~eaeeaaaaaaaaaaau 's Hiat and Cap aa0sale 000 Prom Pcb. 26 to Marcb 17. 53.00 Soit and Sif MHats ....... ........ A... ....... 2.62 :2.50 8 fiand Siff Mats........... ......................... 2.02 52.00 Soýft a nd Stif MHata ............................... ....... .72 0150 Mats and Caps ................................................5$1.29 $1.00 Mats and Caps................................................ .86 .75 Mats and Caps..................................... .62 .50 Mats and Caps................................................ .43 Sheep Lined Boys' and Men's Coats. S" imiizes wilI be dlosed out et 25 per cent. off [romn regular prioe. Before buVig u garSg Suite, guve us a cal, me »smpme, and get prices. We are agents for tue STAR CLOTIIING CO., wNch is eoted for its latestetitles and perlect fits. Suite ade to order [rom SI11.50 and Up. Wu E. DAVIS LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. 1-0 'A >D e, Ii. ire: ILL ot ,hsw oe $10 Se om oeker 25 1. Son he ide $1 9 PER Mthos Sweater Coats Duck Coats Canvass Coats Cordu?'y.Coats At Reduced Prices. J. B. MORSE &Co. LIBERTYVILLE, IL 1-LIBERTYVILLE BRIEFS IL.ODA O I.AND PIERSONAI..MENTIONI I O o o O o o o o O o o o O o o o o o o o o o q Mie ssre Grimes le quIte sick wlth pueumonia, and ft in hoped hy ber many fiend that ber hflnees vilihoeof short duration. M. &un lira. G. L. Lincoln, of Michi- gan, are nov corners to the eity, having rented the Leo, Deîbaye's property ou Lincoln avenue, for one yeam. Nlnty-two cana, reproentîng millions oi email trout, vers dumpedluito Lake Michigan off Waukegan on Wednoeday. The fich came irons the State fish hatchery. Mr. and ',Irs. Brmnm have returnel irom their honeymoon trip, sud are nov ensconesed under their owu vine sudi figure aud Billy sys he le "*mouarch ni ail ho cuvey." A Lihertyville lady ha. dicovered that by ehaking the aehes fom the grate Inu ber base humer sud remnvsug the ashj pan oeecau bake bread, pies, cakes, etc, in the bafflenet ni the atove beautifelly. Tirla Chapter, of the Wetninisteri Guild, vill meet wîth Mise Florence Blerman, Tueeday eveniug ni neat week. A fullI aitendance isdesired a. Important business i. tn ho trangsactel at that trne. F. B. sud hMme. LovelameatMelbourne, Florida, having arrivaI there alter an GIVE EEo with evergj ought of us, unce can -ofl Dg PowdCri UIGGS Phone 3 1 -- -- -- -- bat the Dg the lem lu kinte la I provi. uIllty ln lich to It doës t; cons- vbicb .g for e cheap- Ifiyon are a three ink" brother, .- f or the omin concetL and. ne .5.55 LU U "Jake" Boyse sud hisautomobile wve "tovel to part" Sunday eveuiug by Devis' dray teans. Jake'e carbouator Wiled to respoud. thue nsakiutz the aa.letance ne..uasry. Quiso a novel shipmeut by Wells Fargn & Co. exprees tuok place Monday inoru. ing, lu vhich George Koon va. the eousignor of a shetlaud pouy to Mies Robbins. at Mianbattan, thie state. According ta, tradition. March came un like a "ýlamb,'" whicb according ta, tho came theory, It vilI leave us like a "lion" probably oi tbe came type a. that of Teddy Roosevelt'@ Af ican Kingr of enjoyabie trip. Since their arrivai they Fros bave met Albert Litchfield, well known here and s number of their Waukegan Fred McClnud and lamily have arrived Inonds. from Yorkville, this états, where they ln the Sonate du Wednesday o!haset <>ld their farm. aud by a deal madle a week, the bill provlding for a Iish eshorttUrne ago, he purchaaed the Win. hatch@rY at Waukgab vas brought up Shute farrn and is now iç mil possession for second rndlng and vas killed on first Of bie new property. ballot. The matter wlll nov bave to AIng the new corporations au_- go over until the next meeting of the tusorized by tih. state aset week to do£ legllature. business va. The Gem Suppi, Company,i Thi. North Shore ElectrieCcompany Lake Forest; capital $10,000; manu- I le now iseulng checks lu paymeut of facture and sale of heating and pluinh-L bUis*beretofore paid under tihe nasse of lng goodh; Incorporators, J. E. Fltz-r the Illinois Lakes lght A Power com- geral. H. C'. Thoma.sud M. G. Thomas.1 Paul. It is sald the latter Company Mrs. Farnham entrtal Ded a number bas madle au assigument of lIs interese of Moinde and relatives at her home to the North Shore 1itlectriecompany. Thureday at what le known a. "Carpet Lîbertyvllle ha. orgaulzed a base hall rag" @swing hee. Those entertalumente association and it je said hy thoee who are hecomiug popular at this time or the kuow. that it wlll have the 'crack year and i. a unique way to get ready team" of Illinois, barrlug the White Sox for a uew rag carpet. Reireshments and Cube. Enthusiaste are uow in were served aud aIl hall au enjoyable correapondence with noted playeresud time. indications are to theeffetthat Liherty- Tihe rnaequerade hall giron by the ville fanesud their supporters will Amici Club, Friday eveuing, wa. attend- aeronplieh that which they eek-the ed by about thirty msked couple, who champions ni the state. took advantage of the piea.ure of the The councîl hel an adjourued meeting evenlng. There wers ail kidsof cos- Friday nighl, at which Mr. Walsbaxh ni turnes worn. there being from the Royal1 the Walsbaeh lighting aystem atteuded, Faruily tn the humblest o! per8onages,i wheu he submitted salîropositi0n to the miugling of whleh added much toi ight the city with gas for the next Oive thaeujerriment in store for the lad.sud years. The Electri Liglit Co., will lassies. Hapke furnisiee the nmusie1 subujit its proposition for the sains which le a good ensiocement to the effect1 peroid at this monthos meeting. The that it was first-claeseand Weil timed. 1 present contract for lightiug the CityF expires May Sirst. sud bide will he read Frsday ofi set week, the Sheldon at the neit regular meeting of this School moved f rom its former quartere august bodv ln Schanck building to Rockefeller, us uew home. It required severalteame Chas. Austin, trombone soliet, tee to convey deskH, chair3, tables, typewrit- Whitney sud Geo. MeýDonald, cornet ers, lb fsct every accedsory conuected soliste, sud Earneet McDouald, sala- with the school. The uew building erect. phone solist. after a tour of Mexico, ed for the exclusive use of the comlug California, Colorado, Utah, Arixona, echool of the country la replets within Wa.hington tertory, sud COl Ouly ItReli, snd every convenlence kuovu in kuows where, returned home la.t Mou- educational ebsunel eacu be found there. day, having been gone on à& pleasere trip The Sheldon Schonile becomlng kuo wu inoetly, thongh they were wltb some of far sud wide for te thorough training, the beet bande. Amoug thons, beiug itting youug men sud vomen for their with Bell@tedt. Tbey ,wlll be with the respective vocationuslu a manuer which Citizene Baud from nov on. Glad to le sure to place them lu promînence have you hack boys a. onr baud neede beiorg the public. The enrolîment oi the your aid. Some of the fair @ex also are pupils le large, and the prospecte for Ite oeeediug gati, ai leset rumore are to lncrease le proosiig. Long may the that effect. Sheldon School vave. WE PAY YOU INTEREST ON YOUR SAVINGSI Money dqpoiteti la our Sevingu Dffetent an or belote MerciS5, traws four montis Interest on july Utf et 3 per cent per anaura. One dollarwl openau accont. The First Na& Neit Doot fa the Poaf -Office Nle ad et1. Libortyville open S&farday 4It4 1 tusse.1 Obituary. William H. Skinner vas boru Nov. 17, 1855, at Ela, Lake Couuty, 111. Ho va. united in marriage ta Sophia C. Swvan, Sept. 2, 1875. Oue child va. bomu ta this union, Aices Jessie. Ater their marriage they both unlted vith the Congregatinuai chu rch St lvauhoe and vers faithl in ruesr. Frons the time of hLie mamiage util early la the year 1903 ho lived on a farm near lvanhoe. Elle vile lied Oct. 81, 1898. He was unitel again lunsuarriage to Era C. Cornell, May 12, 1897, at Yorkville, Kendail Co., Ill. One cbild vas boru to this union, Stella Marie. They aold the farmm ln the winter of 1908, sud movel to Lihantyville vhere h. vas engaged lu the ivery busines. Their church memharshlp vas trarus- ferrel ta the Preshyterian church et Lîbertyvlll. EHo bal been tanlins ln "eath for a number o! bars. OnUse 9th of February tboy vent ta, Chicago where ho va. operated on for a cancer irom vbhhob. bed Fsb. 22, 1910. no ieaves a vlidow, tva daughtcrs, su agel mother and tva nieces survive hlm. es hlangol tathe Masonle lolge &alao the Woodmen camp. Services vers bell at the home of James Davis, conductolhy lien. .J. B. liacOufiu. His subject vas "Our Heaveuly Fathers many consiomting Promises ta sorrnwfui bearts." L. T. Sunseniski va.sa Chicago visitor Sunday. Hugh HugLes, os hurnee, va. the gsse"t o! hie brother, J. H. Hughes last Thuroday. lu regard to factony @itee, Libertyville ha. ideal locations, for the folio wing reasons: Ite rasroad failities' are unexceled-either by eteansor electricity. As for ideal couveniences we bars the best ni waten, electnsc sud ga. system, sud above ail onue o! the beet sanitany sowersmyetens, iu the cnun2ty. Thoe sites are but a short distance eset ni the city, the land bas a natorai drainage, while the enviroumenta are not ta ho doubted. Besoides thtee vshave gond churchos. echools, modern resideuces sud the citizene in general are bustiers, sescishle sud villiug ta meet any who are inclued ta, locate su industmy oi any iind vithin on threehhold. pou r- v - m-0 - mme-0- 1 EASTER MILLINER? The Finest sud Nicest Stock of Easter Mats are belng e- celieed and placed on Di-splay by Mrs. M. A. Protine LIBERTYVILLE'S Fashionable Milliner Styles are ths Lat.st, and Prices withl the Rech cf ail. Cal and sm. hem. Watch. This Spacs Next Week-. U'U----------*êmm j Latest Creations in WE WILL To insure publication ln the Indepen- dent, copy muet b. ln the office no tatar than Tuesday of sach wook. Adver- tisers, especially, are asked ta take partieular notice ta this affect. W. A. itueli, of Waukegan, wasa e businesse taller boesFridaY. Muser@. Kaiser and Pger attended the automobile suow at Miwaukee, Friday. Sherifif 3riffiu was la thie vicinlty Frlday, on business connect.ed with hi@ offieiaIposition. MisesFlorence Birman has accepted a position sa. tenographer at the Sheldon @s-hool St Rockefeller. Mitse Hazel Flagg ha. accepted the position as "hello girl" recentiy vacated by Mise NoliRe G(iwold. Miss Flora Churchill le now wlth the ,gheldoui school at Rockefeller in the capacity a. stenographer. "Mine fo»t" Rorning of Hotel Wa.h. bum. of Waukegan, wa. among the many visitors to Libertyville, Mouday. Clarkr Attridge 'bas purchaged a @le trombone and wiiI get in lino with the Band. Want more recruits. Get l inon 1V~' e. We kuow we are ln a position to handie your business to your ulmoot satlsfoction, and we tender 7ox our services ln ail matters vithin the range of Judielous banklng. We aoilcit your business. W. aioeaU your attention to our Savings Depariment ln whlch Depart. ment there bae been deposlted wltb us over $100, 000. 00 of tiie people's money on whioh we pay three per cent semi. annual intereet. cake CoMnty bafouaiBati Capital $50,000.00 Surplus and Profits 80,000.00 Stockholder's Liability 50,000.00 Total $130,000.00 No Increased Cost of Livlng Expens.es. Rather the allier way If you =cn the FslrlV do yaur trading. Just naw wc have arranged aUflich odds andi cuts, anti emalilots af winter gootis on flire count er artkles that moiti fror 20ecto $5. To clemrfhern all out qulchy.um we neectb li room for flie b4gcat stock of sprhug gooai we hmv ever carrlct you ca Isheyour chice for.................. 10 AND 25C THE LIb.rtplile, lU. ... - . ---a sahinel elapted Forea short timei sack -of Ilour lx a fll size six 1i Calumefit BakÙf J. ELI T1R Phone 25 CONC!RT GIVEN BY CITIZEN'S BAND Thursdlay Evening of Lest Week was Weil Attendod.* Those Participating Were Loudly Applauded and Recog- nized Encores. One of the largeât crowde oi the seaeon greetel the Citizen'@ baud Thursday evening o! la.t week at the reudering of the iourth public concert. The firet part of the prograns was taken up hy Meuers, Lqvell and Taylor, ViQlltl dget, t*lag beautiBilly rendemesi. Thomse Jung mon are pupils niflMr. ]Boenbecker, of Chicago, wbo ataudes peer as lustructor of violîn. Mmes. C. N. Durand, accosppait Tise piano solos/ nendered by Misen Mahel Higgins won great applause. lire. Lole Hall, vocal sololet, va. enthueia.tically recelved by the audience a ad necessary to appear for several aencore. To break the spell of the evenlug sud give a Change frons the beautiful art of munic, Prof. Hienry ltoethig wa. lu- traduced lu a novelty sud -oi)juroring 0act. Mr. Roothlg hsld hie audience for tfuliy flit y minutes. ElIe work oi mant. pufating carde wa. the cleverest work of the klnd seen, a. were bis tiag act, asud paper tearlng novelty. Hile telllg fortunes by carde drew immense laughter irom the audience and corne of the ladies wii evidently be ou the alert to sem vho theïr buehande afflity are. Hi& 0dancing dolle were pronounel the bit oi Fhie part oi the programn. Mr. Roethlg, bains a forelgner bIsdelalect gave good toward hie speech to bis audience. It la ,fbopel vs 'tay have the pleasure of c- lng Mm. B.othlg again. The band took up the second part of the progrant. The hoys diI excellent rvork sud show greatImproveent over cprenions concerts sud are to ha hearty c ongratulatel for their excellent enter- talumente. Mr. Smilth la drllliug the 1boys bard aud will on March 8Ict give the banner concert of thse ea.ou. Watch W. E. Davis va. a Chicago viit.,r biouday. Phil Protine bas boeen otel ta memiber- ehip lu the Band. Mn. and lire. Loy Eauby are enter- talning relative@ irons New York. George Richardson. oi Grayelake, @book bande vith hie many fionde hore monday. C. A. Bewlck vas calle to Jathet'fillG, Wis., lionday by the serions lmes of hie parents. Manager Murray, ni the lias Compan~y transacted business lu Waukegan, Fr1. day aud Satnrday. C. E. Webb, o! Waukegau onue ni Lake conntys aetaunch ctizeni4 wa. bore Monday on business. C. H. Boyse ham retumned irons a two week's trip tb West Baden,Idan ansd, Louleeville, Kentucky. Rogu'ar services will ha bell at the Epleopal Mimisin Sunday aiternon at 2:30. Ever7body welcome. Tii.. W. C. T. U. viii meet at the home of Mise Emily Bush, Tuesay. March 8, at 2:30. Subject, "Enforcement of [.", Clame Smart,'of Morocco, Ind., bas been employed ta pIS, drums at the Lyric Theatre, and vili also ha a nov mnomber to thse Citixeus Band. The Lies' Ald 8oclWYy of the Preshy- terlan church wilI meet at;tthe home of Une. E. Welle, Thursday aiternoon, Mar. 10. There vil! ho work. A 10e lunch viii hoservel. MisesNellie Grievolbas resignel ber position as "hello girl" at the telophone office sud hb. gone to the Sheldon secool at Rockefellers e tenographer. Repregentative. of al Odd Fellowe vili meet at Waucounda, Sat urday evening. TOCLOSEOUT Everythfng for Moen Dress 6ioods -1 1 4 Jaquard Silk Shansie Soie Matsuida Cloth Mercerized Poplins Mercerized Waistings Mercèrized Toileta IFoile du Norde Ginghams A New Lot W( White Waists Latest Styies in Oxfords and Strap Sandals Corne il alld Sec lhcm