CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Mar 1910, p. 1

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EKLY SI.N VOL. VI.N~2 TWO PARTS LIB&RTYVII4, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINI OAY. MARCH 18ï 1910-16 Pages PART ON! 15 E E4 MDAO Thme Indlemet V~ by the Ote. ber grand Jury aWl O r. dewel aekey Oedn ws neite pred by SIW sAttereyli. J4-Dy-Mnay~ af 4e1t Is.elimit ceut-rI.Atos. fly5 0*0k.. Pffe a Pope were poe» ont su ndetht'ts eau.le out su une talaimal»me iat heur ellent m*011lheve a 4UP* tria.. 1Tii. MW* tuiffl se 0aw- the hidioleen booam w laeu"lalte P-eed -tb j»ise4 *50 i. te thi e f.IIUmS.t et 'em q .UU5f S, the. pdi.spe t wtnu aainel tthe doter, ln the' k*ln Imma Attorney P"Faim.Wba 04 rr i oMo the staté?à atores Usft ho volt de- mani fIat the Ogimicame le put en the immeilte trial cail. but ivben t di com e f0the point of demadnlusa trial tite statos attolrusy noUe prowae bffuisuano holesai, hie principal"Vît. usas bat been secused af a serions crime, fie Boit lino sbortage. andiwmu noV cannMu4 4 W eylum for fie ta- sasue.crtiffsly M.I Prisonors rMignsd. fflwisners ver. arraigned Moudar sfteruaon sud flic chaucery docket vascellta. A Irassript Va mlal fie circuit court lu te fie of Rose IC. Helman vs. 0. T. Gall sp AsneIIa Gall.' lu fie divorce suit f M Ee M. Hod- en va. Uncolu A. Halden, a pefitian va s ied lu fie circuit court taiay forj fie grautiug ai ailmauy sud the psy- ment of aallelbar's tees on lelialf of the vife. M aes BSlndr; Aaka $6000. A suit lu vhlcI $5.000 damagos la aaked for an alesdsi aaderana state-1 meut vas commenced lu fie circuit court Mouday by FrankSris aganet 4at Plana. Barte sileges fiat glona accusad i m of rabbins a local loige Iressury sud lia on JanuairÏ7. 1910, le bonei fila tanguas..'You are a roller, yo« obai the lise treeaury. 1 vii bnt ta"e il aloc." 'Sriea lo mliees fia thefislitu ""Oiudr fflatement vas rspeatsiou March 8, 1910. BaIl mma are Weil kuaVu south sidors., U A. Cord, Insi $25 aMi conta 17 Juatice VFuel 0f Grayslske for sllegei lIlega fautlag, tallaintaappear for trial and forfeiei lie boni of $100. Attorney Ben PàriWalebuasbeau apimoltd ta reprenent J. Lanick, lu- dictai Ivice for allege4 sssunit VitI a ieadlywvapan. TIe 9uilh divorce case las pavai th.a'ay for a general pu-otet against ' tIe secret divorce sud ls mnsu ai. leged undesirahie features.1 if wau t firet feared thet the 1 dacre on aisi not be elgn.d aftail1 but Ibis fuar proved groundlesa aid Thoraday Judge .Fila i tigned fhe decree 1h11 made tie 1 divorce a matter of isct. 0o Whcis - a -SUN reporter asked i wiotisci papess wthdrawn by Or- vis and Beaublen attorneys for fie complaînant had been a-turss-1 * d ho was toid thal they hisi let. When he asked where thay woe o hwovasnforrnsd lIly Sers ln fie Privats "lefO ffie circuit 1 cleurk. When ho aked ta sme them lits roquenftvae donea nd ho vms taid liaI fis papors are Inacces- sible.1 Etenieuta fiat bave excitai cr111- ciela Sud fiat appean ta menit Il lu the1 minis #f mer& VIa lave beundils- cussins fie malter are astallowa: 1 3--Tbe tpatlmuauyla sassiita have beau iren simast lu a vîlaper sud at anY rate a luchudàa 10vtons 1h11 It cali not have been Isard ten feet trainfie juise's leuch. 4-TIc jispers vere lmmedlately vît birava trmIe public flie lu vhli fishy ver, public documenta Ir fIe qtto«amrafor fhe plaintiff la i clslrned.1 5--utnfe n the record bocks vere Incompletes ad evasîvo as f fie nature of flic case sud thc decres. 6-Every attempl vas maie ta hush tie mater up. A veil kuaVusatorney le autloianty for the statemeul fiat'Juige Front li no jurisdictef ln atfe divorce bil Ilied ly Fraul0. PSmih.- Heis aa fat the. divorce hesring coui ual be heu legally nuMthfe Octaber fenm cf court boecUaelit vas n pt ilied lu lime for a hesûriug 5f fie tMarckt term cof court. lu -order ta have beau beati et fie mli chterni fe ill shcoui lave ieaufIlai aet least fet imn dl c tIc trot day aifie Mar01 rinVI=1 osnmencei on Monda I Eauoh Ir. Th il1>11 as net lied untit Thura4ay Mach 10. He S ntéhds that the con- seut of Attorney BenJamin Parmalee, wbo repreeentei tirs. BratI, te ah Immnediate huirtl. us, anft sufliclent f0q give. flic cout jurlsilectlon ln the Tb ame- attorney almo says @ the pegmision glven te the attorneys for Umti for the remnoval oricthes la the ca»ela vithout authoriff ln. IaV.. Tht. .etboi et proceinre hoeos- serts was s.verely criticlaed by the ae supreme couM rtwl* irebuked asteral Chicato luises for dolau tha mm t ilusfor certain vel*irsudi hlmetlal maflaus Wl so mam *i koo e i.facfs ftom fie jaUbile tf» vesserVai- et, the oueeVIe, f0bey s- curai dlvôMce. Court Ilieu armpublic document a eud abhouli he openthta l lpection of auj' lnfereated port!«ies I.clas. Appeal sur" enCse. The cam broamaIt agaest Mmr. Hee witbaut a icentehma been appeled 'tu the. eounty court. The caue va% filen BurlW fo t*a Clcako inaf soVeral yodks ago snd reeulted la verdict of net gstity. The etate board of helth la taklng au active Interest ln the prosecutlon of Iis came and recommeuded that the. cale bo appas! Dunning-Bayier suif. The suit aof Henry J. Duunnng againat Carl B. finyler af NorthIC'hi- c5.go vas commeuci resterdar afler- noon lu lie circuit court. The jury van accelilci i 5 o'ctack aud ver. sworu lu ta try 1h. case sud alioved la ga to thelr liomes for fie nigît. Dunulng la suing Parler for 12,M0 damuges for peu-nai Injuries Vhieli lie dams ta bave"sustaiuci vbeu lie vas ru dovu hy fie Parler automo- bile, vhlcI vas driven by Mr. Paylers son. 53 Cases ticlen. Wleu Ile cliancory dacket Vas cail- ain luhfe circuit court tianday afttr- mmcs lil-lIrecases vere striclen 0&. Bonis at iflem viii psè*Wle [nduwalei. Thedeworiôâw1kUh beau.a laavy one forsnoe lUme uni JudgesNfrout ucSeedinlagettiug nme aofi ehe os vhielbai been-seflis o cicouart sud name lu vhich fiers vast no prosect of evcr gctlUg triai strichen f!o tfe docket. Dlsmlieaod Caass Thie tollaviug people's cases ver. diemiesed: The case of fie People va. Mis. dlarles Peterson. appelieut; Jamais Brown, appetiant; Fred Bnipr- lin, appellent; sud BAvard Blelmbel, appellaul. The caseaifie Peaple vs. Sylvester Corkilet etai Heury OKeeto, Abram Schvartzansd Alex- ander W. Ferry voie stricken off h. docket vlth leave ta reinsaae. ,Tva indictumontea against Joahn Whalon for su alleei burglary ver. continuai on motion aofie deteuisut. The cassaeaifie Peaple vs. Wallace E. Smith, ludiclueuls for altalnng mou- ey br mens et su uieged confidence game. vere striclen off fie dockel vîithleave ta reinstate. T'l'h. et- meut agatual John Habuin of Moan Cty for atleged arson vas stricken off tle dockef. A tiew I letîlent agalual Fauter Kelîner chargns tarceur vas sîrucken off the docket VIf h leave ta relustate tlie caie, lu fie case offie People vs. John Osks, an ludief ment ferras- sault vlth latent ta munier. a motion vas maie ta quash tIc Indicîment. but vas ual paased upon lr fie court. la the Peoples eae against Stanley Kalvîchi, a motion fa quasb fie lndlct'- ment vas averi-led sud fie defeni- Sut enterediasppns, of not gulity. 012.00 for Rentai of Tv. Lots nt Illghlsn< Parka for Five Veare By fie terme ofansununsua lisese lied Catherine A. Goodrol lesses fa Fred P I oe tva lata, lots a 1and 14, block 17.'la Highland Park. for aves yeers for $13.000. Pupils Muet WlI Sprngield, II., tiandl 18.-TIc Il- linoie Plate Farino ns'Zstitutse viii carry tu fie sdate suprement canif fie Question viefler a causoliaci school district las lie sutliority tô, empoy men sud vagonsftu ansPort pupils t0uandIirm sclool lu snob a dia&IlnltOpponenta aifie plan lave voM n sofer victary W a sdecislm mt bandai dovu lli e pplste courtor fie second districtet 5 Ottawa, wvilo confirmmfihe decree oifishetrial ouort, vIhensJuige P;Uuebaugl ai PamIsM suli a permaneut lu)uucf ian reosin la lni I ratfsuaifie oJohn Uweenp sebol Rn iagqll fouabnPtteami S!NSA'110N5 IN AIWAJIN TRIAL Mans Ccmvied etofmurder of Walter Kwsipi004Seuteneedte Fourteen Ypsswah et let, 4Wfll e PMt ln soi- Ihal>? eminment the FiISI Day la "achvear aguly or murder in fte firet i.sree Mdii Plmilmt f ,'t e5ftourtean ymr la-fie peeutttary. TIe jury VhiloItri«aiecm scin tIe circuit court returue-thfieverdtille etlayo 'ciock StUW& imy lst itler dicliberat- tas for are. uni a latbours.TIé verdict vas u« e 17Foreman 0. 'G. Hawkins of Guruce unitfiabalance or fie Jury. Amann glEmwsaiAcquitta. The verdict camo ne a complets, sur- Prise ta Anianu. VIahosxpctei a ver- dict ar acquittai. ,The states ator- Éb le 'asatisfied i viitfe verdict and the leuglI of tIe pualment ied by fie Jury la couiderei us long as Wal leoxpected Vlan It ln remem- M"r" ith"fie plo. s awêxlty etogybraught loto te'case -Iy th. a eor y for lIe &ue. Accrdiug tu reporta tram fie jury rouMthfe jurars stood eleven for gui!- tY aud on. for nat gulr au the tirât ballot. One ofthfe jurons, accoriiug to report, consldered AmanInsane frou thefierât aud made up bis mmnd that. lie' gbauui ual'buc cnvîctci af nmurder because of his mental condi- tion. Blauy Vho lsd been close ob- servera. duriug the progress of the. trial aullelpaîci a verdict af disagree. meut hecause of the position taken by this juror. vho, fley gay, msuaulested by bis questions thal lie belierci lu Uic lusanlty theory advanced by Am.- anin's counsel. A Degeerate? TheccOnvct@s4 munderer la uot cou- sldered lu-Il kt1s inane ly those vho bars taiki vwitI linand Ilose WIo Isard i etlmony inug fie PrOgreft Offihetrial. Boule, lovr ar, eonsader lm t6oM-a apocimon 0f alslute umental depravlty. Patlsled and cautentcd as lang as auy one fo4 sud clofled hum sud maie hlm cat.t fortable. lHedidionet car. loy liard tira.M. A. ICobèl Varked aI vasb- lus and ceiong tf a en money ta support hlm, aIthough levas aIle ta work Sud support hItnalf.Anofler flcOrY la u th i et fiat lie lovei fie boy. Walter Kualel, vha h. flaugît vas hia sou, ao much that lie kllled him rafler flan le separated trom i hm. .Juror HawkIns ai Gurnce creaed much Iuteresl lu the court room on Thursday, vIlle Dr. Moyer, the alienise, vas an fie stand vlien le asked permission ta ask a question of the- dactor. Thia Ia the question Vhlcb le a8ked: "Do yau fm inkat a 1Ma Who loved bis boy could kill hlm un. less he vas Ingane?"', Dr. Moyeu- ans- vered: "No." The defense concluded ts aide of the case lu tle Atuafiu murder triai fflday Sud the sual. plafci ev- eral rebultal vituesses -ou fie stand. Dr. Harold Moyer Sud Amaun vere tih. Principal vîtuesses p!aced"au tIh stand for th, défense. Tle abject ai thie rebuttal testimouy vas taý provo fiat Amanu vas ual cousldered insane hy any of bis fu-ends or business sa- odiales. Nover Noticed IL. M. Utteveller, a Chicago salon- keeper, Sud Bd Martous. a lbarfouior eutPloyed by bhlm, testii d.Friay marnlug they liad kuovu AmInu for feu or Ivelve j'cre und fiat iurlug that tme fier lai onet od auj' Indications of luaanlty. tMarteus asti that there liad been uuoclause ln Am- altu'a mental condition dung tche t" toi bta le badImkowa lim. lu hie opinion AMmlnas.sMme. Amanu vielai fiee salgon*$e frequent- ly brouglit Water Kucbll vitIhlm" Hie alsa, sai that Arma vas kini fmi fie bay for vhioacdoatl le la an triaL. *ellcved vas Baume., Fred . Pmith, a d iruggaftetlfied as a nebuttal i vuceu d ieimci fa bave kuavu Asuaun fo« about tyweive Years.-He fremuently purcla e i sgars lu hie drus stoadsi o»e lime. louaIt mçdlcluothers. lis'vas c tIcapinulon fIat the accuasi ma vu Amasa Net Inamis? Dr. Hardi LUtNoyer, of ChloMM, Me orfiehesot knoreataionist tslai0 qomutryvas on fie aI s fun ý&Mànm difesms dhuimeS t of fie aftermROP gaid o0ftfe eis!pt~ la AtmpAm--- irade. strictly sPeàkbÏ'me dii flot conelder Axnsnn Insa*e. 1frîe allenist examin- ed Ainanu for liecrir tIre. bourg at the jli où iaro . FDr. tiGrer et* fith be foind Arn- Sun ta e me Italble ahnd very un; stable lu biasnm"i-At tiueg be ap- Peareti cr y aet otJser timon lPer fectly msans. V wN unable fa de, IMe heic kinof<t alidy from vblcb he sufea. '1. 1oycr bas testiled ln several Mo0*4 luautyr cases sud sasift et sure fiat Hery Amaun wea acf lg Inauty., Remry IL Vas seuteosid by Judio10,10à affer I6o'dlok Mol ~ Il ta feurteenyur lu fie e l"' atla" labor. fe Mol yesr te lie spent la »9 . At tué time -et pasÊtt»,Mff ugdse Urcet seorci lb" fer à*PM 11liteasd toM hlm fam f*e Jurry ldwt very les: leimy wuitu -Ia. ti1s sentence Vas - stdAmana 1ea barag. fie court on lnaalr, tbut ia restrauel byoi aet0fi ttjoruys. ho put bia baud ou lias oulsder and beclauci hlm, toa ascat. = U fken te the peniteÉ4 tfa eoWdoeifib Sherliff Griflin. It la nov hiiown tbe Jury comprends"i tea a vmeit of tOurte.. yesre because Uic majorlty et fIenttoit fiat tfia vouii he equiraient ta a lite sentence for hlm. as they believe that heoviii flot survive langer flan Uic citent ofi his sentencem eOnsfite jurors vas' determ c fat Aann was Insane su Vpa atrongiy ne ainst givlug i hlm the death penalty or even a 11f sentence, no a' compromise verdict was agreed upon. In Solifsry .anuary 1. Ainau Vill spend fie most unhappy New Yen's day 0f auy man ln the United iltites. His sentence compels hlm te, bu kept la solltary coufinement onth fireta dal of every year durlng fie term cf bis limprlsonment. Poil- tary couleut la, the vorst punish- ment fiat cm bu adininttered te S criminel. To l, enua ie heprlvilege of converlifigVIII gr even seelug a bU boifit ! uIidered bycrl.1 meut fiat eau bu meted onttu rm tai. UNJUST. THE! CRY 0r JURORS Clammfa fiat Quayle, vereftfofr ISonse Remeon of Pet Waukfgan Papcr M as Taken te Pamphtet ta neiqt Lake County JurerIaend fthà Did Nef "i-ave Goade" whlci la wiy He Last I-ia Case. . Thomas F. Quayle, île, organizer sud secnetany ofthîe North Phare Lav and Orden League las Issued a aign- ed staleent ailacklng LaIe county Jurienansd accusiug thé jurylîen of iacklug moral courage. The statè- ment whicl las been prlnted and dis- trîbutei aver tle county la heaici: Jurles sud Mou-at Courage. In tle lositîg paragraph ai Mn. Quayies statemeut he commenta ou the conviction whldli Ptate's Attor- uer Dady lias aecuned lu the prose- cutian ai Burton Pratt for aellg liquer llegally at Hlghwood. Mn. ,Quayle asys ibIs fisthec Irai isil sen- tence whicî las beeu- securci. Prat la. servîna a six montîs sentence lu thc county jait. Th, ca«4 vhlIe la usai ea the lasîs of tle reverelid gen- tlemens attack ou Jurlë*a sudmoral courage la one lu vhlcIh Is assertcd Quayle di ual ipre lIe, "goada." 8ecause fhe Jury di ual fui a ver- ict af gulltY an Very veak sud lu- sullicient evîdience Mu-. Qnayl, Insinu- ste. fiat fie juryniet vere lackîns lu moral courage. tIrs. Ormely Bath WrO!>,.nd Deliver. sd Own Wilrik. BUYS LAND NEAR DÉERIFIELD The Illinois Brick. Company, cern- * ka.wn a»the "brick trust,- and Q»w oWner « 'valuable patents for 1<101 at wing -"mdiinestIsat are ex- te JVonii the eindustry, b>? 4 de"I cempieted Pridey has ad- Msd elghY aurea of Lake counfy Clay IfteIehcoldîh.3nMs.09erflid ad ~ me te vi Wnyont off ie Brest. est menutelee n the sdate. This le.the »s"o ref Clay prom juste asonuforng e speurte w. MMt aien seut«IL limite cft the ceulIr. thes etiser bobos tise Ncstwetm Toi. Ma Cett Ceespay, Whieh la aise as es toi"ci trujt .. .,.. .. ..... . ... . thI linas Brick Compaur las &C- tulcielghty acres affie so-cafls Parmousesefate, hanlsa Parsous ssii. lus fie lansd iving &anoption' on many more acres.1 . Thcecof*Ua" nov Atabriekyad 4 saile Msud fIl frmtfe village flseeleI sud acréesatbe lUnelua ~k couuîy. »W e evtract l letree-fmirme or I mdle ro trahîe village af Deoreld asu Needed More Clay. Thàeopaccfic reason for ths buylug ofo the Parsons cîshty acres vas f0 Set ,m re ay. O ver o n ie C oo k c unti. tract fe cay la gvng'ont sud fe ,caZmpa u maIadi ta Ia yard. 0f bite the company, las been dredgiug clay tram a lake on its C04k cauuty. torty acres. lbe Lake caunty Clay li al si f b. even better than fie Cook counly artile, ltiorthe sanie uidelylug deposits. Land Brings igh Price. The elghty acres lraugbt $200 au acre Sud flis'la consiierei s good price. for i l lIneci as iaud, astbugli wllh dlay unierneafi, lt 1a ortÉ auj' pricetoa aconipauy 11. lke hute compaur. WUIl aIt0Once Eniarge. The Mincais compaur VIII ut once enlarge Ifs piaZsiram smptoytng 300 mon lu fie Coo conuir yards 9l Put on 600 lu ttr lais couuly Far&i it may le s yesr lefare tl ig Llie county plant is brauglit, rouud (utc sbape, but illias leen- staked ont asti aurverced f0th plans for the big varka have been campltla. Il la expectci fiai fie lauutry vii aid 1,000 mon ta fie psy rais of Lukel caunty lefore If la lnlnhed. Have New Machine. Besides a brick maklug machine vhlch la of a new paient sud vblcli maIes lu-tcks tenter ilian human bauds ever di befare, vîi machines or ofi. ervise, fie compauy lias mat reccutir acquirei maflter machine fiatVIIIllt and trauisten 1,000 bricka at a ime. Bath types ai machines viil . lu- stalcl îlte -Lake countr yards. Ha$ à Monopoiy. Th Ic llnola Brick Company pracli- caiiy bas a nianopir aofite brick lu Chicago Sud vlclnlty and lethfi. ru- idable rival fIai lias put fie smill brick yards thraughout the state out of business. .', Ils land holdings ln Lake county, l I la belicyci. are moane extensive thanj utlisave. lb. nev site ls'just soulî ai "Cash" Easlau's place. WOMAN UIN A . MOT FIS INfGlu Former Waukegan Woman of Promi- nent Connctions via Rccently Re- meved Lake Forest Attacked by Angry- i'gland Park Wifs andj Battis Royal Enoues-FollownSUnit-1 rupto? Procéedings and Otier De- velepmenîs. 1 Faliavlug a banknnptcy peUf ion liai volunfsnilj' br ber huaband nomo w arrant for Mns. Eckstrand an'charge of asauit and battery. No date la st for fie hearlug. it afevelops fiat tbat nome la Mrs. F'rank Schmidt lu- stead of Mrs. Joseph Schmidt. What Record-Herald Saya: Sali the Chicago Recond-HeraI4 T earmormiug: A battie royal between Mr@. Joseph 8chmiâ of ilghland Park, a deserted Vite, aud tira. Otto Eckstrand ot Waou- Lkegajý, allmged aM ' ulty of Mm. 0chnlldt's husband. lu'the etectrie sa- ieu et LaekeFores ast i ght threv fie fashloatable suburb Into an uproar. SMoettaon 200 persona wltuessei ths fight. Vhleli aeured shortly after 7, o'ctack sud Iust as the club train out of Cîleago on the Norfiveateru FAllro.i liai reached. thp statipa. laie Forest men vIa have busineess In Chiçaga loft 1he train luit as tho tou6le cominenced, and as the .feam sud electrlc roai stations are saide by aide they Vere ringide spectators of the etruggle. Stabbed lnn lyo. The battie vas a bloody eue, Sud la the mies Mrs. Schmidt vas stabled -'%Ï-twe flibtt~'yo Vitihabtpl vieldW by Mms. Eckutraud. spectaters déclare. Thé faces of the women Ver. puffed Sud swolleai' ven lie Lake FOrs police sepanated Iheni ater lfteen Schmidt, the alIeged errlng, huabani. Wal a unwiuvlllug vltfless of the aifaîr. He. lied to separate the * 'omen lu thé early stage of thee Ight. but re- tired froni the scene of battie afler re .celvlug severai of the fiylng puuchei exclaaged by the combatants. Wlren the figIt vas finudîr ended both women Vere under arrest ad speut the ni ,Igt lu the Lake Forest joli. They ViII have a iearug fis mçrnlng. Mra. Schidt Vas deserted Ir lier huaband lIre. montlaIs.go, ah. says. 8h. looked ail over Highland Park and lu nome places lu Chicago for hlm, but neyer flouit of Lake Forest, but a 1eV mlles away. At about lhe snme lime Bbc Vas desertei Mr% and tirs. IlIkstrand maved troni Wauke- Éon ta Leke Woresf. sud it develdede lasl- nigît fiat Schmidt liait become a star boarder lu the hausehold as aoon as île Lake oreaet hanse Vau opened. Schmidt Vas tormerly employai 17Y the Chicago and MilwVaukee Electrie Raliroad, but lias faken lite lisurelY for several manths. Bckstraud worIts at the Arso plant of fieCorn Proiticta Company Sud la away froni home ex. cept on Sunisys. Yestoriay morning tira. Scmiditns- ceirai a "tip thal ae. oul inli hon lualand aI the Eckstraud borne lu Lake Forest. Plie veut tIen. ai once. lut found the bouse- lacked. PIe valîci on the frant ateps ail day, but luaiily gave up ber vigil and starici for home. Wlien ah. neacîci tle electrie road station a car vas Just arrivlug tram tle nanrtI.' tirs. Schmidt vglted to board If but Mn. Schmidt sud tirs. Ecittrani slepped off._ PrellmInary explana- ilous, charges or denls ver. uatlnl order. liefare aller passengers realir kncv u-hat vas happening tIe a-amen ver. fightiug desperately. They pre- seuled a vlew off lig arma and aviehîngs kirta and struggled up sud davu thc plsifonut, scatterlng tle apectatons rIaIt and 1.11. Schmidt vas tIc onir anc vIa dared intentere until fie police arnired, as tle nesutta of lils attempitao restane peace ver.a 4autrous fie aspecta tara kept clear af the fighters., Whlle dhicago paliers stated tfat the tva vamen spont the night lu fhe I. Forent jaîl It deveoaps fhat DOMOeMmn uuppeed fa le Scîniuit furulshicash bail for barth. Tuer.- fou-e fier diual eren enter the jafS. Lake Coaty Law mimd Osier Leasue -- tUrne agO tir@. Otto Edlatrani Mon- Mit et Laike Peret. TIe taiensted W. C. T. u. ai fih. day at Lake Fouest bccamc lavoir. uortli shore heu a gold modal mmt. ai VUfa Ens. Jas.ocdlut oril 0 1g- Joue dtîtins nuis an able and ele. ran's content Tbursdaysjai Lako Foi- land Park. The Eckstrauis are fon- queut addrsss oun Am.rimlmet ctand suth. medal viinsi vsnlied fie mer Waukegsultes sud eve vliulce emeeting o et fi al Oout7 2e XUuslpragu-aniby rn.dtfag au originaltfor yens bers lucre vers numorsansd Order'LesUoet5f aiom omns prose selection entllled, 110v One about fie'Sdhmit case vieldIetfth# Hall lu Lake. Forest Fridsy nIglf. Maun Came te, Prohibition." Tue a&se- mwaa expocted ta reanit la a suit The foliovins dlrectors ver. cicct- lectioti vas alsalutelj trus sud taken for divorce Ilied bI rs tilu Pbdt vIa ai: trcm t. I. saimare flan once fa, have fol- Tvo years-H. E. Bacon,-IL W The taieratai unionas mc laite For- lavai 1er luslnansd tirs. Eckstraui pattan, Captslu 0. H.LtiorasU,]I.P. «stà, LeBluff Sud HEU~aniPark sud tfo fils clty. fegvick ai H40"«aniPark; IL Q. the p&rllpants l la c confeté0verS The case vas sel for Tuesiay. Wats of Lak&»ForeL. aiu eitirms Suons daq" aiWsuke- but isllci fa corne fatriai becaun. TIre yesrs-ak Morfon. Homaé an nmetmone is. mBelle-Ch'ae of -0f fie Injuries alîeged te.bave Issu Earut, Calin aDurand, L P. Rnmaey, Ourses van fie gli usisi sMd of- racelved by' trs. Ecksfrnu, The saind.0.L nay. er, cauteetuta ersM Ih.'Celestia ceus VIliI e heard Patuzday. tirs. Reparts of o000M ve w eaiah Tlotnpma, tir. Ma1 e us * suMkd Ut ataler lelng ballai ont acceptai. Quafls vwa nctahue Ma 3r inseJnst._tirs. *îW u IÙ II vad on crutebes toa scarniage sud the spftI agent aiofieh@Society ov« and *hUIc enterei'e=o ot iaêt pte s.'rws tken ta lier lame. The dasea monfi g *" Jasu VreDr. B0yh M « I. N'on- 1 is n genluLake Fou-eît sensionm. ____ *t,ý Prof. Baefft i th* eMnue ol Tnesiaj' aI Iels nStanera -i* Dr. -Beake r t ite Rne Burf tir. Jas.- Scnittof ENishani Park Tue là» omuj udgedatat ifetedjtalraI - 3ustiee Weiss of Waukegan Issui a tlc W btiymIen0M U Pi r-.0 S!CRfSY Itt~ E= on y isColti 0er l .a~ pM.aoièreAre mkw-# -4pott Né b k eq~se 16 cher"el raly Y8rank G0 Omo& bonles ligs srutei divorce trou $arm .t- gifi by JUdge Prost la the ecIput courtO The grisiéorfthé divorce. tIs dirvng of fie pajier, andt fe 1eW cort eou ,elvs wI t At îlbe concils iorte bei*A4 :orneYs Orvii A fien IIi".'4 .peoIl il, tiaitG. 8 Ii,15 usas manxager or fie, amette. asub" permissica tef rase e fie l Itba divorce 1111asd ail oai liS e 5s Ub the. case. TItis sermimeuonwua pete and the oply aea vw- - able Tu the -case l in-te entry ,0 **Prank G. Uiihvs. Marlou A. Smith, bill for -w-,--"1 Asked 10 Leaveýt After the learlng. lu the Amansa mourder case liad Issu adjoumsedtf the day sud s a mlt of flougre ent ln fie court racu lbad lefit tla reportai fiat the caae cameý up. TIi> papera la the casé eesthenAitem! as Aftforney Benjamin Parugie Wlp reprsseuted tirs. PSmith, cousetei ta the Case belng hesrd' at,.ouce.. Soshe Allocationsmd" The divorce vas graulci ou th* graunds of crueity. one of tlie le gallons orf fis bill, Iflasasti, vas ia Mirs. Smith liadkuochai lier bnmba4 mbt a siatf i usnslilltr yVU a Vater boffle. -It ls misa clanssi fiat mbe liad leit home repeateffly aiti bad Ilireatensd ielilirte. Other chargea of cruelty were maie sud Il vswu 1 ed lu tefielli fat aell adlserafabeil hlm sud oflervise acti la au slueÉ ai cruel Manuel. tirg. Smith'Vasu'fprelaet la pu%~ soat fa asver tlIe e laÎrgee, batlr, fev people la the court rom aui tbe testimnurla fie caft vas spobe* la @0 lm a5 foue fth" t eei *1b beard mazy tact fromt hfi juiedock LIST 0fr mm lmN COffiv TWIM A mun vhobsnmbhm worklsg lb fie rsuit et fhe couâtY treaunrr% office for several day..has hen abr tractîng fie .attention af court bovim emplarees. vIa bave vaniersi vwsy lie vas copylug fie namea of a&l lies persans vIa avuai daslu lhe colm- ty. When asked vly îe wuas makit ' A lat d all the peusous vIa pati taxes ion doge a luhfi.caulty fi. mi, stafo that be tumnîshed the lista la menuise. lurons af dog rems",dlon, usnd aà-& vertiang malter. f0 fie People Who are làteresfted tla foIn praducta. Ail CgOwnçrs LUted. TIc m«n decli ta aire île nus sud cla ithave maie up fluBai lis la U o1ifie coulles au îhe uàtl slore bstvies EUiVskee sud Cui casa, leisne, obWttlisaf cf hoûl- toachens for tfis pullaere cof seloOl booksaàsuit oie suppl wias vt I teahers- are laferested. liMe vala for a largé conceru vhlcb 1151Wa spcmlalltycOf furulahlt Ug J.lglit ta bualeg mncru n ho dere fI Set la touis IIIpeople direc»yil, teresgtai lu lit ines e0pèr enalB e stuaISind o et da tatey WliiIQeomeV"my feue4 Amy le Made la ^«Rire mofelds te Aleg l m$ere ie u» co CusS Attermey Mhules H. GIIert. efls ooSmi e the B, J. à alhoa&adme siogt au! Il la meefsm fat a o.1om Ooiag as bela t w Cdgs 'in tu- -r-

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