MAR roIs 400, We. coeiretdtm kt". aver~y msi. for mkier Waffl 1er q to Sn*k la eklat e1 "- 5110 -b iFo mqiItUwbum 0S- ge ebotl O41a ýo4 otber o0Wpegs ortqnlaat1oe, 00 bUow th heTriai l4iae1 iM#Oé Yet-diay ritIlire the.1 tion( BO0OI!duE to Socrefary J61 GImi, wW l thf0.pot.d iac*, Uuder t4 nât v4cl5lft, 1 Tb"h no lo oubt tha tt mOMv wflb'olip fa am lcremm érgte oi fte paisible." sali Mr. <1Iim. - the » mealhi.atlen la b»qm&l le dluy ol> 0be jroar itrou thoi and-, CI a ighly sttli6ctory DIus nW :'en s Ready-to-Wear A arei~'.miw two widély différent p'o1fons vote a .ý.lmeamounit of ne'w»umer ,sou 4l4ar ttera O>Awftmau -. "d ladin" auffl get th*conférence«~ ta tcm.tila .mpcf. tu roumit la r o s*~ualo etmtmng> nl îwoiaonr Iqu SI*Wmd, Va., là Ail1. R-t" if a comprmis. sot- VIW ay Yegomih. Iouent io%1Mb. roaed la the. th.r,_ three stites, Dalnos oprators dedoiar ïm iW5iouetrsl. a strila i Ilintois rat0il k0V09* PNt'iKnow Thme 5grtaN se it wwld b. ImpoMM t e!Mo .msy, Net Token Place- 0@* a2 agreement rlthe, tii.merMl Wagon Lbapd Fr ooL. sii tatu by Dent 1'l4IymeWIMg la addition tth t s ibtatmon iii uke o an, oIibniw - UNdknt*d, Va,. iiarch 29-Tii. clty méi pértes wulisi tawtu B&dstrif c etichuon Bas robiied ay 000ftl155the dbn ff 0001eu, wi t i u yom.a cli tamps smootl.4t mus, ~ bsinit 4ro< ieu b. rail-ý- ts ube ra. f*Mw rcýertls eircu P7rbrbmenetnI Mov fr." ricellla wu"s. &fier the ponner écf proféoaslo Or am #Ungready t. PUt ovr ebicekiioi'ian Ouag.and squeeze." Bo ý»»riîsBsî or reoit at'amcq la the larasthe hul that the police are pl~dtesUt away rtth the gouda. la llelsWith thé. poolloco adustt. haeauo h 1 uelamfedtiia~ ormlgg4,oqeMain streets., Il accu b.- le moa w ta miiuiosr gbona efthafthe.vorn cui boy Pd setinreladMraUth "-rrfo ilonai go < dîmevîthout dtetolas. tii.h 'YMIU»wdow thir ogi an goontvoiommetaploy« e e la a part of j* a etriu. ,la Maisnumbor viii bh1 the buildinsumdithe largest prtion et 'clabudaihais oftuela "Salidsithe. police terom ouduty lintii!. vicia- »M«reantir ,ditrictu. noance Wau- . I I l nmo ab.tcfhat boeur the Progitanma oli deiersaail tiirougb the."e mmte b.of te opiion 18M EIIOMMAE FALLI thaï thé big otriko 1*a e a ylW Theii. a'ale ier ha 10gâs 4ugevsom betreen tthe United Mime Av~tli rof nu , Woekers and the Immola mine opera- AilrOeleWlh nut ton raeoget and Ita.. esecua to, . IMontgomry, Ais., Mach 21-Th* »* imilediai* prospet Wo adustinsaérSo9laae bolng uued hi tthe Wrightf IR, OusquemY thyale agreemettbrothers nt the*practice groumia pot À« - the. miner. Mad tiie ogrators tt Cty tell trou a helght oet 1* t" ~voyog~np Jo -*pmft u-etraek eay le î ueO ,t'1 Umtee laappareUty othing tu 518ht, rouad. bet a trite.Orville .WrlghtWho rau drlvisi& lot a suuke.Bas net hurt, Bor Iw.theo mhine in- lngimueci Fail t 0MJa. the.doant bolu a .amesa 1%0 situation lin IMnls tu largily uniar coatrol. WWWcfe by that la the. leayivaiila, Wut VIruimlie Ou. M iIndien& bitu, DAUSIIT!R MRNTO PRINCES8 paams Sflde..Conditions be are t ---M »et tiie ame a tiioy arq te tii elzWif- et wue'a Noir ta Throne la "oar ti sa.but the. aori lnthe meat Visitai ai Royal 84w-. are sirectiaimURI&oa trongly. A flt- lacresse of trou 16 to 25 por.cent, the Bokon vda trh1. 'jarfflotaba en ruby he pemCrova Princets.Gusavus Adolplias cr ,ai-a cf bat frersby th OPO en. foerlî Prince«. Margïret VM a. nd the asomPtlo f the, r('<o"- ofConaagt gave birtii to OaOstigI. 1uiiult or tiiem lu belmg asked..r> to tr at the palace he guober ntlbmay nieor condtions. T1%. otiier idren of -the.crowa *tomsfet. Purnce and Princoss are Prince Gui. ýLclrailirysan ma inufacturlng havus Adolphus, bora la 1906, ad oooerashave bho" storlnp cool for Priam sBigYStid. a year- youagor. Soverai vee*u la Bantcipation cf tlii strike. The clty bas hundreda of ul U tons piloU near the rater works plant,M btotn..bave jlled their'bina of over- *orli Md tii. ratlroada have hantai Motodlut DriftiA8110111WMOI 4humidaort tolavanlous pointae S "th. miii reather et t4e puet fer w *reslt bas also afforied a opportun-FtgaSi is on lde e Our secul'1n5cmai sîd coquontly orahs ldy^e Maun idlem tii. ieglnlng of nbat May b.eue. f Wt eteo-ioyMdBe he bigget col strikès ia net couini 't.Wlt Club Or Gufi. mach agtaton. Rouie Affer Mlgher Rattes. scadla. u.. Mrcb 2.-A ,nctoe demiande froin menin bOt. bearb ibutt1h5h1' regt git dto] et t&ithee allure- of Me lb. pib4canriver ai9.11 stso h oe*tn e-near ber. 1utsffuit. leh.boat rwu tic fO latt05edPs, O'egtlig o. MzanerLinal, a wcalthy 4UIfflon f d99luai, tii. railcoadabav orebaiupre6Maed for pleasare. è*«rf« a quiet uMMpogn for higiier rading on the. river am hieiferta. t ti&pea-hlularly on helvier ia the boat vers the bofes of Uibaletro ebtlti, a boyoet 7ami Ti ieom asMUlcauoo"mmta glet f 9years. ofh bal!ba* kliM ~se10 . ~eorha.beeaf onkrepr. y charges of buckbiit r4 trom a * ait u; a olabeçt o Ion .er. ashem a aaddition te fie - bllt - OmtwU« -orat h onuthe oy. dboeu otr tth trakUn«lie. Lgptipw-iielle that a club or the. buth of a ga.- . -k ".a Itsl in ~«« .dthi e 1aut iii L ud m hic two chflulft1 bue, tu inçreu' rlIgt :rates n oneBuday latenUln* tl aus e.le .mmycommoilf.. itrlhSe. lifting iay.o th* river.,'1'boy re llu "0 Geu féom a loger tlas biglalio sufl-abolt 6 ocIock la the. afturnooi. Wf lisdi n erture lateah nt b Loca!> ic ~drs. ! uc ~ séarchlg parties *ère grgtAximei, .1y he rort ofthe allSdsTissu.jPt iuathe. search i nsi~/laomj OlOterm*Wue rom h t,.mle dr treID, thè l bil ave "tab i 'a a advene arth.cbomk f.0lv in rat'os or t am0 i Uiie thqfe imdred yarda aray, ahtl&& edgeut et ImlM e w euea] ta iwl#h vi» thé voler, vas the bcdy oftb tii, op loto. let Ma1 ill advet U'father. ~lUiial had bean abat la tiiW rate=10 centa te 12 cens , Wbreant wt'lUo 14 cft buksiiot. "ihppers ta forPeu*. Weter cf l byoulh~d lutbuer «mm J l thae cilliatlio. Tiiey ie ý oa '4 i* Iraine Oeuiama Informatin r" f l ug wr ' ipa diiieut. but tiowluMg *apam e" 14 eVtf otterag, à - olis*u u *nm iU au ýof bushfiess, uti t th '~#Ysuc~ aderttingmut e xetion to -please the, 0f 1fat the oly oblect of any nrOah I- F dIe~stness st nrae sals-adê icustomers to, the Iist of oIG-OMeS, When« ,,you, depe àd upi of vI~ . acts. -We lambouant exaggerated am, nevitable resuit -An equ*I ýalI a round misrepresentae of the policies, of 'Friedm ai ïl advertisemneffs and, toavold "FIi bthe ladles.. LI.berality.1nail thIngs Your MuOY&lclî if You Are the, eg our' business. ho*s. been built entirely by a followlog of tJhoroâ, We'absçàutelY I #tee to give you better goods at, - oýr air, merchants fio l u uarantee is.backed up by vui '~~ppçt atiýfcdon -Perfect Fiurng---opr yuTouR ?ry Ij%. CAN YOU IEAT TI> For h ElflUsEN ,Tt)ESDAY '& ,WEDNESDAY eoff« thesEXUCE IO4 An After Ester Sut SpeI We bave Iust. recelved a shlpment of fine Mon Thlored suits in several of the new spring shades. They arc mode of extra good quality serg sizes 34, 36, 38 and 40. Every suit wortfk molre than..d;uble. at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -BÎj~rcha-and.iSale of' Ir uffly ................... 20 doznwhite eap bôdrdlIn*1e 'walsts, your Iché we'w som<n .The ind thc W> anàd N ià In bla ~e.n expect.. have been stores a$* 3.0O Mérts. At Is'considerable r"w' 7Big *ores You wIll ail wonderg such excellent, 6,0,1 37,lt1is no, ecrt buy for ou 7, large ti» facilities of pui$chps Immense quefflies, W h prestige inthe l1rge and ýwe buy for a q00 a es the!ge smailler meechnts can .............. Remelmbter arMotto.: Iouey Bol, If Rot Tiet -Suit Those lai'es who hebreo jic. custom é6, $3,y s"blf for soh e ' t l 'm týep offer vou the obib vaIucli(<w )rnY i