CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Dec 1919, p. 11

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W . t cfOpae sa 5.1 tcUalte4lst.j att a. inac tepoltM et tcseattns Wama f Pêamlti o lat tfhie Umiti ofStatea t liIo of the lvufmat d, tM. dUtyIeder«Mes tbom h an 01 O U ti e m a o &I e m "IdO be ait t hplm ad tc- te »Mm oo théfowlate adi bjaft of Penalty c e aimerab i tstca Ifoma- M. 0fâ 113e60r the anA Ireploie. a Ml'nlé ao very laOnlytaor. ii. oneins Où thrense ftyé vy&v te hbinm n th- IX te Wb" be tbelon. andto thei e ju y in, i e bfca. b et aioo atndamvib h a slas Pfumr" of tor vlth tIoe Maimenamnytiaoncal, ileor wavdn or oril isce. re M of tem ceouy dreliare k«ah I*Ma o dm afiir. o r RIta No b.permonen e fnuishugl W.o Mr Y femlgthe Iomniu p.qrb- lbe e ndor abupei bu t dowft ta tniorvihmlm I« JM7 thserviet te hlm uo 5rmfor. aincatly ure ien th, MmMt osn natoasa or i psw odus -boran Imm »ed-hamun ur cemary emm wiU be e herunt O An tht D orbis *Mm. Corubi dayProtecto tm the ymsad Ltqord, oreomad in hnt- lpe pof iteA Snatirb"oe iee oftg ényInforatio Ma Wsoome tW isON.&" ib Ir am. reue i Qecamiaal -Miletipoet- "u'la thé »6we.they Fou ftrQtl b" t onanin, bhn~d~"thIu tic ody' du. to euxfBtAai the moe divielqu of the putoffice 9EXd4v.1le-fat me tovbq rt eraniwt o M.1000t, dreamc., he .Wp4t* t e! WB- l wal~ by tmalq fiereh dma etsad lme*i le. e hâ dÀis -b pt wlt- tram ~~~~lae le.oe ud u tt way hy natum. b aehne IWSâ Btrong payer and enclose kà4wer of doubleéorvugatq =or vooden boxif Dar- AUn arrov, yack ln trips MIL ,l paraml engthwtmm and 1&ýwItk hmy tfume. * mmm 6w *mlgu break.or lier Ibliagdo S*tecovor ail or 000555W Vr» Cvaa or cQh )d Wb th are shap iovrrJip"lien v m7t, oa to i - &W. V , majoî1ty 0ffb lac 10e Passed oit oit elOttee>&I'ê locations were '9 >ta* _»PUk ~ UI4te. by o0fhe lnem of business.,. l'vao 010104 IKI* ,OW- W esi tires 0", place.have sir 001,I t10004L 4. If « ' 40 OWLaJt fte e314 poprieton r ftheme îià%a., O ,t. . RA~S dasIie foe taYlogago gTen iii>any. go*~ Àd~4 4 410 Viý1MMin«te the saloon Irm*u ra e 4sp%-de- bmuým 1 onnequnn&y P.hey fflx iMi#I oe0romwew 109MObir"mrne 01~ o qwm ooskIme é going out o ex- 4f.lV imblc asraim"'sa lyTh e .Sot Dink PaLIdeSiit M i *gm&d by thousand.. .9IeibI c toodum CU WOWa, cuià.jwa fJeuM m m dUhll*,rmla other cities. ounear her wr« "IR 14m, o létièU drn plces i - dsOtiWýi*i bY 18,that: their cu-, mi an.& ellfmh. CIYle.'pCO0«01%tm*av u 80onmotiey really Ilce. e mwga lBe e vagioe and have nearly! ne ufflt là, tlOw M biw f. i ...luIdt the&r tait. *1'the 'reil atuff."1 mie eothrct~ tibmdnn nChecm It Ji f tgured that man> WG14b. SOIRtp 1tth#' idofOUJ the8 tact tbatt i thi84reme court bas Ilimes o nf thouana professions wIftttg t #cfZ? p130145t1i ilIfl, declined te lit the wat4img ïrobi. Wlll bave te- b. tied ta-make up forý li tSUre ~a.asal"pt. Anb tbtsntt nor d he ]Me.of Mtbeloon lloense, but in af , ul '~c l b aedp.national probtkon Sm into f.ilt, Waakpgaatb*lmOuof temlo thé 0b0MOkl he would emui tWautegancmn viow tii. -aîtuauomrevenu1 made up In other wesght Of no %sn 300,0 vllh more or la«gs koqM ay for yste* epnire ecourt rullng thi Ciy long bmeio ou" emd will have 110 ual eaffect. 0 Wbelg dry and .th* liftIng ofl. ___the___ MUIdS. Mut Whlseu, 0u0<ban for a ic' e* elcs W ouldI Aeorraqmondell of 1an Elgls pçyer h , liaU Ittl br. re.mtly ldtdla D h15 6h11: '-Lmt a After Wmaukegan was votei anti Th 5POMnte CUooOd Pay. saim l 0,Fffcle Pftnt, Bleady gong, wbP 'f tObini od e t4>kô7 er were mveral thrlf 17 d r&bd&and far mores 1. - 1qpwp i tise mbl id ____* ylho *0nyc*f their uIlnd te do ut*mat than te buy b,. la<lmi dgy en<:lmsItosftd i od hiem esus.ainhoat wlthout eX. mietn, bo laid t poolofCongealo Parlera until such ln ica as .e Cty CtiHoD PaRYS bie deNs relimblir and ~ ~à indd~1300 ofpoltics should be voted "wet" "gain. A' rmîy il oleto ot ot wull thee& envisé K UWft--Ot lime tàand the.voters ehowed fno hi nuptly0f a deet ores Lrne bob.L clintatIOS t réee th.e aboon3 lieDOProfadW wrtla»am ~ Xas andchiefs Galore -'r i Waukedan'a Neoir Store - TruthfuI Advertising AIways. RACINK OSHK0814 LAÀ CRtoSS WATERTOWl'4 c FOND DU LAC And the Greatest Values in the City Pue to our'Cehiralized Buying System, Sucli beautiful handkerchiefs as are on display at this store are, eno#gh in themselves te f111, one with the Ohristmattsp#rt. The wide raftg4 of de- signs, the pretty enibroidered corners, the haudgoine Chz-iatnas l4oxaa aJaI go to help solve the gift problem li a bighly satigfactory way. " And our cuatomm ello us we are We1Ung them considerably leua tkan they are to, 4be bmbmlawhr, qudiWty contduo& Every' day sees assortmçnts lessen and. to avoid, dlsappointmlent, we sayp make selection now'. 4Chritanahndkerchiefs wtth dainty emnbroldermd corners in colora, Put np ln bandsome Chria;mai boxes or 4 ail ready for givlng or enaUlta Prlced et the box ...s c At sIc va ave a beactiful1 amortuet 0orband»ebimf Ythat oller excellent Weettosfor I ft gIf.Fne ansity viii dmJty omnbroldored corner la e olora Prlcmd eaab .. Chrlamumhandiserele ta i bandaomc boxai of ô ibowing very beautiful demignm ln color- ed mmbroldery. Artimtically box- ed and htghly demrahie am a guI PriceA at box ..............$l# Christmas handkerchteft , in Plain and emnbModered' design; bentltehed migai. be.e ar, la tbe desrble am an d iofa alce q»Uaty. Prlçed vcay moderate at eatb .. . i. . 0. Lýike cut, guran for 10 yemr, 20% DOW,,-ýN 10% Per Morith on Balaijée Don't let some Jeweler talk you in- to buyinw a Swise Watch when you can buy the best. watch in the world op theése terms. Get =iEILM~. > 1don't ka w whe ls ulght lin > thé coat strike but1I have:sli- wayis fouu&di teed worklng folks sj4. square 'wlthnse GIVE HIM OR HÈR Like cut, cbild's wristwatch, 4.50 * 20%, OOWN 1 Oc Per Month on JUlanCe 1 refund 90% Of whiat YOU psy. Fuli value plus 8%c/ on exchange for larger atone. it neyer butta when 1 bave to band back 90% on a Square D«IDiamond Bond. I knaw t lesat adozn Peoý00,10 flheer about ROY sud the 'way I»sU diaaiods. Phone 1714 Hlaudierchiefs ebovlng daloty smlxtoidered deigneinlu omme., nic. soit quaiîty, h.mmtitubm edgem. À I'ery appropriluig$~ Good meetiQu of the i Eveg as >0v aiton cents yon mrc'oiiered anice elcflos«' Chbtmtu mdkerciefsat utIbis store die te our tinmmigmq hny'. tmg power. Very nice quity iD puPuler aises. Pitlcdet a ............O C -Varied'ÀÂs*ort lo f, -a'-Great hi s I piose.ýwho selectd bap bore. Bat"ura Ore lqud in tjseir praiq4o of tlho grea vales wo p ueW& ai e~ qa~ lcesbJoiý.dnotp Ue fact that sey wereboU~U~~aq~s~~e or 4o T ib time, whl auaiyaeb daamc bftrlotan se wfti $4 silk silvý sigi pret 1nngqare GexMan erfràit.,i niMCe "de- la a sný lfg- ied at .~.. iir New shape velvet baga- with half round ýframe choice of black or browiî, silk lined, finse with, chenile tassel. A very cever bag. $3 Priced *at .......... 3 .UAUV Ublck veIYlve, bandl baga, iicply silk Ujned 1W sil*eý frâie in sq are r sgw ', very s4l*ý,W-4 y practical 4iag consistentry Priced at f Ipicy silk lined pkilus baga in bine' and black,;-. 4u4silver oramlç ted sel at bottonii. en at each .......... St. ~>AN~ew, Aul F r Christiaý 1Ai IPlease Her --if selected from the foIIowuipg narped car hihwe are diMCfo Tfl]Z NEW LS$F.4 HUDà0N JQR j NASU ?,LLASU ELCw a &ASH ,M 4 K x - Chas.towj Show Rooms 213'Water Street Phones 1723-31. Waukegmn, Ver y fine silk velvet bag with fittings, han6sôr4fy lined, large chenille tassel. This bag would be çheap at *1250. An instance of ourvg1gi*ving. Priced at . ................ .......I.- .-. .... . ..... . .... y' Mt x»akes a m*st 1W0 Patel ain very cever, 8 fi t»eThis y ar n z*,sy 1 21 r- r- L- 3y

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