CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Mar 1910, p. 16

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- i Young Mau Rocoives ~ pintmont to Naval Service Te lks Entrance Examin- 1*5W for Fafnous School InApriorJune Fois 01v.. Commend- Recnt~;iîon of Lake Cou nty of W*ukegan by Appointlng a :YWUu Min ta Annpolit Whose -4b 01s6m la te Carve Way ln tAte ,Vn*sd States Navy-Details et Ap- (Prem WAdeoasen.1 Ceopresaman Foss bas ini a îîîosi uo«iesdahle manneen reeognizeit Lake »,Ibert L Conolly, son of ('bIef of »ý0 Robrt B. and hlra, t'oooly rot 40 *orth Siletidan rosit, iaa been ap- pItd a midsbipman lu tle Unitedt 'tea navy and le now a tuitent at tbe Weratz preparatory school in An- ifflia preparbng for the extrance ex- - - - - - - - - - - W.Ya"mUVb. àfl to ise Unitedt States mili- Idemy thora ln athar-April or ý , bas leen a atuitat tlere ;Ince :,la NSo~v.aber. Cmersueamn'a Telegram. Steletram raceivait from Con- 'lM Fasi teling of the appoint-c M* bic-h o courseminam ntrance1 to 1h.n apaI chool, 113Is ai ws ~,l~'gthîs day nominateit your son tý. ýO a',mdaipman ho the Uniteit 114W tîvy. to reprasaut the Tent i91îýrbnloe ditrietofa!Ililonis. Be- )R> O la a WaUkean boy, i axpect titue ofi hlm-George Edtmondi 'eson of tle chiet of police bas C< .qPrft %epted the appottment. À4M tering tudant.s at Annapols ha- 11gupao wittsthse immaiiate rank of flw tHaveBeen So Honored. »gW l.ke0coSlty met indeait lava 1!.m u ored ai young Mr. Conal- jr. The late Etiarit Kellogg te the C1.97 Oe rqcaled nov. He dîited *« UtleUtenant ni the Unitedt States ,%4". Othars bava taken the test, bgvaver. The amofaithe chef lait Waukegan 4at November for Warntz sbcoot andt b4s liai bis mind directeit to a carear la tha Davy for many)îears. or aven ilClits i. artiat chillitonit, H4i#Titttoys wvea hlîse anditwhan lR 1898 80 Csany Waukeganites wet tote saSpanhsbh-Amerlcan var, 10 lit- ti "Bl" ÇauliY, then the niereat lai, barely efthîe echool boy age, the 111Mofa! bs day was the boy of lia own 4a0 Wbhoait a brotîer or relative sct»UaY In the van. HO uaed to bulît warsblps of bis ovoID he IaConoity back yard andt Play t aiuig avarything froni the 04 e thet captain, hIlle war lke t41e et naval prowess bava neyer *dffl te attract bis attention. PMat schalarehlipandl Personal ree- PM ~isade ly hlm guerantae that ha vtpM My paso the prltoîltîary tests tD be ýbaud anon sui thtat Waukegan 90 4» ..cauoty vîll then bave a rep- z*Wp,.tive t tisa greateit ,a val trtNg a chool lu tha vorît. Ai Wih Weil. voycitizenof!Waukegan andoito tbu8 ioeBty wihez yaung Bob Conolty -watL Hia aPPsint.mnt la ragaritei u4% ttrecogoftlno of the sebools of LAÉE OOÛNTY INDE1ZIUDENT, FID MAIRCIH 4 '1910. ta be au exam pin, othar boys who lîke hlm dreani of a uarper ln Uncia Sama o avy. tI apeakuîîg of the 'appiiontmenft. NMr. Conoily, Sr_ as: "I î'oîîaier thaI tire appolintment bas beeîî made in recognition of tha h1gb standards o! the seboole and of thle y ou îîg iriioîloîf Lake eotîoty. -I fsni. of course. coîsa o0f the fact tfi n mboy las heeti favoneit andi Dii n ,ii "'If canci be conaldereit as a po llhî'al rî'warît beeauae 1 have no rIaini te aiy liolitical prestige or' business stanîding b lnte eormunlty lIaI woîîld warrant ithe alection. "Mr. t'osa in thls case lias itemon- traled ttIlai l athe comimiînity amîl tlot ille iluth liial iliailie iiiîîîleî- i'i iiiý I w ish liitharîi lrofs, Baggetl, Simopson,. Stebbina and %Weleii anduitc1 oiher teaciiers ofthte higî sebool for îhe klîîdly iîterest îhoy have taken ln the boy. wlich bas ruade Iis appoint- ment possible, aoit I wlah parlicularly îo tharik Professor William Mlather Leîwis fori- he riarly aitvice given and the inspiriation 10 igler plrposai whlc'lîwere iteveloiîed in the youog mîarîitîiriîig bis last year tir the Lake Forest academy. 'i 101e ihat tilla appoliment wltl meet sith the approval of my feltow lownanie. ndibtis expýeision la loto- Pit In by the boys motter, who le nat- îrally lîroîmitof the honor conferreit îîîion lîir5on. PACKER WARRANTS OUT Gov. Fort Offers ta Issue Extra- dition Papers, If Necessary. Bookff of Packing Companfles Are Wanted n Cohd Storige Investi- gatlona-Court Order Wanted. Trenton, hardi 2-1Piôsecutor Gar- ven of Hudson county bas appliIed tn Justice Swnyze for an oriter to com- paît the National Packing company, Swif4 & Co., Armour & Co., and Mor- ris & Co., to produce foriliwitb their bookes ait minutas for Inspection by the grand jury, wbich las been ln- veatigattng colt etoraga plants ln Jer- reserveit dectaton. The prosecutor aieocalleit 01)00Gov. Fort and tnfornied hlm that esrller ln the day bic bad placed ln lihe bande of 0u, sherllf warrants for the arresta oi the Inited dîrectora. Tbe gover- nori asuret Mr. Garven that aboutit tt ba necesaary ho woutd algn nequisî- tin papera for the extradition of ilic directors nutslda tba state. SESSION MAY CLOSE TODAY Illinois Selon: Rîtity Propoied In- côme Tex Amendment Springieltd, Ill., Marel 2.-A bill to connact the charmais of the sanitiry district and the Illinois and Michigan canai batween Joliet and Ldckport bide fair ta ha the only bit of wver-' way legisiatton passait by tle epeciat session. A aine die adjourument todey seema almoat certain. The general aBaembly ratifiedthte proposeit Income tax amendment -te the constitution. The bouse, by a vota of 78 ta 8, cancuradtub lhe sauste joint resotutton of ratification sdopted by the tîpher bouse. The employera' llabillty commlission bill goes to Covernor Derleen for hie signature. tBy a two-thilrds vote tisa bouse concurreit ln the sonate amand- meute. GRAND JURY ENDS ITS PROBE, Itla 1 cieved lodictments Againat Pîcftera WIII Be Voted. Chiîcago, Mardl 2.-The faderai grand tury lnquîry Into the affaire of the so-calleit heet trust wthl ha prsac- ttcatty conc-luded today. TIc grand jury wil thten adjourn until the tu- dlctmemits ara drawo up ant reaty ta ha voted. It has bean leaned on gond authorlty that tndtctmaknts are tli proparatton . against the National Pactrlng campany andt ten subidlary concerna. Wbetber true Initlents wii ha raturneil! agaInet any Individuels te not known at ibis time. TRAGEDY IN CHICAGO FLAT Ohio Man Fatally Shoots a Wonban- and Kîllai-ilmieit. C'hicago, Me'ch 2. - Franki Mir8l, Patit to ha the son of a promineot family at Ditîonvale, O., îlot and, It in rbelieveit, fetatly wounded SIre. Graes Hatt lu a flat at 2222 Wabash avenue sud than tiuitet bîmsalf. The sbaoting crne after the yovng moan hait pleaded two houri witb the voman to teave the place sait raturE to Ohio vitbhlm as bt& bride. Fiai, Eating Ponies. "The Shetland peaisauts, asusan se the cold cemes on, tur t hair poule. out ta shift for tbemaelves," eeld. a hersa denier. "On those h1gb. rocky, Ybarren Islands, amtit the powarfut and dcolt vint: cf vintar. tbe pontas live af n ather and seaweett, andIS t le IndU- Ibitable tînt in their bouger tley aven scour tbe wtlit coast for deait fl. Lt la thîs ]Ife of axposura that givai thea Shetland peny liasbaggy coat Wbat gives t'lm WBiikbn4ý-and gentie dWs position la the ftteet bo la bt'oue Up vils the dop lii 0fti»ý1.. I g migt ioot aMy ln lbé hîoms. ' SMITII BILL TO BE LAW dI'rom Wednesîtay's Sun.) The two elegrams show that Waukegan indeed has rail cause te rejoice today, as it th. se- tiqn they tell of a matter of tact, il la n0w up te Governor Denbeen te attach hi@ signature te Captain lfthb.rms "th'. 11mb bill, Then WM& congratliates Q'Oieai le, nd"c th m",tw Rt'wll b. à 1mw. tain Shith toir the smcic i hi a a ~ ' elamp ttir n&e ecold mot b. s»P. iill.plicd wilb ai m3ny carlOodi Of P-k- The Tolegrame. Springhield, Ili.,Star'. 2. (81îecial$I D I -I ras 8deaieid. "Your bi tI panad the senate this -h os LU onpsel h i É LY P E IT D 'Predictionti re gliomaild the, thpril Stearas bill regutating the fisblng o1wilIl h a scarclty of cattie. Compared mrng ierehni wln Lake Muihigan by providing that tbe - aith the correspondlDg days of lait thmoun.set onr n th m- WicIni 'hrsyar the Chicago bog markte hsbhrt tho oue taconur ntii ar- WseoratnilerautatPay $200 Par iFarmers lave Q>it RaISIgg Mgs ZtY0and Iber. bave been <26 CO entimenta. SenatorX J. Olsen."1 boat and muai, have at Icast a two and WLf'ssî-r linge shtîîtîeâ Ibis timieoftheb "Ilt.rn, hne illNo, 1, Ilh o.,,hIl nets lh bil wnt uaniJ sTooyfer 1year tb the tIse principal market out hatchery, passed hou.. and o'ver tii the acîlate anit was îîassei by* Port aise politstahn were lait Year. will be1" we oenrsga that body. Two yearî au Armnt' & Co. baught lawwhe gveroraigi. Tha portioti or the bill provlding for, - ogs leî m aise$3.99 par hdntir.d- Hope you are satisfled.-A. K. a ish hatehery at Waukegan and matikE ENSweligltand tUlis lse lerason Iliaî Stari. îg ilatprîîîaîo fr hasae Lad PORK TN CNT FOUMI by the fermera why ýthe railoxi of STear. bhthtu tu peo n ntappoprtoforijl, thIaiem! _________b ogebisbeen gredually decreaailOg. The illthathanthuspasd l, ben eit ot o th bil, a thi Itm 1Trce hlgbeit rkice paid for loge lait the original Smith flahing law bill was îlot lun111e atbject contalneil #"Cicg.Mrc .H vei.r i$665. Pricei for na.ttle and Gos', a sas- t'bhrîgo, MarrI 2 -Hoge are et illhg * h in aeepcti u proidig hgh 1cese or ishr, ov.Delleetî's cati foi' a seclal seo-ng îp. A carloed of choIra 1l o gl ntebwareepce ob sion rowahI6'ier durlng tbis month asnd Apris. mon trorn etier states te keep pyairds andon steou).5nt tt.shor xîl them out et Illinois waters, a uni- a lanîuleker, cfshrtprl term closedsamon tor 115h and M"1l siahyoud tread Ibis noeadIs. 0<11 s edict lIa thie colno- Ciei*L-a an pe smsn heyer oud or other" 'Oitd Nirtih.îIn despaîrs, v try silI 11M,11 Wtness a Iog famine. Il.hiasL-. an pensesenti yer oun f r î' tire î gî i-.-,'las -yqe wtii- myh: armccs, It la dectarad, bave gradu- TIe Chilleu Il-pa s u iea lamoit parc hand herrIng. thrî'iad it bltok8!"- Delliieatoir. 'ally stoplied rlAsing as msny hogi dehIdetiîd Iwth the atient IRomlan tubel. l hey oncýe dld. becaue the prîce basi St gis: tour uota-t. O. D>sud E. Oùir spial March sales will be the source of much economy for many thrifty women The correct corset for your ne w gown is hère, It is quite impossible for a new gar- ment to fit properly over an old, ili shaped' coset. In fact, a well known' speciallat on apparel has said that proper corseting is the greatest asset to a womnans personal appear- ance, The garments of today require greater per- fection in the corset than ever, as the graceful Unes are largely dependent upon the effective molding of the figure. This desired shape can only be acquir- ed by the use of a correctly designed and perfect fit- ting corset. We carry four different makes of cor- sets, each ont of wide reputation, and possessing the required merits. They are the Gossard, the C-B, the Nemno, and the Kabo. These four fines con- stitute what we consider the best and strongest corset departmnent in the city. HEATHERBLOOM PETTI- COATS-M'omen's pettoas niade of genulne beather- bloomn, lounce trimmed wlth 6 double rowa of tiucking andt a rîxffie, regtîtar prîcp $150 at 98cA FLANNELETTE PETTI- COATS--Womeii'a ietticoatis mjde of a good grade cf atrîneit outing Itannel, a soc- elal drive for tomnorrow at the low price of 15C APRONS-Wo'(nieia tesaliroîla, diliiîily ,made' of an elegant quality of white lawn, immeit wlt1h a %N 1 le itemlriîders nrilfle, regulai 75 salues ai 50C CHIL.DREN'S UNDERWEAR 11leece llnet uu,îerwear ror girls. stzca 19 to LA, Sîîrln- weiglt. values up ii lac-. vsas and liants, salvi'îlc-e garment .1Oc GLOVE-W%ýomeî-i'ia misu- lgle gloves. two elampi. an ex- ireuîelv uelendable make, ail aIne,. prtced l'as thai, their artiîal worth at palir 50C Elegant imbroideries --- an unusual showing that compels 'the recognition- of ail discernin g ladies Ladies who are lovers of dalnty embroideries will find the Globe adequately prepared to suupIl their môst exacting wants. The extensive variety of choke design sin the finer grades of embroi et- ies maIùs a journey to tht city toucure this class of merchandise an unnecessary inconvenierice; at the same time our prices will save you mioney. Beîow we give you an idea of our large stock. CAMBffIC ' EMBROIDE- NAINSOOI< EMBROIDE- SWISS EMBROIDERIES SWISS FLOUNCINS- RIES-i ta 20 Indeps RIES-2 10o 15 loches 2 tu 18 inceex ide, ai 18 tu 54 moches wite. ai selde, at yr... .. Sc te59c vide. at xarit 10e b 75c yarîi.. ý _10c tui 75c yard ......50c t1083.00 CORISET COVER EMBROIDERIES ALL OVER EMBROIDERIES-22 BEAING8-Fini'liedt andluîifinu -18 inchèw vide, at yard 25e to 85C la 4f; luches vIjde. at yard5o la $3, t'hedd gp i la- uî to yard . .. 35c Sale of domestics MUBLIN-Yarit wlde, bhheandlii unhîcacheit musttIn, heaay anit losely woven. l5o grade at yard .... . 92C TOWELING-A lrus gradeo!;pure linen cras3h towellng. unblaac-bed. 18 Inches wite.,at yard ........... 6'c2 LONSDALE anit BLERKLEY canlriti worth tcitay 18e. sale prnce yard ......... .. 2' MUSLIN--436 inchbleacheit amuitun- bleacledi uslur, an lagant 10e quatty at yard..............72'c An important offer of elegant spring coats An attractive representative showing of Wonien's Spring Coats is now on è 'xhibition. Among the collection of gar- ments now on display one lot worthy of special mention is priced at $7.98. The garments are made of a splendid quality of plain tan and shadow striped covert, 7-8 fttlng, 50 to 52 inches long and finely tallored, very special values Skirts below reguar price An extremneit- pemal offer of s wool Panama skirt l be lreotaid. et $2.98; they aeniclv pli'ed, saverel differant stlas nD bine, brown, gray soit black, eut fuil, special ...i B. ....29 Sale of new lingerie waists TI e arrivai o! tiiese diaîty white lingerie vaiste enabîci us te offar for tomorrow a splendid bergain. fronts handaomely trlm- mait with ail over emhroiitary aund tucked, $1 values; tomorrow.69 House dresses Made 01 a most dependable grade of per- cale in dark colors'mostly, cut fU, gar- ments that you usually pay $1 .50 4»c and $ 1.98 for, specially priced at WVaukegan's Best and Biggest Btýre. Children's dresss Made of inon sulting i the co.ed effect with sailorcoliar and tic, some wlth blue skirt and white waut; oth .2.48 aIl white, special rc.....24 Dainty dresses and mater- ils fer cènfiration Every mother takes ptidc Iln the pet- sonal appearance of her daughter at confirmation time. If you contem-. plate the purchase ol a ready nmadç dress you wiIl find us well supplied with an elegant assortment of dainty white garments, beautlfully made of fine qualities India linons, Persian Iawins, organdies and lingeries, ages to 17 years, prices from $1.98 to $10.WO CONFIRMATION MATERIALS- )lal. inat .1-î-alsi whic-h wý,' 'iw for con ir lro n 01d re, 8-' al 4 oIT,'r alieclal values kil ar,-' Ps.r'Ila a l va ard 15e iii iiiii-, ahi-er iallosooksa ai ard 1214,c ilo 3c; 1l)(11.1 Lhuons ai yard l8e 10 335r; . 1n weave, a heait titI I ien tinisheit labric at >y arfl 25e un ,I ....... 35c PERSIAN LAWN-Au ex INDIA LINON-A 25c grade. (eeîîtioiially tii,- anid ,ýt--t tlcm v oveti. 'xi ra qîîsllty ."Ba]]iilv l a brîings 35c, et yard271 >ard 17+ New spring ribbons 'at 25c amTh ii'rbbon departmnît La flow In a position to show Yuisj an extensive selectioti of every popular kinit ln the various qualittea andt lavored celorîngs. Three specrlail Ies ii 25e conalst of 51/2 lnch morte ribbon i ail colora eiiîeclally de- sirabie for liair bows, 41, inclh taffeta rtbbon ln cek ant oonhceit stripesri o. ht1i~ lnch iieautlfully tinteit moire rlbbon, special val- ues, at yard

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