g t ; a r' c u î s ~ E R Â N K S S E n he : S u n flo w e r . 1 e î n a v ru x a g r 1 hf r i F i l W te o f li g h t s w a iie o f f u e l, t u r n o u t Iro e wirks for and tfiemefore qutt flouser waes Bisee the t' ,iKfillower. ronrirrued r'l. mridlv 11îru rr.rr ' ir-, Ibut cdofnul%%,aste eat. hi-. Job of heîng a messenger for tir Loe ancieInt sunfl,îs-vr, oli îuifillower, O'clock et airich tim e i.wltcr.u- These instructions ahould lie so con- MllrakeeLede, aSoia S'tne :-Pi'esent LwValue of German uxus the rinarigiil: lte piaueofttevlI he present. liuts bond wa., ii\ I structed as fta in no wsy cause suffering iiaî~r. Wakega ma sen a etter M ks Causes Speculation Ipresent dr ire (-iîf Aeil rgn rl ~*aiim hauui guinno adhp. a u t u a i w s e i n e l o l n t , in A m e ri c a n M a r k e t s . If s o m e t i ie s a sîrils a h î'g h t o f 2 0 at r! I l ,e c O u n t J a.i i g (l t n r o h r s i s adites foliowi noabion"Maithe es- IniDthe Middle î,f lte slXtpeentýillae- -ccrding tua ataement Maid, :-In the Library. pionage act." Ttlae bsbenrcuiig mney or ha e srunce;*itnrl'u -. hlîxrn 'rali b1, - ilr: -"Wouîd ol mid changing tbis boolt amltees Tnd hévrleauderbashe es- Lpig e- o ra btis he juseuan tur. .urd he wen t Inhirur anu l,-rk -d .h' oruj"mneteVco ir fricnu? Iletes t4u-rond edition. n uner the an" ic ie itrBrdrafts on (Jerman batiks. thu- icolfhdd o rv-aytir-t gemcapagn leing denled te use 1lime l in r, !.eaus. $101 in Amerp'-an 'a Tr'OcwtnPa.rr rHu j,:-r-tr vt ur- c éinpt r h of the maisitis newapaper sendas l monech uhi Gr 437in Pat. . -', - r Rt-l1-ltuirtriv,.r.-- - jIr' bînu PaPers hy express or nîhe-r ways a" nd p-cr r'vit e exe43 Geul Saermaitr'î 1o aluri iiri-ri irn, H i r - ...i- - - - - bas a smattering circulation iterre1lhe ;termaitmark bas fai!en s %-.oor pir-iinf luu:i-i r ii-- - îùi- d -.ruei i ----.-'-----n ~L ~ Al..,., Tm ne (..1 tier.bailiks are- ruving Milliions ri dollur , -t' :I l il t Ii t.i , i l Tle frlet that TUncle Sam vîlI nou - ortit aud'holding them expecI!n,.. eriiiuijlr- uirl ( i iti. ni.lit,-t tiOt,- rîî~rrt- Ar-iLiICATiON INOTICE. -yng delîver tostheae ilrsetersCar-asharli aduance. Belore the- Wa, onlir% . uAtr.- muril, 17, ilr, stilll hi ( .urrac - il - rw.i--I ri. i.hlic tîtce;s L:ert hy gusen that tbe rigporpotghowthpaper Gratmr a ot bvu2,rple iQrln 1 ln question whiicbIs heing irgl-- etrar'nar -a0wrt1aotthe fî!u'i Iut giir o/iilIilIaý- u1, ri -t.--r-g crtt-frrî Iu Sîr'crle Amirsrxîr te stt Paroire b Wuep els. Speclarors are Iýuying drxrftr ttOn,' hencies. lTho'plIait'III.îlrl1 rlçl'rrirIrr eu,:glhuîfni'- o# liil'igrts (,ruof Julia L. Ede, dcaurwill attend considcred a menace ta Amerlcanimon Germsny and holdina-...tiem. in Coune irrue la st-cIl, n(]t'ru iýrî'dlcted 1tri-i1 fi hanu bùtaen bis -erh and theCounty Court of Lake ('uunry, at a by the autitomities. case the %alue advances titey cao Ibat fruit grouters a-iil deuelop a re- bit hlm . terni thereof tobc h tden at lte Court Ns'wspapers vito have te mailing Pr t-sent tirent a i te batiks whierc- msmknhle new race aofdviii f peniche&' Lehnuan uPli nar nenu' the bltlng' House in Waukegan, in said County, priviieges can send out their mallinirs tIi>-> vert- Issued and gel the differ _________ ~ rtt loak tiru- Posrit ion that b> a3, e irt ona ai the rate af one cent a Pound, ulit ence in witat tey Paid and, viýtaljIsledi for lire asys Ditîrnel vas poil on tbelri;Mna of January neat, free circulation In the county. This the: are aorth at the time of sur Pompey?. Piller. 9ngbis inger in bis eye. Titrer- 1920, when and wbereallpersonshaving libéral Postage rate bas made lbi pos. rendier of the dafls. Witb lte cO. n Titis la the naine of n ceicbrated 'vinels es wîli b.e -alledl for Friitay dlaims against said estate are notified Bible for publabers bo keep their cir- itig up of trade relations with the ouno rcîiIee-îlnnlt 'rning b ut-il their version of the and requested to prescrnt tite saine 10 culation prices vithIn te reacitof world, the speculators beiieve Gei soutiest section of ancieDt Alezatn- afair. sad Court for adjudication. practicaliy every ane. Many wl Bonn be placed 'u pon iîî; dria. Ilta ai F onî)itit of red granite Wuii pAmnsrtr feex by the Industries of that coun-WLIuE , diâtao try, with Use retsit tat the mone- Iio a pedestal. ls total itle 98a Fer ALL the famlly. The likdepeo Waukegan. November 17, 1919. Sti NN L E T tary standard will- aPldly nasillait feet 9 incites. The inscription shows dent. 47-3 SE S, NIIE T ls pro van statua witen lteycati un- itw»s erected by Pluis Eparcit of laad thelr holdings at frmive t Egypt in banoc of the Emperor Dbo. _______________________________ Of# RIO ÎE Z ten times wbat they pald ion tite cletieu. A. D. 32 O FMARIAG ,17< paplebatiks ihave .i. earrangemielire Nationaed lBank FORMED IJERE IN '1m 15 la otjftiey ubitmi that a drat- First Natmneional Bankrrie as been sent ,and Ihen Use actual and a iot o0f friends were presentL be yvle Couples vito COMe-to Waukegan 1 cash la deiivered ib hua in Persan during thecacremony. vblcb te Min- L le 4v-lIln i fmorn cities In Wisconsin to get mar- eautihe muet give a reejipt, vîuicîri Iter vas performing mont Impreuiie- At LibertyvKie in tii. Statsuf Illilnis. et the close of business Nuveiober t'17.11 rled and vito afterWard find tbat they is returned 10 lite iank of issue ta W-. The bridegrooni alone vas Inat- 1tESOU'ICES are not suitedl to each other bave dis- complets lte recard o! Use tracts- tentive and &seemed unacconntabiy abl- 1.tiria i scout ........................ covered an ealer ineane of ldevte itdny abaldduit: u usrstsotd---------------l500855. divorces titan tbe usual divorce court -sent_________- ouîen g u<>O n to it awgled .lu Sotenuilsretseisovue...r .... val....e..... .500 M .3 out "ee 1fogottobrngaln he 5.U.9.te'i nt e .,acur ir-ulond. .bod procedure. Annulment of ttemrwdin igi-CDaoTrbnbPiedu as i-re U. . deulta <pr ve.S.dpavlu).....$WO0 riags o thegrond hat he c wedIn rigt"-,Mtago ribne.b Pids.tu érur epda (pr vill) .......... .. l..e1,000-0 caehr ihte oepiaèýif-3 V 0 O So d Pledired asn.urlateral for State or otiier deposita or bis payable 7AI1S 88 came fiteme witbntblusoledd .r.. ........1eTONS __ages a. lite grond tbat te c.up.......f......sud........... IM «O evading he Wimonsinmariage1m estriCtion ia tite lateat course ta be taken. Titis Io lndicated by the 'tollov-lng dispateit te liteSun: Mllwaukee.-llîs marriage at Wau- kegan. MI., MaY 22. 1917, la alleged te bp miii and void by Dr. Frederi k lCoitlpvy. dentiat, vitofIled an anase ln circuit court gturday te hie wife' suit r for divorce. Re declames tat titey went te Waukegan for lte sole purPose of heing marled and ta evuide tire martiage laws Of Wisconsin. Tlhey mtund te Milwaukee Imtpediately upon Performance of te ceaony, thé coniPaIsnt states. Dr. Rostievy de. u'..d charges of crue] treatment brnugitî by bic vife,. ro la 28. Tiis dmisstion an the part of tire pirvlelln practically conttutes9 an admispion of, perlurv fer be ves Qeibig- Pd te avear fliRa ire iad no IntentIon Of evading lte lava of Wisconsin be. h.. vas permittpýd ta take 0out a marriage license ln Waukegan. CROWDEtt REPORTS 32 EXI3CITIONs IN .~. RMDTRINC I W4R Wahington D C.,Nov. 27Ti. lan. nurîl report o!f"ut a. Gen. lUnoeb Cowder. ludgc ,advocàte genermi, was given out tlodav, and viitt Il titere vas made Public for bth, fii'et tune an Officel s umnary of Uic capital" C"sesoceurrlitg in thse army mInce -0AL PER DAY AT» NAVAL STATION Pletion Concernîng Sargomea Se&. The Sargosms ea in te nortit At- lante' la an area through vbich no Ocean currents pase. It la compara- «lVel sail vater, formmng a sort of eddy loto viticit aeaweed tends to Commander W. H. Allen of the tsaI lite dead sl4ips of tbc agea have Pulc1rsDp. ei o found eting places ln titis eddy and Pubic ors DptTels ow have peoPfed theniuvth the spiritsl of Third of Fuel is Saved. bant marinera. eTulewidea la pure fic- tion. TiW 8Srrgomsasrensa muy be navi- - ared s'itotteîxperenc'ing any diffil- IMEN ARE COMFORTABLE. eultywvîthieuxisveerl nnd witlioutseeeilg i a dereliet. A sîartllng exemple of te tremend- nus saving of fuel that can he made by cancentrated cooperation Ia being The Sieep Ration. demonstmated at the Great Lakes John NWeley expemliienteti ln aieep naval training station viteme 100 tons ratonlng as a cure for ingoiinle. Of coal la being savedl dally ince Use Inuding ite vole evemy nigitbo<ut fuel aitortage became acute. Coi»- Iveive and lay Bieepless for , some mander W. H-. Allen ln charge of the itom,lie dpelded tf, gou tn bed lai er depa-rtment of public vorks today and rme earifer. The iraI day he rose made tbe-statemen~t that the fuel con- at seven Instead of eigitt, lte next at sumplion baFs been reduced ofle-third, sûr, te ncxt aà fis-e, te next et four. i tis savlng a.nounting to 10 o li y lln-ttiotbumlenasdh daily. B iiga hthu efudh "We have cut dova tbe temperature alept vititout waking thirougluont hia ln oftices to 68, abopa 10, 55 and store- *'rtion." and titeuutter rose nt four bauses to a like degree." C9stnander for good. Allen tated, "vItitoul diseomfomt 10 te mn. We have alo concentratefi thte Men on tite station -.10 as few Culllvating. Sugar cane, buildings and barracks as possible, lTe methodo af culivntlng augar and by regulating thse ventillation, to, cane ln lTrinidad are beginnine to un. certain boums Usere le an ample dergo radjcal changes Usougi theUIn, amount of tresis air and Use greateat traduction of Atuerican plovs and cul- Posible savlng of fuel." Uvatorshay rairas, mowing machine, DePrtment stores ang publit bflld' and ?rushers and puiuerizers oi feed Inga oft ail kInda could make a grmt fer mules anir-cattle. amvIng of #uei vithout inconveience g Preluum nU. S bond-------- -----------------iSe roa .<oulcnent securities-------------------------......... 6. Mtier bonds. securitles. et- a Bonds luthe.' han U. S. bonds)piedgedtolu mcU. S.deposlla.S sTO.T5 b Bonds <other than U. 8. bonds> pledge tu soeurs Posta Saiigs c Bondssd securities louber than U. S. securtie) piodired mas coi- lateraI for ttate. or other deposits (postal excluded) or bills dScrtiere'thr hnt)n.bod ua uluisBlck > w aud nnpled ..e.-.-..-...-....-..--------------------.7.971.8 e Colisteu'ai Trus sd other notes of corporations twened for ne lemshban O.Yeac nu more tian Tbree Tears' lime ......0,05.0 Tîrtai bonds, so urulies. etc.. nhber than tU. 8.................. 24U9.? 7. Stock. oh.,rth..uFeulerai ileeceeBaak stock-----------------....... 5.0 8. St.oc.ko! Feule.., 1ie-neeBank <80 par seul of aubecriptlon>--------------...1.800OS 1.Lawfnl rmewt edemiRaleserve Baak---------------------8.57.I 1.Cuast In ari n n s otiriue trou. National bna--------3.M.79 t7. Chei-ksoo.thbti.lin n iîe snne city or towu as rsiuorting bank. ---------416.8 Totaits o Irtem-i......'.i.......24,1041M 19. Redemptir.n fonds ï iUSM. l'resu-rer anid dueo from tU. 9. TresUfr ...... 0 Total----------------------------------------------------......... M..682 22. Capital sak pald lu..-.-...........................--------------..... . 835.00 28. Suplsfond .. ............... b Lem cencrent e..u in.ltarest sud taxsapald---------------5.14-82 15.80 211. Amount re f-c e ir e, em-red .------------------------...-- - ----ta 27. Amount re-.... urv lc iInteroot sccrueii- ---- - -- - ------------.--1191.04 29.*'irculallnurnote- ,ottudnz ............----.-....-..-..i----------------...64250.0 ai. Net amoou due tfiirîtcnsd tankers sud trust conipaîues--------------...î9.487.70 82. Cerbtiieul Cluck. nit tandi ...........--------------------8.47.40 TrW Ittil , --2-----------...-......-.-.-......--....-.--22.sl0. le Demaud .iruti- 34. Iuuivldant d ub-ir riri-t fir,-ihei-k--------------------------------... 188.M.8 M. Certificste-uof rleisi-rrdue in luoisutlusn. Si lasr .................. 6.766.81 86. State. countv -or- u.,'.'mnuiiplideposita oiri-urL'd-KriPedge of seta ot thie bru . - . . . . ... ...... ..... 8'2W 0 Totr f deîoonuidu. iiosllo subject 10tee------------'. .......M'236 'lime depeeit--uljeet tii Iesarver 42. Postal Sa uer,- - - -..-....-.-... -.-.. --- --............ .91 43. Otlusrtimodrient, ......................-.......-...-------------142,M.K09 Total t rime lepoulti sublecta 10 reserve. Items 42 sud43 ....--142,089.OS 44. Unitedl %, te, !,-psfit.: a Wsr ban rp iex nt ounut -----------------------------4476.62 14,47662 84. iablltis otuertra thoe a errestel~K'e for dividende .... .. M83 54. ia b llt es o b er th a th se a oý e Sta e ieserv e fo r luss e ..- - - - - - - - - - - --.î o e s o Total.---------------------- --------------5187.M M5 M. a Liatiliie.f.diecsuuts. lneudiutthosewth Federal Iteerve Bak... 1?.5OSMI STATE 0F ILLINOTiS. 1 COUTNTT OF LA B.. 1, J. M. Gridiey'. Osabier ofthlb.abovsd-naiuid tank, do solemult' wae.'thatt ha abod""tire meutitrpCa, 0the. tart ot ml wi5ldge sud ballet. J. S. GEIDLEY, combler. Suboerubed and avor te buore me thfls 261h daY ot Novemuar 1919. LYP.Lfi.ýf. MoRRiis. Notarv Public. Correct AttSt:-BEN'IH. MILLER. W M. W ALROND. J. L. TATWI%. fliretoms 1 Contervation Urrtd L * 1 ý NIRRI FÇ FINCIVU W"BTPM m à wy. --

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