CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Dec 1919, p. 1

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LA ~ ~RYVILE-NDEPENDEN j~j ç yyjp~ p~~LIe ~ou*y' Bg eely WAUKEGAN WEKLY S Mxvn.4.s. PGE.LRRYI1ME A EOUTi4moNQI TITUDÀYi DEEMBER 18, 1919. ONE TO EIGHT. 81.50 PEU YFAR ] ADVA4 FILED A(AINST U.U iUI SRTICONT"AJ MU 0111ATRSfTA~ FOX LAKI3 MEN 'I ONI)AY MRI@Jf16 HE UMSC u evsors Refer to Commit-j av to be sbovin where a Patient States Attorney W elch Starts W ahiag«on, D C.,- Dec 1 T e W r iS r pn e Sat a akgn Dy 1 tiu o pyn ý0w MIIsaer of Providing able14 tIn isro w Ith t h p, thSUI Proceedin ga Against war-tm , prghibitl at was held bWea h s huknssTere a a he ated 13.în or tue O t o that o mus cn sit the te ~the ea i hs oo vthth tercosttuinal today bY the nrriaor5 this mornîng At- ma efr be deimu t hnus. '$u for Ptthsis Patients. mee as loir aa 15 helow ero.1" He RsotOwer.stt uree heunited cf SaevenInohes.of th la pacrwtreth>' oud ie a Stames Kee uk m. f ee>Inhs.ew York8,g whnAt ai. eor ied its j tll ha teproper treatment would NewFYRrkRLY forethie board to argue agaînst the Mr. Welch or anybody aPlc hrteyouib winTedignolbvg ipl ony .a2 .erdle-heseofakgcnreue eWHATnt HOSPITAL JusticNG BrWILL1ON mOOK F R AN E R Y DROP j board i dallowing lis am for $800 a iiow them ta continue a b en tts uidig. hve nor in g h eealcutdcff N wYrka baJtE(O B*eâ __ __i noa bthe zion tt>eer runner hem and gree to p Y e" 1%e Beiard or superviseraeat a Thie matter vas disecuseetasomp, .Information hagn teslflng Of dismlsalng proceediagi brought b'Rports jrom the taire rogion ln casas. l'he board adopted thie report volved,' oual Mr., paddoa Meeting et the ounmt>' houpital Thurs ilength and tlpally a motion was car. intouicatlng liquor la prohibition ter- Dryfoos, Blumi & 00. to compel 14k.CountY la tbat the aniquai (ce of the .ludiciar3 committee wbicb Paddockium.ped tu, is'foot., borzedtheholjýried to rpfer tht proposition 0f thea ritor>' and aieo the -naintaining of a ternal revenue officis to lirmit the! barvent ts about read>' to star and lncluded .101. Weiss' bill for lpgai red, Mud iun0 uncortain vu 97 = a terpoon ako Invedtiaiohn erleetion or the new building for verte- 1cOmmon nulgane were filet! tnicaurt- witlidrawal from bonad of whiskey foi 1ProbablY wtibe aarted net Monda>' Services and that cf Tho. itorby tasted againat the ¶bcpd j 0(14 repOrt at Cie Mardi meeting reia. reai ami tutiercular patients go the t>' court tues afternoon by State'a At- belcitge purposos wue afîirmed by mornIng If lhe col ventiler remains legal servicea of $200. the board re- a -motion tonzitify Mr. Welok, Ulr* 4 thé eb roction of an additional hon. 11* comniuîe could investigate tomne>'Welch agaînst soveral Faxthie court. 1Atthe preaent rimu'e ie Hlit gaaidfusing tu allow theae two items. Other the fture no futer bn >Wdiig at thf 1b08PItal whii-b would and report at the %Iarch meeting. Lake resort and saloonkeepers. The The osigning of the armistice did (o have reacbed a tiks fsvnbisl -net iht i eîsrt wouid bies.loved unbe.à ~Ovd, exdhusivel>' for tubercular tir. Brown gave sortie Interestin charge of maîntaining a cammon nul- *not abrogate the ver powers of tnübhus. Already the owners ar Ice cases were recommoadétd te be îi i i. h himna h %d Vseremh patients. tatiatiu ato;ut the work of the sa ce "under thé nov searcli congre"s, justice EraudAis iald, îin hluses have gangs of mon at wolepvr t tie ard metin. itthe M r. aof sald Dr ru drse h ord,. < ounty hospicai duriug (hi peut vi-ar. and seizure law whlch proves for (the reading lhe decialon of the court. scraping offthie anow ao thgt floth-Whê-n the rePort vas anopted .%r intend tu have thé board hb IwPlaiing thaeed of a proper build- lie showed the fîgur-.a.'fllws rosinz of env place viere iltlie ehovn injunctions sa" Dîaaoived. ing wui hinder thie wu-k ot cuttig Weiss addreseed the board and foi: iei by noUifying,.Nr. Weebt 1 g et M Rissort. H e sBhOwed hOw Il Patleat durlng the year .. .... tat liluor as been sod unlafuly. la deeldint (le quelin the Su whn it start4 Monday. hIlsla x owing his discussion sa mne bot rvo-Sesbot ht0ie must do thiq, _I*u p e b e tc tre a t tu b e rc u la r a d a b e s b o rn . . . . . . . . . .... . 17 i T h i ' In fo rm a tio n s w ere iss eu n p r om e co u rt mita dlso v d in ju n e p ec ed th a i t s e wl i h . bot th em a ks w e e h u heeb c k a d ur h h a lirieI g Wa b-v tBr. aiOanthmanos-Mjo.arton........8ag4inet the following meantthe restminh.g.-revenu officiais' Inches hick bouModa>'. mank&tîervlsr, Mr. a issad t oc etn u vv'i u« ne a"nt n h miniosi.MJo.oprainothn rnraerg, e.nw arrang meetn n d s v tate. 51b lg eac (a old.r-Adodtasîl case....... 62 aAilton Chrlstesen, atlierwlse iRnOwn fer m inteifering vit.h the- rezoovailuches b>'Nlo day. oto e.arrangmet atv mutefuseI Woo, te Qe f te, uilin fo Je- AXnictie ...asAntan Chrlstonsea; Edward low- front bond ofai iat 70, îgalions FWurt e a uvIes utiickness i.s Mr. Weiss tiaastabatttthatustlifus bu l i g fo a - A ic a i i i . . . . . . . . . 1 2 - ard , H er >' S ch l(tm echgt, G e rge I s s e h t l eh all thei b i s viic i M r. W l -'- flJ 9w-poses. The Physicien ei. -Dr. Brown added -t'ni ttttrëe-neyer Koeth. James Maning, Frank o -Of Wiskey muo tapomtahe'rgaddns(oIdeal tbickuess for been ardorod to go (o Zion b Brt"te' dered contrary teo theeautb*é baedhd h s t o a e Pu'l uE 0 ote nNý $76,000.000 held b>'the Kentucky, harveating buttheie Ad lons0 mou Attorney' Welch, who oxplalned tin u or.Tetm amSd cont' lid au>'tben ninîce mt or a.and Gerge Pasdaiou.uIuhua"' istheeforeatrdt.thTtteik b ahi 't und th ikfte hvenereal camaswhlcb the bosPitai sinre il bas oPerated and Cpissveodrd for0tP e Do- tilari>' ai %d Warelîouse com saI t- t tglsta tikle was unbe snde tiecaseo (t la rlghct now and rn I:. fOlicd upon t tfrough tb iad- thora novery>et hasbeen a baIr f corefnat n i>re (oer ln aryo Louis-ville, Ky'. hcueIwi e ul hce fand had (o ihJeasitne .Winan'f(hmble.W Slorder aud (tla18absointeiy lim- Cya la a awii-boru babe. althongh fenunt 'andurth e td>ornga t Justice Brandele ald ti- govemu- cold veather continues auni thicer Deano oas aise othorwle ngaged.agntpoigsu'Olom faible to ;:et helli ai (tie homptal 200>have seea the light of day en o'ycock ad ext ond. mrin tment did not olppmlate th(lilquar i(ce la barder ta liar-Xest. dd " qetonlt.rgt -istPI9 R i ftnt (iý' - trelatMent ln tthe ehospital.liea aid (is oas due State's Attorney' Welcb >'sapigisdatsieuh, s(h vrybngpinat (ofat agedldn't u et i he ae -ln n>sOtc aWed gala buiÉ' 'hetr preseuce aimateta hecartfu lieclinlc and general (i ieno httofllg0 lel. w~loft aies fdr exporting it. ,the le. harvoat (bis 'oar wii lie Mvit~."u en br l od Capthod Wegbb 0fagte é snid ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H de-s oiHephl an lasfioe tiehaia. Ho fernon filoathe -Minvtg(o n Cotrol o5f taiiroads Cited j conueed mucli eariier tliaa (tlias fait> If the count>' legml lias0h11;. vith Paddock. crasaw;s lit héopitl .ais spuerai hosital added (bat thore bas beau but tnomade in Septembor b>' dtectives. Heon Juthrela aiea cahi tr fte o eea 'a'gatecjta ps1yme 1amn anttlidtu It4proaue ie a IlekangMi ailding. loue of anau slendicluis patient. sys lie boit Pimued ta fil ~the lufr- to o(i SUledcnrla leIOtherwlse Inot. h wouid suggsest give (titao hlm >'a ou e eSt Me urged (lie Importance of a Tje average cest for operaiing (lie matosfo1h6Otbr a cn-raliroad ansdi reoumption of pavera s -sitha tue (es-sut>' ai the bllieha "en hlm; theie arnevs'ith ",s mUdias ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aln 0fferSr u li h t.hsitidtngteherprmnt > but s nîler go>. IIEA MLI.dlblr"JditIdredssatinvteeu Widtt d ce blgl mualar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I cotet ol i atrptetos$.6 dy i -ie-cue(i coe rn uylin-sdasa uds~Wrat t hw- ln- ta abi Jdge b>' oat head sasmdoIluteleWei os'ut i > N" f iissoutnd ot!tesa on- itnfo ashlli during the cui ermot ycourt btvaz a ein rciaîl' ba tegoeoummtcntnus a Ox- I*i 3tyUfrnu tlia glt'o a >' dviai:m." ys sds y (ra b. ile vs c M fl m ood u i l a h lie hot e r . at e t v as $ .7 de d tay .T a i> h o r - - c ete - e ra d j ýý 1 ir 1aisn is- f oar m Istice. M ! (o fT fo l eglof - y - a nd. t ua t e lo . Mys f 1 k ThSousprohibiton taiares-ttaio. Zaoe beeriille vasvas tiffl.îea ai lIeboard, aujVil protection from th cold ohatever. or four doctors l li e caunt>- aeemed ae dmo «ut iim roh iebfdetionO I f iil NS iloed.hvr atergen fs « -vz t 4 voodea shacha vîcre the tubër- holpital sud camte there vwl thiem tu g0yeramt as .eile batil udTbeo. Fou-hi, 0l es-lsrvie« ... $80054 ume thasMyau>' etheroége laok ,lter court do-e-.Wm, 1P. Weisloei ervl0eo. .-00.00 Te*for blautbe lewhah Iclred Lid vertaMai-eh Me4ting. 'vth u ho>' ,toaiieed tg lm I~ W I L II R IS SLA Y<> WNS£1Z1 A )~ The Judg-mt of tle court la aY Teir Place 18 At Home; JLBol> fJusticeU sd bruke fbi twth e Ketukyan NK tvr cse vsvûarkMmt JuJm bsiceforaheeoà ooàtmm a s Do ~James H. MoQueftey', detts- b wvilW Lt,. don~~~~~et Wlmonu st&t«OWKla bis mes-g aanlise(otale ber proper 1 tuais' sve wi rnt .11~ i CO R Y EM M R9 «X~~sae vetolus- tue puohbiihs nforca. Placé'luIs-Ion.- &wtkcbé mth , The (floilg cppins- taken finit-meut set $bat the var b" insame l 1 nt a vii ow av su' vmWato grage over beur la sIonbMieu I*b.* 'flEIR IE~JErs1 51FK IJtheSOR Chicago Drovers' JounaUlIsaif ansnd, vue a proclaiascta noune- comte on tle platiorni sud peitiorh or ge M6tie Sv rle,'n"', .of h l M MSitst.ta k eeu d erep seil ascin lu self ativol>' liVU. tea h. » laeep silet l aitrcOi,'d s-vet bbuiil.Weuai ( Cant>'poohe: lngbe erulnsion0f ho a,.- (ach" l (l lusitruius-ai r- t-................... 472» 0 lu th cOumeet bu s t M i 13 LoJFarrellas Sk Tarder, lu venderlas- lia opinon (le'court seer-Voliva. "Paul 5550, 'Ilt thveh WWoc, oxunsm..807-U nm sal hm00 baIlbs ,iW I.aoalIflidfi lbCotiy fghaySut. hêesE.RUS, seii ilve stock. a ;oad of bis- sheep lime prohtibition set aud teck nose- lun Mon no voman e a o biego a. do> ' vas exetomaivo sud (batIf jlimn" titi it Court;~ to state eg, Co~,vinaiSixSecond p"IsDlthle yearling- lion on th~e uo-calflbe b Sm fo vieh speaker. No vo- nleàotitiai < e hoard slolved I it (tvould aMenu s ba; (u J0 ee coe 3 c a stt n (1e ix wter clise t thea nnuoi interne- attacked (lia consttu o h er ruie or t(olhe plafed lu sutiiort>'. theaj, 0er cpsirt houas empioys . ed a d t)4 ucoaty wW Years Service fonai stock show ba he Hie -t Weef prohbibtIon enfarcernt Wh«eu (o pO5tes ve. aloted. vould demand a rels,. lie pointi me aSr eouny spevnte4oinluDeeuber.- there vasn( s voman sang (he=. ont (bat whon Mr. Walob £ppeoired ' M $ J .W . F arre ll 01 G urun er.. H a vash os »vood, Ill., :Mdaise otier lesatees Tecl'> i h isE usel M5jFarl aasneae. p sd sn-vli iascos nu hem ta ipas>'WifI3oau e se as ap.quu. 'W I& âlinxs inWaukes-su. ZinCity',d sud I ai btedef t ighwbvatra itrueaurnee pmd ived (haeefor'SY SI U ue lim lquante ggoM ong e .vals aisefroen $2.500 te $.000 Fi-.about ltwt-flve ears. He le nov voman eau do, aecerdint tta VoSvs: year (bat le, Mr. Welob premi sd d metbes'.- Hos arene af the (lin-s (at a sistaut Staiq'g*,Âtomey $3,400 a ccuwatt»eexatt U# =44ys$0,00as o taie--i-éâlt f ay b>thle board af- superylsors. Ha esîdins- In Chicago b'a aa-Se cu ata>' home sud moud Bocks, the board faithfully (bat (lie $ttaes The Mjet. breOsg ln enoitreéaive $500 per anuum for a ERR M ,- IAd iof<ioIambe o8EERaRUNaPC wu II.I. c'- p l i > '~c h o d n g ( d a ' ( t t e- 4%ax e s ew k e p l e r b o a m e s d b e r o b l d r e n - l o u e s a i m a l e , . i n (t h e fu t u r e i t h o u t d e t e t i a n b o r e p r o p e t y qM Iite , W.dl ath e an .o B. ceaide t o i e4Ilat0l (oeaad andians 0 iu e0sentvnnm. hs T OtgslHi iae. ut u dtn.eoktate>' qihce ceud/8ad1 IS prt h Was- Smodîi tha l eide nt o.fry tue position af ' Rugb y' engineer .19Oas shawn f rom Canada. O U en m m ryt h ikaddstes& -u r adc ge-t r E gr buoadltad.Mý8AN Me lu Waukegan, September 17, of (w iay sud sent T,(ho tartle bsi _______ sute>, an'tp ah bea ho ule5n ean si!trhp . W hhdI-aJkaan sotreet png $ tyoas- vas Invali becauseotî v> eatmea t hee ar e (aia nt mac'(nleacosddsrsa.B trM. dck 5rmanof teMmbor lianesmats ltsu aite $1,10 r.eVrry sud is -daugbter, Wiîsia han - stthrec ora niare i iliane taL fo VlBeidsacepil hevPR aPulhiis etctvs hures eclas- fr r forbet«. yreRictardthatheiuor VwiIatorss tmc and the aphetethuîenovaiest erheîrm liaiVtuevhardls>'ta.ras tats pobitiond a 1 mefiiares.ThofnrDIEiseBEbt-IWiliIGet Temfs lnl as au nutuorit>' on vomau's Place,deeiy, sav. tn rrodn- sis-ing aif(lie vil], ara uanid asud (heu (hboktoth or higies ohal aewrt.wmnwa't i sbetJ mn asthylr oi I o be(ter vmi m ýrywgnmda xcti Mr. Roist ls six 'ear termi has just AUE SREREAD La"nAdh.Voiam as it rae i e otn wu(bat ELÂ li er husband frolà testlfying eprCAUSle Dl -ir ni aBEWR IVN BAUE.IJir R onm tle wiii came up for piobaie mPm~ tleo adOx'utt -UA1R ~ ~ u~~~G E anu vas racrated O tetiofen o ieepolek'eosl ab I canequeut;>'y(lie wouicould otsueessoor qualifies and la appointed. OBjeuui mawsicreat e vos the milsai;(hoInn i i 'Vs. thatsetruc." sud thêa proved aud vosedecared lnvf, ot ie a uepiiog faaî on- I I Wîuthoherediction (bat Borme ai man. Or.ds.Eveva (o kva l Ae CTHeTAD4T ivaes ae ores sstr f candidate. the Kenostla-Zion Ciiy-ChIcago beer (he traiisgressiou ln (ho Gardenon f 1,1toIt d; "God eveui$" WMise an. huie> lt@a oplihev n edn elr runners viii go to tie faderai pau-i.Eden. She didu't keep lier place, and VSN r aulJ skro' Ieed E ulezatb L.lia ha, a niece anIl - tnn Deiae tiary for long ternis, B lFmotatik inc tobe eseFRTHWIE O 1.1 F aWý'rn r Dr. Sa e . W Essr, d lzaeh ltnanII, -ao n t ui>' rgot maInt trouble aerclipre t ae otb Clifeago. viii* dia ide the ontîre e JAE o R f1TS MS-Hockfrd n, t a C lums. Elbrt, attorney' for tic Anti Sbo utitidrrc uii iotobe ie ne repas-ed (onbave laet I" be of appmximatcly tf3000. Under MrsH u Fa a u o uîlnnis, an ex-cm)tain aiflier.' il v iii~~~~~~~~~~~q (l e s a o a a m ch A o i i u x e i i n , ' f n a tiie r e y o u a mre . W la t t he o n Z ia n ey. v 13.G re e ce . a lhiuu ot it s ol e ui 00 sudl (hoieule a, o ud . a leader i thifiglit vagod ln City woîîîen tlîink about Iltal otstat- The edit of ai itiran s taling 1Th dllar la lunthea.liaose, va$300 ech FOM BBER WHLE %C Ig (oinlulticag a plers Mrs. Illinois airninal violators ofAle, dry cd. onu>' two thingï tb'e-e days. sud tIii.' lyI l 'ýego atno ho Joebie hqueit nadcv (lie E. M. Hbbnrd,>aunownef aproperty anuien Oiort placei ln effect Ilet Ju1Y>'bore olalte e L ako e huff ant ailalusa' th t s-aJdePesnar:M'I V 'lIlE inlan au ru-aveer lylled b>i1. d"If eeban die ne holuKesa t~ss.a AUSUIOhomo 0f tie wel d a t gtla ad i cretarer 5 ais-litlu e b ~.Ferry, Wauko-an-.-.......$4000 L'aR ?MY COI LOU41SES înato(su icni'l hoct' "i iuisuofo.oo Lat AURES14 ESC(APES4N oel oee loteewentab e t l s ka Up iHeslansi% Ils Ferr Richard, Wnukegu 1,000 hie fammerl>' licd lanZMon, but, tle blamo?" asked Attorney Ebbetansd 51I.AaàJ5W84/natthie -combinalions ( lesfst ivaiae obia eV erry Smlh, Chicaukg 1.000 I'henot5 shrebu5rsut rachtheina. la il n a20, 1ts Ferlmthhcgo 100t.ercatlsug hing ant 'lier- traie lun ahi'ntcd tiraii'onthie itizeasa OONta (i atiaaebuofaa utnieiitue-114rv a ets e ~tvA. Ferry, Zion Cii>'-., .2,000 Pilla (otaiig noari>' $100 vere ah- elýnîl conk the (i0Zion Indogendeut, (i in(dSne vad o s N AIS E fis (ihokys ta tho ceon r. les Ferry,ZMon Cit>'-1,000 lavod for services reudomed lu huyn- i aih i mudetly dami a lit (woanttheir franchise Pavera b, slid, «Yeul a ls a1 'ic tngi e ou brais. Thong I or>'.y ZMon City>........------.1,000 ing collbeated boom at Wbodstock a case çf suicide, il oaan't, an actua) cai't don>' your ' re$Ponsibiulty for hnteoumaonheFldm-aeepntem irpeCiao 100lsat Septambor, ohen seve>-al truck atcid,ýnt of (ho tr'uck bittlng lier that conditions exftintg la(bi cantu>' f Amobtelesn ang os opîk n a ronta-of at lase ho ited. ln ttis ounty Iftat1 oarda H iqe semaa utdo-s- at itphlahsian f lvl (sCrpe>, Cicgo -- - --, 00 a of he yeae' vas aptnnd caîsedlem dea . ,but, a n ovpapr Y'u do niii iu it V RJ bouT>'s-you 0 ý - ear SpIgg Goýe enoumobfolt dr-awingintaroatstop innInde-ontntai oPiat ehePaIse he ho ýdé . Howll, Cicago 2,60eG hanse . He la a efficient bouse- Whe the P Ôltc %s. arrivai (le>' f * Blpte H,:Cico $2,9Ram 0osa-yakee (ô 'Chicago. The beer vas ilabat actuahi>' tinved ton much fô,' JIliotpaised lier owu dry set no 1i 1Vhrî Puiencio Laures of Liber- nas ni knows not oui>' bis business the, Place ransackod. oger 00 E vpts (Olrde a lie oevs .w ir>Ofiiir.l hv o'glretv con'. td ofaimunier In Bureau lut aso the vaile ofaisprohibittion' 811Ï dressea linons sud aller tl i(l, otlmated at bo(voeq 8,000 court hause basernt -sud Wer asen "Mm Iiar-i oas kuo o a ba>'tic fedoral an', sald AttaruEh' Jcounty an cud enesontlionceidYstae rlede a theestri oittollarock t-ledin s-aer.bhe seerevolver sud - madeHe mb neaarevlvetan Dineundles ansi et'uadDom (o vacant lots for destution mrder people homo sudwans aneofait(le fIrat hert. but in wtrouain tho la; Dcenuher 12? hi îiete rn orinldran'lOae- d te c'iti S- 0f' deceFedWite wd sdecmorn her(le fovrt.Tla lassociated alh Dr. Dovl i e p b mn u fancturers detld. heed , vernor Lowden test ev oin- T Oraie Man Maked. eu otscitd. vefa 1 frpnfmmborom désuerucionlas-Tlie rr aibel" a c amfoae lite l iot' ae lie UIliUaS lnoS, moetl tai egaoliegt ýItares a he i-one Iwho apthons-th oebou g hen A. Msila(e A s- lilute oli csesutiie a ork and alsa for (vo allier jobs on (lis Zian Cit>' Iude'poudtn(t teing af 01(1 tue ri-titit that Lake Caunt>.'-conceruci. Accordins to neva dis-1 home," tua servant exilaîaed. "Hefm. -t ng'attorne'bcho d e ho me ane dey. (acnn-cnucîna l intIllnnis, becantotie ac, ene of the 1patceefroanSping ilLues-s-tamied et tue front, door sud pr- :W*l( nd he wled r.Fer->' This la qute ln -naontrast (o tle rv-a.d o s a peclated îy tleie nov- ritmngest vet ami dry fuigt ln tho capes the lunugmîîn's noace 1>' ouI>'a!pari to open It. 1 catited ont te PNEUMONIAV Opluolter s- a Tic iset suit ai boom delitruction lu Lake papes- moni(bat a Possile ~collapse Unted States. llinula officiais bau fia baslins. hlm: Voni u'dbottenrs-. ahite >ous- iOet t lesses would have Coqa>'4n stesa bap-g( o rf the .sclar systeni - tai fmglteneid onflacated mai. ihan 140,000 lbot. 1_________He_____ow a, balut ta 10.0 ethoîr lg acis ta lu olsCtyad-c en f o opn thelboit- Faho enn o oxLke u- t fvbtéàt oe hi eatsi ri ncsso eradapyn ir"les.aifilqior fora .(tuckek hcal togeltr.Ilad ou ie audo n SAn uti, g 0Fo thei b tct5th(at Mr. Penny>,Ca cl (, Chef af Police Bocker oif- weme runnînàr .fr00> Konosaata Chi UsM ss- 1VENTO mtewak ( h0 onns- cth as-. Oe -xe . .su«e kÊ1il ed(.ii salI, ll. iecsud pour thiceonteinmta nhtah(e baud ar As-les (nose Maman), flter (AD temahn.wlhadirs>'ta-Psbesan.iIdFds' ,a 4tty. AA.. I hF. vi op rvr ariil'svîs (i bres fJonReaa de1Slr.>.- usieMrraesAe l- u qit

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