CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Mar 1910, p. 7

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REAL ESTATE FOR SAME FOR SALE-AFre.lt8 on tvMOiid0 POrTATOFQ..-Have a (antiY f muet enjoyable se as few-adjec- iany loce force. mensione wbene uted, sud look îd for arouud; Chicago; tinel aise for nobody; iLufib; @truck by trucit by acar; îutahiy ds.troy'. Itchlson Globe. e essy ta, bum 1), wibhout the afisoke. JucI lse air ou top. pe dam per toc, shed Nut. You i Lumbar Coin- ut Ilfgbtly, and i lu tbe tire to ould otherwlce 16-tf FARMS-We have a large it of Lakre1 county farmes to ssII, aIeA bouses&Bd lots lu village. 17YMOND & Avsri. 40-tf FOR RENT-On sharse, w-s wll ran &bout 50 acres of laud about IN imlles w-et of Hghland Park. 1 fIs ie <Mnln ba.y for the ouasl193 ypare. Addresr MAànuxe Buos :â04 Derbc'r >'., Chicago. I-t FOR SALE-Ou Cook Ave, lot 100x125 ft, two *tory buldlng, bargaîn. Iuquire M. 0. JOnssoN, Cook Ave. P. O. bOx 71. 22-2 FOR SALE-8 acres farni at North Northilold. rood buildings. In air agent, 1717 Warren Ave. Chicago, 1II. e-23-2 FOR SALE-Are you in the market for gond land. if sî, ee me before buiugr land lu Taxam, Canada or Miigan. I bave t)argzainm in good tand. Wr-l'e me for particulane Leltoy l'uevoin, loeke- feller. 111. -23-2t FOR SALE-Farm i o 7 acres. lliiuse, barn and ther out ultuingm. altiers. Address, Ei%%'AHllai.%'u, Libertyvifle, III p-23 2t IFORRENUT 1 putatuas 10 selli. Will deiiven nIt loucai Iota. Satisfaction gaated FOR SALE-200 Fgg Cyphers Incuba- tor, nearly new. JoHN LÂwstNCE. P1-)6 FOR SALE-A browu driving houme, welgbe about 900 pounds. Aiiqo a 12 epassenger bus, one ourrey. Calat ST. MÂD's AÂÂiY .1t FOR .SALE-Nearly uew cacopY top eurry, worth$00 ol siI for $50. Inquire at tJifs office. FOR SALE-A number of young draft borms of the rlgbt type, partly broken. O@ cholce pair of youug weli broken mares in fu A few large wel bred un. broken drving bors«, <wll seilf rgbt..) Ona heavy work mare. A lew cheap normes. A number of extra good uew inflch cows for sale or wilU excbange for dry stock, R. Dàqy, WaukegaD. 111. Phone 9001. C-228 FOR SALE-Two tarin wagons, set grave] boards, seeder, cntlvator, single Mugy, mower, boy mrs, int double harneis, 1 singl bernes., grlndstone, plow, est drage. Inqulreof Wi. TomAà@ 14 utils.noethw4stoil Lbrtiville. p-22-2 FOR SALE OR RENT-Xy saloon building, known am tbe John MeMaan saloon. B. uaàu, Lake Villa, 111. c-23-1 FOR SALE OR RENT-A ten riom bouse. Cali at J. EL Titi(ue stre. FOR SALE--Uneihre power port. aqie engiue and boiter, in fine condition. The owner ha@ no, u"e for is Enîîuire at 115 Grand ave. Waukegan, 111. 2311f FOR SALE-Two horse tpower Fair- banks gaeolîne engîne, ulth. iumiping' jack.. î,uoe p and pipes, in<ni<lete runnjing order. Itargain St ' BRsON.C-23 ti FOR, RENT-Pianos. î'layerm. Organo WANTE $2 M i p. rent ai ,,wed it iurch., Kimbail Agpucy, lui-eFurintiire topWNE-unlayortigahe Tel. 27. roeWATD'lon-ldtortngrpe an sd general office work. Appty ini per-sn or by Mail to Fui LI18 MîtiAANý'i((o..Liii- FOR RENT-Honse and barn with one ertyville, 111. C 21-tf acre <of landf. One mite sî,ith ot towu.___________________i______ $14 lier rnth. RODEiLiT EtLiii 'FURS WANTED-Will psy Chicago e-20-13 qutationn for fur@ of ail kiuds. Fred I'rhurst, Libertyvulis. 6-tf FOR RENT-Flat ot f;t morne ln Knlgt' Block, Libertyville, 111. luquire ot B. El. MAIL-1Us 12 Safety Razor Blades any MILLER. c-22-3I style and 25 cents,'se cdean, eharpen, __________________________boue aud returu ssmeday. GoouÀSNEW BLAttE WoICKS, 883 Simpson St.. Evans- FOR RteNT-We bave a feu' good mod- tan, Ili. c-20 4t er.u n.)usesand fdâa t reut also fur -________________ nisbad roorm-%,wtb teauî beet. wtb or wl-bout board.t)vjîirND & Are-i[. WANTED-A situatiou on a farrn by a 404f msrried man. Cali or address JoE Hocm, Fowler tarin. Laits Vil la LOST and rFOUND Jl MONEY TO LOAN LOST-Suuday niglît between letrie depot1 and oId depot, chlîls tur uack MONEY TO LOA-OO, improved v.w.hlte wltb blackt dote. Addrese fatam at 7) Per Cent. DYMON1i & AusIMT 0.Box 243. C-23-1 tit StateoutIllinois, Couty o! Laite, se. lun1the Circuit Court of Laite Conuî. John G. Brand bMargart Brown vis. Charlas F. E. Medicus. Anus Madi- cita, Joseph Klnge, Auna Kluga, 'rhoms Lar-itn anS Aiguot BranSuer. Gen. Nu. 4497. Public notice la bereby gîvan Iliat byv sirtue ofan torder sud decrea au- 1er-ad lunthe aboya entîtted cause. aI the December- Ter-t A. D. 109 thare- of. ut saiS Court, 11e undarsigiied Master In Chancerv out aad Cort wli, an Tuesdsy 1the 1911 day ut Mur-ch A. D. 14101auth11e hour o! une ocelocit lu the afleruociriof saiS day et Ith' Ealtuoor outh11e Court hanse lu the City out Waukiegan, Cotitlofu Lakte andStSate o! tllinois, selI ai pub- lic venîdue la 1the highest and best biSSer- for cash. the toilowing describ- eand ansd reauastatp, stuateS lu 1the Ceuuty of Laite sud State o! Illi- noie, to-it: Lot Oue (1) ln Blockt Two (21 o! Edw-arS . Sayla& Subdivision uf part uftIhe Norh east quarter- (14) o! Fiactonal stcîfan Nine (9).'Township Forty-five (45) North, Range Nine (91 Easl t 11te Thîrd Principal MeriStan, situated lu the Connty ot Laits and Stale ut Illinois. BateS Febr-uar-y 1111 A. D. 1910. ELAM L. CLARKE, 21-4 Master lu ChsucerY, AUCTION SALE. 1 w-att slI at public aucîlon, l1s miles soutbvest o! Rondout on BraS- ley rosd, opposite Bradey, fichool House ou Thnreday March 10 at 10 a'clocit A. M., ths toilow-lng property vidhoul raservalion. 6Hesad ot Horses, 1 chestnut mare. wslght 1450, 12 ysars utS: 1 gray Nurman mare, weght 1460, 8 Yeare olS: 1 blackt Norman brouS 'mare. weight 1600, 8 years utS: 1 roan gelS- lug colt, 3 ysar-s aIS: 1 blacit mars colt coming 2 yearselut; 1 blackt colt 6 monlhs aIS. M HesS ot CaIlle, 14 milliter-s, 3 tresis. 2 w-llh calvea by thaîr aiSe; 4 spa-lugers; 4 2-yesr- aid beiters; 1 stock bull. Panon Machnery-1 team Wagon, 3%; 1 mut vwagon; 1 double buggy, 1 runabout; 1 roaS carl: 1 bob sleîgh; 1lgbt bob slalgh; 1 Desriug cor-n binder: 2 14 incb valing plow-5; 1 Dise harruw-; 1 tannIng mll; 1 nsw- bay rack-; 1 cuîdron itettîs; 1 grînS atone; 3 sets double barnasse; 3 und- r-ad baskts corn; i tons o! Tîmoty bey; quatty cor-n toSSar , 0 Pîr- moutb Rock chîciteus, 3 Toulouse geese. 30 inlk cana: 1 bed rooni set: 1 bed andS sprig: ; 1rockit sovo. lieur- ly newu' 1 haatltîg store. l'suai Tenons o! Sale. Free lunch serveS at nuon. MRS. JOHN HOREN, Pro îîr-te tresso 1W. IL. 'VIL'utOT, Auctioucr. THESE MAY WED. Fred S. Orth. , îi 2îc,2' ,i hianNIl. NMorantz. 19. 'rhume" Juhnson. Mfltwatik-ee. 22, Nora r-amen. 19. W. H. Net!. Joliet, 45uFlori-uce S. Orev, Racine. 32. George L. Ssefkec, H-ighland Pari, 28; Muîd Rectenwald. 19. Hiertîan Holîz, Milm-auîkee, 26; Ame- lia Bouchar-SI, 14. AlItert Haneilttar, Chicago, 37: FriedlRose Fridahi, 31. LouIs B. Mautner, Chilcago, 25; Auna Nystedl. 20. W'illts G. Austin, 21, Fils Ada H4all, 20. F. W. Sullvan, Clucloustli, 43; Exma L. HaIch, 41. Ernest Beauring. Chîcago, 38; Claudina fluffanu, 33. Franit W. Sullivan, Cincinnati, 0. .41 Emma LU HalCh, Chicagou--------.41 Ernest Browning Chicagou........ 38 Claudine May Duffanu, saine-....3 Engene BeForest Jew-ll, Chicego..48 Anus Gertrude Smith .............431 Walter E. Baritley--------------...28 Helen M. Butter----------------..30 Adjudication Notice. Public NotiCe ta hret! Ries taI litaSuit ecaien Adisltrtor oet le estalte Titama Witton, deceased. w-lIt attandtte CounîY Court et Lake Ilounli. aI a ternu hitaveato ha toiden et tite Court Houle ilu aksgan, lu sald Ouuty ou te Brut odal af Apil nazI, 1910 'sien aud 'sitrs ail persone having etafime atunt lalid Estate are noiiSeSdn equeted to preseul te sme tu laid Court for auhudcaion. EIIOENE A. w-tLTON. Adalstrator. Wauketan. III.. Feluuary .1910.i 21-4 Dairymen, for goad resoîts, use Inter- national Sugar FeeS. HomE LuNtete Co. 19-tf Ib lc claimed ly astronorners ltaI Bat- eysg cornaI w-Ilha visible here April 19 et 1O p . m A WINTER ROMAN( By Nt QUAD Coyrght. 1910. by A.soiate( c"y erry .ted Smith was a tarmner'B sc ty years old. He was uneduce coutb and awkward. but he mande lu is seul Ha tel as be was the bIggesal utthe b, coud Uck auY on of diem ha ho bad dis hast chance. ils ing te mai17 Miss Seymourc dis reason w-by. When ha belray aigus of bis lova hIs toot lm ot te the barn aud on hlm lu cay: "190w, JaS Smith. dont yul matenou ding daug fouiof you il w-asplain. sensible tli, w-uMln't atile Ih at way. E pour eader, but 1e bsd digt many love noveis tisaI 1e w-si tu let go w-idiout a try for I. drawn tha scboolma'am onb aIed. ho b.d skatad w-ith ber.t ehiS dowv U 111together. ha bac ber tb. blggesl apples ut auy tisere was reaîîy notlilng dilng tu axoneseritromance. reallsed Ihat romance muatI fore love. Afler tiniking, ov tan long igbts sud Ioclng1 leep b. goI i plan. The masin mnuit ha abducted sud rescus bar. At fitthe troub ed te ha to flnd lb. abductor, Sithll aS a way wltbh lm. got die nazI bggeal bey lu thi ont te dis. ber-n with hlm. 11e1 bis plan sud addeh: "Jlm. yuu've guI lu bear til ma'am away. sud I've gol t ber, ou've guI te turn y( wrong eide ont and waar e tr epeat lu s buanse voIre. ln ber l'y. guI te give yen a mît lcking. but au 1 amn gong to 50 cents yon mustn't mmnd tha Jim demurrad. Ble dld't abSucI s scheooîm'am. sudt time, hover. Fiftty cents lu cash w-as netteu ha neezed aI. sud ha 'sould bu liciteS If ha refuseS lu enter mbo the plo.IOl tutrome 11111e lIme lu portent thaeSaals. but et lait avery- thiug w-as meady Jea d utS her eau' freah "signa." sud ha tout hlm to test again. "lad." 11e eaid, "If you are going to maesa ftoututyonraelf lu sur w-ar, dieu look ont for me!' lu w-lutsr, espally ou a ctoudy day, ltbehglua te get Sert sonoatter 4 u'cloct lu the atternoun. The schoul- mu'am baS otten to stay atter sebool bad beau Sismiaied <ote outover the w-or-k tor the next day. Sha heS only haIt a mile lu go w-heu meudy. Sonne- limes 1w-o or Ibrea pupils etayed asd w-siteS along w-lb bsn; sometîmes ebe w-as alone. Lucit aidaS the cou- spiralors. lb w-as yonng .hlm Andrews w-ho w-as lu do th1e abducting part. Ris fatbers barn w-" near th1e scholi- bouse, and 11e culd beih w-alcb and have a borne ready harnassed. Jed Smith w-as te> ha w-aitIng np 111e rond. Ouea aternoon dia signal w-as given. aud the plot w-as atout. The teac ber had remained ntil aiment 5. She w-as juil donnlug cluait snd bat w-han a matkeS vilisin appearad butors han sud aunounced luaa w-tul rolce: "Corne w-lh me! If yen screum or .t.nggte Il means dealb!" Mise Seymour w-as properly shoctaci 511e baS neyer seau a mazted villain butors, No man, holding a peacb atone lu bis mouth te mate bis voîce ber-rible, baS aver Ibus addressed han. She thonght as recoguized 1the figura. and thars w-as a eomsbhlng about th1e terrible voire <bat mounded tamiiisr, but she grew falotbehan ues weat- eSe. sud abe vas about te ait dovu w-heu the villainu eled ber with a grip ot steel sud bore ber ont to bis slelgh. She ecrearned aud struggled, but she baS tu go. JadS mith baS sIS tdthal fIt ould bhalefIthe better for the plut If she ecreamed anS strug- gleS. Mure credît w-uIS ha Sue Alin for rascung han. Wbat naltuer ut the pluttess bu counted on vas thal some une mlgbt corne Srlvlng alung the lgbwsy etth11e critical momesnt. Somne une diS conne. Ha vas a man w-llhont romance lu hie seul. Hae'sas drlvlug a tasb borne lu a ~cutter, and w-bsn 11e masksd. man svnng 111ee cboulma'am imb biseeegh anS star-led off at a gallop the stran- ger tolloved ou anS cractad bis w-blp sud ebuutedtltthe115girlknow tisaI hefp w-as et baud,.811e beard hlm, sud su diS Jim sud hbiesoe. lutactthe hurse rau aw-ay. aud juat au he reacbed the point w-hsre dis rescuer etood w-aing ha shied Jut a dritsud thinge w-ers upeet. Jed jumped ton- w-srd. but 11e badS carcsly roarad out. "Dis. villain t" w-heu bie w-as knocksd ailly by the mlrauger. Then the stnng- gling Jim csngbb ILEThes schoeima'am w-as putied oun tdiah robes sud bleu- kretsansuetood uns aide, andS (ber1s 1rescuer w-eut lu te bave eume fun w-Ils abductor anS mescuen. He stoud tdem on thelr beadn in the drifle; ha jammad diem about; ho w-aI- lopad lhem up sud dow-n, sud w-bsn thsy bhuteS for mercy ha w-alioped th1e harder. Tben, w-he u tred ont, b. tillteSdishegirl Into bis cutter sud drove F jer home. It d15 nul break up the tscbool: ltslmply bruits up lb. romance uftIhe lbing. Wbeu Fr-rmer Smith bhaS got tbrongb nalur theSgad on dis batlerad JeS ha lhrev l i deansd "'Tou w-as fter romance, aud l'If give yen nuif of LE There's 200 bush- ea of corn le ha busteS sud aballed. and It's golng te ha jour w-or-kfrom nov ou lu next Fourtis ut July. 'Bs- cuing a galt Wby, Suru yuu, yen duu'l kuow nuit lu reacus au uld cabbfgs bead 11" - Stata of Illinois, County of Lake, se. lu tbe circuit Court of Lakte County. ilITo the Marcb Term, A. D. 1910. URober-t C. Harper and Fred BaIr- C F l-ow va. Louis F. Jesson. Lîllian A. cElJesson. Fraucis M. Porter, William B. flPorter, J. Merchant Porter, Riîh fiLijina Gates, Mary itearîl, liatu lt 'Schuîîl J. P. Mi sSainuel ____MînskY, Nettie Kets,,> Nellie Fer- r-y, l'harles B. Kttrldge. Hattie A. en twen- Thacker, Mary A. Knox, Netîle A. ated. Un- Chase. Cyrus M. Enox. Mary Mannv,, bsd ro. Martha D. Sutton, Josephine N. lu love Bloom, Clara C. Blooum, Martha Donol- onca. aud ey. Mary L. Foreman. John C. Bloom, boys and John Tnlly, Helen Tuily, N. MI. Duel).' tait Ia Abbott. DueIl, Guy E. Dueit, Gertrude was go- Duelt, Porter Duel, Mary E. Schooley, or suoad Unknown owuer-s of the fotînu'- orga kuowîug described real estate, cormnnlg bea uat the North %vet corner of section an father 19 Township 46 North, Range Il Easst id turned of the 3rd P. M. lu Lakte Conuty, Illi- noie, thence eat 25 rode, Ibenca sotth « go and to sbore of Second, or Bruce, Laite, >urgelfl" thence westefly alung sbore ut laits ,btjdtu wast lIne of section, theuce north to al place uf beglnfllng." In Chancsry. wsaNo. 4614. estad no Satistactory affidavit bavlug beau u't golng field lu thia office tbat tha defendants, Ese ba IAunlseeF. Jesson, LUllin A Jssoni bill baund Hattle Marchand, Abert steven, ui- tbeY had aie Bcboff, Nettie Keîsey, Neller Fer- I bronght ry, Mary A Knox, S--muel M .1 rnue, but Knx aud Mary Manny, reside lu the" ontut of(he State of tIllnois, no î.* and P that procesu cannot ha servsd upon COn» bie thei or auy of them n sd that nef tber er It for the place of residence nor pont ofie hOurl of address ofth11e defendants John C. le sichoi- Bloomn, or "1unkuown uwners of the ful- 1 1e mnust owlng descrlbed real estate. commen- iesleesm- clos st 1the North west corner of sec- rbut Jed lion 19. Township 45 North, Rangs il, 1.Eaviog saut of the rd P. M.. luilLake ('ounty, us district Illinois, thence east 2 6 rode, thence eunfulded south to abore uf Second, or Druce, Lakte. thence west.erly along shre ut besho-Lakete ( west lins of section, thence nesb oi-nutu place of beglnnlng.' can be tu re8uu ascertaiued no tbat procese cannot be our coat served upon them or any of thetu. inasit sud Notice le therefore hereby given tu ireecunug sald abuve narned defeudauts (bat the ýhty good ahove narned cumplainants hereto- )gîve you fore Ouled tbel r bllt ut comptaint lunsid ia" Court on the Chaucery ide thereof twluî to and tbat a sommons thereupon hisued 1e dild't out ut sald Court agaluet the above naine-n.nét.n-i-tie<C t tUon.the,-t fiist day of the terni ofthie Circuit Court ut Iake County 10 lie held at the Court House lu sald Lake County ou tbe first Mouday or March A. D. 1910, as le by feu' requlred. sud which suit lIi stilt pending. LEMIS 0.BROCKWAY. Clark. M'aukegau, Illinois, c hruary Ird 1910. ELAM %fL.CLARKE. 20-4 Complaluants' Solicitor. TO ALL PERSONS WHOM <T MAYV ONCERN.1 Notice le bereby giron that the un- dentigned, Deulsun Huntington. Cou- ser-vator o! Carolinue Bande. lnsape.1 'silI maita applcatlin lu the Couîîty4 Court of Laite Countlnth 1e State ut tIlinois, ai a regular 'Ter-m thereof, to ha held aI the'Court Houslun1the City ut Wauitegau, lun11e County uft Lakeansd Stateutf Ilinois ou th-, Or-t1 Mossday ut March, A. D. 1910, beiug1 the Esveulh day ut Mar-ch, A. D. 1910, for an or-der- sud decrea uf saiS Cour-t Slnectlug hlm. as sncb Conservalor, lu oei aIl o! the rlght. titte anS inter-est ot e&Id Caroline ilsade, lu and in,1the !ollow-ing descrIhed resi esta, ei- usted lu the Counuy ut Laite anS Stale ut Ilois, tu-wil: An undîvided ouaeighth (i/)iof 11e Northh1Hait of the South West quarter o! the Sou th East quarter of Section Elght lit. in Township Porty-lhree (43) North., of Range Ten (l10)lEast ioft the Third Prnucipal Meridisu, ex- I cpting that part Ihersof which lies North outh11e îpubiellbighway. Ala. anuntdusided uni- four-lb (14) iof 11e South <tait <ot the South East quarter of the South it ssIuiarter ot saiS ISectionu ightt(,,Township aud IRange afcresait. Alsu. an undlvided1 oneue lgth <ut1,softh1e folowing: Al East otfttuad. ut the Soutb HaIt ut the South Wuest quartear-ut Section Nîne (9), Tonship snd Range ufure- saiS, ciîtaiîîîg Ffleen acres anS forty elghî rtud, Also, su undlvlded Io ne lgiîth t(1, t o! that par-I uf the West Hait et tue South East quarter- a! Section 'utie (9), in Townuship Forty-tbruc I 4.]i North. ot Range Tani 110) Eiavt uf the Third Principal Mer-ilam lu' iî,g votth uf the ruad, excepttîug that part thereot solS and couveyed taotue Willian Or-aber-, cou- Ialniug fOve (5) acres, alsu excaptlug Iheretrunu îwo and 47/100 (2.47) acres saIS to the lgîn, Joliet & Eastern Railway C'ompany, for lte support sud maintainance uftIhe saiS Car-o- lins BasSe or oîherwlîe Investlng ltae same. DateS Ibis bPeventb day ut February, A. B. 19 10. DENISON 1-tNTINOTON, Coser- vatur of Caroline BasSe, 20-4 NOTICE 0fsle of lande and Iota ion Stale Cuuuty Osuersi aud Special Taxes. BIais of Illinois, County ot Laite.ese. Tax purchasers notice. To theunu- kno'n 0w-ners anS toalml parties lnterested in tbefollou'ingdm.rlbed land or fol or portlins of sae. Tata notice aud lu J ohn Lancaster and James Yore. Y ke notice tbat aI a Tax Baleof lande '~d lots for delluqust taxes for lbe iyean 1907 made loy lheCourity Treagunr anS County Clrk lu the Counly Court raom lun11e Court Boues ln thse ily of Waukegau, Counnlyof Lakte anS Stata of Illinuois accordiug ta the Lave ut Illinois ou the 241h day of June A. B. 1908, James Tors purchassd sud bas assigneS lu rms bis CrtIficat. o!fiaIse11e foliuu'ing piere or par-cel o!flanS to:u'II: Y. acr apart of w- 14 ut s% ut nu' % of section 8 lowu 43 n r 12 est asseseeld lu tha namneuot John Lancaster aud the lime of redem pIlon 'sill expire on 11e 241h day of Jute A. D. 1910, W. B. SMITH, Assîguse. 22-O A twenly-fiva cent w-sut d. eoIS a. big tarIn the other day, T-you, f yon Suu't succead the final lime tny it agaf n. Il's ouly fiys cents a lins for- sach Insertion. PEOPLE'SI Sermon loy CH-ARLES T. RUSSELL, Patr- Brooklyn Taber-nacle- subdivisioin, vcnh t u1w-n sud letrit cars., tiee:10iîii lu. istn& AIt4TINs 40-tf FOR SALE-Lotsilu the Dymond sud Austin subdivisioin, 50xl40; $100 each; $5 dow), $5 per rnonth. IJYMoND AUsTIN, LOTS FOR SALE-Iu the B. J. Omîmes eu-division of Lîbetyvllle, soullu of eiectrie road on MiIwaukei avenue. B. J, OsME@,.0w-uer. 15-tf FOR SALE--ChuklcIota lu C. Frauk Wright'@ addition, 50ZI5D, for 820000 $250,00 sud $30000. DveuoNim &Accrue 40-tf sanda ut millions" ot Adame race, but arrange ton lhem lu be born u sins shapen in lnlqully, anS <o go Sowu to the tomh (or w-or-sel w-lhout a cia knowledge ot GoS ani his pur-poses andS wsl r-aspecllng them. As we havealar-eaSy fraquenlly set forth, bath ut the descrtuetItheories are er-ronsous. The Scriptures set for-lb Ino calvalons, entiraly separale sud distinct. Tlîey areSiffer-eut as r- epecdtilma, lunltaI 1the une 'saîvallon bean lu ba spoken by our Lord" st his FIrst Adraul, anS began lu bu ai- plicabîslu tohieChurdli at Pantecost anS wilt whully ceuse at bis Second Comlug lu the endSout due Âge. Tii other avation neîther applied hetotE our Lo»rdIs Firet Adrent non durmn Ibis Gospel Âge, but w-ill apply touaa mankind, except the Chunch, Suring the Millennum-Ithe Ihousand yean ut the relgu ut Christ and the Churdl, epeclally designsd for t11e biesaing o the w-orId anS lti upllfting ontut fin anS Seatb conditions. Thase 1w-o safystions are dislinctiy Siffereulsa lu tinS. as 'alI as respects Ihair plan ut opernîlon. The savation ufth11e Cburch Sur-ing dhis Gospel Ase -sncs Peutecuet-mesus nut ontya Saltvsrance trom SmsuaddeSatb coudi tions lu eternal lite, bul pr-ondes thal th1e alernal lits w-lt bu un the heaven ly on spiritual plans sud nul on the earthiy on human plane of existence Thus tha Aposlle Seclares tut ur "In beritanice is Incorruptible unS nS filed anS fadeth nul aw-ey sud le rc serveS lu heaveu tor ns. w-ho are ksîi by th1e power ot GoS lbruugb tat ntu sattellau" (I Peler I. 4. 5). Oui Lard siso tlI that lu 111e resurractior w-e sitl be lîke unlo theangels. Th( Aposîlse lso Sataas ltaI ultImata]3 w-e shall bu par-takers outIhe divin( nature andtIlke our Lord sud Radear- or. Heurs, nIl w-ho partIipale In 111 celvalion o! tIs Gospel Ago are Scnit turutty spoken ut as New Creatures1 christ Jesns, w-boss 'clîîtansghip le 1 beaven." These ans assureS Ihulta th1e Lord's Second Coming thar vi constilule 1the FIrI Resurnecîlon chasm They are guaranteesi Ibat only Il blesseS sud holy w-lt bave part there Iu, sud tIbtal uItpartIcipal<ng ln the FInI Resurrecîtuon w-lt bu Boye rts unlu GoS anS unto Christ, an reigu w-Id binm a thunsand years (Roi alation xi, (6i. Tbay une assureS the the tr-aneformation ut mind w-bit Iissy nov experience through t11e be gatling ofth11e holy Spinit 'sîlI, tu the] resurrection, rasulI lu s complet tr'ansformation, providiug lher w-lt tpirit bodlas. Thus Il le w-nllteu ( Ibsir resuraclion, t-Il le sovu lu w-es] use; Il la r-iseSluLnpower: Itlalesoi. lu Sishonor; Illn r-aIseS lu glory; Il sovu an animael body; Il ler-aieSd apirItual boidy" (j Cor-Intblans xv. e 44). 0f Ibose w-ho w-ili*haroen lui Cburch'e saîvalion the Aposte caY "'We chaîl nul aIllsop, but muet a bu changeS," beause "flash aud bloc cant inharit the Klugdom uf God il Corinîhiane xv, 50, 51). The w-ondea satration w-bicb vin fi feu' w-ilha w-holIy Sîfferent tnom tlb Il w-lu nul incinde a change of natI trum earibIy lu spinIl nature. Il w- mesu s rascus trom sin sud deatb the earthiy perfectiontufuthde origa insu, lu the Image anS Ileneaq is Creator, sud surrunded hy a ery necessamy blesslng for bis Co- tfort. Human per-fection anSd1the ESe home w-ar- elntlbrongb disohedien, 'lu GoS. The Divine arrangement 'tiatth11emer-t fl ourLord'. 011e suce unIe Sealb, w-bsn ultimalely a -plIeS for mankItnd. chahl fnlly ce cel the deslb sentence upon 11f r. Mo aud butter dan this, GoS hie proi Tampa, t'la., Feb, 2u-t'aîîor C. 7. Russell ut Brooklyn Taberniacle preach- ed tIice here taday lu aur large6t au- ditorium lu 1the "ible Studentsi Con- ventlon." The large audience seemed deeply lulerasted. lHa saiS: Borna apply the firal text ouly sud Ihînt ut dia Divins Program as halug mersly au endeavor lu nescue manklud lrum ln and death ta nlghteousnesb and eterual lite lu the pr-saoul lima. Sncb se hold Iblsis w are much cou- fuseS, b=cuse l must ha ackuow- edged tbat comparutlvely little bas bien doue. ur le now halng dune, foi man's uplift. Aftesi six thousand yeusr Itla ta tilirue Ihal "The 'shola voni( ieIh ln the Wicitad Oue;" "Bartues. envers 1the earth sud grues dartuesa th1e heathan," lu order lu have ani confidence at aliln u hie lheury 1hose w-ho bolS lb are oblIgeS lu graatly lov- er their etandards. They are foreS luo hope that GoS w-ll admît millions of unfit people, ca-de, rude. Ignorant and w-icked 10 elernai lite and happinese, or perchance provide for (hemn Purge- torial experlencea, lu mats tbem fit igbteous and acceptable fur lite star- ual, As sa'shole. Christian people are grestly bewlldered. The tsndency of tbeir hawilderrnt is toward doubt, stepticism, atheism. The other vlaw brlefly statlasl that (luS neyer inlendad <ha slvation of th1e wurîS. but meraly <ha salvalion of the Cburch. elecI acr-ordlng <o the tort- kuuvledge utf(luS through sanctifics- lion o! <he Spir-it and halle! in the Tru<b, Thosa who haiS this theor- hava giest contusion alsu, becauii It seerne lucoiprehtensileithat Go' -~requireuisut or Ge er hé *b vo* . ___ rmnuind durlug the MIgliai Ae 0:0 just. reasunsie regulatiofla, bkw& i. ri~Whoever then 'sill rendier oehe ________ May witb proportlonte rapidity go~ TH1E TWO SALVAlIONS up ou the btghway ut hulluesa lowaM 1C - t aîdd t4soold t<tla.liegave lis perfection at Ils sud. Whoever Te. onl bgotasSo. ie wloavr iebroth<n fuses obedience tu the extent 01 bis litah.lIod .ot penh. bot (<'ae e.ernlscg , bility wilil fahl lu make prugresu and hie" (Johnlis u 16). nltlmately die the Second Deatb. trots -Cbrita.-ovd1- d itoli ait1 dgaehi.s- tuch there will lieanu redetnptiou .dllo t.<lai iemuht atoity ad leSe and nu resurrection. àI by tbe.W<nhtg iiof ie( by <li. wiud; îll. Sellote<ience as will be r 0 Ilie tatgbt p-n il to hivuelagluunoutsCltitrch, Sc sD Ipl.O(wnttkle. or .t.y -sh <ts6; of mauklud Iin the great Mediaors li5t Jiul lie lioly .5d saibo<g bk<-<. Klgdorn wlll include Iheir ceo095<f ub' (Ephuem&. , 25-27). tion lu the resistanice uf their owu fa0%. Ou su ..weak .. --es- -- - enIt will include th. Ised that the sanie Siu-Offering shahl exercise uf patience aud kinduesett- ceai a New Covenant betweeu hlm-'a rds Ibeir fellow-creatures. fe»OuiP self audmaku.Tsbesg t sufferers. The Divine Law ut love Wa thal New Cov enant arrangetment wfi l uS dwfth ail the beart, mind. sal, clIhen lrnrnediately bagIn. The great strength aud for tha neighbor as Ine Redeetuer wlll theuceforth boa the unlekself ! (ey muet learu ttuiy. "~ à great Mediator ot that New Covs- they w111 realize their owu blemIshiS g tint. he wolewori of ankidsud strive lu uvercume iheu*s ad »Ir. nant Th 'shle orldof ank n nulthe Father, but tI]ediatur 1for d wllieh futly limder hie supervision torgivele. îbtey vIlIi abe lgsd -50, suad guvernmeut for their blesslng. follôw tha Divins rnut ofeeedifl their correction Iu rigbteouaues.their îwrsohr iia ec nSlt uplitllng ontut l sunad death con- oadotessmlrMcyndf- -ditions-bacit. bockt. hockt lal t.hjt giveneslu that wbicb they dedre for Iwas lost Lu Eden. Al uf this u'z theflselves. But (bey wîfl nut 1hote- ,the original designuouthte Or-et rs quired tu, enter mb tbath covent 'r atur. Al uft Ibs williehaontworkedsefscic. î-dua.t.Al5h d thoug th Grat edemer Al ofblaesal of God on the euthlY 91a11 ltbruuh a Ocreator eeer. Ai ut l ha for thein fulîy and freeiji* . thl wa seurs orurîîe bybisune sud enjoy, lu barmony with Ub a death. lnished et Calvary (Hebrews Divine regulation. y vii, 22).ThcodtosgvrIghem*, e St. Peter. pointing duwn lu that glu- Tonthe c hn.lucaenolng dU i- -rions lime ut the wrlds blesslng, cae lietfont the huncb aewhllY ditut ýoIt "limes of retresblug and times f u te fruin ITe wbch wlaIsiPeaffi0 ofrestitution." Ha telle us Ibat fl 1 tawrl.teherb acna u 4 hly ropetsdesribd te bessngsof lbe worîd under a Divine fuvtaffea I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t buypohtsecie h lmlg uffer wltb Christ ln the.pieU*t, ato those restitution times-Ithe thou- lite sud durlug Ibis Gospel ÂgM i- saud yeaan, the Millanuluan (Actaeli.IbeI urI, ibChitdri le 19-21). Wben once we get the syesao u nt o rege. pa Crtvain u bisth unr uuderstundlug opened, ws fiud the Mediatodial Kfugdom for th1e bleeslug. -e Aposles wonds thoruugbly cunrobu- upUiftlng, salvation ufthdi worldn )f rateS by the Divine recprds, wblcb de-lunluva, srfe.iaIu od tscribe the wouderful ble seings thut are lsud thIn ain, es. lu setting forth lia to corne svhen the earth shah ylsld ber andte Churcb diurltng th ge kt Increase. Then Parodiese Lost ebalils hallo h brhdrn htA f Paedis Reglue. Thn Oo1 'sli pecified particularly sud frequsntir tf akeis seathl foThe oul g loi.the iueceeeity for al wbo wouid shaRe Tfhae hbiseaiug ufott l or shm luib tis sals-ation to particiPate With e- Teth lsngothLodaoithe ReSsemer lu h48 secrilke t lu"Iia a- mak<e rich and hae wlll sdd nu eorruw dah"adcneqnl atelsel le therewith. Then streams shalbreak .higflu" d con end ubipariîp tl -y forth lu the deser-I sud <ha vIlder-nes "weurcls sdl I eg it sud solltnry places shaliliha glati. But gîory. Harkto tuha w-onde. -Be tbon ,d Muet glanions will hae the change lu bou- abfltoebsuIwl gvtie a aat.The Lord piromises tu turo to a cruwu ut lIfe;' "To bn hlm tis ovare manlty.comsth 'sill 1 grunt lu ait wls Me 2M It the peuple a "pure message"-instead yTre;"AdwoS rdt M iof the contradiction ot creeds of heu my Trbiross" andwcouoevalr ome.6 Lo theuusm ind Ctiurchlaulty. îHe prom- ar hi e crosssucom (ua £It, 21e6 ir ses that 8atan shah haieboull tZr that Lc su hamy disciple"Lrd'.e xlv , Z.'" ýs tiiousand yens. that lha muy deceivetLa iuscipeseme un Lohn. word. 10 tha nations no more. Ha promises t iscplesIn mis Msud Jol hn.rspec et that then al the 'blindeS eyee ebalbe Heug atelac e gMletnnIsi Th*e ýs otoaned sud ail the dS- e sreshh" be Thine tied the lace.ttl 1lm- ýt unetupped" (Isaiah xxxv, 5; IlC<i-tt-Trn tal uaypae o m te Ihians Iv, 4). ply great humilty and self-sscrlbea. Ha asked the disciples, "Axe ye &bd*a Tien Salvations-One Savium. (wilingî lu drink uu tha cup that 1 et Botb uft(hase salvations. accordlng saoi]drink of sud t1* h apçtized w-l» lu the Bible. r-seul trom tha dsath of the haplistu (lotodeats> hbat 1I3M i Joansounr ReSsemer, wbo died In ubedi- baptised -Ilt' Mr .351Ra id suce lu the Divins wIl, "Dled, the en again: This cup ur WhIhic ob.t âeJusI for (ha unjust, t bat ha migbt 'un w-S muet drink, If we would elS tu .e brng us to GoS'(IPeteriti 18). The bis Tbtrous. in bis commw*stssleSSIIP ig Scrlptures clearly show nt ouly the lu ofered. net lte evorld, but te kltwo salrations. but aio wu parti ut bic coniecrated fulowers, Itla15 801 ig the Redeamer's work. dlstinctly cep.- SOoler CUp. but "M(Y Cnp." Th1e tu- ra arating bis wont for the Chnrcb rtrm vitatiofl wus. "Thisin15ml bloeCI <t 1 t bLhi work for the worîd. lu hi$ dsath New Testament Wbiclile effl à o hr as a Divins generai provision 1D5.fy for the. reDilSulof utglu&. De%* In tordte isneuofuth1e whola w-or-Id andSa ye ail ofIr"(Mattbew xxvi. 62.U It epleclal provision for the @i of1the inuil11ho druuk before tb. mJ'. lyChu-cIL The bwo thongbls are fre-. »w-tld, en stt hait ohm ca e ,ta quently brongbt out lu the Scriptures. Intanild lbleing dibrouglith. e v )n OueaetxIdistlnctly declares. "He le dis Covenanxt, w-blch thic blooea"semi. Ap te propitiation [satisfaction] ftrounrclos untY tbe discptele t christ. 01117tbà» a [the Churche Bsine], sudbout for Our@ W-ho deafre to waik lu bis steps, areta.. j ouly, but alsa fordise mins ufthdiswhuis vted lu drink oft te uti.AU et' tw-orbE." Hie deatis constituted disest- dient are su InvlsIS ad they vii lu ifaction price. The Redeerner ap- drink ail of It~ Noule ou t l hohaft ae Pllad thuit merîl for the Chnrcb'e ina, for tbe wox'ld dung thelb. IlleuniSi e."for us," long ago, aighleen centuries Age 10 drink. It is a epecisi privilffl <.butors w-e wera bomu, 0141y w-heu w-e ta dr'llk Outhdis cnP. Wlih th. dZiebo e-became bellevers sund enteredl nto a iug Ou t t e h* special biesiig.a£ e-Covamnt ut sacrifice diS w-e ubtain diesepeclal salvation ut Ibis GOospq lo unr callrs lu the menit ut that great Age. Except w-a est ut bieis 6h11(*P- th sacrifice. Ths world bas nut yet r-s- propriste the menit of bis mer0le)O. r- ceived ls sallre ut that promised and uneses w-e drink bie blood (juin lu n blessing, but the operation ut the Di- sacrtice with hlts), w. bave ne Mi ie vins Plan te cure anSd'silI brlug ît to In us-Inherent lite. lmmotality. y thern "lu due lime.' as St. Paul de- Bu tar as cor heart a nd muin"ame te dar-es (I Tlmolby 11, (6). . concerned aI dis lime uf oui consecra- in The dr-swIng sud calllug ofthIe lion (bey lMe t ufly glven up te0th Churcb bas nul beeu alonig the Unes ut Lord as ha wli accept thein, V la humant perfection, for aIl are eimers could ha nu murs tuily connecrtal if ip sud tinuarlghteous or perfect. Andw-e liad absolutely perfect bsodies and ln many of thase Srawn o! the Lord wers wers absolfately free troni ail the as ln by nature miuch more fallen sud de- tllment of Adam's condamnation. But at pravad than salua 'sho gîve nu evi- God'c requirement lu Ihat no sacriafc ,iii Sauce ut the rvurk ut grace lu thelr May comes upon bis alter. except scW s. hearts. The Lordea callng sudd Siaw. as le vithout spot or blemish. Heuca te Ing seem to ba along the Uines ut jus- he cuold Dot accep Ounr offering. Our e- lice. luve ot righlsoueuese, faidi, hu- consecratiOn, even tbongb It verusa ia mlity and obedience. Thes qusii. completely and fully made as w-uscar oi lias w-lltaIl blong to tbe perfect man. dean Redeeluer"s. Rnce bis fire pro- d But ail have l thoanl varying de. vision was that dhe rgbteouin et o y- greas. Sncb as respond lu the Lord's Christ ebould ha mmputed te us a»uao- xLa cull uow are accepteS as bain& lu the cont ut unr falth and ubed»eac, la h nlght heant atttnde w-hlch, If lhsy bad under lu permît uns l offer sacriSce e- perfect bodies, wonld cunei..ute dieni buly aud acceptable tlu Gud (XacMU *r perfect men. In udier wordu, they li 8; Romans xioi 1). le bave qualills ut bearl w-bIch, If This vieow-ut oui participationl tu tWe [tb brought lu a kuowledge outhdiaTruth, Bad.eemeet mai1osepanately sud "Utr of wold prove sorbe o! dieni lu hapure frous the world'aparticipait=in 1 5- tk- lu heart and sncb as the Lord would by tuith a" Imptastou0f matit erd ru desire sbuuld bave elamual lite sud &li Dt aetuafly-be Bible declar« e buli ta of bis tars. But more are called aud a "mayatey," -sbiecbot101 my u S* 511 a daw-n by Ood'a providences suddishe tadb&cenn-ony thee prftusll3'-uffl t2- prsaching of lai message tban b. de- --uly the-wpirl-begottea. Tous. vI» ho sigus inuBseaIlutdiaprient salvation. 0m" »o and bear snd undectenitii. Foi He le chooing a va17 select cisc for tarins andS conditions oft 1111.gin l- al a very speclal purpoce sud dierefure vation uftIbis Gospel Age ai.t edmlIy od makres the termi sud conditiona uf blaede-'WBecsed are yuur éyÈ.. f«o d" disîr saîrsîlon extremely difficult. As they ése., sud yeur eers. turt hu" bear a consequeuce w. read. "Many are (Matthaw- =ii,16). Tasme. teabhum. to 01- called, but tew- cboee"-uuderbdilu XISesIid. 11111 £2017, bouer. taoS- d. "111gbcallng ut God lu Christ Jesu," tallai. etemual liteOn1h.e sirit pluq* nse are the rsw-ardi ut a few- yma et Oak% Vii Tenrme ofSalvatlen Dîffer. dental sud self-mssc luh 10bee ci to 0f course, tbese ditrerent saivatious a paarl of grojat prisa, ut whleji ige 10" $750 i. Having Id suggest esapointed. t ail times. customers, it we cari aie. te sud one-hall eouslautly on ries, a stock of ad sud mIl farm rvilce.e froin $M0000. No d cne the bons.. 4 avoid ulitk ut as repreeued SBERRY le it the X) youtr mxcpI =tain drink î-the ct the &*Ialy ,Item lay or r aut Lcaits Ludgo. t vii oupon, .1 ~~01 Il . ik

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