CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Feb 1910, p. 7

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IdR AL BSt ITA ý > .PC*TO S aÈe qanly f 4041 R adjLE . W 10 FOR RIENT-Mit 1on ebtt faiM, 50 acres, 2J mllesnoti l~stoff Peaà., For flitparlterSh, iqqlr* 0f J. p. PÂmes., P"la10n&.or ,Vc m. Fotl> P. O., Rocdiel, . P-2"4 FARM FOR RffMT-41» John Iloren Faro. econtaiî ma10mu, otod os 11radley Bd. ) mlems outb of Rondout Moation. LAwrgebain. good reidence. piue loction. Write or edL mns. jn. FOR'SALE-On) Cook Are, lot 100x125 1, tue @tory bdlilng, bargin. Inqufire M. 0. Jouxson, Cook Are. P. 0. box î71. 22.2 ' WANTEO TO RENT OR LEASE- Prm tend mat Lbrtyrviel. Caji or laquire et INDUpEWDeT office. p-22-1 WA#4TRO-A saan faim. g obld. to lalueebmgafor auIS roc. modpem boas tu Auptia or River F.n.L DL, subuîbs of Chicago. Admusef n'sme 1I , , pSâmr groU !?P5m 1ne.Ogm -- imbai AgemyjLes Pari=. TeL 27. -7-t FOR SAL-Tue àru waosiet gravaiboards, mrectiaomn plow, ast drait. Inquirs of W. Vi e 134 mlsnortbwesîof Lbertîvte p2. FOR SALE-Buf! Plymonuth Rock Cock- telu, thorougbbred, et$2.00 each. Cali and pee theai. W. H. Gaux6t. p-22-1 EGOS FOR HATCHING-From snow Wt PtYrntb Rotksas gond birds as You will flnd env whete tarci range. et 91 rj pe tiýnq; $5 per M0. Ot your oree Jucry ae w. are Dow aold Bne, iwhatahesé. U'rToeWALidàxN..GrMa.m tae. 111-. box. 4. 21-2 wcsklag toieumnor ecuaece iisip Pissat. tar sali. Cive !wgo m .by i ~ --- ~ ~,: w.-usmisTuuJ~ i mai saeral office udt. ApplY l~ peasen I or by mail té- Veinais lhu.awLCo Ub.I srtyvllaJttte.21U I 8ITUATiON WAI4*O-R marrisid FOR SENT-Ronis and tbain ulth ns man. ou tara as eon lor eimiaor aer cf land. On. aMtle otb of toun; rmnnbt.Prestttan mod. Wli 014 per rntb. , oDEST ELLIN. ile 1 er by prisent 4-mploye-r C. C-4013 Lovui. R. D. 2. Librtyvtlte. p-21.2 FOR RENT-Flet of 6 rmmpln Koight I RS WANTED--Wll pas Obicago- Black Lb.rtyvili, 111. tIDquire otS .-. quooations for fur* cf all kiods. Fred Mîb~.c-22-, Parkiiuret, Lbertyvilie. 6-tf AI-s12 t3atety Razor Blade@ any WIOR qi: sT-We bave a few goodnmo. style suid 25 ti-mots. w**cleeau. sbarPe.- ---i n.jusesand fiatq tn test aIea tur-, boue and retur nireday. OoeÂsAgEW lsbsd morne, wlth stem sbfoit. witii or BLADE Wo«nse, 833 Sipson t3t.. Evans- WlboiUt bOard. DYMONiD &.4CrTIN ton, lit. c-20.4t 40-tf _____________ MONEY TO LOAN WANTED-A ituation on e tarai br a menlsina. feU or gkddress jos Home, Feuler tara; Lake Via. MONEYTOT LOAN-On Improed, WANTED-lirl toaxPeist -with bouse- tain Set 5 par Ocent. DvieOxN & AZ114i. I onk ontarin. .'pply Swînv FÂi, Uý-L lbsrtviiie. Phose 2781.- P-22-1 NOTICE 0F LETTINQ CONTRACT mSssloners. The itta cf sali aoes Fen-rain&@O work O h ett.Wjt Sicokis dlitalIserais ansi atd sub-aterel.shatt .Drainage District: be 6. feet on toP. 2 feet ie on the Public Notice la iereby gives by bettemi, andi Pt au everage septh ot the unuersignesi Cnmlamicsem -of thefout feet.Tme tii. laterat dîkciies Wes SkOlle Drainage District fiat shal! b.e Ontrnt.i ot a sumbet s Seaflesibvi ilI b.received bu fir, em in chivitrgieti mibl, itansi s,,ket fo 0TcnopoIsais bY estranters fer fieSseenPipe, laid t an eves grdads ceasinuctofe lii ateral ditebed, os true lUses. Ail joints shaît b. bauh open laterat ditchez ami tii. late- kinogiiite gondi lige using cernent on rat dtches, of "sa is t.Ï~ct, ccon4ing oakurn If aecemary l inteeQoaSaslema-. to pano amand PenetiUnafor mmii ers opnion te bring h te anuvss lims. coo«mtinoun. fis heofice cf The evevage iepth cf mldi tII.&hall .814 Comaulonom ,andin te iesie .four -test. cf -tt- saine« of mm d istrict; nid 'lhe levels aid grade bu ubici saisi neais bideaM u t .r*Wed, ai UAbcr- opien dtth laierai. andi tue imate tyutt5; Iulos. ai iii cGâee cof P#tilame te b.enS»true l ar e =tut MM- jO4 Aby r.,m T. White. MSe- ahvIm, the Pro10fitnjoesaiplat, cretry01the Cmosà«usaers. tnilandi tu ithesali medifcirepet ilai t«n OfttiA. M.'rdbtdazr>' h lO 10, la cause anti apptoevei Apil21, ai bM utalc se Md place sali uWdIM10, 4' fie CnCour mt ofLait. bie u.Ib-obaipemi. f"Mc Couamim- Cotà*q,,IM. mata i i ienia imos tic - ri toet: eT cotntracter a u' m any or aIt bide masi»se ii.ght itaupioprarincades aMa ti i te oottud 1&1e tlae Of lsttng f#M,et alrSidastipubliececi-outa. Tic . m e iÎ l tair liget tiecmtrueiator eMairet se time. uanso au»Otn e pem Tu isd> ,Wowtm~Ipem é te~.. MIot le oosodt b Y fibog te Ropi- Noetm tor extra - voit 51151 b. out, lAke l>st bssiü OrMIgalIolirod es "sli xtra voi t fi land Park, BIlUOW Ifsed=ahio bave boss authosIssin ta u'liugt vork contomipliued lth i.e*nifca- tfis pr- anfloritoes a"i free tiens-oame Cetthe'e oasctimo f feth .e 1b. *pull forsaliu mbi twé open dtcb ettla-aitus . u Z eha 1. Utftuted. ltouêle an4,cMe. qmbIa*aal.'Me Worhit ullb. Iseu faor i atue - ttallen thfe île op=. dltcb meauruc"t cuti. SI b.lng untiemtdu la*qu-niamis-atoueng Xne a te Bisofunms thinlisiiet ià biî F pegloÔe i 9 test. amih total aeaanxmt.- Estiluae et dist- )pgfaC feio tic rl ifi rietntueglue., -ulîb. fsal. - g rcsttaapprotluae*0amotest. Ait vartasaslp fuanlsbed, unici- 1'.iomlnetsl-laea dtbs. e pe4niSa bit Albdet au 1 q junt fiemallaie timesasubiec o te eInspection of tic b- -Ate ,Ç=,,~Court etLaim Drainage oVcmsmluosrs - ube si« i1909, h a* haedee-.o asctwwiSte - W" -iplat la mae. ujie tg..d*,suL'i "de -alaeer - ,;plu»e* -- XM0t -utfte oReu cf feor t-e8aIa fam n slut tii. ~ ~ ~~o Rt. ouJtde the Impro!ê- theiis tsios of snch lotit ln a fui- flmaent of the. contract. but thie saine shaîl b. suppisi by" the contractor. The. contractar "Iahfumlsb satts- aectory bond' te the Drainage Coin- mîsooers isnthe panal 5Dm cf 100% of the. aiount of bis nontract as a guarente. thUa att ork doue unier tiieme epechfletloas siiall be in strict accordance withithe. leîllcatons therafoMe andi as rerd by lau. and te save ttheDrnage Dtstrtct orý the »selnage COCMnus&loneus frein amy elitai or jutignent arislpg f rom accident tbi persosa or praprty due to aMy usaient omthe, part of the con- tracta il asemplorees, lnte icou- tructlc- of *maiput cf the, aforesai weoIr. Sd tond shailremets lu fm ot fe mttersuprsng dilng the 0000trueito f ai unk and for a p UW, OUe sixty imys tram theicfnal ê -u srlniov satd.paymeat for. tbc vert la t teu euhmi, payable uI.uaplet evrk Wtt ha altoued the. mgom. a" tii.fuitamaunt etithe eèMbohnmProuiens essfmatés Wtt W-41101e dlxii dais9a&fierthe flaIge 0«901«etet p ota. provicd tuai ftosfaciry voucicia shoutng al ha-. ber. »««"rah. tool ami macbtnery MIls toelba. beauenaly pli. suait b. ~i oiuruss te mbts te Cou- mime e01tthe Westi Mmie Drain- AMg District srequirsi la Uic nottcs teo numusctars ana naaamng sneet 1 Ma psaty t. ubcu m«Y ontract ta swagd.d uit b. roquired te attend et the illsocf the, Enginiier et Lake Poegt, Ilinois, ulitltiiree -days el- ter the. date of the,~ award and ex.- cote a contract. -MAcefurslsii a bonj duty executed for a sum ta equal 100% cf the. amount patd salid contracter under nild avard, ubicta bond muet bave at laai tuebsueties, remdent and freeltolders of the.Stat« of liii nole, te b. aPppovd byr the sald Cern- misslcuers, or lu lieu of auch surettes naid bond rnay hiave a responsible, good and souientsurety company. utlfatory te tihe Ccrnrnssoners of nid DistrIct Sucii bld shall be ae- compsnlsd*by depamit cf one Hundred dollars as. guarante. of gond faltb by the, bidier. and, ln cae the party te wbom any job shali be awarded on bld berel n madte faits te enter.itoa contract te fursisb bond wthln tbree days ns btrein requtred, the depost of such party shall thereupon be for- felted te the district. together wltb ail rights ùndtr auch awald. AUl bld- ders mntsitae ln bis proposeis the. Urne wiitch tiiey wtul agree te curn- plete the. work embraced tiierein as eternent of tire ult be constdered by the, Commnisslooera viien cuard- igContracts. WEST SKOtIE DRAINAGE DIST- By *A. T. White. Sccretary. Dated February 9, 1910. etate cof itlots, Connty of Lakte. 60. ln the Circuit court or tsi. county. Jobs G. Brousna" Margaret Brous va. Chares . 1. Medicus. Anea Medi- au$, losepit Khlge. Anse linfle. Thbsua Larbina"i Auguat Brenduer. Oe No. 4497. Publ-é-»cUnosla hereby gives that by lVirtu. of an onier and diiree,-en- toned la the aLioft eptlied cause, et IM Decembes Tefu A. D. l&109 tiiere- OC. of ai COUMthte.underslgned Enter ta Cbaucry'f satd Court, wyul, 4M Tuesiaithe Ilti day of Ifarch A. D. 1910 ait the hour et one octock la the. afternoon et sad day et the lIaft door of the b6ânsi Mous. ln the City of wanksgan, Couuty of Lia.e and Stte cf Illinois, 5.11 et pub- lie vendue te the. hliest and best blider for cash, the ffltowtng deacrib- ed land and reuL estate, sttueted ln ths Ccunty of L.ake and State of Itît- agit, to-wtt: Lot Ose (1) ln Block Tue (2) of, Eduard 0. Sayles' Subdivision cft part et the. North 9ast quarter (14) of ?'ractional stethbu Nine (9), Township Porty-flve 4fij North, Range Niue. (9) Eaqt of tiie Thîrd Prtncipal Meidian. mtuated Ituith Coosty of Lake andt Stete of Mîinute. Dated February f lth A. D. 1910. ELAM U CLARKE, Master tn'Cbencery. RAYOIIiDRBV. Ausmas. 1114 Bm5m fank lshBids, CNoeg.. Adjudication Notice. Public Notiee shereb idgven tisas the tub-, selLer Admlnstrator of the essae off Asielle Armitt> uford Zudhe. decesed. wilattend the CusI oro eS 'ot,5 aSi hrc ssi Counts on the 11.55 Mondai of plIa 19e0., then and wters ail ins clam againsi sii stie are notiid rennemstesit tussent thie osme ta mliiCourt lrsldesla GEORGE DtNFORD. AdrlnoisrMt. Wukegau. Janiieri il. 1910. pf Adjudication' Nobles. - Publie Notice leb ereby siven that the Buab sciber A*ntnlicr ci ofteemate n Of im= Wunon. <l.ceased. uS attend iii. -O=iyW ae of Lake Countn atm a rteto behsa nt the oourt Hous#in vasussas la ,aic ona- on s iImu Modaet Assit seat. iShi t"M MOi wkere au esamm havlaielana- @»à", eaOaau aaIlissi sad tesii50esm5 »GN A. 1 xou Mt.anlssiater. vauean. Ma.. ressuai,0. 1M~. r-l Notice et DIssoluton. - Publi tes"sleeraby glvec fiat ftie fluacf oum A nc u bs u dlecv, Dswm>'ac-. ToMag ssM, tf"i tise patnerstap. aMd tic bmieIse viii be cotionusi y lw i ua¶ 1 0 M .Gcrmue F. Mdneta m a ld b. fi m Motfub ri Dtsi Januanj 29,1910. DnwÂvuum oue,, aonesaIr.u. n m ' 20-ft Joaw W. Lypmu More peplc arc tminst Folsj'sfilda Samedi muer>' joa. Ih Sm comldonci fi. Isomt eWtre redy fer cIl i4mej ami taladiert tublas fiat autilo- aedwe Ma ievis. Fetey'm ýKIinsy Usfed cari-ses iregîariitea, hne p- tus mjtem, mai restorem ltctvitlï MViSEa . leyva., Iarun pr goosi reuits, unie t, nitcml lniVomi. BJoisaW;=s* CO.- Stteof mnwe.comny of Lake, ss. ln tii he indiCourt 0f Laite County. To the. Maei Teru. A,~ D. 1910. Rlobert C. Harper and Fred Sait- tow vs. Lous. P. Jessos. Lillen A. Jesmon, ranct M. Porter, William B. Porter, J. Merchant Porter, Ruthi Luctna G&tes, Mary Beard, Hattie Marchand. Albert ftevens, Gussie échitf, J. P.,MWnsky, Ramuel Mlnst<y. Nettls Ketsey, Nellie Fer- il. Churles I. Ktttridge, Hattie A. Tiiacker, Mary A. ltsox. Nllie A. Chaos.Cyrus M. IKnox. Mary.Mansy, Martha D. guton, Josephîs. N. Bidom, Clare 0. Bîcea, Martii eln- sy. Mary L.Jcemll Jobn C. Bloom, John Tutti, Ifflon, Tolly, N. M. Dueit, Abbott Dqo..CW# O . - Duel, Gertrude Dueil. Porter Decil. Mary P. Schoey, and lnlcS unr of the. tolew- lig desacliàà state, com.nciug au. the. NiNti 0oticorcer of metion 19, Touaablp * OittaRange Il nom 0f the aet P. %>à Lai" Oonnty, 111 Delss, tsunc $M 3frois, tisse. sent te shoeof Ueeee& or Druoe., Làite thnc. uut 198g=shore cftq, teucttllW1ideutee orti té placeqf u W~S la oeacery. No. 4614. .StateeWy îMiavt baviux been tib lâtat the deeenta, Umtte -M s*SAiiort tevue, 000- Knox sg àyMsu' X n", fre. out cf the sttem r Illnoils. seo that proés St ib. seyod upm tii..ora'éf tbU*M ami fiai asither thes place cf nmee»roDmps21e8 adireus i Me4*Cmdeta John -C. Bloc.OK4 éo m ueri of tih - loutRa deumfot" sl estate, comaus ing i-u*e Moti *est corn« ofet>o tic 19. Touuabp 48 Nort. Range 11, cait et t» *MSu P. M.. Ir lake.Oouty,. DubIois. shosts S«Mt2 5 rada, tisse 30"tite Ma"er t fSecond,.or Druce, 1"0te t we eterly long abore et Laite te veut lin, 'of section. tiience sorti te place of bsatmnt&" cam b. azoerteineat su tiat procssa cannet.b. serci upon tlaeu or amy oethtem. Notice ta flerefoe hereby given te sli show». nameddwefendants that the above namedti omplaisants hereto- for, fled tlaeir bill of camplaînt lns nid Court on the. Ciascery aide -tiiereof and fiat a nuommons thereupon issued out etsei Court ageinet the. above naineti efendents returnabte on the. funt day of tihe term of the Circuit Court cf Lake County te be hetd et thie Court lieuse lu seld Lake Connty os fis tiet Menday of iiarcii. A. D. 1910. ns ta by lau rcqulred, and ubich suit t EWI stt0en.n . BROCKWAY, Cterk. Wauitegan, Illinois, Februer>' Ird 1910. ELet! L. CLARKE, 20-4 CoaulejnantsW Solicitor. 7O ALL'PER&ONS WHOM IT mAy CO#ICERN. Notice la b.reby gves that fie un- dermigned. fenisên llungton, Con- servater of CarolineBaide, Inmsae, ilit mat, application teatth. Counti Court of Lake County, 'In fie Skate cf Illnos. et a regulir Term tiiereef, te b. heti at tii. Court ous. in fi. Ciy cf Waukegalt u, thefCeuni c f lake. ami State of pllianets on the Orsu MOndai Of Mrci, A. D. 1910, being fis Seveti l49i etMatcii. A. D» 1910. for m- nird«amidieCree of nid Court dlrectlng btm, asnobc Conservater. ta Beloî t ilhfei.rittitI. and Intereat et au Carolie Bande, In andi ote follouing descibed reat etate. sit- uated In fie CountYof Laite and State cf Illinois, to-wlt: An undivtded oue elghth Mta)of the Northi Half of the. Sctb West quarter of the. South East lhuerter cf SectIon EIgbt (8), in Towaship Forty-thtee (43) North, of RanUp Tes (10) .East of the. Tid Prncpal Meridias, ex- ceptlng that part thereot viiînki lies Northi of the public blgbwey. lso, as undivided oeefourti (4) etftthe Southi Hat of tW SetilIast quarter of the. Southi East qsatter ef saisi Secties Etgiit (8) , Tounship andi Range atoresaid. AIse, an undîvidesi oue etgiitii(i%) of the folloulng: AIl East o ofi, of theiSouth HaIt of fie South West quarter of Section Niai. (9), Township ansi Rang, afore- saisi. contaiuing Fitoca jcres and torty-eigiit roda. AIse, an undtvld.d ans elgiith (%~) of tliat purt oftheii West HaIt of the South Bast quarter cf Section Nine (9), ln Township 1Forty-thr.e (43) North, et-Range Tes (10) East cof the T'hrsi Principal Merusian tyiug south c-f Abie raad. eîc.ptlng tiat part tiieteof sodi ansi conveyesi teose Wlliami Qtbet, cos- taining fIve (5) acres,' aIse exteptIng theretreai tuo and' 47/100 (2.47) acres mld te i Elgin, Joiet & Eastern Refluai Campany, fer Uie support asid iaintaînance of the. saisi Caro- lin. Bande or othierulme inveeting fie sma. Datai tuis feventh day of Febmuari, .D.1910. DUNISON HUNTINOTON, Cesser- vater 0f.Caroline Baais. NOTICIE 0f ais cf lande and, lois for State Comtiuy OmvtaiSpsélaiTa=s. l tt ef1111100114 Conntucf Laite se e- aleuras ~notlsm, oiL>usun- hacun evasrs Mdi b. -590 parties inlwse*W la ticoffto*lagdesetbi 1min or lut o @os f sas., le qnoo Teks netituat et auTot MtaIs mi IotaM fordetauquseà ssfor tic yéer 1901made bjt§k_,tZTrmmur ami ~ ~ ~ î Coe> trtI b eupq iCourt Daieer esi lut inty a9 emgain, cous t 1 ieMd ete ,oetw «laur aoDlg tot». Lava et Illiapia ou fie 24tii day ô4 anme A. Dl 1908, ja«MecYore prl hm4 ni a ammiatatmes mcr=_ aè tSaistii. tfoulaig pOM or pa"oslýeêlôd -toulvt: Macreus part f w% Oftu ei-w eX f section 8 tua 48 n s2'«Mt ams li $he mîesof John L$ncattta aid the tuas cf rsdeaption vil sx -cm onthe *éth daj of J use A. D1O10. W, B. am"v, malgame. 22-8 -Auctiin Sale. 1%4HI Sil et p ubuie auseSa on Raina- dey. Yëb. 26. ai Zioa CI4ý a-lot of b0l"14 00 b$mm aMW vegoas bWMd=ty.riu= mpkmses, St&. T, A, CANPaELL. 2-t PEOPLE'S CHARLES T. RUSSELL. Pister Boolyn Taberacle. tiomfeik, -Va. Pub. 14-Are the, vords ret eur $mai tan.? kuSItpossible tiiet th ti reIgon- «fthe. Rible demade a.thua4 -re etus liala oxpneseui ta ", t=It? *bat about the. Jeu- Sui LauWYiabt about lis stn-ofeetngt. àâs bera"ffoint u ta ak-cfersg? Wiiutabe« theituan cumedmel Wb"maout the.disnft ous coini- »0MaMimetaapped ui env Lard Je-, i mo, 'ThskaiatSlo"ve ~Lord tii Qed uMh ail ti heart ut &tl ti »bmin4evti a11t fy bains. uli ailtt iy alxugtl4 amaithon skiait lève tbr Mbr ana hrist Wiies about etseAnee? Wbat, about ne (buftii? Tp thé poont Wbat about 1. géody ortic Miibl tmou Goda- ult Wiiat about cmi r«opcsibllity bar thc sthtisaoeWhatabout baptisa andi thec1Lords supper? Ilrcctly, dms brethren. ail Uic aatters lacludei la cnt questions a 11a11,11 acmre du incluiosi lacidentaillyla tii, provision* of or text. Scaetimss a Wbol. sermon la preechesitlaa u unisa. Ne anc wtt dispute Uie rue- unaieosetofthe Dlvinq requtrement as statei lanOrteut. Our Creator e" Di ot justty or wltb self-rempent mmiil hotan fils of his crentures Who vonti enjo>' bis fayot. Tii. Intereats of' ail dernend tiiet these prlnciples sautd b. required of cvery creature psrmitted the..n6ymnt cf. Divine fa- varno e extent of ,ternal lit,. Who. ever taluate nise up ta tiiese condJ- tionç voutd dans evidence biseiun- vorthIseas eofNeterneal; bis pro,1 longed existçneenu mereiy b. à prcspertng offamin mod a menace te ths kiappinema and rlgbteeusneusof otiiems But nou let nssoc the scepe of titis Divine requirernent. ukase justice v. ha"a alreedy anknouledged. W. note the natural division ef cur test lite tire. parti: (1) Dotalng uty; (2) Lovtasg m.y;, (3) Walng humsbly. The requirernent ef justes lna ail r dealinga wvtii ur tetlotouscommende ltseit tuevury ratiosal mmnd. It In- eludes tihe uhete Lau cf Gai. A brief sttembt of ukat EAu ubtki bai oui- Laids appioval reads. Thont shaît love the Lard tiy God uifi ail tiy iieart and &ir uy mini.ail tiiy belng and aU thy stÉengtlb, andi thon skit love thy taslglilior es tiiyaeL .On- tstue Iwopostlena buang ail the Lau ansithe. Prcphetm. It la but just tht e uasould recogulse aur COuater as tirai. tha et vo endgtlf ib i Oa» vie gave us n Mriidwamciaul thc blosfl thet ea. ticruwitb; that we ahoutd be obedient te bis rigiitsous reqniroments tiiet malte fat Our oun ippisemm asd Uiat of others. Ît la aise bot rlgbt tiiat le abouti recogls. tic rlgbts of ethersné se uculi bave tbem recignise qur I!igitu. Thie Opdes fRnle la fie bareut af jus- tice.Net a airs breea4Ulmtomauld coma ulttn thé. reqoremMs of eut taxt. De JustIy Coame, thon. ltkin reasort togetiier. -Bolýmany af uns de justiy ln ail ot Ufe .affars-iq aur reaticusip te aur Ged and te oui nelglibor? 111 1Begin et borne. Let eMci 00e criti- cise bis words ani bts deeda toward bis parents; towari bis nilhdre. to- vard bisbrotiiers; toued ikls slterm: touard husbani; toward uitc. Do vs lnailUof ont rel#tloaubpa c« Ste treat tUie uicare se serandmins siear tauns acnerding teutth. stendards of Mutloe, ennui-ding ta tii,- Golden RunIe? Do a-e do uowerd -tiien as us vonid have tieni do toward ns? . If set. ettetrnmakingsa beginnlng wIti the Lord, etrivlng ta teuder te -hlm ont bornas* and obedienne. let un ctcue- IF serutinaise every. word. every acnt cf the. home lite and e toa bt silsia the»se a b. lmpreved upes and ikde mare searly is. Theo majority cf People. us feel sure. M u i .aurprlss te kaic hou uniut they bave beïn touerd those uic are of the. vory nearemu ansi deereat of flesily relation. ahips. Follow the. matter up and commuder ti j«uie air injustice of yenuniors asd deeds ln dsily -lIte itF our nctgbbon aid iaily aassnem-Do yen tavmrlably apeak te tlaem la tic menns unids aid witIlMfe mas toue and tenture et aionu oli epprove If tisy uesu la yenu pluec aid yenuta tiissSt In intte et business do. yo drive a élus«s imigala uiti tic tiai yen WouluS tiltu* it for tisa te o wu tiyn? or, one i.Ouiim ai yen ask ef thon:kilgber puces for, us mrvcesa gi- aterimlm you ferqlsb tis tissta Pmionulti cousus, 3Osa &MniXai If yo e sth fe, pnrckia Ç4,qitbe tbc Tsndeu»? De Fou vateis yeur cilcteas tOat tbey do flot cernit49.p. redations %maponyur selgbuis ortlh aé carefnli m yn t e uld W rue nelshier teu atch M bis cilteasréè qeet. your gardon, ifUen m @eua? Do yen bleu no more -ioiuaeesobe la fi. face of yosfr neighibS tusaFye wguld. lits. te bave hlm -bleuis ycur face? èi Fyonas nareful sboiitwlp. log your foot ubes .uteila >W ous. as you *cnl t hihm to )be wtion en- teingyour boume? Do yen triat eil usn.- vouasa. ekiudres a"à animasas t'bofy,as gestly. n puopsty eU«7 MWy au yen tinb, ijusi as rlgbt, if yenu, ers la tieb P~Ioq mmi11 sha i b . eand u t wb lIn iieaven, sand onu b WHAT SYn.11-.,M .," COD REQUIRES éoteboe n ueteL" 0F US uA ogtWah aPSO0 Tot **WhD otiIl y G h1 Cd. uno ioe hr way et dealing vIta M -~,0Q---vý 8&) so- Prim t" i.purhase puloetbe f»i 1 y of jour ueighbors.a u mvould have tica sPet et yen? or de yen l cM up thieir imnperfections te ridicule. n M g u utId 1k. tebave kbom bbd Up jOurs De yen suard anv ietongu se that jeu amait only thingifj,7 wenld thtnk pioper for jont n.lglbo t. speait rcspcctlng Yen, if y«u ciangs places? simple juste-Nsthlns Mers De y"n Bot begita uMe, dear frlsis s fi at sGosi rsqulrs of uwla une beroui uhattii mjaitj have lisse 1 drleg? Doyen sUaisiappols a #» tcO mlb bsfIl; voff u b. lPMabIb UlVý- fnityln t ii at n"i tagres utth ii. Aind &L PpI agren. ltilé- tu& Wéeacia ote OMOthnga blc we ucuhi." Tiie ScripSruse - gai gr.. ai iodiais Thorae, 5 de rlgltuons4nelmet oi, AUlhave atm- Bei a"micre short cf tie laI e ýt 'Wbet'sa e edo? Skialit vrni tuai bonasse we are Omble sta lveup te ont aun conceptionsansu$tand. ai-dm af justice we uI mke so aV- tempt te do se, but abanden those standards enttretj? Qeod ferbl-jr. are usalIt sough ans i psiec enougi as It la. To Ignore Outrkbout ideals of justice Wuld b. te tekse ril the bralte ansi permit the dousuard tes&i oncles of eut deptaved natures ta go rapIiy trois )ad te wore-to carry us furtier sud furtien frais Qed andi th@ standards et character uhîcb b. Bp- proves. Wc eau surely b. content te do nothisg len tbmn ont very bast; te liv. up tco rnt es dnls and tinraise tics. Idealea as early saspossible te the Divine standard. What Weuld SN tie.VUal Suppose w. do Our very --best dalli lm memarurnp te aur iilghest ccncep- tiens cf our Gesi-ives Is"aisdam sandard$. uouli Gai ccept oet tus and cont us worthy of Isafayotaid of etersal lIte? sur.iy sOt. Tii. au cf the Lord la ocifeet. Just la Justice. Set the imter of a lau. net the uett-uiakilsg. técetves the rsuard. but the. dcsr. the ebeienvt Be, then. uc fini ouieslvW ldiiffcuiti. Witb1 oui- bart& u.rutmiis, vsapprovu GodVe Lau and, uure te b obedilet te li6 ,but Oid, as Ut.Peut says, fiat Mmniy tNàp, w. uii te do -ws fait te acemPUiit% aud marnaiof tthMlle wc de snlt uiab te deo v a ca etavd&t "w. canue ote tifltisfit us weuli." We apprvsfle eeelloade4. mamndeof Goda Lau. We iusappreve ,ils lmpufcftonuaof mcror eusSsci LAi lSt. Paul. ue cry eut. ýO w»'téb- suS msuthat t am! uicobaili elivsr me fronsthlm domi bodyr-thia body tasiluerfeni llarougi akiiniutws mis sud usakuossos.Witur e,,m i ve serre Ga'. Law andi mrvsIl. but vlth aur bodi e ecoma. short. Wbat ta oui hope? How aistl va b1 dellvsred? Cas w. prevail upea 0"ci te change the. reameneble tequlrsnusnt1 ef eut text n0 fiat II: mhall rend. Wbatq iota Gai requit. of me but te vIl Jlutly anud do imperfetiy? We eau-1 mot hope lat sucb a change in tbbc Divine Luw.- Are vie thon hopeiesauas respects Divine appraval ansi stérual lIte? (Raninvil, 17-2t) The GifI t fC'd ls Etsr"I Lits. Iu our momaent of petplaxlij u hear Goi'à message -speaklng puace9 tkreugh Jeans Christ mur Lard.» Thie1 message cf Peane la tfiebt he u nouli mot do for aursoienIn tahe vay1 cf lfting ourselves nu te Divine ap- Proval Gai bas Pravliei $hall ho dons for us tbrough eut Lord Jeans Christ.1 Ont fellure to ke.p the Law merm ns u as unuortubioet eternal ltf.,andi uortiy cf thi egax"et ms"s-stare-1 na] tenDent, but datki., Gainta ercyd encindedto in efetne eterual aIefs na gtf-benaus. af oui- motactualhi ment- ltg 1k under his legal regnlramputs. Tinta we reai. *,Tb@ vallm frmunisa deafi: but thfit of Gonilue ternat UNs tiirugki Jeans Christ Onur d" (Romans vi, 23). 'Wbt us coM mont ebtaln lagatti union the DivineWte quiremass e d Praffora te us au a gHMt But tice Sftle a cenltol on ee nu siprésin etheo vess, -tirn» Jeans Christ mor Lord,"oney tise uholie f jeep uesuChmisa 'b)ss Way. the. Trnlli.andithei. le amy- bave Goda ati c f ekermal tif. Ha"osle wu bu bseu tt i làwiiouya ijMike tu suppese ukat tibe tigaet ~q or aisroadee ast etoieM 4 lm tSMpia O ondla goraei «Christ A tthe 8IPritUres confire tfis abd iselarsmot onu ~ ~ ~ MWe tibv antsv tqt. y pbsilsue, te fs ras et am lau, buteb "ti b je lnoms etiiermmo un- der san given111100aenlg que, vbaby bis aame-thsb ta lah lm k is"o, (Acte IV. 1M) But hou t lse o nulad vuy ioes Go o me i thie MMfi f 5455 Gels Lauwrspemtg humait Ma, cenot changl e .cauci asquirs 1bu th"s perfsctlqn. se vonliba 4 ,MI fie' ivem etu aal ctirity *ltbý depravsi adupefaet b~ig. CGai bas a iigber Plan iban fls aid i.. claies. "Au tihe afsns are higiier ts the earfi. mm are my pval igicr tise fihie uime ups a httcc toyai te hlm na i iaiiem 1 tact thiat t"tumenmuE a dpa »iher Smticiu jeid boa VI"e. us ~io ~ ç miesi Go- WhiWO Jauce5uea baveoiu o1r ftr êê tu do »m. pats icbd nls.w,** We *cm 1 rit h 0 the ub* erA& fiui liheetom ipb~' ira' pu eave' u env tbs 9401 i l:-a WW i thd e . eA, vêtp tu teaw oie f &be is i tp 4em tic VaioieVoth M ho a traums aet att athenuest viut attui tshIv9"'s tii.« T 4tg.tce Fronts. the ui omeînt et tiwco L au .tio a" f pU jcq* s . bo S Ia C"lto a uais vahmtiq d" aterhfl eshhrut fisUe fis 1951, ID& proevisi. 4>. Vromm the. mltO0f. m t.ti sr ons s raà Oins m b ÉI loyaîty ce theit liests. To test *Ih ýý prove falifutl ths putt euo1ile promlasi-glony ieo-, timcMhto jolnthelsip ultiitie Lord =; Christ lIDbis MiIsUnewl idmop li lo-kof btsslnmil >itumilê Io sett iGalatiansUtI,2e; Rr10~ léi 21)., Ou- dlsereeumt viii an #eeu5et' mode la la fmpso le ubet de"- W dose ulti tie unub«Uti-wi tboW uho deoe pnset st mmi t uê a"si * viosunt begutiS e s fis boty spirit mL 0 -0Whêmé etl inw ge i Rbe th*lqlat te lai tl thatme ts u m, t oa pi slud o estomincis e nth i e *0* yusrs tW kPusau or meoe w cr ~bt tcmast. Rt mihl bua cf Goda W«&d.but fi» err Ws The Seriputesde met iest x, mai go viylss sud ti. ot tihesaitb bN <anss; vers et tbis.-tItat fth" 6&Nbot-4,11 the abk.,ttsd qê ïWl pocui, uits tic0, Ovlg'à( afloricfe shatt-ihi'tF« viSeP Tii.uf 'neao l ptes pi Bet%5tl putty.1uitbfor eboius0' git c biingm c eai tuissi>go ule mib# li Tnie ailpeopen.thec»W» « vm tic ntevre to ibs; 'Sut bUMW chIaty for eti wu<diat 7m gicat . Udl. et s. oi n vie bei a am'd W cMall mrIlareel lma licbs.. thse s 'du otlé"$r, Ulst let larel.basa Su tmc fr ualu 11.o1u. tise bd bsae.-d e Ume laeletbu Wr-de t4»mfkri. JM.- "chai"te IpltieitemeW mwu,*i te ni-ai hiset amete, bu thee am" oa f thus Dll-lw gune**saime, viSaI durlng f5 MXIteiunlalAgewuli flou as a river ci salmais»,. tie -uilciIlg usukwl l Silbu lavited te noute am drink fiet>. Leve mer" 8" mai alt umbije Et ma ssteelsom thaiGel ne.- qutr e vem o 1. a*,,lth» Wi là bis lqu4 ind, u s "io et do a",lsug.*ff idemli i. ba sahoun the slàep e i.evP s' c iov. 4X4 it asfentthe laa 4"m eend taerf i the " cfamil, flot ý requirns tt tan vo vUkmave ftti isiselle« Mi. masic stes-W' q~ situe eb tSves âl astilquiv Wa.b bus, -As et - 0000000000000~0 , - owl 1 L ---------------- -12 *11; e 1 .11 l' d

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