CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Mar 1910, p. 4

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as~ ~ ~~~wo W . IqEuWnoiiOi No. 'lit. ubomiwwUl Uzbaugs KIMstt»15.pmffbSo. 5 stiorivOl. X].. s on iuitur * US p?.utmTUIlO .S " MIlS 21W, . àAflLctTION. 01o s.60-pSR viAn 8TRIOTLY IN ADVANCE ........i............. ........ ity Edlf8v. Mis.O. t. Llve d Near e0*ru fer tllatylhvu e Yes.1 ~(vS Od Agi lnfirmitlOO. Has, Br, se old timer &Bd ou. 0 counlye ploseru',dmal0oold1 "boew hoa £1 og mr.aie.rtlj oWoWlgh1on tb. t Illaof Harda.e 1Ahmofonid mm had begon tle ib»gweli0'Ilu a a srlud doge, TWi aid vestbor la 5btv mlda grsste ~b *@DWrbàt aanîasd &bout m iet anairlai. e'ndt i"e bgsu qten arlli" 'Proportions. A1 vAsa smnar'. but medclad nismoîjuisue a DA leap o f,1 "e~aspatieally gave hlm1 th51 tini. on deuIls va llj orne. bMew sdvae lglaîy ~earu aId sud rom Soe Gernmr. ln 1847. bue a r.rdeut lu the vleinty of I261, omtinuouulv for OB ram. Our ssiItEWI *bd to tbem @M&' Dn ari.nud tn agtr.c u's. dwm are living ez"tplWliam, Nad la n r.huy. Thrs. oison ubam afH.r"bberusVr, Mi>. ats ud Mru RuI*os fBeya&bu rnlve1 la Inter am. ved i.n s' fo rA rSm MA"big vifs M. l~. "3@" Ths funerai vas 1014 fram tha bouée Frlduy alternoon asth l.[ng Grare Evaffllkml Luthersu cbuvch aofvilicla b. vaes s semnha sud ta lbe support 0f vhcbu bo.hd -alveji coltributed. Ihtermlellt v apdu lla th Lo ljrove Gard t Thanka. . 1 My brüther. and sisters oinalmeu8 u kidilu.. regardeansd thsuhs for the hind asitance by synapathetie frlndes sud aemgbors dnrlng th. sichos. sud 4.51h o Our faIller. fo TH«1 CITIrZJN OF WAUKEGCAN AND &£Kg COUNTY. 1 sa a candidate for lhe republiian 1 nomIàatIOn for couaty judgo aI thé direct parality primavis., ta b. bld eptenibor 15 next. -if i Rmin socoss fui and eloclMth t0 Iis 0oStsI shall oujeavor te i. kmLthebewpopl*e . ccdmloou attention .5au service vbicboit5.ifts4 ilgSty. lmport6mucs sUd lua««. lubuisu sla tIi. s > Mdy grovIng cmunir desave. I viii, afpreclas the b.srty asee ordial-su port luaIbis Campea",vblcb Wsuku'- Mas voter avg" irsme fla eput PuaaY r. PSONs Why psy.youvr&Mi ueudmonet fr a *b pivuiImm ath"do D otlest. In» royýa l'aule nig*at holà qnaltv A"d -Pré- . lIs*tssmnusl ou &XII lads inlus seciuo 3.1H3H IUàc, At, Vions 1428, Uhart yriis. L. 25-tf ion 20" 5$7S0 fer Lake coUst We. mve sowim dy to to t"e ai&m sfor dum se w& h6ving '«,a limited number et ont di&P" a ie wotdd ««ute dmyou ge your Sd«r id early and nxot Le diuapoiuted. e dmo have a fufl line of acceumories on hand et &àai ivu. RePair Work a speclalty lveey and Supply Ce. kt «M1 be- aur policy to try and pieuse al our cuwtmems m a utiafied customner as the best advertisement we San E. J. GRIFFIN, Prop. Phone 213 For Coopty JudgeII PL ! -'J- re-rsons' Cty A=tne 3000 feet 8usd puddbin a schamp ier. MM,. . -Klrby' ontertaluud, tne "8<0 Club" Tbr.daj. raudaj Trlpp gpent tv» daja ai Ijl weSk v it, rimaru t Dovuelýru Odr. rmi Eu i. sud faplily, of Aptailulc viste lust 8aturdsj et tih ouas ai Dou't forgt the £gâter Mondaj dan st thu lwn ov ti larcb 28, for thu b-ss at of t. Joèaphl b'e ul. A. là tlu enov couduetot an thé Moaner Umtel cftbs hiasuiero"d btv.s blc"$suMWiivsukeo:, 1I ha" nrturtd fron i my ouchmY5 t rp aud au pqw aok sit mj oldtad open for busines. AbersI tehfldl. Tb@ smsajb fnsdeof iu eth khj her yl vogua, that abs hon lhsa oh- IIW o fogo totaebseptal for su opera, tias ou hermis.. WIHU llovbaya booie blonslnta tbe Ml. S. fudoji chooil Ubrarj toSe rueathon hjj byep t $»&W. Ths books*ï amsio bu e pt>sa .shae&dnoly emb. legna& lfw boqkaA -V«ho a dffl u« euem of sa ýAi U PAIs bue lwmuud a1 licu ousinclorpor"stlIa Aolu te ChrW. C&an sd Somas oàgj 9t gaclas. Wl&.. tetstock P25m0 Tbe rinpw c S ak ilutoit le Waui. Amsim ibaïcapimtalsto*k lia Iies tatae ThoNM. DzlSndai Bah"ool van --tg »ay" usiamahdy, -Mar. 20*. for t bouai c gEcaplIsW»Vi. U viiho tlmsohinly, isOsve. A ca».viai bls vsltfs t là. b cehc. -Dring la yor @W nfor a. #aM« rgis Âtboýgh Joh* Nev.ll fm iea dock abat la" <vo u@Wla dàafgt, vb"ch l ont ai the ord*u7 forlb. duck lbmlly, but nov consMUr. Bo.g vho ovus BI* Mions ChIcisu..among whla tbero la nos tballe .nlltd5 o nlp- tion., AlfsvdowajuaoaJkmmuue'li preoted Ils compsanlom s ulthsu vbihlcb msued 5N cireisr. ente, sud 8 lucha. la dlamat. Affpar uoiy tl ilolas te, boa 'regulatlon" un aud for dlus It bau untured ths ring for compstlrlon. Nexti To tias'patron vbc iluithe .public uchoole, -vii oilb. euly ovlcedodf lhe fuci that undur the iulorsblp ai Prof. PugI a"d hi. ufrsat corps ai luachurs, that tbeylaavo bussgreally lmpro'rud fros su uductoaWaetsuidpolnt. The hat of demain prsvailsansd 1à.ularo maalls.tsd bjy the pupUm u sbeyood doubt as they as naltilng apldhed va" vltb 11.1v aladies. A vWsImm oos &Md &0 womld ha made vulsous bi tà. imeniby sud vould ha a couvladug âomam abat LilhanlyiI.proud of 1.JobisOuorno. vho M" r~veS ai th. Oltj, bas lavususi a combulsiios $bd sud papertic. iilbasbubom hisppatai lm ,omSaw uotheubame vm gd lh Coffp M lueoieso b a Carso u»ur *ho dim hab a t hebs-* cd gois" I'hmr em*h~ehsiuepaetoW vitb liý smcohhaiop 5 oila t i uwpulale art do-, vsy v1w», h lI- et th MmliR à"ii balt atoUotl*mtr mmw% , vbà@I.for ahasi et th" of vend. lNy. (haros Wewqela. ol is @mmlunrsllroadlsg, ud"viifflu abs mu faum meutvIlla otbmr oUcisis 5 prve isel"ai, vhiciaonodoubt, viii couvlr imms.e afitlis rsits.,of vhich 15 bue mail!. it le a lu fiu s , sud bapsd that the luventar vwiJuM contracta 090 o D11 dlnumiaomu. to -ay corprilana. Bettev buy gaod seed'sud rais. gocd cropu. when yon Iuy oued of nu pan gsi tb. best. LiistaflviLLigLumner.Cc. C45-2 ol fgh râ. .1000 foet Good Couedg ltmn -t Friday Night March 180 The Original Moving Pict.ures 0.........»F THe ......... JOh o n -KetQIwI (Ionisai, taken. ai Colma, Cal., Oct. 16, 1909. ne .mcml senoational contest of rmodem trnes. Wondurfal rproduction, evoy Iicklu-b and blow inluhe moei exciiing conisof aimcdm hi àit e-mize tud ai cdema a crystal. Thb bt movhig poi Wor ta.ken ai a public event. Every face la *ei doua, bo&l the big opent air drea recagnJsbé4t ing tuk1 on o ~cked down ZIomb ihed~ag»egn4sengilnaldlmai, hock ont of, csuo on up go* n..àtm .. .5 2 tultI b kuoekbg Our aboe- PO oe-orà=w.,0.oel*u. D Cc looAv. o 9.LR4lasty LIi FOR SLiN-otsIsd r ce 52 esauo bs* oR Difand Lobs. J. C.,1&. 4t,4 "WAXlU PxLs.soI *lul suamu, sud nois durarai we4slP8ULr, 'I F1118 WANTID-Wm pa ais~o I omotallona for tors 0f aU ibid.. Fred I Psakbuwst, Llharljvllls. 6-li .1 MAIL.-Ua 12 8s~y Essor Bled.. suy olplmand2l - vo chas, obarpon, bous aad ruturu aameday. Gooiaasuaw BIallu Wosxu, 888 Bimpoon St., Irans. tan, lU. c.20.4t WANTED-& situation on sab= bye marrhed man. Cmii or addmmJ. Hlom Fovior farts, LaieeVilla. WANTED-A lire nguat le Ibis tovu ta ssii lias bs.t Vacurnu Chenet on do mariol. bIh baud sud' ulsoisia povor. Write moto, propoaltico at-once. W. M. EAYPs~RsirmMtasflsr. 7584 Unies Ans. p.94.1 I? PDAY8-Todep jour bons.. GiPP@ui hou..mçk lampe.lutL beuw. vagi ji A>r&ngo-Bmp t50 boa* aBtsehl1 àèdtuds..501os«MtMu heur., È' odf ti - LIes Cb- Ol.Ssa Pot& os50capril 1. ?h 0O v~*ol e o.grv os Ma10oA8velh bst a fo ml..PquVa îo-$At.-E---loir tmotyAveu, gl sd04M0 LDE'ILLELummm Co. o;2 F Sl i-Bmz q k K adm ud. ql. ,FOR SALE-Bdr.dPlnoiaRc ým affor hatcbiug durlng l. suasn. ý40per mtng f 15. Bvston CoLnY, Pho»e2 . l yrjll. C25tf 1- FOR SALEP-Oas 1201 engPrarfstaB" 5.14 t=& .r Moulincubat', but Siv" svrlbroodem. rou m==m Addrss P. . Box 3. Rlablaad Park, JIL e-254d I. FOR SALi-Dan bej. irais DelgIn. oisillon, vdght 2000 lb..; smsd 5 ju. jouni sud hasltiy sud holding Nouai Mo. O. 1551. Iiaq~lrs aI Dix Haussi. Prairis V v. Iii., E.D.S. p.254 FO o Alé -W"ls .sd oum. jtaleésd bqloî.~ l rein, 1so 0Üv L trou Udpe b~.I.joasDayas, ltuet. IFOR MUR, -4impsutmtrd born la bon. bou* cfa lmpo.Co. Kuna4dbstyvU »d.4541w FOR- .-Osgond sonu" vo* j bers., ultraolir, 10 juoraold. lJsll U5tI1JGP ornsgilseh19,* onth aid Arthaur Morris farm, a8 isesvuesof a Ubrtrril. 3.C, Lors. P-251 tim Mas.embouz VowL*u, Irsinad Court lburtyilIs. p.25. FRSALE-Bay hors. 9 yrm. ad about 1 00 Ibo., mli, wagon Ivo lafcubstois sud broodeai. chicken houas 104z17l. s.etlouu. Ssii My Port of honns. M. J. DA-E, Gl!53'iako, plos 862. P-9>.1 moffl TO LOAN .1 FOR RhI4T-Plsnos, Playe, Organ $2.00 op. ruai alkovod If purcàaas Kihbéil Agsucy, Lm urluture Se. 'TeL. 27. 87-tf FOR RENT-Flat of 6 rooma lth Kuigla Block, Libertyvalle, 111. luquire 'aofIL. H POR «qENT- We b.aa wgood mod- emu zousems"d fdate ta et aima for. nlehed rooni,, vltb steain boat. wltb or wihout board. Dvigoxu AusTit. S40-41 F05 RENT-1 havs-Iuruebsmusl rmn tSi purwvec. iMv. . H. Est, Sprague st,24e I. 1M PMONEV TO LOAN-On Imprvvd 1 larme as 5pur euni.DYMONV &àAtw".mu I HEUVANTMD lt WANTiYcuugled~ forutencgrspher FOR Il&NT-My bous. ou Ws.turfiuld i çlacu. Ormyslaku. . Inquir. of su~ gsuursl oSe. vor Apply lu pomion Mas f orby mail ~ FouLuu MILLIXO 00.. LII>. Mâsos, Ubertyrilis. Iii. .rtyrillq, fIL u.21.lf 94»P là u iith etautbo cool of labur ai .prsadlsgtlb pslin fi tbe gruet tn lua 9» os o05f repie5tln. , M»eprlceaof boum paint. le theruffo f Dn ommi rvi Vmepruipo«' P& l Ildon. wo spressdis-e épeit; Co>- 'aqulj, tdo tiebs ihicl prs.vs1- jor b*uding for l*0 maoausps.4ol lb».chp. aralveelluutmsd comblssd Iv mlv;ro s nu01-1 t. J9HN,,W. MStRY & SONS Il O snf "u. ou.Plt DOWN S ~ L UO THE. PISACE TQ ëuv A ta rteiUe Wasbed !gW Coklockinq VaegoEc L KMNUM wow ~L F PIoerCi>w. Em"dloeHomt e fo F E Geste. G.Glýcuten*oïl" DdrwFE E fleur Mlddlq.Brn. Shrts Omto. E DCor. .- %d Cm* Pomutm rod D Phone 47 LibçrtqýVo'le, hi. -What Si>ah, the farvest Be ? tpeado opus 6. qssdy" ow i it aslt o vus.god roey sMd bord -,Y. t ues Mwhi appesed whesyou plet poo Ouer ame.ruesh. TTycore frorn 6e ma set g Ai igonSu oFloe sndes ed.mbh --Mmd'ibg Cà *. bW0 e . mNo.. &0 Corett Freerik eItYVILLE IL. w~~~~ -Ww -W --- -r W - W" --- ---I Gryor Ta nlghain Uudeskrts ..............................i......g 5 Nsv Indigo'eere Wee. 10c value, saI.......-111.......7ý-ý ........... 7%0 Standard Caicous lu huit blues sud grays, ut the @mre old price,, vd... 6, tPonuooand Hamnamkas, the oBeon's niait popular Bough Sis, -.atper yard. ............................................................. 3&e ~V-sdle ls.ufeu lhbdVeste,ý the lamous "CornfY Cul," sud b ter». et 15c, 2 for ........................................25e SCh"als Lis Glovem, Wasable, 2 qualiticu, at per pair ...25 sud 50c Pull Coinforter asnd catton battu ........................................... SLedisn Knlt Golf Jackmts, 8iev sprlnit goode, at .0 3.00 sud 85.50 4 cwiiiu t* 12 Ynrs 1k. anc thei m wr»M le Ulla M-BOWD, imi ---------- -t ma 00 1 Î, a 1. ". 1 . 'N ý, - . ý

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