CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Mar 1910, p. 10

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LTAK CIOUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAT. MARCH 11, 1910. TRYIN4i TO GET ~1Z~~rîe n rs RAIL MEN FAVOR pDRNOR.IYBECAYU UBÀ liSUT A NQeston nt f ,C:h,. T rom Wtdaleddt&EIY Sun) ~ ~ ~ II IR I~iJT CON r ti iecover the amoun t of the short- BIled 1rc 0. tit avenue lasI îight and alter n'«y-~ ag hIEr represeiatises have ieftl Ing ti vain <o, determine wheilicr Ee ntei-natEonaJ Revenue Inspecter r) tne cuîrci-te ud wicng o i mplîcatVote Shows 86 par Cent Advocatî. was Insane or cimiîly hadtithe *snatkes ' Cornes toNorth Chicago and Wau. Connor Bond Claimod to Gail th, mîai< wlI( lie $10.001) bondý De- Striki Plan if Welles are Not îhle took him to tic poili'ce station. The' kegan te Test Whiskey and te De- forl-s ir le bonid (omlany have Raised-50 Roade I-it. officers here were unable to deter. termine whether SaEoonusts are Fu ornIy OOoAI rPt eea ashean have ask'_____ mine wliat aiied hlm sand se Officer Living up to Laws and Keeplng $3.000 h o A i. sentai]eei ds here at n an-George look hlm <o <lie luwhcrp lie whiskey 8tandard-Finds evcry-1 Iegd lurtge ulai pt cli slomîgitknw 1 Y Chicago. Mrch 9.-W. S.Carter, Was îocked ut). ,thing O. K. thuiîg s<ihwîîuld tend t0 place sus- president of tlie Brotlierho>od ofLo- Asoo auligul bselle <ibuupn le anwhm "hY are otive 11'remen bas announced that dlsrobed. evIdeîîtly thnking lie was EiHom Weane.days qSuNý Spocila Agent for Boit Lino seek ing to proteci <n withhoid <ai-tevot on the proposiltion to strike, in his bedrooini. He taiked and sang' A l!niled Stateis CîEiiuc lvi-,Eir vestgatonsE, ad i-twsn cd o leat hoteCi-and <lii. *orlng lie gave henaame as terday Halie nspects ail boiided v tiaonHe MONTGOMERY RE-APPOINTED Cbe% hwen8 rcnwt.re20,( John Gukson, adding thrat lie came whiskies and seekB <o det eut cas men, ln lavor of a sîrîke. He aald that fr*om Waukcgsn feuir nionîlis ago and wiicrc b)otli have bevii re- iild wth Mtteîîr 1s One of Dollars Wilh R&EPEiAgn .Cptî p ikl e ~ r cent of the non-union appren-, securad work ri Ives i-He was stit inferlor whiskies. Tue ihîspecloriv -oad Company thatJes Seekîng to Re- n lie Local Harbor. itic5s alse votait t0 strîke ln a bad condition ths afternooîî. so expected [o moike tha rounds of Wau- cover Amount ef Alieged Shortage (frlrou Weanod&a SUD0.) Conferences with the Ganerai Mana- lie will not lie arraigned ln court un. -kegan saloons sonaie t his wcck; and Result Je roc Smoleons it Lest tufl.NY.Nirl oad&gers aasoeIgtion wiii be bald March 10 tii tomorrow mornîîg. posslbiy today. re ouhinFrBuflNY.%fri,8-oad&1In Chicago. Flfty roade are ssld [o ba Wàien tha InsPector clies a bai- Are Souglit En Ferm e~f Bond in-Cornîelius hic afiernoon announced ýrom i clîeora rikofson demit. <ieappinoîeîtof hafolowng asTHESE MAY WED. weii known brand of borided whiakpey.1 (ers and e11glneeîi for lis flleat for thea FEAR INVASION 0F PATTEN Chairleb D. Sodeîquist, Waiki-gaii..37 Whain lie lias been served lie takec a ,ciEson of 1910 _____ (Prim Wednesday's Sun.)l ar ae-atiMri e-Liepo otnDaesEctdOe Selma Sanden. saute ....soaii garige from has pociet andîl fr-ais New and slartllng dceeîîp<îîeu<v rit crson: engineer, George W. Hig Arrivai of Chicago Operator. Alftre .P . a uer Miwam kte........9<aup<01erequlsra proof or tazîd tlie $7.000 shorlage mysery ai <tie lo Theodoîc Wickwire Jr, Captain.ýLti alcosm ..... 9i pt h eurdpofo tidý cal office of <lie Elgin. Joliet & East- John J,(Elagan, engluei. Simon mIE> Liv'erpîool, Mrdi 9-The arrivai._____________ erD RlIiroad Comnpany are heing made Ion. lbie of James A. Patten of Chicago__________________ daiiy, but tire Officiais of the raiiroad Jocal T. Kopp-t spuain. A.A. For- causauit considarable excitement lu and ondng Cmpay Wieh ondd 'rst:eliinee. Carle Hoz-rotion circies. deapita bis dîsciaimer sud oudng ompsv wlchboned ra<.engneerUhalaHouOf an nention to deal ln wheat or thie emPim cesas ccused of the short-' John J. Bolaî<d-Captain. James Cotton and bis axploitation thut lie wili age are doiug ail lin their power teo Montgomery; engineer, Gardner Hiatti-, le n Engls.nd onîY for aL brief holiday. Prevent <the public f rom learnlng the awa L'alas from Aimerica liaraldlng bis truc tacts, Tlicusot-e Il %Wckwire Capiain. visit inled of the possiiity of bis Workng t Cliax. John Niolîîeontery: engineer î es hasilo, suoedésigna on tbei.Lvarponi, Workîng t COmas. . msrliet. and as s resuit <lie locali I'àP hllp .chie( 0f dttfor lirîcoi ol, ii.M hi dealers are ws<chlng <lie Americans [the K,.. J& E. arrî'.ad ii t %vuligan 1movaments closely. test niglit snd la working liard uponjH<e engincer. Frank vers<ra<ci________ [ha case. He <savaoiding ail pnulcity Adam F. Cornellus I aptainu Harry FIRE CHIEF HORAN INJUREDI an cvrabs vrynllleitoHutchîni. dngineer. Eari B. Hull. ____ sud th oea bseEeynisllct Kensington -captain. James Har- Chicago HebrwSho*ue-Ls thats May Dr e aoe re d h . îaber. engincer Angois Niccuietu $11J126,000--Many Narrow Escapes. 14 s kown[ba dte~tirs fr [ie Yale--Captain. P. Ni, Grant, engi- Itt LOW htdeeciesfrteneer. Bui-nard Woods.(Chicago, Ma&rdi <.-Fire Chef James suretv comPany which liasfurnished- bond& forat ioth fle suspected men Nagr--Captain. Jameas Heffer- florin rend Capi. Dennis hlelLaughliu hv enmanl. engîneer. Cliales Wtood ,- sera Iniured. six fireman vere osier- lisheulere sndtiat <liey are italila-LapWn. uHugh -iCanen-'coma hy amnosa. and <irea Ollers nar. wok p olresen he <leâime of thea 1r [0apinmn.rowi> escaped lieing cremaied in the F a u in oe " shOrtase bcbg charged îijtire mauliurning of [he Chcago Helirew insti- hulrnyU 000 ond.for <lic Calidonia, Winnipeg and WY- The losvw« $126,000. During fthne;e an lu case tlie surets compauls an pre- omîug blaze a bonsa wagon team ran away, A l g n vent thie mas sbom <onnor lia, an hit oaiveo epode [te<W ite It t (fl <> E cumad trou tri gproven giity. <lie% IcTelinq the Ag. of s Fis. Ci( rj4Worsas séirnk the thetiliffît8iE - T e ge-a f sliCin la datermlnad scodilarotf are a. tuib'baitfl Iwti cau lumit <lcîr lahul it th <0 le vîfit accranr by inspaction of thea ota- falb:n daîris. Hia riglit baud vas tl ll)t<i < amount of (onnor's houi. ln case 1 itbs, or bouxe concratious whlklsare rveraly gasled- tlîîîexhiig t i of the rallroad Company tis able uo place ftound l lnie sndltory apparatufi fo<ia ina< e Wear."ut1 &Dy of the icslpousibility for the short- These utolitha icreluse in aRe durins IMINE VI CTIM WIDOWS PAIO hratreailoot bige upion tlie uan higliar nil iliev i wîî the ommre lie or tfe<lie h. eacli jear I placthefîin ini a loft lie ale to recoser tha full aiîont of addtng rwo la vers, a iglt cOired filYar, St. Paul Company Settles wlth Flfty ' liiets. Oui-1)prive tlie shortage as tliîs înknown man isi' fornîed Eri sommer ami a darh ilayer' Wmna 80l 120 9ornîed ni sEJtueibOsud s inter. Tretan t$ 120 said to lie bonded for $10,OOi De- alternate <aus cr, are siuirply contra.sted Chcg.harch 9--Fifty ciaims of (c-tse. itrnasu adiOrafr anEd very lislirinî,sRo <huât uliere la no wîdowis or otlier relatives ofr[lie cher-'N w r 3 lan wio lias been accuser]lly (ou bier of pairs f layreih§s ccual 10 [hé, SL mane victgme a laeaum a sm the'aliens over nor [lrougli [le [bIrd degrea epet-? <i111bicf vr-<i a th lIair lias Ilte<L- l4ng frem $800 te $14M00for each deasthi.;rli <lt ttîî't htini-Anrîn The ilim of $1,800 has bean agrelgl 1l lt trgi upon as a liasis of seutlement for about < strates a b4 autitil II 100 nilier casas.i i [Ie mine disrastar 264 mn s veraa hv kilied Of [has number 157 ieft widowis at$.8 jleblg -i vltb 423 chidran. whie 107 of the 1%c. tiite, Iai rr tI ma ware single msen. , -Peeamaîi<ntlf h â 1m ea att1«tiIiii ILLINOIS EDITORS TO MEET i.l I: clEjJ: i<i WiI0 aIF U Us s w é ie ho&s ot Republican PartusEion Wiil g11E EfaiJ t Wiia iAuemnble In Springfle1lc. - \l .i EEE(î t tof fo e* yYn Pa o-i,11pringfleld, tIiMardli 9 Membe4! %vtt-l itu1e 1ililiv1 -~ uiomyI f the Illinois Rtt'pulcan Editoriat s fiillilllEitit fi Si Any musEcian wlio la well informed wîl ll I lieutat yeu cannaI sociafion wili meet liera next Tuesday ~lItEi5 buy a batter intrument-for the money han we wîîî guve you in ea ln lhe senate ciamber, and the aath-1. l< Eii i E<( i sring, [o a degrés, viiili e a politictal ;' oleltble of Our CABLE Pianos. 1ganferalahbecausa or [the congrai EiE'EVlailEnd liE If you couid vîielth<le great tactories where these insruments !ai and Important cotinty eiectresleu.; aefEl-...... are made and ste <lie spiendicd workmanship that se Put UpOn every oe th n soiiinv o fea<ure, yeu would requEre ne further evidOnce ef thiîr superier ore an etion 0fheissociaton ieliW a i ou ' iit ment, The neat lest way [teiinow how well these instrumoents Are - It vill choose officers for nAxt year. W omAen's C « t fo built 19 te sec these whicli wa have brouglit te four homie cEEy ihat Wright Seng rcieGon. You can see a fine collection i Ili e of1Wrightf, the aviator, was in NewotS r n e r( i r store ~~~~ for a faw iot4rz. lie maide a tor=P i ht fl îutat r - [liecity En an automobile looking over J h< ile tf)vinlil's oats sutl foi( . C. F. INGALLS & BRO., Waukegan, or possibleaiaiation pracatias grounila. E>I Siii watî, beitil LYNCH BROS., Liberlyville. FIGHTS IRISH POST CARDS îîaîîî taihiued gatieits rit-thg-a - fl Jhiles, .pihes J1 > $30.00l. Even if yeu mie considerliRg the purchasae o some ether make' filibrniam s a4Kt. SIltop Circulation et et piano, cili and ace those we are eftening. It ilul cut Yeu noth- - - -cRaeCriaue At $7.98- E offei a iiaiI ng te examminend lest lhem tlieroughly, and t le Weil ceaviliyour Joliet, 111.1 Marcb 9.-The openlux -tv rat, tIegaiitl.v tailEEredif whie <oele suce <[mi you are purclimsing an instrument tht wilt s$bots lu a coontrywide mavement lie pain litil eiE t anid stiped oeE>t giv yu eric fr anyyersan awaa etin ISorgialquJj,ý signed [o remove obnoxlcus pletwp li giai aistt--l1 ais bitte anîd biavk gve f ou e rand c to mny e r a d a W ys rposis O ig n l qu <.ta l card a that bold Irie l c aractk Se r g e s, 5 2 t EE 5 4 ilw EI t lE l n g , 7 f tEesof <ne ad acionand customs np te ridicule tram clriçu, We, nurselves. are very enthusiasîîc about thie GABLE Pianos." la&ion ware disclargad by tha eltofit ittauîg, sp(Eial valuîe That ts hecause cee [noce chat mn excellent instrument tJe, andv 7.98o o ,Ânlu re fuPat----------------------~ cee ean Cvey lver t iU5uC~< [<sbarisos, vlan résolutions dcry*g wewn vr oe fmsci hsvicInity [o [noce as muccl about thie practice of caricaiurung people etnens Muln rwo- il as cee do. tha Celtic racé e vrea dopted liy *» Spheidid ttuslii ttiiiuii Our speciai representatEve ceil leagiad te gs o is ie Ohrdvisosô fti . aI. tiOEO kîtiaW(i ,., tc clienever fou cant te -site an investigation. He wîll show yeu tliroughout Ilinois anid [ha middle lIE(Ct laId wil litru just hew the GABLE Piano Eà macle and cili g've you every op.-- wst are on [ha ave of taking similar <b i er «-k5, 35< 25 ___________of pertunity te examEnse t. a. fi v flit at.............. Even if feu do not aspect te lu>. now, lake tlie rs conenanen,ý valuR.M. . . . .O. .,2.5 c time te ses one of thesre instruments,'EO-EPS, ROESÉ CONUVER, KINGSBIJRY AND WELLINGTON suit 'o~ Coîne and See the Nei PIANOSuf > Na- It ils tiuîte to be tink We isaeceant You le tec the ellierinstruments wh i cwaesà or, wuiuearcl 5,-Jaram orWhen voit deeide tof hae reach or promise lun(the suprama nsetou eutfi on sale at tlie same placc. There neyer ca a mere interestingF, I court bx ]glu Aima Broderlck ai variety ut mîodels that aseortment [han cee have te show you. and canotk.u. msru< ~iliçgo i savs e rd î 1 j<> - 551 - va Cfic dao. ie fa" h er iae 1t New Spring Apparel ýtShowing of Tailored Suits Mie ini toiiloiTuw (ol an% ia* <&îv 1115 EE all Efi li redl silits tiîat are n<iîsîla.v. Ilt is an ;1t iig a; the iliiEst tavEEtel st vles t bat lfaislîEîîîlihais lii l [w Elegai<e of niateriais. S aJendii-iîEi-h tiî i11 gariilts aniiî l .iEltg) thieili a distinction li tier elass t han thle averag ea tEEiI range i s front $10X)tEE $313 o. sShiLrts pfoductiofl paeIdE oi sa< i . gli t ein M114-11 tllE v Eiiii l EE 41, i k hi a î<i am id ming Mïllinery for Spring 4i -vi l t I lai X\ e -11 lit <3 gail 'lîE (aEgir E\eJEtifil iiV <i(rN al )ois SEhISi «E ltc( as siigge' îîîgabou a air t utîis i -aiîEEsfi rig. I new tyles s we ie Nvoeîiili d a fast' i-ltE t iiis0any o le ils seasEEli. Hie Led ('1055 iiEe t y i lin-h t Eîîlall ii ie a fav<Eed 1E dresvotili i. ît li E! t ESElE bw St yl a aesEuin FooîtalEie ilnh ves d afrs wrlage froîti $2.aU ta ý 43'U MA« TWO arui. Ini case hëliefîds lii.,? tut- , bî<IFe N US C O D hls bcî-îî anoiîeri*d wltuî and iiiit i - o MIOUoL UK sainon-keaper lhas re-filledil lwiil feruo whvisakey lie akes[tie-btt f with hm[ t lel sa d-i- 88 : I REBODE STRIkf 1 le iroi it Ion ofth<lEsa<sn Eeait. lomal purveyors of we-t gooidg sas Over EigEîiy Per Cent of <lie Rîld lie Ilhase lui thiiig tiE ,-au u lit a 1,i1 Workens in Chicago and Vicinttf ly I <le ii-<uî-îotOfficiai Canvuies Hase Voted AgaEnat Accep<îng Agreement of Rairoad ______ Managers Offered Recentty. a-t FINED FOR LAYING FOR MAN tutti tliNSeiI ad Nli ittiwitd lakS autEl 1i li ai cî-îuî, suîîîîî, li î iiii'<tEE l When mie Fiankîl.itualiilittia.l iii. ;uthe ahn i lgot) ttl itîn tXhuu tît iisn. ,uîa. l tlt N'hrtsi, Ioiîtî< te partllilo ,f iii- Pilî, sas ilsî haugcýd ftrunutilt %ariiiig iiiallide loi Eier a8g-cituîi iît <uîîit.i TsuîiugComupauny works yesieida> h %%ie i uIlug î-tid 1î<ltn l'Elit 11a siheiand waitad <o way<ay This i- Eh- t ulî lu i -uit itilO(aloge N-i-cis H hlniiy o tu< es as i5<il -iscîu i -11t1,1t. If )Ip Nvclos Hefiall gituIina' fr-iin te< lic ie olto- l-t ily lIN Mian and a Ilîlensued En whinh EtakIîîîuh. Illu wn oîî uîslîîîlfil iiyl. bolh hwere iaE ked op auîd I ukas haîl a as sin i utssini111 cof tilt-tIl 1<1 <o ruîule Elirealened I tecelos blefîî - Uîîîîit<ît -îîî-tltue ri ll, lie ief<,It fis .alegpd antd for botta iof.lierasiof <he Brifhprliîti)d ofIui it I i fenss w8 arestil Jt nght nd ngii-ýsritsd Flit Eýiliii ur l ulias flnsod sas ariitdma igi sdban-n Ehit(Ilsioîn n 'ticagortsuiuttoMai flîîad [hie morning. 7.- non tinug <uic bal lois, liastuutItiI i There ware nina rampls lui the îiîy 'IKti<alu auud gavE- imit Il leic t t hgli locihu nlal oigh< it" c5on<the cute oI- iisu 1Pater Neisoîi of fighwood. aunîîîîî Anoîding ii h- îîîîulîîtitl a man cane ereto ethig'*frst li- j rie.îiortsi tEE S6lier cti iutlit 11w tti maulcama îî-re<o ge lis lrst nta I n I-tliyeE-c of the- rallittaîl, wl-le pers at icutit court sud uleet ng solîle opî itsaî tio acceputilEg i(ho t- oi trtlui- frlauid-u gîî< secîrl drinks, Tue- ailsa i uiatiagprs oîîîîtc- tilia11, <!olînt sas cleit willl inî anîd vElut tii.nutte (han 84E ai-r tint ofIh lon - itl agilual ilît îuîoîsîslt tu1 77=47.

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