CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Mar 1910, p. 3

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eadlatslr >wI*krougý $9.45 FREE- GODS $9.45 ht will psy j o talu*4 »Iil.. u is od oe sare Do* mahlng leIayS g a0 W. bave a fou Dlieu of e rneds Me1ses8'anae, 004 PM$d'PoultrY VwO. luterntlonal Pou#"y Food 1 or* 411 Good !FM Pfoducers. GEutdAZOUL a gusranteed cure foi'r o* sad Other disesses of pe'.alry. G00d Poultry isisersare neyer vîthout it. Pm**. 0aVie K-»e@ p. I is h asteand cbwm e @ etll~.11er on th* ntrkit fW. sisacyeMheW go"d reedline I ilin. E~RUCt 'UG COB 3 5ovsu.sN~qoeeRma~sfRond là" , MeO.P, n7mRDmD.> VWAS Y umoou.c £*?n"t arm VU'fWAU. !ALMAC GUPPIN ATrOmmiAT LAW. 1 rom lhi DLC. ILGALLOWAY, onsovsa LovULL uie emme nosuu-fom 1 ta $eul O ta S.8 A.L STRAMN LÀWTB 218 Wm.sbuegim~s 'Phame 2761 & LGOLDMN DENTIRT Ilouis 8 %0112 .m.-1 ta 5 p... J. EH Trlggs Building with Dr. J. L.Tayinr-l'bone 19 itm. Phone 1092 Libertvviile. Illinos DR. E. FL SMLH DENTIST. avxs LàL.Ii OgNT bATIOIiAL DANS. oue-d 'tc lâ a. nm. sud tu 65P. nm DAiLT., DR, 1. L, TAYLOR. 057105ovUR J. EU. Tifflg 4LIJ. vous.-? to 10 . nm. 2 ta, 4 sud ô to 8 P. nM.. BesidegbJo-10 Brodway. oppoolte Park. LuO,Q'lie. ,lluolu. MARTIN C. DECKE 4TrO'EFY-.&T?..Aw office Opp. 18thà St Electrlc Station OfficePhone 534 R. Fiions8608 NO03TH CHICAGO. ILLIOIS W. IL STUDE SUR VEVOR gu"imvdng, Farin Werk sud Lrinage LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. PHONE 1094. DR. WDW. V. SMITHI Gemeral Practic Blourel10tol12. 2 to 4and ito fdp. m. Office over L.yncb Bras. Store SPECIAL ATTENTION ~ GIVEN TO DISEASES OP THE EVE LIBERTYVILLE. ILUNOIS Hlenry Smne's Sale Barn 2714 ELISHA AV£.. ZION CITY, ILL. Reideuca'2505Rush& Ave. AUl Knde0M Horses, Harnel. Wagonsmd Bug- es for Bale or Exchange et &Il Times AIJCTIONEERINO FOR PIJBUC SALES Crystal Barber Shop ShIaving 15C Artiotie Hair Cutting'25e Y1reatýe1aue Work Gu*ârnteed. Agent for Sebriver .Laundry. CHAS. E. MASON, Proprîtor. Basais pet lan rod. &ev.ulut-b anCid., Cold Cure Talte-alll ssfensd qlekiy cecSk &Uelcanasd tiiiP. l.T7 ibeue aud »ni 4-2cSld ?bitlu tisseda7s of ihiie, u. -Pqlainvof iu, besd pales, for auy paies sopped l g lu 0 untase ogr, Ivii Ur. Sbhop Pink Pale Tubleis. 0Su il formula on'25c. box. "el by .AU.. DRALER Ospi. Sogardise agsn Mita thse nuire E9e. Tis aoeudhaoueieboiwbo holds in 10 abeugmâbl. rsnrd.le piem UeLeW IQi. pVisuUy laàà..s sa- 01ha -M mi m ilme ah idyand Millot trouble sud bave Ump eva el'mw kfidaby modl- I uiavwW $kli Fola 'Kid F illa. Sais II suil Fo c idm ! P11 1 Wva eubjscied tu séege baclace a peine la my kdueyo iii suppression sud otenimes aeloudy vidlng. While upou arWla u bemminlg I aould gsi CIl bsaiabms.Nov 1 bave taken tires bottimseof Foloy's Kidmey Pille sud fuil 100 estaibotter. I amrn nver bouberod wtb niy kidneye or bladiter and Once nioroeel 111e igy aan sai!. Ail thio I oaa soeiy ta Flsys Kldney Pilla snd alhrays recommend tienâ to my fllov sufferersq." - - Fs.Âxx B. Lov£LL. Railway Mail Clerks Wanteî. The Governmont pays Railway Mail Clarke 4800 tu 01200. and other employeos up tu 02600 annually. Uncle Banin wll bold .prlng exanil. tione tiougiiont thecouatry for Rail wast MilCerhs, Custoin Bon@se herka, Stenourapiiers, Bookkeepero. Dpart- mental Cereansd other Governnant Po- sitions., Thousansu of appontnents wtt be made. Any man or woman over 18, iu cty or eoutry cau get Instruction aud fie. informatIn by wrltlng ai once to, tii. Bureau of inatruction, 459CBan- in Buildlubk. Rocbestor. N. Y. Tiie Woadom enle wii hobe li Tiinrsday, Jule , ba s alected au Lie date 01 tseanual Pleic ofModem Woodmen lodges of ibe Nortberu Diluaois sud Souther WiscomnuAecain Esuasia la the tity vblcb bave tbe privilege of etertainiug ithe Woodmeu hoasonou is occason. I viii Le the irai tii,, hmas buat ta the Woodmen klofge ctiis section sud campe lu ubat ciy ame hendlng overy effort ta makerthe peutec& success. Tihe bavealereadv ralsod $2000 sud viii oi prisse for dr1i teas sud othar couteau. The convention te, arrangel ai ba ienl va bed at Kenoobatues. tilai ta end on. r ore th!$ convention. ,National cuccese kW$ fcotume and mukeo for duli unlfority. lu west- ern Europe nobody wears peasant cos- tunies but nurssand modela. In the ladeofstruggle-Bosna, bMucedonia. Crete--every one wears national drese. as a patriotie duty and erery treet la a plcture. if you are going to, buy soead oate. Do ht uow. BSsLiBESTYVILLE LuNinen Co. c.252t -Dairyman, for gond reaulte, une Inter- national Sugar Feed. HomE Luxluau AT STUD 3 Yen OldPeceoSata LEVI MAYER 58929 Percheron SodletY O! Ameresa Wflhstuaintai my fan knovn as the Jasepii Richards Faim. l'or toaing colt PheLibstyVillhs 2634%4 RASLAKE I)EPXIlTMENT P.. RîCEi. BIle Ph sNo.. 1l Ot-ders Taken for Job Work Advemtelng Raie$ On Application Chas. Wlgbimaa spent several dNr. lir. Spring af Llbertyville calird on wth bis farnly recently. fiends ber. TuseY. lir@. ueo. Fredericîs sund faju- Mly spet Saiurday eveulng sud SuudayE vith Dr. B. F. Shalleansd famllY. f Miss Kaubryn Lewis bas opened ber OU1lltary padrasai itheHenry Keubker8 stars lilasJasaisBrown a! lionaviile vau tbe.gust et ber aiter severaid AYS ith 1Mis. Wagner of Geeva le the guest o! ber sou. Rd Wagner sud famuly. . DmBSurke sud lilce Edua Rov!ng vsiait M. sud M rs. Dck Beeele, ai Du t Plaines Bundi. lira. iatbeis sud eblldren o Prairie Visa vlslted the former's @Isterlira. li. Wagner, Monitay. lila Edth Rlcb of Waukegan spelt Suday aisMr. sud lira. Chas. Wight- ribur Spafford of Anilacb vas ln tovu tuulns planSma.omdy. l uns. Fleming @peut liouday lu Chi- Mir. sud Mms Orlando Book are enter. tainlug ubeir "sir, Mmrasesie. Tom Id". Jr, of cLicago, li a enu af Ja. Turnerasud tamlly. Mms.Adamsa o! lugleside transacted Ifliimas bersliondoy. Ait the tovu caucus luit SatnrdaY b fllovlng vers uomlnaisd: 1ovn Clerk Hamry Rcb; Aaaesor. A. .W"arY; Col- letor, John ChristIi», Comlissloner of ighways, Walter Beal; Schoi Trsts, Abusa roulon. Tisere le no opposition sud above ofilcer i vii e -electoit Tues- day, Aptil Sdi. viien tie.gravel tai sudt t question of vot or dry vîliL e votaid On. lira. C. G.liorili sud daugiiter, Arleta, of Foi Lake visiteit bere Tues- day.a Mri. Heydeureick a drugglist aho bas formerly beau emploVed aithe James8 Swanustore ai Antiocb bam acceptait a position at the Grayslake Pbarmacy. t Me.sud lir@. Kappie and grand C daughtar, Marie, spent Sunday at Laite Villa..1 Mr. sud lire. Eugana Bandes enter. tained'friands Sunday.t Mir. and Mms.Gu. Townsaud af Lake Bluff visitad it v bGeorge trang sud famly. Wm. pester sud family arrlved home Ssturday af ter spsdlug the vinter wltb relativesof lir. Pester la nilmd. Tbey report thi vinter a pleasant om. Tbohr Înay frbin G u raysiake are Slid ta aelcom ihbhomne. Mr. sud lise. Kolly Kîibali o!1l10le @ide visltsd m esTussdaY. The Gaysles c ram Co. areglvlon ubeir tube Mdl fatOry a8cat o01pait wielh give u a àclos and neat appear- suce. 0 . The rsylals Oemetery Society vii meetiahilits. ohn Wicks Tburaday liarch Blet. lire. OiiudolioOk, Miss Bertha Book, irwin Roolias. Fred Hook of Roilas ast lies ClariasBeale o! Tolora Nebrasla.vUeueste at the (leu. Sii-su home swnay. DellTavuesut sud family lat ibis val for 0115, Colorado, where they viii Uailtbirfuiflie home. )m ile l Ormrod of Chiedo vas a gussi aitihs Clsro Allen homo TussdY eveulug MIdeday. Egra.Sulrd entertalus the 1*dise' llas thb Bley enf.otained the Mis. SloMMIy eaclty Satu rday aternoon ai ibmlame o! lire. D. 6. White. lira Rlot of Evsuston vas pmteeatnsd gave a V«7y lutereet.lng tal. The. Gaislke Pbaînmy will open ibeir soa lountein gaturdaY. GSo. Thompeon had some Chicago pqpple outigloklng at Lake proporiy Mis.Chastes Book visited ai the home So Mrv. »d M lra. Dau Book this veek. lir. M. Heydenrlecb of Autioch trans- actel busines ere Tueaay. R. S. Godfiey of Antiocii paei ibrougb u iovn Tueaday eniaute ta Chicago. la. creani for Eater ai the Grayalake l'harmacy. tirs. Bd Doolttle vas a Chicago vie- toi Tueaday. -. -t LOUISJe YEOMAN THE JEWE'LER 4 1 UM IÉE Flovessou "selstahiemDrug Store Rster lianday. AA ««ateBSai vi gi lvsioday, Matck 28, ai Auiaimns RuiL Mus by liasoa'sOrcuotra.Bd lieyerts!ilver. Laket Wi., viii play the chimes. Bioiy- body veloine. - Mira. Chai. Brainard la on the sick Dot. The Bama .BaIl Teani have tarted praeting for the aaason sud tiiey certain- ly are iaokiug Ilina. lir. and lira. eo. icloardeon apent Sunday at Vulo. A 1ag crowd attendai the card party ou St.Patricks eva. mim, len Uraaamom sud daughter visitait lra. S. Litailer Friday. Thea Progressive Cluib old their nazi meeting ai lir. Walter Wbuta's nazi Tbursday afternaon from 2 ta 5. Evory lady veieame. Lunch viii La served. Elmar Bandes ia on the sick îlot. The Mys tic Workare addad nineten new mambers ta iheir lodge Tueedsy evening. lire. Lau Bandes sud Mra. Frank 9Davis. of Hatueeville, visitait Lare ons day iaat waak. Mis. Win. Hironimus andt lre. Bd Rendes vioîiad Grayslaka Wednesday. lMr. Wm. Lotusu aud tan Raymond were cailers hareslionday. Mir, aud lire.11. Latte are reloicina ovar tha arrn val of a lutile daugitar. .Tue Chia! Police le mauaging elghi teama dalng wark au the bill uartb o! tavu. Harold Clevelupd sud BIner Burge, o! Graysiake, vi@iteR bais Suunday. Lynu Munrie spent Mouday ln Orsye, laka. WEST FMONT. Walter Gasea hod ibe mWaoCLune ta fali ibrougii a hay raksund brake tva rit.. MisesTill Tekamp speaimsut.aihome. lir. sud lira. liat Soffel &peut u. day viti Jas Stofiol. Lon S11e prciassd a -fime usw buggy Jos Dobuet J r. aba bhm besu sie for some Mlme var ta un Dr. Taylor l'ue#. Sunday the building at thi eSlo i A. R ogsu's store vas on fi re, but the Bucket Brigade respoided prornptly and by bard work saved the store and barn. Mr. Morahouse basreturned ttaliis bornC Watertown, Dakota. Mmr. Kirkpatrick, o! Chica-go, le dosit- tlng at A. Lat barni. lira. Wiùiamsou sud John G. William« son are ependidg the velin Elhoru, Rtutht Harîlon was a Waukegan visitar Saturday., Rai. Foley. of Wadsvorth, wasaa Rouearana visitur Satuîday. Mr. sud tir4. Spencer Crawford aud E. S. Faulkner aud wifa apent Sanday at the Northrop home. No Subsîltute Aecept no subtitute for Foiey's Honey sud Tar. h ls the beat sud safest remeity for eouglîs, colds, ibroat andt iung troubles. No apiates. FiumE B. LoVELL. RUSSELL Everybody le invited to attend the Emter service rîct Suuday. Also the Fias tar social an Frlday evaniug tLe lire. G. A. Siver spent the latter part of tha veek witiî ber daughleî lu Mtl- wankee. Bier daugitean sd family re- turnait with lier Suuday ovenlng, S ils S. . Brave and Mis. A. C. Carde vais Waukegatl visitais Friday. E. M. Gorbam aud vile of Waukagan M. Banner aceofpanlod tâem borne. J. A. Roaealfliuibiu cellei't a A. C. Corrls' Sunday. 1Thare le a famlly movIng lo Mis. Meille%'obouseinlu umeIL. Miaurice Melville bas hein very sick but la convaiacwing lowly. Ses i be HornaLumberCoampan3 foral kIlds of Field Saeda. Tii ibut, of.eourss. Suiocrube for the Ini>aPMN)3]tT. Mm .John 110pmte, i" sa RasiThaiu, Mr. sud lirm John Stephens, MId . H. E. Jamison and lir@. A. K. Bain atteuded the Eum Star chaPter at Chîcago laut Wednosday. Mis Efsbeh ove1y te ai, she la able to ait np a littie DOW. ilas Maud Cleveisad is home for the. sprlng Vaetiou froin Bochester, W lscon. sin. lima.Archis licCredie le quit& slck. Mis. Id& Douglas sud family of Wauike. gan wezs ont Saturday -aud SundaY.' loiss F»" of Bocheter, Wiscdn"lm &agnssofthe issWhite, was la ont mndt Sunday, alSo George 'W bite. George Jamieson sud Arthur Vsu Alsilue @peut Wednewday sud Thorsday lu Chiago. Robert Boumer of Chicago apent Bua-. day viti hie parents. Mis. Clava Foots resurned froui a two weeks visit ai Wbesan SAtnrday. liWa Alce Jamieson 0f Berwyn violted over Sonday whb ber parente. llasAnule licCredie of Vaukegan ils Ited gaiurday aud. Sunday wihheb lir. Henry Eebker of Graslale vis lted lUlbur u Snday ln the interes 01ai the. C.E. .oclsiy.1 lla C.E. Bater loiti Tneda for aq three day.s ay In Chicago sud Evan-à *ton. C. B. Tople, Mareh 27, "Gettilag vadY to Myve broer," Ecd. 12-1-7. Raster mssiug. George White, leader. Word-wa-M ajt ieevediat lira. beasieBSmith of Evauson id. ia ThÏ; at M ililburu. muster services 'il Le eld Baster tione4 chuich. Everyane veicome. Notice. To oanare ai boise. I1 vlah ta lnfçrm you tbat I amn slow prepared 1a "clip" your boras. at the usual price. B. F. CLYDoaar, Llbertyville, 111. p25.2 Afred Niciiolis o! Chicaga visitod ie i parents be@a ey days receutly. Wiii Dillion tranactad business lu Ghicagaoun day lest wesk. Mire. L. V. Lusk sud sons of Wasi Fre- mont epeut lest Wednasday ln Vola. Mie. Laura Huson la the guait of reia- Lives ai Mndta, Illinoais, for s few veku. Mr. sud lMre. JosepbhEHum ofWancon. da ver. in town Mlonday aftarnoan. James Klrwsu made a business trip ta Chicago recantiy. lils omsi Dunnili of Chicago visited ai thehorna of lier parente hore lest eeal, Mmr.Win. Dillon sud chldreu vais gueste o! relatives in Chicago laut yul. lils LWIâsBfiler viii open e mlllusry estabishiment at the LuSIL stars lu VOIO. lilas Helen Raymoud vlalted frimand a Lake Villa sud Libertyvilut lai yut lir@. P. U Stadtfiald vas a reient Me- Heury caflr. Going ta hulld fence, lait ms ligre on ite cost. The Brown foneestisda ibm tai. 1 iuitd ail kluds of fonces. Satis- faction guatautsed. H. H. Fus, Llbartyville, Iii. Phone 1423. 25-tf Eariy Easlkr. Au intaresting train of uiougbi ia suggested by the factthLai Ester. ail eorne unusually early ibis ysar. archi W. kmw Just aanged a beautiful RButer Lily alndow dimplay of por- fumes. Lin" .sa the wladow, isterposed hm .and theft with the cholceat Raster pe-, Yti.aom aaatgimd hluleg Be = ss CamaiBe~ s Çt Cal JII M & t ntue, sil t oft ms0 ou Gel ey Ou Saturdoy. l&srcb26th. vo vii Ulv ici svery customer a ackaeof S9weei P.a, sd tt be iret2 usoi ens; *e vill nive a trial ottU. of Chsn Bad psrfums. Don'i Le amuogib taites. tImg ehiBaiuiday. Ws vw OcPeaou sod founuiin almo, nexi Simda. wu bave a eSleci lino o!fucy bm eady, vblcb malesesuappfropriai.Buter giR. Rester cardeaniBuRter Dyes. DRUCE DRUG, 0) TlHUEE STORS8 GRAYSLAKE. ROTND LAKE, - ROCEFELLER. WAUKEG AN, ILL. Modes Magazine forvomen, the 1tier Ocean sd tic Ind t for 13.6o. jet yer. Wm. LAYCOCK Ccm Machine Shop Ra-d.We in WOrSK Eastr Li leFor EveiybYbQ4 1_2 tb50 -lm"heslau"teI 4At 25- centt per Bud. Azalias, $2 to, $4 aUl colore. Bah, SOeM lr $:g' per plante Tulipe, Datiodilhle, Yonmwllles75d pet dUe.ý figdraiMges Ciereriar. Cyclamen, Ulace Ilgadonthe, fgeb»WneooeCut or Pot CaromIloo, Sweet Ptae andViolets. Roses, Sdc te $5 per domen. -iiCar lare Pald ou 45 orders. 10 paet nu harch ordere ahOwIM. IheCalcd lor, al àI>aY ýPIonç -170 Loke ri Lai MINP4 eariy spring. Tiia facte are: The aariiesi t L w -date on wbicb Eaaer ban fali iinliarcb W 22, but lu a perlit aof ovar 200 y»are thea conditions brougit IL on tuaL day but It'e the vise fariner that catches that c$n'i coma ofi. Ils etrength; one, ln 1813. The datas bava beau calculatait froni 18-d6 tu 2013, btbinl- the bargains. Page oW~vn~le e imply tremendous. Il$ elaaiip- cinaive, being twolve cycles o! the muon.-Pasce is cheaper rdght Dow ihen ity is greater than unY Other Viîsý Only four imtes lu that axtendait data gt wil Baitai conmea eariy as Marcbk 23.'Stiy year in is bistory. How l ong fance on the. market. ltmay cama asilate as April 25, ai it dt the murket viii maintain the pres- h i the mast economicalb mouey, in 87,a u daa tilill1943. i erk te et low pruce isa' aproblein. and labor-saving fence you cau bay. lu 791itaccrrit n Ari 24 f~ vii Heuce every farmet in this sectioni Saves you 50 posts every 19,0 rodj4 lie the yaar ao! grace 2~011 Lefare flt0 b ' again @o late. The next eariy star i viiho vil have ileei of fence wvithin bedides extra staples and uvemi- ha 1913. a yea r should bey in hie supply at tbe-brav. Tell yo ut igbor. moonafi e prsompast<sei Liiovarti 0once. lu may mean a saving of about aur epecial loy Prim s ' equinox La@ any beariug on thie veather many dolars to you. . Pairf Fence. la probiamatic. but thare are thase wlio . bleve wbetiiar couittiions are more or You are tamiliagwith Page Fence We carry a ful Ue, înéludlllg les@ jependenL on lunar piiaia and shalte -made of High Carbon, Open- Standard Stock Fence, Hog Poes ibeir seaaau'a predictians accardiugly- Hat te ie hbsîePu1yPncecu.fa~ Ani t hey may ha equaliy rellablewt vlibSelWie tbsth olr ene t. Ç the groundbog,o eadov sud bisait famous page Kuot-the onîy Kuot fail to see us vhile prýB la Iow.~ 0bone a! t. goutte. The. day for Easter 1à the rosuli o! COUi ça or write to Austin Clement, V. P., aitrouamicai caicoltian. Itfale oD411 om 0 ,2 0 o0eS ee. CI~A (> L firoi Sunday !ollavlug the irai Suuday Ro 0 ,2 0M no tet followiug the tiret full moon after tie vernal aquinoz. The. sun crossesthe spigequinaxral lina on liareii 21. IfHne sa fo ihat day abouti L aa Saurday sad the " «Se*~F~Ws for 's " muon reaci Lbe full ihai uligbi, the nexi day, Marcb 22 vould t. Rater. This Mounalb Meadow Stock Ê"i, oand itooe.k Icoucurrence of events, àas àt , bu ile noith o! Illluais. béé-oui hesurecoitedbut na. u a alcuaiod- - il dusses o! homes, aliliabls for thero en a perlo icavarlug heyond 200 years. vorî: ezpeoe sd dratft. unalsud sriui 110t 60pouade man, be awil 'hreak'1bltworl. A Tuai:ver lav qs0s0 ter.g ýto utuau C= easAcaf l 10eOM e.m > uDbr fit acuq rs! Ion. p . ammoom &40 pe Ig - 1 1.

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