CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Dec 1919, p. 4

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*Ok. T.Mph" N.lumber 9. IIotwI~£eui. . ~ 11 ~ i.&;TIII. l. a wod Ce. Maul mattet Offwcai Publkatio tor the.Villag .of *bitetlon fer 1k. County Sean et Superviçone' Procmedl'ngs y r'fur.y ý .rjiI#Râta. Made K»oWnon ApViteatloa nS oficE. 01.69PER- VitRASTRICTLY IN ROVANI . .......... . ................. t. ...... ............:...a........... t~ ret ndIna~o frinai4 uttrsregard- Q*Uws iobbav, b..» pruemIsiby Z1oxi Oty Jus- 'acbfîmctiOn of 19;trnok loadaa<smued beer. **uld nêt ho required ta stand l"is ~4tt t 01pereonsmuerrted mdfouud guilty, or asvre u ialler boar Interests backingiliuhm in ilega traffie siould have paId the. coula ln addition W.r fine, or the fbme made higli enough tb offset the. pu. Tiiet the. guilty on«s vere able té pay the' coulte rov.d by theflct that aIl of. thom. readly. <cm bw Il tiithefines.' WItii *oi county au»*nng theMezpense it lus smply a ter of puttin& atax upan thoe who are beyithe and ettng he ello,« wio vilaaed it s- mithei opelblity. Thiiee ano doub t about 1%e juieu. kqçý6piru. deputies d otiiers being entitled 10 their ~ oon.ciouwitii-the. prosecution of lthe cases, al Mde thâ, but *e enui ons uld b. borne by the. vlo- W-who w 1 ekd by ric* Intemusawiiicii the. mug- ýxn:u idicationthat aul the -Zion bihwlls IDbe ~Iby the.board of supevisoru - IWTK~» ]Da AIE TTBnonZ T. jasoe'ta ati -Itbiasb..»dlaalad wly pmany M l la the Ciruiit Oourt hal te r.ach tiie proper ver- uçpot m ventilation addres8ing thisipemviz- W7*1da unid tiiet lb. jureranad lawy.rc and justic- OUM de ùth$M*M vrk vbu tii. ventIatis ~.Wtolm Ii & %Màu iarae dWlnd mdbow that by",wm bme ]ito = am n a ake om- ý ruua.n a Osma It's aul du. t ee ~bo;it's ail du. b. Ibm desd air in the. couLt room le éS tcab ura# lo lam»uip l. irJrn tbe entitionPhuare b aued. let'à bave it by If f. «U afiirmillilondollars., W. dînt ant Juror 1* ev.baie enougb dul st4qMnv OW rt thy et l -g vet3 l Uluit ood - tne bte voteation fm u d. y Curt RHoua. beauàg of lack ab 1«18 have i ni lot of il. ' made by *o. ezpet t M k&lP Md tbqy cenprob- eu sbslfac otu 0lb niY hoti 0 U~~tlbin the o Ofçthe, hoods, t.aili hula eu- lo eeiUtheoductin cuboffs. ekn -of.'the . ln ma wM be t tshee mi nd ,peetiof r-om 'th" «Or bing ou er m I ofo iii. ae aela h,*JIth Prouctonat laùpmuete44fli. temingn Li 0ij MAleW IATnen suffiay Schaoli 10 IL.m. Abatte '~~'Îi Morniag roi0siip atil IL M. Ber- C. ~a i tïu ol~ f 1 j N. SYItIà~ Lou thM» *"7h. Sont 0f. thg( Bhep- -saalDr. Lh'.Crase î The etotekholdere of the. W. P- & M. heds;"I T. Co. wrltmotttecelve eny retumi on u tk«, Goriou% Mori." Mrs. Gertruadr Amae Crane paeaed tjoîr in sten Te o "d rn Soo. 116i.Song lo Riuglgin,»'Mr. aWAY vory suddeelY at the urne ai t lam sllghtly lbotter, easecîaiy th oe EnadfOrd. lier son, Di-; BOin *.Crans, Wedn- vbo jolued thel'loteboidera' Commit- ZPwOnuh League devotiocai service! d ay mioraing. Dec. 10th. While >rs. te. A pur as prce f 58,000 ba et 6: 30 0. m. Subiect. "TheeEhrltimas Crame-had boom lu por health for been pald bY the. Notehotdea n - Spint. Lesder, Uns. Mery jukt. ' a mae Uni ho deu±h wua uuexfflted mittee, the dood bas'beeu slgued.andý At-7:80 a chord. choir tmdatei and camne se a gat hock.t0 ber H la in the. recofder~a office et WaakoiectionOt U. Jack Bradfond and as, MU5i iSfnendesud relatives. Heant ga n- This Comrmitteo bas boom operat- ied-Oby soloigts vii noe,.a Christ.-f"Murevas aeeIg mo sthe. cause 0f %V lug the rond mince Jan. 1. ig19, Mamonma catatîe outitlod "Theq Salvation bon démise./ the. Operatlu «eDonsos show a profit 0f lenseL Mr. CrUwe.Tuo9oý r 0fhi. ,Gertrude AnnasWho.ter ras"bo a l of about $4,000. Oving tehea , «& go- a niEA~artilsiOf unueusaMi."I- 11ord. .New Yor'k, Mrch 2s, 1850. tîg penses forner ¶qapmemt ther. in ly.via peV tte plaon% ie Mr#. Sho rAs uuited ila miage la 187s to a1 deficit. The mohey pair Ïotahe e Mattocks witt play theOIMoga This Edvin A. Crame of Pemfietd, N. X,. no O celver la. firat helngumed to "s just nle a rafe treat for the~ munie loy- dled February 88. 1905. 8h. rua tu bills- and as *cou as the extent of -rs0'f Ibertyvllle. Everybody la chater member of Dayllght'Chapter ac iii,.. are deterÎàIued aud final sp- iieantily 1elcme. ~No. 611, Order af tii.BEwpteru 3tArý CA praval of te "oart la givea 10 ail thaet ana homora-y meimber_»f Cicero Mi laims, the, balance cIII II e avaulalue PREISBYTMÉIAN (Jhapter No. 741, O. ]ILS&, Cicero, IIL m for the noteholders. hIs laest mated Sunday School at 10 a. M. 11h. rua member af the Mehodist that t rw n aouat ito 25 lper cent. Pren eiga t il a. m. Toglc of th.e placopal church Iàt Eraidrood. IIl The noteholdors who did isot joon sermon. *"piacing Christ lu Lifes Pr-:Fanerai services wer. conuctedl by the Waulconda comuiltte n ne- grai." Specla music. tiie Roy' Klohauen, pastor eftiihe Llb- cei'ne 'here" la cash. The ouiiors Christipi !ndea'nor At 6:45 p. mi. ertyville Methodist tii. lie ToPlc, ToChii sMese_ an re"Idenoe ou Southi Park avenue Bat-V rut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h roov utrs isilsbudbu~~ tmas SpiriL" .Leader, Miss urdiy, Dm .là.' Thi e lsro tiie er company for tic amn of t otIL Lyomanoeut tmu,, .rhere Dyllkb tho divldeud sud lu addition nu rePreclge :0p i oi f the lCoapte Omrdeofll. westeayltth oiye stock to the amount of the bal-,Pehn t73 . .TPeo h npe re fteEsenSt a &noe of tlieir noies. sermon. --Hu This Christmas a Sp. charge of tihe services ai Eli Lawn Slxty.'etght uhousand dollars bas Icial Message tii mer"Specilmnuic, cemetery. niiere interment 100k place.i beensubsribe an pett Inby te Tere will ho no ,prayer meeting oun Suie la survlved by tmo sons, George' boon scrubtead sdockd l btifcte WddayDec. 24, becaus. of being H. of Chicago, and Edwin Â. of Liber- adbnehv entsui n adChristmas eve. ityville, and a brother, iSites Wiieeler, msd ond hae ben saud ai. ald The Boy Scouts and tii. Camp Fire of Hale, Mo. to them. It may also b. lnterestIug ho I______ Girls vii not meet tiiscoming neeL kno that thse Bordeu people loanedâ thc commlutee $5,000 rîthout luterest Watch for Instructions later to begu' play practice foi- thle,-bg Scout sud'MAN SEEK JOBS TO ENFORCE to help the committee huy the ron.d. au irpay Othloess anmaie utade for that pur- a Irhegiîsrpcelay. bsrs- THE NEW PROHIITON LAWS' »Onee baye een refanded. -dsdy e. 1 nehreo 'risPe ucUtity Cmmiulaaiue ddesdaDc.3,luvirg ! The following letton bac been -re- autholiged the.isulng of $150000 of héCritIl Edevr.AUaeun-icelved front - te >7. S. Couisioner bonde, $50,000 of vhicii are 10 ho helO vited. Com1se auuOunceDet viii cf Internai Revenue: lu the tneasury. Nearly $70,00 o! li made laer. -Bureau of internai Revenue offi- bonds have been Issue andf an hume- Choir practice eacb Tbursday eve- claie Bey that no more applicants for Otate effort wiii bie made to float $0,- nlug. Mr. Mattison choirister. Mr$. ap»oinimeut lu the prohibition en- 000 more. Darand organisi. forceniet service mau be cousldered Theýpuchâe f he azoin ca 1Tise Buuday School CislasOu- from tInois. The. number of appli- has rosn asucese iss sreo~ ltetotaieut rUt b.lie eid Tuesday, -cants f rom - uIllnois nor ou file le 80 #of oper4tIag e"p~se and permission Dec. M3; et he ciurcb auditorium. AIl gr-et that the fulliqota o! appoint- bas been secured for the purchas. of are relcome. moute cen lia i-ad. rlihneit qualified one or ira treiters. One frelght rau a men limedlattiy, officIai deciare. hi day Is made and ira passecger rune 'Sý, HOASEPISCOPAL nuoi mposible, Uiey say, for local ivith ihe cnev car. SundaY 0cbol ai 9:46 a.ù - offîcers to Investîgate au report upon InsieofteostceiChoral Bucarisi and sermon ai diin)atplat/ l ptofUcosalsencouateredadtoa plctsl tee officers feet very mach emeourailed 11,00 a. m.- for Uic tatane. 11ev. lailock tif Chicago viii have Tlà,eameese oud ho greater i i charie of te services. Mrm. BOni-S. Net Result of Expernlence. buinssmn f ee urcifrouhe Ezperlonced ieople dons totmble. luse tho roàd for frelgiit puszoee. Corpractlce et te Pansu Houe. beemm hy no heko Saturday evealug at 8:00 o'ctock. Oly six pgr cent 0fte grosm revenue_______I--- - __- Was pnovided by that.village the puet lio rm Dsuc I ______________ year,-Palauue Eatenlrle.__ ____________ SUA U CROWIY AT L Q. O& F. -The Sub-Dltrlct Confenenue of th DBM I M N M T The sub-dletrct coafueace of the - Methodist oburche of thie district iieid .-Onseceunt th i e lmOhy 01 the 'et Waakegau Eiday aftesmoon, Dk. b-J.I~ On acioout oethe Incteesncyso f lth 12, ras one of thie buet ever hi Id. the veather, tiiene rasbat a amali Attend- interasi sud euthd'slssm manif ested auco ett ho district meting cOf the being manked froux he o bgliiu"g ta , Lake VOanty 0 Odd tO-l e Oclatlam the «defll ipregrani beld at the bal l te Lhboitrvlte Roi'. C. F. leluhaerpaston of the lodge laut Momday nigbt. Horever. -Libertyvillte chui-ch. ras on thie pro thase hO brave thse lcy bises re grain, hic sabject belmg lKeacing ugar wo« Miad. C. T. ReydSek.n.-«f the. Coneitueacy. Waukegam le, wnos. soal fer fthe One of tise ploesst urn>lts i le D orliSc4p>goe ifflOshlp, 1L«ansd me. raWs, tie Iuterestl nsd la> Trot-Qli.motto of tiothe -..v arstuceelecture bill, he le, tt legs. ade the principel addre et fWsubarMof BDola. bth Amerlos. thse oeubg. Mr.* Reydeoher lA e- Ie i»Wahbtbn 1le'aanuonary lu th. Od«dbiluhip, Mans-ed %p eauMad- SatAelogilhca go l hniatnatlln t. i m fSni A feie l&land le epending C h la ensle aMOsa hie rarraOf thethi-oc uamber of steneoptiecai eles trou pie- I~ Ilake lm atteudance. tatre. maie by htmeeji otraylngtlitef- The MM e~m ad B O EP"*lu hie field cf ilao u th àAimesll.m ai Uhontyville. eilg he Ui "aRiOie 11v. hlelahtanen hope. te zeoomeDr. eog nut a 1 Iumber cf Istrumentai AdcaO -r e «M vocalieeIom. eui si aibua l; ;h tcuêt.ts Librtvue e a serly date. Àigt uewusev&TeSu Thonreeedega&teapreacunt froms - E 0 meeting Of thi e SciUm nIýprob&- ait the ciiarchee lu groupa olgisi Md c. U blyh leWc a Waukogs. thie date ho ine 0f Uic istrict, lacludlng Hishiul '1 AU K ho________ «-Lark Iaka Blaff. lais. Forent, Nosth. Chi-ego, Waukogan, Eton City Anti-- Ocis. Graylak., lait* Vflhâ, Lbenty OJIAý L Ii'NB osse sud Gae's -Lke j mi" Rit mWe wlll MAAIIUftI.0uLTR rxum 1iwwices1W0 6dW.-,ur aaegad. 8 ON trogea a i . Cai=,. thlc crIae nytm ,s*e o o11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~;t More Gtu".s~r-~q ieNri iiaUn a oipee pauy, on eat- Wiou laea len "a-mesifo tinstallation Of automatic opeatol u4uMy anotff"et4ii- tU os le li esavy 'udyrîiai il a ub station n Libertyt Ille. -lu. 1 l'iClty and une Uiat th« eouaM se- a %Wration slwae 0f thegon9-410M devoce are privîdd t W goy. $ Umse the Unseof lice.omdtle% IS oentg percm amr day ef.! eru theamitunt of cas-intnigcuenatcd. f.rith< bl itltie , Éhjer . sration wr adspu ing WLthte moopi'rulorS nlo Crei.tolu 'e md th# Fuble 15Adtip'- ~~ liutlfrtier riýcAhave beau eeploàte<ilbe. V/emW h e tMIti tiiet alreuttrnc rooSld be A*'*Oi'ipybt. u don thei. Scuciatars iuercuscs, the] «f. hrr1Mvf1ae-l:1:01 100k ox hi. Powr a aijat4-ýYý ur'd naui nole'a.The netailers sud Privxte' îýZMl tar 'fii e rn ne mt uutifld liecalie ~erbyoms1ed"rtd stherellulremeut fui- power lccreRe-lit rutoc big 'a tasu d 8"tic..cou- w«e ith hsse-esomav I Ce' the ap.,îazr.:chi tut,,tise <LXMB&sumere ueaturally wrolhi 10k to *tho' tb "4 f'hs r" INe ulýg A l -ai 4 vbUtagu of 6»0 la e maper oto cou Womd&M. 'ig te. <> er «tle-.... 'ienoa.e four o« uhese alliomatle tdy lii~Att ef lg b Il%« 1% stations on lse1l7orth Shore lifte- -onet.ftfain i tell mfe ilOe. i I* ie - ta tlin aiS"a, ietnetyvilîu, oas-ni Lake. Bluff and fok$ one.0more Mx otestheo oulas fiat vMabsor'i tXva9,404r Miraukiee.The oaU) -unbUsinesett c. -Ow à Obu1d lh Ze =0 M I~obj <W ha côntroîîcd frcm a lutci station ai 1055USd nouieetthe:tacterlef or1 N ot nh Chilcago. Im, - - e rissj et r"0 The apparatsaetahLlentirvile hbau* ite OPerate for seeeualr*OMM S -i .>4aon luproces O!installation for the bae l fr nn ow%W u~ act rutboeiÏ 5e~Past four monthe, caMdvas put lu .op- eilauiii. s'* la tissa ie uen tica astMoy. supay rIvin, ï ansl.. I~de~neLlnSiy Seeku of- s.and CutoUyý of ChiId; Hsnd Conte*ts.- RE 18, JUST OUT '0F JAIL taulkegan, Dey.. 13. one -of the moet, unusqal divorce ess0e heanO la Waukegu a u oeme Ume came up bot-e .Jadge Odruds today rien Sire. Madollu, LWdày. taoloi'ed vema, alpeare&d-snd a ir a. divorce aggaluet hcr' hubnd, antes Lindsay. 04 ae&ed albo for te o<utody of lier ýoilad sud ai,- îony. Tue umueusi phase cf th CCse. dovelped ien olon -miu Cf wEbr «*C bnut usforr,- rears, uW te «bout a Fow or a rsas Dt*tO.ed ou the Mls~- èil thon nos set 0VOftU ' - thse r a *àrs.aven hoha aeibu 'lgtl d Park. col6u1lasd Mrs. Rgmet that Une.Lindsay la a verra'P roa.They 5a& s ~A>'M nurse sud that e ibe sboom, smploy for ieu on steve. yeO00% iug bemu goveeetothir tOW, Onu. Tisov, boé feai thet 9*0 lie aras-ded thcecaetody cf hw .Lindsay, Ih devetoped,lime60 Of. MLaune.bas jusi comcie moulue' sentence ai tiihe he Chi4ao for. coatnllutlog t. llauency cf as77yenod sud blielvfse ve mot beft iivii ««bher for te tas tre.t i Mn.. Lindsay comPlainedi 4m the la not permltted by bhon bu to go ta thein home et Glecios get. hon cloth lug. Tii court iq Lindsay t. liai $25 -oiclW*' SUd 84 Venrocek toard theg# Oro gchIld. ,M LEAVE YOUR' ORDERS: EARLY PVOR , T Trkleys Geese Ducks Chickens7 IFOR THAT MU kinds of~ Nuts, Candies, Fruits, Christmas Treem and Gandles Fancy Jonathan Apples, per box,$37 E. H. CORLETT Lieryvle - - Phones 339-34 u-nge in Frn Spurdsualthb.Furniture Bush.. buas mmd eedy been -cooductd by , & Mues, vo Invite on .alrimd t l, luPect our stoc and get aur kof flouse FurnishingGoC." for -Cbristmùas ino .of RUGS,"as weIl as-m any new articles of Fumiture for Drawing Roomu, Parlor, Bed ÇhamerorKitchén. Repairing anti a..Fi5i8t1i51 Furniture a Speciatty Tue upe sud dowis of lits wve forcotafy Iiuatratod lu the sale of s-1est tate "birthse short fi ,*aturday Moring rien the fis* brick home 0f fermfier ayon et Peter Cb;nlstlaeao of Nantis Chlcgonwsoid astfon.- Clogui-e.-sale la oea f tise Northi Chîcego ute l vhu<h bîd a asonigage sud -jMOIR , t= ola s; I velopa le uioving ta Racie nesd bls home vas fpld under forecuosure amour1-lg Inu hýAI to' ti 9.425. Tue propertY rws bld!lln by Soenat:but Uic uamue of thc rea) pus-chasor la Ben Tbe Clis-ltan-au home lit. an lqti street sud le Pal, t ta eone of ithe thst this fine hans5. f Use fanrer bM70e * as solO -. unies rrels meous thnisrwnel ne fr et * mm Who -bas lite.beensMayoi- of xait NantisCcago Mr, Cbiunw.tis Wba *I*ays ýb... thanut cf hv bis frb"di4 e mas- v»li msdetrI 'Uneran riconnection with u Fr conucta, iri-c-àso dertakipg i,r.vice,. includï,ng emrbîinuing.- Day or night cilis givdn promnpt atten- tion. WC are flot str angers in Làb-rtyville and wýiII be -lad tô have aid and pt, riends cuit and:sec us, assur- ing them of fait îreatmnent. L'oeeiceled Une of Tiking th1 n :s anti Records Your Patronage Respiktfuily Solicted G T.LU-c. &SON. &«oe Fiione, 27 .- eîdnelhone, 142W. fflaq 1

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