CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Dec 1919, p. 13

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IbiS eiianam metd4udasma film *advoetsmit Iwoe ulitpm o&yWin be om an ti usy0. -*M7 in tuliaabm W i in tsmm ire o.turit * a r.slit of d A U.Li.Counwy Coot tuf dmw thew in wilst*aaoeUy. If.*ov.r,e,* i.d op am m a o* te.M fl oR thé te*"~o Md leim th SSt m ound tdi. Will it - dtb.ieom .who madi. the 'kio fmaçud bmy thelaw to t t mdbyfalurnto have for witn..s ~ powtm.aboê .mai l 4, ~ sflaw wasfouatiin dd rot Wbaeona asted i bie-cour ti pope wît- as wuouidbave aieti tu"rmapiesad a lawyçir gude<? bmd of tewlaowmakIagtbeilL flt au in giffl fwd.h. a mmt frcef u ptration of the. import.j 1of,,bvIngwdb popubvIyr'suinorder tobe accxhate.f a a.momnqýt the tdmebu the ii.rsn - ho is It bave sufflâut popety to mai. a wifl.Fer botter *a totpend a few dollar MUFRE h. ti4n I.mbai,-aâI mpoty go to pemons OTH-RTHÀN THOSE h. namedi bwal SU OIMTY POLKS TG HEL?. i m riend.h1. The 'lont i1ea do for my trlend l, ttray General A. 3lItolreli Pal- iîply ttE e bisfrpa&d baesuno W4a eUtRace into the Illinois cmr wenth to hestow on him. If lie knows tol rodue the high cost of liv-that 1 amn happy ln lovlnc hlm. lie 1.1 t bougt wth t oe ry 0 lipewnnt no tiier reward. lq not triend. c* ruaders ln the a i P~re ahi dîiv in nthîs?-Ier ) hr Md today 110wroll Jth.eau.J.Thr Wiregoaloftair prices forilez tiae coeimodltlea. Delegmestas w e oonforence ln~ NOTICE T'O CANDIDATES. lea» who heand *Mr. Paimera' Anyi><dv wlshlng wLa bo tute e.,. Ubir attack çn profitaerlng. anojn fr sp~nedn ilders and gougera today wili for saaILatuznty shcuid, id a message to Waabinglou aïrles their Dames at., once witI, lb.enatmet 0 ielsltio d County Cierk L. A. Hendee. Th,> badlng Obat çont pricp!-gor rtajiT examt nation takes, place atter Janu-ý 4a te aftxked 1 ail artc uary 1 but Damen must be placeed si. o iebfr h inlore Pamier@SuggeUiona. O ieeo.t. 2x t-lt wki, Ior. ihan 100 repreaentativez 0, T t prce boardas lIlinois commn!n p aid other organtzatlons rosi MMd wth the effort to return liv- et Io a pre-war basis hea'd Il, ~.a suggestibonand Indoraed i *altkd. tate-wide caris.aign 1 lu e .prcooeail mmediately wav, Mûrt price comilitteen will fori ivolng nucleusaof the pkat. "a. comSltteea are to determn 8PUIlilab jUlt prkea baacéd uîio- aIgiblvokea and bille. Foilowlne i. reportaetfextortlonate charge, , iflremunable pnrofts aili tEe fol. Eby Invetigations, and. If jîu id rosecution under the Levêi rPalmer gaie aseurnce thlil district attorneys would extenuli r aid withln the po*er of thrir e to brIng 'offendets to juztie-. imor Erpilns Tag Protection. connection with hie pro;,osal MDlp Cost price marks on article.- etai sale», Mr. Panier naid: yon go Into a tore and pick a; rof ahoos and flnd tamped on Motoiof them: *Tihis 5h00 loft manufacturer et <$1951 rom uai mt pay $18 or $22 for tiiem. Thi- It aVisot stand for thla avIde iLd betaveen original coat ainJ coul to the consumer. xnowi- ta the frst wefapon. Ainericans tb. humbuiced or bulidozed if kIhwIL' gufted an Imînedlate end tii thr- 1orga of extravagance and reok- at*ndlng." and indicated th.- Wt tXft Ibat aomen might play M regard. Fmedi Control Retail *uying. Wm %uy 90 per cent cf the. na. efood and aplurreL. has»Id. and or eonclude Dot to buy at oices- puice, they aili @cou forre- 4e,. dprague's "kllcen cabiet- I le ,xPocted to beat doava thp . f IL hasn.fected an organisa %tt. t1w division of the atate lu- kdv* districts and aie appoint- uai local b§%&d. The local ait- ,*Mt$ as announced ware as a Teu. W. 1- Hawthorn ~0rwt-MrAthur AMiei. > d .rk-I1aa Marbiet mtrlll-Mro. tamis Shank. tob-4Mrs. Itarry Orlon.j. OU01 STRAYED>-Ten dollI4t prdt for the retura of a bli -- 4e. Reddlati broavu wltb elaqd tras.Answara tW TéIddy. ait aeen Thuraday -,1ecomber 4. Ploaae mon- Supnstion concerning hlm to l~og@% Quartera 19, Great i.Ptiote Great Lakea 179. wklyl1t+ I$ o o b teep are Id fâmi te Moit- Visit W . G ive * r 4 p on the Tbfrd btrv4oo itb ~aiYo ISTORE OPEN EVENIIiUs UNTIL 9 O'CLOOK Le -s wP_ usoe that queltiou, sgo# vis qbeSi give soe!£lna tss'ieUMt< Solve Your - Gift Pobe -n Tis Wondér-ful'CGift SMo When ft seekipg beeomes a serlous.., business as'it hIas fow become to the moat of us, one naturully ëhooses te place wheri the greateot vaMyietcaa b. ound-and df course you reaUu "tbt this is themost lo, cal, place-for we bave something to ,sàUi evry4e Olokals~ nu«ihanmd a Very etensi lino 01 the ev Copper Ware. Qulilta and Blankets Make) Wonderful Gifts The home a?preciates gifts of tis kind and they are -so servaceablo. We have a wonderful line ready for your selection. Crowded with ailki4ds ýof thinge for the good little boys and irls. Friction Toys ................ -..OI...9 Shoo Files ......................... ..... . . *1.50 t. * 1 Automiobiles................. M&.5 udu Trains on track -...... ....... ... U*1.0,n DORlS.... . ..................................$15 to e-8 Dolil eds ... .....................-........... Om to 5»O Doli Cradies ................ ... . . ....... . M t*$ Boys' FarinWagons -. ....... ...$.1..... Aumeecau ýn siim n umwof i. piéepnow mmd dii. s ah- a med .war . h ablWh.talw.ê 0f GegIgette Crepe-in NewMos So charn9ing, with so many entirely new faehin.details ân it would indéed be difficuit not to meet with the gmtaestseuccou ing amtongst them. Others made of Crepe de CM 1ne% li,éta an thec New Novelties. Priced frm. . .-... .... n The Store olj Good, C/eer Holid'ay.. 'it That will meet wfth.the opprovil, of every nmmber in the.famiIly. Thse isghest art in men'08, Women s aà'nd Children 's Distiixtivc in style, iupreme quAlty modekd to lit the Most, descrimimat- ing théchoice-of the scasons newest creatim~s, backed upby the foremnost manufacturera.- MA% Iou kD GÈ Shwa~~.a Fer WpmG am» Gift Furs You wiil find a won- derftil fine here prieed from $7.98 to) $135 Muifs to matchý Ladies' Kid Gloves $275 tq e pair. Very appropriate, for Chiritiaa gifts. A ,W9uùe Wonde tlydity amu StnCrepe e(hnsalIaa1~ Cohmt in .n..eag Very Ps*1XesG Silk and Wool Poplins j4-neif Crepe de Çhize. Ail shades,- 40 jnches.'ue k-al 1QIort, wide; .per yard $949 ~ ~>Oi* yard ' enaim-. 7.1.,.4. 156- "éJCtume 1y Livera , 44 inches wide' brow» Pancy SWk Pè -4 a th Bid Op Silk Undie'

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