CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Dec 1919, p. 6

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h*~m#t.gbiaes, luatse uvp sutb ogbre-tbepolice took(thpre. çsàuticry mumite t. keep die par onsomm 6"baiL The connil tIasl- eur ti. pesur.tbt no furthir et- wepvold bu made t. intfte ---- --- - -- f- a boldiopf the danm". lo- 'w lmai bteea. A >11 fils utber tb ,. - oty<g lodv, meetings or sutee- the 8F d 19ndtbbgtri. ete vite Butas. the regular session of the andi« nn ýpiof orote tacoii meôtlng Vad afafed -th». ru- t. relativée th OrMww tlnorder tfict -jbýU¶ACpoft lu bubad nid t a ruceut the mater mait be dufed vîi h amV meiAIâ1Ueting th« uLineln would havi, Asr va recitcfrte fune of the RfdJ sei "Y ifdayie bu venu F reltiestott arp bnthe.laWh- n'pIVh £ vasthat f t* suraiice neyer bas bffl pald over »Pl ili' H.IdI"Wbyawutbat the ok the estate bas cot bon losd. Fqrther W os, ha 'nglng are Wboivsti, ~aueam Mn ad:Th matter nov bus becu lidbefore Kil an o oses s Abamtn lclw~ a ln tle'caruc cmau sd lettef 1 ofte -people,. Were llving today, a ~iPatyWhohwas la enfre vrbti ,ssr- Evidenoe Mfféent to Re- vouki altoha ua heviat," declared hl i to be Lost. pady offibcas 0f?: longa Mme bum e ""'u tu- City Officiais. vied . fr lecuclajund elapset! ILviiiliecceay .Wie-Kelly, vwobe td demsuded of the n CAPE STARVATION. to :wies1 'aGermnn for acollier DEMAND NOW THAT HE cuvl~n-~ hfte een Itiýbelteved tbat fallure of the MAKE OOOD OR RETRACTi their atltion, mode lte flirat. titatp SOa.fts=saliid ihat notilng letter to arrive vas due to the strict bavlug gotte as far as tbey 1ev bow t a uUnited Statua, but cecsorhtp vhtcl prevented any mail Atr o tohur cioqeUte salt the .oeucdll Ie ta d 1%Ilirectft or mndi- trom arrlving hure trom Germany dur- fetyigfotwhulsodngol me g i4 a i WC ote4 vIL f Anoflier lug tbe var. ta get the city counicil to re- body would approve. tbey bâid oue salration that sucli Je thte inisrt. more weSiiot-evideuce which thb. a ln, the tact that amwig sidisoer PreVentiig the. u±skrrs plana"d t. faie lt. courtw bà 'ýOm Duck," the Da.vid steel efcc striers from holding fur. for tboeenovalof city officiais front l bocit wblch suddenly dis- YM S ther publie imeetings joc nKelly, offico esc ara ae tile w lv Up as vslent) W14 4dJD repreacnting the machiflista' the saufle meltlg, Comiiuitsaaier 11131 .s given 10ser f.C uiDAt -- . - tld tieul to camte on ~ . f~d.fomeîyofUnion, Monday night, juil li- Ait tr 7threatW accoccemuf f_ the RVSMULI INMUIWS fore the council adjourned, is- today hat th, ri sued a ýwarning that,> aving O tes safely arrived lu part - siiov that Captain Reid 1ganc as far as they knew howO IT ýTE pir, erione vl h e ret"PIIUflW y, ves. arlou, b te rsThis «nd Muddy Condition of in an attempvta o CV dijNI N a, nsd crev. Water at times show need ;,persuade that body to recoir- MI O rs il J blReidta mayar of Fart of Flushing Hydrants. asider its action, warn thaïtheii ý Mh!,atove 28 miles FCA S DCD gland and dispatchefl Sun- - mtrk avae M therp"Sses- IIL ýDCD je Joie aealthy real estaf e TOO COLD TO DO IT NOW gomWashiugton.Dec 14 Continu ti d bl sud lits stxteen year 90,i.oolmd eoe~ atuvteselvrea JOt, Malu. er-u h The complaint made by John May- etento-ieselwres 41ywhe Vrtukganfrindsnar% tat lucbin inlit hoe a in dcty offidal.from OffiCe.' trike vas voted today by the conter- F en bete oat ei rcudsnrdathat pluxbtgime bs om laiasi- ,ey& N*o&eth a ence here of the, tventy-fur pren.a,- id Xeldsnume appeared as cause ai mlnnovs brings la liglit the *of thoe egaUmndatreMoVal .cdetlesfrynit vas sted the as aboard. great contera tact thaf thure are a number of atiier111CselIdtr l mieltnov develoili that PeWle in Wankegan s-ho are lu the 'ion wu i paMd; oei'h..'did only tva dlssentlng votes, mont of et'.-un t Nsa.Asm ot nmn ae epethe union lemders maiutaiulug thatr oqieige rmMeved at Mai have feared that vafer pipes ver. sàw uh st " m ithynthe.prvrywsl frozea but aiter evei-y possible muscs ture of the. evidence tii.y ag ba u «t asuau sueffort Io thaw *.Members of the strike comuiittee, *c antved' late today, __ cam to 11p1111111,111-commenting on tse vote, said the ne- àbovvgae.OW. ort t relipus I s ntue cl ental Tbere vas prolouged coutroversY cent canceltatice by the United State W e ie f, but vuru three lO etvdi asba ttaallu the.counci. A committee.f a ear- steel Corporation of!linge toretgn \boI titfie ver. Sliar st otensto au i e-1y aascmor0f strikers bai aPppared. contracta va, on. of thea mont favor- ve.W pPs- Jutborh outtoYoebur-beforefthe 'body -ta protestatOg&ct';able augurtus of the evenituai aucceells OWPee4tant Mmeu&sJgato1 the staud lue bytat body 1. o m f t.estrtke. a à»*"î offl- sel tvtce ta W&Bbeau~u adih* shlubn.t -of~ theIb PiomeydatM eusthwah u t an>' furfiier public meetings It also wvs sesrted that, whil Miàý Êà»à. ,Tliey raleti the point that the action mauy steel pIautelait reetimed apura- - tleveul vilte Wfooerit ashuer. sove the amas ertoso h etnsddmtsado'Lopouto a e eo 9 MZ-&luatheai l. fan au ydt. tasbaubomUme eu t e eminutes off te prevtaus aeut=c. MaLk wlfb Ute ovrboad charges re- mudy onitonet hevaer~ is o Commissiaster Definuver mvni mlucatb ass duriug normal WUariedater U ntiudtepresence ef no mac>' mtcws tblat Iis bu dace. If vas sec Prddu~ctiioni. woo aborvd U« er nion itst. at ;someWtn-, o the kuni b y 3ommissimner Bilharx. 'hIala se pm g b soulti bcueo. ilon then veuf on record as relatIlg Lu______ t prMhbitlng pulil omeetings asu9d ee m i wu e b d « y fo t lita i »su dta bu e lu fo r a seao lo n g a s p re a n t C o _e id« Mtrouble luandi- iions existe ela"or te artyau coua-JAmong tsestnikens sud tbir rep- T33 lie Pll ~reasmifivWavoaImploraditbe caun-# Lc hl"d va e ront oZ il te reconaeldnifsaction sud ne- e*Wmti pau «ý bain f teire vworkers; Victor Rnd.i of UaL Ho v"eIN Wquldt, finsud cla retary; Jo. Kelly, 11111113at i UtoSbJ",If<f lier Maciniata' union; a Young The steel striku bbs affectad ite ja ue EIIiflas mID"maniaiPogli nd. dThua. J. bilding fiade t at nfre « s te. -4al bsppuair a r- rnkBdffr onko&Vla, cf Cbioegoý organiser lm Anterloan Sf..l sud Wireoomany la1 li ppdnip ~ FrnkBîiner vllknvnUt ~ bp-ethe &0-oocorsed, la Wauki peugmeua E .Wmî te Vlria vlere Waucksgnreusidoaf. diud at Meè,lUge tor M nt. Promise Bot to a sve cut-f.onda a S4o Oaddition t10 l im viemi cf IS' 1510s hoPital at 1: » t1il15 nornlu. . ctoa aspeakers exeept fliaee f nom teliabueu baled nithle ouicos of lu" 111 isCV- miII ,us 54 yurs nid and vw u d î',nallonsi cdmmittecf steel strikela kno. Ti.. fcdtifc EtE Wa*esas 4U and l a WkêaMro. dfuloer buS, sMM ud no itera s. te onuscil votatfor- the addition ta ln. lThe a d CatinEM u BlaFerickHu arbrangers' o forPma pon. Tàeuy effere te, abel.> the ptinent là t tle uffo r cmeling tP*S IICm ~laI Pnourtk aarmnrvi fr utortis prreikt an>'. persan vbo work, t. render tsesteel vIre bnttic >'era u.wu t. edeItakinghaleine« Jmiglif méke a sedittous or Wpatriotle by -subjecting it fa intense bli; tasdc on Washtmttou treet lu Wauos.' rsnd.Ltien es'mlttlng IfLaucool gr5tinally.t MonBdingïer tobdýbeic anceg fr Mayor Bldlnger replIeath lat -,t eauoseof the tact Ithsflte steel I e tme~bertrobl beng ancr.conceil had ut a reviqas fme beard voilers Pre' tout aot strike. union Obe atibea ta ii.booilsiforUtrs 0 e i~organîzers cameti Glover, callpei*eml and macohil -aid othera r moiths sud ber condition b.d been proiet ordclutruo ile bldeedlsea ain t C cradicai or quth ve . Fueral vould tasmatie lu futursbut Jý ie vrkleg On the structure until the1 Tbuatiy a 9 t Ue S. Isebhad evidence not anly fotrhle plce Jtomtroveray vlth te trikers ta at L R J Cherche BlunIal at St. 'Mary'a cellue- Officias but xuany othersa ts suob su entd. f555I5mas bd since heen madie. Tht. Su ter as Waukegan la couasrued,t t ff DECflflVC ayor- sféted tirat Assistant Chie! huilders declare fliere isn'au actual Wyreh ad lu the past beeu opposaid shortage of steet praduets vhich en-1 go in bmReves em let- ta, F a)oaking' aucli drant le action as vas fer luto construction vork, sud that1 remrksmad atthe meeting a weclr supposed.a postaarkaboa fie bd reeivd auh aguot s r iogf ineti thamtthemeetns WhI mat lire.u h Ibiheiniiitry ln! tat radIcaltre. oped ý aD t. do v Th . t .edea hkJeettsl ig va brue$tr ouf -sud M ayrdnten, ti elaino istheldIsrglr fcino ffcr rt-s vhoUvetlu loco t.vee vst t ai coaond posmitio e h taelntfJO i bi HafeNoon uttîîe in n a e______________________________lionne______________ o interatblett.sitrie excet aa S bertalowtng ormcershetug eectet t !,ar, n utbeu eel- clrk aquntt o alywat ciagtpoicen sat e ec t telia uon Cmaneli.W.eadrugi *Ilisl."» onmaim n n m om heca ofth -t bsiess sud eneca ttardeow the SVieCommander GOgfW ý, éafl l Grmay l 194 tp.artnelt ns uynome bt te Igcomuutyut t ehall tii m touIr- Hnon "W «k Ost&r 11110II lie hd rcevedsue agon strose an sopng ce the meetingas t LJ.VieCommnderJon .6. es- & OM t &rv i hscuty ytetnete rtvdta h a eof a t i. la tufre.clute-ly wafs.tasta. r " * Prant alXl reke. it te .a tinositon. apîean Pos, A . 3une . ea b" e,£o w» the deat i.ea et seCa .. rI veas rnout andu TMayo v dAertma e paie" ldl fice reaf 1ay-.-Pred ortfhf 9 *uma who U n Notth giewsptoto omsolpston aît, ,,,- . paattn î~ ai eerb.voU o itet seine the rain. onceptaathefolicer ffiirsA. D. Weli.ed bees'e t'tet,, .-, ~- 't .,,tcî,. T,.yostol .Jy~.f*., ci trikn eerstae tILhan spkr bth e mne-J. Strocsabou 'urb un iesan' egtne tat velas not the . VM. ma er Geo~rge W so T i t~ae]hi.T.. îa~tc,, ri s-eî anoiergnlaion fh metiut a L r. Vicegoon- atterjhiW e-4 lu~~a-' .1 îttD 'U -: utt. . - * R OS5 I5 a i fa cst ept to beak w up lite t el»c e- O u An -. R. sud the W. R1. Ithe stri"rt"oettied t,,,tr tu 'ot* tac tart'rraster'-, F. rstertoa i t"h ad - aeot-, W e.t I tai -'t oueOJ .is, mla ettrige Tkhe relwAei oge ln otica joint puFrec instalahnJn -n tr du r t' n-1..1- P;.d wrtt . , - an am e lie ien . Pad or e oefifga. o uaffry o . d-. .Web i 6 wc thes.rnkerg tat' th£-speaker hd .'n- tUs. ctret. gaàpw 3'U d9-01 ,anteh-. 4, ý, t h n w counlerWntt t neI u mottf. PSetUN aKC COUNYH-rrhs fi.F uuTaoa t"ýhel ae ""vTh_ eAceplet.,sustletano ethe eaersat i o .èvy ai ary epreodn-.t. - le y-1 tl'dtcR te., espngter ecsudTh r1o pq eu0f1o l- ILnet bt ti r ogn e s tel-__________ Ch.',ar orl. I 1 Tt'.ý -Int e gk. tike; that" tusse pba co-imetings ___installation___ Jan- ,-_i_î_!terelief eru te etioforagreetl uon hy tbe . Jele nationLl.cooi-ttee ta carry ou t te u. tbey a. reiet. W 8 mlhce prsbdet. j triblthe leb.aesti r'te nov of e vu epe CFhurchîli. ertp- n aagersu as->.the men and alstt-j t.: btatle miglit bli c tinH st lwerethe mtho arf pe y' th e ~~ TRUSTi oal canie t aetrry pon-th M, a~~~~~trie rt n rh A ilr af Tiree Hunê lpeOlal i- -Are Dulven froiWH811. I t -J -t HOLMEETING IN N. CHGO. l'h.. teel v»rkers tii mot bOld their usa meut ing at Blovenla National bali,. Tent atreet. Wetikegac. SundaY aiffonoonas tltey bailplaunuti. l'ree i 'undred splbal police lu change ofi Assistant, Giet Tyrrelî anud Sberlft Gren patralledthefichall anti - ould1 not per-mit the atrikers, members o! lueir fffltiea, union or non-union sym- pafhizers or curiostty moukera fe un- About 100 tb 150 persoas vo dld not keov aI len arrangemeus at aee madie concereilig the placc of meeting vbo b.d gathereti la thé halt were tolid t.leavt. vblcht bey prompt. ly did. Practlcsily none 0f the stnike leaders aboveti Up ai Tenfli afieet. Muet or tbêge soal police sud depu- ties ver. statloued at the main en- france te th. hall vhile the others were poeted aroueti the building and grouped aet the rear entranas. Ther. s-as no diturbauce of an>' kinti., Saturda>' niglit, follovtug a conter- eue vif fhotheWaukteguncit>' council at wblif ice fthe strike leaders ver. lnformed the>' coulti not holti the meeting, a commlttee of union le aders helti auother meeting durlue vwhîch Iliere vus a long dlscussliu ta deten" mine vhether or nott le>' should. ut- tempt te meet te apite o! the orders o! Mayer Bidinger andti he>' finallY decideti W abandon that project but te go aheat i vth their arrangements and hotti the meeting In Wolton's hall, Thirteenth sud prescott street. vblch ta ie North Chicago. anti out o! the jurtadiction of the Waukegan police, rather than rua the riait o! a clash vith lhe local authonitiea. chance Their course Mac>' o!ft. persans s-no, came ta Teuth street ver. In!onmed about the change le the place o! meeting sud t.>' proceodedte f0Wojfon's ball vhere Oscar Ameringe,.Milwaukee aoclallst. W. j. Brow, organiser for the Unitedi Workens a! AMlertca. anti Leu M. Reg- gai. sout h Chicago. organiser tonrte afse Vorkers. delivered addreesea. Auterlugunvas ftw vaudeville "acf" of the progrsm aid proceeded t. give the strikers Il- fanrtuir stupidt>' in votIn;te vay tbey bave beau te the past, sud thon tbld thent how tbey coutld teadti Uemnîves ouf ai the PO- litical vildernusb>'electins «-mon vbc viii work for te labor cIa..." lMe maidbu vas îviug tliem H-I b«cause b Wl'ed ten. Ameringer vss clever. lRe va. funcy. lie wvu anti aîthougb h. did Dot deliven a Iuarned an addreas as Brovw.,lie n.- ceived s lot of applaube every lme ho neeutefthe "Uniitedo Otite. 0f The spuakdre atidreesei a . ILO . etov. There vaWnt a ebaeir leutthe balk-ecd Do fine, lTh. plans cfte meeting bai beuncbaugud so sudden- ]y, Ibe>' prol>ably couli not tiedth Ue janitor. Listes and Salve- i"uly 1,000 persans attosadeti. l'ey sta n te .hall, clai- latein aven- coats and fans, a fev even keepIn on teir bats. The meeting lafet for threelionebut f1ev If any left butor, the mueettng vas over. President Kick Keller presldd. Tlhe speakers vore thefir overcoats sud beat their cbeets occasionally, keep- log up their circulation and enthus- tain». The speakers said somano unkind thinge about the police s-ho li "driven theux oui of their hante." the Tenth street. hall, as KelIer tArtned Il. H. saked ail thé steel workers vbo own shares o! stock in fthe hall maise tbeir bauds. About 100 persons ansvered with the 'wsual votîng ailgu." lHe aise announced thaf îîext Sunday'li meeting prohahlY voulti be field i uttheiovenie '4ia11, qulifying bis statement vith the words: "If the dépuf les aient't -tiere." 1-e adl- viseti the stnikert net te remonstrute with tUeauthorities lu any s-a>'. 4u ta do their bidlng no mnatter s-bM tfxetr personal vieva vere lu the mat- ter, £e anuouuced a donation of $50 from"Mii Vikings for the Weltare fond ai the strîkers, Heaiaso tuformel the strikers thaft te mine workers, bay. iug s-on tîîeir strike, s-e-e coming te the steel workers' ald iviti, money and speakers te help thent keep up their igbt ags.inat the steel corporation. lie Êautedti lat coptrihuttons vere comtug in sfeadily front other, labar organizations antd ienevotent socle- ttes. Organizer Btrownu ald thaftUte pre.- ent labor unrest s-as the result o! the enl1ýhtenment lUe people bati receiv- ed durinig the var; that the>' hati been fightlng ta mskg the s-orld suie for *democracy, and ,(hat nov. mîlilar>' au- - incbracy bad been plachti were setltng about te crush "industriel autacracy." Ho sait, that the strike methoti. s-hIdi at present seemedtetalie flic anly va>' 10 vin the prînciplea for vhtch vouîd laler lie brouglit abouit vithouf such 'drasttc methoda. The solution I. lu the establishiment O! un Industriel court, vhere the right f sa tb. employa, -and employer eau lie es- tablîsheti anti vithouf diturbing the gzkat ecauomlc Industrial machlur'ry. 1."Wblle I helieve tli,>constitutton bas ieen ruthlessly violat 'etilu 'th, fa$tat the steel vorkers ver. pre- ve fs ramn holding thus meetlpg lu Waakegan, i also bolleve tbr'We'k- lIngman aasequuily m es mis- fake, Drown sait." The vorkers snome fîmes become absesse& vifli the mm nekinti cf metliods hsln<itployed '#y the t-iapitaltts.The ultimate, s- ýl*ttou l te» pueerevilI bue Ibrougl the. industriel courta." D1rnuaad that boforute labornng Bandar te repeat l6tp ddy I .,s.The lutume olad . ou the oli0f he atrlltg tsedistrict one nt te lm.rgreda spmmn at ernoon outlugf. F: D BonddGo0004 n P HSRES SÂIM Quert;m0 oons a ei*la address PaId atKonosa. yh SCARCE AT THAT, PRICE Ridiôcufe rA tes. . anary ifdo"uemot oM Mubte -m. tal. rovidlng te suply, of boel boldaouontauj tbul' Howe' a Baniple of the renarks s111 are able te sorape UV the prie@ made by Oscar Amerluger, the Mil- askéd for Mf That boocs, flovs an waukee Soctil Bt vho addreseed the freely as over ln Kecasha for tbou etrikeçe et North Chicago atter b.- eau afford t MpAy tty cents a -"et" lcg pruvunted f ront speaktcg ln Wou- for It. la tbe asserti on of mnurWAU- kegmu Sucday- .Icagau, men w'ho .87 tbey bave ',Ifludu "Wbferé are the fellows that you Inlformiationi" on tbe inatter. bOfle-beade put fnie officd faut sprlug! "I 5saw a Hisland Park nan suda The'restadlu do~ L Tetb f101. ~vfrieuds gtep op te a bar inXK. thyr sc tandig bu sdo ,aaticg: '6osaand lay down a twenty dollar 'Cnete jesus.' bill, "a Waukegan macn sid. '*Tbe "oTh"iee Igte lb o u were a couple of rounds and te Sot intothei baus a. elctio ~ no change back. Doeec't take, long tu lntohy a .el aetb ey. eut up a tweuty at Mity cents a tbim- "Theyare eadyte un thex oùbleful.**" yeur poor noodles ta open tbem ' UVJAnothur Waukegac mac annotmcud se là littie sunlight viiisak lt foaeyonir braie. a couple of nlgbts ago tbat ho was 'The lub a sutecoent 1 goicg to Kenosba ta get a plut 0f telf;, the trouble la they're hlig What do titey cbarte for it nov," the lttiledwbl eugtthbit 1be vwas asked 1 ecd on yaur lcoko. Whec yeu fellova "Six dollars a plnt," vas tbe reply, 'learu boy te vote you vtll be holding "and they sren't very 'keen for selling the lîttie eud af the. club." I t eveu at that prices for tbey saa And If'. because of auch remarks, make more by selllng tf out by the tended t. stir up dtsrespect for au- drin k." thority thaf Waukegsc bas assumed lu the "good aId days" a pinti0f the position of preferrtcg fhem 1te be booze sold for fity cents aud the liet made in the nelghhoftug yards rather bou4le goods eold for a dollar a bol. than ln those of this elty. fis. An leferior lirand of boose nov wlll bring as much as $15 a quart and Washington, 1)ec. 12.-Newiepapers fia scarce even ai that pies. coutalning more than twe nty-four One-former Waukefan saloonkeeper pages would be charged fiee tîrnes the predlcted that If war time prohibition present postage ratç under a bill lu- ts k1îled before Jauuary 16 that vii,.. troduced by senator Jones, Demacrat, key may seil as cheaply afixe dollars New Mexico. The senator said pub- a quart as he saya tbere la as c>r lishers te t state complaiued that mous stock te be dlsposed of. 'rue. ouly the hig city papers; with their governmeuftatal over $6 a galIon. ove mille vere able te obtain aIl the This ta one of the thiegs vblcb jnama print paper tbey needed. i the prier -o bigb. S afeguarded In vestments, paig fr-oen6% go 12%. OURa PAuTIAI, PàvsETu-rINIvSTWUB(T PLAN makes if easy to, ave money osetematioaily sud to acaumialate high clamesBeourif les paying good divideed ruturua nd capable of large incoeial valuse. Let unsexpi ethia Plan ta"Yoe. tell us'hov 'muaty ou esa puy dovu and bhôv mach yo oaun pay monthly. 'Tell us vhat seaunites you have, if you ha»e amy, so vu may advise yaus as te tbeigvpreeOt value, astability and future. W. viii Malte up a special invesîmattt augges- sieon for yan aaoording -to what Yau can afford le invest on lis .1-artiil payment plan, tiher on a, IO.paymunt or 20-payment basio. Write te our Deparfment A- 2 for aur papoe 'Gnarantee Investmenta," giving advioe on ii market conditions-It vili interuit you. SecutiesTrus t Cmaz 10 Sota 4 au oSire.: CICAGOýý 0L Bell ( > System For onc yý ear the Bell Telephone Systemi, as well as other elephone, telcgraph, c-alt and radio sVstems, was under con- trol and supervision of the goverument of the United States. This wu a war measure, dcsigncd to give the war agencies of the country the fullcst use of ail facilities of communication. During this time th . normal develop- ment and expansion of al, telephone systefins was necesaflIy subo'dinated tb govern mental needs. Mater"and equipment had 10 b. eilized firein the construction and maintenance cf lines for war purpoies. Ordinary de- vclopment and expansion wsitcd. The Bell Telephone System ui makting headway in ils effort to overtake the demand for service whicb developed during this period of suspension, but some time wiMl yet be required before the expansion of the business can pro- cced at normal speed. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY

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