WAUKEGA WEEKLY SUN YOL. XVUiL NO., 27 TWQ JIRAR tJ=aTyvUeLz, LAKE OOUNTY. ILIN.IDÂY. APRIL 1. 1910-1.6 Page. PART ONE S1. 50 FER YIC" IN ADV4NOJ. "tAT i"ICCRBAM 7 8tIteFoodStandard commotcionnle- sue Twe iin. »collinegan ^Il eules-te Cam»eAmrea vi Dci- ellica cf Their Produola andiW. COa$sosý'hl». Waukagau Oceiti or@c lnvfl IrasT. Tbc @tate fond standard comtliauio Issues tic ollovlug: To Wbom Il Mel Coocru: TicndIluai mie l i tanicr Comission bac fur mso. ise becs. eomdierig ekndunibaSes.«m Thc follovua*anc &moue thb» o ut- 1. "e Crculu a frocen product' Maie franc0813a u se51r, it or vilbont lhe additioor .11k, or con- icossi or evaporatei mlii. of egi@, cf crn clarci of oct Ume thon Ivo per cent of gclIlae, or of! cher viol.- aon fiavoring or cI~ laina noett hti»n ae per cent of -"d-4 ltu n& »,"~. ie 04 iodes-la, pr cub!Ï oàiîer cf«t' moitai article, nene of vbich hatera are toxlcogenic on pathoelc." 2. "I1ce Ces. la a trouan producl maie fret crewati sud ugai,w-vt or viticul s naturel flavonlng, uni con- laina not ialest ait fouste.»(14) per cent cf tub fat' 3. "N'rut le Cratail a f oen pro- duel maieefs-eun crein, sugar sud aonn, ce.». mtus-c 4i -tsansd con- "& ten mcleucauc»tvelve (12) per cent of mlii fat-" 4. "Nut le Crc. la a frazen pirq-j iuct maie from cream, angar anui sound. norsuli nute, sud coteilas ol lesasthan tvelve (12) pur cent cf m.1 fal... 5. 11111k Ico Crea lsa afrouan pro- ducl maie f romn creax and cugar. vit or vithont the addition of mllhk. of condenaod ooroporated mliii. of egos, of corn Iasci, cf nt morethan tvo (2) par cent cf gelai». and con- tluinaont elb.» mine (9) per ceul 0f2.11k fat." 4. "No le Cream *hall be cold vitin the 81*1. centelmlngles. lbh" twelave (12) per cent mliiifol, ex- copi vitere fruit or nut& ame ue for the purpoecorcf arnnasu enit ll out cotain leau tic» tan (10) pet- cent .11k fat. 7. 'les Cream la o frouen producl ccntalng ot lmcea ltcgit (8) per cent cf butter fat and ciglileco(18)] per cent f mliii coUds. vti the addi- tion cf suur (cucroce) amdi viU or ithont aturai ficrorlut sud mclte exceed seven-tenUisa (7-10) of ose <t) pst- cent cf gelaile or vcgstcblc g8"S.11 It la requestai liaI ail tbose op- pocedt e, or lu favor cf. suy proviaiens cf any of te above suggeted stand- aria, alibmlt brhfs lu triplicata 10 tic Commission througb lie Secrelary au sono as possible. Briefa umitti psion ho Apri l lt. viii be consiierei sud c publie iteas-- tmg vilI ho given at the Great Nort-b rnu Holel, Cilçog, aI 10 a. m. Wed- needay, April 61, 19,10 oail icalrlag te h be ani. Reopectfuliy, T. J. BRTAN, Secretary. To Wbom It %Mer Condon:a The Ilinais Stato. Food Standardc commission iac unier conslderablan standardc fan Cond.naed Mihk cuti Evapcrtedi Mllk. The feloin; stand- aria ihave bei suggesled: 1. Coniemci M'lii, -Uvaporated Mihb. la MNhkfrt vhlcb a conaider- able portion of wter bu*been evap- ersed uniandcosicing mot Ilus Us» tvet-cltht (28) pet- Cent of mihk cou»da Bot lacstha" tvent-v "ou fire-tatia (27.É) Vs- cent la .11k fat. mafmlii Woa Al aaamiarabie po- tionS vtrbac bmeqaras-iciani in vWh c u cccef) bas becu oued. mcicontlma ot lo5 ista» tvblt-elgit (M8pet- cent of muii solide, of viich Ont euM, tbcq, vt'- ae» sund flv-tuntbs (3.5) Mc cent la mahu fat. frçm vilci a ccndqfuble portion0 voter bac beec iopeet&i- .It la tetlutetet tit Ai l Itet-Ote cuitait bsleislu triPUetO tth* cClou- mission tUs-ob iis eoitr- as accu as posible. lefis ubuttedip-ot- 1g Aprnlot I ilî beooiiuerei u-a public becring _viii ho givef t a 'he 10 s. m. Tburaday, April 7, 1910, 10 911 decrla in habead. ncspectftnly T. J. BTAN, D~ MgI gecii f uSoiaSUIAM srKf I.OA - 00 iigedLielDcnags-I i Li TC UWATH Dr. Jecie Bnckley Ogdcn has dOt. mnced cuit salat Uic Wauksgc(W mette spd William J. Smit au diltor, for $25,M0 damiages fer the public:. tion of sagédedllua article la the Gaettc inathUissaues of Marcb3U, m"à 27, 190. Tbe declaration vwu flai liâe Tliursdcy atternoon and con, tain. elgbt conut. The cmme vIi probabîy bc heani at thc October talla cf court Sud the &atbcru£O toia oomplainant sic Cook., Pope & Pope aud A. V. OMIti. ln Circut curt. The mu of.1 4tties , ghscaa& ]PIeli againstthUicctY Of Uon $0' about l1,000 atter a" fées eceasi ed WaI- tentionu of-tha circuit ocout Tiiesiar mcrfnuansd a portiaonc09lte*stuOrOM Was Werlde Ceumblan gxpaeticn William a. White, a pioncer buili- lta oou*aCtot, ho va.!jioOunMtjt the ok on f rebunilhfl. hcago t tee ire la 1871, dmTblhicday of a to Chilcago ln 1818 fs-rnCanad. Uce, vas for m- ar oa director 0f tic Hbrnlan Bauuint Asaociation- Tic funerai vas held lt Monzder ai- ternoon.t 91 east Michigan ôtreel. William Whie vas one of t.ebout kuevu building contractueala Clii- cago. Ho dîiedsariy ysatcrdiy nieli lngu ~.Lukes bo«Pital afrtsuaniii ucsc eral montha. H. bai beeu a resiiolit cf Chicago sud Highland Park for more titan tirtY Yeara. Ho vas 69 yecnc li. Tvo cons, Frank snd William, sud a daugiter, Gert- rude, survive hlm. 1 te late Mn. Wlite vas a World's Columbian expositilon contracter and dii the mtaiel ldhig von. He ovuci a beautiful home lu Hghland Park, wviiere h. vas voîl buovu. Ris affliction calot hlm back front Cali- fornia. NORTrtiefRNUGBTS W"RE 131ULLIANT Theo aurons borealis. the nontheru lighta. maie appearace Suniar ln a brilliant. seulti-strivlut arci from vilci hung pulccttug streamers o! llgitt. causing excitameul; amont pet- sons enjoylug tUe apring eveuiug cul cf icouand mi a. ecorded by local obcervatorlea cf aalreucty before it finally disappecs-ed about 10:10, vii.» the mooniodarnt o bigit. for lb le ha longer visible. Profesot Prost of tic Tenkos Oh- senvslory ai Wliams. Bay, Wls., la ceiedi wit t.efinal sigil af thc piiencutenomi. "lb bai ual been ceeu for tire. years," said Professon Froat over tite telephone. "It va. a remarkblle ieplar. Tic no-then lgblc are causei by maguelo-cleclnlcai disturb- auces ln the nortiieru atmoepherc, cenducted hy lb. actlvily cf auu-,niip- lions, viic Profeasor Sîccunt, outr sun observer, bau notai recenlîr." Professer Fox. beai cf lie depart- ment of a.lnononty aI Norlivesîcru University, anti ln charge of the Dean- horu observatarlu Evanaben, vas lie second to report tbe appearsuce o! tic veind Illuminations. Ho aise asci!becl tom te nartireru almnospieri- cal diiturbaucosansd "sun spobu." Complte LiaI of, Ceunty Appoint. ment. for Connus. The follng le te complelo Lake counby lisI cf cenus enùmerators: Charles N. Lux, Auiodi. Lavrence W. Wldiic. GrsO'labo. Win. C. Horoth, Winlbrop Harbor. Glenn W. Cas-ceY. Zifti ti. Frank L. Waterrm.-Darr-tnon. wm. H. Brovnien., Hhiood. Frank Laing. Higland Pot-k. Augul G. SchvermninaiRockiefeller. Frnk Vlckory. Rockiefallar. josep 8. Hua, Waanema.- George . Ebulke, Libertyville. Abet C- Corna. Russell. Binent . MeNichole, Lake Bluff. Josep J. gamoocley, NrU Chi- 'Ongo. Wm. . Hove, Labe Foreat. Oscar B. Wbltnore, Gus-moc. Charles A. Wcrack, Waukegaii. Axel Lubccb, Wauiigan>. BnjgaIal. Weyer, WaukQgU. Ccmra HohSteI, Waukegun, - tinMs. mt lu. Ncouns.Waubessm Bast Touipblae, Waakegel. Ms-s Noýim J. Nocuam.,WaubIego&t 7 adA Daniel , Wouketcm Enft J. EBroni. Weien. Prfnl k edelbU- eirt, WaukegAn. HeM aet nightvitile relatives sud tionda fs-cm smong the Uthuanias etmacciasdthbreatened boiîrreciat- suce if the remains cf the deai vo- mcm ver. remcved for a post mortent. Uce inquccl over bbc laie Mra. BResa Klm et 907 Market ctrel Moudar Lpsess strauge sud unusual foat- u res. lHes-ela lia aignificanoe: Aiflleg.dta h. tii hei-oct cas edbi l lie orener and- teb. cle atency bae yt abtaleN c*0~,~ L allege illm tIwtiy, tic «» Win qelrian n fâimuepréhobi>'in th. Surie emu. MW lfreth. oounty ceurt ced fS-nai, the ma- tenda for an Investigatn that q May recuit In tii bai-ring af mis unlicenced midwWveafs-m practice en penalty of as-~siand proecu- tien. L ia«urew-f.uic che eevere Partial Ffigureas hovlng boy many allen va- tien giveo-ihiteobliran Wlitout the cld of pylcthetè11u ia b jury cnd corner abadoncih lb..a to houd a Pont merbcm la the face cf eppeetion te lb. removal cf tic ro- main.suad alter Il bai icen delermin- ed that the post morlem voui net ha ueceaaary; sud the craviing Int he roama cf bundreds of Lithuanisus, de- ternd o aroist remevai of body., Eclie n l lte day Undertaker Drev bai been ferced to abandon efforts to remove the body. The coroner. aid- ed I he b.police suc depulr .sheriffs farci no e aton. Te Arrest Midife. Tiec ccronrs jury luln .heKIlt ce brougit ln a verdict labo MoniaY te lie cifect liai lins. Rose li. came to hon icathby reacan cf a bemcrr- bage follaving au child iunth. They aian founi thal the vomas ii ucnor- ceive Proper meical attention sud titat ai,va. only atteniddhy a mid- vif. kuovu as Eva Tone. Tlioy r.comtend Uci the sacte's attorney prececi agclnct thoeccliEva Toucils foi' pnadtnclug miivifeny vîtaout a Il- ceuse. The Inquest aven the remalus of ilire. Rose Klt v as held at 907 1Market atresl, whre the vo- tman diai on Moniar uigbt. The homte c f the Klma la on the seconidean cr f su anpartment b»lldlug. Whcn Coro- tnr J. LU Tarlcr, cccompanied by 1Stale'c Attorner Dady, Frank Blakes- Lles. court reporter, sud c jury, cmliv- i ste tie home cf the Klis the Un,. amallrooma ver, peoket vit nelghbores %d fnienia. Police i<cep Orden. Trouble viit thte recidents o! llan- kel street bai been anticipatlasd Depuîr Sberiff Jouba, Nlghl Captain Adlam Vegel and throc police officers v ere present la preserve crier and la. 3enfonce t.e cniers cf the coroner ln 3cace b, lecied te nemove the rentais ta tie morgue lu crier that au aulcp- ey migftt be heli. In a amal roont llghted br a smali rcIl lcmp and fillîc i viliccreo cf o- men, men sud chlires cf fos-stgu birti vito couic ual undonstani a vend thal vas spoke» excepb viion ln- lnlrprctei ibte interpree ite ln- qucat wvs iîf>ani msur important fadta brougit out vbici yl ha cf assistance te State's Atorney R. J. Dair lu te Praseculti c f aster i- legead iwife. tirs. Catherine Barbe, o! Nati Chicago anti olier alleged un- Uiceuseti mivîves. lunte Burbe case tie chilli va. bore deai bocauseocf the ignorance cf t.e inlife, il la aflcg- ,e, sud lu lie case cf Mca. Kil the le1f, cfhli mollies- mlgit have beeni cavai bei a phyicicen been cciled 10 abtendi ler before Uic binli aof-thc In- fant, Ile la ineti. J-lucbhnd Calis for Midwifc. The final vinee aolled b UheCMcor oner va. Mic Xli., the buabuni. Hoe vas a eîqu, coben, nitafl bookum; vorkng manof c! Litiuaht parenlago. H. ethfei bt eh sent for tira. Eva Teuci, aà lierly mi- vite, wvie ils eon VictorWia as-olte attend bils vife. Sic vs, otige iat 8 o'ock ou Suniar attereoos cmi the cilhiva. bhubelote 5 'lcl TX@. vomazt- ï,la ttigbtto0b*Ye ledcIn1 death aller the birtU, à afie IluaU sali mitebled profusely aftés-as-K ctos- vas not calleti outil laie la tii. enmlug, uen Dr. W. 5& Rleva vu semntfo. Hc crrlved sacs ilfIs. 4~ o'clock sud Rou»d lie vomas t» a Maes. cf ccae. Uer doti- cocon- s-ci vitin: tcos-or ifleut mlsutîqc cti Ne a yL' vleg. $4. Puy -Mie Zâmr, te iuabmS sbî4 "WÉ ilot O th me di of-be,- d-- try midjive.. Wliqn Subi viiat he 1 topar. FIRSI WIIITE ClIILD BORNIN CO. DÇAD Dom et Buffalo Gi-ove ln 1834, and Llved In Count>' Ali MerLifi-Feii Tirs. Weeks Ago -anidi-oke Mes- Mp, Wbicha Induoei %bUxbtctiiandi onesai Ili Hacth. Leadlng ta i-es- euth, Tic fitnItle cilibom n i Lcb ronuli- vu bus-led clu hiie counly priday. Sitewu Mca. Hannbm Irovu-Ba. àn M' i itla lalimed ulIAi kernatal tdate mamiited tsi t WlltsWhig- b n,, Who bac alvarsa s~ini au hie *rastwvitedhii bori thelccoun- 17. ite tira. B"aum Wh viuva L bora Hunait Browm, came.thilebbcet Wat.RafaWo Grove iIU 5-SU ici At l8 age cp f 74 Tiiareda. Tirce vckc e a» tigutained e aIl,vlucbruit- i 4la e brobcn hup m a ttut u- > om" albrai ovu £E9N" Oas. f- t O-e Orove la lu the snti Pant of lte caaitirsM. Sa w a c- forisp- icass. Ialebvea cou b3, huba0"ip ,s4cd er '19 T#klng of Oensus Lîkeiy 10 Create* a New Counly OMeie. Provldlag the cenuasof 1910 girea Lakcecautty a population of 60O00 lie offices cf circuit lerk and ccanty4 recordes- vIII ha separaflciMdi o re- dorier of decis vili ha cléeW. The tâte loy pnovidoi thalls coua- lies of 60,000 sud over o reorer cmcl1 be pîleci l hls lu c=unticae! c population lie clet-k, ot tbe circuit court la recorder ex-olnii.' Acccnih»g teo he CMICS, oR1910 Lakc countyi bda spopuia#cq «o ébout 40,000 sud 1.1la hiouuit b-., sUai- lI the ceeu. vhtch viii hé om 'Wul yemr viii sbov s gain, 4urthe de- cade cf 20,000lIeabll", Recorder Noed- Il te boped liaI lihe540*Mark vi be neacici beculs e ie»im'«Rone mati lu nov requit-ci to iSiNte theli vaut atonalof vqnk vblohelice- -obrdtes office Io comippliel 10 trans-1 1 UNÇL1 vas tu par Uieààvlfs, b. sali h. ham fot oxpectai 10 pay Anything un- leas the baby lirei. If tbe chili bad dlou ho vouli gai- uothiug sud If l lived b. oxpeefl i 10pay 110. Somo of thte midwlvesobaige but $2 for at- tending vomen tu cnfinoment casesa. Pour -wCoftdeW*NeDoctor. * tirs. Kllm badi ou bldron, ail cf vhont hailbeen bore vithotthlb.a- tendance of a do".ortho fantlY iav- ing alvays relid uPOn te services cf a miivifs. Bbc vas@ U88 rm0 cf . Durlng Uihe vnnav bciibor pain h.- came ubouble.Mis. iClm requcalci ber huaband te Mdi fer a doctor. @*Y- eral phitifl a vee pboueddIn bo- fore ono e a huad at home: Mms Kilt bei a lau ad Fday vhich In- jurei ber ide' ciimigiit have In3ur- ed ber luternalîr., ýWhIé4cy and Soup? Soveral nei*bor vote» ver. ccli- ei au vitoccaca vo bai beeu proet before, iuring gn4_ citer lthe bith. on. of Uic. testifici that ac.bai employs4&i came mldvife viien ler clllren vPre boru and Uiat the mi- vite actsd th,%. same sud performned bileseme ~ic'aac ioerMrd-. Petronella Wlnalov of Victoria street, vbo acbed as luterpreter, testIfici hhat Ihat iii. bad been tli tbat the mi- vif. Savoetirs. Klm Ivo giasaes of vhiakey sud nome coup, sean afler Uie birthihad taken Pluse. Tectincony Fixlng. An attompl tob "lix" testimour vas maie hy one cf Uic nelghbor vomen who toli a vitncas to testify the came sa she bai donc. The interpreter tld Uic coroner vbat the voman hai sali, and theo cfender vas sent front the roc.. On. entas lctstilled Uiat ch. bai six chiliren andcln lual of lbe confinement caes site bcd heen at- euisi by tira. Cathierine Burke of Tcnth and Victoria street, tbe voman vhin a hing Proftcuted ln lbe coun- Ir court for lhe alleged pracllclng cf mldwlfery vithout a license.. Her Case vili b. tried ci Uie APril tOrni Of th. couuty court. Tite stale board cf beit la detorminci tu stantp out Uic ractice eofithe unllcensoi sud ignor- sut ntldwvvcalu Uhilastete sud If la succeceful the. Ives of masy motionÎ sud hahos viii hoc aved. Midwf. Refuses 10 Taik. Wlien Mrs. Eva Tondls. agei ntid- vife vho atbeuclotiMra. Kllm, vas caIlîci ýtoe Uic neac stand hy the. coroner. Stete's Attorney flair car.- fulîr oxpîined le ber Urough Uic lu. terpreler that se. as not comepied te tesllfy, but that ln ca.e sbc dli tb, evidence abc gave mlghl b. used againet ber sud ihtI h. migit ho Iu- dicled for elhber manssanghter or mur- der, or for coing an unilavini ccl, prac- ticlng vithout. a licence. Âfter the expsuation vas macle clear tu ber che sai Bbc preferro 1acc- othhng and dii net tesllfy. - . Dr. Belowac Testifesa of Dsth-. Dr. W. S. Bellovs ietciiei tbat h. vas calidte lhe Kil homo at about Il ocleck on Suinday nlght by Oficer Ben Nceley. Wben ho arrived tiie mlivife sboved hlm lteilve baby boy vbich la stilI living, andt10dh iii.ev- erythlng wvss ail rigitt. Ho founi lhe voman ta ha ln a elale cf collapue and te be suffering muci. Eh. dci lun about ten minutes after h. arrivei. He. alatoti that In bis opinion l.vouli ha impossible to determine lb. exact cause of deati witbout holding an au- ~âj~ TWO WIPjmSsE sPIRITED AWAY Sugar fidlnnery Foseman Aiioged 10 Have Pcrfrn.d Coup-iiciden Di- vor-ce Cm Selieved ta Entail Fani- fly 1seud-Br-own Divorce Casevilii h. liard Fotght-Varlous Note. of Circut Court Proceedînga.' Many oas.s vere disposed of ln the circfit court Thursiar. Wbcu lb. casc cf Mooscoevs. Uic Corn Producta Re- flulu; Compaur vas calci aid Uic Jni- slecici il vw foundtu te a forcrneu for- Uic compéni- bai Ceam Luth tha court. roMdnipirtilci aai tvc *Itoeacc vbeuthe attorneys vere.iuoi vatlblg. heirIcclimni vas cousldrei Importent, n a motion vas maie 10 vitbirav a juror sud tM cae vas coutunueti -In lhe Ocloher tcrnâ 0f courti The case of jMcCauuey Ya. Converse vlU ha up for -argument on a molen for a nov trial Thunudar. Ail oho motions for nov triais bave héec dis- posd cf hy lb. court ,except luthe dIece é IeÊC cf flnown vs. Brovn, sud that va. 10 be argued Wednesday .Tiie oce vli h.c vigercusîr faught by bath aides. lTe divorce cae cf lMe Holien vs. Lincoln Holden vas beand br Juige Wrigbt lu lb. circuit Tncsiay afler- lico. The case la a sensalienal oee lu vblch very serions charges are pré- ferrai by bath aides. Tii. vif. bas cbargei lte itusbsud vit habituai drunkeuness andohe cbarges persecu- lion, illegal Impriseumeul aud, ocher offenses against bis vif.. A fond belvecu lb. tva farnilIe la sai la exiet sud feeling bolveen lism la very bitter. Tii. iefendaita bunef sud abstract lu lb. Moberilîl va. Voliva Iibel case le lu Uic bande cf Uie printers. The case vili ha deciieti at bbc April lenitocftlb appellate court. Tii. briet coulanus 108 pages of clocely prnted malter. iflE Ur3AT HIIGHlLA'ND PARK Second Pire Starting in floar of Build- ing in Cioaeiy Popuisted Quartera of City' Causes ire and Soke and other Osmlge te Pour Placsof Sus. ina. iniSecond Lai-geai City ila th. Oountty. Tii. second mystonlone Iire la forty-- eigit bours avepi for or Oye fia..e builinugs cn oue cf the ma»nsela lu Higtlsud 'Park flday anditho fear grova upon the axcsth shore db-Y thaI su lucendiarror, rire bug mer ho NMur 4:30 Fidar, at the came hour at vhleh the Carrer realdence fire vas dicovereti Tiuredar morulng. tiie ily nghtvatch discoverei a blase lu the. rear a! a talion ship operaled ir E. Nelson. Iu spite af lhe efforts cf tbc fine de- parîmeut the bas ucentmunlcatadl to, four or rive amali frame stores im- liar la lb. Nelson structure sud ail vere damageti more an los. ,The places are aIl ovuied by exliupervlor MeDonald, voîl kuavu bier., sud sa» occupleti by J. H. D)uffy, Postal Tce- grapi, H. Dauzel sud E. Nelson, tallor. TiteIonsinleabout 12,000 al 10h, l l clalmed. sud Nelson boecs Uie heavicat. Tbe places are lnsured. 1 Noue cf the toasts lu lbe buildings vere thene and iiscovery cf the lire vas iuckey, as atiervise te City might have beaunlir0evept. The places.chier tha» Uie Nelsoni 1 hop vere al stoke sud vater dam- agei. aCt. The vork la of vital importance andi muet be clone lu the mont accur- Me mauner possible. Circuit CIerk L. 0. Brqgkvay bas madle on efficient snd mont satisfsctory recorder, but the constantly increasing amount of vork doue ln the recorder's office wilil scou requIre the exclusive attention of oneo man, a deputy and a force of clerks. Change No Effect to 1912? Bbouii lb. .60,000 mark be reaced titi. 7rail a believod that the change vouli net take effect until 1912, wben circuit Cerkflrockwayle terra cf or- fteex«pire. Befors Uhc tinta for hod- ing 0 tiileedtiooti. ecrstary cf1aue Voeu notity Uthc proper countp ont> 1 "ii tbat a recorder 0f des"l.ahould bcý elOta. The. action of ilvidina1 ýtc Z ooffces vwlabteks-place auto- miatiegli- vienever thc population of1 10.00 i rt e mo * Wiienu tc countr bau atalned a ppulatiolu cf 75,000. Uice counly clerk wlU ha reliev.i of9 thU icesa dtiihe clerk cf Uic couatyi- court ad a county court clerk wlii1 ,h* clected.1 ýI JAIL M'R Hfghwood Woman Cdaim la Pali tea Accotant 1in Specifled Tinta for 81,200 laid tu Seleng te Ltate of Late Father John ifdrtat and Recmiti la Comnmitment-Muet Obey r4muil or Romain Theo. Because it la alleged $bc did nol account for $1.200 for ITblch the intai lencli. le halu; belti responaible lu regard to the estate of Uic late John Blederstail Mrs. BaumeNoctlliiug of Hlghwood Wau Mouday takou 10 tbe Labo counti- 3*11 for alleged confemtt of court and vll It ltu ad boxe 10 romnain lter. until aile obcys lte mau- date of!tUic conly court lu acceuctiez for the aum menticned. Tbe case la one on vbicb tbe SUN baa pr.vionaly bied storles. lMia. NoetiULng edaime tii e ic$1.200 vus a gift fImm ber IcUier Uic laie Juba Biederstadt. Thé chier edaim ia Uiet Uic $1.200 la Part of Uic otal. cud muat be acocuned'for.. In a report Bl1ed ftaturdayi iii. Notbling disputai lte Jurneldton of Uic court on ad. vice of connes. The. matter ban been conluned by the. court from lime tb lnimnil fbaiâ been hoped Uiat adlustment voli be aie. Ther. la a formildable arro cf counuseL Heyieciter &Paralde. and Whtney, Dady & Ruuyri rp sent Uic complanant. CHANGE UW ROAD IN TtIIRTY DAYS Robert O. Wynn Worling t., Sepra te Fox Lake Unpe from Main LI ns, but lae, Net Thua ParCotnltei Oeuf -Which Wii Miean Much Locaiy as Marking ParilaiRe-entrance nie Arona of A. C. Front. Tbat Rlobert D. Wynn vil! have gait. oti control cf tbe Waukogan, Fox Lake &Western road, nov an Intogral part of tic Chicago h Mlwaukee icai las tom, vitllin thirty das, la the preilo- lion frecîr madle lu viict Mr. Wr.» in quoted as having Iutimated tuis hlm-ý self. The road runa from dovu town la Wauksgac totheUic cy limita, but bac extension possibilitset ot0 ha over- looked. tMr. Wynn hba heem agget- ed 10to hr051 luterata, t la intimai- cd, au Uic mon proparly tu 5ake holi sud la nov rcaiug Uic wbèsrewli&Lci Mysterlou ResIty pqis., By btrifers uae'c ecr odai- the. Cbiccgo hàMlveubse r»"i&p- pear a luhUicfolIOvhng dical ttb Ons. tor Immec Stpiienumof Wkobmail Btepiten»acsllae1tuic icairecety- ors tirea lots lanHlgbvood. Heury D. Mencon sellc Uic cme clumber cf lots. 1Denison ttaustera Ivo igiivooi Iota t 1 tephenson ,argu*Vau Cle transfers tUic. 1 igitvoi Iots tu hlma. Igxpeqt New Cars The. main' Ils. rond tipects cave»- ten novcars for the 9irougii and lo- cal sorvice on or, about Apnil 1. WEEKLY REALTY RECORD. TieI. A eCeuit-Tille, & Trial 1Compatiy report transfera for t»e v eck: eNumber of instruments iled. .. 17 -De*& .................. i;i .locau .................. 4a47.091 Wili Net Subadize ies-re Ralcec and beaIers Wih ca^UtI m ili Reour. aieaRaising oi Stok . Mo Asm y WN à Acetaalethat it l Wl maie ONu" on the FinichdemiSulitable Sie*i Produst. La couuty stock inasrs, portiom- larîr brctoers cf brcs.vi bave-& deep inai Interéat 1% a InOV flus of Uice vyernmsnt: laocuesqirahut», raid oc of boms. fOVthé arID, w l4 aniSte 1 uocéM-* wil rOb aitl tir omie qt n~ape u b icês. uliiet sccumug hersas for ith e stei .gs ic c *tic pu&Y. Il la clllIatbi ýWauiigtom iw amla lscé Ér çopc a lii la-aguela W W reps ouuri.~vbereptatN-' taaiiparimems. con almienaei brsi og f boras.eend lte avy a ea litapurolacc tru soni tiso As a reut cfreosnt correspeies bolveen Uic secretary 0f van m I»t cecretari- of agriculture. Uic .p in lobe iqt laIe operatlcci*6enom 4b2 *0 mce.ccry delcils cmaa ho civ gsi. ispartiscata of var oMi agricutur * vii oo.peatl la 1be mter, adà cce yUl isalpitte a rePiiO5lttlyOc ta gi- s-y Uic pin to xractici cR50 la a rent letter teUiche etcw cr agriculture c-uitecasb" lec eretswr ' Dickinison cati Uhal Ucte d et *Wi *ar depetuent ln tu ftdin qWyte W onabei tu mabe lhe fis-t efe«et Puz- cicees or hosasasuit".lefonr r- m9unta vicitbave becau ciduIf brci for mllllarypurpocs. Ie màt- ci tbÀat cererm Narpm 0su oubi bcd feunit ln«emewl e In e agecul cucoragetent ote i pidtimce- muc homses. Wiile Uth emai m periteniciice of ltebreihedtatgif do"e t'y the acvculuraidsmmteuwn et, the gcvcRtmd t, . mui - luti mwiipllsagenos.gcave esileanUOi encouraemi u aguta of4 mm A» h- ~ tUN +ie Wae.-N.lacee*m pwï imam-~ 16 e00 laoueveMMltOf Nt'~ landi Pai. tile GesoievcrNm dtiugiteof q J. Greniville Mott, veeli- reolesit «I Elgilani PaXklamne te b&ve p$IM calllg lteuber tlaiâe'ancc of 810.0 fot hte tate et the laie Job.» Ttr- ner. ~evn atI APorte,fiilma. w'au. 'Turner died recenhir anti vere >t girl Il appeffl Ukt a sothe u el te lie property ha. tarnnai uPa gi, agd se viifWinUt tUc viii 10 a flti Tic cotlng on the acene cf suother- hein bas crcsea e s uatioli As- Wii h rcalodinlu an t1me Turner vue aenlcncei tote cpeNitel UTii for rabbin; a train sudMies lie came out Wr mecus cf a pelas. liaI irleum &gotfoil! t cilautus-Se avai- fronthim.., moubis-c i lsm a scrvlag mm msd vien Mia CGens- vieve vwa bort Turnuer tocokMM ai iter. ne becMe.idev6w dte 'er Md usmted àover ber itil aie receh vomanboîdloci nsd learlu n bis . 1J"9be ooaty may scccWsport of *à seul figlil for tce810.00. Thc e' evy suov oetla89IcIe'bue provoi t0 - ho vcs-X«y 5eciétu tbu 005 of ebovcIfjtgmev a cin~ Êt 831,00 Md fris ibis mt W o" vin rom"lvno 1nergg Ucrolore o net lIs. la a bus** lcclii he compaui ecihuiels Stâm ealua iBld sud poli by thce duc to lelcysi traim n u efeal W theb. cnwm viii o p *» ose #tý Moi exat ua-ai'gt bo«a OUlas te the lM tacthe Ibbwg wortbictra nraIlsea mO= s oreIce lu&éaM