CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Dec 1919, p. 9

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LI:BERTrYVi. IE INDEPENDENT unKECOUNTY IPENDNT Iahe colinqysmBg Weekly uvMR,» W EEKLY SUN VOL. XXVI.-NO. 49. PART TWO LTRERrrvVrr.TNDPENDN ~ T 0', 1 r, rcî1.X, ylt&K I- +It:xt W. (ENL. SÀYS - lIAVU FORM 3D IN E&XTRA MORITES NouJIs FOR WAUKEEiAN TJIRU FUEL -CONSERVATION - -Lightlesa nlghtsp- a war.tlpje eu lation, yull b. resumo inb WàUkega* PUhW~, Ii ' f0 tanght. as a recuit or tht. eiiorce- 111UI fI~IE rder issued b,' Dr. Henry A. Gar- KIM~N field, Unitedi States fuel administra- tor ileh ~$TÀTE tnhat bregH lning tan intencon- ETÀT MIITI HEA SE VESWARNNG IIA of tht. Public Service Company plant MILIIA H AI) ERVE WAR 1NG T T In Waukegn. todaY notifiei! local pa. t COUNTRY iCONFRONT& MOST SERIOUS PER- tînuing everY night, Saturdaysan IOD IN ITS EXISTENCE SINCE WAR STARTED Sunda,'. Inciliud. tht. follawlng e -PRIVATE INVE8TIGATION PRODUCES ANRtI. ctinuldbelifrseti:for ALARMING FACT, HE SAYS,-UR0ES LOYAL- street signa. b TY A ýfANSOF AVIN OU MU TRY2. Windov lights la stores munt TY S MANS0FSAVNIOOU (iUNTY. nat burn aint. 3. Burning ai autalde lightà viii fiat be perlnltted. This action vas taken in accord- ter anq et tir Pa rie ism ance vith tht. illaving Provisions af Oventhre hudrd geit tur. ~iv ,u 't tie .amnulity under' discontinue ta furnish paver, hoat, anti i'** woeen. gathensti la the Metho.. standing and certainl,' youve gol ta lîght ta nan.essentlal Industries andi àWt clurch banquet hall Td~eday' lîave civic Pride n your falnily andi sbould onl,' consume sufficient coal "etu dbor Pethali yI yeur home." ta Praduce enaugh pover, hast and èvsai a n mi Ferdarnk tallD: b,' Genersl] ickson, added that the, lghf ta meet the. actual urgent needs Adjuent eneul Pran S. lck Orkj va I hch A2 beIng dotte in the. aitht. poupin. Advertising signs andi "If t'sI linois tate tnllitia and I1r. Chamber of Commnerce. ia the best dlsplays ai varioins lints necessitat- Dae I. Weigel aof New York, a ccin, thAng these loya.l non can do be- lng the uoseai coal shoulti be cur- j M.aUse the. government or lte Unit-J talled andi na cas] ahaulddlbe distri. MmUit, buder apecialiat, urge upon States resta an the atates. on the buteti iar such plirposes." 11Me people af Wauken anti Noth caunty. an the cît, ,on the. village In the distribition eî coul the. fol- ýZfiQegote importance <,f th-' lub. qiit on ho awnship organlzations lovtWg prlortty liat has been arrangeti -f air!,' suppartihg the Chamber andi those who go ta mlle tht-m uP. andi caal vfii be dellvared only in thîs ýZ< Commerce for thesé tva C0M, AiV of thenu test on the intelligence order: ..umtt1 andi' conduct ,'cf tht. 1. ArtY. naa¶y, oranilter branches lb.' geJe asGenralI lon,'home. Ht. Insiste tlit underneathaitefdrlsvc. p,t X fr tiie purpait' af causîng altrm the. entr government ai titis nation 2. State, count,' and municipal In- Ufloag bis hearers but fon tht. pur- la the honne anti that its succens or stitutions and prîvate hoapitals. "PM of stlmulatlng lhrÉt 7 u fallure has much ta do with tht. suc 3. Publie utilities, such as plants 1 ÇaIMmber üý Commnerce, whose sc» cens or faillîre Au the country. furnisfitng ltght, hient, vater paver,. 010 enans th- aucess 0f the cit,' Generat Dickson saiti ho.diflot and transportation, manufacturera of t.ohiequently the couaty. stats knaw whther itvw" rue in his and user, of nevuprint papers. setIOn, throw a feeling of ter, pant of ii. country orn fot, but ie 4, Publie buildings, offices, stores, hi tiih cudilence b,' aylàda: q tfon that lI this portion of tht. state hakerien, launderlis. nesidaces, apant- ther istao uaIpalticaforthement buildings, andi ather buildings the o.xt eightfeen sMunthe la U ei onme oite o h ousin& famoltes. verefet le the mont danger. ainount of patrotisa in man,' par- .5 Coid atorme Plans. _elIliteen manths we have 'tions of the district. f.stita *Crmeemlkbtlnmk even during the periâti of var. w. ueed tada,' tht. patniotiitm of tht. il r," eC i PAget of typew ritten fa honr and i m the n th t exis e t I n1 cann ng factorise.. bave dm e ta m e laetl,' and yearqs ogant.b . He tel t as though 7 e o r f p t o e m ,'OU his ecre, po ~ aan. htil. Plants flot included inhiabove 3M1 but ta show you the Iprtne .-ee one at vh tads th.lots Ozl,'ta eltent necessar,' ta pro- trvIft gta the,' that n cllege vbhere kit parnts have se Isrcin aapyo aiDwo duistict, whiGh Includes Wauke. lmta, treat it.crifice andi 'refers hndInsriytars tadapp,' u attenov and I nd an 4 la kÀe s .the Chile. ta the *old man' or the 'aId vzamait.' Dealers yll ot deliver coal ta an,' ~tIL, thens art tonApht 25,000 Redi la the. kinti af fellov vho la breedung consumner In an,' ai the above classes mere, r Blahviki, COnsittluI, trouble for hue country. havlng a suppl,' an hand equal ta one. 4~Amy, thast ' rAi inil' e xstnce, He felt that thxe yards 'banal- tii, week's requtrements. ýiP. hope the tim5 vilI coule soon father andimmoiler' must tte wrltten Follawlng ls spother !mportant pro- ve va il! do ses,' with maly- oven ever,' heartbstone ai eser,' vision of the arders wllch becMie ef- "Muig and bave a congres, that home0 ai thia land if our country' la fective Decemben 1: vi!, Pes lava whch vilfi tle care Io endure wth success. 1 'As far as praiticable ntif the. con- dit "bi menacAng situation a.nd that .i beleve tonigbt that aur gavern- ditions warrant a ch nge lI tht. dis- Us people, an tht.ciller band. viII ment ili faing the Most critucal cou., trîhutian ai calt t. distribution vili tkilp eect ta office mien vho vili ditlota In the hi3tor,' ai tht. nation' be limiteti ta thert. i ve classes oi thek morgettn ortes. Whthaofie aald tht. generai. "If! i oni,'dared'the priort,' list. Retalidealers, vho tâ" t gttIn voonWhentha IFdîet r'bae caal far bouseholti requîre- ~dmBe ,ou viii get qome Plade anti tell yoaa people -hat i actuali,' kitov .ents, heating hatels, buildings. boa- litA At4 iou re n te eige0f1 as to the condtonsatuntitis country.m ý-y oulitu14i reaareeothere has neyer pitls. etc., ahaulti take efbry predau- tt$sao. The situation lut this coln oun tit hrebsnee ion ta tee that coal la delivered 1n, t* ~ toftiala ver,,ver, grave. ' ena amuch neet or lo,'aity, Dat whe tI boltl'rqi- nt S A DÎilghtful Affair. b'tx the '1P' klnd. but f rom tht. hlas, then onu,' In such Iimiteti quantifies .10banquet vas arranged theOt Accordingi,' ce have neyer, that the. suppi,' ma,' betilatnibuteti C bs* of Commence orte w needeti the QPatictiatl that. ve ne v idel,' anti prevent suitering. = Utities for the Purpos* af get ait tus moment. peveouf aau i avîng thent (1hope that %ie dtne vil! damne ouCeves a langer anti monre with notice that this as no place for WOMEN APPEAL Mllvis h.*artir Commerce. Il an,' tiag but fteStars anti irýpea, Wsa enceese front sta.-f t, rînish. anti that tii la no place foran, ti- tact t excendeti exPfecatlana Of language but one, tianeyilstt.lOng- O I N H ,, s.Huaans ^d ve lg - anuae; andt t i l lasDo place F R A ')1 U ustiit,' affalr b, att.ntiing andi Printed iIn the fBnglish language."1P N Y U C E twr ommunitys most representatave In laslngis t., G thti. N Y LU C E .icoptle vert. prenant' son matde au a > spi; Pe for an lu- i 4yô Elnger presideti ant Inle pînatlon of isult,'Dat*otism. han- Manda,' about 2>0 chiltinen weWe Iffled Genenal Dîcîson .who ex est,,[air ý deaUnga, hunaMi sympa- gîven their penny lunch at the Lincoln fltdthat he ha inametrainia thy anid opimisal in this commun- achool, In charge ai a dammitie heati- OMIN.d. He atideti that Governan 1t' htHee, Iie eib'Ms ti.' h.cude et Ld.Wn bati planuedta to me but lhe IY eti -i eeyctzn'db Ms tly h h «OÙe Was tateu sick sa the commît bent himoilf tovard that endi tht. served v4tb ttaoa anti coalisa abut' t«. Icled i hm ta camhe. Howevex, comntl,'oult ieb.heiped nvr,' *10:30 o'cioci anti everyons semdtaflit t%é general explaIneti that nobot, matenial,'. enjo,' tht. lunch ver,' mucb. COlé fI Gveran .oven' Oplce During General Dlcksons tallitthe. Tht. vamen ln change af thia feture aslI l oat r ut wvenl atiplc- audience vent ".plid" evers! tlAnes of the south aide vélfare vark desire iàh.4 those vho bcd ueven heard anti fit on!,' waa there haud-clap-" te Public ta knov that the, are great- 06Ovenior Lovden caulti fot Imagine Plng. but guests stampeti thein et etc.,inandetpointvouetaeopleau ii thet even the governor vaulti have In their enthusiasm. Neverr bas a ecat an u htpol a delvereti a mars stinring addtresa more stinnIng appa for patriotlsm do mont goodj the,' wiii make con- ý'tbc dîi General Dickson. Genersi anti layait,' bean heard un Waulegan ýtributins aiang tieue lunes. The chil- '5MeSn enong other tuilngs, pali than watt given b,' Generai Dick. , dren pa,' a enny eaich for, the lunch. verfinecompImet taWau on.but viiere tht., do net have the penny bnlé Mn. fneecmplmen tTaallnon the,' are given their lunch anywa,'. am for Waukegan because Il r. Welgel saiti: General Dick- cRecause a tt. hvig h ot o fti, tie egan recentl,' rase up ta its son bas the nlght dope; believe me, 1 acmmîttth e w han d tintfoe fi- « Ip ia finer mainer than lie laidfif ail toai-au..Wbat he saldeu nanlntet wor aant ne taeev léugWW in luIlinois that 1 abount Organisation us the One essei- osiserto in tieryet hau cheactet 0f, or thLt I have seen un the tial tbiug you people lit Waukegan of theslutb.hsvetluibl cii, te.. oyaurtlunvhicb l have neeti. YOx've got ta get together, S~iCUneed witb the miltary ofaI nd viien ,'ou do get together yau're tbj Maté. ("onral Dickson refer- going ta bave c cil,' bers that vili rt tt, i. lonlse matie b,'fiual- -be mugty hard ta beat. xI onter Ume mon -Wou b e y na'were r~ailetdta ge id -af boîsheviani anti ananchy ai ail those ativantages n boosting ~nb,'tht. ahertff ta patrai te those fellovs have got to le taught your city fen ail ypucan. 0s %. Onlelad reatore arder.> meicni .Whou anc. tht.,'have If Waukegan aund North Chicago thbe general elbaoratej furtben an the. full spirit aifAmeicanlin tlî.e vilI stick together un uifse!fish deva- 1ba remnail anti ali t 1eflecteti the vîli be no aflancby lefi. We oust ton' lakits f rain metile dam- -CittsÇn£WD pthat prevalletie. pp betat clasa af citizens ta tke mnt il Ibe heord main throughout Ddksam laid that the. abawlrÇg terpaei h. aîibsd i.the. cauntry'. If yau baven't al the 0 eat the banquet fuit, recoin hsi ellv avicut aiieshat htyuble0yt .4hlm for oomlng ta town Ti aars lv on ol ep.esbr ha o eiv o It vas an Inspiration ta bem tell Itlite minute 1 camne ber.. Nov are entitieti ta. go <ot anti belp aaud mean bettn bla i, fil is necessar,' for allaifi-eu mn:inanufacture happinessas throughaut nal fi mens ottr ctizughp.yaur cammunlt,'. Let tbis Intensivei aMded titis vcnhtg: "If ,Fou t t-Itis oaizn atg o aut anticecampakn for mev membenab MjOI get tosether thora là atîn the thing antidtilit right. Don'tlyurf ame cen do I ,'u te, a t thiner.put fifup ta Qeor'e-eadlx anti ever,'yaîrofmbr iCommence b. not hi 'thao; ef n ysttdbae Ot 0 'U oI oullem e alomie for fin"ailtain, but lee that 0glta swing up teth e ptj. haps tefuture ,oyur et,'ba fat ever,' milhember -tho caCas Jnte q&uouc Olitatry"dt OWO. Cola. been lear!,' depae ot.4 Yeu,~,. yuu the. cbambet- vAl b. a vorklng ment, pe C eroale, itiMt4& tmpaniatuntiss on Saceo f a Ieatfan &or a=4 àantmberwho vAl> bave the ncleOr. In MY ' opinion, ard rmany ather tldnigv 11N'oiin favar Internet ai Pour tiov aAnbis Mind blles.îone of the moltunapar. are b,' ian botter tha the average cil oi tie tinte. Get together. men. aiun o f aIl. You'v. lO t tanti ,'u chaula take advemtàge anti vark: thats your sclvation.t' Reuben H. Donneiley, prominent Chicago dîrector,' Publisher and on,. ar the. axecutors ln the estate t 3lrs. Laura Tharne Donneiiev, de- ceased Lake Forent aid Chicago resident, tada,' flled ln the ].ake COUfftY circuit court et Waukegar. bill Of 'uJunetiOn againât the county clerk of Lake count, Lew A. ?len dee. tu prevent the. board of rt.vielw train Putting u;on the "o),ty tra,- urer's Ibooks feIý.Ytmxtion proî)H-ry vaiued et $614,000 full value upon which the board Io seekzng tocoet taxes alleged ta have been omitd from taxation for 7 years and upon whAeh the board nov seeka ta levot against a tatal of $1.534.990. full asse#se-d valu. À uimilar bill vas also f led b,' Chartra R. Thorne afi- Lae Foret and Chicago, executar far the estate Of George R,. Thorne, upon which the Count,' seelu ta collect back taxes an a full 'value af $162.500 for each o f fivc years, or a total of 81. 600. The filing ofthe q buIs feiinowed the. adJaurninent of the board yeg- lerday, the. board signAng and turu- Ing over the assessor'a books ta, the county clerk, who today etarrt.d spreading the taxes for the. purpose af turnlng them aver ta the county treasurler far Cofleot&m. The Inlunetians ver. rlled by At. tOrneys WInston, tOtravu *& Shaw ai Chicago. wtth C. W. DiIven of Wau. kegapi and Geor&e A. Kelly and Paul J. Donoyan as soIeltog 'or the lintif!. , Tht PetltflcOis tate that the baard through their attarne,',- Bugene E.L M. RunYard, and hc attosuq general, represented by Paul tactoGIin, took fraudulent and Ille" acU4~on when the,' Bled unsworn peUitiong last Au. guet Btaliionjng thein beforo the revis* board snd thon fixing - the values vithaut praducing &Dy testi- mon'Li vsUlPort af thelr elatm th&t the fIl value had been omitted front the persanal property achedules as chargedi. The Pettaners alo catitend they, have the. caunty's recelpts in ful! for the. pay'ment af their taxes for the Years ahove mentioned and therefare thecotit,'y can have noa further dlaim upan thein. as ,3revlaus bolerds and their assessors appnovtd tbli tax chedule. 'the fillng ai the petîtions vaS hëld -uP Rince August becaus.e af the tact that the books vere flot turned Over te, the caunt,' clerk until nav, the review board having an unusual. ly bUsy session as It f lied sîilar l0Witlons against nearly tvoa sore fiighlànd Park. Lake' Foret'- ane Wal3kegan millionatres, lavolvftg taxes on aPpraximately 112M00. 000 warth ai personal propeet,'. The. inhg sfpeuftians for injuncuonW b,' Inidividual propent,' owneru againat the çotlnty .ls anticlpated. as many undoubtedl,' will 10110w the lead af Riecutars Reuben H. DOn- neile,' andi George R. Thorne. SLAUGHTER HA[IB M[NISTERS. ýPIé jWaukegan Ministerial Asao. ciation bas eiected officers fan -te Comnlng yçar andi plans meeting the firat âianda,' or each manth. The .officers: Presldent-Rev. Seth W. Slaugh- ter. Christian church. Vice r-eeident--G. A. Swanburg, Swedish Lutheran. *3ecretary<treasurer-4tHenry Hol* liger. St. Johns Reformed. Cen Alwsys Rely on Qaiidme. Oliver vras ln the habit of going tô his grantma far favars. and was neyer disaPPointei. White pla,'ing with the Other boys of the nelghhorhood their f5otb>all came spart. andi they, thouighit the,' eoud sew it tage'her if tIc,' oui,' 11.4 e plece of .shoëstring. (Olivr- tome to the nescue. "Let'a go ahd ank #randmna for a shoentn1ng.' be sur tested. "Tou can get abot nything you ssiifor over Rt'grandrbs'e." Pour loto O0nM& *A monthl,' bouda,'. closeti ail de,' svery Wednesday la aIma tealb. oberv. ed from Aprul to September.1"-4s. gov Dvening Timtes. It ls ruamored An court cîreles that evidence against William, Schmidt of Fox Lake. chargeti with »ai ing ueor ZION HOME DES- TRO VU') VYFIRE A line occurreti Tut-as,'marning ut tht. premises accupteti b,' Mr. Col- let t anti taughter, ut the corner of Elim anti 29f h street. Zion City. Tht. bouse vas a tva-star, building anti as fan as can be learneti. there vas fia Insurance. Tht. fine departinent, *hben the,' got to the scene faunti tht. Interiar af tht. bouse vas ail abluze anti that fixe kitchen vas almost recti, to faU int anti tht.lilre hati gat ton> big a halaiî for the chemicals ta be ai an,' service; b,' thet.tlme tiie aten caulti he se- ctmneti.the.. bouse vas preti,' eli -de- malisheti. It appeva that M ns. Collait hati built a big Del' 810 goneouot. Ieavixag the. bouse -loeketi - up. While she vus ava,' tht. folle living at tht. Bethel notîcedti tat aine hadibroken ouf. MASON SAYS WILSON VIOLATE' PIlS OATII 'Pres dent Wilson shouiti have been removed tram oaicea yean ago?' sald Congreattian Wffllum E. '%fason in an address befone the Irush Fellowshlp Club. "The Prpstient vlolatet i bs oaih or0f ai ce In sending Amenican sol- tilers te Rossis. Andinlu tating that executîto ower alone andtifo cangressional pover dan derîde tht. Issue ai recognlzlng a new state, he r-xhihîteti the poarest conception or coruttltutional iaw oi an,' man vhol ever wrote on the subject.' Cangessinan Masan asserteti that President Wilson was Engliah. -b-7e cause his motiter vus, Englush. Hg, sciti he vetilt Pressn~ a bill In Con gresrepudiati-g th. arrangement ,whereby but 2 Per cent af tht. Ger- maniship.seièzeti vert. allotteti te the U'nite.d States. vhile 70 per dent [CIear»ce of AilhuhgtosI Ofiso 1TT The Foas Parkb oard oi North Chi- cago recelved an official ca:mmoni- tAon trom Washington 3 esterda,' stat- ing that the gavernrnent vauld sur, rendier Fos Park ta the City of North Chicago on December 16, ln the Raet condition that the park was iu befare It vas ieased by the gavernment.. This dertaînly wyul be pleaslng nevs ta people ai, North Chica- go. and ather North Shore tawns as t vas generali,' tho-aght that the park waulti Dat be returnedti t the. it,' 0f North Chicago fun at lenst another year. The park vas leasec ny the gavera- ment ln the spring :) 1918. The Great Lakes Rifle Range la locateti ininediatel,' narth of the park. whlch causeti the gaverfiment ta, lease tii. park as several hunJreti men ver. accomnodated Lt the t. ileRange bar.. racks during the. var. and tht. Great Laites officiais deslredti t make Il en- tirel,' a naval camp. The park vwas useti for rccreatiaual purpasesb,' navy men froda the vari- Fss Park bas ganeti tht. reputa- tin of beng tht. choicest anti est stuateti park alng tht. North Sone It la sittateti n the banks ofi L#e Michig w vich makes It an Ideel paee to hlti picutes during the. ot anti sultn,' smmer das. Prion te, being leaetib,' the Gv- erfment FosParl as i eqt île- mn. OrganIsatons front ver,' A few baseburners at prices that wil move them. The weather man predicts a cold Win- ter. Be prepared by comilg- in to-morrow and selecting a Coles Hot Blast. More I4eat for less fuel. Saves- yaur coal pile. and beats y our rooms. To-oro y, alarge size any fuel, a $22 value, for etr un .ny...... ......$17.95 ICorne iiand let us explain why The 'Duplex - Alcazar lin" ba combination coal and gas tove made. Over4l>satisfied usera In Lake Go. Buy a Standard Msgke at a Standard Price Therems only one price on a Columbia, and it's the aime price the world over. It's, the Qdeat and best make. Corne in and i'vw will prove this. Select yours to-morrow at the on- !y exclusive -talhlng machine shop in Lake County-where there are 150 Grafonolas on display. 20 Colnmbias in Mahogany ut Only $50 We always carry 10,000 CëoIurbia records in stock. Buy Her a Most Useful Christmas Gift-A tedar Chest A Floor Apprec- iated A 'MURTCIlA - -il fl .')(, PÈF? 'V W. AR M AI IX7 A milro 9 SIX PAGES

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