CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Mar 1910, p. 5

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l LAi Our GdiýmâwT<ower Seeds cowen, *'W ssortment, RM, Pwk*lSued-Co. Oaedtn SeedL 2 hé'e-for - - 5c. j. ELI TRIGGS. Phffl 25 Phone3 ~ jsgJ . ~; ..~ FrffiPb. 26 to -,March. 17. 68.00 4011 and S881W Mats ....... 62.50 8.11 and Stiff Mts ...................................2.02 *2.00 Soft and Stiff Mats .............................. .......1.72 0150 Mats and Caps ..............*«***'ý,....................... $1.29 01.00 Mats and Caps............... ................... .......88 .75 Mts and Capes......... ............................62 .50 Mats and Caps ....................... . ..............43 Sheep Ined Boys' and Men's Cbats. S.mluaes wll be kiseout et 25 Perocent. off trourm hrP"c cdl. se smplss. &Wget Mime, W. orn agents for die STAR CLOTflING'CO.. id 1. .owedfor itsIaftsb me.nmd perfectflts SWot unae to order Iromi SI11.50 amd u> W. uEn. BftV11IS LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. We have just received a large sI ment of- shoes in ail the Iatest spring summer styles and weiights. Velours, Box Calf, Vici, (iun M and Patent Leathers. Tan and BI Work Shoes binight and jteavyj weic [roin $2 0Q 01) Ilip and Kase Iength RUBfR BOOTS et rg that are rWÉh. 'Come in Md ImgWdtOurlftne. I s I s b ERT YYVL L LbOAL AN O PERSO N-~~ M ENilO N * Tohupvm ublicatIon thse Indepon- dont, c MUSÉ b. ln th*, officenofiati.. tltit Tmo&dy of m«ch .week. Adver. *tseflas, ogioely, ara askad to tk * Rar~a~W iaiset. tiis offoct. Miss*Ue Ma n ar«Ocveslng Immt -qeIL A~eadêêllObelag iaed -oiucig I.tL To I bae Som. toa koa viser. ho viiiSolae.onmbiehometimd. Mss. W.Arts va tbeguestof athe aflit' .410 Utuiy tla oi.rnooua. Ils1 Ruais bas dcdéd talocate lu Buteyvli. . a ise lnhie deelsia. zmusiMoload eu t ausgn vises ho voo opsraaod. on for tousfliltla. Bov about lii. youug mmn vo veut to Pou du Lac aud tise casher vas bit aoisert Bond, of thse Nortbvootern sebool of Phemey, C~hg. v-s hrs OU""stig bise nto. Ms.V L.( ofe aiUrbane, Ill. la Wtbebgriwgw»miia.C. M. flier sud 8atsvewtati, of ad-Mo, vasbore Surnday., Ho bas decdA ta remoyb front tbo.Wlady Cty ta Llbert3 viii. about .au7 cIJroker ho enlonna et vbfls *auMIber atluîdod, 1re vu, Ivo star lassées aitisaé unudai Behool ias uuday. Maaltand oaiMime, Batierbeld's ,Wo'» mezt? J.T. Iobetaorn veut tp Chîcago Sun- day, vhoro ho purchaeed a opclal rasi of ailme for thea Lyrle Ihoatré, vhich by tise ve.7 la glvlug ploeug entertilmonts. The auuoùneed joint rocitai aiof e Weliaud Mièse Crytale viii take place st the Moethodit Chxurch April 5 traram vii hbeond lu anotiser cet- Omo. Bud' Kimbali maya athietie sport ino more, for hlm. The. foot ligisto have a sefklilg, nover as yet drsauted of by him untIIleàgaged to play "Oild Kng Colo" lu Rityueiand. W.ebhta thank al lisais vio con- trlbutod or hlped iu eny vay ta makoe 11F« Day"' a suoceoe e b M. E. $u- da&ticool. Tvoa aeo eros lled;,onel for Wesloy Hospial aud one for Lakte Bluff Orpbauag. 1Thers viii ho au Easter Suudayservice eAtitsa St Lavrence Episeapal Mesiou. AU are luvitsd. Noa afernoon mrie.. Tisse villbeeacar ioavlug hrs at 9:37 for ail tis.. viadéirs te go ta Lakte Tonal neont Sunday utoruing. At hast tv.rnzy U requlrod ta met this car. On Yensvlrng isiubscrlptlon te tiseà [FDwuIIDT, Dore B. Looutis. living eta OmpliOtlaiome, eys: "ifils jantaiJ wediig lu mmv sud mod--woam.maklugf garâbomie mt albnl-veutDors pad vlrndovs opmla veut hone laono a e y tuy ie ly te cook nitit." Snrndy. e haiesblongint ta Mnr. Oiisvold tumbisid bel, the. rigta vbbhh aistebed came out oi tise "mx-up" ~lrgt, fBdre exlricating h. animalil va seemylo eutt.e bernie. Sbort]; sitar lte ebove. a boresbelougiug ta W. Wlrond,-metI vuthohesaut mlsbhap, no dansage bang l dous- 0Oing taetise acident tisai befel ms * Alice.Fuller. aiso sickpess ai Mise Fiar- eucesEvilirar.or torte ai compositars1 lias bien deploled, sand tiisl vhy lte nouai aimouisi ai readiog matter domi Int appear an "Da£'" vas caileti irou theit "autelde" toa asisi tks reisalning force ~. lu tise meehanicail departmni.t Pardon1 on; "shorleg" ibis,@veoit. WA hope -matte io viiae op ta the standard net veetk Le"Chorinlrase" a hoauliful paem set tea iiipssmunie hi Flîumbh@i sbes oeed as1 àvocal duethbvi M i arrle Chard sud a dMise Lilait MeCarsuicis, vbo villlho itd eard ai lite fand concert, Mar. Blet.1 ise Chard la a vocellal of greal reputa- lion, as veil bas issMeCrmikbecame veil kuavu as a beautiul singer vils a voice. ai great range and thoîr appear- lea Be.inmueis looked iorward ta. PI Tiispaper kuave thtisaiIlas uluten- ti.g ouaI on the part ai tise vric.or, vheu lu IULR meuioed4hat Atse Isuhor used inlu rect- ing the baud stand, vas donsteti. ItlaI Ights learued tatishe lumber. building sud pa inthe baud stand was Iakeu tram visaiis kuavu as tise, "Park Fond" manoy donated irsm sociables held h*F diférent saclotîse. We are glad ta maïe lte corretion as vs knav no InjustIce 'es w.vas lnteudsd. pr..--1 JB. MQIOe& CO. mi" .MDe i f001aiEvanitan vaa rb»es turday. Roy and. IiAndrOvo o01iipringfeld vere h.,re Subday. iasOrm sCSoker le the agset a I od. l ieati. u Albert lonuesuiwd Jo. MLaughlln drovo ta *rllngt=oeilt.s urnday., meus Rot* 00»1d'sla 01aHalrnmvliis vielld wvlJu* Q C.M.Paliesr, Tueuda'. Mins M&" fEaholpb bas returned iron a sixvwesk'swtaltvth ber permuteasa Rlvervisr., Fred Ci'okeumai tmily are ntsern Ing Mr. Cro~eeit bI." , Mm. RsdlR116ao The VroneOsmaeory Association vii. mut viitt. John McLaughiln Titur aflermaoon, -ma" 8 t S iHall Day. Mm. B. D. ray and daugbter. Cahoeta tramSn Bout&OMS, CaL. vlolted et the boute cg F. Oiebb isoFray sud Satnrdoy. A deugbtw rof Mz "sd M"*re. eb Gaidbeg vu abkei t. aChicago a ev dayo ego fareas operatian for appeudi- ctiM. UlrmLuk " pornoSu~. Spokane, irobwé *lm luitan eaviitise mm, egs omaCàbis tiSp,vito Uvgst a Aiboue, Nev Melico.. Tlk W. C. T. Ù. il et wllb M s' Mary Churchil ou Toesday Me" 99Iftu ils camiortare for tise Orpmitaa 'AU bdmsa sples.wetoeriy. Theeaies idaià ety aithses- sy lonlan Cisurcis, vWimeet lhb hmeo! Mis W.là yo~u. atternoon, Mercis 1. Thors iii bevarit. 1 1 The haktry "sal vn by lte ladieso0ai tise EpiscaWslburchBSaturday ateraon at lb. ile of lt.e gas Company vas viii potronlasd, svery article beingg nid: un,, C. R. Pugis ba been et tise Pros. hyblule Hosptal lu Chicago for titres voeisreturrnod boutsTuep.. er mater, Mms Y.. LBIpIt af T&ýIorvIüLe in l Vls"ig bar. ilsi Wells Llhrlyviii's "big" lenar la lu bat vater aon-ccount oi ths pit a1 Davie andi, fot agreelg ta go vIltiste saus cmpary. Ho vants ta train vitis thse gang, but lna u bocis. - H[arry Davis la belug vatchoti by soute ai Siuhrta agent.s. And lhable ta ho signed ta play the villian in a nev pro- duction soon ta ho prôdotod by thout. 1Tue saiary l intse anly malter lu thse vay. Manday a- reproestalive oi tise Chi- Ail Fuller as ta itov ibe met vush the bail accident thet beteli ber Titurdal voulg t tie Milwaukee bridge. The INDEPENDUICT for the article finIt, juat the saute. Bout o ai LbtYvlIeu young blod bas 'benu aroulsdove. thoe outag Jef ries aud Johnson igii. GOn. beDaneliIl la ald vill matcis Tam Hlddiseou eçeinot Johnsorn. lu case ho shauid vin, you ame sais sb.rlypossil tlt tbere viii ho muchaifJohtnon Lt TI. Citizen. Band Inlaraineor e bublie dance.soon a"tr aesaiThèse Inction@bave bocouts a gnat pleesure ta ibons Wvioaenjoy tlb tant»*tl stap ta the gond munie furni biy Ibis organ- Isation sud a greeit ciavd viii hconai baud. Be on lho.walchoul Sr tise date. Kenuetis Loveliviiilssýerpret as a 'rlolin solo Romance.sud Iera by Daucla. vîsile Alo Hapk ilviiperforut s aclarins't sala. "Sprlrng's Alrakenlug" bath nomberfi arc exceptlonaly strong and bath yauing mon have becoine iavcr- Ites witis the Musle iorlng public. Mrs. Flora E. Duraud wiue nfaitise best planistinl and aroud Chicago bas been ecure4, ns accaopainlai Fred and Charley Moroy, niS th% Nat- louai Envelape Company, ai Wauksgasr; madee Ibis office a eal $ainrdair ater. Doon. Fred in foreman of the "Joishor" ai the éstablisbsseni, sud hie brother is asistant presomals of tise automatlc presses. Bath were aseachâtecl vhlh tise vrlter as new@oys ou tiss IJally SU yearsago, and are dolng ino, beiides holding respousibie positions. Baturday was an ideal day for augling for piciterei, whichlnduced iesrs. Brawn dnd Galioway ta 'bis" tisir vay lia Faurtis Lakte.,'ihey relursietihome vith a string ai twenly-tvo. tva aofvisicis volghed eleven andt tvlve paund9eaecis To have a sou venir of tise event, îhey bati Pbotagrapber Beavic t "aieteior pictore" ii wbieh heu en itlemen vere holding tise lerget aif1h01. catch in fun1 visw, tise larget meeariug iorty Incites. To-ipqrther tiseir lucrthoîr Invitai a nom. ber ai their triendo ta a "fIsis dînnor" Eonday at tise Nov Castle Rotel, the lorgeol being prepard by. Caleror Wolf of tisai hostlery. ilow de, Y-u, Loan YVour- Mon? We negallate Plut Maulgage Loans on improved ta=esasndtvillage praperty for privxt aI.Ivetq ianihg te bôrrover sncây onremue-a bt tenus, and tishe.Idersujurloesecnrty, at goud intece satis. Wc invite lb. luqulnyetk0fliadsumd borravcrs eh ailtlimes. Wc aal» avu and 0v p ge q ssinuveciiigit grade bonde at umartl Pd lrtItIglEsc.1jbst-I OP t ' ut s Imm DCONCEra To b. Olven in ToiunM-ail, Thuraday Evoing, March Stat. Thse Boat of Musical Talent wPfl Appear. PART i. I-Marçit-"Soidier @ Chorus,"ý.. Fouet C.Hf. Gounurd 2-vetue-'ansd Fessant .... FR. V. suppe 8-8oletioé-From Bopsemla Girl".. 4.Oatre-lb avary". .... FI V. suppe PART Ul. 1'-VloIiâ Soo-"'Rumam ansd Boro" .. ......................Daucis Kearnih tLoveli 2-'Wlntere Loug . ...... . ... Jugleoldo Quartette m -Rmag ........ .i........ Molet rJohn M. Fcqsth 4-VoW lDuet-%4Jbudrulum. Y. Gumbert ise üCarde. Cher. Kime Lii elsMCormlck a5-"Bàe Toit of ber Dot st the Back"' Iiiewde 4uutse pie loua B.Duad.Am opalt b C. H. Omitit, Cauduetor. Proframnie of Roltal. Tihe recitai of UmseMahol Weli.. aiMli- yankee, sud Mises llabeth McCrj'rnle., oi Ubertyvllis, vill taie place at the Mihadlsl cburcb, April lu. Tishat wiii b. an s"lsnoivÏei. Price. 60 cqe T04::"in 1 y ....'... ....MaDwf Mmse ligabsth s Muts. Jmse Dootu :....................Hile? iei Caou nMe nusciser. Mr.rl Bouton 000k m"iss ditSWon. An dyll of thse Perlod............ Gao. Eker Two ConS, (omint hlomxe on a Suburban Train Gons Dn. .............. Bdyard Kilig Sinerotu .... .... ............ Rebinold Tihe Hiappy Prince.. LU a flionnu. Oocr Wilde isWvil. Miss Merstie athe Piano. Schaol Notes. Mirs. Barbaur vlsited Miss SlevaWt' raou thIis lest veuit. Fraucia Prideaux entered thse second grade Manday. Belon Have lu acklth ie second grade alter speudlog the vinterutoutis' iu Missouri. Mns. Prodeauz vlalied Mise Webb's roumthtsis veoi. Coonty Superlutendot Smpsan vialt- od Sohool titis veoit. Mies Dubois leaon tho sic iâ Ut titi vosit, and ber rout la bslng supplled by Min HRa* B utler. The ouisba&l euthnaieaiolte chool Mv a Véry oxclthWgae.lest Woolf. o- tveou tise Cubeaad Sox. The Cube vsevlcorlausya umore af 15 1012. Webb vas thes ivIser for the Cuise. vblls Lovel sud Boehmt pltobed fi» ball for the Sox, but tisey ied no told suppani.We aailUgWlthe lbbaya shov lhiaballity lu base ball. Lt us reluet. v, Invte sud orpéeelmare vistis. ire. . C, Murray &peut Seturdey sud Bundal vils ber sister a et udvlcb,, îisw"tet. Misa Mabelle Nelahunder vent an op- oratian Tueoday, for appoudlcltla ai tise Garfield Hospital. Again the «'Toiiey Buucit" piernned a surprise, and erried out i îe usseralohlp, by aurprising 1fr. and Mm R obert Sebuabie, Tuesday evsningt. Thse "Joli1 Bunch" plannéd a loât of surprises dur. lng the winter monthie, and everyoue pauned out as per arrangement, a every trisnd où oeià lislt cannot smy augpt agaist the merry and social e.veuluge spent duriug their Mrendey visite. Of cour"e thîs vas an enjo>'able affalr, as vell as thse repant, a h vas one of thse beot. Peaplo's Earty Caucus. Notie la ierehy givén, that tise Pen- pie'q Party viii bold a cancus at thse Town Hall, Libertyville, on Baturday, April 2. 1910, for thse pur4,ose ofnuoral- 1n6tiug the foilowing vill officere: eThree Trustes@ and Village Clerk. J. B. IMona., 26-2t omtsmn EASTER Thé Finesttand Nicost Stock of Eastsr Mata are bolng re- ceivedi and piaced on, Olaplay by Mril. M. A. Protue UBE"IYVLrES Fashhrnabist M E :âtF- Stylu ae ieLatàq1 qnd roq Made to A4eaure ati Usual Pi j' aiOflihe AmoAmu Ladies'Tablalg Co. W. A it on shov. 5> E~~Bgm are plturd-I inotualcolaS- 5 sliuov s Prim oetyes, laeladlm *ailol lb cbamlg cealam. veeYdeMO i laaho enelo.Thereae itoueI, shits, 4 Wes e hovwasrnpimOfe o SMW Aa uutMelatu "ole md m 4y l mais ta Fouv àiéMal uUo. 3* . ads bv tisabuet or Mm m oa -la hp 't viibuhproxpttly isllvrsitajlm Our guaraulset p àiml aii .,fIl J rlilai.eeroWa, y«u vii Mt b ai ccp No'TrombhatAMi figur. TnsMt OUltdisitltion, a1 lbw taiormi oests vihdCtise blgiesbwws oouidg»lvo. Tonuimo»toblebWaa servie. by gains ho tbe shop la yomen. The prieaà» front auahaif tace tais usuily chrged for ajmiio1rw gam.l imullor ladietl aisn. Buts Imm $18.6011 Drese 9.50.ta 080-D"t f oP. 89.50 ta 122.00"-ktrto 85.00 up. Tisesprisesan fovman-tatiiad garmals, maie ta your ueesa bl1bM ît gr»de aifutade.ta.ordsser ovc. ot aIus sav on vitl t uons sue sncb Iow Primsoviitout galt aai bout boutme. The conoervative bsa>ýe, lu mki»a 7ÇIWà miuet kumow to a certainty t 'h is apiut suret4es are responaible and wothby ci oeedit. Likevise;. e'prudent, deWstor Vali the character and tba utedlaW of thb sk*MU wldch ho deais, ,and,*the4M t bIa 1jp gle4I ham over 2M00d.poeos witb, .gpea6 0ou over *40 0,OO la oertataly, evidoe o of fie cou- fidne. of the. Public luIn Ib»,i t4Wà Wé mat t6 thank &Il our frieuda flor. ibis mmiJihs ion of their confldençe and goodîvii ndéî#Lý them that It wul lbe 'our*uoi fto, in the future, maintain this higlÎ stmndard of excellence. Capital $4,000 * Surplus and Profits 80, 000. 00.' Stockholder'a Llabuliti 50,000.00, Total $180,000.00 LOOK< OUT lOR OUR- Pull .,Pa Wxlf Ad* lmN NEXT WU IN D E EXIX Là e< -. ~"'?.fl, - ________________________ ___________________________________________________________ -I s..' e id e or e e e'. ce gel Y o 'e... 5, 50e 2'ic i 25e .lic or *1.10 50e yd 25e 88e 9 10e 9 .20e ..25e ...10oe .12e h ... 150 Wl I ~ E I i Fs 1 a

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