CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Mar 1910, p. 11

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PAGE THN!I LAKE COUNTY INýDEPENTENT, RYMRH4 30 IiIAI3 ~IU~R lu ~i., i avilisf I ih llu i îîu- ofih TUNNEL. CRASHIMRS 18' ~ ~ A S u~~l hauge uuuîîhu-u-ii urilu luni si a sI o________ 1W A1S CONCERTItattiiitatiii'i liC Disastrous Wreck When Trains PROMOTER CAUSE lM is That J.' W. Friend '"Pulled Off"1 Concert al Union Grove tic cerf ukega. wortho Ik ,Lin /ery yar, -nothingi than hal wX Wl PUBI )RKING MEN Waukegan an An opportu swill do doub ke this cuvent rs swinq oper the greatest,; ukeen. It wil 3re---to buy forj ney if you havi interest as a" le. Read how 1 Searly at the get yQur shar Stock 1.IHa~ chandise " SA H. S. Matthe R I-RIENDS T NbOT FAIL TI ... l-tE SIOC9 &D Fa Il allow car fa e of $20.00 or ing twen Comic flPotu Cards Sent to WouId-bo Actors FolIow- ing Oscovery 11116orts are that Party of Failhfui ' Vollvànss Orgahized Under Names of Imperal Quartette of Zion and wlîh Noms de Theater Went to Wiscon- sin City and Gave Concert Event- Postal Cardesin Ftoode Foliow. Theie reiietsftOai ii-rViivaa ChUrch ai Zlîîuî liii 'are irilit13 ,iitik- ed over thec Londîrt o f one outhli chief ans who lmaime, saidtota le on thte ggrolof ti- chritritfor $100liet Uionth ait reicorîlîr of lhe Ziaiti ten Sl lma ati'gedtht tli,-goiid ewn, whli iiaite 8.1. \V F WIo a li ic-ltknîawiîhl.ii- i i iiiglI forier pomih5 n t li aila lia ifor, e Nation-aliOffice -iiliîiiaa ntiis territîl, a aci li i tiii 1,-i cuit ofut c iiuii-ilt ms liiihlM usas giyen tralon (troi Vi-, lion11sautior- di&i nigiti Sevet-al niwl-ti i1ii ifD-aii iiiFr11 liii t=Ully look lta iii lo - iit-taiiiiîint ln wî!e baiig iiclilîîlî- i îîl IlNsai-i Mion Cilit tli tît ten dlliî i- <-aila *nornlng pra3eri-ri ai- thitslait ii- $Md to1 conaiitte a iatiill ii andl hai reaulted lt r ontlu lu, ig -ii that ite remain ti ehbs Ia-îliili and abtaîn fioti tuiI!î 111 lll i tertaintuenfta to hp tii la Thte conceýrt w as il-i ilii-I loi »qters wai-t lluî tiI lu .-Il- , perilIQuiartil lu- w iiiZîîî i îa-in, Ibo quartette , ii i- itii i 1r a- autfeitnanîî-s. iii.. fîllî lit li-ing i de titeatî-r miii, ii Mrs. J .. FriFlCril iMr, \Xliii 'l blet miss Luille P--ii-iîi M.ilR-it Nia Lucy Fri tiil . Gien Rayuuioiriil i ha-i u.1i alu iii iii i i 4rthur MatuiiXi, IM i1,ail It la reported t 110 i b liii,ii ils- III li O ii he <-h ' i ii i. iii l .ý iiisi- ill ti lýý gel 1e ral (aiN l , i 5 , PANANA RULER IS OEAD Jus Dimingo de Obalda Expires From Heart Disease. Coi-aise Mendiza Takes Oath of Offit- Vf'Ielnt Tait -'d Wite Cabies Syuîquaihy. Parraia ' tar, h 2 tus Ilunilinai de Otaidia piuuieur ttiiTti l ;-ia. dda heuart dIsiesfa iii i ýin ii lîisa of loir 111s i lahi art ir,îlt- ac iauii aiti I i.:f i-iet. i l I 1id n -w di- ia- île~~ ~~ ru iuu, i uliertd it- uîîi lne, bt il iai,,, leiiîli&id iui mi-ýrlosouaî a ss liit iié cu a fuil uathy a1a 1 .uu1l, d lîian uw,- -hastitt stiii uiii i l lit sa-uuié iialalo 10t i î tueý ialii lit ail,- r-ii-f itiiiieiaItiily as'r itI- tresudi-lis decîtiîm-arail -' 1 ,- ibody, ustr iriuWrt, >rlui n ulule li titéi-u-n% riti- uioft lie ltuig i Pl ftitrul mil] tua- pli,- t<51534 uios,- itln iit i- liii i , ofaluji- t -t h fit i iii (sii ul 1h u, , i lii- ii - I lt il 1 i tii - n oni l, i l , , alii~u l] - i-leur) Il 0 " ht cuewi-d oint TAFT SENUSS YMAPATHY NOTE Extois Vi-tues of Deceaseit Seror Obaldia ta Sticikeus Wufe Tatif i c lu-. ýiiingt it il - dadi, if t-luilor O)ialîhî i tstl i 1' uulcaIiig th-guuoî lia Senura iii, I l1- i-ai il, ll 'tuila- r 1 hîuluo a hu lu ...r Si t li-. rliu, tr i, ud ii iii C a, r ,i. il , ,,i * to a li t-uni t h,î - i,,->hi oil hiulu ,il i mari a 1ru,- patuiu iiiiii îîîîailil ad naiiiiaio,, sgeatilinian utf liteliglii-st courag t i lîcrac-tur andt iiltiuri;a c <11,t (fairi ab'iilitu anîua d a ,i-î ian frî idT ius i-i i v f i i, o n -ru , ut ,l ift1 biuSl;li auj ti ouir udeuh uui Collide In Hudson Tunnel. First Statemmnt Issued Pute Utamne on George Phillips, Motormnan, but Later Iriformatlon Dispute$. New -York, MaFdeit 2.-Fghui-en pler îiuîia aire lnjifred. tinle oftif iîsr- iî.t w hi-n lte Northbiound litidson tunniel train ltey were rîîlng ln dasbetl lotolthe reair car aif aie- car etivat ibe iemporary' letiuihul of the line at Twenty-Tltird atr,-I stat ion. The ie rsi extîlao-tiun for the cause of lte(,colilision 10 o b lumlii il oIl ,îîîî lu office oif William (' MicAdon, the prealdeni of thte climlany, lait1 utc lame ain Pliorge Pillîtîs. the îîîîaîai nman of lthe coliiîfl train. Later arban more fatacs are blte poea ssaîionî or the u-iimtany, Vî(- PreaitieniFia I 1suit a alatenuea wiliadituilthatillipitrain wa comîng daitaî a siîhitgraite Irîo titi Tasenta -Thiril auntr au ition asdit itI ha litî iout nul of li at rain or'ai i lita lutatiliy tlia i la- ic ccuni tîr TWO POISONED BY COFFEE Mother and Daughter Suifer Two Days Before Former Gets Aid, Waihiuilloui tPH Marcit 2 APi aniidi- rîldalitier ipe il ciffî- * l 1 tîîrîîtiiir burn ai a oi-ft iia iî tî il istoîîîîn ln i li.i aifC- i- Amanite liait,. îîv riîîllî reoi,ý, l-i fron lthee i--i aunit]-c tit ii l- fleari-si ni-ti-lîli<r flii -I Vs bh-ib ait h ma , n îa i i 11, recover, tbe%,a-,ln ca si)îi ýi <nli lion. Ti,- daiîtîivi s a, ill îiln qcioit a No roti vao iir the ii 14i- FROST DELAYS SKOKIE WORI< Wîll ha Rapid alter Dredge Passes Si. Paut Bridge. 'l -Il' -atiAil riialW ix il- lîli i ii- i,,aancu it i aj., uil ica-ili li h ; lii lii-- lii- liii r,-I-ut -lu gîta io ii - ii- liii îri lli-l I l i 'leF i and gut- tai iiit ti- marcheas hi-i1 ini ii i ! ij, u lier,, atnd aititig lot a bi-avy th-a. FOR THE SEASON ON -Suis, Ovorcoats- and PantsI The splendid Hart, Schaffner & Marx kinds. Positively the best clothes m ade. We can save you $5 and $6 on every Suit and Overcoat. ,iu'~I, i -/ 4/ - I -I Copyright ignu6 1v Hart Sritaffiner-& gMai, Our prices are $19.75 ip 4 1& , 4 $16.75 44 66 46 $14.75 4 1 44 "4 $12.75 44 46 " $ 9o.75 Worth $25.00 to $15.00 Tout SMAfi11 Il HARRV G, ERNEST. [rr~ tial agi," iJ i -i îu.A.- tîtîlla Xiiiî,-a Dadar it lof the cas dry, tii I îand tumgrylie lied aCu etigagi-iliii a il 'ii ,ln iiiit,.Ii efforit ail -e îîecl eratheii metîcsroa,îî, iiiiitkukeil list aillt.ut. iiii Il li a iut iei1r, toiîila seat t aithetaille niiti vail i r .a servant ta brii fali alurie ritî,hiiiiiiin.The Capitiaiis i-îé[erer if thle inesas. and la vai*t iI ilent criterer. %%lieu a lîuuice&ia hit [aeei set Icofiire hlm 110 asked oif ihe meal tvii la1îîcet] i t berel "Julîtis. dlii ou order the supiles?" 'les, sil .Xiii iune lien ici my giuirters itiu ee mlijur,itiaiiati-r. ie sas liera tu al - o cli.ii tiîsiîiwu ai'. al' * )DiI li l i.v y he ca lied 2' -No, kstr lit- îlldîlsay itliui 'bout u liai lie aiiietM tscelyoc fi, car. loutit 'i~îa lieen soîîephiîi ey 1tir- iii îîlaîr. fa be as c ldBouie aim e ti' 'I a* lr, lie s i, ai l 1) li'le l mit -1-iiliig did lhe liait"' 'X iiataeenî ot ait auhîtr. * ttli1l ;il ii l %N'tXlat dît lie îlîî alli lîiî ilf abatît tite , ! * X l.uir. 1 duiulicw huit lie li ilil i l 11 -laiI li île il lie. t'îlit îîîî i 1li Iti giill iiplaIde wîîîl'i i sel, t1l.îuikeit lai tureli) dei- i's iia and 1vt '-ilîîitîeniiiitiii(le lu-g-i * d îe Thie i tîlliiii ,lus l ibuiit lii put11 a p-"f Tuent Ili(i, i, ii.iiiiiiit11lie, lhilbs ort, a feta lii'lîes fnîuî iî,î o aur il c ared et litle dturl li l,n x s un"stuil de legs îîb île XX hit ariti? 'Ilei.- iiaiu Ilîl citeowîî LIS kîifi aiii fi letited tait libis cr zili,îî,lit iii i i raii lits 1ucrket. liekir alcîî ilis lta ndit glive a liii îî l'ic- i. Tli-e i s 10laniltge lit tlis lall foir fiI iti intInuteswhawtinsiiliiiîi ie, gatittt, luis uuifiltisbei tuuichiiieii i tua fiithIe taille. tauqk li l, 4woi iiitlitiiiid coaût and teft lithlie s ilîuîîîî inîg uver tu the olilterg' Ii)i. lie fuwitci-i crut men ptayltig lillii iii iiui Itli-ii îand tiheroentereditotasaorît i i î,tg waIt t htiena. The resuil i f tut itereiic-wlll appear luiter. 5f e i dîys citer ibisa Captl iiilut % iii ai rilil i üer to lthe quartera ot i lii' iii fa iiirý, w iero he met Majoir I-i.iîiiij(ur ho aald. -*Hen ril au a ire iii ir itt, i tartera;theuth ùr dal i, i,1t aasait there. A îîy- thlig sClilIt' -(ab. ,i' t %las arianîl 3unr il i mîtlîiai( itiiiig ta, Iaaiid ttuitt 1 tWll tii-i il. H ilei-i-kni' t uldu , t oîîlîîîlin eerin At llîî illo r tlie fil--crs "(I-llliilig Ill l o s, , îa i rielit il, a iila DPii lIg ilth.iii Teeait tlle c'il whieiî ail %%--ra-e lig, tîuiîieafier :% g'iud idvîalîandît iliit3 airw iiie.XM104,17 t'eali laei î%'h', lias l at liaid(]lit nia klîg îîclî Iaageý*slsa ki'it î,neofuthti iilic- usliiglî [l-'nîigliit te C cik waus fililili(, iluîr TPl- ieili-eriiied a wleri-îiîuIxwI eiilieîiiter of- tereit,,tu i' i-t tutla siîîilil tîabahut It w as aîi -itîuîîî iliir i lguîi re. cTheip ta, ls1îii.iitiii iiti- 1r osi iSev- i-rat lii-i sinjiilui r bl-l alad uie by liosei iatîpool lisa lu t ili ,i gîit of lthe table ut wilix h ibî- Il le aittling. 2'bcre was u tiaiiiil ylit gettng the (,ti-Crs liii,, île p-i. I tîîleed. es- errsniitoîlot i,h il i-aluotteit hlm.I Ta-i e a itencwter illîlle ilîincuîber of Ride belis. Hie hit 'Cio ilia iu he(din lier lifteîr liai îg lasli lit is liii? acouuits In :ictta aîîe ual licait tlit-luof roney. Tthe tiguren-la!ie a ied ta a a liree fooet l uan d îiucigllh Il, l 'l' Ilie otha-r figuîre's ismed rittgeul fîîîîî tlîre e e ,aitdi1tire, qiirier tin-lies tu i ree teet o one iiiiila i itiiti biel-leis M'l ieu I li-lits lire all caite tite î-cllonel uatt tMe i-lialiliiliilcets'ln te- gethirl t(, iistiiihue ae izler sulit the ~ aitgsas d te il iii.kiowlng if thte pool, aStui4llutiitii iirmlid 0t tiike a i-Bii-t.Ilttlie -iuiici-awere att (atteti. Rohe askpd if un>' one w-îî d Iaile a mili e ut avilla hlm. t -eiîdbealer reinarliei t iat tic wottd ilr CietIfaloti1hll ail uts rk-uîtv cash. aras stulied. The î-îlîîîîeilTeri t lnea- Cell:Itlts1, O. Uln lei if il stake, snd Letailtetîler took Itutu Pur $50O. UTe ehaltaia, too. remai edthaI ie hall tiever mude a tuet befaiore lai hislmIte. but bo woutdîi't mncltakiîîg Rome- thlîîg on btignoaets. But 11o one would ateeanilite betas wIlhli lial jWt-n lthe fati a l aiItlabeen put ln ihe atakelioldea bataiîs Itle quarter- nuasl",ter wss'iscaltait ouiait icastire ltae lght <if the table. Proaî-rlng a tape- lins', lie îrceeêdeal wtith the work Rail sautîreasoit exî-lleîîîCîît aîîd many glantesutai oitueanattlier aîiong titose whlose tiîonoy aas ait risk. Fl'naily, Saithliistiib ou a point Ili thetapie lainitiiizthe table'$ tieigîl, hohebl the tle up 11)tai tic hi',t anditan- Trir-e feted nîe and t îquarter uTiteret tu mîpl tlii-re!' citl aeibtue nd cbeeked imjelt. Mensutre Il i-ourlt' althlie quar- Dont Miss- These Greatest Furniture Bargains of the Year Whether youi need $5.OO or $500.00 worth, now is the timie to buy. Every -article 'of furniture in the ent-Ire store contributes to making of this ~r~I nnua Mar( gaI so that by pur-chasing nOwN youi not only save a great deal on vou r pirchase, l)ut you have the opportunity of choosing from the most complete and attractive slock of absolutely reliable furni= ture in the city of Waukegan. It is utterly i.-n= possible to give you ,,n idea of the magnitude of this sale in our advertising, -as only a few of the items can he listed. [low'ever, a visit to the store wvill give you an idea as to its scope. TH .ESE SPECIALS, W-41LE THEY LAST, 50C Plate Racks 25c Only d limited number, so you had bette r be on hand early,while they laust, durinq th-e sale, specidl each 25c 75c Magazine Stand, 45c A littie stand, trim and we il enough finished to grace an y roomspecial for our Great March Sale, each 2.50 Hall Rock 1,76 Want a Hall1 Rack ? Here is. your chance nice s i z e with mirror and num. erousarms; reg- ular 2.50 value for How About an Iron Bed? Have. you ever sýopped to realize that oneithird of your life is spent in bed? It's fot becamse one may be lazily inclined however t'le sleeping part with most of us is the truth. These iron bcd which we offer during the Great arch Sale wilI afford the greatest amount of comfort because of their construction and I ) durability. Special attractions fron $25.00 to as low as ..... .. .ý...... 7 t- THE. Pantsundreds of pairs of Fine Dress Pants and Work Pants at be- Pantsl0W cost t reduce our stock. PrIces $4.25, $3.75, $3.25, $2.95, $2,65 $1.95; $1.65 and $1.25 and 98c. MII 19, wÉauka' s Largesi Fumitue StRe tN IT'S NEW HOME 1 8-.$OutH GENESEE STREET-I118

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