CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Mar 1910, p. 6

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$aturdae In thm City-, Wore Oy*ttmluo.-Mtnv voe$ poli1- l'lista04bintsd.-AII GWod lai Was "Primaiy la.v" hmttti.eoucty anS Ifvas Dot- *tmore t atboreDwy lut. uiaIbmtu4 8 dis "Tarlu lui vored eStooth s»d teo nul" It.vorit. oundidates, wheh re- Napubican. Hahbýr, Town Clak trbi . Muèn M r Saeit, Jumîlo f lb. PisAG-to Eshloê, mbobi dIroctor, Lberty- Osmocrat. * 5111r, uperulsor Piie.Collotor, Bown, huIle of tii. Peac, ta 1. Uaarnr Hlway Cammis- diuiiy inf lu bs tmu aotheUI iII gtten boe4 0f dis mwldier, m they piscee %uoiamermsL t4ad Ae<IulQAIO ee. Wiien- Sheriff EM"aizo f Dolge county, Nebraska, fft tur MoulfiM one of bis dsirntli tà$ depty wVU armed wlth rquieitiou pmers trom the governor of Nbrulta and coul bave brought.diii Suspect back f rom Mlontant. However. wbet he arlved wlthhthe awn4ler'i latait .Ylet" he found tuat t« ue mupotwua net the man wanted and retuife emtr haad- ed. Story of Label sai. Tii luit kuowfl dem InluwhciiBeck *te., was the. oentrgl figur vas one luwiiib.aide ez.Reeorder Jo Z bCoif0f remont, Nb., out o t uion aO lu exaetly the sanê er à ia voiked ig i.gamo ln àuM m Ud l ecouRtY. lHe pissai-lu tii. wustsa tate an H. G. itber or JG» S. 19»1». lu. wsksgIa ou Octoluer 21, 1907, uaer disuase.e WliUam 3. Bock. .bil Inmorc orgo ea dî@4uiowlug the trsaser 10 hlm or dis Joh~n Grtm flrm noir ÂAtloch, h. snceeeded ln negotatina a oan of $3,000 of Henry Wedge or Waukffln and pkiped wth thie proteedi. The O'Ceuuor doL as iipulied off &bout J*suryi L Wodua Piainnou* tTA»aAotlon. m. Welge bp4 plünueli, If thé man l turnod out to lu. the maS vanted to gt loto toueli *lbkthesNebriska suathorities pwohe* diogl tto Attorney Didy. u hn if the. Ne- bruka o0fcias fiia olugt Bock landeS n lu, 10 taiS bolSd ndS"If he could not confflotMm tu Lake coaniy or adin lacOflittat hlm aise- *here If Bodk wsrae onvlctmd ho pro&i11Y - venubave braugit -uit agalnst ths maql s pepstt 0rocver the $3000,l1s. -b" mr. Gurus. usa m i*&a -ek'N- -- breasks d0051la toe Oa SSP&Pe col- c-L ee. when i. palli a .... ÙMcIyýk ~cesutly. Iii ê filS Sfttr aisit 10 l Ouàet -Assred.the illeoffeaiths cblet f fpolicel Sucwcla ssu rised. eth lt Omaha, Idectiled thamau or IlMsli- 1i'le apa l gong e pos boorehOer as die me, Bock wiou diadescrilpd dsspsloaio Lgfmlmd, the, tien vie given hlm sund sommunlcdt"lM atlr a tlsed e i.drus ebourmailier. vltu Mr. Weae. ta ~aea ' lp sl lult>' clilîdro n id it vas urai>' dionbt tuat die Mon-s tana captura vas diaeinueliwante g tlla .tArs lupret>' costumes ivindier aSd he Ilsppintmmet viii la ;@zsiIMtb cariCtem Of of lar ie a liar& nans nWmnkegau butres, 10 gbgâ%vote drilling g ig nsd upai. muci 10 captura hlm. et luWibc l 110.6whchnunfold the plot of Ibis 0O flair opis. On the tage tii. somry 13ENNETT MILL D!: wss VW diirt sud agis rady ta o, e ;T y VRR peel.iWuposion for hediffreltécns. SR VE«Y W MMé Oo19 0tilleopra pisses endinl , stèlr lsu Mmu haired 'youug min Structure, Mactinery and F.ed With- lckrid 'èltbl, a machinewhlch vs did lu l, sud Pessei l foota lu Part mol ndeetad bt wieh ho plan-b of J. A. Bennett sotd Famlliy ire motndr*t%*dbu twhil),he x paind. Destaoyd--CotilisratioIn VoiisntiyI la Oed teOPIO1551 ,loSOd lubhti on lthe Voughlt hy Buckt Brigade and P ilie. Atugethertilb. tnwn hall va ap sy uudreds Gattuer. -le. store v yeN.lulcwuued, thae AIlire completely destroyed the J. .ts obM,*eh bien Poltfer Tbnrid'ay A. Bennett grist and eider mîilI buili- vlb pdw o yodShave tag9) nu Fr1- - ng aud imachîneryil t Qnee thlst dmWlbetIbereaouS our advice te> morniug. Tii liamea vere tiet noticeS yo voe lo b. bere aun. shorly Bter,, 10 wolock ah the wesh - end of the, mllIanddII la leleved that the tiresn'as started by spirite fu-m TboTowasblp Cammtte bag pazled lbe chimney. The flames were fougit1 luf'al. oue. . ot b>' a vounteer .bucitet' bigade,.eai LatyeteýDM lu te tcke 10 uss-over 100, but hal gaineS ftonuch »ru, a el iud z1h50. liasrefUed 10 iisadwsî te lm coutttefle fi. o Mu.,B.nult'sfamily lveS above Tb@s musican sd llerary ontertaîi- thit], milUsi,£»ortliji of tdiu porion ai effects wvia ami. Tii. Ieeuse eaut, giel by eti oepb'uvbuub, for Wa dîstuIyeL', l**bit 01 tii.rector>', Tluqrsdu> Thorvas lusrueueou the bull- 4MV4golulet vSsk, wvas vo i ttouded, lug snd nue on dis $2.000wvrth Of Md eppfmclatsd by admilufaietii... afarinera sud pis- .Rél1ta, 00 uai9su ti"Ithom serasby for mles lu .yory directloui gacisIpims vées apiaded, as voelsud adihe elghbors aud. frlouds Viti rwgaalig%0uMenusm. voluatoor ast»Scs id die but dis>' * , _________coai lu got dis grain out of tue struc- tureanad other dîinas tht vers cof great valus and tliaI ver ismovabis. - i~W5ro~Y W5.45It la unîsustool tint tuere vii a Wt5T~4 p uce Meaquamtitbof feel lu tdism WMEfl P « Ir u DputyRhliilli. W. Gray' learned of the Ore t the. Benett mlii lu Guru, t. l. iulg liaseerel a ODe aglu illam . Bck,~ uig sud haltenl 0bis homne vhlcl JOncHle aaWlliam onyJ. ier, 15 lalocated luit icuosi the trpet-fram subis H Klineoliu erynes.lis I e burned puopouty. Wben hb1eau-- pil throngi te lb unioneaoMeleri of bal protbetoÔ bis house andisbarnsud l 1, jutylng lai titis, omperar of that nolarnage bal beon dous etabis dsMIels and lucreaslng tue leipair prpety Hoeureportsi tue Bennett of the tue entirs middle voit. miu as a total los. Nirsa racied here yeiterday tat 'The value af tb, mli la estlmnated Bock bal ai lait been trappeS lu Mou- at $3.500 and the amounutof the lu- t* ýU Isaan as belug brought bick ttasuco e arrled la gîven at $1000 Fatt. eb.. estbefaceeai onerai.iiNone o! tie iamlly vero lnured fu latet sladis, a fee acusrs. escaplug irom the lire as they bad Information came ta L. J. Gurnee peîty of lImne t leave, the ire bav- of thé Lake. Couuly Tti, & Truit las started ou the roof. Tiere vak Company 1to a seffect yesterday and s largo quantty lot grain lu the mlii diore vas great reolclug, lu Wau- awalÏtîg grndlng but mot af It vas Th U tonvkdtegi..removed before the lames reached IL. Th.SAI .1onc wiod h.PO" Mr. Beunett purciased thbMiliabout lionet aIOiha sud Freinant, and Uree years ago. It contalutd tire. bels ansetha resuits, dsappoinl- go englues. et à n ». Tii, mil, thie bau-n wblch vas dam- = luNob, Msrcl, 22-Tele. aged but little, aud the housil gma areoflvsIneueLiving t h furulsbîngs vero Insured ln the North- ins areasdlu ivngton, Mou. 'eru Insurauco Company for $1.000. tans, susmetd o- holng Fisher, The . ml ih wt la known as the ails, Kîini, le'nit Flaher. He aId Austin mlii. ua bssa relossd. Officers_______ * film Freinenýt. vWhoword to Liv-, ingalsia le brIng suspect back lere1 asy suspet lothum wrong man. Fromnet. Nel, Marclu 22. The- suspect irrested at Lîvingiton, 1 * Mount, for M4 .LFatter, la ngt tier 1 mm e h. lidOConor hrs o ut or es ln0 luanImUdsal. O'Con- 4 nor sud iadspùty hrff went 1 alter hlm. but wlre liat he la fot the minuwautmd. Orais, Neh, March 22-Fiaib. sr arrmsted nt Llvitouton, Mont.. sud la awàltng Identfication hy * pailes lu Fremont, Noi. JOHN J. DONOIIUE, ~hf etPoice.. Sien e f Su.»pme iit Acordini ledi.the tr>' liaIreici- ad Mr. Gurus. Who bas comiendaiilY lnteaed hiidllthe i.uasebecaume M!thébm tathâtiaI IliAchr lisa Klin «d Dock avladisl HOui7'Wedgeofe Mt of 113A . eSuspect Wks~~~19,000. ua sfav wudisPOUc sfis aindier M dnbtails lit Mremeat eoss 5vibm the apectail i *sàW tswy IdoIMSsi Whmu Danger sud Lanthorne Wr. Ailroad Aler Dork. Les tIZI,: 2to ears igo tiheitcli- Men o niiodon towu, rau-)-iug bau- lauthorns andia aberds, dressi lu long Conastnsd bue.breeches, --allied up aud Sou-n the (obbhi lreé uets of tb. wouli*s lrgest cil>' chutihng the fto.- lowlug verse: À. Ilght there., malde! Rang ouIt>ouu- 1101 And se, your h1cm. be cuersuad buiht That se your caudio e larmay asun.-, COntinuung r0,,, six 10 aine. That ouai ,mnuthat waik siung Mai oseetu paso. saLe itirout wu-ang Itlai. tuyonudou-cotuprebonslon aud imagination luthbese Isys of flamlag sM lumps and brUlanîly lilgitel mifeetst it pe he hstresta Pt I.o- dm lu thelawlu Se gwvie cl>' a Milleo vitI s Cottoin viiik vas bng out bore amI tuer. ou dark nigita. It vua u age et isudiorus, et finubeau -and lUiboys, viioneveo» U&ul Mm vili anS prepired for Set vhs. le veitunelot aI alat I 19 " IlItten that st wvisa coub Ms actics ela Uat cIl>'foru- a eCon puai c a lundrel ororrsMta mmii alibl>' lvailons upon houma t the veailu>'te 1111 mand rob ani IX bgaW *%Mt 'la-hvmaiulali va cme MW L MM lurst venture to valk lu the il Woet&"--Bpru-lfaIUnion. Ex G qu reg cg, dfi li a gl i tic ne th .I of .e The recent bumane education lav nakes tIliliegal for tq exPe0.J mentupon living animai& or ta klt tb.m in the proece ofi bldren for dissection, upou the. Iabou-atou-ytable&. That la welI enougb. lu lîgood fortb.ancnala, gond for the ehuldu-en, and good for lhe touchers. But, the liv does flot pu-ovIS. ...y penalty for parents viio vivisect aud -disect the teaeher at the dinuer tabla lu the preseue of thoir cbuldrez, ýr!he officiaiIlleI of a teicher, her'power, ber Influence for gondi, rust upon sud gu-ov ont of the delicate hhng w, naît offldenusuMd reoc. Crippie or kilt tâI foeling ald yen'havscripplel e« 1111.thlb.OficiaiIdlse ofbthUoobr. 1 koboy ;wdiSfcult Il I. lamaiulaill soufidomesasd recl i anu uorttq toucheri. The moansu euch s teaelis rulgu, lb. botter. lut svecthlb lso tembchrs are, human-otbsrlm tho vauld ual b. the. boul. Therofore, tbé$ are 4ubjsct tu mistals lujudammut ami cubducit. It ta nvmsu ad hurttaul$ te Cali sattenltinte sech fatilm. It M luhuman 10 liâseet them out ilare oi cildren. trio bal for téachor, bal for tho pa umanSbaS lartliechlren.. Lot us ratier natés&ansmpsk of li gond. quilliis. -Lotnn.bolS np, hou bande. Lotuns o humaut o tb. hoaciir P. 0. Bmi.An, Supt0 of Public Instruqllo. rH.ACI(ÈÏAY f S ORED. Amusing Incidentof the Author'a Seo- - oud Visit t. Bouton. Dnrlflg Tbackoray's second vIailth Boston Mr. Jantes T. Fiels, hlm bout. vas aileS ta Invite Thackeray ta St- tend an eveuing meeting of a eclntift cub, vlicb vas 10 b bell at thes housai a dlstlngnibed member, I vas, saIS Mn. Fields. ver>' reîno. tant to suit hlm to b. pi-sent. for 1 knew lie vas easil>'boreS, sud I1yVU tenufnl tint a pros>' ossu>' or geologlesi piper mgt b proseuted and tiet u àtatt shouîd iii vanld be exasperaled wiii me, the la noceul causeetfbIsdafflition. My wvent tsars ver,' r«ea& SaisI nt look at Thaackeray. 1I fat that is eye was lapon me. Ml& i 1 m ia>' b. Imagiueli vbou 1 ea un ris. quite delibonalol>' aud =si ils sxit vsrynlsiy loto a sMUi auerom aejolnlug. Theaprts va dim1 ligltel, but ho kuew tiaS 1 knew ho vas Ihere. Thon hepua aserlet ofpantouilui tentasimpssble te becrlba. Bgoh01** an tmaglnary person-in>st t conIl -'Upon thie bon and premff 4 MIi lim sevenal timte vidi a PapOl t1Olle vici lie cangil Up for ths pUl!p005 1Âter diapomng cfis v$Mtfa U u» v ay haovas mot utlsefleltW hadli Llecture 8sh11.we>ren ou lu $botbw tr"C rmso he lireS n a u At>uy iVêr Mt t iii timee ah au- 1On rr baIk" g Tha vihole thgvslila a mul. Ymsstgd fat v1tu4 >'onng tilai bo *mquely te ms: - "Vat wui lismattas. U1 la lthse l tet ê p II lova. *W"hfl 4" *i*the.natonail mempeos »aretenm by a disos. miOr. Vary W"rd of whoh IÏtetr spta "0am trahe 1w. ides: seid~rsNUU ilir. utpie bs, «p .thsatais end r»s la*ra.uta sd .forth ha prehib. I lfithati. vrer et a uni- le »M i ont sIuh Oet0.muaste «MOISii u-mtaiIWith olvians, leý ahftd olU neln he tii.mmi sivy. 1fer lie OlrsItherm lea b il ln Mpt CO 1h.e soomd la Ithe Ampy Mnd !Nvy .Jouna.l Wash- Il à bis iuotroduoed là the na- Hrom tg sand e r Chemie laIa.-p"*Wsk.oauliti le POW« , te#W cldies, *on o ,.iyAttorney Peroins ReftstS101a4 ter te Attorney Genm Salsd Weo -Rendmri Opinion .on 110W Prlmary Pottis Blould ta I4sdid Wltii odesinc toe w Law sud Conqufo Primary Battit. Springfield, IMI, Marci 2U-AttOrg0y iensu-ai 81055 lu roupouin R are, pest from Atmiennseu'ry L. pu- ifli, et doeS diah »"Ing Of dis prlmary sîsetion law 0f '10D, reladlrs lu dis captlon ou A aption ou a petition fi1.1 bY a eau- date for nomination t0 a onutiof. les. Tiie specifie qution «mked vis boliher dis firoi Une .shoul rend letors, etc., lu-die tOwn ni W&ukO. ,n, lu tbe counutyi Laks, 010.' The. union givon hi dis attorney genrOMl eta forth liatIt ltIl mlent haisIthe i.e rond, "Uletorp o 0 flublctu Lilty lu dia codat> ty of LîO."c The opinion ddfuS di a t u ds t tn ouly' dis ploldaunit luavhlel OL caniiddate sesekUg sMMlnaUti ieed boameS. If. bowevsr, all dis ms to a petitian ef aciuidata omidl happen to be wlthuis heCOP4 alimite of iomle one City or 0wn e àa >county, dis caption "shootr" ýielctors, etc., linahe(eIty or towa)' if -T-, -lu the coantu- et Section 28 o! theiiprmu lav pissed b>' thi enri' le ls special ssontgih lemoln ssflng wi tiithequesdotionlbwii lMr. Porions roferrol. Tha luterpis- tauon la tb4e as ntitfte- smi action of diheclprmi>' Ye1etiOâ ivw. Mncb confusioni, horwveu. 04 ited at the luterpretatiui Of di section lu the, aId liv. Tii. sec"is of the, new law previdos tdithe e> non of oaci sheet of thi etietloe must rei thesame. i4umane Trakbrnnt of Toachers. The. foilovlng excellent artickebY Ouif abat wortby 51,1. SuPt- Francis G. Blair appea-ed lu Marci isune ol%"I5cbo Ngeva." wblcb vas meut Ibis paper b>' s gehool teaçheu-: J- OMru,"tuagminse wéaru w«wth 'Whsre wooksuicors lu lua A foilei tic point,,for. tii. modiesof Port liberar tollowlap X" é sa op of ligliood. go selier lia- vol e.opt tu wànksgms-n ow "*y. am Cllcaola mo@bréd tSn fat 1a*ày al ton cash>' Frwtiwsom s wtii ths opeunlg f tlw nlaym traiilug statlon Waukga sud Noîtb hAsse vii *a0&b. Ui »oIl cmtesfo r bmtwossm t00 su 3.m. ros a uUvoly selbommu la thoir bonu et Martyl>. .,It hlloWs <bat the uniforni sudthe digialtr sud -hor of Il aboulbell are liiortant items hero& W.ksguma attitude tovirds tii. uifMmru uufrntmlY Ubs bsou tdi -ro.g ous. DIgOIlsi? modilers ti the oit>' ou dmbwéciioabave prmjudiea4 Maur o0f lis eltisopa *bd oulimiis ho a point vmere t<bag MusAI i mmmbarroé the, sallesfrontth ticiyj~U i me-M 6, PUoyWWguaud osse bore van.0m tiragit. Wukgi'spoesaordr.1 1Polilesordirs en b'otbsr baud fpis to show ne dosIpIu vards the. .*IldlIem, but tu'sftoSt tiimm If diiiik aud dlsrofrly 111e Otbhoujtisons. At ou* ie* ti. beidiig Up of a Do. wemaounsu ia Party t ofldisys rosuit- ad lu the. mas tisctb* saàldi f ans d Oltr Mdi tii. p6li.. s&"boUaval est to 1ke lbe sigit oet sllabeoau et lis kaown "ue.mmr o f tii eh-. '.On hst 0tsassMbira ar-s us. sad ams tii ssue at tusohl.. su s tiaI at - timdise. mbiu bmsutsk et prohbfttf the dis arsthem If la addition te tieu points Wmaka- asolise@oi S u d odiers"Y'*, atuea a urais umtem for lthe soloues wlio mrs lliordsrly, t te liO ave uystbieem1d te bar hem., but baver uus doua thi emadgmi- eisly liai ame mt Iluaarvey hig ligit a. eoiesr r 171 au PWMfo Wauukagsa '4 ý W1 le tha ou317 piae to mls~b~ ii" poeslsy do fot corne sylplios but to the terrt«, y betvasu Ulgiitssth atreet lu North i icago ali theu loon district e iWaukofau. w~~ et tio» laen i woey ~mla lu wf4 la a "g. *a Ui SW'45Vl Mn om 1 m= I*ýa B e4m 'isf l"la . Iwl.W ilo m "Mr anmine WC ms 4yo0 bave te <Ir«. UW*011m"01001 ma-Dsem m star. oia ~vl table d'bat*?,SkM*quIs' p-sr--a Sw the H-ere's a bargain if there ever was one. About 66 Suits to ehoose from-materiala of fancy herring-bone stripe worsteds' sbadow stripe and novelty mixtures, serges. Made upin 'the newest r styles for Spring and in a wide range of colorings. SThçc are the %or«t of Suits-fr which ~ woud epec topayfro $16.50 to $0O and they'are worth t. Broadcloth Military Capes New-just arrived. 0f light welght, in ail deired colorings. Mýiitary collâr with'gllt braid triinrning and gilt buttons. These are extra ordinary values 9 at the special Easter sale price ................ Short Covert Couts 32 inch tan .coyert coats, nicely tailored and finiished. Ordinari- ly you wvould pay $5.75 or$7.00 for them. In this sale WaIss stipe;Etster Bats Womnenig'faneéy s pe;,R*SWla 6,oo sud S7.00 valu«s light o ra percale Thrasa dumilegW MdsIUCtivsstyles, flempsnefl - wau»S, nèelytailored Iin 10" al *bqPu s ul thoma"s,ver>' pqlar styles. While they ist,TX OU< b> cnl ldml1 eea a chojos eefor <>>amoe, sdAisathia eva. Éà tliies sàC ......... ............ . oil-boiled taffeta sulLk p)etticoats with deep flounce and dust ruffle. ]Regular $3.95 values, sale price., a onîy ......... 69 u Guarantssd or Your Money Back, O f Wemen's, lMbses"- and ChiIdren's- Suits COuts, Câpes, 1'flhnery, and -Dresses, Etc. ~~~~>h~~~~e rightkn fasl ttergt time-an opportunity to save dollars 'Ne (fot cents) on cexacly .the arnsnccdcd now. Just'cast.your eye down- this it and sece if you' re ever = n uh »rgains from a reliable con='rn quoted iyour daily ncspaper. !éY .Fug S cal FC Au 05 Au' am LC sol ab J., FC W' FA ont te Foi la tu- met id e "e- rut ra o Fou Wu Fnt sni For .1 ,Kn Te. roi ni FOI Pl* pas tii mai ,7 Wni Foai WA' O cti Oum r Short Novelty Coats In fancy mixtures, checks or plaids-a few coverte included. A ertain lot we&ve throwvn into this sale at rediculous price for- t TVi at TVi

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