CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Mar 1910, p. 13

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PA«t LW LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, NAWII 9î 0ýf Unusuai in.t.erest Notwithstanding thec extraordinarily busy winter sea son we have passed, many of our patrons have beseiged us constantly for the past month with inquiries as to whether our spring uines had arrived Our Spring Line is Practicadly Ready> Hein has just returned from the East havinq made the most profitable visit to 'New York in oui You should hear the comments passcd upon our Spring 1i me of Garments by satlsfied patrons This sale, con-mencing Saturday, and lasting ail Following WeeKl will preserve the ac1Know1edged supremnacy of Hein' s 'First in Everythirsg" 19 10 Suits -,th the short or rnditr; iength ceoat w 111 prcîait trs sEasDn It ' qut. a problenn to arrive ai the m'osi be cominq ength ard 0oni1, an e normous stock like ours c an .f .a va'iety. Orly a few E 'orcial %acep ' pring suits, madle of a vcry tir'e ranama. Thiene corie in ail the new shades iîned with noUe, and worth $12 for 7 9 New spring suts cf ircted worsteds and chifton pania- aný These are new i lln cither 'laîn or tinmed effectis wo rth 1 6 50, for10 9 Be aut ,ful new chiffon p,. a,a of two in effect, hand con'ely trrrnmed with lorrj graceful collar cf sik. mcd wrth Skirîce bSsatin, 12 7 woth $2000. for A d ec ,ded ht-Sweil sp; îîg sui of shepherd's plaid of fine quailiy, very tastily tiînred wiih black satin and ornamer 151 butions, 1 .0 $2500 v'aiu es . fo0r SwelI xprîng nuits macle 01 genune Freic erg-S i sui in a fine examrpie oi ihe ex pert taiors expression, n a peîrfecti y plain leuc you recognize ai once the ear- marks, of the ,real y hrgh prced iuit, polntiiuey worth 35.00.20 0 ,9pecial S pring Suits- A SPECIAL COLLECTiON 0F NEW SPRING SUITS -EMB,3ACING OVEP FIFTY SWELL MODEL9 MADE OF FINE SHiAOOW STRIPE PANAMAS, WORSTEDS AND SERGES. THESE SUITS COME IN ALL COLORS. LINED WITH GUAR ANTEEO SATIN. WORlTH8 $15.00, FOR WaistsSpecial JUST ARRIVEO-F!FTY DOZEN BEAUTiFUL NEW WHITE LAWN WAISTS,-HA NDSOMELY EMBR.IDEREO AND WORTH UP TO $2.00,6 9 Great lot of n-w taflor-' maîstin many pi rtiy combi rations of siripes and c-lors, salues up ta $1.50, pcai t79c Wehave m acle ape iai group of many high grade autwhich are1 ightly soied by hand ln;there are tailored and fancy waists inth:slo, Up toa $1.0,ai - ..4 5c Swellnew Fenchlingerie waists; aixo big lot of fine .ilk waissihrown on one table, :orne worth up ta $350. 19 ake your choîce 19 New sprîng fanicy white lingerie wats in a great as- sorrimen of preiiy desîgnr, of embroidery otrifrnings, worth up to 82.00.,8 Spl endid assorirnt cf sheer iawn waists, madlein many pretty new designis, ail handsomely trimmed, worth Up ta $300. for. 1.50 Lot of new taffeta and Messaline sik waiss in many new designs, worth Up ta $6.00, for $298 3 9 and Special Skirt Special BIG SAMPLE LINE 0F NEW SPRING SKIRTS MADE OF SATIN FINISH PRUNELLAS, IMPORTED WORSTED6, AND FINE WO ýUP TO 6.00, FOR 2 .8 9 Specials that Will Win We have a fulll une of ail the new models ln Nemo Corsets. Ail oui 200 buttoir oeils n alithe new *hades for Genune sea grass solitl leather bound suit ra"ss orth 3.50, for Corne and sec the new hair turbans n ail colors far, Beautiful lune of ne- fancy back ccn'bs morth 50t. for 79c 1,098 25c 25c New tyles n tcrtoiso Ban etîi's, ,rsn50c, fi. Ne. i.c c f hac, cOrnhs, mrany styles bo choe fîom, uorth $1.00, fo, Ail 0cr regiar 1.00 G D, and R. & G. and 'Narier Bros. CorScts ïl.lcx tiffeta ,. ii pt.ois, ,~tn 0 for 25c 50C 79c 2,79 Dainty White Underwear I .,ie lire oi white pottircoats, nceiy rrnbroidered n maicy new des.gnc, mc cli $1 00, for New lot of b 1 tf.iwRie iqhg 5i tiîîîmedî mus 1,cc and embîoîdc ry ,ind morth $2.CO. for A splenzlid whie rnssin nighiqown a.eil madle and nrceiy trimmeil, wortii $1.00. for 69c 98C 49c Beautiful Dresses for 1910 ausi arrivrrd big line of new dresses macle of pi etty vvashable French madras, thse eonee.n ,y new c tyles and worth up 2 9 te 6.CO. for 2 9 iS/r have had esi ecially maJe fDr oicr pairtesa bravi ft,. spring dress of ligit werght m4coîir batiste , handsornely embroldiered. corne 9-95 n ail clort, wortln 1650, for Juxi taise a loois aith e necm-, Is dresses w. are oiier,nu, ai t hs prî,c e Weneyer have had such 1S) a pretiy lice and bhey are morth15 0 u p to $2 5. 00, f or NCm whie peitro Oic' of speciai design of la, clr embroîdier cd ch ry.irthcnu niS, .ýoc 1 $200. for Orecai lot of n-m deGgos ii, corret covers, icaidsoely ti iriinied mith lace, etc, morth 50c, for 0irgham Petticot, i.. nasiy tyles, old the ail over the worid 31t ýOC. fer 98C 19C 39C Our Capes can 't be duplicated Great lot cf fine kerxey and broadcloth capes, nrceiy trîmm ed, t hese corn ein bi1ack and 1,lie andi are worth 10.00, for «3.95 Fine broadt lotFi, rliîîaîy cprs.ticý,- arece y lonq be.srialiy trticiecd in iry 1 c for1l clors. mci tecop tu 12.00, 4.00 Elegant ne. chiffon broadiclohcapet. cmade euira long and full. haïidsomciy timrned; blacko and blue,, all Migh shades. .8 8ot 15 .00, ai .8 lareat lire of sample Sprînig jackets for chiden oi ail sîzes, shepherdsr plaids and fancy noveiiy mixtures, morth1 $3,50, ai . . .1 . . . New sprîng chidrenis dresses. suitable for school or dicos, worih $3.00, 1 9 for 19 Great loi of new chidlrers8d,,essex, ci y pretty paiteens, for tis98 Childes bea utifui white drexs. nmade cf lace and srlk nib. bon.,niaies an eliegant dr es s f or.9 confirmation or parties, worth $10.00, for 5 9 In Shoes we Always Exceli New Spring lice of Chldens shoos, n ail leather, morth $1.25, for .. . . Special boys solid leaiher rchool shtes, button or lace. mor-th $2, for Soys and girls dress ishes, in aIl leaiher, button or lace. worih $250, for ulia Marlowe new sprrng oxfords, sdaIl over ai $250. 98C .sal. prce, Ladres' hand mcii shor, in all iailici, 1.19 bution or lace for . . , . Ladies' Jua Marlowe choeex, olO all 1.69 over the worid ai 1.39 1.98 2.85 19 10 Coats Our patrons wilI undoubtedly remember how wu 'blazed the way' with coats durlng the past &ouson whon you couîdn'i get it eîsewhere and sometimes you evIn falled ta fînd t in Chicago. If we were "right" then w. surely lead now. lusi imagine! ! New spring jackets of good i~ ciu aîity ian covert cloth; positivOIy I~ worth 5.00, for ..... .... .... .1 9 New spring coats, 52 in. long, made of beau. tîful tan, wide waîe herrlngbone cloth.' worth 15.00. for .. .. ......................... 98 Long tan covert coats, sweiI gray mixtures wlth hlegunt two-tone affects; they comaein fullIengih 1 garments worth up 50 $16.M0 for this sale .. .. . . . .. . . . .. 09 A special colIlection of new long sprlng cOats, made of fine Imported Berges and novelty materials; ihese cornein swellî3 9 modela, worth $20, this sale. W. have made a special effort ait thîs prce and nt no turne before were we able ta offer you such a Bpendd assortment of genuine values ett h15 figure, the lot In- ýcludes many fine French serges, beautîful diagonal&andf satin finishedi prunelles, In ail celoe, Worth up ta $2500,15 0 S pecl.1 pring Coats N EW SPRING JACKE'IS MADE OF FINE BLACK B ROADCLOTH, VENETIAN LINEO 'OR dWELL TAN COVERTS-ANO FANCY NOVIELTY MIX- TURES, ALL ARE MEN TAILORED AND HAVE THAT HEIN QUALITV, POSITIVELV WORTH 3 , UP TO $7.50, FOR skirts, Special GREAT LINE 0F FINE CRISP FRENCHI VOILE S.KIRTS . GEAUTIFULLV TRIMMED WITH SATIN BANDS, THIS IS.ONE 0F THE PRETTIEST NEW SPRING STYLES AND WORTH $7.00. SPECIAL 309w Nrw blacks skirts, madle of serviceable panama; these comaein pleated effecte and niceîy trimmed, worth $3.00,.... 1.94 SweII ne w skirts of fine imported Cicilian cloth; theese cornei n a variety of styles and colore, worth $500, for ...2.79 Lot of fine French voile, chiffon and panama Bkirts in over 50 style& ta choose from. they cornein ail colora, 8pt 8.00 .. .. . ... 5.00 At tRis price we offer a panama skieS nn cîther bleck or blue iRai wil poBtively surprise,9% trlrnred and well macle, 8ot 3.50, for. . - , -. ... . 98. Great lot of new chiffon panama Bkirts, &orne plain othees neatly timmed, but ail strictly man-tallored, 8ot 6.00, for 3.98 Special loi of fine new speing skir%&s. ncîuding soma beautiful Wooltes rnodels-Altrnans veiles, pruneilas and imported 6.95 novelty worsteds, ta $10, for r Sp eci a GREAT LOT 0F SAMPLE MADE 0F KERSE-.. SROADCLOTH AND CHEVIOTS AND WORTH UP TO 10,00, FOR .. . .. . . . Our Mr. hlstory. MIu Near the Post Office on N4. Genesee Street Waulieg an, Iii. Car Fare Refunded to out- of-town customers on purchases of $5.00 Ims irter pro- op- peg, Loohi in the Chiidren's Dept. It is the most comslete Childrens Dept. in EaIie County MILITARV CAPES, ...LU

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