CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Dec 1919, p. 2

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u3gRT~ itfSeeat are Continued1 Furtber. !AT. CARE IS EXERCISED M@coda é, e.16 feus vhoappaared ln circuit t tsýysud endevoral bo obtuin oàobI# papers vei-e slected ta mnm$ 1»deatnino vhsihei-or hêpossas azy bodsbevitlr M*00Ya. ecil 0. Wilon ns tle os i WtrlsMtm immuner. Jeunn . is, oavas activa me ibuertean Fi-tactive loagua j *4 *,ho lad occasion te, check à*' masorda o! msuy local aallns ý*«e bélIevei teae been gultY *8asdtionuuttrs.nces or eIéaihngta the draft s%' ve or satibransd vIa aise t a ietive part lu suppressiua 90ega tiquai- lrafttie lre, vas kmb lu court toda sud lis roc ierOmost valuable in clecking 9% bbc allons vha vereBeeiigi mcome citisens. grosait ofthtI checkc ou a nuro 4; allons their cases were con- ed. foi- urther Investlgalton. ispar Fn s of 1208 Viecai 14. NortI Cicago, applled Cor moeip today. h vas 'the lIird Sha bad applted. On previous 0115 lbis case lad beeti continuac ho bal -beau lustructad ta at- Ï fft sehool sud becaMe pot au th. e vermnant. lie slmitted p.that ho, lad qot doue so. He 'emaNa ete, anavar uy quentiosil où, for as tht vas caucoraod un u ertadpracticallr Do Eug Mis se v*as contInued ta the terra sud b e s iniol'ie< e.'4 he does- not attend nigliî ta ihe b meautime tlat the peut bII e dismtssed., Il.. Kilelne. s gsrdnar a Vemret. adoittel bhat ha bat l nogeemption tram tbe drft i ýi«mUfd tb8t le vas Ou allen ' M-M à&%beaoucontiel for fui l'aner or Tventy4OCSlh Nrtl h chagosaid ba ls and &Ma to, te b. titod bamus. th, GermaÏR gavera de ina ttemai'ry.owIng t detalnois. A cioPlai flt4 bth ho va aPm- dui-su the ver sd le à ' 5$ reports cant hi 7 moiÇ& r a IM =1 fsdatum 5s5iT.o of ev a Pava nus_ ai- bel Ave. Phou.'103-J * . ILI.INOIS ILNOU5 h * s gimees. 4~ Opse Pbsai s. the deputies. W IIV i#m~cT Inaiating that the deputy sherit ta IÇ AjII JIJ5j5) vho sarved durlug the strike about Tenth etreat v. re a unit lu thir Po.- M sition that bhey didu t care ta take Ifl. i -LUJ~W Ç any moiey rouithe icWre Company and deanding tbat ift tby were paid sauld py t#eun, a coimnittee of Ldppu- tics a0berad beortë the supervfkors tibia oring and vith William tiaCk- 142 Ins-trmnts Flied Durng in sB thoir spokesman, explainad the WeOk >and LMn their position. a Their position simPlY vas titis: Amount to $22ý That the depuUes vere calaçd oui by the sherii ta prosorve ordor aud the- Wlre Work# Company hlred sud paid BUYS MERIDITH FLOWED CO foritîl ovu deputy sherif t o hvare. emptoyed hy theun ta protect their a avu plant sud that the deputies rff- By A. IL nowmat, tly patroied, the streetg ta keeP Order. A. K. Boves. Asat. Secz'etary ffec@rtY lu short the comtttee repressent- Titi. & Trust Ca. iug the deputis tit that lu case thc Business of the Recarde*'s office for rcouuty should aven permait tihe Wire tle veek endiug December 13. 1919: Warks ta cotribute tu the tu"iid Nlnber o! conyyancee, iii. vhlch the deputies vouid be paid I, Number o! trust deedesud nlotbga- would appear blat the dePutiffs ver. ges, 20. >s«tualy hbled by the Wlre Companiy. Numb8r af U. S. discharges, 1. ;This vas ngt the case, vhicli tact bua Numbar of chattel mortgages, 14. tbeau repeatedly staed by thre deputies' Total number of Instruments tuled, in controversy vlthsm;iners. 142. Tha, commitiee appaared betore the Total amount af! bans, $72236.26. 3 rboard as a result orftae report that Business stiti continues brisk itu 9 tihe Wl- Works compsuiy.was wIlinig lans above tae average. ta pay bibis amount thc deputiem' coun- làa wst>ae kmttee telt It shouid not ha alioved Th'e tollovlng are the more import- tad eu5. sut deals: As a resui of the commttee's visit, William 0. Lindberg bougt île du a commttee of supervisai-s witt plot bouse adjotnlug Dr. Nesbhtt's recommend that tle board pay the residence.on Gillette avenue for $8000.t entira hiti sud that the Wire WOrks Edvsrd F. Keuruan bought the * ili not hea alo'wed ta contribute a"y- Mary J. l)urktn 3 acres on South Sîde. *tbbng oyard thai sui. (lIen VFoa-savenue, and tle leciric Men vho addressed the board in- Rslrosd for $3260. acluded: Fred Buck.. 3ames Wairous, Martin C. Decker boVght the C. J. rCharles . Fard and Mr. Sackman. (lutrine bouse- on N. Sheridan Road, d The hoard members tolloving the opposte Rldgeland avenue, 'for $8000. 9expisuation tram the committee ad- .îessîe A. Cramond taak title froni duitted that they had not looied ai the C. A. SusickInt the Jacobsen hanse on t- situation tramn the standpçlnt of that Norh Side. Grand aveulie, opposite Lexpbatn.d. Thay ha& tt rlghi slong bihe D. Pries resjdence. for nominal i that lb vould healal right ta have tle consideration. *Wire Warks contributahuti sltar hbar' -. In North Chticago *ing tle expression tram the deputies Edvin C. Mead sud vite bougt the ti tbey also clsuged their mind sud fat Sanitevicz properti' on e~st Bide, 0. gthat thb, county shauld assume the Lincoin street. sauth of lSth sti'eeb, etire burden. ~r$6000. I aeFrs it Auna Hl. Wbeeler bougt part of the LI>E Aile P. Durand property an Linden NOKITavenue for $30.00p: NO A T f, E n Shields Township d' Frede rici W. Cr011 baugîtthîe oea. Tos.wI R. Morrion 8$7.60 acres la Sections i1l and 19 for- udicabed, $4.600 and uuu~i>u'ni IA ÉU1A gave bac i trust dead for $4.600. iVICUJ 1111W. ~UUUIna Highland Park Richard V. Scvartz botgt the t - Gltddeu properby ou North ide. 11gb d 1 atreet mest veut of St. John's avenue.' a-Mayer Mead to cati the Police, for $ïs00. » Commttee* etrfe 'Richard sud Csa Eugelmnn it C e oDtmn, hmnibt a lot on norhvesi corner, >1 Action in Future. Groveland sud Oailaind avenues,.lRa- - vinla lromn Greenebsiui5Sons Bank r 'TritsbCompany f«r$3500. o. MAN DARES THE POLICE in Liertytobîs DI -Hlenry Meebripi bougît tha Merellt Flaver Vegetabte company î. No vas made bY the property trom tbbc mter lu Chauury Northt Cb*9tagÔpolice ta stop tha tori 110. mebtins ai Thitesnbh street. The WiIIiu F. Hafeinsun boucît the Nor&tiiCblcIgo otticers did not pâro Charles H. Krueger place e ouhteaset the Tentb Street district' lther, n corner sud street sud Eurlburt Court, tbey hean, an arreit vould havs basu for pmo. made. Onq.persan, Irbo bal atemapb- n-CiayLake el tu, et ct nthe hail, va1ked ta lb. Arthur H. Suider bougt the Wedge North Chicugo aide of the street, property ou Wegterftld .Place for comsnibbea u obejtionble offense,$0. ansd then lai-el the Waukegsu iPo- n Newport lice ta arret hlm, vhloh bier coul Wiltiamu Kuboitle 'sud vite baught s It do, being catalde their jurtadtc' the LeRay mesusys? 30 acres in Sec- tion, ticn 82 qt Wadsverth for $5,700. *,<aom' Ivdin C. Mead a! North . la *Luit' ASs <Ciio is a sitatment todey sald Chrieblan Fider bouait the Tbos. Iin l aCoUBSU*SS1 mo iu aen * R.I 00 50 agosmuin W4. section 1» om tplié te 10old, a meeting 8. for $ . 40t âe a"écementesud give lu- Tbe oe J S ' boutbtb V of strootionste Uta*tmm abu on ll 1014 , 3Touer &MtIS »t lacrsl ln<. tntus'à mimuansd that 1111. n î iei- or016,M1. perxnlsS wuasgrsuted. -Mayor - fiud aiôs tted t4tat a jupeciai mast,- REAL ESTATU tRAIOIPErg lin qor ie lelic oemitte vimm wlb. laId this vek te r 4, Ile acton e 1 taon red Bloltpa>v<t .3 1l et fture ustbl -o f th* steel yack- wïrraty id, p si o bu làl bleiut&%UO W ft on'. lior o LA 1hftsdvieS Norti 1115.balle, itno more are Gooch dm"~o 6. ,'Part beiS lerats l uk L' Plat -,< OMW. Tffl thé saine ta0oa vili be pur- DoSiaie 'Lo*blute10 VS. 001,105 sesuuasf uuy iW «Le Wa%«g n sd VONe V 9dedt Iêm L«t 1e, pedrê te b. o fl " ac.whila ,. *<ua8 ii the police bave net lasel 'aby rdrea 11105 . 8 1ifhii7 » 40 bd gSeraUy unestood C, A. Neveecut>. r..te Joset eusei4 a ,og the me that thay are ta be waaoPr éo ___ ___ IA. C.Hmm et &L teHieosM aj quutlnz_$1. Tract cf '151 12M%. SDisg=inled becacse bis langbtar 'lu* te Van*gan t 90901t m«"aêOba MWies uaies cfrKtosexl.tce geIlleir tbat hé ba»=I u beransd yul mae y lim no t, or ta di th b«.,Ire ebarTeerisel ber elepebeet the toll g acceat ortae ttair: ou Dacayet I, lait mi"s Baili Taepbone campgur, aud John Non. uaIMSMémpol ea sbarber at the miser bétes, u demarIn l l ke- rmu. I Tbc-4elIeviugday l'h. R-nu nil rmmcevea commnIction tram the bride'. tblas.Kasimir Brasa- viM ,402 Uoia"treel, a SimmoILé éompany employa, iln vhich bî ipar. eut publcly asnounea thi% duauparoval cf t.lo marilg. tsarini- that tlh couple eiciiadbecausoe t ii opposi- tionta e c atcli. Orbe fthier leciares lthe *laanih't vss su -igumue aeo~as lb. groom ftatnl ta 'ai f«rMy coushot to ber baudlas Heuceaudeabts Communies- 'Utientbibi ersil ptI tiIa aatemuru evr-t bi hmtmr' ;s - .* -31»is thAt tlalr"*oul belabvb sud intI dtoovu' mv CountyCi, No ' 9meS oiie 3M. c I&'levéugu ,. 1vie9t101. ~oiR.Wet.~frld 11$I. Faut lot W.r. Sullvas te careneme laiem F.. LarletsMd vifteta Eayuiarbt .Dem IM31 Lot 4t. IBI* 1 IFM Adlljta teRavinm tm ajy and vitoomtCriste*& 110. lctea1 d2,8bo 1 «4L«t 114e11«k IL àW Pa0k, 1a Seetie.S& rmt*y4d, &$10. Trsct cf lunI ~ a! Eectric Eelvmay, sou cf Grand avenue sud eset ofait'irik street. Charles bransky s&M vif. ta Ir. W. M0#10h. Warrsntr ed't . OTract c ao th bÈ3%, ectâi. lBut AnIlacI bovustip. T. J. Lehmuu, et. ai.. ta »nelts W. Pescack. Warrssty -t'aed. 820,343.5 Tract 0< ultu Section 34, Laiea G. OrOedlau sud wUste SqH. Mar- soObIsa sudvifs. 'WalitâtY de*&. "'~~tlLo' Mlien ftWloz4ise Wani~mie f5r* *fg tae040. Ille tvsi;wrlt el 0. B., oslng snd vite to A. M. Vaue, Ioansd 3, block 3. Round Aiesvrrnty dees, $10. , ary Spencer sud huabend tW Borib fPlesen ond vite, lut 43, Oak- land Subdivision. Grays leke. vu' rati doed& si.. Charles Wilson ta Marx B. Palle- sen and inisband, lot lu sotbsast m0oquer* southesat çouqteir section 21, AYon township; iluitolaim .Joseph Neyer to Francisco De&- ua and vite, lot 2, (euoept north 2e% lest) 'blockt 8, Suaderllus ttri addition tot Waukegan. warranty C.U I. Thomsoan sd vite ta James H. Geary, lot 4. Wicks subdivision, Grays Laies; warranitz ded.8550. «H. B. Clark sdvr aw 1 Jobuscu. lot 4,.'biack 24, Hlicbland Park;. varranty deed, $10. A. F Beaubien snd vite te, Chartes [Lingle and vifs, lot 27, Wasbinmto Park. Washington; warranby deed, $1. . A. Ir Su bien sud vifta to red Welcb sud vife, lots, 17 and 19, block 3. Modervelîs suabdivision, gan; vrranty de ed, $L December 3, 1919. W. A. Roing sud vite to 0. A. Hovard, loi 12, block 2. Roslug Bras. subdivision, Round lAke; varranty died $200. ,F. B. S&um.n sud vite ta A. W. Whitmore and vite, iots Il and 13, block 22, Wrights addition ta Liberty vilte; warranty deed, $3,300.0 L K. Sctotord and vite ta Bbodama A. Allen, central part lot 3. Cisyton addition, Waukegafl; varranty dead. $5.200. J. C. Cote snd wite to T..J. Stahl. west 78 leet, toi 9, btockt 7, Smith & Adams' north addition. Waukegan; Worrsnty deed, $10. December 4, 1919 M. P. Winthe,' and vife ta W. D. Rightinires sud vife, lot 8, block 3. Watts subdivision, Wluthirop Harbor; ogarabed Garabedian sud vite to varfranty deed, $1.' A~. & K. Ssbkanlar. lot 3, Marlon subdivision. Waukegan; varranty deed. $2,900. Chicago TItie sud Trust Ça., trus- tee, ta J. H. suid Mathilde, Troll, lot 88. Wilson', second subdivision st Long Lake; deed, $650. F. H. Yarttett sud vite ta Sarah H. Harreil, lot 13, btock 14, Ravinia 'Highlands, Highland Park; deed. J. E. Waodman sud vite ta F. W. OtrYker. 1.20 acres lu village of Deer- field; varrsnty deed, $1,000. >.ddie B. Fulton and huaband ta R. 'A. Outliridg lot 3, black 1, Povetll& Amos addition ta' Waukagan; vii-- ranty deel, $10. Estabe of N. A. Steele ta M.Br *Wssustel. lot 3. black 6. Steele & -Douglas 50ibdiviia, W&ukegan; deed. $8.1 Decomber 5, 1919. Mary J. Orr ta R. P. sud lues Ek 0fr. lot 14, blockt 52, Ws.bburn Park. North Chicago; varrantir deed 81. W. A5. Rosing sud vite ta HetieiS -Davis, lots 12 sud 13, block 1, Ros. lng Brou, subdivision. Round Laie;, varranty deed, $200. Fred Forten an vite, ta Benjamin M. Caseman, lots 1. .2 sud 3. blocli 1. Litvllers sub division lu section 21, Avon township; vsrranty deed, $1. * Utile M. Scott sud husband to I. A. Witt, part of lot 22, Tweeds, Pl"i kee Laies subdligion; var'onty deesL Jullan C. Palineteer ta J. W. foS aleteer, lot Il1. block 2 sud lot $1 bho 3,ParkousGad Avmeuo» iisoWaakegan. vaw.anty des. J. N. Zimunersuad 1vle ta 5Ulr IAseke. tract o« land Inu sect io 0 V.rnolf towvosti»; ,çfrantyt e4 $10. Loveblue Moty sud lmusbêd tc ILE.E '1ahlagt, EI'a& d lwà.souti K orroad at laie Villa; varrat3 deed, 110. William Noreu'belgte Viola8. and ér lot 14, bJUk 4":'HbilmtilP&&,, warrUnty dees&fMÇ E. J.. Doyle 4thudiii ium l.tru of tolustJoin, , 3 Md $4. la ert7ill tow bra cly, k «4 0 dyci sud *vite, lot 56,1 bieck S. Leuo subdivision. Wauké.$.b;varranti del. $110. Wj. Wsdge, et ai,. f'L N. Iyde 8%~ LOt 7 sud 514%LXeS. B9c0« 1 Prooof litiMOn.ire lake; val rauty laid, $.090- Fed IL.c Soed« Msd vifie to Xo V. W«er. P*«c. 0 odta84Nu,(% Section 3. lm*e VIlle to*usbP; vu ranty deed. ,,. 0. . rI M 15alo and eet l,» t And li, OStiel loiwvsMP; »Çit J. P rMdey ssÊ4 *90e, et.a. tAMIue 0.Joflsm le8.1. I ,vortirsese Bib, Lon laie; vartunt J'n~rata.et10 8t Sni W. IL 0 "spe na ifs ta T,' à Fit% z ions S*east part, Lot Blghvood; gUitelaiU $1. î. U. 6" uý ud *ifeteOo., j PRatb u vile, Lo4 L loa I . grt and fHlelsWs Ub,, VeukUga: v «J"ty de, $«0&. 0. J. Rbath suad-vifs te Iieury 2(08 » 0@ advite, Lot il. Bloci1. ara*l and Rallovells Su>. waumga;vi i-anti' doed, 82.60. ,,dç4ipbds.Cbard su d vite le Caffl varra*r-lee. 110. d-..11 ORO, Clerk Urmotorand[f 'Pareftsto P7uM statis- tios Defore Dèleember 31. LAW MORESTrRiCT NOW Wa:XeDc 1.- .pkgon dot. a are negligeut about ütng lnre ofÔ!brtbi te, the city lerk, as requl'redby 1ev. and ai the cterk. J. IL Marseilles, muet toma Ln big reports ta the. state the birtb statistice Decomber àS.I.hla lim- portnthebe infornied lapmedlatély. Pae ts o obldren lboru this year should get in touch vith their phyui- cian take sure tbe'lrtb of bibi? eh54 bus beeu properiy recorded. This wecrd le nov verY Important, as devélopments lutns the var proved, iu accii. cases. very troublesome. The law nov ia very strict about the regibrqtlon of, birtbh. Dors to'Tuait Bock. It otten requlres courdge tto b oc wban v.have taken s wrong utp. but i l essier to turn back *fitar the &«.t @tep than etter the second or hird, snd much ater and pleasaantas' warranty deed. $1. W. B. Smith aud vite te F. H. WhIdden snd vite. Lots 7 and S, Clarkson's Sub., Waukegan, quitclaim. $10 Greenebadm Bons Bank snd Trust Co. to Richard Euge:2na nnud vite, Lot 22, Ravinia Wdods, Highland Park; deed, $10. Olive Reading and huzband ta Ar- thur Rasenfeldt. Warranty deed, $2,1 400. Central part Lot 716, County Clarek's Subdivision, Antiocb. Special Commssionereto Mathilda F. Nesbitt. Deedi $1. West 100 teet. Block 2, Crackett's Subdivision, Wau- kegan. Dectembai-9 1u19. T. R. Wilton and vife ta Christian FPidler. West 80 acres NW%. Section 9, ont Antiocb Township; varranty deed, M.0 W. B. Waaih and vite te, John Jacob- son, gr., Lot 397, Shavws ud, Sub., Fox Lake; varranty deed, $200. C. A. Buslck and vite ta Jessi e A. Crammond, Lot 4, Addition ta North-1 vest Addition. Waukegan; varranty deed,. $1. C. J. (lutbrie ta M. C. Decler and vite. Siuthvest corner. Lot 8. scheoo Section Sub., Waukegan; varranty deel, $10. J. A. Carpenter aud vite ta M. C. Payne, Lot 4, Coes' Sub.. West of Zion City. ivarmaty deed, I1. -fvoit ahip them io Shubert sialuhe". u gum p urs "#EGtifim1 gETL..ýi MUSKRAT IWîntsr14M 014M013385t 3001I2.7 b 2M501 2151tu200 i 1.7t Fait 3.50i53.0o2.851.2 ZtolS2.251.115 is 1iUS te lIN TKc Pale] Me0t7.001 6.0 to 5,W ]43%50e4.00 4-W5te ' 9~k Short Narrow Broad fïiï~ra~G 1 LA P ( E it WulOi 1.01.0: 110I8.Oe.00.5016t8.00 7M5te ÇA5.00 e.1. &oo .0 LOO l 7.00 6 . O ( . 00 . 5 .75 Ste .0 5,0 0 rto 2,1 5.00:. UnC 3.50 te 103% 2 00 1.75 .0 1 .W 5 t. 2 T,.er5myhg U0000 lc 3.50d e3.00 1 -kW o 217 on 1.00 1 UO tIere rl A' b1Ut50"SIRBMT" viiiresait lua n auy -"qur.'e SttIP AIL YOUR mm SDIRECT TO 711LMTOZ N #£R INCm,/, ' AMERICAN RARW FURS 25-2T WAiastln Ave. Dept. SU Chicago.UV.S.A., Unpadeut Classied Ads Pay. Ak .apg usmr. o m iNew, P >sengerStationof, the m09Sm~tIi WabauhAve. TMdrd *Joor South of A dams Street, ALL'b1IRN, COWN ENIECES a USbres, .dmttiswiJI. defivered té «w check roov. and =~y h. sectred by the, patron oni pres- entatuon of &partmunt store cmlek Northi Shore tramn n: stop ai aild deartet store$. No Street Cars or Taxis CHGAGO-NORTU SHORE &MIL WAUKEE RL-RL *

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