CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Dec 1919, p. 12

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Ligh[1 Il Soir cOos'In'Bad Revnue Agent who had charge ai Waukegan and Fox Lake Faces New Charges. WAS INVOLVED HERE TWICE uspeusion f rutm liqisar luvestigatini aquads of Jolin A. Shanuonan s ve raI otiser agents 0. the gava -im unt lu laai revenue deparlînant lu Chics go vafs reported Mondsy as the ref suit of Investigation of isý, saizurs aud a lîeged secret sale of contrabant wisky iu Chicago. <Lates It hai býcu nrepos-lad saunon, pceeeilove 7 bis sup'usiau, bas st-e.;incd.) A genaral. shakeup. au event whic! heads of both the drp.rtmeni( of juF lice and two branches of tha revenu' as-s ice retused te discuss, la (Ipecteat ta foliow the scores of comsploaius. V Saloon sud saie men lu practlcally cvrry part of tise city lava compiainee ih..t cen repreeenting theaelves te hae revenue agents have beau salzing quomntiti ofi liquor 'sud dispoalng oi -It to favorealons ts'sopIta the protesta by revenue aus tL-rsites that neuo avrumeut ageut i: gntity. t weasrnoemd tisata dozer. ralonnkeapL nr have ueen quastionat b>' sr c lalitîrestigators sud thit sut ficenr suspicion bas beau arousad te cause th-ý suspension of agents. lunZVon Cty Came Tise actirtiies qf Shannon cami under official uaice wisanlha vas suis pocssaed as a wiit-ss lu tise Kanosha. Chicsago beer ruuuing expose pressecd b>' Fedrsat Judge Landîs. Hie admit ted on ýtha stand th.t ha had beau dsiving the automobile whis saccm panleil tie heer truek-i confisated Ir Vert City. and tisai Stata Senatos *Carrail,. ou oi the aonepr ltald by Judge Lmudis. vas lu tisa car Ha sald ie ha vatheýra on dut>', &a Usougis Vons sutlsurities ciarged hlm with belug itaxicaied sud declarad ho bail bezxs arresied t ttie rest. -- Judro landia at the time ailvies departmatstheads ta Investlgate. Shannon later spent tisa uigistlha ild bars lu tis Stoekyards station cisarged wtth ýcarryug wvampons. Shlannon Conapicaous ln Zion Shsaunon. IL la recailed. la tha mar viso durinig thse Zoil eer runnini sensation occuapiail ucis a conpku oua place, net asstha rapter but as. Peetstb'ily d'ai.%n-rast.'d person Onî bis preseuce ait*lhe raids causcd caSý elîerable comment aF the tîma. * Shannn a %tba man assigued t Ibo Waulcegau faderaI s-esvice 10110e -ing the death of Ed Horan. Sisannor lied beeu at Fax Lake rapreseutlug tise Internai revenue dapartmnent and vus brought lu ta Waukegau frais' tise lake. Ha vas bers, iowvvr, 0n13 t our waeka in charge oi tisa local of- ficeesud Mr, Keagan nov lu charge suc- ceeded hIm. Sisannan cama luto tise limeligjst wvb e ha varrestad vith genatat Carrai at Zion- Prior te (hat ieha ,o isad gain-d cousidarable atentionstvhau Sud Murphy. suotisar mais arraated ln conuactian vlth ane an. af the bear raids, triail iis besl ta get the Mion police ta let hi2m tel- phsone ta Shannon. Tisa Ztan police wondarad vhy a mans caugU &lu tise aotaifsmuggllug beer vould aude-avor *t'o gt ln toucis vitis a revenue afficer atiser thoen try to avaid hlm., At sny rat a snans couspîcuanus parts lu tha Zots City' bedr casas are sald to have provad his doatali sud --according tu reports ftrainWaukegan * ollowiug thase Zion incidents hae vas reliaved of the respoasibilities termi- e rt>' gîvan him at Fox Laka. Nov cames word ftrnm Chicago (bat lha bas beau suspeudead dpeaplaeisore judg- lng by iis actvity lu tisa casas isefore believe haliei netbha aean agalu ln tn l tise faderaI service. 810, FINOLEY 18 SINEOPARDON Z*SCOVM RHEft WILL I PR~~ When Mima Celetine Mueller diad ai 1-1, Plore«t July 13. 1918, Ieaving an efltte of $9,600 IR was beliav, that se had dlad vithout maklng a lissuedari a rdî wieka raagat faaiaa WilI and on'Septemiber 9 of the sanie Year lattera of administration were 1901Ued ta tihe State Bank of Chicago. It bas flow beau round that lha will of the decedient was ,robatd in Frauce where ber relatives reside. and cousequentl>' a petition ha% Joi-n been filed in the countv court at Waukeganakine tiat thse will be 'T'nbatP-1 here sud the asiate be dis-I tributed In aocordance wiîh the termnit; fihe îil!. hae decedanrt leaves her mot her, Mrs. Nlchqlas "lukkar. and thre literis, Hatane 'iueller, Vitorine Mtuller and Mary Beeker. The en- lire estRt fla lafi 10 ,jilene with the rrauest that sha ife a lir mohcr and s15er Victorine ara carail for. They Elveaiat Oerminger, Alsace-î.or raine. The petition #bat ha" Jus'î be'n flied in court here lias been set fori 'earing Jsnuary 5. 1920. Following lo a Ilst of the probat- oa"ês tsken Up in coini>' cotirt at Waukegan tbis waek as submiitadf by County Clark Hendea: Report of sale of raal c'staýta p rvrd In ette of Nicbol-iq Rallir Sale of teal estat, ardered ln e,. late ofrItîlen D'iris Hotst, minor. t PtItIon for lttera Of guardianshir fled lu astate of Predar-Ick A. an William T. Bohwell, lminors. 13,, xtd at 12.000. Kstata of Oustai A. Graf et a 'mnors, closed. lnvantory ln-proved iL ate f, W. Josaphina Iiawer'-. W]il of Charles B. Roho'np o mllteta 10 rbats' at'd ltt e-- isu, to Auna M. Robinson. luvenîot-y v- ioroved. Ille Shepard adopted by Nawton 0 C Plagge and vIfs'. Final repart àPProved lu esiata kr Fiarry D-. NOIIUan sd distribution orC lered.b PrOOf Of heirghlP made in ast3t' f Ellsssorth Compton. P(fti on fortrobata or ill ro, ,Ohert Wil'-on filid and set for hea "s' Jsnuary F5. 1920, lat 1oa. M. a Final rrport aP -rovad in esta, 0 rank Joseph Lauer aud ecata ,losail. Final rport appros'ed in estat ,, ct r, f !i tsstr and asiate loead. c Account and report approvaj Ir tata of Bnrnard Thiale. minor. uv'n-nfory apltro-vc<d taiter, 'Ftia Miller. Iuventot'v aPproved ln asate oi '*gbs'1 k"-as-an. Addtionaî 'uvpnlore sp)roved il e8tâte of Rabert Dady. Final report aPProved lu estata of Thomas &. Smltis and estata Cloaad Final aacowst appravad in esta, Mihias Ho, nitr.r ,i j sir 'o-r d. "-s':e!M c in "sn" ",- -tata of irvin Shqekis minor. Letuera af administration iasuad tý iarold Martin Iu astate af Lewis C. <ýuggle.1 Final report aproved lu asiate cf 'tâvard Ohmuan sud estatp closed. t Account sud report aPProvad i, 'etate Of RaiPb W. Spafford, mînor luventory aPProved lu astate 'els Sorensen, minor. Finol account Sp rovad lu astai of 1%Iarga'-et. :cKeracser and e, *'ie closad. lus-autos-v approvedin luestatec )1»can McKas-rsches-, minor. 'Report ai distribution approved t estata of Caroline Knigge and astai closed. Final report aPPraved lusaiate o lohn Strazler and astate clQsed. Pattion for irObaîe af WIU ai Auna Fé Fonte filed aud set for isearling lan nary5, 920,a 1 a M SiIOREACRES (iOLF CLUB WORK PUT OVz ER UNTIL SPRIN4i New Linksata Lake Bluff Wil Be Ready for Play by Sumuer of 1921. 15 ON THE LAkE SHORE Work on tisa developmPeu f ai tlt uaw ShareacreasGlf club, nav being laid oui ut Lake Bluff, yl ha sus- Pandad until the grawlug season uext spring, accordlug ta yard from'Stan. Iay Fild, president of tht club. A crop 0of r>'e illIbhaPianted ta 0K>" gaîsiza j eSOILAind lu' (ha saadlug sefton, - lu apteu teies-t Prepa- raton for tiea-permanent turf course willI hcallsae. Al"ogh te hoes hvý hen aiu Accavdiug toas telegrain ron ou11. the course will nat ha entirel>' Springfleld today Gasernas- L'iwdan ready until tise summer ai 1921, ac- upo tise recommaendation o!r1the dlIcordiug 10 -Present indications. Get. vUlou ai paroles thie marning daniad tlng Prapaer turf estaisllisaed la oua thepettio ofRev EdardFindlay af (ha big jobs of Saeis RaYuos-, arcisi- of atilion a tv. daardno cn-tact ai the course. Tise 140-aere et io Jk Cou sntefoeaparontr oStrlp la fuîl of naturai hazads. ra- vuaioineetae.s ctigI r uhawyta 1lUdley,. R la recalteil, vas seunt scttu tlumcsa s'(a te tise péntentlary following discos'- tuan>' Ofthe chien vilI ha dificutt ae of his relations vitis tisaSnydar Ilaly. ow mak te tisa ose o cW1 laZion City'. Ha made thsa dt- osincagtanmkeheoup Somelit hat elaved the girl sud Pastlble for (ha average playar ratisar ited t(ams-sy lier but she vas thissutha champion, (o make, It pois- sible for vomen playars, sud (bis Sual about 13 os- 14 >'ars old sud wot' i. 'qiaj~uiaal at~raseusationialtrial lu circuit e woîlu wouIin placs dral efflt ha vasent (o thea penitentiar>' Six acrea of thse tract front - an *aslong terza. Ha ha% bat% trying Lskt Mchigan sud lu titis strip will -to ýet àa commutation. or a pardon. (o the etuisiousa. tennis. courts sud 1Mu nov that nia matter has lot mal tarting tee,0u1>Y tisa locer roam il beau taketi up b>' tisagoveruorfil of theba s-lusm, wlUharuai>'%eat hua beau turned dovu snd indley sumas-. accordlng tO David Adler, 41#__eotiunuaservlng bis sentence orchiteci. fir»eTbo. Qma~ ae bu duiât t e ap Amblantrooça Tsa gdet>'0f Q aer. rclalt vims gfalctire reairma. as Dame origifiaîl> bacausa tise>'bada car.1 bM* re oM jeaýtlon ta us' tain magistratas to ",tremble ai file evi pfr Iann ,iR. word of tise tord.11 STALLED IEAD 0 ANCIIOR-ARK LOME T. M. Avery and Abert Thomp- sonl of Chicago Act as Installing Officers. JEWEL FOR GEO. ALBRECHT Anchor aud Ark Lodge No. 1027. A. F. and A. M.. held lis ragular installa: tion o! offleers Tuaadsy nigîitilu theli Masoulc loilge hall. Sh,ýridau Rond and Madison T. M. Avery Thamp- Fou, of Chicago, afficiated aus insall- iug offîcera. George Albrechit. the re- tiring worahipful master o! the losge Pcled as instalîwng iaraýhal, aud Ruoy Hill. a psst mnsster. was Jiustalliug chaplain. Mr. Aibrechi, tha riiriug master. was praseutail with a past masiar's :ewai. thse preseutatio!s b'Iug made by Ms-. HiII, He told aà[1the extreme gratitude toit by maubers of the Iodge~ for the splendid vas-k doue by Mi Aibrecht lu brlngiug the Iodge te sus-h a higis state ofi diicieuey. that al- thougis lacs than a ye.'r oîd, l ranks vuh thse hast lu the state. Mr. AI- brachi replies that it vas a real pleasure te serve vtýre thare was- such haarty co-operation. Hel added thut thea bonor conierred ou hlm hy makiug hlm tise firat master of the new Iodgc rora tissu compansated for anY Ilconveniauces ta which he inight have beau put ai times. Applas and cigars vure passad. The spambers of Anchos- sud Ark 'odge have a right ta ha proud ovîr iseir spieudid rccos-d. The lodge was usýtituted ou Januars 211, 1919. asud up ta Octoher 24, 1919. dusing vwhtci lisa it vas under disp-usation, a total o! ixty-iaur new membars ware ad- dad. The Iodge recalved Its charter 24. Tbu'- tha large ne-w mcm- bers were adaled duri.îg a period of but six moutha. Charles Scisvarm. installed as war- sipful master ai the Iadge, madeaa talk lu vhich-, ha urgad the ofiicarm and members ta malutalu the iigh state ai efficieucy vhich has beau as- tablisised. o-operatiou. lie salid, vil! be rSllzed visen it la recalled tIsat tise afficars have beau callad 1t0 Chi- 1 cage and other citles ou a nu-nber of occasious ta coufer dans-eeg. À. F. 0Ff L. TO END l STEEL STRIKE' ON DEC. I3Tli, RUMORI Pittasurgh, Pa..flac. 9 -There is a waII deiined rumaerlin ren andl steel circlas ioday l5iat (hp Americat Fad- eratiou of Lober national commttea willi Ieet ln Washington Saturda>' te recommeud [a the uatioual bodys the calling off of tiesa teal strike. Twa tltausand steel warkars at the CMPNT T!Er. 4YDEEMIBER il, 1919. BeIlir~PhU 0f se JSXl~Ke e!l enwood mIlls of the Wheeling Steel w 12trih.Lie ahu. ciuv'ýany. toulgbt voted tu return tceadIo opn eie o4MNi togtLi o4tur woi'k et once. By a vote or ilire. toad rncmnydîd t returun I4. <kfrIk 11 court erler lflotr. babY kangarOo loi utile laqg Onue, SporethaR 2.000 eMployas of the to wof k. q>eo umL r he- df.-Louisn, lgthsa a »>tbumnb. 'h Fr - abrrd BLED SPECIXALS We guarantee this sled to give you satisfaction. It is strongly m~ade and equipped to stand1 hard usage. Eaeh$4.50 po(l2 1.14xa tir i a. S v'alue iiifaney paiîîted top sleds with rouind sie fenders. Vérylijea- vy ndsubstantial. Eaç'lî.$ Buy Him a Hobby Hoi A large msort- ment cf Christmma Carda, Booklets, Candy snd Tree Or- nomenta. KIDDIE - KARS Even the littie oues e'ai use this toy. - DIt 's great sport for 1)oth indoo s and out. Strong a ni d handsom-e Each #$35 These briglit by horses are * vonderfuelIy popula* itlî the nxi, foîîk. Corne ini and< BPC,îI<l i0lw tc-a 1.t' $7.50 r5he JPOPULAR DOM£S Our stock in- cludas characters (bat are most in deuiand ail oser the country. The bodiéas ara well proportioued and straui>' made. Bon> Ton' 209 Waahington St. WAUKEGAK. ILL. *TllikIoy ' ýKCr7,ý Otît' thouls- andîhti rodî'is cati be con- struete dott of this very T)> a p i1 1 a r buîildinîg toy. Btiv onet'f or .Jît young- ster Ie lit'lli hi' 11'lasd. cadi 75c Boys' Fa'N orite Chest of Tools IlNext-to- Nature" Baby Doits Thaepara grow- ig Sig popiiîarity eeh year -and rightfully so. ba- cause afIthihr iliknesa 10 real, liva buman ba- bies. Sea aur assorti5eist. tliat are iicw, uip-to-date antd intcresting to the votung andi 01(1. A woîuierfuI library to ehoose from.

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