-MARCIL 8,1910). >at of~ Great' ,ely picturing enew fashions, present= Lentlous o!éportunIties for supeiëb savings, it is wondcr that this sale wiII -establi.si, new records csnd 3eiI its, tulfillmn! rt. Manjy offer such'exceptf>nal1 Cone lu this store- Saturdi Rusot Blouse SuIts la the flnest serge tbe tmarket penduces. lined wih sllk 'Me ost bas te shawi col- lar effect. faceti uit moire, trimtoeti vititbrali and mo- tifst; eoat ls belteaf at the demasdd by faithion are representeti.'Te limit ai value a tbe prIce 27.50 me evétnt. Unique iii its purpose -a nd stores bave Spring showing but few opportunities for, reai savings....... a4y, March l9th . Eigter Opeàiing and Sale Ladies' 1910 Suits A Bewildering Arrayat $15.00 wool worsted and Panama aultu, made with the popular krigth, 32-lpc¶' coats, two açd ,tbrée button eftect, long soh rofl sbawl collai, full satin lined. Cloice ma emade from a large range of patterns ini ail the season's wantd. SUITS AT $10.0 At this price range we sitow nome magniièent values; titey represent a speclal purchase of manufacturer's bouse samples. There is not a garaient lu the. entire lot titat la tint wortitaif to two-tbirds more titan vo ar, asakng t tiis sale, 11abirsc are of stripeti wang- ted àna Panama. 10.00 otbemtrimm d wt large haittions and self materials. Thte cloths Includ.e fancchekedand stripeti sultînga, blue and black sSee HerrIngitoce stripeti anti plain tan coverti, values that sell reguarly up ta $15.00. at.................... .................5 Ladies' Coata. Made up tt.îty-two Incites long. black hroadcloth, plan andi fancy worsteds. box weaves, fancy effeets ,a vide range frrnt whleb ta inake your <t ectiona at 87.50, $6.98, SUiad.............. ......................... 2.98 ChlrneCoats. Agen front f6ta 14 years. al new spring noveltips, maroan irimeti viti olds of shel, rd ceceks, also bIne andi fane>Od weaves. Bg amsrtment freint whicb ta, choose at $5.96, $3.96, $Z.75 anti........................................ 9 SLITS AT 1 $r50 Amnst any clot or ,an) weave ynur desire inay de- mand-Il'a thte most coin- preitensive assartinent of itigit-cias garnients at n popular price ibat vu ihave ever bronght into thee store -thatas a strong assertion, lao. viten one stops ta con- aider our reputation fur itav- lng tite test. Wide range. 22.50 Messalineand TMfteta 1Dresses W.e bave gro.pped for splling uurlng Ibis sale severai i&)zen Measaline and Taffeti silk dresses. trimmed lu houh simple and elaborate insu- ner. inciudlng tinty stripes. plain colore and the nmucit vafiteti aiepherd plaids; values ni> ta $25.00. t te one price 1500 r 'ai 4 (1 '~ ~h4s j - ikPetticoat Specials'--f--4 Dress Sklrt, 811kPeticata f Lt bugrade of silk taifeta titat bas ever been sald iiHr a ilnetvausI kit htv titean pettcmcfia unee. nfi pI ait aueIn r uatw the matie-up garments 60, ail colons,. price. Your choiestram nearly a doaeng inelutlnginany slan"W llksalt o ,y tripes. ail vol Pananas anti-chiffon' Pa I ta 414 yards ln fulin duI al are vluesý L a i a i k P ettico sa M atie o f sa iom i grade 61 I or nt s sale wv iîle IL taifeta sIlk, a stub ntdd 4.00, value, *-Icual n for thts sale at.............. ...................................... * * Biack Ptticoats. Matie wit a widle loituce anti deep duat ruffle. iMar-k moire or ,'ie Valutes up t) $1.25, êt.......................................... 79dc SPEClAL VALUJES FROM T Lad lee' Drwe-, Ladite' Oowna- Ont' Ladite' Gown&-Regu- Values up te 25C. ai t lisplendid value lar X1 values for 17c L979C E MUSLIN UNDERWEAtP DEPARTMENT WHIL15 TIIEY LAST Embratdcred PettiGoats Short Petticoats.-Goo,1 Corset Caveroa-Vaincs Ladies' Drawers-Spe- Petticoata - Values Lo Comyblnation Covere OsuetOcvIs-ftlba- -Wilde flonnuce,8 materials. af uit to 35e. fon cial vaines at $3.00. apecial at and Drawera - Valuens tg low. 81 vlU ta $1.76, at tU 98 21c 19C 39c 149 . 61.4) The. Corset. for Stout Women- Th ny Unreakable Corset onth Maricet. As swon as te coriol breaks at the walt Une it la ,perfectly woriblesa. We hâve ln aur American Lady model snuber 51, a Sarment wblch by Lb. insertion at te walst lime of a patenteti bet la rendereti -UNSSIAKAILE. IiIls -Uie onir--utn; brealable carcet on thte market. Amerioen Lady Model 51, 1 a! whiteCoautil la ........2 5 Corset Perfection Corst perfection la exeunplified ln ite igit- ust degre. la the new modela of the cale- *brateti LmreCorsets.. Hvery ictate of flatti lain bodled lInltes. new desîgna. matertsaare rieber andi daintier than ever hetare. ad thc wrkmnstlp la ail Ibat aUiet hiand ilaborScn praduce. Wear a Lyrs Corset antij in Camstry. you bave aIl tat ta test Summer Drapery Materiais The preileat, dalnheat paned 0 amdwvem fguured labrien Shai wïe have eves' aseeubled. oUituf t Ifieaet poguibIc adventage foi er Iceton.. Seeond Floor. Faney Serims. printedi Culaim Mauffi. vith Carmin Sertes.,vlth fan- 1Cutai. Swia.dotied alike on botb ies jeera ures woven in eolors. e y b.rde,<'l!ect, roth ides fet yi this assurt- pretty designa, regular 25c splendid raluis thatt iold al uc, for the honte, burga- ment, a grade thIkt sellea u valU%. 13 Up 1te3Meper yard, low, nsu Sun ner 15C per'r "i spci peyii ......... 1b4gi.n.2.5... 9 Childrens & Iftfants Wear me4la I vtallea tIS extenldedl90 isalfts ai MIS Sté"e 10the depail- Lyra Corsets are Boned I_______. wlth Whalon Eatter Open. CORSE SPEIALS ln§ Saturdsy One lot 0fcametsà veil kiiov iakes, whlct for certain resons we ame .not permîttedti LapubliMbt asw re M moIeultted ta advertise thmsa ia ut pries. m<nent sit asIde for thme. Uieone«. Evuy requiremepmtirnlothing effects frmm li>e Ume o01lthe auorks arr1taI 10 apuffl for the mature cld Win be f suai litre. AU ubdmerateIy prici Lingerie,\ikNJ n A remarkable showürngof the very latest ideas gath- erted from e very recognized source, of, inforïnatinu.. There is a breadtli of suggestion Îlu"fin ie that is. desirgble. -The- new-ronceptim& -munveltes that irepresent the true trend qf fashion'is demands are here. Lawn Walists BIeautifulIv enîbroidered and 'lace trimmed effectis, inîîuîuera hie styles from which to Émake selections,. special values tit the prie, 98C Otlier beautiful Lawu Efects divided into severaj lots at $3,98, $1.98, $1.9, *9M. SemMpe Ru"s -7x45 inches, fringed, made from eample.evtapt peilwiet":a ig oft.. Itooni size Tapestry Briissels Rugs. k 9x 11.value-u 1P to *$16.50, at ....... Rooni size Tapest*y, Brussels Rlugs Values ip to $20.00, at..............V%~ Stencil Outlit.s, with instructions- how to w orkoit elpth, 4 .......... ..... ltkve ever o56 =-tbe fmore'.la gtyles of pure .e*qu- là ~Let *ama. Voueta, "aIS> m laI sAà tu- every eofa!thoola s frt3%, m0ha oitiup to Wso ieCwa.for My Cat $ 4 Eister Open- Inq Saturdiy i i ý , ý PAU j