CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Mar 1910, p. 7

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T he Lb"tylll Cittz.ns Band WfW Orianlzod iMsrch Il, 10egn8 M Watherad ODfi iltI a# 1Itl Flxed Organlzation. March llth marksd h. scond sui versary of 'the. Lb.ttiUIIinCtimd' Band. Two yeareuago0 . & lMitubsi cama to Ltburltug, ad biselnà music"aa.urg.d the orgauling of 8a band among tb.ouug na". Tii. remfui wus .Urly .0-Yr10-u smain ont; but onlyaobout twontr turik ID~l pWpOstIOU-uO5-of bbing -mm mied bors vbobahmnla.tyear.bsonggd to a -bri.baud 'ad mtood tà*aIiuIs . !be band pouss.d s-'IâoWly, and fou thluitaekofundsIt mssm.d à@ tiiougiiI» vonild Mookb. a tling 0f the. past TW i smmesmade aun ppoël 10 bt4 public for financlal support with Il"U ,E A. Blsop ad W. E. Miller, b ci timm la the Musical frbeuftz, '=4 vith bti o o7 nid unggbsls aW, subseftptlonb. tM- nop aong m attis. ,àr. DI.hiop led bi.s ervi.. i solicior *ud Mt wli eMsucees The. mmtbos W$ me& enworsgod,*nd to show tJi.l appreclation mae.'au agreementt biat solong sa tiie subécrlp., lion lât kept i)p trong enungh t0 me expeun, tl.yvould, dnrlngtbe mmmii mone" Rive an ope" air concert each week, re 50thle, publie. ,The. lreI cOu- certs wr. held oùi the. treet corner*iW front of Lakn Conty Na~tiona1l Diait, Mir. Blieiop aguin coneSied aother good idea, that to bud a band stand lu thecity park, hetIn furnlaltthe lumber and sorne of the boys di the. work. Tii. oncerte ut the park wer, a gpesA auce.., and the. band ncarne quit@ popular, and found thmmives called upou to 611 everaV important out.of- towfl enggement, ne wlsfllin* uessfully four day. for the Lake County Fuir. As the. vAnter season approache-d and by thelr agree'ment, they were to gir. one concert a rnonth. borndautiafec- tfon arose betweec enme of the members uni tbeir leader, Mfr. Mitchell finally toniered bis resignation. Tom Riddis- son. who sevved aeveruIyeare ln thp 27th U. 0. floi, Band vas fesithe. position and agreed to aucpt. provlded no outeide Instruetor could ln~ obtainai. lu the moeantime C. Il. Smth cama 50 Lbityvhla 10 open a cigarlaacnsd biilng a muselof e mmy years iperi ence. - wsIl #. s4trsctr, hé a as ked t. direc-9t bif, tnt coincert, and Uf le gave goci uasidat" wouhi b. oferi the positon penliaently, or outil the. directoreo, ci )baud siol de.'m bis removal méus.ryt thgondof ithe orgsalztlon. Mr. fSmihvaut t vork viita bsystem thltii. boy. ver, mors. thanpmasè-itb, and vhicii tiiyayia mot iersttoon bisasubject toi. Hie ucues. viti thus far hm sbeu grisut. The publiceha enjoyei concerte oo reudri, tiiât tiiey bave b.coan. enjoyable. Tii. luterpretatlon of stand. ard work bu. beeu good. Wile tiie boy@ say their subscription lit bae lallen aff coniderable. the.v hope the citizene vili stand by tham. und thal tbey may i7 tihe Citizen@' Bond luaa permasnent organization. Tii.baud vas firet kuowu as Mitchell'@ Baud, but the. boy@s lat tbey owed tbe namne to thon wbo supportei t, eo th change vas maie by a ununîmone vote. A tovu la incomplet. vithout a band, aud on. like Lihertyville bu,vwhere tiie boys are alway. vlling and reudy to respond to a eal, siiouli recelve tii. co-operation of ail the citizen@.. The band bas uniforme aud viien vweautier condition. permit it wiii open ite ouldoor concerts Tbursiay evening of each week, and tiiere la no question but this Jear'a concerta viii surpaieaai, givi n luthe pit. Tiie board of directors of the. baud um W. E. M111er ' presîdent; F. I. Kern, secretary; F. T. Bidileson, mauager of band; E. A. Bluhop. chairmn u secutive board, vlth tii... gautiemen' ut ti. busness end and Mr. Smth utIi STii.Ctimeai Bandin a ortiiy o f tii. »n e 'ans d sai e I. t h é. o uir w o rd fo e them. Thei. mhip Dow numben tvszty4two vlth tome four or Ove nov applications pouding. Tboy hope toi build the. band Up tb bifrty or forVi memberu. Whoun jon au, tel-lungbau4i do mot lorp.t LbertyvIlle bas oas tinaq vii vititprop.r .mcouragemu.nt, mais itueif knowa Unbrotgiont thesconut. Announc.mut. A fain rumor has beau ciroulatoi througiiont LlnsrtviUs regardlng D. J, Lmhiuy iiavlag roi M.d Pur etvei from the Catholle Or4ér of PorasSor Court No. 1580. W. kladyauk 0f tlioi wiio bave the. sam. Ies toi forgeS saMi as no esion bai been pald. W-J. Auxus, fBac.. 8. J. DuItu.NsEN Traai. 25-1 For Collector. 1 am a candidate for tiie Bopnibhlia nomination for coliector. for Lib.wSv#Wi ?~aterê The wortd's beît makers have been called on to supply this store wi*. tt4ý and most compete Une of men às and -bo' warngapal t por > to inte'rest you b n', his store. You wfltlfbnmd w-e hâïa atlipated .alyrm We have, worked hard ýand faithfufly to se .cure our posjl sth~e JeadI ' iers of LaeCut.We: open our spring campaign of 1910, confIdéh t thé deserve your patronage.. As*.no one manufacturer can.suit and fïteveryo ni carry 5 distinct clothlng unles, each one having a snap a 1nd, style- of -ts own. enables us to pflease the most particular. - OurSpring Suits and Top Coats are especially snap py this seasonm We Cali especlal. attention to our complete showing of Boys' Confirmation Suits. Hats In Our Mat Depa rtment wecarry theo.STETSON, GIM BEL, AMERIAN makes, $4.00, $3.01ý end $2.00 MANIIATTAN Sirts and IJNITEDore, the brandsl carrled ln our Shi Departnient,,$1.OO to $2M5 ,we CO11IrS Over 75 different styles Of Collors shown ln our Colar De. partment Quarter, sizei shown. The Lyon« brand,, 4.ply, 2 for 2,5c. Our Shoe Department hasý been, grestly enlarged ipid Include the Most styllsh.shapeès ýofflic 'best makers, $zéoO te o . Laster Nec1kwe.6r Beautifui rlch paterns, a very large showig 25c to 1 00 Gloves Dents, Bacmo and other, makes shown populo r We extepnd to you a cor4jol- invitation to corne and -sec us --4 o get acqodlnted, and let us show you.whether we con make good.

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