CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Dec 1919, p. 8

The following text may have been generated by Optical Character Recognition, with varying degrees of accuracy. Reader beware! apent a tevr day. lut SÈE Ml K r. sud Xira. Rayrmond Brlstgi are ~~~ i. the happy parents oi a son. hbmorao E. *W. Croit S bta ho N arDéceSbet eLesieBueh ~*.nao~ r.- OI CmhCorng. 1.9 tiended a sale rpure bred RoI- ~ar ~pha u4 j *stelu ottie at IlubronWedauday sud By e. W. CR03 h5Ol lco Kg.Yéars «0 vas <SuisZonl Corteaelondent.) Mr. sud lira. pflnuuuBroékmau sud tu I William Es>, lieconmber 1.D-Mr. sud Mm. Win. Ebnamiuaout lut , Iembet 17 -dawned t Wilains Suiý nlay' vlth Mr. sud Mrâ. Fred Kiene. ,Irb t"Wet le tek Qenev, t anîlla orit.UOti Choir ractite t Mr.insd Ur. Robent ~~~~~tt 3pet~evr I $,*.. 1had kept a vigli R~ ous's lut veek vv el attended. Y4ea erkea observatory., for eba ~*ag8I<0 _1 ber il, you kaow, vas 10 unhem lu a Qet tlr-u lr.LryKn' #s raI t aamtOphieo lu su.>, eaXiir. nday wre Mn. and Mrs. RamI Kanro iâma coditons 'sd as uch ýusthe wvend had neve and famliy sud Mr.. sud:Mrs. Robert j~j~ ~ kow., and a lv. 0fthe MPInajPlal- Rouee sud family, and Mr. sud lira. bo»C paot or eOUt. ace la puoutre toen UR1ît. eryKt-adtaly l~gpencê f ~ ed tu ae eopevbere -virer. i cooiu er. lesd dxly a of f5Zitiprod"rtS gel a good look t go streuge a* pie- lirea. Sopha ?owuervews Ire reclP- pe,4 deinsid fer nonreaen. lent of a ver>. plessaut surprise pazty i vas kludlyreMerd b>. Prof.10d Suuday In honar of her f ifty-fith birthh Si at 0 Oni.vla-v Wi~n Fot. 1 wautdtO Ontthe' h>.. Tiose present vere,: Mr. and lemSingLbat tirut opinionsofert ~te rpot enth e lra William Wheeler sud famly of &411, vaine1 14 tuditunbatie lu ti re lrsystem, wiith lhbertyvîlle; Mi en Mrs. FredToWxier TUFE GRUATT accampeiylug eartirquakee, hurri- sud fail>., lMr. sud Mmm. Wr. Stoepv V LIaci>. e'Osuçaes, sud a gSuerai disruption of tihe sud femilY., Mr. sud lire. Oea. (eltkik tiremecurd lta tî ud i 1 euv o bus.frsad famlly, lMr. anrd ira. Clayt'nt City uin the r l bsioel.nobatefr iutchinga sud famlly, M12.4 DGriothy auy thouglit tirat lhe conditions oa toe n r.Wle ae l e of£ ythre sun- or on the. .srth wiIts top u lr. aleaf-e ilr in made o ,t fected b>.lte gret' grouplu>. of thre tort a good tinte. offert«gfor t.piat, which happened 0f teir b. lira. Annie Roues spent a ew dayu fcue," suie tth. proressor. "It's juat rduue pure foolisi, siiiy tlkOi! ! oue uit>.ith her aughter lirs. . rthur Holl] 4ami that. ulUer a ia.iust theresasn as olirers. 4nhere fa Miss F...o'te Towne' of Hlgb:'î : Mes o fatalag. J no criais a bout It ut al. La far as Park âpenl Priday vîlu lier moýlt.- ré detalljil afonua- Porta la coucerned, there in no auciad -ily tam beenmn a'man'Ata existenice- lnslead of sdfi9l.' Pors, thnkit' jut reporter.' The. lre. Gerge alia> .pn'!'rg dfa.t planets are ili thtime going arotind days w. h her, M s lily ~DIIGfoceeful aseProf. Frost'a, mand 8r.siow. AilILL , e'Tiili vole ding Is cheer rot! hor ractice vili b .xe. the Thene te nothinug gong to corne! lt's ChiV ~, the grest at dueanest rot that bas home o! Jerry Tovuer December 30. corne op lu 4 long tinte," le, thre VS> Mr. and lir&. Robett ouse and M;. éà1Wu, bOuk esUBanar d ux'zd f the andlire. Leroy Kane and Miss Ber- Ilied sud cdid; the e 10r>.of a violent diaruPtilDion neas vlelted at the home oflir. ~IJ uI 0gB mm.Jhirmogi thre suppoeed coirJanction of- andlire. Lloyd Rlîzentitaier Friday ~'~: ~ rthe 4majr pluneta, ire gave thre foliov. eveulng. j OM200 "Wo«. ug table 0f relative Positions Of thre Misa 311.1. Wiskopf ie home for the rdâb ffiOOIbaMlue eveR, large,pianets: .1là.olidays. Mmwo"Y i1iil xereumy Je 37.M0,000 miles omture______ ë"I 0 -ird. s%àýVenu.. 8,000,00,0heatii . 9,- O t000000, Mare.. 140.000.004 Jupiter, NITJN T Itto ewnu47400.00. ïSaturn. 1114,000,000; Ursut- LKI5Il 5U5iO bleto- doq U 8 , Mot-'Neptne, 2,19. 5' THÉ IIAWTHOIINSCIJOO o« tgw«X td; 5 Thils fabfle of distances of the plîn- ~ ~ItklUld ~ets front the a shaow the abaurdity, o f bd"-' f=o a acetifide tandpolnt, of thre Tii. ulls of lthe Bawthomu echool, vRi]Uoiles& ulpesu gacmtunlo f tie eun'asur- soth of Lbertyville, gave tire oper, 'tu -the face by tl emjrpîsuetâ-, sa9s a, "Snow Wlite.". suad a Clisltnam ~W~i1,lUI. Prof, Brnard entetalumeut ut lie acitool "uesda! At 2 a. m . o 8.t tia obsevatbt! eveuiirg, vhlch vas veli atteuded by &bd eome< cUI luaie emlep momng, vîm U f"o3I0* air.. 'The âsi>vas .,ricg notbt tpatrons sud friande of the. sciool. Tie u o!àW m te rlalits vers visible ~allait vau under the msuagement 0c ce to 'Tik about vouderful tirluga huP- q1 il P Os&mL be 8tJrday f' J.lue pt, thr nerdlu tire eaat a aev stéi * t .111* blbnt n iremap.ýand ft vas tittuliUis efoot. Pext eve- .I88"315Itic-raOal.ll toml uo tua thossaI yaarc. -if Ou mm wejp tiane¶fibè lu ame. viat v oold becom nof tWs? "«ire violt e ins.30 tue, CinI> 10puy smUa.' a&ry atteatica Î07"said Profeason "Tira oui>.trouble , ti re .are mo il of mmSr w veSitladetipeople wio go in- a ie %auneor coIftt ttt eii trrougb suob to m5êtono Trest. peuple -virc gel off lieme al>. tiingae uaI lakera," sud aIprof. Frent. hal. lext 1 vas uaicomd imb Prof. Rd. eau>. vral-lB. Barnurdif professe3r of Pran' tical Attonam>.. and, authorr o "The Mianet .Jupiter." Branard already had tiietated su ansver ta the propiesicit =1n ,l.woe didsen erof December 17, undt ie voa et one brnded ýme a co¶r>.. il vas as e.>. IUMU HJ FOR PROHIBITON' V0 tenrrane people o ouir land. tWiY. temperane pe0ple of our aud iiifReaiçe., nejolce thia day! For Qed la hieaven ibasa- iard our t M4 pryer- Suv fi4t te sauver lirein t asf. Wh y tireugl ong9vo vopt sud praied. 0" < ln i& migh bu &et Rismeal UiPon Ire tempence cause. V4d Ad prOUWUlitcsatapdu approved b>. oente ouuY's lave. pr o9n«, long tboee lava irad een 1.11. B>. DYSàas'sagents e buee; deP And t10a drumnkrds grave me*al ,Went' mnan> a sou a m s xthel's heart muet dean. Tic vlansd tire erpirars ýroved 1,17, i liverl>. nd airante, WhUe ay, ,enta allihe.liqqoor trade Icçedi' reprasîperng laithtirl' aure, iltrgn- But nov tiheele. bave turned a lait Anduittholre wil b. tiresa ITien let ua îhank tiix God 0fb«em IL ouejFSonrIre victor>. af aur cause bimà jAnrd salau's gante Sn WilibfinI Tic>. 140YMuat eiey aur lt.c 0 1 AguluI su>.ayrotc e ' rids eéeltî For ptientî>. ve fougil liaI fo% 0ui natlon's daniest blit. The vomen of Our land have bave 1 donÊ ' Thein tmreln hile vicîbry te gain; P1or Ioanaid'patitn>.lite>. fousit. W-Il semet ieir vork va. ail la Wirme vain. m m - ira C. lea.. Denrnfeld. III y ie fP tire te+ . isaAdelaine hum. Tbe followvlug lahliecut o ciamtera PART I-OPEBSTA - "81<0W WUiU AND TMU ONvENDWAEFS" CiIAaAo'Ea Fnlmasa utrWbirte,... ... Rllu e xe Q Veen ............ ............ argsmy Little Arbuirs..,. . erdaTh.Mugreir . .udl........Nell Little T.ttle Violet.....................Aice T)irngn Prince...... -**........Rose Kennedy Carl, lireHunlmar. Cecil Edue>. Giert ROue>. *Cirester Wells Seven Dwar!e... 11111 Berdux Marshall Wells Richard Adams George l!'ie SNeib Little Gerda Titorugren Aice Tiomugreut Forest Chilîdren.,..Josepime teose fDoroht>Reome i 141>.Clift JPbyllle Clift Theina Clili SCENE . A fesial on lie occasion a! Snow White'a btiday. SCÈNE Il. lu Ire Foreat., S055<3Hi. A room n thlu Ire ouse o! lie Seven Dwarfa. SCENE IV. Tie grounds usur lie young kiug'e palaoe. PART il "Looking fom Santa I ..-....... ....Ciorus Welcome---------... ortiy Reirme "LooA"s 4ke P".....MnialW4218 "«Avai la Ire Manger" ............Cborus "$=a'tssToy'....Robert BougIesa "0000 " hu ' . ...Piyllm Clît 'liepherdkIe&xd'tire Augeis Pig. "A Ciritmai Wiei"....Fnank Dotaleir "Wile 'Sie*iredu Watebed ThieIt 1iocisb>. Nlgirt"........Tient. Oft "If, 1 Were Oldganta"... .... e,...le "Chistinslusc '" brm hissa Bille. ...... ....Toe ie ue. "1olI>. 011 Saitas, -..-..~lctadAdamn "At Chnitina W.............ciorua, «Au Ac t Caof ....581Berdulx A Chirltw#. ta ------- -- .fe»Dieà Réarangt the Ogirt:e Courvrt'lxii lug 'tbat elsd ber ,caot b. de slmoyed. sud k$o rta -M t^e count>., vilci ha. qased lire deatruo- tlou of 9500vtitihe entier lqpd ut Zica. migit6e. Made tire defèadànt la suits for recevati of tire value Of tire boer. . 8tAtO's Attorre> JaMga G. Welch Ioda>. gave M1e oplulpu tiat it would be perions for tir. ôvn01, lie beer tu bnig muci suits as liai vould cetabUllairhéIn deutltY. vich huhherto hueu ol been dieeBd. *lift tey siomil brnlng asuad heur Idenlity estabululred tire> couid b. euh- jecîed ho prosecution tondem tire Webb- Kenyon At, Prohibitionthet .tranSPOr' lardon o! beer f rom one e tu an-s otier. sud It conirvcted conte becen- tenced ta 10 youra lit LeaveOurrti They> cooid aiso be tried uiniien the National Prohibition aunI." declared Mir. Welch. "I do not tiai tire>. vooi care 10 stick their headu mb tosucii t honpet's Dnt."1 Aoked whiotier tire »ovurs af th boer ver. contempiating tihe bringltil 0f suite agaluat lie county. AttorneY E. V. Orvie. reprosenting the bernlut terecta, salO that he dld mot car. he b. quoted ut tus lime as the mate hud ual reuched IraI stage. 'l amncat- lafied, hovever, tirat the boer vas Il legal> distroyed. if suit la brtiu&l it probub>. viii be- ageinat individuali imshead of thre cout>., That, havevel le nierel>. ni>.persanal opinion, sud ai i have sald, no action ha. been tacer aiong that line. ,The Supreme Court bas laid dowi tour different rossons why the beel cannot legail>. be deatroyed. To thai cati be added anather rea.eon-the tac' tiaithebre la ne luv le prevet tOn' fromt exportinltlg h 1 Mexico or otite forelan countrles. This proves tir value of the .e1>0* t leowneri§. Tii 80,000 bottle of boer destroyed lu Zi6 recenl>. ver. vorth utiloet i,25 centi a bottle. Ming lie total value abaU l'The Searci sud Selaure act fR Ire destruction of lie intoxlcatliM liqu or anrd otier properti celzed. 'du der tie order 01 tie court. vitiait providlua liat notice chail be given tm lie owuer on pensons luterested lu th, proper>.. does ual afford due prOed of lav sud la a violation af Ire Ou stitutian. Tire staule, huviug PrOvlt ed n ira iaul pocedure for condemm ing the. property to destruction.lh, court wvu vithout suuliort>. te M&I &I>. order for Irat Pompoce." t The above 19 Ire opfintio Mu. Orvi maies il Plainu Irat the boer vas gail>. destroyed. misa autuZleck*et, Who la attend- ~ iù.» 0~W lng acteçl t lit. 04=riL14. WUui fier . veation wlth 1ber faiber. 'T.J. 43 Mr4.b Willm Séhliélr oetalu; POft 0 opaWmd teamd eUt»rof Cu- prit".trou $2,. 00. 8,*. '.oOi- oit. 1r,," 14«.. mlderu. oeaet,.d. vilS bi pléséed S ho0084Fldaya. She la Crs-1t utufle dettu.pflw# M a pae, ntl te xak &fer'ic. ortle Ubore Gila office W XitearMeyer arrh'ed bo aMIeWO Àuiq Ave. a. GIfflo 2 SSuulay vlht f ront Great Fais. -i ft.,1~e . m a. s n 0 tteDonetic deartment utait.L .ngl' SLI.-4 hepAauoe.b. 1Academy lu Great FaIll.O Sýrý, tfft 0 re tai Tecommunit>. Chrtstmas kxercîeea to lambIn lu pring, and ten 1919 Lk iven at tire Aaehbly Hal Sunda>. esIambo. Pi'ice $200 for qulck amie. 1 evenn. under .the*' auspices of lh, Fred W.E aeclug, Lake Zurich, m.i - o- Fresbyteria ochVmrch. vlsweil attend- TeluPhOle 14-9- 6141 DELi b- ed snd tihe offerlug for Syrlava. ver>. I' Oum. > Miss Calotte Brand 6f Highland 1 e Park vas the guest of ber mster. MMra:R W. W.*ark. Suuda'T.- - ii be pad.ail noa quetions ask.d, Zion'r e The* Chrstmuas progrsm 0of the U. for the teIta 0of the. deeda, abatracts, 4, Zko dE. church vas held Teda>. evenlng! tax recelptsansd aIrer papeta t4ken dand of St. Paul' . Uyangelical oburch ftofithe maUO of the Ubertyvile Lum- - ou Christmas eve. ber Co. Sunday, lht. Tirey, are or no RAY ,q Thre Royal Nelgibora had a bçx .so-' vlue to anyoue except th eoura t4 gcean adpart>. at lie' Alberti lRa-l- Ygisan home Thursday evealng. - - - 1,,Misses Sse Raston anrd ,Lorothy a Reichelt me home from DeKalb luzt A Ba k Ac u tM t. Frida>. 10 spend the hoiidayseat Ihelr 1-respective homes. F r a S n e o IL T he tir& departrnent viii give a iflas- Fo a S e f la querade t the. Assembi>. Hall next ~S c rt LeWednecday night, New Year's eve. ýn Everybody' la given a c ordial invitationYor avn so toattend*.oruig o Ml Mr. and Mre. Carl Gibbs and dauùgh- inifdpet ae ýr ter of Lake Forest were the guests ioeifofoia i it r.*sud lirs. Ezra Frtsch 6unda>.. manner. This banki le 1. M. Bol. of Ranger, Texaus, lsut jenme needed for the ar hie home here fer the. holdays. le Over filt> chUldren, tireir maliers. funde. le brothers as luers of the. cradie rol ta vili hoid tihe unnuai Christmas part>. ILt ut thre Comnmunty honse Tuesda>. ait. Stant an account et tIis batik and ti to le ne U. rm. e Le ,i. e. -LAIKE ZURICH" '9 lira. A. Fraecirus4 ou Ioorris anrd lin. P.Bciialleukamnen pet Wed- nectia> ln Cilcag. Roeret iaster apent tic veek Mdt aI ithome. Mism Mable HelIer vas a Chicago caller Fnidu>.. M ie auivu Willie vîciteà it ihire ulater, lire. H. Anderson, lt evesi. ir sund lire. R. Hutchinsan are lie Parents o! a bah>. boyr. »'rie Consumera Company. la cuttIura tee. wiich ia of su excellent qualil> sud-li incItesthick. Several tmom here atteded the pro- gram sud basket social utthleacuhool. Thie ichool enuldren are havinu va- cation util Jeu.5 STORES URII)TO-. CUT TUE il.C. 0,Li lielutlan o! tic higli cosl of living probient-11videaa speedy udjutuient of Industrial onrest, deciared Warren &. Otire. Clevelanrd. chier of tihe Brlotbethaod of Lxcomotive Bugneera, iro addressecd lie conrence.of fan- mer and lubor rtpreser>tutivee ln Chi.i 'cagd a ev dayq ugo. '- naugeaed that tamere unullte aiaisys- tenu of, veil orgailed, ebalu atomes la boandie food Producta b>. sellina di- rectiflYa lite consumer. ' fle Probleme Omitteti AccoMdna 10 Max Rayos, câirrman. luher peut>.convention,lb. Lague of, Naionas.bilgit<ot of living andi otirer big. Pisent day probbemu vili ux« ho. ecoesdeWedaI lenglir. Efforts wlil b. rads e r mud, ta disert lthetIlegatOs attr.itfront thoso sUbjec«@. Illa lmnr»obe tirat candideAees vii bel pomInateti for the pteuldency cf the Srntbtar ltes, as pWlôaly. repontei, ite uald.' Cires uasignel '1w egil delogatea, uccuslug tirhé OfObl wOVithr y- Img bibeti' lawmaenm to.take fMci th o ae h e. wi.t,.., etS Hleur>. Bmana of Wlanetka w». lie goeat 0f Mr. sud lir. F. Boren. berger Suitday. 1 Wm. Boelcher'0f Chicaga vas thre Sonda>. guest authle J. A. Ricirelt, Jr., home. Edwin Kettel, hushund of lire laIe EUa Wllmot Kettel. vas bonled lu tf, Deemfield centeer>. Tuesday after-, 80- Mn, L4e.Zuîý l. V ID2 prmtequNot. ,OUof "I vW. C. F. Buts, Taieplrmee~ ZurIh. AYS TRI$ TZAR AR» DA2NOM a. Order Stormn Suai auti>. On burng machine enabiae n Iî >.our veil clieap>. 8Lid 951*1 Institutionsm andi IndustrIe.'Dq tun Cit. III.-Phono 49. ZlcIOÇ FOR SALE-Iiquire lir. À" 'Gravel Pi. 0 grow to sizable propos- mnade in a eystenuataê extends ai the cnYep*rll le aafe-keeping of YOWit Jmake Regular Deposit. during the comîing year.., The Ctzns' State Bankof k, I Pilone 243 -AresiIho6 uoa~__--MR.WfN SAYS IENNIJITOKS IN FÀTÂLWKMNIQFI PIC3600PS! 0FPY TUE . WE-men .cIam they weoe to ,ioootve TlI T T ;O R> Mobilznu Aaeim ei ior a datnow tsed ,,o m Deadly Effeot of the Poison is oen AM ittets a head. OoId by Heaith epart- 0 The cencus enumeralors lu Waelw. ment In Issu1. lirs. Jloseph T. Boven of Cbicaugsrgasud Laies coaal. nuudrigwu locok actilve commnd of the wovenu about milY-four, are aetting uP 6 Wamulng of th e Iagie caucequences vr agalust ihg i ne'lu Illinois "holer" concerniig thie p.>. e IIe. of tire drnklag of Wood alcolal vs Frday. BSine boeste1mobIlne tir e breCeive fo atnklg the ceusuS al cotitained lu Ire numben of '-Illnois 70000 memrbera of lier vamasiladé U11.11m ,elrNew$,- a Mouth>. gublcation feue organisation. $lh. losoed or-1 Wheu Il vus f irat auaomncad flt isedb>. Ire tate dePatuteut of der- for an Iinedste drivé agalust i enumerators ver. wsuted, tire>.vom hesitir, ot Ioda>.. individual profiteersansd a - 'goerai 1tala the>. would mèoelve frein 14 0 Occasslonoll>. cases ar vood auna-. boycott en liprftted goIds of el1 $6 a day or 2 te 4 cents pet real% hidi panleng ,lrave beanuicqrng lUinds. 'l'h. 64 or 2 cents dite not appi>e fer isu> yar., but ahCe tie ua- As "'ammunltion" for lie pratiteer Iient. tomaj prohibition 'vent Into effeet fitI cie ordered carda Pinned forl Chatres Staffe! a! Cicero. III., cen. Irere has ieen an eikuglng Increase reniulion te every hoewl'te lu xlix dîreclor of Ibis district, vas la of Il lu ael secions of the, country..- Ire claIe. Women w ibe requestoO 1Waukegan ashiort time ago sàt Soniehine il lo fronidrInks l ln bci teset dowu records o! vliraltirey 1asked lie Sun la help obaialn oi.1 wood alcollae sed, sonietimes et j, dring oureasonabie rrr'cee virile liev cents toi- he positionies abenunrer, !ouud ta have heen laken undilnted. are shopping, hie date of purciase. alors. accondlng ta Ire article, naîte o! lie mendiant and the plece He tlid the Sun representatîve tiat Hor.s1a the Warning.' ValO. 1$6 a day vould b4 pald. The Suo The vamulua fllava: Complainte WITl go liretIte district, tien prlntedl a star>. askimg peram *One tenapoonful, of vood alcoirol chaiminen o! Ire urie organizatlon, te akalppllication fôr tie lob. A6 talcen internaIt>. le sirfict'nt to who wlli file - hem vwiti the slae's usullthe Sun got resoits aud lun n cause, total bIndness-a larger quan- , ttorneY, if tic>. thini the. case vurIlieir entire numnener assiguepl lit>. alen causes derti. If yen valua .rante Il. Thie recorde viii tho ie P. your eyesigitt or yor lits, neyer use lîirned, aver tli ederal autirities Aller th,->. 100k Ireoautir of office. vood alcohol, denalored alcohol or fon proeculon If a violation of lie a nutuber of anumerators enecetve medlcaed acoioi for drlnking pur- Lever act lo nated. letters frointMm. »tOffel vifici -pr4* Doses. Pasrs e$kmoledge on If you 1Boycott la Firet Move.. ialthtac ir> i i 0 xeti vool esisî u nduelg le laaile.. "Te voen re rnd>" e latadir the.census où' t e 4 cents à woud asit-I rpiligthe ia., "lhove said. re have notîficdhead base. Tuls le objcted 1teh whIlharea occurrina frei ii 15 Be t ensld aIready casavee. ereuner ir liip Tt la ont>. vIthmn receut years tha et r.7,000 local chirmen te reorgsulease ontiate>. er. ndth eclve. fIa the produnt wvicit ladistllled froint Lhem defense bodies, for til la s ~ina of 6. utre tite ie>. aluna wood bas becorne se dangerous tif var blgger and eenmare vital tiaU.A nmrtr r uiiêi lite cild sigit TormerlY. I i as dank. aur last -ane. $6p e i> uen te a, t lagth 111-smellunanmd tendtastina. Litem "'We will sintpl>. boycott higi- 96gvr d as pneulr teliawDeot a proeas vs penected b ilci, prlced articles nov, wvile planning jSct'leol îep amk S t'le uirleeant, calor,.fateanl d;other moven of the. caMPal'[t" Tir tflaim b ulie tI e mt t c Mairengthe stuei vr, entvod la môre effective Iran a boycott af aller tire tatement te mad e la 431 Lamîl>. Coefued.' Ldealers, and wvoWvil advlcate the pur- aewapaper rpremntutive, vire vao 4a Wood ulcoiral lreated en ltii vay.. clise of commoditîelun1>01k au an-j tuetll etn i nmr ln eael>. confused vilr -1ualcoiol oiber step -te redute. lfan>.goodse urrugle tl l tiateum tir0 aud Ma>.lbe auhtItuleti for lilb>. un- jpricea. j t an>athe uliretionuxuenatom acmnmlous persans. ,i.. "1liefore long ve bol>. ta ediicue t nyrateth enkUp emote Dcntord acohl uual>. astlete omnboyer lu Ire art of set-imalter and some have shated tlrey of 90 ver cent grain siccioland 10 llug hr ov fornprIt>.belOte eniter- edtil iowU ie o per cent Wood alcohol.* Tils reu- Ittg a store and lua Wnorla g eode ,tenedre grouat- he job unada ders Il ut lfor drning tahoughit iat she irnove are Unreuonab>. __are ________th__ die t cousequeqex are net -se serlous. blirh. IlTt ,mp vonfien bail a. voic -Th la beiiig - ni4iasly aubsitutei la' promcu profil-eransd tre>. Leared' Mer Lemai. for Wood alcohol, as Il exliinute lte; have liat vole. nov lu the infore.a nedo ur a si great dangers attendant ulpon lte tien cande liat WeilI deluge the ulule ja Tlte. Bis 1116le daugilO? use !ftire more deadi> fIuld. nas sooin au v. cen gel tieout',"1tire habit of, acceptIna lPM ti nler. Ier motir Carrying Eighlt Kour idea M.lotoriste wil vqiccne lte new I ler und tld bermire Mont06 te the El teestate Lrw *ilci probiit the lirow- jPenniesan>. more. Se the, lu om nGem_. la el glassne sre If oneu ien one.olite membel8< Recestly thei lamu ubrrcidetally breaks6g80@s- on su>. japean>., sin eaid, VImat mie n>.lutire ,Pouurapnt district sîret, alle>. or roiwai.lie Muet aie@; I pan ouytau vaated te wOrk overtIxu. lu order te ick1tpimmeiately. A penalty se...icr*g $&vlie totatocsaund beete, vicir at frein 91lhoe9#5 for oaci offense Ls votenlu daeeer t là*extsubglmthIe Imposeti cn.bns.-wbo Irongittlecalu, tov-entuent ïPPetor -reue4 i v ilftli>y orntul l vio)lteh a tlatX 0»0= tv2é.êu'If tIl' prouflona 0f tus .-stTirousanda of Fornsenly a 14V %sra remtoriste vIa> bave M itre bulle teuttet unVireuli urouait mkyvgrd b>. tbloqtiss otr ietobtençof mâliieloum' elié n wleetliti.u ie, o'mtob pl tgehr o M. n mài la$E 6M 0 w' b«t q«. mi lOvez v ammo "s oi k land; ai nmmls adrbam Iver>. &ci Mar eti roi! W* iex. i-1

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