CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Mar 1910, p. 9

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LAMEN COUNT IN PEDENT r AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XMV.L-2 No. 25. PARTr TWOý LIBEý'RTY VI.LE, ILL., FRMDlY, MARCII 18, 1910 ICIG13T PAGECS $1.50 PBR VEAR IN ADVANCE. IU(SED- TO 1SATCD' -S__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ - YT 9 1< DtEK IN LEÂD heir Plebwe Ever Pubilbel et Haenhy I IIIL1~I~ IN L A L Arnoru, C.vd lMurer of_____ 14 Yerau -014 Walter Iûiubel pes *~ uqn So Robert M loalis. Pays"Tributei Tfrc. OuIt .Gt ITo Fr#ethr Character Sa aeiiec The. *blOuet" realky deal tbat has, The rerireuentative Tuesday qtated st. Paul Land*Options? SmI s Wl.RasDm ljth * nVIdt baen ruliored for noime ln au- j lf5p4ected witb a yjlip to mak.' ItlaI reported that the st . l'aul, soe fta Iùrd a Lot About ,Norf.Iwo*eYeamuAso suina furia etluat. Ing wholenaîe purcbahea. eVe'n now. bas options on 500 acres or This Western Man-- Rondout Mnd vicinlty sîlpears to lio One of the farine. he asaerted, was land lni the vicinity 0f Rendenit and i________.________amly 44 the Its location. te be the site of à future great Si. that it whil lîrocced wltb the erection I. sought Trace 01 Mes. affles BiroU,. Tnesda:P ma O8lwbo Asserted that 'Paul rond répip5r shop te be erected on of the shops when lt closes purchases. Ingalis, Whenl é1p Kopt a .lewelry l 1 r for Twe Yeurs and Finafùy Deatb. ho ha acting for te Chicago, Ailhlwau- a gigantic scahe, Romdout Idci site. Store atLead, Cave Office Roota te Ns.Comte..Latï Pitil Sti4Wan î liee & St. P nul rend, came te Rendont The agent look samples of the soli There lIs ne question about t he tact Adame Express Comnpany, and Rich-1 a Man Primnulnnt ln Show WiVid «t and visitei the. followlng farmes: and partlcularly of the clay on tbe thai Rondout Io an Idéal site for a ard tuliook. thé Original Deadwoet __ , the Nation;. Brdey raillé; farni. He asaerted that tbe rallrond cffter. for rallroad shop8. for Dlck, Wau Men 111usd by Home-; I i loîi WtuOneidi's eIN.) Atis.cay wss of a high grade and (ould ho- storage yards, or f reight, for the end stace te Guard Gold Sulion. tia'n 'bfhrW leI Atteritige. uzeti la makingclay lroducts of va- 'of a slthurban run. or fr an Industrlal, » nstu Thos are the fariiils that werc once'lu kinda. He aimo awierted that he city. myte Placsd under option for the plianneti wotiid cornes baci le lRoidoût soon andi AI] and any of these thhzîga have tVromi Wednémdsy*#io. rohr fMus arinSor.lti;- flagier steel tube works. Close the. deals. been foreseen for rnany years. "Deadwood Dlck.P ,. " t-ela, h of M. Gevn or1 Spriot "Dick Deadoye." e b. manay Ini 'G. oa t 'Vij-. The ien naines art,. familliar to ev- . .n-i 'eîe .ca disaplîeared ai Norfok.a..i US. LE TRXEI< ESASADOR IDIE LAMP ONS'~IONery American 'achool boy wbo reade s.Setru atea. flt eWrdlidben isnttr iii.O 'RIN LA M IO h "dîme novai" surreptltlously son' [ Rtlobert spoor at bls mouheve W _____________________ II"U 'aWIfft If the Sebool boys of this generationt q venY W qst, bellui te .oarcb for' a tIMM et FATALLY INJUREID PlnCe0 U h aa ITY IN CARTOON bhave noyer hoard the naines. thon. ocitl.ibsl> nu letcve__thJpe the past low theinwl ndbv Jusl Ibis veek lit haà bern lsar#s nmPf o a Iie beltly respect for theni. frons tiie Rutho-Usa Ot h. (trou *@OUda%i Sm.> ' <ron WAednsaysà Run. The. original **Deativoot Dîcit" and ;SURPRIISE- ON DR. 0OCE' YTR F WL IESrsîgrde nta lyIoyl tr Lee & Tre ab o f t M arbet sreet 1 go, 'shortly alter lio w rote bies b sireet wsa probably fatally injureti i .marinesiReeo i.WucgaSb DctDaee'frh n n i.mrn Snap Shot Comnpany bas jus saine peu-son. le nov crithc&hly 111 at Prienda Pussent qseautiful Bouquet of Mldnlght Oash Up North Avenue Ex.'letter front that, point to bis ràaels tuis mornlng et about 9 o'clock ho thte Issue two fine pontai carda, on. a Ber-, Land. Soqht Dakota, and rnay ie. CrainctsMc ~uiin ee Yards of the suger refine-y south of ht,"l Ti tctbsitarisha atosfr PomWeaadyh aly u.>iDrunWensdy SnMs it bore.s efr, ~ lb. StndardOu Copanys ank. irs. hicb the. différent bellefs are aboya tbis City because Robert M. Ingali. Atout llfty fu-lentis of Dr. Jesale Wltb a clatter and a fuitua dea l ale Mir. tresas a i.ise b o r dx e o s e ga i a h e n oth e n g i l b h c a i a u e a i th ot er a v j b p o a b y -s d D a iv o D c " B c k y Og d e n te n te re ti b e r a su r . N o rth a v e n u e re ad e t a l at n ig t i n a n s d m n g i f r m n t ~ ' boasi trm a raincar hen b. egi- f Waukegan barber anti the. chty roM s toins in bis boiphooti, ai a msan met. Prise ltariy et ber borne on nortit hoard a hors. and rhg career upoti lage mlxanage omai.s of -u0 nser starteti bis engins. The boar-d ;the laite. The work ta excellent andi the rel character et Leail. anti clins Geness. street lait nht. Pib vaNvnebtcn ni2 o rlcth )ar conneetet "pmnesionv. aevii aru thM Te e e ct, r a hhng r irbl w ;la Seneraly on sale In the. cty. that Richard Bluloci, the rel lie , preantet i vth a eauttful bouquetei p0fi e ity _wIan ana a or e v rwS a#1èb seoatecetbehn ., iaTii. postal sbowlng; the différent ho- chrctr au a fMièà ot oltien doars. carnations. bouquee of pmdanug anti at voa, tbr ntu h go ,toater, ai». rot age aa $b. ws standing betw.en the. car and: lit tre rpeetea an smkn Eujr antiyd tIigyadi w h-ht h on. of the. but knowa mmon fa q a ternce andi wa tbrovn abahnst the 4hî ints"oa"hl sa"ln n Sains store Ther. tntbe n refreshiosuta ver. horst et speeti that titoy voe deethuief show vend. car. lb. was able to volk to ber'ý 7ole Tone a "oueti" manàeti 1 Wheu Mr. Ingals was a jeveler etî seirvtil atter vbih a short musical lot- lb. hoaspital, , but suhi prVe "1) Nedte !ere.,a ten la -b qý hem. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o. Tcros tai stnoe antiiie tii. eni- Leaf the Adama Ilpea ChrnpaÜy b"d Pi-o<r'i was rendered. htsvb otlece.qh.fgmieuStop*" 0005 etlb.tu-dn itihuaitbit se vi - I sovn In a coMm singing "Tu-e ' la la.! aB office lu the. sue ton as thet lwon peise, th. en gauso voe u.usy pketl vsde . lbstfat'os "rul nJrd o l eOrpr oir tour tisys more., brhng the liti. Whlch b. occuptei s bis atm-e. a. ihr. anti lia. Phahl hiairan. Mir. Har-, tâ bai t a1of-Ï04 sertoos« M eu tei- d an dt o e o t' " nther a am# r banne zet c l e lb rentei the. express co rnPany désir y B angs an di M u, W . rN 'x l n to lu nad wle..# v ~~~~~ '~e r aZ~ r s h : b o o mel~ r , i I J o n u i - c u i t e t p r f > h i a e n t . t e o r mo < r u osyw uiysuinmoneti. He et 1 Pie are lanipoonei. Folhovhng tbhs :anti ai the treasure couiti not ho ahlp- once~~~~~-.ueane asizdte nrosntueo e peil unthi 4:30 that atternolon, "Doati- injria &Uordredtheamblane tl- rarng or n wifiiallegfor one of vooti Dfok" Buliecit lie te guarti-the!I couver Wttheeopital. Dra iteir number. Tii. lait pleture uitpws Igohd. wokdover bier an elopement. an. assault anti battery: Besitie lb. ou-dînai-y shoothng Irons., . ~w n Knlgbà caseov, vrtt a la fiat trou harnie, betveen. eewy!dwa kuo o h for soine tume, anti haie, titi mornia; 1UDDENLY , 'o alasle It ekona alit vas reported te be dyls.itzesa ahn. oalceirotci short barrei @hot gun antidL Her busbaild, Les Trzel, la employ- ftedte th, "bhgher Inapl-ation."1 I as a vthking arsenal. lie gnt te W -htvur red to4 ë àO n tebalw h Pa e1 hyteda tAil Standar 011a CWilpiam anti coic ar i Ci atinm e "D'c 'edee hrg tc clte w r 1 1 edb teStnar 11CntD adjSchriebe- la in Straight Jacket to tbemt andi mei-ely lamptOon the fa. that lie bid nue glaus oe. 0lC Stw n d drives~ ~ ~~ ~~~~at ooare vor lb.i waosGeorgerigltes.nw"r-ed ëqt forpeve btoechla elght Willidam Acibr North Chcg natclvs almntoin ity.e g ulc Dla crc y. neu of th but reamflyt STRE FOR FAR dy Used te "Batch" Tegether. e asy Vè co-wnyestertiay aine, - Ioz oI 1 t1ýanecesaary te chothe lu a straight A deal vas cornpheted yestou-day, roumis theare and whhle Ingali tookt a1ytibc This pio " Thethery a tat th grin oar j ackt lb.h c 1ouaty Jet'. vherby W. P. Hlgley tradeti bis stock car. et the, formidable errer ot' shoot-. n tigè V ad meha tuklelnnm a; cbebrcame hien 287Clu;r wh spcebtwe -h fne n acr hcaobut a short HIgley ih ýi tefi etcote eèO i d tralounen~~~~~~~~ vol o elvti.fne bs badighlc go te Kansas anti look ovni- bis lien veigbed 125 pountis la the bar j~ ~ ~ ~~I in roportOi.- dhd net oilere vilenceàt the lttme, but provo Il. MrGreggvhilconduct the tri-ned. iaahyrclo l, litPretê M i ln products. gri auc finee orant.e n lastgfbicclr and * h inu>'>'.i-srewrnuh vrse enoad days yestertiay sud paiti trib- 1 pattern; you cant appreciate how good these clothes are %4thout Sitting them; * nite te "Deailvoot DicIV' as a brave! there are no words we catit use to coaw.y Jjç_you the. beauty i tbe fabricu, the. 1~Ifl ~ mnu a fahthful and a trustvortt> on. smiartness of the styles, the perfection ai tii M~loring., UAs ho la an historie charater lhi Wauega mnan's fiendlsbip for birn ln * '~'* viev t i crîtîcai coudition ha more O e c as TOltretn.hère in ail the favored models --- Chisterleld Ryton;, topcot; raicoïats; auto ________ ___ iiMEXCO coata. Many of them, you'iI fid àilk lied tme wlth- s"1 -to the. edge. The. ___MORMON' __ ___ _INVAbinG EXC fabrices are Imported and -American weavea; grays, oxfords, black, and many Ac Frmr$andi Teke Implements handsome mixtures ln Scotch 'an-d Engllsh cloths. Amanri an.d -W altei re wil.* (Sgnd Waltenv r. 4 Volumes -of Amann at ahnr lhTen ut vMoues bue>' us ln ene grfe. *ý 1t 1 i suiteMa-ci16-Fu ___be aoina inL tbh nt a rtnno lae fludr.d Mormon colontista croaa"d Our stock of suit* olfera ae.very remarkable variety of fime -lrigs anid pt- T~oell g of in l plain, T iite vae viit on adeil Kp5bC 0f to Moxico ai EagIà Pas. Tuesia>. terni. 'ou Wini not eaiyumargd nweecie ten udby} t tar Tlin> o! DQubI and la pahuei th "Me.i Mi eds i n oc The colontau ai-e forarein du brought -iaysma &od anwhr au;, paten ut-lufv~ 'Iar I:)ath Plan rI e'ild hltoveti Aman, tievotadly anti Home --- alvays calleti blmn tatier. __________ Thor' bave acquied a 199 tract t Nwifsi cthceiti hahrsaenw ieEgs celleti the. boy lbIÎ son andi wu- sue beh eyil on t lith rae ol 'anw de nui Scotcevoa Iiht " he the.hdun , n On s. gln (PYtata We4dueIuiy' Sun.) trernely' atectîonate tovarde thin. vhen li. got money fronn lb, aid upon u c b> iietbiiti o-- Heunry Rý Arnaun the. convî.eS - mau vs otmtefndssu dicou. ounrybi spntinds h viita00. Mst f temcore rei utii ainmots i haniom pttena;saipt, palm cwqu. lai coor dorer of Walter 1 Ku" a 12ra-l g anti b, anti the. boy p 1lanneti to dova town ho Chicago, andia ail SHIP Mh WRECKES Mf SToORMrugivae. Pie ntensi:a' fo"1 p die together. olier tiis. The tiary l a trii Y boy, vhorn bis lovet as, hiea owO sont eo.hai; hcg o at self iievehathen Tit.he e-gn r uw Tihis store fa the. home of Hart Schaffuiur M xdè sud wiien ho ofteu clairnet ea bis ova coupty Wallon teb. ert a.b --~ For hu iege4 Ihlcît meetings wltb ln the Azerea boy:' cornienceti hie Ioura.y te ho note'tho Henry Mss-ton, e' barber, vii Amenda Knobel anti ber inohier Am. o- lMer JoUet penitentJar>' tiii. rnosaî. Ieav- vas lnuitirnate frnl.n4 0fti sdy £a' tsce snbl. Lon. Mes-ch 10.-Duns a lIaitm

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