CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Dec 1919, p. 9

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LIBERTY VILLE INDEPENDENT LAKE COUNTY NDEPENDENT Lak Counys Big WeLh*y WAUKEGAN W'EEKLY SUN VOL. XXVII.-NO. 50. PA5RT TWO 1LIBERTY VILLE I.NDEPENI)ENT DECEMBER 11, 191U 9. EIGHT PAGES .Vî-.i EtLNAH UN A. ADYN4J Wl o! SUDS. ton Paulai ~ o! CaIoh~ Rosi-Ion [ 1%e Board f Supervisora eied e hsetgd proteato dy ulien ('bairman Ma.»tber reporteS for is commitîe th"t enormous buils baS been turneS ,;in. tiste supervisons witi 1the requefil for payment ln connech ion *1111 the ZIon City beer running cases. 1'On. 1bill alone fer $1.500 cornes f rom e1ut1 h,,haop, anSMnMr, atber pro- o td a11 adagainal lhe county g Iis 1111 o. 1Mr. Matben InsistaiS x under the circunistancea 1the jus- c buld have carnIeS bis bill1 *111 *te.e cases ainng as comaotaho e Cir- tuît Court ubere the defelidsfts wuud bm e1.0psy 1the justice court bibIs hUmpetely betore they could finish *1.1 ee 11te hlghen court. lin MaIl s n'ataeaent concludea Villa: "We elso bave e bibi for $W0 frmonoue attorney *110 repreented libe itate'i attorney's office in tIbe b.rtngs. Wben we fixeS the salary of th1e Ausit. Sîsîcas Attorney $,1 a year we were assureS by th1e stateso Mtorney tfîaî we wvould flot lie asked ta psy sny éther bis for assistance ln bis office. Yet at each session lni come additionai bilIs and *1111e we re- fuse et final ta psy therm, ultimatelY we do o--they clip tbmougb ln corne way. Thie lime la bere. gen.tleman, uhen we sbould cali a hait on Ibeme extravagant b:is. ln 1the case of 111e ZMon beer cases those bis should lie paiS ouI of th1e coat of prôsaoution and th1e county bac no business ta psy tIlem" Supervisora Eger, Bairstow, Clarkte. Crspo, and oéthers were very positive ln. Iheir atatementl .and baciied up) Mir. Macîher. Tbey scemed ta Ilîbit 1the lime s here when a hlat should be on Uie permiscuous pifyîag tif bille. and they became more posi- tive when Finance Cnairman Vercae saiS Ihatt lie county alre.ady liaS bor- rowed $80,000 no fer anSd11e feit that by Febnuary $150,000 would lie bor- rawed ln anticipation of the inconie of neil year. 1 County Buying Cigare Mfr. Clarke asen 'kicked" ceverely on t11e Setectlves' bis ln connection -ila-ions -euInvestiations, du- claring lie could flot sce wby Lbtý board shouid albnu bbis for cigara, drinks, etc.. sud that ILus Lime lb draw th1e Une. -We sre staggering now under enormous expenhe. gentle- mien, anS we should stop il If ponssi- le," saiS 1Mr. Clarkte. Wire Woricers t Aid The Finance commiittee reported 11151 tie Aniae(n Shgel & Wire Co. mid indicated a desbrq) tapsy %t. easi part of 1the 1bil1lut detý-*y sheriffs wbo guaîSc-d their plant. The tli is about $11.01 and Mn. Vercoe expiain- ed that le feelsAbe colfpsny w*111laI beast al sliait ît at h lm . A con- ference *55 10ta 11Id5between Mr. Acomb anS Mr. Hiayes, and represen- ativegaolthie board 1111e aflernoon re- ativ'- toa1the dispoMion of these bill. Lake Bluff sent a com- mnication tbankinL, 11e board for tue 5,000 appropriation for th1e yesr. Geo. Staneliff of Fox Lýaie wasi funded $400 on bis licence as a rics of th1e country going dry, it being t understanding that those wlio pi their licenise would nave th1e mon rafunded ai that lIme. ln connection with the Zion bc casqe, Supervisor Bairstow made t rernar t Ilat 11- understood it c( $280 1Io pour out 1the beer et Zion.1 tbough t hua wam an expensive amou for pouring out beer. Supervisor ilingdahl feit that woutiibave been far ebeap r for t a-hoie county ,tlcYw liýe beer wago ta go Ibrougli wft11out -topping lihe COAI. STRIKIÉ ENDS (By United Prise.) (Special 10 the Sun> -Indianapolis_ md.,-. Dec... 10.-i most trernendbus industriaI strugI n th1e worid's history ended toc when the1 United Ceai Minera orga zation accepted the agreement si mnitted-by Presidenlt Wilson. This th. foimal ending of the coaI &tri which ha* paralzed th1e cOlore cot try. cHifrAGO GETS CONVENTION (By 1the United- Press) (Special 10 the Sun) Chicago, III., De. 10-(3:30 p. m.) Tiie next Republican -4ationai coriry tee seiected Chicago ais th. next me ing place for the next RpublicanP thonaI Convntion whi-h will ne h here June 8. Chicago received votes 'for th. convention while Louis received. Theory end Practice. The ie probient lmgehting ail1 tbeories dimpored] of luefore they - gin t0 interfere "Iliith1e goodi tliree-rnesls-a-day hîriietce, Select Sensible And Practical Gif ts f'Every Article Use/il CITY IýjN iRIP LIBERTYVILLE RAY 0e F ICY JLAS1 15 RECEIVE PUBLIC te BELOW ZERO IIERE SQUARE AS AÀuIFT utSub-Zero Weather Arrives in Wdi of Mis. A. B.-Cooke Believ- il Teeth of Wintry Gale;- ed to Bring Realization of on Fnds Many Unprepared. Her Husband's Wish. HITS LOCAL FUEL SAVERS A LIBRARY SITE IS NEEDED Waukegan, flecember 10. Th1e death of Mrs. A. B. Cooke, an LThe mercury vent below zero Tups, aged resident of Libertyville, on last day niglit for the firàt Urne tht, win- Supaday la believed to bring about the ter' The weather man, who bac! pre materialization of a plan of wbich bc, dirted that lkt might go to 5 beiow husband, vite dicd a number.of year. va a pikier te say notbing of bfing ago. had often spoken of and ail but rie an optimist. Flfteen below zero 'asa actualiy carried out. glc r.corded on a numnber of tberinorne- The Cooke property Consista; of an ay ters this morning aI seven O'Clock. entire block, in the center of whicb jq nmi- "How cold wass t" the Sun aked a fine large residence. The property sub Commnissioner Atterbery tbis morning is estImatefi t0 be worth from $40,000 a l iii checking upon thse degree or coifi to $50.000. îkt registered In various parts of 1the city. Il vas Mr. Cooke's plan to ilîl It )un -Coider tLan -- Weil, you know Io the city for park and librsry pur- whbat," wss the repiy. Mr. Atterberry poses, but hie lived foi- many years ,ald lie had "een a thermometeir whict, afe inifying bit; intelition. and 1 registered 20 below but that he wouid acoresil aswrgdscd1 not vouch for lis accuracY. ter i te aged couple for living expenses Here are the statements of ailir I and these encumbrsnc',s tied Up the varlou s parts of town snd ini the- oui_ etate during Mra. Coe'a lite. 01 ) kiTe: recent years aie freqOntly renhtrked. mit- Tulouse Store, 1615 Wa-hington 1owcver, that it was ber lntentioil 10 1et stre et, 12 h ,ok. dispose of tie propértY as lier bus- Na- W. J. Brown Store, Northî Avenue. ied 14 below band snd desired.1Y s 44 Assi. Clief Thomas Tyrreit, 15 be Ir t he ciy gela the proPely- it l st. 0ow. believed the lieouse ilil be remo0detied Laits County HoapLal, Grand ave- loto a library snd the grounds used uue, 12 below. for a public park. The PropertY la 3. E. Weyne. North Sheridî.n iload, regarded as one of tuie-preltiest an, 15 helow. Most valuabie tracta in the city and the RobertSmasrt, 118 Oakhv aîenue partictiiarly adapted te B park ana bi.- 14 below. iîbrary site. oId Sun office, 10 below at 8 o'cioek. Charles Russell, couty superinten - 0«_ t6 below at Lake Forea. A Zion City > eietreporte 16 beow tiere. - AE UCI _~ And zero westharWas nt the wo'I', t. iv FIRST FRENCH--s 1A bowling wind tairly serap,-d th &kin off liands and faces that were jJ WAl exposed te0 aI. ilmade Waukegan AM R. AR DM)! 1 gIla the coal strike la sîmost ov-r. This morning th1e wind lied subsided A Lake Coun girl, Miss Flortt"ee considerably. 0't4ovie, whoae hboerne1 Tod Lake. Tbe arrivai of Zero weathcr 'as but whotias ,pending the 'anier in felt more keenly because of the fuel C'hicago, lias the unique honor of Co0 aservatiôn rules tisit are in effect. belng godmnother te the lirai F, eticl jBecause of the extreme cold and Amercan baby boraii n the States. tfle attendant difflçuty of gettIn The baby la John Pershing Stanton. trains starîed out o 'Waukegan, twu o on0f Mr, and Mre. J. P. Stanton of engines wcre belng ubed Ibis rnorn- 1723 Fast Superior Street, Chicago. ing. One engine vase UdeSte bciP The baptisrn ceremony wau lier. puas .-the trains Up over, the grade on formed In the Ily Narna Cathedral, thse *57 1te Chicago. This le donse fter uhMli Mr. and lirs. Stantcon every ululeér during thse uxremetY entertained a smaîl party ait dInner.1 cold ucatbet. Ârnong Ibose- t 'resent were Mr. and The sudden arrivaI at sssbzero Mrs. F. J. OBoyle of Fox Lake. weather found msny Waukegan peo -________________ pIe unprepared and rnany calla for prompt deilvevies ôf fuel vere made on local Doa dealers tois morning. . 40 BeOwJ. t Two Towns Setting a record for th1e four coid wavea which have reached Denver so far th is wlater, the. morcury dropped' te 19 degrees beiow yesterday morn- Ing. Thirty-six beiow wss reported aI Gordon, Neli. INew Casle. and Wyoming, Neb.. I ucre. probably th1e coldest places la 1 the Unîted States with 11he thermome- 1er registering 40 degree.s belau. Il was 38 bei a, et3Sda Springs, Idaho. PROTEST VS. ISCRIMINATION Te Lake County supervisors on, VedneIýday adopte.d uis resolution 111ntdbyte resolutions commit-A tee consiating of Messrs. Hutton. Me- Cullough and Martin: RESOL .0. That th1e Board of Supervisors or Lake County, in the alate of Illinois ihis day assembleS In regular session does hereby proteat te thee $ederai Trade Commission and th1e Congreas orf1the, United States against 1the discrimination practiced by the steel interests of Amerîca In maintaining 1the Pitisburghi ingle-base Ij systemn of making ste.el prices. as the recuit of *111db the farmers ot Lake County and Illinois are compelled t0 n ay an unjuqttilabie., excessive priv'e fr their vire fencing, nails. ennercte bara, bale lies. plows, anS every ar- cie uhich they use in farm opera- THE ltions and which conutina 1 oraiainhereby urges 1the lieieral H Trade Commi.ssIon anS the Congrens of the United States te do al In thpir power te re-nove Ibis arbitrsry discrimination against their members and In lavor of fermera vite may 1e situated interritory trlbutary 1t0 Pittsburgh and notwithsasiding that steel la manufactured ln thse Chicago district lan1the heart of the agrîcul- tural middle we8t at a materlally les, cÔBI than at Pittsburzh. Besclved further. that a certified copy of these resolutilQJti e sent te10o the1 Fedlerai Trade Commission ei Washington. Pho Snëwdrifts Stali Many Autos on Gurnee Road out west nt Gurilee there are size- able snowdrift8 and a number of auto- mobiles became stalled there yester-- day noon ad night. Harry Beagaton. a contradtor frOM Hubbard Woods. uhol doing corne work at iFox Laike, ., vas rtombe b orne last night *1111 a nunher of rarpenlers anS becanîe . ,,.. sballed!about two nlles west of Gur- .. , nee. Ater shoveling out hc enrount. ered a numbgr of automobilîsîs In the .a- fi. and- by 1the lime 11e belped ASmall deposit wiII hold any article Aand will be delivered. any day bel ore Chrtstmas. t'AUTO TRUCK DELIVJER Y . S o as,,%e F rttuo B sn s IW u em New Auto For Christmas Vil' Please Her! elected m the following named cars which we are dealers for: ENEW ESSEX, JORD AN, IUDSON AND NASH C ARS AND TRUCKS Chas. Bairstow w Rooms 213 Water Street ones 1723-31. Waukegan, 111. -i 'a- Suful oliduy Gifts The Government restrictions are most critical to us-' Wu. ae Oempelled to force o ut our entire 'stock of Shoes, Rubber>s, and Slippers for the en- tire farnily. to pay bis. Qur entire stock regardless. of cost or value is- now being sacr'ificed. -An -exception- ai opportunity to buy To ur -Holiday Foot wear at Suoh% Rldloulo un Uorelllng SHO ES for men, women anid. children slaughtered unmercifully fos Soiufh e***ge ilS. Exp@à#e àvhea Rapfr 'Whaàt Wu BSoi f *0a~ate I i i ib

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