1-11 -fCotTNTY INTDEPENDENT, FRIDA-Y, XCTX 4,1910. OROINÀNCE 202. saal alao o bu mut 260 teet nortirerly ie 79 réet; ahve antouhfrl nd 1t RUN. FOR i LUUIS BE14L IESL Ait oiîlitînicu rovîding for the con.,'Irthlie mentholéetaItireIntersection OfBaial rise on a Imiterai grade ta tire nîng structioru of a connected systum of, the denIer hueo o! North Aveuer pro- Intesection o! thre conter lineofetFirst boitef DIfLI!awers with flushres manbohes arrd duced westerly by the conter lineo! St. ry lthe coneline et Nortir Av. senti iLU Î 0 sal n tire Village Fmtirs manrie ta bu constructed seller shah ire 82 feut &ave village Dierc .~ S~I>I3IVISO U T OFrBet.Npodfced weglery. at wirLake sintiaIld wau astoio trm ndcnnc e t the intersletio tire center lire datum. ivs 1.r2 asmaole te bu bnd o ytie uit of uwberry Ave. prodîrced easterty Tire grade oet thé 8 Incir sewer ext abovi ta Sp* Tceait ffr MVugGok Suo eht-OPr-rotLbryii u fna*pNovBded hy the conter ins oftfirst Street Pife- MiIl Court, et the Intersection o e i ewe 1p Spaak of ~for ti-,fri purpose oIrer Ihan by specisi ducurl northerly, sud conectlng Iir hconter lins et Nortir Ave. iy tire con. fer 3 Seody-oot yn er Parents ai Coritza ln Greek Macs- asaessament. the conetr ot sald miac said 10 Inc sewer ou Frat Street, ter hueo et Mlii Court produced northr 'If I5f %Wbéisy-ober D. ynn, doms, Wii ire furfod with Rit«s oftbibos umaocated at-s point lu a par,- <aidut Ilo ch sewur sirffl mn wester1j erly, shah hoa 70,8 tqet above villagit'IiR. Oesw*r.at and Joui BShasare 1aogtecne oso ebrydau, rmtectaleêuhn"al ýr4ftu Gr-ek Orhodox Church-hnqueat ta cul cf rend arquired by aaid Village Ae alo the et hobiné e t erdtrinus ftrom thncoe 3t esetit.rntsha for Assistant &upervsor. et Lihertyvilie hy dsed tiatedSetm Av te5 airebub otuds trInsIamnros30ttsuir ie be el a 7Ths vein-D- eoei tthe' Intersection e!fbire center lins erly tirerefroni said sewer saral r1sE on1I irelda 7T1 vnngD-br2, 95 rn Jh !Nuwburry Ave. produoed wesberly ou a unlforrn grade, and at salid ti Ba twa, i meting o et lire l arrVIlle o Liev is wlir , a la bý,the conter fine of Milwaukee Ave., uru terminus sald sewer shallhe 72.E t Wl Otintttehst righl, doOt- 2. tut.as0'lyfrm psognthlaat whir point tire alshaht h a Man- !est aheve village datanm.&aal Ùtb±meetIng ast yoar, whurî22r5uorth ieas!t4ryhtave., Preducedhelne. Maries siral aise hho ocatod Tire grade o! tire 8 lnch sewsr a, datui canpdbeor ir 1cr (îFronti Vfdriidays Daiiy Sun.) nrtie soutfsaN ornhe.t ot16o ck aetthre intersection ofthtie cunter lino tireIntersection et the center lin()'ista 4ilor and tnughifefr îtlace rto î. rLmii. a atrieyoiu ir of 1i.)f died 1 NWooridges Addition te Lîburbyville, poNewberr ve y o ls c tr e et IS otrlve.,it sud S e .. o ine , which saldt Addition (s idattud sdarn cd nrhryo RlySre.I igaubrl hhh-7tstabovi aou atluit h,.Iii-,MeAiser ho4lhiialrîsar 71 recerded ln tire Recorderas office o! sud aise at points 70C feet and 1000 Village datuin, trem which pit saillibe Otaly norupetlon aiai] sîllsear ast rirylît as a resirit of au accident 1Lake Couly, hIlinois ho book G etteeut weet etftirsIntersliofettir eswer «hall re on a nnitorma de sId mltitsuprvisorBruit tirer-,, ltIî-AieîaiSui&Wr en lt ae 60, train whicir point aaid con ter lins ut Newirerry Ave. irduced ta ta terminus, at whlch point said çnAi Stiree Dames for iis office- e AVs ivicauntr'wîhe e ieuttraii swrsislr-nwetry 2 t easierIy hy tire conter hueno!f Fürst isuwsr sha irebu805 test above village Whie ,a.' lrIywihh vni all point shal uIbu entur lins1 otlx) irStreet, produ onrtirerly, lu tire cen- 1éatum. atml tirelle.let loy Ave. sud Irslire oiowing Streets, ter of Nuwherry A ve. ITirs grade ofthtir 8 Inch sewer oi u. ~05 di 501 pp a1 file lits vne udCut rpel hr From tire manirole te bue constructusd Second St. northeriy etftirs denIer rise il . em- .in tlIraad Village et Llbertyvihle. at the intersection etftirs conter lins inse!fNorth Ave. shal l he76 test A>1 b stsd uirt o.fi--e o r- ulr'ar N adtr rtWr ortir Ave.. III Court, Fürst Street. ot said Newherry Ave. hy the center aboyé village datura, at tire InterZec- ha spevier ahie as B l a t lil wassiis duîy t10limaie htrrnel Second Street, Eurague Street, New.-lhué et Riley Street, produd norîhur- lien ot thu conter linsetfSortir Ave vila Js lah iuî îerribty. Il usg-ained. berry Avenue, Riley Street, Hugir b'. sud conuecting wlth sald 10 loch sud Second St., from which point saith kDbrtD. ynîi retire otier 1-srsdé a O Martl treet Street, Mhilwaukee Ave., Lakte Street qewer on Newberry Ave., an eight aewsr shaht ris on a unIfonm gradi el witr tier-Gruk su iadhee lasd Brainerd Court sud providirrg for ini ee ialmnint îu ie t t terminus et whîcir point it ishir on c ardidaatus lu ordur are: t te rc@adhu en lteIr aioetsald improvemetit by conter lins et RliuyStreet, ta tire 'il-ihe 76.4 test above village dâtum. 11 ptntSuperviser-Robert D. Iis corntry for lrtfen montra. IH1e specliassuasment luvlcd or tire tersection outilhe ceuter fine etfRiley rTire grade e! tire 8 inchr sewur mn11 lousves tour smtersansd two hrotirsrs, proerty ireneltted sud the dividina trulby thrécenter 1une et High ir soter on PIrst SL etirhe lu (e one oas.hBlairaesud wJohn r.sierner o! slitrplsemement luto fintalmeuts Street prodood serî,a wrrterstion etftiré cunter fine et Sorti r e onuuttie aterehdiomtehde u ssuîng of lImprovementpoint there shalbu a mentholé. Ae ro1erwaelyadFis t Wkr-Gearge W. Hulcirluson. Waukegsru. Tire parents are, wel-te- bsuds (ho for tbu crealtiaof a.ni-Z Ivrron tihe manirole le bu constrocted sAe prooc5 et or ilasudratuSt. nr ~Bo-.~ oga.do tarmers lu Oreet Macedonla l ireheIicIhavlng tire prîvihuas et usingaiabthe Intersection et tire conter linset rom îirsncesaidt suwemshah ,,risRe a lete-. . daw. Iw i oiz n rlnsbv en ad5Wd.e adRlySret iry tire conter ineson a unlterm grade te a point thelI ««to-R. . Altarcuriiratei tire sadf newa le (hem hy Be itOrdslrred. By tire Presiéent i or eaid Htgh Street, PrOduced conter line et Firat St. 30 fel souirbi *Id Commssortr-Joii îS Peohi cth'. Ti nqlsnhi b ul t7 u ordejrst !tieVl age eurîy.and connectiria wit sait'erîy fom tire Intersection of tise cen-ti et tire mavaill.rohe iternit is o! el e 7 1..bryiie onyo Lk n igticr wer on ltiley Street, ter lins of First St. by tire Southrfine ~3i Jhn . eiht~t.ibis eveliiig. Saeo!jlnti.an elgirt lncbsewer straitl mn prtduced easturiy e! Lot 4. block geau ~oo TusesJ.lu Bumr. The tunerah will lie s'ybioi Sectionr1.thi~ a aonner-ted sYstem tRiwe Streetlo a itire cner u rgr' rgna ono bryi L>.s ommiTrutte-- R iP.i -Inrs. 1 O eer1i uaiemuoisaort 1g tee o Isac t680 accordhug ta the plat Iheot rprordefl l0aCmiteR M-nal,1 omorr-ew afti-rriont fronitirhe iarseno eeHwt lsemnoe n fuel, at whlcir point Ibère abalie b1jln Bock A et Plats, page 42, aI whic1- No. ImIke.W. flwhiite.cîrauel sud the Greek coutîndienî snts wihRE ne oaary a manirole. Manbolus shah aise bu pit adsee hll hire87-fel aboven Wke W -. m t. ý,hooxpristfrinChcao hoof iand sîeclal casting sud ail otirer lcte t00fe ansd 535 feut wesî pintvsd swursa 1oe b~rîmr iis year (0 tiro tthej . utirst fIli eCudat wiro ot-located 00 - h b bu a itmreinecessary adjuncte buho o4itrocted sud te ftecne ie aao nfr b1 cuecaddtsw rrîrcited 5Hi tire Rouis funis- laid hlre-,ug ef tire itrset t, r cplr u illae daum: rIeom 410ce ste ýra -r Sédt, rus adat ats'lawcr-e aI tht'audsau)deesthe u Bigi r Strotf reduceol eastsrly hy gaefra itr11rîr ~'scarole whiliu hst year tire,'!dsihé oseiie.whicir willie struets, avenues, courts and parts et tire conter fine of Rlléy St.. measniredgrade tor alditancewet 4 ehaibst a wre uioftirur.acordittu to lie complte ritrai i truets. avenues and courts andé landa]aog iecutrun tHî - tru.whlcirpont adsw hhie9' la wee ful offilon. ac luntire Village o! Lilrer'tyvillieCounu jrom tre anrolinof High tet ~ if.above viage datur:fn ntmsalé taninre wi éiud audy- ly ot Lake sud Stade oftIlilneis, as, tirscnthe lin e t lWako5Aved Inpoint saad sewer siraîl risu on a uni ' t 1 ta 7 Oeclock aI tire oeeplace, flow:a point 20 teet norti o! tire nortir lins orlilradue 1Sta e st ern termpinslift: a Besiy mailbougeon Shelflan -AA ewer o! 12 tnches tnterna] d(ame- ot 1 of KaIsers Subdivision, o prae îse.aIorri pi t teall l tan onc ihaong utr hl e 0 ee bv tirhe corner ot Hadîson aIreh nanhohe t. e bu hutbt hie Village tItire conter huné et Milwaukee Ave. village datura. l se tahIttie or nothilg doing ftrrt North C iUg hrtyVillu out ot tunds pro- for a distance of 663 fteae man- Tire grade efthtie 1 Irncir sewer oz' 10iehelé lu a sur-y vléddtor sailli purposu otier than iry ho]he te iretconstructsd at tirs Inter- FIrat Street, ronnlng netireriy airal. ta Vétand tire oniy waris tirat '19 11 p iiI eiucal assesamunî. lire couter o! salut sur-lieuetftireccnter lino et MilWau- ireo82 test abovu village datura attire ; u. manirole heing locted al a pint lunlkes Ave. hy tire center ins o!f2New- Intersection ofthtie center ins of Northr SfdvOlopéd cniae hu e r' tfrrom Wennesi aYs . a parcel of and acqoîrsé hy salé Vil- burry Aile. podutted westerly, at- Ave. producud Weterly hy the ceutel and fortir. Te asome' lage o! UhbertyvIlis, hy deed datud wbicir point salé aswer airail conuect line of irsI Street and treinsaihar klr 'rumela hu'C ( T.socal ive bytir rSeptember 22. 1906, !rom John Wecl wfth tire 10 inacir éwer t e olaid l-pit.s155rari is naui g othe drmwards, batIas a matter Ladis Aid aoîiety of tire M. E. cirurcir1 riége sud Cshie Wooliu'dge, lea aid Nwer v.Maniro1eashah alsol ferumgrade t0a apoint at ihs intersec -r 5t lu ne ard as lie diisio welattuudeé laaI eveuing sud Village. whIi h salé point us 22.5 fel ire locatsd e1tire intersection ofthtirelin o! tirecenter hueno!firtSr 10 ont air ldivléuul. Bacir ward aed. easturly aloug ths parttli neo!fNorthr conter lhou et Higir Street preducué produceol uortirurly, sud tire denter tuî Mg IIIII aIoqoman. Hart oe thiUO-i hlaattieW jyavenue prodnrced, frem tire Southeasîl westerly. by tirs conter fhue ea î- u !Nebr-YAeRroue ater hi ý»9M Ijistire would notire a ran- Pr5-yer meeting toigit aI tirshomne corner ut Lot 16, ut Blocku 1, Wool- waukeu Ave. and aise et a Ioin lu iy, ai whilci point tire grade of sa IM- 1h~~~ ~~ bWast.NuItre-e t H eny ndgu's Addition te Lihertyvilte whicb iscetrlisu.ll ke v na-ewur shah bu 84ftest abovu vîlago i ~~~~18 ~ ~ ~ ~ b kiéR!caddts feu11B loe, wiro ias berr laid up said addition la îltteé sud recordeé ;b ite-:ctofotthéecAnter hneo o! rdatra., front tence salét 10 lud a for- geveral weeks witir appeifuécis uIe eodrMfie fLk oî ilwaukee Ave., 30 te outirry 1aewer runigwaliyonNwur f 01 0_ il s atîs Io Ile etaIweru agaîn.r ty. Illinois, in Bock G o! Plats, page frem tire norîireagt cerner ot Lot 3.1 Ave. saal rîse ou a unitorm grade 1(r- __________60 tron whicb point salé auwer airali r Scireel Trustées Subidvision ot section tire Intersectoi o! li te conter lino 'IL I'oitlîsl cîrchua ar-e bugluningte1 run wsesterly 121 tiest t0 a point lu tire 16, township 44 nortir range 11 easaýt iiRlIeY St.. predur-eduiorlirurly b.,A Mili lph edtor maltes t(irisap-gel busb un iprospecrtive candidates for conter- linsotf orth Avenue, aI whiret tire 3rd P. M.. tire conter ins of NeWberry Ave.. atitn ý o dehinanuent sbcies Fs h ir ftetreadre'poinît here siral bua manirche; tom i rom gai maniolu ta o eceusîrur--whih point tire grade o! saad sewun ni( sý:rt orpohtacr iuors: li ie Orsu tr iru lsmnIthunico,sasid 12 inchr sesur shah nleiiteiteon t1ir ener hah buo86 fuel. sirove village datura you pcks ané igtnpdîaI.aiose terira of office expire lu April. weerîy fer a distance et 3010 fe ueliueto!thiwnes e byoftire center Prom thence. sablé 1f)loch ses-cm mn lÏtor le huugry andétlitsPaper Tiuy ar-s Stanley (Gorake lu tire irat Ialoug theconer lins et Sertir Avenue, linosoftMilwukeemAve bprodicotert- ing wustsrhy ou Sewherry Ave, shah n to hust, weve trustné yeu for. ward. William Ketis lunlire second ai hicirt pont tirru haih bu a man- Il sudof onuetinryAvWe.rre salé 10 -ts on a tultforin grade for a distance ýa rmentire, airédid Il with aîind H. M. Hanson liritire tirr. hl; t mtruce salé 12 inchr susar ri ndit sowur on Mlll, fAei,,40tetatwieir point tire grsdi 9=1 .etnnfrein IlcniIachtbsalé onMilswaueeuAe ado tN no Jt r ire comîplmnt' Rou loI astlonapsiinshah miun wester-Iy ahuug the conter wt si 1 nc et o Nwery rsalé sewer sasl ire 91 tuest aievE Ptut us tom a while. otrre li' inîînohueoetNorth Avenue, 230 fuelte theuý village datuma; fom lirunce saié aewsr m, o ith N. FSrhaaf. Interse-ction efthtie center hune oft Ave. anu lght Inch sewer siral mnhl.1.o a ifrngdet i te~ed5 0u atcina antlthY WritVan Perry ltifrontrua scaffolé Northr Ave., Iry tire cnterlhue ut MiII n orier lrin salwaukeece.ogtr ahmsonaotrigad 10 i duwss Jimry oues coue ai ireCoutrrIextel uénortirerly aI whicircrue Hee MwahksAv erapint 00pot atgaeyf salutren.ar asué go de m es on e lt tisaialstatioîn -st-tday andrép' it hielu alirehoa manholu. Prom' distance et 1062 test lwiicb point- wl irt ein3ft sa gr lade eat uwa; an-; d lteanr-ss ilieul bts Iaiît bdly, lie salit1 nrh5we hh oither shlaithobuasmartiale. Manhoes] sraîl iren9cfel airove vriill ie ai 1,18 en 1tire hog train ani Pr-ggy iesp îi svrldysa uo t s-u aîrri282 f ch sie lner suciborn o bsahl]ae bho catué etthetier B en irencre alé heer uirsi rlau n o be~~~~uttr ladni)seeerdysa arsut wltel a2oettate'nerehinof ý,.W tir grief, gond gesir slrigirty. o- eM- u M-.Tn osî tr -netîi u ot v i ienontf tir e nter lno of'%Itlwaukeeuof -e nter- une ot Milwaukee Are Born tgi'eIa,.manreliefToSyiehs tire r-enter hune of Seouéth reet ay 1 Ave. -e nter luneo!ofAppîuy and Newberry Ave. produced westerly Tou ivi a mn rlief a hel hbel girl ilotier atdé hild are' hcntrln-f eodStet iAve.. pi1odieeé wsturly asudlaI points' aitwhiritipoint tire grade et salé sesaut o Us»nickels ané turn ]caeutirh els tg-oeh-.1bth i oint tiere shallieo umauholu;' ài bm 'em hoose anri wiristle sué ry. lr-urnthenîce salé 12 lnch sewer sirail in tirerenter lhue ot Mlwukee Ave.siilre00etahvvlagdto r ut er tausandirrwhilie rnd!eryaî tr-dnerue t2:5i teci norti ofthlirintersection ofi f Tr rd thtie 8 inrch sewer ron i !4,bave otrfrms hr wl oithe r-nter lins et Newirerry Ave pro- ie t. hl l ~t. atoiés o tie iraarget <nr-NortirAvenue. 288 fel 1tea point, ali ducué wsturly hy tire conter liue et ima gsoutirrî nRu S 0sa fi Welbd mOakhelin ierf i R A W wÀîy-hi point Ihere siralilbu a rn5nhohe; 'Mlwautee Avu. sué aîse 51 a poin 86 teut abeve village datîrinaI tht' e 4 andW'dré te ar eli AU RT 1N A N Yfrein wltir point sasid12 loch sewer 20fefoti !teltrsciu tIintecrartion of tire coutur line ot Rîlil ~*bébl hac. Dn ielI siraîl riweslur25hy ahong tire r-entersetionA St. preduccué nortirry, by the conter ^, sol til rytlong ch nce t eu. er'Wado ahwson- lce t N rtir Avern 1the ponter tire conter linsous! Mlwaurkee Av (uneof Nuirry Ave., sud fr-cw i ~~l~Hnr aId treof Breatch et irs enl-r lnel and the conter linso!fAppiiuy Ave, tireur-esaId sewum shah mrise tonr-à, çt takîng more papers lîrailh- actons ail Day Veterday. of North Ave. producué westurly hy priî-éwelr.nu torm gradle te lire Intersection nuil W5fl tarus; bît l t-titirer-nIerrlinoîr cfFiri) Street, aI Prom tire marhi e lie constrcled itirer-oner lhue et Riloy St.iry tl( MWirtt en;b t lp o ov Kir-îîn \eliî,liv s Sui.t)rîichptint tieres aliesltt a maeni-lut a pint 30 fuel aoutrerly 011 tlie coter ine cf itgh Stret. prusi D printer, Sîrd lur-h i ithlItua i aué lit iiiripoinit salut 12 Inch rsewur ru-iter lino et MlwauktoeAve. frein icaster-yt Iwbir-h prinutiho-grade oel- WroW, and fins escaphtie siritr- Vr'iln liry Wari ofBeat-h mlis aiî end. tht- cortieaint cerner ot lut t. 1 fr-)hot salésewer allahi h n1foet abovu, Uite égion downbülowreni (ilghs boufl-t(. rîiibi Vihii i1gi, Prom fle mariete (te ronsaructod 1Trustees Subdivisionutfsction 16 i- ýodaîrim. S __________ - r h a)rtrrtlnouriî iiofZittni ty istmal tire îîrîuerîon et tirer-enter- lino atoresaid, aud oner-tn iigWtb the 1I) Fièdgxent day for.,Hi-§surîîte. - ntor:îlcg te irr-satahedici outMill1Court -preduceol. by tirecernterluirrero lrukuA.at Tregdeott' nîrswmer ~.O iavia arsudtîi lii, 1h i-)t ladé w)- fumîitîr n o eo! North Avenus, adsué tlg gttInh sewer sairaitrilwe8lerhy Higir Street ai tire intersection et th(ii Wedwlth ir - elIo Prs i. i,,ýilAe i firtleadwithrsalét 12 loch sewer. au8 nch er a distance et 1400 ted te oa point conter fine at 511e>'St. and Hîgir St3 Ii. la approar-bînr. (On oîrRtt rr hi h-ictrrîrs boteé aud Mr. War-é asewr gisl cr ousetiralonig tirecr-rwhich la 20 fuel, uer-ltettire nortir producu easlerly. shah ire 99 ien Ml 1 lireromet lta(ie teoiwbusa as ro --uîte lire grottait aurt rtrter lhue cf MiII Court, a distance oftlhue et sailéilot 3. sud viirirpoint raireuvillage datuma, freinthiers- tha hfalE4,to ala150fec atwhih pintthee sallla on tirer-nter lhue c! L.aku St.as, westerly salét sewur sirali ise ou M. Tile cornet rnay I(bsu în hrKtf etriv trIh'tic egb 5 îît I-rrcrpîr ie- ialnew orcuhlsé ai whilerPoint there Iunîtormu grade for a distance o! 30trl gr the horizr. u tari dty ostrrsay ireoa mauhole. Mnjet twihpitsi ee hl L w tireirorlunt. stmnnîontr-is sa i ah day ustî--éay roni tire ruatrhe to e - xslrrué shalaithobu contrucrtoé a man-hohu.Ma-Itsawirponsléeurirlt Jloiok iike iifi rdlniary trrr. Iut aI the Interser-tionî uttirer-enter lune iroles siral aise bu reusîr-uctué &onher o ie105.8 ftedabove village datu:ra;u. M lil alîproarheir tire sui flit-tzlil otSecoué Street - thie r-nter ln hue lihno!fsalé sewer ton Lake St. frein tireur-e salé auwu shail r-ls on t( Mh develr3P. .I il wIhou alest ti, Tfir, tbysot ildluitaway Iirot ofNortht Avenuandsu onuýctlug alti se calué, 300 fel. 8001 felsuéd 1100 a uniform grade le ils terminus, at salé 12 loch sewer, arr elbt Incir fue esut O e ntiresfr-lins cf Milwaun- Whi-h îpoint salé sswur airahiireb10% ,W', b;igtruus suand hiitireurresu i)-i- e iirl ai SItrersiile. Illi., wahk- sewer siraîl rom seutiralon tire conter kee Ave, and ai the Intersection o! test abovi village daturai. Il Mr for a tins it wilnItshow i-t euh mbtle Chisiagu('entrailîpoice aIe- ine o! SuerrédStreet a distance et s4id6euwer saur lire conterlhue of Tire grade o! the 10 inchir se umn I if agan for sevent>' iveu ual I HIt lasI nîgirt sué gave tiremseîvea 350 felt aI shcîi oiiînt tirrssiral raineré Court producué nortirerl>'. ni soutirly on Mlwaukee Ave.,tI ySSnhea shat b cngri l ire 100 ftest aheve village datona MIcamet ibas aousué more liuteresî t Tirey are ltdwaré Power-. 9 ysars rFomtrmuoleebutnceéattrhntrecinet(uIntr is tfMîaues e.on o lire r-nter fu on any niier natnral phenomurra (n old-bi;îHgir (asuon. 10 years ohé, san etthebuicntersection ot Second St. aéntd ranedCourt produceué tortiree>> !fobryAe rdci stmy ~styeara. il laeai. ,Scientisteansd JoseprhrFurler. 12 year-s oié. Tirey Northr Ave. aîdné ectinîtnawibih salé by tlire ger te bu ocalsé luLake mtireuce salé sewur shah mrise ou Il i-ls.lIsta hase aritten colonmes eraîroifroinotire scooniMouday and 12 lrInhsewier. an lgir loch sesaur St. as herulushove proviésé for, snd tamuiotngaet h nescinI .tire cormet sud astronnercs arei- altt-lIo thicago. 'bey salé tirsy - siaral mi ortir siusg lire conter fine connectsol witirsailé 8 inch, séwer ou ftecne iero iwue v ââlg nirirr molais lus îr-o.îanc for- ei, iinrandwauî ui t se seu L ilof Second Streel, tor a distance etftLake St. an elghtInch md «"siralet tire ente ln e M ihaukedAet Vendné b-. btch 289 rofet Iwhidir point tlireeliil rin ôutirerly sang the oléntet linsortireosari rel ae Cveé apinté3fo8 le a manirolu eof Brainuré Court for a distance o fet a uhllunLae Sconter inpoIntlu Fromeinlie nnhole te bue constmnctedIaant 1M5 feét leatire prssenttimarle tet lthee. o tir he ntheaet i ______ - - - -.. _____ ret the idiesctlon of First Street sud now locateol et tire nortirmr terminus corner of lot 3 ef thioni Trustéesa t ________________________________________Nortir Ave., sué connelîlîng witir salé of thé Present sewem on Braineré SulbdIvision atoresalé, aetsabir-bpoint 12 Irnchîrsewer. an lgirt Iuchr ewer Court. tutuwhicirit shah cenlsct. tire grade et salé sewersr aabibu102 Il i sirsil ruis soutir aloug tire centet ino Tire grade efthtie 12 loch aewer at etao vlgedur;rinhnc 0 - e! 'i rst,,Street tea ,miarhe te be tire Point of helun-lua aefesté.Idral tIdet arehvllg dtis e, in theucé mIl ~ '~ '.k-conistructsd et a pint 30ftest soutirer- ire 68.3 test &ave vllage datura, (s iiradewa ha oilcriReon ai ntheresn U h N e v .. Lsl~ y of tire intersection o! salé conter saiS village daturn a IIetb hiby 10ut t ttolndetîtli)n WIt tirspprua c * u~~~~~~~~lneoetfSirst St.b>' tire soulh lins oréinansé <of salét vîiage pasard and n ahl O oae tlr on s __ ~ ~ ~ rdue esateri>' of Lot 4 lu Bock approeuéJanuary 3, 189,bengo lu intirér-nter line et Milwaukee Ave. pdaé20tt eirttrsnr tno tlor 1 Wrgit's original Town o! Liberty- Dance Ne. 103 fixing (ho saine aital- 1i20 o Kaisrs Suof ivae n atIl Whflot r.~ » L.P rfo ct-ville, accorilua te tirs pat treof wlt, tire plane o! low wsater ln hoa1138 t testraeoe vuihageweal ait. isrcordéd ln Book A oftPlia. pgeMichigan et A. D. 1847. as eataishu1 b11p.ointt gadoe o!lagée ater sha 42- rmairicir pont, salé 8 loch soierb>'tirs trustées tof tirsIliois & Min- Thre grade at i 8 Inchr sesaur rari-. shohtrain scsterly, 30 test distant train gan Canal sud séoptué by tire ale nn otrryo niss eAe Afnnouncme thik e asopened aONewsad ptirs soutarsluet Bliocof2lt Bordm fwrapint age é sewesirai helho ie100 teél above village daturan 4I n hesuhlio le c ftan hc n aid-- e s a t the intersectIon o! tirs conter IlIns Book toa~*t ~3 NortuOéeseeSciaucka IlAddition t Libertyvllbe.nR e aeou a onitern radm a ofhb tMlsasukeAve., by tirecntrls Street, ln tige Muiray bulding, and wiIi coring te tirs plat tireea recorésé at the Intersection ofthtie ceteor lIns Ae.prdue comniete ~~~~ - In Book A oftPPisa page 44, a disancsetofSortir Ave. >' tire center lis-- eWrrravehreu e ssteri>' cerry aomplt flndup e! e ie f926 fuel. at waieirpoint tirere sirl ail î Court extenésé nortirerîy usé fotrngrae saétheeIraistme <if~oks M uznc, taloerlie.ghébuilt a meuirais. Maniraiet shah wihich point salé sewsrer al be 70 8wuk alan bubulît a point in tirÉlins-t-teut1-mov- vllage-s11-n.M.- e- he r-ener linsetonteWrulieove.fbM e gr~st~ ot bile 8 ixtch sewer ren- 5éction IV. That aaid imprv.lnéflt ,westerly on Lýake Si, as berein- e provided for at a point 30 fel ée'ly on the conter fUe of Nfii- tee Ave. from the northeast cor of Lot 3 of Schol Trustees Sob lsie as atoread, shall bi 106 tus; e village datum, from theuce said r shail rise on a untforrn grade 300 feet, at whtch point the grade mfd sewer shall be 113 teet abov( Fge datura; from thence saud aewer Il rise on a unitorin grade to tie rau<tin of theU lne ofthte aewer Lake St. by the center fiue of Jnerd Court, produced northerly, hich Point the grade of ssald sewer Il be 114.2 fe above village m; trom thunce westeriy for a Lnce of 268 teet said sewer shall on a unItorm raeai wbich t said guwer shah beo 115.5 fel ve village datum, from thence, dsewer shali rise on a uniform de for a distance of 304) teet at lh point the grade of said sewer Li bue 116.7 fuet above village Am; frein thence said sewer aat eon a itform grade fer a distance 300 teet at. which point the grade said sewer shah beo 118.5 test above Lasé datura; which point shaff bu Swestern terminus et the 8 Inch er on Lake St. as uow ocCul>ied. ho grade or the sewer ruugnIng heriy on Brainerd Court shah bui i eet above village datura ai the -rscion oft he sewer above local- to le laid on Iake St. by the cen liUnseto Braluerd Court prodnced therly; trom thenc Ba Id aewer il rieou a uniforni grade to lis rinus and conueution wlth a mai) ,l now hocated at the northeru ter în oft he present sewer on Inerd Court, at whlch point the de or said sewer shall be 121 fuel se village daturn. Lld sewer shall be ceuslrncted l n [)i vilrified suwer pipe, salit glazei id well burned throughout ils enfint Ikness, Bagne to be f rue fron, ac<s. warps. blisters or other toper ltions that might Impamir thel rength or lessen thuir durabilliy A six ncbhousecorrueclinu abat fnrniahud audfil acud on each sidf the ]trne of the se wer opposite ssci y (50) feet of fren tage, said Junc on piecu to buie "aled with a vitri Lstopper laid lun eret morts! ijointis ln said sewer shaîllbule ai 1with pffru cernent mor-tair, the aam buh made as nosar waier tight a DSaîble. ilanholus: Thirtysevef manhiole bail be hulit skfug the fine of mai Bwer at the point a herelofore dg Igmated. Sald man hoies shah b cular in forai, haîll hethrue (3j 't inIi nternai di amnter, walis an ttorns shallhole siglIt (8 fluche (ch, botorns shah bu magie of bric d shahl begin four (4)fichea heIn ne grade of the se wer, aud in sai teoms a brick inert shaîllifs forme fIhe saine diameter as that of lb ,pe over whtich the uranhohe la butl Ail brick ghall heot the heat qualil ,fhard hurrred sewur brick sud lai ncement nmorlar. ail Joints 1t u h ceh sud neariy ioiniud. Mortar ,e made of unu part of f resh grolîr tffrai cernent aud two parts o! shar ak shore sand, with enough wai, Lded tu give th1e proîser c(fusistenf' Ail nîuhoies shalihobufirrnished wt' andard cas) rrou ceuvrs weiithing n ss than 2(51 pOUnd s.Laduler rotini ,f v.(n.galvaiZfd imn shail bu bul tu the waiis of ail rîranhoies. ea 0f ho laced (eigblcepil(M81 inch iart froni i,[(o 1) u (Xit)nluIfami'm )ijesý T _) (,,i ) ix Inch (rferli( giifli rujit iotb thi- ho) (fuis uf ail nia ies, tu which a six Inch pipe vxteft ig th rofgh the salis <Oftthe irianhol iall le aitacled. the sarine 10 bie li r house connections The top) thr eeu) of tire oqlaidle oailniauhol ;allh lîastî-red w ith a hravy cen ,g o! cenmvitn) ortsr. The grade te tlo fth(, nia ilhffiusshalllo t iamo as li(- giar'- Of the grouud te location Of salît nîsuhiluý, Flushing Connîections: Three fllr frg connectio>ns î,lall ru e istlid Lire foiiîiwfug Poil'trqin lu liii t* I at the sweste(ru termius ofi, It îewer tulu if corîslructcd ou Sprag Street. t aith(eu aestfýti n ertiius of 1 ipwor t lt )ai riietîiou(Al 3truc). 1 On Iake St., 1100 ff-et W(st o! 1 -euler fine (f Milwaurkee Ave. Said. connections shaîl bu made jufifrling a 4 in. lue o! pro(rer size iIl hf water main cf t(bu struel if) 1 oointR deaignated,.1(1 aî)achilig tire to gîtificicut four l4 linch trredi weiglit cast trou water pipe Io conu a&Id water msaiu with the suinit lesig»atud points of the sew( Sld counertion shail lie mi through (bu mantholesanad thei charge shall bu lu fine with sewers. A tour (4) lnch valve of au appro, ptl fnl, and shutoif box, shallho bu sahed and set lu (hu line of sad ci Iron pipe at a convenilnt point operatioti. Ail joints On sa(d cast-Iron P (hall buoOf f arni and head, the h In sald joints tlelbe lwnsud onu I Inces ( 2 '/z d eep and socur caulked. Section Il. The ownurs and 0< painta of -Ihe lots, pieces and ipart s! land lylug wit.hin the district bE fited by thu above iniomovemeut sald district shah buiefixed by the cur appolnted to malte thre assesgttr iierein provided for or as shall iegally detemined , shall ait ail Lt hereatter, bu uutitlud 10 (bu use benefit of said sewsr provIdsd by hls ordinance. Right, purmias prîvilege and authorlty are lber given and granted to the prusunt future oners and occupaints Ot land lylua wlihffln said dietrict. Open aud connect ail heuse-drainE drains trom buildings aud sev wbich are now, or may bu herea couetructed wltblu sald district, sud wIth the sald sewer buruin tria Ordinauce apecified, ilUbject, b ahaîl bu mails and thé whole soRt 1 theruot, lncludlng t11e suin of eiht lsundrd seventen d 82/100 DOl- (ara; ($817.32) (beingîthe smuoilit In- -luded ila the estimats ofthtie presi. dent of the Board Of LocaIl 1mfrove- -nent4 berete attacbud as the ceaI, ot maiîng and colecting thé alibe"- ment hereln.) bu, paid for by Spéci .Ussgmerrt te bu levied ou the prOfler- ty beuefited tirereby te thé asunt thaIt thresaame may bu legally asseasued theretor. lu accordaince wilh the Pro- visions et an act OftIhu Genéra.l As- seuably o! he State ot Ilinis , un- titled "An act Coucernlng Local lIM- hroveurent.s- approvudl June 14. 1897, and aIl ameudiments thereto and tirat tire sald 4eui, o! $81732 shah ble Sp. plied toward the payaint of tire ex- pense o! making and coliecting the asuessmeut sud of letting and execîUt- lng contracta for th1e nsaking e! said lmprevement. ad aIse (hoe cost sud expeuso stteding the making and ru- turu efthtir asseesmunt rol and ecstaary estimaifés, examination. ad- verligemeut, etc. tc. counecled with the procuedîng therein, Includlng court cesta sud ot]ier cosaoetmsk- ing ad colecting of auch asassament. Section V. That the aggregsf s amrounit herelu orderud te bu assed agalust the property sud aise thl, assessmeut on escir lot sud parcel ut land hurelu assesaed shal be divideti nte feu 110) Installîmenta, tire firaI ot said lustalîmienta shah l krclde leur 1pur cent ot the assessment te gether rwi5ir aIl fractlonal amounta and the 1 ggregate amount of sacir etthéerm niaining Installments abal hé eqnal lu amount sund sncb a ultiple of oe hundred dollars. Sald lustallîmunts s hah bui due and payable In te man- t ler anud et tbu lime and ratee (-Pn tercat as 1rovIded iy law arnd for the j Ifurj"eof utaiiticlp*LtIng tbe collec- à tion of (bu seconid snd auceueding insfallnmentN ot saut asseggment. for aid Improventl. (<rda shah bu l- sroed, payable ont e! the aaid histal meulat bearlug interest at the rate or il lier annum paYable annually. Said honda shali l sorued lu accord- suace with and shahl lu aIl respects Wnfotrm with the provisions of ssid Ac t ofihe Genersi Aasembly o! the State oflîlinis, wltir Ils amendnents ran now lu force aud ahail ho ignet! lfy 1 tire Présdent oftIhe Board et Tru - le tees of the village of Liburtyslllé sud 05atteatd by thre Village clerk under tire corporate aeal et saldt village. es Section VI. That the P'rsd nt Id of thé Board ot Truttes ut sald Vil- Slage e sud làa hurehy dircted tofile a pétition lu the ofiuty Court o! Itke Conty. Illinis, lu (bu naine et id tire Villa"eof! Ubertyvilie. providing "~ thatst opss ndy Ife aken t0 levY s ,k peclal aasesllet for said Inipreve- ,* ment lu acortîsuce wltir the preel- Id siens oft tua orinauce sud In mofu ,d uer prescribed iy law. àû Section VI L Ail ordîni fres or itparts ot ordinauces in coufilct hure- tywith are irereby rejusled, id Section VIII. Tis ordinanre shahl % hé lu force tront arnd atter lisapas id, sage. nd (IENRY B.EC,12R. ri) Prsident fBoard o!r'l'roatees Vllage r Oft f lhert vllP . 111e. ,yh Atteat - thEARL il. CoHLE ,rT. fiurk . ot Passud Feb.ifilh 191t. do Apîfroved i-ehIiî ClI41fi ps lu Q O a 0 0 0 0 O0O0O0O0O0 O 0O0O0O0O0O0O In 0 REAL ESTATE TRANSFE98 ci id - 0 le 0 Furniahed by Luake CooInty O cd «ee o TitI s and Tru at Com PaBY . A - o ls o tracts of Tille. TIties graaran- o t, 1used, Masouic Temple Building. 0 of 0 Wafikegaii, 111. Louis. J. lurtre. o i 0 Sec . I* hý Tobin ,ur a t,I .irsaiaîrr hi lbuci.lot 4. lj,I, 2. Grady sari 'tHaliowuils Siib, Warkettan. w d hi- $ixf0f (10 igh W. Il. 5h10-teil) 61ii(i. i) buaclitesls I 1/S % Sir.6. I.Iiirtly euh- rIwir, W il. $510)) ((( by .luiii hirkholziiassiiwif, 10 Joli" nto & lBarbrara Aliart. 44 acres I(n H. Y he 1/ Suc.12, Freiiorît Twp ; W.i re- iîm îecl J. SSirooi* sud wifc lu Michael Mof or lielea. lot Ilir orthwest quarter er-tir em ast quarter section 14 , LibertyCillu de is, township, W. Di., $210 the Master lu Ciiaucery te A. A MecNIII Ian, northr 1»0 eet easl 50 fel block <ed , Gray lake, Deud, $1238 92. atsi Beolah E. Briglrani te F.N Johnuson, for. lot 8 bluet il. L.add & George"§ addi- tion te Watrkegani.Ii., $500. ipe Emily I)etuetrtes te KarI Kuodel, lot ead ail 7 and wuat 10 test lot 6 lu aoblIvislon rey et bioCk 22, Waghburu Park, W. D., $ 500. cu- ChrIstraîr Okoniewskl te C. M. Me- -c Fariane. 950 fel front on Tayiors ne- as Lake ln aouthwest corner sectIon 22, ofl1- Avon townshrip, W. D, $3.500. let Auna H.I Wheeier and irushand te bu ns Ehen Huit, udivded oe-S!fth lots sud 171'h sud 1721h, Lake Forest, S. W. for D.$100. ion. C. iK Hoît te Elien Hoit. undivided .eby a d onu ait los 1711/2 sd 172%, Lake tire Forest, Q. C1), $100. Bor irers ftr THESE MAY WEVD. 1 l'nie luI Walter A. Hageus, Milwaukee...1 iri. Tîay K Sairentine, amne -2... 3 oing t' grade i aces, Eu Iaughter he hous It May g t, at bd CLO FOI In Opporý *nd 1 EMEN and ei Sthis mean! band where, We'v-e left îo' Ssuccess inc Enesday mori t feast oft i Lito stock up fand ail you no bank on e ment wiil pay ped and siasi- Wednesday. the opportu dJby of Chicago OR THIE JSOME 0F ý0 VERY QI o eriabie tii it a distance ,Ipate in thi out-of-town ýa distance n ' e, nL