CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Mar 1910, p. 4

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IPIlION phICE $9.50 -PER YEAR SYRICTLY..]N ADVANCEr M . du ....... . ........ . ............. ..e.s...... .ni *81 #~& bôi~'iU ..tht.e...u.. ........m.oatlsgIh Edit ~ Aul4el ae â~snpl»b ne nooaeldcFolle dogme fi e neotlloI« - e gt endreuirel ckiOUig.lie l P étiigs~lu in OM l"Hmre hg the 1rmiroaefaehied bu" ole net wt ib i. ealVOtehwotw. l ýý 'LOOK% FOR COMtET. ~ a~~$ WS*on igUb woemcqtondh eamft fvorale colsaou<l5fa" Mi Sen. taeine l àmau.tii,. tlà look 1 "à" 7*P. 0 thWM m ime levtoell oota bi fb i uth~11e tfiomwm cw eil "lltInct eiov.0 il le ln1 vitlthe ma-MWi Is br4khtwesle utherefor imne .Itll iiis ible4 e "in AO« q114u a y i Met Mlie fiêdmuiWSbrilliticy-dl I&My 19. When1 illîé la neoethe e suR. I viil hoabout 14.000,000miles away. 1 aWIIAT WPLL 119 001? #l*,goin teho W lidà o n t a't jour Ibo,- UsoRw ame billi ,Wbi ..i Wlth*ora te hlm from th wM ffsof suoh teUffony t. thé. eeMI*s~Wtsieaul eht, Caeso lmirglit. *ai.ur* ail rlht. endithe R500. '~ls peiols al a gi *0. UInlà, lthe party le,*otal lgh. A forceful lu1* *oee *1.whioïé*le leoot" am , suaI .~t ou hot l imge 81e Ournetsioviory et the eongrseeonal T1e 'intIl am s euedanil afutT«eiitump 1the ooutry; tnlt. for ; W OtiIWe, hé léisuéefUnrcelly tariS, AtUdrch. Canion. Saltinigor, fet*W a I M woohnOo5 Uthe berayql o ooetlan poloies.and hthefrnlo .meebereori 09 *e COWOeMMdaotiUhe 4admtnnltrattOn au mde up ho date. Wh ee! eiidot OF bho ase atho bUsfthe8*0 luteroote"as Uie voice off the.people, If -m lebn» mugi *0wty hasUrtMal on hlm, If ho con ho foolod and used M TaftISmo boqe, hlulil ~stbsn *0owtntry for or otheoAise.indorse. "stand- *pollen." MeUail1 *81t i.notle*0%My of oppreesion oMW graft 1 MM enlY vIIitesofeà8 4se nOet Todiy. but privaI. emieLenes ofthie Il 0 Mdi Uhe tyrlnuus, lw*eakl.U cori'oratlOns have beon sent ho hlm. £bsoy asl uet fhlodbilitpop crth lle tieady rnnrinq ttireteverythlnq Il al r.gIM ni utiin six meekseovery b.ughten party orean, every eC1tCer whD cela Ms'nbY tanin lutiRthe0 Vafters wili be iihrlkr-j!Cr Teddy to go forth Md saey ** stue quo uhîchi là,threntened b!-P,. -- rcbted a.-je opreused amama e*atm Wht ulîl Teiy dot «nUY Il tehoa o àorY "vers test off one wttom thie nation h-4s oked 0111110mo-a *VY 11011 MW Wotch uhat Teddy dQes-Ex. LFM SAV*b Sm byi Uou *nrne éfl% dst x--*IS oby t t 1 UImé, bd %oemaglag s, a- mmrang ta@"&uaautas. 10 bit' te*0b w»hepsol tie 10% Madible le boy ti 45e milae @ap& s. l as eo$ hlm "»orbttlelelte* oue b eaunêl by fumnes ai ges. bot hougil vas lie 40cm oficaee e *y b. taln e luheeariy pan of . lb.e voung Mir9. @«beon the bemtiet of lb. lvc diIInet yWted10b. ne sass eyaes k vil.. vbe vue lua &semi.cUnsciooa clui ewbea foamd by thoir laogbîer. it buba be clbuestom of Mm. Te Flecu»ýth*r hudaugbter, 10 visil b, pwSela lun*0 e ary part of tbe wornin ami kowlag beparents von n1otle tmg volt, di not lhink le nual. was nemi 10 o'ctack Thursday mor Ing vimb au employ.'e 0I the Eleti Ligt Conpany caiel on buakmue, wl -o*nd no one at home. -and -ft ta mei 'dotLbor eaU.-Thiiseaused ~r.Fine% îe, to beeouje alarmel, who hasten, acoslii lavu, and upon êntering bonse. »beoaoit trong adore of g BEug to behr parents, bedroom, @ touaI helb. loal liteleeslOrms of1 parnute.. Mr». incnter's fluaI impul wus 10opn *0 doore and vindov ed soonaller cloeed tbe open jet. Fi SU t 10vonesber parente, siesu MSiy ab pbjreWma, vbo respondea 1 -«0 e 1omncsd by bard "r, Mr.,a UnIra Saeronresloned 1mwiU da*l 5«Me..Owls ta Ibeir advaa &UW4 tte aged couple 911 fui lthe et or Ow plo",&" dhalAI aJýtboon QééMmél >rva. sd prompt uçt *Ir isnoal!«.manothir "a $T'eut Iyc bon s hive a sirood of mourulngà «4thxoushonl âtheeltyed conc m ~te veabl coupe rtaâk among, WMArT 74 io lolsYo . dhlty, vhenunh.îîî m.a.î .rt of this buipure natter ift in ii.- l.l...d. This brioge on uulny dl-p<t «i n1tons -Pain lu tb. back, bheedacho. nervou ses. ot.du okn.rhenmattom, gool, r g~.l.disrde. 1 tii.-evsighl aud I bu4u. dsaidas Iregalar heurt, debit ity,, dropy, deposit, ln the urine, e. But if-iTon keel'tih. lite, .rilhl, yon viii bave ni. trouble.Witt si jour kidueys. Ir M.S.C ritte, rtiuihiaudjemaiet -., Soeva, Ilei., my. : "I kuow whoeof Id Mmsa hon IrmommeudL liau's Kidue. là. Pl.Isufferol mvorely froin idui on complaint and ls attendant'sympltum lt I Iualiy procorel Doa'àhiddoy Pil io. Md suc.- ninti thom 1 have looproved l ho ery 7way. I aVftbnt Il t110 pela lunM. ne bsck, n1y kiin.iyg are nnrinil .d 1If., -e botter. Doan', KiJney Pilla are vortlý m. of great praiO. it For tale 1w ail .eote. prie. nSt d Postsr-iliburm Co.. * luIfla', Fow York g. sole aents for rh. United Statm. rp FLewunr t1w .'I îoi-aitalî Mis Alile uiler, an £mplot5ê illice. erly lnjradby à englue@ Thureday eveulg-Th lwenty fast îown au onbanbnioflt 1'buftdm owiilwtlt etwek, vilto MIa ýAllie ite Wbo bas bOa a falthfe empWojeaor tWe eosfor abou I f jeran ae adâr loolmuber 11t ib leW sU~mby wilb mginof 01 tya Fved; Pm *40. he eoji nito b id fo about hallvay *uothelb bbe. Wbé* Min Petotn olimol a evili600048W apOWla*higfmmdw tese$ ais Obrepl rats. TIpevbwleWaoro or teesOb- etteotel dy dee boi. vas 100 fa t ladyaes of botrnePbew to roui"be * botô iulb OD*u ràn. dowi'? by 1I- ran ted md -ber Ouly moort for eaftywva. th it lion thebotenr edg lot lWl.b &'Mr. andholmg of 4 urvou, jlie1poiéD ln h.ilbed vl- th an te *0 $, but w. -te ,ig, me» ratlilualooq *0was @%rock by the ov ebMi ami.-. throv»,lova embahleo*bout b.e et fMot. The. lrlaàis5roterul. eu oyed ber'1to thepaimougetdepol viiere ml.vsfomtd l i i,*2 Oc10eP 4 stataý. Mdicai a&d vas oummouelbu$ owiug to the ouviroufleuls a* i0%. ho vas um*blete ho màboa tborougb @ýxamulaaion, but on taklug ber 10 ber homo, It vai louud that ber rlghl uip and shooktdrwe voe oouerblY bruimo. eloober elghî atm sa oyu e r discolor- ut, agI lla est he ebck vas ton groal for ber physIc umdtion. tbalber injur- lm0 OrbcOMOIndisd@selions. Prior ta béer removel troms the dopot, vben sho came 10 ber sncmo. the opoasd ber. oyes, and vautod to kuov vbat baPPeiid. and vbors @h val.. au Il wW 4doncso i quickly 1h51 It mae-- 10 ho a dreffl,i rom vbicb @o bad avoko. "r"armornngas"o as viel by a dlaim oàent o Milvaokee road. wbo pro- pounded the usual question@, masl, euS- tomary. takrng notas vith intruction to keep the bond offlce poeted daiiy.nas to ber coudition. IThte labolng done by the attending physenm. The-ouony violation of -"yl.."obtaned, vas liaI thon waë un, teadlgli& o oneluenud P_ 1 their bad heen tho unlortunato lady le ontd bave bad ampleo l"iai.11get out aI f1h. voy of the frop Moneler. 'Il vil ho ometime beloteMies Fullor viii ho able 10 roonnu bor tabore, vbfrli le roglteq. Dot oui. y lbh eIsDuposl> MT uTbtbybWerioskof frlonds. thI es i b N. ak, Lk, Fîuvers v. i lai* l.! n athe1 aprÎug. tra la, M1-ore iaviflr : îu- torl ind-OWe, order y,,ur eiîl,,wqe frun For County Judgel ma 9WyA tg *eM thm 9rm wsax» L'5iw People Who lève la igises bousme out4 bve Ibth octalw O. lW ic ldow . Andéhu t*0 mb bila 'to biteo lb. Somma, one bas. tht.. Wioopwik congbore hU homo te no roof 1h51 bis bomne oolsr ueds a dio"al oopi. Il tabo a ribaima Io&rw amcecke. a prt! girl te dw, attentionl, a bores I»> draw ohmail, aporoile plauiertho draw theetin, atoperr10draw a corkr, afiee lunch to drav a rowd and a volli dispiayod advertisoeni lu lb. lYDMnsM- DET to10drav traIe. biebcinlasurely a I*bread vinuor." TIeSebreil Brsu..are about to put ou tb. market, mushucion @94~s of Iloney Mouey lame.. Melon* grevwa by the* genlelmen bave taken the noighbioritg Fairp, aabeing avoci, dloe ions. grate-ft o 0lthe te, lonîbsonie, aaob ezcealveiy avesI sud rici. Also lu ln orler 10 briug lthe prodncl belon lthe publie lhoy have ddl 10givo a pria. of.$2.00 t10tlb. party raoiIng Ibp targeot melons from. seed puM.based f rom lbheu sons of wblcb vbeiltng 20 pounde the sans tu b. bronghl 10 Ibis offie nbot later than Olober 1, at wbicb lime competeul jodges vii mat b.avanIe Ber la vour chance 10gel good melons aW eil &0 wlnuing a prise. AT IOWf HAL Glvsnet. 8. dooh' Churmh, for Dwtof-Nt 81fie0. mke au lnuvolst qoekB 1ha vO'«Pend *Dy -Ouer unwiee>. iebedMOolti lock, iOmelblu et 1 ta éitiréb. ime i e>. aot,.a Bdolaror00o. te 04 %nm lf i Iliving room, pay lue 5 oi'e, Sho y«wÈ. I 1- n i. i i o e e o o e o o e o 3 o e BAU 1t40 Iliiisli kti4toiMle, $485e0ê ~roe putduia Ormb mb" éotfor sgr = Pevemrn utiretcm,*, ag4etfor th Il itchei1l..anvd Rainbl er Albert W. Lichtfeld LêERirYvILLF.,ILL.. a****eaaaBa~aaOBBBOO~OO@O Sale on- Scotcçh Plaid .Dres Ginghams andi Best Grade of Candys Saturday, March- 26, 1910, at Beswkçk's 5 and- oc, store. ;. bave a a »0tino o aesortod pateIfs t auorted patte-nOof Scotch Plaid Dreee lngbame, vbicb w. vHIiiput on sale at de Per Yard,f on saturmQitB 1. Also another uandy sale, on the saine dIIv. Besi 50o Chocolëia, ait11 e~nds go on saturda!, foro-'y 250 a Pound, bal Pound, 12 1-2 . Easter 0 Candies - sd a NoyIeltiesq Pool Carda. XMRaSlU4. azde o e M adpW Moude of Col on Goode.. CAktI ANQ SU US.l *rchutia. TO TIlt Set I arn a US Sq-> 4iaootp1upu~I t. leglember il -~ fui oui ~ ua repeIJlelflawbou e*0tùth 5iEw &Blet bIdtg> U luqi &'*. Mtpa tue h10u whik b bellg4 vt.ea x»gi *0l lpa0t. '051 0tV10Iwo do lob morl- Ili Btrlctgy made to y70 m uessemento an d, taflored in fiuut-elaas sape, At à f ;. ;7 .gveryWhlg new and up-to-date, lateet st yles from Noir Vok and Chifago. 'rwè1books to select from 500 AI-WoISmle 500 Also Mayer's Milwaukee Shoéa. Hamiton, Brown & CJo, Shoeu. ~MmeShoe Cgmpany. EO W. PARKIIU RST' SCIIANCK'S BLOCK LIBEIdYVILLBILL. - - -- - - - - - K ffepia n " à lb. l tf t tthe-* cool oof labor f ipraditathe "pelitle *0 eatool Item lu Ittmoofr di blull atae i à 0 moe. Prut. l 4do iiteko durabilty la Il-coe JutlasMacMh t1 epe pou laio. l do"e to apmad tie bot peint; eon oqully, b. srtles- wleb p«e 10 tlelrsboap- .u W wfhit otaIle.Oa *~ iri tISIIP!!I he-O mapnnuuatnir nnvst1-o le ttadaptud indmut umie w»lave atd lie 0ue ai joe W ILL R,&ONE Ti o~.Lawu' Gras%, 0Orchard Gé awBleStem.-Sgwlog Whbeeti Yellow Dent, Pnde of, the N oft mit .dg Gienut White Dent, Ws hve nie. of ils Kide. Ladeream lafle8h. Oolng up 7 Y0U c&n fils ove.y meeuin luow U e et our yard. âba r e st l rc**. Omleepoe 47e 1171 R ZOIo What Shil the ffarvest Be ? te u .gSd oey ma d r Tet * tJ u $wiibhapoo si v, b= lmyow lat pao OmelkmbTh o m O ew F w m Md MA M su& Ax& M i .ý Ail~~~~~~~~~o 30 ae m ussS.âsUhon akg Corlett. & *OÈfl.J oE,,.w w-5 ... ~ JaserNeckwear! Lavoa'dNet Jabote lnhil ailtestdesigna, lace trlmmed, I2,5 suld.................................................... ................... 50e àWalne sud Chiffon boy tie,ln many pretty stylas, oniy...e.......... 25 Enel hîn&Hii Btheb.nov goldwtbrk. stylo. white and cnîored, yard..25c * lk coud Ruebinti, ail colore. yard, ........ ...............................6Cý NovwAilorer Embroidery, handsome openwork pattern@ nI per yard .......................................................... 75e Band $1.10 fEmbroidered Shirt WalsI fronts, eaehcbý................................50 Waeb.braid forlrlmnming glngbant drermes, shirt waiste, etc., six yd ..ploce. att colores ........................................ . ........... 25e Dou'l fait te sec our tino of Pongfee, at per yard ...................88e INew colerr mîBys, vemovable boue, card........... . .................... 10e W. are bedqnartere for ait kinde Laces. Boy your Sommer Underwati NOW. Easter Post Carde, oeh .................................................... le u.ýROCE RIJES Cu poil eton ding peahes, cn................. 0 Flue White Hon.:, weil filUed, par cake ...................................25e Vrsbgrmted Horeer&Adb, per boule ..................................... o Vîné1»#t «ba ti prunie, per pound ...........................1 ......... 2e X Z. tmnmel fer .10,0 pires aud s&1 trou vork,Pee au wlth brush ... 15o LW. ., 0Cwo~ son ow pAhis. 1 mmoqqi M - . . Il IVIvi - 1 le]

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