CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Dec 1919, p. 8

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0 WAUCOJIDÂ 0 scu oMRVR ~ l miss E4yvtb 'Geayvu a Chicago John W Mareth. aaeWoted citien T')visitor the laut of the weok. of Grsirslake. passed ta>'y at bie bone L. C. Pria. 0foflier wva sant Sunda>' moralisâ, De&. 14. at the age1 ~m jcep. calr hiour ifiao ~Or î2 years, e monthsa"au 10 dajis. * Fnsmil Msse lth nd Rub Pterson D)eCe5ed vas bora in Neudorf, spent the veek end vli uhir enrtsAustria,Jue 4,-15'ISI 18a31 hoiecam 1 h bolai n~ ery nuchan t boetu the United glatre. and excePt for ou year the. reminder of bis lit.evwu %%W of reo peamagao. Pre- H.1E. Maman trasactod 1111055 spetlu i rud rina shinde severe viatber and I Chicago l'aida>'. Hovsitdlumnue Br W. arlI Eoughtou oi* Racine spent Sat-, etBa ai bs bone bre. Schuiuscb Aptll 26, 1892. To ibis Mer oc tvo years ago vans urday and Suaday othehm ir. n tl!o daughters vere bOru-mrs, by stn eauthat produced Aiidrev Bangs asaaChicago vis- e ciu~utlih secou o Itoa Suda,.wallace IL Jackson, a (cacher ln the e bo enfl hle nacionof IotrSunay.Grayaake sehool, and UM Katbmyn. ivoer had. This tbought takeis M>ss Cecella Geary spot the veek.* Bourboi.lad. tage, »li the preffteu svere'ondin McRenry. 11 madaencuraemet tu Mr.andMra Jon Daey ntetai- 1Mr. Mamtrheaume lit about (vo oi led.eueuraemett 0 ?lr.andMas Jon tuie enerlin-menthe ago an and operàtion w05 per- 19 leuwblio& eoi fricnrde over the veek Med. formed, but nothlng eould bie doue te, io* amio4dcodiios, Gec lsSpent* the Week, relleve bis:sufferlug. .Duziug bisen- i0m er lon peiod f a- Ho ar L.Fisher of Wbeaton vas a hie aide, aid notilg vas 1ioftunudone 114h prices of! mpouts acnavWstor Monday. vhlcb mlght have saved hlm. . li te b.h gréât doinsd for j arner Cccii. returuet home Thurs.- He leaves to mouru his losa, besides 6 IMndI day f ront Waukegan, vhere he under- tbe aorrowlng vif e anid augbters. ou gSay "a la Bot oni> valua- f ent an opér'ation at McAlster hoa- hrunher, Michael, who makes bis horne lymul«e farmlug, but tbat pitli. His mai>' frieutis are glat to, wlth the famlly. and a boit of frieutis. W. ft au gdded value la is secehlm arounti agaa.- Wordi çannot express the los whlch WýCbia THE GRCATEST ! Miss Effle Glber"-pent Saturday alt(ho communlty will spffer (bru the 5K Ht ORL, ci>'lfier home toe. passlng of this ploneer resident. Ho Ilao peope; the secoudct m nd Mmi W. icolbas been a okeu of ai a man Who bai gis, the tird clty in the' a daughter Satumday. Dem 6, 1919.. never haed au neeay. He vas noveri kuovu (o refuse to do a good tumu for feuation la made of a fev' Mis Ruth liapke returned tu Wau- aniho;n n a vrbe am ffeing forsal.,ikeganMlonday, having spent thoelPest a nelhbn t pa o re 1hagaever bren Il I arn offerlug for sale. ~~week carlug for lber mother, vho hm-kout pu odaaathm ri ame producluing nully rovard binlamally lhe vas ever'al ,heen sufterlug fomn a seige of: qulusy. jpar acre. and that under a , ubkrtaittdbsIes kiudness sud cousidération. agr>' system of farming. 1 Chicago Tuesday. The fumerai services vere leid tia glaS ta gIr. detalledin lforma- the Round Lake Cathollc- church on lek these fiiais herelu mei-! Wednesday at 10 a. m., vlthbhurl at (Toclaite for lait veek.) A Rl__ foMmi. Libby Hammod loft TuesayFrent Ceuter, the RE v. Father Ber- & ARA, LL'forCalifornia, vbere ah. viii siiud ger offllatlng. tho wlnter. Miss Wima Farusvorth of Chicago. 00600000.4000 000000 NO ,-spent theweeiiend at ler home here. 0 DEERFIELD o oltllebestqalîîyblackpmi-1 Miss Ruth Bapke of Wadegau,*000060000*09 1111ils koni tovu, % mile toi visiteti home foUs Monda>'. m.RlhGbo u i 6im W lMiad ciltivaed; UmsaYvonne Hans of Palatine vieit- iMr.! C an ere 11w phgustand f thi of isir>' buildings,,fur- dhem parents bore Saturday andid broithjA Stier h uaof ho ee be emgo ocd îeighbo- ohr .A.Srkeovrte end. ansic"$M~bMlae1 Mr. aid Mn.P. Cleary aidMr..sud, pomcim. my ~ Mrs. H. j. Schaeffer aid swu Stanley, ; MissElda Boreuberger vas the ~~i baeeess i .d.of Mcecr>. ver. gouelatthle home' guent of her cousin MisIda Bebrua lu Ne _2 _ of Mr. aid Mms. Henry Goar> last leoe over Sunday' M, iman tiai, L i ndyThe Royal N lghbors luitiateti a - uM@Paul Rais via a3La iovisîtor clasa of four tutu the order urdl Sanay.nlgbt. Mary ]E. Testialc, county dep- wm.t 4MOMidet aud Umisa ra. Woilso! Chicago spent uty, vas a visiter . la I. a WMhmde Sudaywit Wacond reaties. C. W. Potte recelved word MondFiy ~ i. llo. (Mm.. My (iljnb and daliter-a, h is oldest sou, -Rlntbur, of South l iss Lacy'. left Tuesdsy for AfttbOch-,Dakota hadsi ere a stroke of parai- libers th"y iiiM'pend the. viater YalIs sud vas lu a criticicondtlon. lo M'20 0d . Diosa sd dangter r«md Mms.August Miller of Sbonuaivilo,; s aq e t ettChicago Mouds>', bavng spoutt(he vas theguest o! ber slstn »-M. lBc- t he put six utotha 1etiihe boume of Shrmn.uda. 0" d impimeet N FsUsmib.Mm. Pyle. Mr. anai Mrs. A. C. Antos ~ H.. Ma Cspbol retrue hom (I aid daughters, Mr. aid Mrs. Sugene *a.4 ee. lftr penin smre 7 Rae der, Mis. . Lange aid daugter ~ u~ Cooil ciI' ltu(ie laterenosthe .De a"d.Misa -Ca Rder ver. the guetta bUUMIiSloiul BiDt *UJti II. o.of Mr. and Mis. Rd Blnghsm Sanda>'. Ma -ôsau f Efilot J. j».luk met Vltb quite aMeGoreAtd oashmvt aiit em" ocop eWw le CniiMâl ut lais y Riglilg er daegbter. Mis. L M. Role, the d.l vr' akd. fni t h ieng bue IitàPait moutb, retumuoti WedbeudY (o slOek. fied sa" Impie- Od hW tsom. houes mlght b. brokoil. M.sdMs ila bfgo ~iN e w«t ta theiettySfaturila>' tuhave lrving Park. vere the guetta o! Mr. IL ansd X-ray tabon u ilf Ind (bat îI w" .aid Mms. Lincoln Pettes ModL...- WAOU o mSoa; beut 0f 1 huy a badnil us.' Wbile it >a Quito is Jooo»blne Wooduiau vis (ha f #«Mas smodea bouse; line fp&infWl, the edtor fels hle as oh guest of ber sister, Mr». WnL Killat, ESAdeé; gsocilbarnt; Borne. tuate la Bot gsufferlng more -un of 'Wlmette, noverai dams (ho'an ~WtflandouiPle-mat bome; lujur>'. Me sayie ho tovas aredweek. tlauf(O trect car vith lhait. boy tu crank a Ford aud av'ld 'e The R. C. Csas of the U. R. uda>' jeha t. hlagO "14.00; oas..kck. hbtthde Information caen.t Sc 1I ere entert(aiuod b>' Mias LiU- leust 48 hours t> 'Iât30ijAutta Wedinesday ovening. No. sô,I' The Uulted Evangelica',cburcb yl "WesiliOfronttowu;very fine 0osoo0ss0 00o0oo0.00o00.0-)çae Il> Chrstmas pogram Tuestia> 30 tiied aud ailtclivted 0 LA KE ZURICH 0 evening, Dec. 23. MWs lms fiue huildin; a flrSî Miss Laura- Mphhko spent the peut o0 0009000 000000000 -ewt e osiMs .Tm lose Ins; 10 ler am; easy e!i(hmcosnM..ETir Mrs. J. D. FiaR speut Monda>'Ilu et Giencoe. No. 7 Ciao A ver>' Instructive lecture vas deiiv- Mjile and a bal fron town Mm.. and Mmi. L. Gear' mOtoreP4. to roit b>'Mmi. Featheratone of Chicago, ~ienia,2g 4 le hool1 Chieu e day leit week. on-Chlld Welfaare" alt(ho, Assil>j' 1best 01 bilak land; ail (lied Mr. snd Mn. . Prebm are enter-, Hall Fiday eveuing. eed id8<om house sur. taiuiug (ho former'saater. Mm. D-' Misses Rida llorenberger aid Doro- pfbeutitul ahade; barn and Prehm, from lova.1 the McWiiiams at teudeti nowPg .v dAg;$4511X) very easy Hnrn, Latin, Rira & Co. opened up; en In honor of MUIss)danûeo Faust of Offlue, possession March 1, their meai narket and grocory atoire Uàbertyvlleo Mouday evening. on Monda>' of lait weok. M. sud Mrs. Mm.. Jacobs, *ho have No 8Survoyors fron Wauiiega are Oui- been vlslting their daughter, Mms. T. iê 4 miles fron t wn; on good veylug for the mraot lu (bis vicin- H. McDoweIL, have r%ïumned t» (heir ipd (o school; soit gentle It>'. home et YoufgstoWu. 0Oh1o. am at dcay lbainchaacter; 140 Xi.Melfer la IlUilg Mr. Patten's 1ee J. A.L1Stryker bai bougbt (ho Antier- fIar 8roomn house, gond ht>uac at the creamer>'. son property on the corner andtyl ~Ions anitdairytaeedecp 12 trîi lches (hlck. remodel (ho builiuüg, usiug te fiit Imrate mmpovme M!ss HIlIdda irenhte, Miss OUive floor for a store. The seaoud anti ty No. 9 l R.'- rOi Waltei Fr Pren bhave k- (ird floors vil ho utîllied for flats.' Ï6itallly!neIiîighly-iralroved uw 1 t,)ii-ir home ilu lat ater Mine Alice Maliard of Paris, France. le el lanti, ail tled end dcii!- : viit oftCif d cvilie oetoks vlth XLo. vbo hma. peulverai mouths at tho mbnaibansio,~odr: Bizer aud vite. . William Pluige home, left Wednesday' eMurtu1, 191211. Attrac- . .Irving là abl. tu be out for Nov York..and vill sai for France1 EY trms.againi, falowiug au operatIOn -PerfOrm- Baturila>. ~'d 5'. oal vfikaago.Mi. ArMiP Muruer andd blidron wfl gondi gravel maiot, m ________________ are spen"dlug loverai dams wilh-r" j 1011les ta steet car; black ! esliCca. ed. -oeýdý-rôm bosi.,TII.- Chritmas exorcises cf the abisde (ves; barns; et- PresbytérienStunuda>' SeihoIi con-1 « Min. fruit; pleesaul. siat o! beaut4ful coloret i pltures ou fmr.Thlrty.e.ght, ..hoîrioChst TeCblma OH Imm cooL OTU Onlu 1mI Thuraghrvoutag at loren o'clock (he football tenu aid th. nom- bers of themebooi board, boa. oti. ers iatemetei la our temaniaso>blod, lu the uillab soboolliugrocin vbere n supper wvas sveg lotent. The menun eoisltsd.9f the follcvlug Furet Coursa-Omaler soup, vaters and Mei"be. 0oeond cours-)Isshed putainos. rusit diich, dyaaiag aMd grar>'. poei lu timbale aise, butter sud roUlaand combluation, fruit aalad., Third curseý-Pie, s lamode, aid cofre. The tablas vere umettil>' tecorated vltb reti candies anti roses, tlhe rèd anti white being (tie HlghBéScool col- ors. Muila aswurnmisbed b>' Hapke's Orchestra. T .he toasimaiter, Otto Boehm, callati upon min>' o! the men for shlort taika. Atnong (oie roslonding ver. Messra. Averiu, Paul Rtay, Prof, L. C. Ray. Cupt. Junior Rngiebmacht, Cupt. Paul Kohout andi Sonator R. B. Svîft. The Doiuestlc Science classes pro. pamoti an serveti (ho hanque. Atter (ho banquet (ho captalu for neit yoar's font bail team vas electoti. Tboie nornînatoti vere Junior RugIe. breat and Carroll. Junior Euglehmoch( decliueti the nomination because h. had helti the position tom (vo years. Carroll Pomteous vus eiected. Aitho' vo are loing mua>' of oum best men thîs year-McMiilen, Wlgh(mau. Jeti- licita. Rd Case>' and E. Bamhes-we are certain tat next yea?'s (oam vîli ho juat as gond a one as (bis yoam. Those mecelvlug "U~s" this yeamare: Capt. Junior Englebrecht, James Me- Milieu, Otto Hapke, loyd Rittier, Bd- ward'Case>', Gilbert Voeiker, Albert Hager(y, William Wlmtz, Fred Butter. fil, itilrord Barees. Carroll Porteous anti Elvyn Wightman.. Second Team- Catt. Pul Koobùt. Eldon Kitchen, Nool Young, lames Jetiuicha, Ccl Mook, Walter Parkeor, Otto Teg(uo>'er sud iMar(cu Ruilamore. VIOLA WBLLS. The Comtýejoial of L. T. H. 5 Te commercial dfpartinont la mak- lug great progrees& ai s uai. Most of (ho puli o! (he tiret yeam typownlting cha.a;IMlve aireeti> eom- ploted the- amouuil o! vork requîmeS for tho tiretst "i t, vhich -enl about (ho middle, of 1sUua. The puplis of tho second Year type- vrltlag cli are rhiry bus>' dont o ut- aide vork for Mm. Ray aud other (ho othor toebers. The abortbaa4 classes have also couilteillte vork remu)rcdfor the firet semoster, vhlcb la nia. lousons. sud lu theso lesions lice1the fundam moentai principlet 0f sliortband. 'TIhe popisof te boohkepipng clami are ver>' hua', as umuei.alming td break ail records. Prospects o! doing no are ver>' bnight. BESSIE KETCHION. Boy's Basket Sali Wedneaday, the lOth of December 1919, tho L. T. H. S. basket hall toam vent to Area for a practice gamo.t The Areu team vas heavier than our (eau and (boy aiso hati the advantage cf (ho fioor.. Porteous led tb.eacoriug vith tire baskets anti ono froc throv. Hspko *as uext with (vo baskets anti ugIe- brecbt matie one basket. The. une-up vas ai follows. Hapke ..........r f ...........WUcox Porteous . I...... .1f.........Simmons Buraes.Engelbrech c.,7on5e Felbrecht.. r f .........u Rtt At (ho animai cloation of officeis for the Cougregattonal cberch heiti Sua>' evouiug, tho foloviug voee 0100(0<: L. R. Kruger, trustee. C. 5. Rqnehbergor. (rassurer. i Henry' Sabicedor. Deacon. 1 Bort humail, Militant treasurer. ire.- lMatow13,,nol, lorkt. The. offieurs for the. Sunils>'Schooi are as folîcys: C. W. Warren. Supt Miss Rta Sebroedor, Âhst. Sept. Carl Wtt. Seoy.-Tres». Miss Auna Gerbent, Ansi: Speclal ptactice for th. Christmas munI ie ii ho helti noit l8aiurday' ulgbt. Ail vio la ih (o holp are asked t0 ho present. The Cbrtatmaa xs.. aises. lacludiug s CbrIstmas lreo. vili hbe ltiSuuday ulght. Dec, 28. Communi on serviceas adt reception o! nov members neit Sentis> evonng, Ec. Il, t 8 o'cclç ZIONITES WL FADEIN MY$TERY, VOLIVA. PREDJCTS As a wmter oPu.ewtpapem hoîndlueR, Wlhum Glenin Vôliva, lord high razzie- dazaleorof Mon City,, lR the pure qutili Iu prophets.. Voliva sali Sunda>' ail (ho saluts amo just goln.g 10 dîsappear nome fine day. sud ait the chIltiren viii go wlth (hem. Me oxpects ever>' ever-> saiut ln ZDon City to vauisb, ail the apostles, eidera. deacona, -(ho orchestra. (ho banti-anyva>', mont o! (hem. Anti ho gasamthe newopapemi vwilI corne out vl(h he'tIlues saylng "Thousautis Miuing! trango -Pher nomeus Mas Tabou Place!"' Can mou Imagine? Hoe uentlonedti (at treot car con- ductors. vbo happen tohe "suinta." vili suddteni>' volatilise - lIt, heaven frorn their car platforms. dropplus bebindti hem, o! coerse, their collec- tion o! 7 cent tare«. Thoi!e vbo are not saintpd, Volîva proiu-ï. i viii ud- endl>' matemialize ou a grenseti piah, eloped luto bell. "IWhat viii become of son City" asbed soineono lu thZ. audience. 1. " exweet ever>' saint (o go out o! ZMon City'," oourinued Voliva. "'Thb slpostipa. eiders,(bthe doir. baud anti ochtm- expeat (bat Most If nol ail o! (bain viii becaught up* ',Just wbat (led t~ell do trth ZMon City' aftom tbe sainte are takou out, 1 dout hnov, but 1 vint it te ho ai objeat lesson io tho vorlil up tilt tint (Ue. aid I arn vcrklug daY sud nlght (o mete Il m." Aocondlng to Votive, (ber. are inu signs taklug place that make tho cooinng of tbeýLord tote h iesaluts out or thc vorlil ver>' doa. Mers arc nome of (ho signe: L 1 The vorîti van (00k place lu 1914 aid markmilt(buend , of e Times et (ho Gentiios. .2. The appearauce of (ho Rcd onU througbout the vorldi. 3. The coal strike. vai auMheý aigu, anti GoS pcrmiltoed Ilteo c..e lip (O a point (bat came near vreck- iug tbis lnation, ln crier (o wnrq tho people (O quit thoir Meeuosand tru te HlM. P 1 4. The great ustronomlcal ovent vblcb tu (o tub0 place ou Decouibem1 17, th.e1Dite of yblcb (ber. bainot- boon sinco Christ vas bora. -The aPootan>' O! the cburcbea. ..t's coming," salti Vollva, as ho discuesedth ie vorlti's criais. 's comlng mast as sure ns (ho floodi came. Yer. vîth ail (he vamnings, (hoeeare !ev people (bat -viii psy ai>' atten- (ion. Wlth ail (ho preachiug. (hou- sands are going tiown to bell on a greased, plunk. Tiiere's no use tulk-. ing to the multitudes.' SUMiEST ÀA-PLAN OF~SLLNM OMES Susiue:Kohout g, Kitchen f, T $9PE 0 H L~kf Referee, D. B. Flagg. N OttoHspke. SuggeiiohlO' bheen matie (bat i - I Wauk-'gan atiopt a plan (bat la b.- Public Speaking Class lng carrieti...ont ln Chicago, lu ai Lai Frda. MssHofmsns ~shiceffort (o liovIde more homos for anakiugaa ise po nte Giige Waubegau 'sa constantiy grovlug apekin clsse prsened ýGa]igr",c-opulation. Man>' plans have boon iu dho High achqol auditorium. The. eugges(esl but (he one (bat Is bolng pisay va. greati>' enjeyed. The men, put tnto effect ln Chicago -bItppars bers of the ecut knev (lier parts per- vo bo morp logicai (han (ha- othors. fec«S or if (lie>'tilda't, tbey mati. (hoe 'Ie Chicugo plan la ( o organise aukm hi<sk e w h eqi oea compan>'anstari tbe erectlon ç! so, biehreqime.more 5S ouses. These bouses yl ho hifit>'. 8trikingly simîllar lu type ant i vii Tho pla>' vas ail about the straggîes reducO .là a mark-oit degree the .cost of the. cairman 01ftheIe os" , comn-'of construc ltion as all materils eau mittee for (he Senior recdption, tôo be ýperchaped lu Wbolesaae Quanti- maketheaffir-g of Sntblywhe , t haboon figureti eut that- bouses. noue o! the ccmmlttqe di* hbla part-. wh'rch voulti coqt trom .-96,000 te, Galliger <id his beat (o heîp ber, thuas $,ooo ,to ereateinflugy, can ho orecteti advanco binsif mher fayot, but itiboapi>' enough (te Bell on tbe install- noite of l aIl, she (01< Prof. Wright ho nient Plan for 14,000 each. The plan muigt senti ber floyers o Ii . L.s o'have each puncilaser ýpsy dcvn tion. Or did Bbc? Firet use îsaliBce-etenth o! thc total cost anti puy- thon b~ sati ~ iItflic est in monthlyI>'ntallmonta o!, dithnseait! sh i t. You $29. This amount la vithîn (ho re*ch naver cai (tl vbelber ava MIt of! ailanti vouitiappear (o solve (hoe or-r-r "flbbing" or or not. 0 budilug' problem. fi) lis clalmeti Marger>' Me eker (but (he mou Who finance (he propo- sition aioose menuIe a gond returu ou their moue>'. Lit..! CandIs Flame. - Tihsuacb a plan coulti ho-put lu- lahoraton>' empetibesti cm to effeot la Waeiiegan la (ho belle! ,et late haro silovu tlnt a sadîi«ui'eo!msuy mon hors vho-bave boukoti vili _boope qtlu*lb.d vIete. ii tle opatter. Rt taisposshbi4at OiOu n l ato! dis te >opber â Oo lai ii .tuoiÇ=i~(i vubleb il le burn fie ,t.eLIot puînt e liaI uai, a pla &it b Pur met. 'Bflphur atpu buruioM utlt.eculowpxkar" apu tome IPM hls as béenq» lsL 11k O"Meroe VaIIIIIIW. A m o e- (l« .e li v ". a " = u i Mt è ct fr isew' I* l REV. CHMISJM 1-..KLJZIAUM ,Pasi., 11400 a. m.-Se,..a-nie SUM et.i,* .Sh6de 7:30 L-OwhUU Caatta "lb. Satso l rb" *y lm &B WIiamo ,, .vdkg a httchoir UOIOTS Wae is, dn m bl& mgmd P004 Sfflaî is matte Lo. Ceom.Is.Ur. CarrollGridieg', Tmor PROCIRAU 1. "!Se.ej Ye Out of the 13e"- .. ........ Bus Solo Mid Choir 2. *¶'bou Blessed Bt h ' ..... *'** - ...... fDr il 3. Blesaed Be the Lord God of Ii!a,.l". . ......1......Choir 4. "Midnigbt in Rer Duky Mantle"...Soprano, Tenor Solo and Cher 5. "And There Were Shepherds"................................ ..Vholr 0. "Chiming Belsa.......Soprano and Ato,,Duet and Mai'. Chorus 7. "TIhe Adoration of the Wise Men" ............................Choir IL "A Lultaby"..............................-Soprano oligato and Chir 9. "Chriat the Lord in Born"..................Bas Solo and Choir 10. "My Shepherd aid My "ig"...................................choir Il. "Night of Nighta".. .......... Soprano snd Alto Duet &M Choir 1. "Rejoice, O Eartb ........ ............. e ........Choir Organisa, isl. Lotin Mttooks Planig, Nr. Cariai. Tuée., Ctlusg.l Direct.,, M. "ac Bradford EVERYBODY WELCOME SEATS Fu M Y Wsz: i M ou -- u- - -s- - A -Bank Accounit Makes For a Sen" of Scrity Your savingosooSn grow to sizable propor- tions iff depositsai e made in a systematic manner. This -bank extende ail the conven- iences needeci for the safe-keeping of your fundis. Start an accounit at this bank'and make Regular Deposits during the coming year. -TheCitizens' State Bankof Area Poo243 Ares, lM "ol WATADSI 1 bas M e vryTuE-le Ctobo*. ep Ia.,e s-Lke Zurieo. 8-t st priepa itom $2,600. Po.. .4,000, $4.700.0,000, 07,50 0 88.650. Ali FR@L-saillad« u modern, nWto mt led. wiii be plesd Ow rostq»t er.Ir tonbowanytlue. Edwln Austin. Phone fis, lS Mmn, butchers, etc. 13. W. Pob. 16, North Shors Gan offlIe. gfbine Wood Workine Co. 4645f FOR ISALE-CboW erasdssns lot. on DELAYS THIS YEAR ARE DANGIER- MeKal.y Av#- Mr@. Gima. 13-4 ou0. order Storm Saab Early. Sion. + ,, 1:nstltons & Industries. I>e. 4, Zion FOR SALE-Driving or work borne. WANTED-Mil hinds, cabinet makers Reasonable. Apply Harry Pester, and carpen1ers . ..tobblu Wood blacksmith shop. 50-2 Worklng Comnparly. 41s-si FOR SALF-20 sheep; ten ewes bred WANTED-25 ton No. 1 oet or vheat to Iamb in spring, and ten 19191 straw. C. F. Bunts, Telephone 30-MS, ewe lambo. Price $200 for qulck sale.1 Lake Zurich. -t F red W. Buescblng. Lake Zurich,.Il.' Telephon 14-M. 1) ELAYS THIS YEAR ARE DANGER- Telepone 1-M.nus. Order Storm Sash early. Our new boring machine enables us to HAY FOR S*AL-lauiure Mr. Adams bore your w il cheýpiy andquiclchy. at'Gravel Pgt. 51-4t Zion Institutions andti Industries, Dept. FOR SALE-One teani, wagon, harneus, 4, Zion City. Ill. Phone 49, Zion City'. etc. Inquire Gravel Pit. 50-2 -tf WOUNDJ3DYAK AT FORT PR@TEST DJSCIIAR4iEORDI3R Con*adn Says the Mon M=udesand Deorae of War Departmneit . A com rtompuneng dIsajiiet soldlos rôfiFort Sheridan houpîtal ioda>' Issueti a public proteat agaluat tho odr o! (ho chiot o! staff of (ho var dopartiment, lssiged ifov-eber 7. vhich providos for the disoharge of ail -'dioabdd esoldiers ln ail Uuited Status governmeut boepitis, exedPt- ing regular arm>' officers, oune>'oar etton (hein admIssion, regartileas O! (hein condition. Thbe protest rueal part: "'ThisL order wilI cause uneureti soi- dIers (O ho sent ou nto lcvilialit. to, (ho detrimeut o!f(boinsoivesanti familles. It leu minaI, andti ho public sboulti hnov It. We bolleve ;jhe Muerlcan people afe, lutentel-- l sekueln ( otu vqded sud slik MOider as uoani>'yow* as motilcai trmeatin cai moake (hem beforO diebarirg (hem." copt. Marons, udjuhaut couimudant o! the Fort, Shevldan oipital. -i "t1 ne sohdierbaS :boas1 disebarted fr#i tIs ftitation,uadw t ha qu'&. 3ýelà ne daâWer o!feayoldlcr being taimnedti ot is hospital un- lois ho vwanta to go land Is able t.e leave,'" suit Capt. Marcus. "The pu>- pose o! (ho ortior o! Novombor 7 la evitiontl>' mîsuntieratooti. It states tbat an>' patient vbo bai boon nuis tmetmeut six months in (bis adutii nuW b lodichargoti If beotiesires Itl., andti (at au>' soutien untior tresimuit a year te (o ho turuetiaven (o the war risk Insurauco bureau for furtiil' care.'. He salt (bre are at proeont 2,100 patientsaut Fort Sheridan hoapitai ànd.y (bey are being dischargeti as cureil at thie rate of 160 a weok. Puzzle lu 1he situationl lest vbat (heow"ar rsk InffUrancM o~ç partaient viii do with a 50dey mter I hio diseburge ls vague. Undor the provision he must ho umneti over tao (ho vanr rsb iepartmiint, no mattoe bow serions bW& condition, afWtct expIration o! tho Yoan. Sbouiti a mai ho diachariedti (dow. Capt. Mamans admittedti (atte tiionltles homo voulti not knov u14 provision vouiti ho matie. TU est puy a soliilrosa recetlve fram e 6. van rlsk 1a 867.50 a uiq"th, ittue% 0sowMIAU ow8. a oebo'i4" MM:

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