c YOL. XVII.-NO. 22. two - JNT D WAUKEÇA» Taft IN.!PN IN wE"àrEKLY SUN FEBRUARY 25, 1910. POU] oad R ulat ionI Aay li i:Sale of Frc BUS $1.50 PinE~ lAU m &y1~ i-PrôbableCàuse et Elect ri c Roa . yMtn K 4 1I'rom ~Weidùia'e Bu.> competing linos or an utfeaiiinotb!oon a, tIi> apao aefoc ul' sospscaI feir* Il inshie 'pv0ppleathiat two uhinge!lunes, and liras toullai: fileo; end to ideprive the Interuïrbans the ssttfl m r"& ad wcu la iit act>,. are deiaylop Ufl0 1 spu#*no etieor Can o cqulve lectrio.Roade. of dieu. pint rates. lbe uaid, omild de-; tics tg the Spu bisDeriiblrefWd dispouition. ef ýtib Chiogo & iwaua- j"And, provid iturtber, That the puiveoaa ninhor af commulnities froM Ir dis te aools ulroad jalIculal' m e *s goodeÇMe"Copayth oord. 'raarosd'corporation' as usea lu tDhe<iual chanceaiSt eir inarkets Wl Ëthe ectrlç ru j ~~~~di dii.secudtion. sao lttappi>y ta r l- osnintitles locateal In adlaent andlAOetsllOi Tih e tiwi dkreei>'concerto th. 1 clade- street. subirbon or Inter.r, coroPouding stations bupon the tnink Mr. Cs-jtustaxe, gs an, flon- Taft mdsae' te segiiste r bliroade. electnie pasaenger railwa>' corpora-, lin«o ai lradal. trtlou the flglu. Aurotb, & Chleffl (PointaitWeditesdayla SUN.) 1ma-h drink andl tat a ev cooaionthhe aount of hie peronal appropria. Thi> e lions." Would .Worh, ,,tiiardshlp. ol-ectrie ralirosi, Wh $04ouIlb!oj wil place fhlm on bis feot galn. tions tathe .a aconte dite tram thpi 1. i. lie dchueni whjch proverte work- A relityessago provisions oftde. *"This législation lm so vitailly imrpur- ciy lialitrs of the ctty of Cbecaa.SUd Therdouro.inf e si Lgimihav 4Yd>'tr. agsilcl arnso ih gement* et aoy kinid bain$ charseoter af these lwo ltilnot bave tant in the prôpent>' wbich Ire1 ..e >q * agopou atolab i. culed lbohind roiC@e r bt n ot Attorney Gilîbert of Joiîst.jarrivea là:I mail. As the balance due frontthe made b, tise papeeed commission ho-atrtalnytetobtinvvo!st"salM. a.'ndaliepee ifiuonigChso o, braer. 4 .oWîkegn tbutitenet 0100 ov r ie mile, sonar refinery and West-bandolot-l s ther railronds. lbheiSOt that tbenetare 10W about 89,- parffes Whlch are known au Interu-ban tOetb* , nuîoIoe Chicag au teir Ma, forom posîlave nuthortt"eiloietai h . , g.lsoo ern oladIc oupn'aon. 2. The cloue tiist wouid malslt 000 mlles of interurban ralirasals luIn ratiroada throughout the countr-y thît ket tovu, th pninciil patithbbusý- Iesnsd tat te yong mn iHe woold st amle soy sttemeut for: Plita sa mounl oalo bu $ ilpossible for salînssusto--acquire b>' the Unitedl States. each af tie pravis- le wlbdraw from those raliroadir thiroeir lui ru hseelisi.t Intiait hat lý_ youg ma je publiesîion aioter tItan tre t t h e iansd vated t- o, 90t» sale men lispTuchnsconOtptg eloctric roadi. tansla attrae*iug vide attention. The fright treille Sud their igit la Iandl front Chicana. ,Bot 1 do not un- put iiîm ud ne osneaintad p siiThe.fi-et clause mtractir onthe nosec- comimitee on Interstate andl fariegutitrongi routeanSd Ihojoint rates deiitau tnir tat Tit 1.tIi.inteltimof a Tout hm und resreintand te auanint of money laiton by Joseph pioveal a $ife oueauaslong aslhealait'. -ond and lit latitis filtSimoly ho holding 1 commerce af lie bouse anal the cour- fWlIldvork a iardsiip lupan a cnmber' tbe Intenstate commerce commIsion trolaimlent pending thc learhno of i ('ioir. 'out husaill a amhi>'rd-port. UP thse propeebed, aile of the rod:- millee. an tueritatecommerce of theoiof cmunideswhich are serveri oul>' tuattsipt to reglilate bliste rates. 1bat bis mind. mon lhewil b.ho ivon liai possbale murchseWho ma>'habi senate. bave beard several managers b>'thea» Intenunhrbil railrnade, ana le, 1 Ido Bot eses 1h51finbillMw«14 mle the chance ta tell hie &orCic e r>'. GNOibert visiteal Jo. Cannons ai Camver Olscovred Shaitage. s-sureaUmon, or- Who oumgir look.rail i fInterurban rnde vithin tb. lest 10Wv ooîd. I leur, reduce.lie oarniugs of fecitbe quesoition -0f joint rates te 1h5 fihaimeandlnayâ t er ieball nt. the Wo gn .E uvraimi tar detoctives suiigned te thse cees"d ia WjiAet .E urr ttlp.godaurefomeris, are afflting dolnt.- deys, analmore are ta ho heard bore tbiose inteurbi ramîs ta sortb a l0W instance. cli. btuie h tt~ fwfl yilm~action ent thil. eilther o ohmttioee moch-es a dunal de-1 poIntt Iat il wotld be lplpossible for lMr. Casanid tiraitthe tlatei-urh àand attèr*arde ta Boit Lireo OU- mid 5)» unbelas<m'd. Ile infernal fi-lr î'nour's Ilinéu lest ' P h-* Wai The pint, lunsimple ternis, la tbal If! cisan a la Wlat aslait b.done with htirata oopérale am. ldependent liiesY rondsai'r lowa>ive rogclisal 515<0 a ic sie ve uIîwmnli te mcopa>,ould nuifallute n>' 51)eP surai led ta final a disena'pîury off fu hesi]dcas aIftl b l nlmetapoiin.li i ois ! i etmn'b~ eeoset~lD fals'hn1 of tmetmnl wîîî renfort hiesi- ta praOfute lPias'îmfortnluaseYoung $Syooa b'h-Ranys. le vorkcd talitlrid let laI aiasiidoild bula ir lelocal AIlTIbm Interuîrbanmenfileat bave no ta" thîe bonse commît? e. on lteratate lintes-chsnls «orsointl t tI olasse til. ses and male it'possible forn un Ian bol l iesalaed rnulb lglau.-u-le) uni>liaI a- ii mietlwiLoidvatIm Os -an.li-apaei eoe -ermmte udfriu omrc n sa a ajetie b xltu gsea 10 oilbissta>'.y eadevorho ou thul wê. ran- lt u the bill, to.obath ta ka>ep Px- 1bave aiposed the pronvision excepdingashrkpdobtenir qumetions pertaining ta ho side, tbe steam ruade baud tvséé The aniaunthefteillait.akor the ual Will lit' the Oiihand ut las? gavé oP lutiatngfn.ght andlexpress IrSili' anal1: tnpirbsu nlulrmuiI-n aii setion 9 cfi the iierurbsu ralrad usminess, cars cirerÉloi mIes-us-Ianroise, é iWliethbllerIo lia" talielilln'lieateat Ihn snt orthartd>or liii lie, n menbe,- airataiiialite lu-ý ig butillasppaadlali l*of'ha atel$4u,00u4)r Sadh. ta niai.further demia. ie bill, sud bave motif, tâait. ville ie> '-'Anal do yots hhinktttthesreruaidsithe interu'bau ruad de lW abr nee plctn fn neblUt"I eigh-od'!5,0. 1esadtrvs1e.diru I Thc roaid-nov basanauextensive sud do tuaitcire ta abject Ia tb. pAovision .holding beconie, as Irait -aim tihemntan ver 5stames-tUis. ChtamiMa lamieto fnoai4lbmac!n- e aot eepeablneub',t as p ek tanal ituali>'became (au- gnowing package frelght business, AIn section 12, Whieh vauold maite Tt be-Suad.dotbtiesi carrectly-now un- Iauggene iltet thraurs nthbatu t cal.l l-sc.rnrying fürarsd the uucoliected s- in'~îe-jle soysa a ne of the lils? wbirb the neveormema vOlil pi-talipassible for steani ruads taacquire Idon the gutnural termusoaithe Hep1urn bl .il ta prbibit asit oloctnri dan sd The fae Io liatIob-foand ud Iiing craouts anal tie offiias of the company o'bntesil men lu thie campuys empioy lîke ta Treui. bmpetiug Interurban lines, lie> do; ilîl andal tbiecl. tai thecontrai and jsteani nasalmaking an auloé oss bis pri-oetaîlack of lisanit?>'Cou- of the opinion itler il han been'going anal anc aetthe ost capable rral ii U otoae' ,ultîi lWal olgsalo nrgltanh b nesat omremntveoi i e bdseete nor- conusantliy accuse-I aiote ftp err o! lie-*ttbn twud elgsato atlguainb heItroae omre1 etweeTtl otte amwri ing ~ ~ ~ o bi-to n n i leeltet ufor sellerai years. The books irem mnluan1e'ervice biabieen apparent- Tva provisions ot the admninistra- tlb.Torturent of the people. commissiion, aud tibeialn a bill ta bat thoronieu- - sida mglghma ia bs belug examînel b>' lb.compsu's au* y guilt>, o! systemialSly robbing'lion billho Seed lb. preaenî.Inter- Louis P. Case. president af the Wat. aluenalor alter ofoicoredos tbe poWr "Tbe questIon làsorbvheeie W. e and of uali apher ofhita tler <ltons sand T il l hocsane lime hefane the compan>' fo anysu yeas. 11101?s tjte commerce laW h ave stinrealtop .a,'crnlou, Ce-ian Falla & Nanîheru Rallvay ah the intetatate commerce commis- fonce thé steraiod te fatetueillerui Cigot uio lraéal) h roftsnd ie bbce. te eactfouStop t. ollavi tic doumatlc titreatnta shoot lspirîteâ controvera>' hetveon lie avn- ('ampa>'o! lovg an beenthéoJeu-i slrin, Ibat* île>'ouhil lalie taken outcars aven tae. Interurbain, ré# W aCcson I lt he afint i ut.o ae te bat o blu iph Agent Cul ver anal the auditor 1ens of interurban trad dthe avuersInn sepreutlveofaithe.luteruinfront, the soneral terni ofiqm'raode' thelbatenai st ~ csly et, t . w ioere 0=11uria nts tram the fft Ue.Meatiie 1the lfecl5 i lite asYllNuîiri vlia ainorWi, hic hecauipny' baiad sequi rouls. TIeodotraltprovision 1raids of te countrno 50fhere tbe cuctng a frelgtât' and peseger' rand, aithoogh iltéle o1d«;rc ondý mn-p vIii prababi>'c h lo *@ 10: 'recentl>' given ita hlm ion probes-lit ng oionerdiscussion te founal lu section 9: comninlteos. Hilm totilmnio 'mas- ho tra#c"lr sia eprenentative Bant- iurnt4h Sqcirel ëa u&lp~ ceas utac " h. vdbi four orise 1-Tii. Cg.' cas.will ps-sb&b- hem îruae. oaithicbill. vilch eatrgea the.fpatter regardea as represening the attituide it a! of-Gin.C simaeilfsa,. sore onellnavtee anb>'a 't as e iy cene te an abrupt eind. Cin' iated SFour Yser@ 'Aga?, eetIthelnlerala.te commerce ectulsi-lai lb. Iterurbin Unes,enensil>. Fus' Comblerait as Rall-ode. Wb Bonda "ifill te lprovsion 'o sani an lua IlefISudlia ~ -'< nos- "a lm .chief wîtmousefor te t tise j rd kno l igjht for* lie sian us ta ffxlug --ates .classification», testlman> vue fl aed rgeiy oundi.iTe , mon;tha sjuil WIal vo e lwvocel W 1tlnbWwuý4 price of silence lehu bi ta keep oun ocof iTt le ciaimued. 'l ha".V -UWratns anal dvilugthe. proiloeeda. i -rsift, Su4jip umm,4iWda.- s*ls4g AOc..eM.«d b~Me-sI~B~o'.- . Hie nmaefltsbi tt et no anv .ipisottt mi,,Ot Io fn~our foyotealagth« e ehial beurtdivisiala int 30.1rals. TDclvnoble- M " atliaho 11ev aif sno oesmma'm et NoutÉb-bua ll* 14. Codes, péwb . r an the day lie wu mcussifl aesa laI RAtaid>'OdyIbs mesn.' 'toi~us 'baia-rnt sthe compan>'.!eau" Pri l a 1 Iis: lulertws-Demirm-oila JIW« -a *00 oeg -e' ta iopcfiugb 0"4w*, » One.- e» tthat-w0« ,mat silsoattervardls ta balt a sear,- lng wuto tld the. effl efCon -àticlaidtÉei. endssftlat be expecte-i fRates ion TraMter Prelgis. ualdotriat- miebt hDe afloa emu- jtrté rendbain hbin camtrnced fparat- -inJure illpa lten o U- aI~~rl bain@ bîîth i>, jbspa- Du plaffd ut the E10010s dorepay the amous illa charge-! ThocommlaslOn 'hall not. ovtever. martial ralînmil buelues u at yet ino a llnsaosi-auriîraid le vîtb-biles" isetu parlit mum enotsan sudreatives pi Eligin and finaliy syu.aa iih i a hn lvogetbîhan>' disougb route, cladsoni- over>' senne0, no feSr autheir satonaer la a 1ev milesofa ilstton in a large j on the lient o! eoiettajTQsue,, 4 aI the henlug yesherdy ay oa dilee--- 2-'Connes-sean Insane mon Io *"bornav' frnm lie cmpan>'. Cou- cation, or rate hetve.u streelt, Inter- bhthsriesu vs concernal ite>' vers Inu-jclty. rau vaut a lavt, o Ibat the Intel, 1 fosmedan Sd te Ms-is t ,,ite l ha via athenaledi the hearing tbeore cannot b. prc550ltud, e. trle ah- ont.neelve a asalir>' ai$70 per mori turban on subuin eleetric passeuses- terus-hun elèetorlc paseugens naillwaySst.tie commerce commission allait have une elottoi- onat boktba e npo Jiàçe illamsbutwbodor no hae 1leqelshes-lago Tt lu clalmed. anal dii ual fiid the nie uMncet ta nalvwaya and alrndorda iffalient Ife expilalnteal tbat mut oth le elelo1 e pavler te moite the steatinironal le. luconsolidsllpg ItemSsogé, 1 a chance ho getthle rauî ita«r>'as lha 3-Tis suret>' cOnuSpo'tiret live loton sud asupport bis vire sud: hriactrer."in tenunhan ral-astI filtIoda>' bave ester le oa joint rate WItli the.elec- j1101 k" bîe ht wu cogêu.bl va a f ni h oigmnwm went hi. bond willlhase t0 meott w reildreji. The Ortler provision traier disette- joint rates and tirongi routes vithi tl'i. nadalnsd yettas-bld-thie sein ver.ibehéothe oi-flkmo I w oui sci- Wss <<il of unhl tiiyuimtg mutn an IdSO o&* legsVin e tathe'Boit A1l RiAo&aln la foundIn lusection 12 vliich'r&be- it carriors. vidi a fà evexceptions, 1ita frntrm quirniuf that el=oticbat lton out. te b ltifra it lis-m lu a tuoremaine itramp o! mind. Lino Company. ' 1' i. lectlq r Hvors Apo- boutIl. '. May' ho Moral>' Ravnge. .- - hl iaanciîmslcigsea Later ina1the aihernoon Auditon Sut- lêIes ta lie acqulisihion ai panalel an vauil ho deprived a! thoio ratess' gentl. Th lber ýa udpo-buti. 'Wiether tie accusation la 1the rav-t-- lr f -eeritri heM n o f h etUearie e n 'Ing of a disoralereil mini or bas au>' lons o! yeelyrda 1 h5111 eUe w h AtfticrneyGilnervla glorber nl leat founialian Il uietla ttknavîu. - the le h.I '" 11 - -i *- .I. !j ma yltea ,W Y ¶muaa e ac n .. hit.gnmu.1 màiru 111 r.nn @t*«1.i"l oafnl i It la ne. enedihesl bere as a mater alatement at Ibis lime non v>iii 111,-:!LOIVRYUes '.£5uO af tact. Cannas- aeclareal diat he Atditan Hid Bohind DorOi?- local attorney for the rad. tank anc hind o! the pi-oee-lsansd '%1en ral di-e<etly accusei ai hoins- Stale% 'Attoruey' 1ad i>'uialtii IOS S I tiealslegeal anal unkultuavuacomplIce s--uil>' ai an allege l banhase oai7 Moaftennoon liat Ibe' uater liai been'iH S S-O I the oSier tva Ibirds andal bl ubI c ansd tolal b>'the midi- cleif tateto es> iane apent ti, mono>' vildI>'. - lr*F. H. Wort. thst Il vaula le exceelt tirougi thc uevspspens. rsHuddadFrtCo- What Asylum Offices-s S-a>. letton for ilun 10malte a confession -eHudrdad-Fét oi Omfieen ai lie Elgin bosPîhal for thie-Joseph . Cannai- declaroal liat i. Anethe,-A-OI Insane vien interviewe ai »' .;y- e- 4wotld nover malte a Confession ad! The mesuîug ai lie troquent confer- ,verte te note -ln Ai Ponton t nocen taS>,,sala: tiat hv ould kitl inisîf rallier tdiSuen-tiam utaflernuon l al tknovu,. but aconda' T:hat Cannat s- enotet ail vie- coniem l s a aii. He pls.eed hieii another anuest mai' ho made vithin td',, lent[Y Inuainod Wiîhobut iaai'band' on iis tep pocitet, y'lore heoit ex nty4-lur banit. if reports are' M s cared l n îwa mentie. Nle in n can-letI a revolver, anal sali severato b le believed. .r TRIBUTE TO EVANBELIST a V esoe-ous condition, eîesps tiera vante "' wh~ven ho d, .The Contononco Caliloal ltile or Shai taI, js dopreasal jtraveling anaNtos- la repas-led la bave:Luttern'ibis afterncu lnfrartnlni Two sanglluats who .are Very ' Soon -'andl daspondeol andl roses oser te l ii. teenrefuge beilual. i ons-feurlng va talie effet i-bal States Attorney 1j90-1119 te Waultogan as-M«stnO llae horloge Il the. lime, - tiat Cannas- voulal shoot. Dsiy, Atorney' Gilbiert sud Auditasl-j ith Tha-ling Succos out West cublinQ a mtteeieus secondl per-, Algoal Mthaeft orCoo-, Sultan ai lie Bet Lino vos-o losteal andl -111 fOPO&t it i-ee-Tribute te 40"~. 'PM. netialod edb> lie aleégealde-.li couference and list qulck - atlii LesyalModb>uMwpar TDe baspital aulionitios sayi>tatisultiug cosbler- ta dovan up bis specu- nua h! tuosî i egr OnLs- y a l nMoe, l uaw& vipp Cogniacae Rs ampli' aie af ton; litions vis a choer one. He go sd ile futier arroste. - ' (lmom Watlnedar'g Sua.) 11INE 'I U TEvangehlata Lovnry sud bioody via MII-NU T jFNR I UKY MAN Ç f'JP RY are la beglu a campalgu li thIis Cil>' Io bs d~V5Mardh i OUiare meeting vwoh grgat (rmFinal Thom Agajjin. -TRIS U N (qi da. Mont. At letrenoait MO0 lai (r Weduosday'm Riljysun.) mid. PublieCconfession aet tir failli R j u E I e raWeta lucit> day for . At'lu Chist. As thoeee 10 sisys leil FOR SU TI I>E TlItalZ ed Pner. Ho recelveal verji: 91(rou WednesIaTs$Su,)î aithela- cania ln thîi i d t d dubh. - iaIbils paruet book coulaimllus $46 Poliviahotu. b h1918 Mm leseiundsirofa!othens wviii ,et lie - na arailînat ticket analavss Inooteel. Suremé Court et Wlsconsmniator tcittliai abeen loundiunltevsanisteganal dhit Tic followinit tribut, vos poli to~ Affirms CoueIlisu et kt- . ciPa stor-e, WD0eeho liaidrappoal lb. 1n0 «o- iant h ai> ia-oCi meniber o! lie xart>, b>'the ra Bnwaii:t. beon lu a store lier. for di. lIte>' vouGrasec(ilsa)aman fscq na e e ,rod us M ba ben l astoe ter fo th enïtis ornngwhe al thigui-ninge viensn rce youall aaneclentlaus thoerMometors sboveda -purpase a! buylng, a bas-se blahitltmuaur !Mblv ,~ ueeting of fouir veeme, for a lOcMl dealer. Aller -bai < latr f e elw I a'tu As an evungelut, -4n. 'Lavir- taon. ShotCliferdSmlh.1 Ii.ty-leftt b. stmor ethes- custemer vis4 trillee hlisr but Ibis la a gond ave- 0£oth$e lestava Ton b g rsaDUicm ville la VlioIiity etf IOilng aI bîSuietsansdFlliers»,w ale- frlb fnmla hMn i-vl o ivlnning upusbsele- i - jet lota10the faon, l'he avuer -et then sud iortheoreou. uMa la er lu ov-cinglie pus ie niae Kenesha - store at ana. notimietti 'înir ethe . tradget e n -e epeethe se - tat. H lisi lien cnipelealta bs- '*0 Zioli Cit>' Menifurnisiietliq ftram ibI t tunigit. Wih ( e- (Frmodier t iaeoticketa_,ta replaethe cpI>' tMroosîninct Othle iaY tbip mon es-e llumiuated, b>' tem i lu- (Pomeednesay's SUN.) test oaès.. but cosiderÏ liumaîf malts- lan. Tic>eviial -otahle t111r1s-4rd tz*tinu, sparkihg itt1110515, ua*ee Maison, Wle. -Fel. 22-Tbc Su- lu no e lls- regalnlng hilspurge.. 5trent stiontleCatch a wcar o u f t! DU1101-ni'pungelit qu otattoti lia>' brmecortba amud heCovi. 11. #n te .Car- bunipeal -gthat ID.>, are Iresfroni an sesusonad or- vo. - Ps-eoe count aleys tammm eal onvic-ba*I -roerà hotu baud ds lI a s- lreature. co ma*oro anse- ~ce q Jhngoile' orli ms-dn NALETOATTn» FUNERAL %'«Mts-s ..i uth. hairt patlron î auen atieamîesd l et e( ý»s-l .muItb of Lbtyvllle ou - f"01111 e icas-ru a" lihealtheo mni)e'5Wtli Un, a!of Eilmangellet Iovry.t ls ptehlg Mely 1et>' rs te o. ofSon- Molle,'1 0f Leenai-alNHtait col.d ole cvear ' b-Waullegan. eiaTnti kbelnoWte*ale ft -th b>' lînae e luaund - Tas-iamelersnear tunattiri>' rut- ai ocal(W Mthe, (clIp vib ï;_47,- . , rouaI>:'. -tv rarh50. ~ #.«. of the ai, a.,. rdstStaa'aiIsut serao ut thore vers some ieb a aunm lom fo j e. "M #rareD.he ou$" c .1. 5..i..i.e..i) âwi 5tW o wa»U 4: mu dom ever>' lsea!of theWord. Hoehbu a o~eéeVnvtl rseo$0A gantai, simple anal a ilnily word fan ! -'fgRets-oit v*0i dlptribut S e& aIsils' uil anal exemplilles ln bis i10se u fOtl~tmegénfiutg ApmguSt .1 tescbtngs ai the " nof Goal, lOver>- EÀTU£ Te foliwg Nt et the aOStUmms boyvas lmpressed with the elucert- gjwttt vi-iopooleg -date.,pua" MOulut et t>', earnestnesassud humilit> aoflte IJKiD CA 'purswu t, e~oui-, anathb. pphi mansd be gaineil for hîiseif a very FORraio a lOISapli vTs s& vas-m place ln the boasta ait te peo- gruaiesi: ple o! Uic comnunnit>.. Dite. City-. Purs. "Duslothil.tour weeks' meeting bi entlini lnChicago Fais e II'4 t Wge a- S3,0 arrangeil bis sermons no as le caver r Menties Lcal Mll"Ju> ITorve ia»' nte, S35.*- ail tapfie. necessar>' te arouse Christ-i Jul>' 18, Grad lid1, Mcli 31,0q Ian people, la Couvent simn sanal Oval -Juis- 35, Kolaumu. hidi ... 40b", place b thi e oi a comnitî>upan Auguat 3, Daet xièb-...."0 a liigbes-plane. Hia altacus-ses, "-Tle -Auguet 9, Cleva"i, 0O-......x" Stump lXggeil andl 'lopular Amuse- f 1:AugusNew10. Pouls, IIol -.. ... mentas' are masterpieces. His spoclal Wlth Tb@ 1 treek New en uga 23, GahebuiIli ..... 0mm services fon men anal vameon 017- lur' as Autant 80. lie500 areinvalusblo. Oneoailb.eepeclallyl hi ed -Septeuho- 5s.miiue. iu.- . ,0 stnong features ai bis vork la theF - [Septeouhr 1.ls usIeo, wis. 25«»e palnstailng cane and thoroughl>' scnlp- Cýtn for Greal *oem crcuit Ment- Soptoniber 10. <Qumuitso. -0.. 000. lurat metoîbo W" vu h ic eb ho ats ' î ng ;for Ihe Cus-s-s.t Yeer VsI l taho- Octahirsi3. ffl*gold, Ili .... 20000 vithi lie couverts, Coitais-býe; cluds Mutet aILib.rtyvlhiis-Gr.in Octimber 1'IeIQ Tex-.... 00m leavýe& nothilg unsaji or îudonevbhich Stoak - froni Famous Farmsi- trNavutDen1, Ml-Pau., Tex ... - 15>00 uloutl tend le lie permancncy af theI Llb@eýY Dile sla ldfor Faiic> pricaNovret. 0.. 9bioI. Arts -... 35mm ohOi. auet mieHerse Baie. icharid ratta. 2:07%.vws sclq "Pecoess andl Mrsi. !aoody are aile- for O000et SItetiago Horme S9lo agsiatrte lMr*.'Lowry. Prof«osr I '-(?YnomWednudiiy*o Sun.) Mbniagr. Nicitel Grattainmetg(c Moady poussse- a nici basa vola., -The GreantWestern circuit bas met, oolr# »»Y i fOIW $419 anaRendu. powrf nI anal expre.sive. Hi. seonasbsiao isva'aidaetfrerlin rattes.& aiitlibrother te Soles GratS are anus villi greet effectivenensansd ptýa-nd amlied the mile aao avaisettuSffol ioviî fes-140& TD. -te gospel lu sang touclied man>' 141ertyville w'ieretore local -trotine «Yt tbid Wmo h e 'l 0"Ga»l beats the spaken word de ot ua tts earc pufllng long faces. - I -J uIiol>'atedoue t Ot ibm roach.' As a choir director ho le ubn- The ouI>' chance tsit for- the mile h 8eiji etahllnerà san -à ..b ani-passeal. He bad complote contraI icktenefor a e >pull ofan anvis- &0 Sbler sales vers: Quseu ai the chair front atart le bII ntsisd liçumeet on an &utoniohlîe, meet or- Grattas.f. 0; as-net Os-aan. PU,0 lte venu-dous b>' tie splendlid 'alios-us tva on Its fine atrethbof aval tIndu. r»» ý$W Lle0330e P ; unaler Professai- Moody's leadershilp - G. A. Kcellen, af Pensavs ne- iloasattan, 35, Sud Perioami,3»0. ba tisai a mo. nnt nvabletl Ualv .i,- - - - - andl inspiring.part of the meetings. R>' Dhs eai>' vil anal alImannes- lie svas-the cangnogitimai t wvih. Hls consecratoil Chistian ceiaract«i sud earnesl ponemaa efforts, ,for tbe saJvation af Bourg flta hlm ha an abie aaltinî 10 BVSugehisl Mouds-, Mra Mcci>' isanuessolial belon oft Iis vas-k. ighe ls a talenteal, tharougily- Sunscnleal Chiistian vaman anal bas leit ber Iupreealan upc. the Oommu- nlty-. Hon vos-ibas ben «eplaflY f nuittul luahoe ntaot ith. the OM&'n >iesof the bIgNi ahool, la viuou sIte taitos a. %acil*iý»t. 4qterepreiddent of tue iGreuatWeus,. ont Trotlng cirduit et ls,.&nnîsl meet- bas l Chlcaga. 'Wý. RSillinger, ris igs. as again chouan seere- "- nll-suner. Roti eleclions vus-ounaniaous. - Applicatioqsflras-demittauce vere roéiveal from Graniid alUM, Lasns, F.Wayne, Wiieaton, <Cleveland Mdu tIlilans utile -fain. 'Pie oflicliaI, i;*mu urocoodel la the arrangiug o1 dates for lb. coudmeesn. 'A meoung cof1the llilffais Valles- Esc'e hIýÉ cIrcuit yl h. helal laies- la lia Puesam Ito1;alqg 030 iiD FoespwIet SUN iw i ftes t. a (Ps-la 7dwoiesaysiht w Pi e.> mua"' Wla. lob. 31-ID. ai»s -aIl gOMeriS degatuoomahm-lilew 64. *efS4fi-oiet" I-eWr degesuiest -i roulat Oirees ai imoet otab -éf MW » smu, o . i