CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Feb 1910, p. 3

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- ---- PIANOS 1 bave ait my borne several styles of the Baldwin Piano@. 1 invite you to cail and see. Prices witbin the rescb of ail. GEORGE E. STRANG, Lndertaker and Licensed Embalmer GRAYSLAKF Io .1 -1 Io 0- W IWNOIS DONT FORGET THIAT-We are agents for the Burington LaundrY. Basket leavea Thursday and rettin-us tnrday. Ail work guaranteced. THAT-We have comîmutation railrosd tickets on both roads. THAT-We are agents for the Kimball Piano Co. We sell or rent piano@. THAT-We recelvea alarge consigument of magazines@i-a'bh tnntb. THAT-We nianufacture Ice Crearît a@ well as seiliIt. We would i appreciate yonr order. THAT-We repair your giaes. Putjn new lenâas upon s4hort notice. THAT-We take advortlsing, job work and aubsrptions for the Lake i County Independent and Weekly Sun. TH.AT-W@ always carry a fuli ne of Pure Drugm and a fine line of toilat preparations and Ding Sundriesi DRUCE DRUG CO. f rylk.Chat. Thomison. R. Ph. Three to.< o H.I . A. Watson. R. Ph. jRound Lake -1 Ir Toas Ms-- ri Hlenry Sine's Sale Barn 2714 EL8BA AVE. ZION Cry ILL. AUi f B orte. arwes. W.roas &.d Bat glas for Sala or Ite.iîaae ai ail limes AUCTIONEF.RiNG FOR PIBUC SALES P.emetier that the genuine Cross Creek Lehigb Valley Coal will go farther than any hard coal you bhum. For sale b.' the Hom ier Lt iER CoMI-NY, Liberty- Railway Mail Clerks CIIIROPODV Wante.. Bunione and Corms Treated. 1 N IV ESTIGATE The Government pays Raîlway Mail jeloaeTaylor ClerkaSf00 tb $1200. and olirer Wakegan 111. 22-4t 1 I ni hi-Sain wîll hl1,] cilg e-ram, Tir' clevreet lîîîtatiuanof rosI Cuffes1 ti,,îîs thrlircghout ther- uuutrr for Rail ever yet made la lDc. fhoopus Heath Coles wayMail Cll, (aaCtm Bouse Ilerîs. It te fine lu liavîîc anittpi'made in 1151 St.-rigraîtfuera. lckkr-lurs. lIt-art- one miînuteotc S i, r-]uuua20 o u icn î mtenirrtal Clh-c.aandf ucher liuurerrunintuPo- utea luiiliig.Ma&].'frm puire pî ,ur] -i ,ttttn.'Thtii.aiuus uf a;uutîeitni graius, ruait nul., ,-riSaîrîll.- Iras t.-niiutîc iti rialtci-rruoan -t,t-I CORLETT & FREOERICKS. m c itv uor t-untry can g-r in-.triutur Mm l-E A kelli- , i&rm,.- 1J. I , rite-. iis "; aîîî aitex ritgirier-r wiil22 seama a.tive eenvri- to iy -redit. 'tboutntthirce yearsi agi îîuy kducys rvire aflci-teua that I bail tiu gis e Ili, mi r-Ttti IIi-Vl'nt wal vastrouble,] . It ccir..a'-lung Iain 0t #er the lips.TVien Iuinlîufrii ,lon of the iladdi-,an,] CI-ukmtsit,r-ared, before nîy cye. Asmaittîlmîof [tly Kidney Plls that 1 îrîil, i, obenl-f1li', mus that Ibioglît mors.1îlrtîuiu,] to toi tale tbr-îîî untîl îîuua'1Icari cufeîy rcstl- fy tbey have inade iiie ilutnu and] weII man. FRANK fiif LOc I i.. Notice.- 1 will l inluYouag and L ynicîlciteo. furnitura store atore froîît Mort,]ay the 24th until Marcb 10th. C. 1'. Fiahen, Tax Cullector, Uhberlyvilie townsahip. C-1 7-tf ROLLIN-S. Miiss coral Hucklar speut Saturday and Sunday at homne. Walter Heur.', of Chicago, visite,] finonda haro Suuday. Irving BonkIslaviatting relatives lu Chicago Ibis weî. Miss lea Carflid viaeil ber brother at Grayelako Saturday. '5 Ed finyder and familY, ai Mouaville, wilI move 1tirshe dwacda Fax-m usît ifflk. Mr. sud Mr@. Orlando Hook atteudsd the ueri 0f thrsunt. Lir@. Wiedbofl Tueeday, wlko died at thns borne 0i1lier nspbew, A. Meade. aid fr-r- infiiatiri 10 w-itîrig aitri. li rte, iiirraîiiof Insiriiet i, I i Han, lini BilîdingR-- t rr.N, 1Crystal Barber Shop Shaving 15C Artistic Hair Ctitting20ic Flràt-claoés Work I Guaraîîteed. Agent for Schriver Latin dry - CHAS. E. MASON. Proprietor. Itazors put ln ordel. 2 GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT P. J. DRIICE, Editor Phone No. 11i Orders Taken for Job Work Advsrtising Rates On Application The members oi the Grayalake lîîdga ni Myotit- Workera are invite,] to attend a cia@@ initiation of Bcrîud Lale lîîdga at Round LaIe ou Tuasda.c aveaîng, March ise. Sîigirloads will h-ave Strangs hall at 7:15 sharp. Miss Cors Lsihdell, oi Evanston. spent Saturday and Suaday at borne. faîl to Robort I)ady, o! W'aikr-gan, for $N25 last week. Mdiss 1Liuime Huson i.' vîaîting ber sister. Lira. Sadio Meade. The Kni-kerbockerlce I., lomed d,îwn lutet Monday nigbt. Misses Lillian and Mabel Turner are ending a le w daye at An tiocli. C. B. McCellan,] and family mîived loto the Wm. Parker bouse near tirêco e osi-bnI . ng ls fiishiug bis store build- off ia white whicb makes a vecy bouseSatuday.pretty an,] neatappearance- The soirs Mir. Ellis. wifs and several finonda wlll be occupied hy S. L. Carlleld & Ca. spent 8atnrday and Suuday at their alter %jamh-b laI cottage across the laIe. Un lasI Saturday evenlng 1w,, sleîgb Arthur LaPelrra and a couple of frieuda were out fromf Chicago, Saturday. Thomeon Broà. route,] their laat vacent summer cottage last Saturda,. Tbey have alo irld corne lots tîu B ubhicago man wbî, wîll lild a cottage lu the early spring. fî,adso!A uembera oi the NMjstii Wirksrs dccv. tii the borne of Mr. an,] Mca. Pohîrîiti and gave thern a lleasant aurprîce The eveniag wa8 spent in garne and dancing. At rîîîdnîgbt a bounteiiua anppsr wma seced. At an early heur aIl departed wîshiag Mr. and Lirs. Pîîblran mach bauciaesad Arcli DIeacon Toft reached a very sceei hi e oea aaîe interssting sermion at the Mission Sun-n. Ls nthi olea aaie day evming.J. A. MleCredie, of Wibdsworth, tran- day venngma teil business haro lait Wednesday 1ma. Olive Whitmore, of Gages Lake, George Adam%, m'ail carrier on route dled Lionday mornlng. Funeral wa No. 1, had the misfortune to b.' tipped held Wednesday moraing. ont of blas leigb Wednssday morning, Mmr. Geo. Thomnson entertained the )fst as hie was starting out on bis route. Ladies' Card Club, Wednesday evenîng. His homs ecame frightened and sitarted Miss Blanche Houghiton, o! Chicago, tu rua and dragged him several rods spent Satnrday and Bunday with lier before lie confid gsi oss, burting his mother. M1ra. (. P. Barcon. blp quits bal, brusing bim up. The Mmr. Wiîharn and Mmr. Gîlmore-, of borne ian &round the block and wai Waukegan. were the gnests of Mr. aud canghit by Mir. Guyer near Kuebker store Mmr. Ed Wagner and family over corne r. sunday. Two Bad Accidents. LasI Friday eveningILbeonard ll,,ok The sebool grounde were the sicneis of was the victi ffio a qurprise party. The two bad accidents lasI Wednesday. guest@ acre entertainiîf by carIa and EIais Tondes, youngest daughter of Mfr. dancing unîttl a late- lîur ýw-n îlîcy and Mmr. Chas. Tales slîîped on the- ice partioL. niti.almn, supper and îlc1srtcd and rut a two inch gash ab)ove ber lt tu their rcspi-ctîce bout- -ys. Mlford bruith, yourngest son of Aniirc-w (>l.en aas a ('lîtag,iliîr 'Mr. and Lir. Wuîi. Smith, wlîile runuing Wedn.-sîl1 fr-Il against the aihool 1, rsc i, rand A nu ii e-r att,'iiidthi *-l i t-, 1 1 ut a bad gatib in is fitîe liad. danl ing liret itii,1w .ra hiuscTii.- di;y cvcbng. isAleîda 'iantVi u,,uîil-c,1eaithe- Jiii-Turner, wli,,, s atirndin g uiiii,.'.homeîsof hec uile '.t,'iantiVourd, z 'Ieti-l 'ii,.gataser, 1""lirîTigt'ursday eveniutc, FIo.1 ill-r ,l-atb ou t:,wri Miii t, -, t-iig r1rrute" ý: w.' aused b i:ruintrîîî anid %r r ýiie iifr,îii titeir home in WVatcrriiat, Mii. Ilter 1. ltron ~ Iliaîtiur î-di lus and] took the rcunaîns t,,Io tii iatr-, 1 I-arrn st ' ira 1, Mivii,. .,x) thî' family ciîlt'cî %'i Fr, Il r- Ed Katîll.- lias 1-nr-o i c r y î,,, ' xai, tWoiiîd aicomîanied t litui 'il se the.' ast a ve. Fpi-ut the Iînst year iiitihe Vf Jý liate aridfainily hae '.' îi,,,vetl tbornie t Iruce Lake..-and r as irom their ointre at Gazes Lake t, thr- racîrai,îele kriwn lu t1lese pIart, I. Sik s lî,iîîeArthuîr T'l'uekr made a trip to Chicago Lloyd MîMîillan le cik r.-tIiis %lpi. 'edîtel-aito t ee hig sister. Itessie, w h, 1.-un Jolinson steriLt un]ay ari Prairie 1--t that cîcniug for i)hustee, li kIa., %chers amh.'wîll make an eriîeaded lasit Mrs Frank. Ingriai. 1of Chicago, viîsted vith hb-r parents. Miss Tîrîker bas ber-a frîr-tn; bis h# viciity last a ccl riiployed for tule past two years in Chi- ago, but bas 1-son obliged tu give np lier There was a card party aitii.e Wini. rue Positio n On accouni of pour healtb. Snyder home Wednesday evenritc AUIl r-r.i.G. bi- otySaer repor a god tits. ames Liuy. Frank and Rd. Druse are Chet Ames sold the valuablegrey t-au, î.avîug a week's end party ab thelrcamnp whicb bie purchased of R. W. Sears laat at Thîrd Lake. MIss Clara Effingar, ni Wauîegan. la vîidting relatives bers. Herbert Strang an,] !amily, o! Higb- wuuud, la apr-nding a few days aItirse Sutang boîîîc .Mr. anti Mcv. Frank Shea and Mrc an,] Min....- .Lux.dis-t Sutday aI Ruso-il. %f us ibis- F ,lîy fias returne,] frîîîn NtIr- Fi cr,,-t Iic vlias retîîrne,] te o lt- ut t t . - r i Sf k.e iti it ' i thîiu Nl rs .,.- n 1-t trs, i t - ertaîned 1lir rater, Nf", ILI-ii -arîl fir ruthlur un- t-% Mir 'tI aiur. last '-iaturilay - NSltsc 't i ur 'es', IhUus, 11c-l îaIll e rui RUSSILL E. A. [Leeves and lamily returned f rom their trip W California lasI Tuteday iiîgt. Tbcy bad a vcry anjoyallotrip. Nfyrtla Cornes, taule Carlson an,] Claude NSalira Is-rit Sunda, at their recpes'trvi, boc-. E J. ulunris lias- rcu'itcered fronut his lni-ýsc .'r i-as il e .-4toi-arry thtemail again. Mr. an,] Mrc 'tAl-, Mîrrîe, of Kenesita. sperit Satrrila i itugrart,]Sunday w îtb theur son aitn , f, AIMr an,] Mcii L.J. Miirri-. Thecr.- g t -ut' it t t.',daii-ýe ut thec soc.ial at i r, Il 1 i-tir as th~'u rctlit. Mn, anti Irs 'tA i trrie ,'iîl,iiu LI. 'P. arrit,-r, ,,iI,u , Miodar î Ie s i enysiý -, bIat-ksiitli.1lpii tg 1 HillilubiLjg t.' A nuuîrn cf itir ingiuipeuople uattend- w,, rl cd r liche itaci.,t tutu tpi iven bJ' Iii.-Fourt Nf ns N i,- L r, itro isit.-,l lit-c et'r, asýt F ru-lu. vening. Mastu as Mis. Mii..-I,,,Tuestlay.orchi-tra lurriiii.1 iii- îîmusic. WARREN Tiie- ueatt itofLira. filiv,' Kittaira iiturre-t at lier liomtt.'in Warren, Fcli. 20 aIrer a r trk lluess. NrreWhitnre wac t ru'outItlt tîolîlsetîler, baving lire,] onu tearlît slier, ah.' dia,] for sixty-two yr-ars. TlftcIuriral was beld on W'.- uesdav a ItI, îtrial ta Warren ttirrutary. Stiuu' ac iglty-fuur yeare e! age au,] ciii ts no laiiliy. Tfluiteral ,of Ni ru W edlîoff, aun ut ot Alfre-d] Meadi'. raslitel, t tire Meade home on Tuecula. The Warren CeîutarY Aasaciatitun wilI lie bel,] wltiî Mc. Scîtryvr s, Wednesday, Lin 's. rît 1i r ij iutîsue iait.-,]ber parents r iVlotil..- ltter part ofl the iveel. Albert Frale y 5lit itta fes- days ilu Chi- cago lasI ireek. Sica . . lhtutrt-turne,] ratur1aY froîu berawesternu it Mc. au,] Ira. FI Snu« tien, oI Mima, le were ucal le reun tù, irrI , nday. Ilont urget titi- ai-IcI soci-lIgîvpn iy the Round M..u-IW. A. Camup Satun- day e.-euung. Velub. Muiieby Muton's orchesitra. Sus Ada Wluitu,-1sl-it Satîay witir lia Frances Roaing vlsjted iriendo at Kenosha Irout Thursday until Sunday. Miss Lovina Raymonud speut part of lasI week at the Lusk home at West Freriont. Mesars. White and luianaki, of Grays-ý lake, passed tbrough town Batarday. r GAG' Lira. Frank Ingrisb came out front Chicago tu attend the Ladies Aid Society at Mira. Grieehanna. Mr. and Mrs. Ilaîrbam lhave moved lau, the Almond lieuse. W~ill finyder v.Il mu iiiîclt,, tite'GuIl mocre bousue Aarchle a. Mir. Wolff isi.' îîeirg tot1 tI.- lrrîîlic ltîiigli t rS aund Lak. I. J. loliiand] J Iliivris, o f Mill- 1ui 5 spmrit ilinîfav at C. C. Aines'. staille , v G u- i ,,f WlA istt', ti- , i ilig relafi,ec.'luer, 'llir- fincrali)! iri. iOlive W liiteircre iras litIl frîîrnî hir llr- lureTucsdas'. Miss Lizzic ('liaruf%%asain ChiceagoiiI- Nr. fariiii'liau-l ai-rt t,, Ro lihe, Ill. Wi'drirsilay tiiatte-nd i ii fatîirr's sale i»i -'h rtliîîra uattlc. v MLLBURN Mr andl Mrs, A. W.Saffitrulvisited tilîcr(-ibldri u 'bcagii and Wbeaiiii. Mirm.Safhiird will rerîain atiterwaer-l. Tu.- C. E. businepss trîîetîng a-as lie1,1 F'rîîay aI the home - tf A. fil Ste-aac. Th,, Farricra lnstîtîte helîl bers la8t Tit.cdlay aasi. iIl uttcrîdeul alday. Mc. an,] Lis, lDav ildA)uuung and]daugb. ter spelit Londay in lliît-agu. tir.and MLrH. Arthutr Clank wîil son ilîtucu to the Vart Aistini. FamnailuWarren.,] n-irsW. J. White, ni Antiiiuh, afent W'ueuldav îtb Ic. au,] Mmrs. Comfort and convience are increased 'in the house Electricitq TAYLOR GROVE. Rer- Ilaebler @petit Sunday with Gi A. Osborne. ltelly Mc-Clure trauisacteil busines a b Georige- Lewin recently. E S. Faulkner lias purcbaged the. Peter Hfanenlartin. Mc. Hansen lias basa bere ftîr rraay years and bis fricn,]s aish lýi, uii'cssin bis new home' aI Elkborn, Wl5' A sighload frontnber.' attend,,] a social at Hickory Tuesday eFLing. M. [Doyle and P. Maddea visite,]rela- tîves bers Sunday. Lirs. E. Haatinge spenit Sîînday at home. Chas. Cashmere and famîly spent Sua- day witb A. Leahie. Arthrur Arnes, who bas beau î1uit.' slck, is btter. Mmr. Everett Lilly returne,] t, lier home in Solo Friday. Eva L.ewin vislted ber uncle bere Toi- day. LOON LAKE, MIiss Zingrave la very ai, k witlî scarlet flever. Miss Sadie Glden se visitiag relatives ai Long LaIs. RImer Barge. of Grayolake, visiitod Snnday wlth LMr. and Mira. W. Hook. Nfra. L. J. Hughes, Carl and Pearl visited Saturday and Sunday with Gny Hughesi. Mr. and Lir%. Warren Hool gave a enchre party to their msny friands 8atin-day ovaning. I.adys prise was won ry Lira. H. Sheebsu. gentsa by Frank Duan; consolation, Rtoh. IdcCann and Elmar [forge. Misses Irane Cunningham and Mary Mi-Caun, of Waukegan, @pent Saturday and Bunday ai home. Mmr. Frank Kline, who bas beau very sick is impriiving. Il L. Fairman and Richard Hook are on th ii.' i[jlet. Lira .Lawrence Miller aas a McHenry cîsîtor last Tfiîcsday aiternoon. Arthur Frost, et Clicagoi. spent Sun- day, lit the boute of his parents bers. Mcc 1C. Sabel went t,, Ken a b'h[ors- iiîtY arîîl vil]stîta afew days wîtb cela- Ilives ther, Miss Br-ssîr- Iutinul wlîîlbas a polsi- tîiniin C'hicago, was Bt lber but.- bers a csop1.- cf dayd thîs aseL.. Wiirtz and -liler# tna'îma ted buisine-ss in Waukegau last Wedissdtay and Tlînrsday. Miss Llliau Etinger i.' epeading a few daya at Round Lake. Lmas. Chas. Raught was the guest of Wankegan relatives recently. Lira. Wm. liîroîîîmus an,] son, Chester, of Round LaIe, weîe iîu ban Saturday and Sunday. Waukegan, 111 Phone No. 258 My Glasses are rma- sonable in price. Your egesight is price- Iess. If you are suffering from bead- ache or dini vision, don't de- lay, but corne and let me test your eyes, and] lit you with pr.ipsr glasses. Lenses Dtnplicated no Matter Wherc Purchased. Eyez Tested Fre. silal art,]eatemtainuueat in thet bouse., Frîdait eveaing, Feb. 25.1 lu t ni) lunch foîr t wî . si-hool Ladies Lir. Loua Winters bas move,] inte AllenulJizon's bouse. J. Gi. W'elcb, M. A. Hogan an,] John Strakan atteuded the Cernant Show lu Chicago %bis weî. P. J. fiast sud Gertrade NortlJrnp, of Lake Forest. spent Sundsy witb Lir. Northrop. Sneak thieves stole $50 fromn John 93traksusa bouse Suuday ulgbt, wbllstire iarnily ware aI cburch. Tire Chieken Pie Social at the M. E. churcir vasa a uccess. Mir. Johnson, wbo bought the Faulk- ner Farm. la moving on tirs place. Reîy Bell bas rentsd tirs Loe Mednel Farm. E. S. Faulkner bas parchased the Peter Hanuson Farn anad wiil have piiesesa- in nuir mnntb. WRITkSIf ROM LAND Of !LOWERS H. 0. Coîst, Weil Known in This Vucunufy, Wriies Rogarding Hîs New Home in the Sur-y South. Tlue Itl, i.iig iettr waluicliwac puiblu lusîte- ini ati u lerîtu, (Kas. i papi-r, Mni. Clvluiri's ftîrîc,,r homre,wam a badeul this paipuur fiurl ttîfîîatiîun, ai ther.cequcat uof hic friî-nls ant, relatives haro: iîaving pruuui.--t a number(if liber- lin lri.'u,]e iat I rriuld write ta your liaf sr andl gir.- nîy imp)lresqions nf tlîis couîntry alter beîug bers long enougît tn haro auy "iiuçureaslon' of it. Iarl mai.-an attempt 10 ilescribe Ilîru, rip to tlîia time laInte first plmlasatata that thia la a lucan, now ;place tâete iret toussa baving basa lînîlt on the towu site ia Jue 1909. We alhIke tirs coun- try andi climats-w,-11lulatact today bas beaun a warnîî unshiay day, eqinal to an .lctnLber day in northwsat Kansas. St. lou,] iiinui a tuuwu of mono tbaa 1000 acturl resiil-'ittc anti Oberlilain ber hast daya 0.-ver bail as many new bouses but, as are luinir built fbora now, and îbey woulî lle tuilt stili more rapidly if lunbcr icul,] le ha,]. A fflw aîill rs 'M'ari'- 2.*-----'-' Relia Iuson at lier himeti ear Vole. . -esott ronnîng every day wîthnn e nall mile ia. Mary Newtîn, of Fox Lake, is Fred Flary id a-.istant at Masonsa Friday mîirniig, Chiarles Wydoff died of îewa with a fuIl crew o! loggere, lier.' Bt tiie- home of lier riepleat, Alford Meade miaulers and milI bande and îlîoy cannot visiting relativesr.' barber shop dahiu-t îrlssTedyi 0 apyteduad ismeLuh Miss Eunice Wilsoniduisquit.' ickat dah(u oprlss usa 13 upytedmn.KmmeLuh prasnt.Miss Eîlîth l)arîy ePieut Saturday and a. M. mîani an,] other near hy towns are bing The W. C. T. f'. was beld witblà ra. Sunday witb ber aunt ali Ingleside. C. E.. Te1ulc. Feli. 2-1-10. ,Christ drained ni lumber as faut as cars eau be Widdiombe Tburoday . Miss Madge Pharneatill vislted ber Winning Odur Nation."' Luks 10: 1-17. bad! te bring itlai. t bava mat qulte a Mr@. Fred Hlook and Mmr. John Daiîli home near Mclisury Sunday. Mabel [tonner leader. number of Kansas people bore since 1 of Monaville, attende,] the fanaral ofLUri. The Ladies' Ai,! Society wiii bold tiroir cama. It soeern odd to ha iana timbered Elieu Wiedhoff, Tnosday at the home of Notice t0 Pt-amont Tex Payer». regular monthly meeting, Mar. 3. Dinner country agaîin aftsr living so long In bar nephew, Alfred Meade. wîîî he ssrvecl by Sîjes Aguas Bonner, Kanso". Betha Faulkner, of Rosacruns, vlited 1 Wtur bat nr the manon tre é er Lira- C. E. Demnnanad Mr@. W. G. Mc- One calsot judge of thre frtUlity o! friende har@ last waek. Btand Fe rny thP. J. Wof au, T. re.the soif by looking &round 8t. Cloud as A. Meade lat for the west laet week. Cndlletr p-1.7J-6 'çzýTe The Hfockaday School wifi give a box nothing otucir lu the way oifaviculture bas beau attem1iteti ers yet. But you do ..ot hava b go Ian tuaoses wiat Ibis white sanîly sou will produce. I bave rude more than 60 miles lu varions di- rections and wberaver as bave corna to a "-Flonida Crackers" settîsment with a few acres clsared, sud fine Irishr and sweat potatoos, cucumbera, hoans. let- tuc@, agg plant. etc., growing and trom 2 tu 4 yaar old orange, lemon and grapefruit ties hending 10 tire ground wit birur oads of fine fruits, one can- not douht its fertile. I have bOnght both oranges and grapefruits fiue as I éver saw for 50 cent@ per rnahel sud by duivlng out to tire grovo you cao bave ail you WIU pick and carr away for nothing. Thre "Crsckes" Set no store hy lirem, oaly tu hava what they ea» eat. They tmin their stock bath cattle and hogp lace ln tirs timber sud neyer psy auy attention ta the M Untfl they want a littie mouey, wisu tbsy i"round np" a ew aud msi. The average price of cattle la $7.00 10, $10-00 Par bssd sscd *IRlor iacka" aI $2.00 tu $2.50 per hea,]. This town le on Rail Lake Tohopekaliga, (An oîd New England Yanke maye tbat "Hope- to-bell--g,"la an bea-j hs ia eaupro- acuace it) wblcb la 9h13 miles and la enueoi thte prattieât laIes I evor 88w. The boys go ln awimmiag lu it ever day. I drove out into it yoasterday about 75 yards, and water was juat aboya tira wagon baboanad the bottom is a wbute tirm saiid. lTaken as a whole I ike the couutry fuîll as wsll, or botter than 1 expected anid tire pe-ople arealal friendly and soi-i. abile. Pcoperty is raising in value rau- idly. 1 was offered $50000 for tbroo of riuy tuwn lots Isut Saturday. I1rvas ai- trsmely lucky lu tira allotuient of land aad Iota. getting lots i 1lurin tirte conter of town, and 15 ai'rea ofniîioatiy ail 'Miuckland' sald luy every ona to ho tbe richeat land lunFîtîrîda for track farming. Wa ara living in our tonte and are ,fuite comfortable. but naturalîy wouId lika tu gsi our boue up aa soon a pos- sible. I contracte,] tnday for a bouse 22x28 two atonies,, r mrn, tu ha com- pIos l atbod and plastersd raady tu movo into for $670.00,' net painted bowever. The aes bouse woulul, I think, coat f roni $1200 tu $14100 in Oberlin. We it aroan,] la tirashade lu out shirt aeovea lu the day lime, but aue coiortahîs withb bavy qailte over us at nigirt. Living loasa cheap, or cheap- or hora than thora. Weil i think I bave writtsu enougb for Dow. Youra traly, H. D. CutviN. Preveutiet-bosa Candy Cold Cuis Tsbletea-will safely snd quickly cheuk aleolde and the Grlp. Try thorn Oucs sud se"l 48-25c. Sold hy AU. DIEALR&I Thai ilnilgiri improys thre pound CM* ta bit it witb au ai. FOR SALE 2nd st.. 7 moîîî issai. lani- lot, gtîîîd ternis,$ L. nd aImert. -, mont bouse, easy terme. $1350. 28 t 15s ro)iini. a in.- bouse. terra$255,0. 4tli nt., s roume. large pîcce laund. $lil< iarflel,] ave., fine - :1 roî,m liotel. atnap an,] onPeasy terme, lots sud hlaI-a-mo traets i, sel! onueasY payarisuts. If you have a fr-w butidr n -]dîit jîay rent. sca alîl build for you, an,] yîîr renita il pay for your hlîoîsun-lard nt., 7 reo ou les-, barn, a insetplacessud un the eaemct ttrmms E. iiviaiîîn t., fine large mansionn ts a itgain. Alpleit avr, *fine houa.'witlu1, aire landItit-ýaIt. ROCK EFI.LI2 lîîso. l fi ts, fine- piacBor'.- tt iItri, and,! ai, ra snap ait $439111 Want Ilouses to reut. 1 have the renters for desir- able houses. Let me have your house, lot or Iarm te, seil. A fie- tif t atire giids ii iLbsrtyvîii- leS;, a andti rmut. Ifiaext utiiiti Laie Cutiinti Sec4 nie iivon waat to ut i ortif lvii v. rt ti ssiI t rad].' J. E. Meredith very :Ited La Belle Park Colony. Dlvided into setions o! 630 acres and oubdlvlded into 20 acre tracts Sotheru Lad antiInvestment Company. DYMONO & AUSTIN. Agents, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLS. It is nol an expensive operation to wire a house. Electric Light The finest of artificial, costs no more than othrilii- umnants. Electric Appliances For the househould are great labor savers and coat but a triffle to operate. Let us explaÀn the uses of electric- ity in the house ancd estimate the cost of wiring your home. We do the work at co8t, payable in 24 monthly instailments North Shore Electric Co. -2 wwowwwWW4 iý 230 N. Genesee St.

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