_________________ AWMiew Mullen Visits Insane Nother and Later Is Violent. 'Mlmssapplan te thse Senate. On Wey te Train After Visit Me At- taçkad Mony Persans and lit Re- quirpd Force to SubduÀe Him. Lexngton, Ky., Marci 30.-Andrew Niffuiltn. a promînent farmer 28 yeara nid of Natural Bridge, WVolf couinty. vieited it s Insane nioller ai the East- eru Kentucky as)Ium liere and shortiy atter leasing the Institution tiecame vlolently insane. After spendtig some lime alth lits Tiother. wtso falled to0 iconze hlm, MeMulin vlsitcd oher wards of the asylaum and aîtnie-ssu the anties cf the miasldened patients. On his wsî vo the train lie attacked severai persons and force waa required tu aulidue hlm. ' V BOWERS TO SUCCEEOBEWER Proent Boicior Generai la Said te Stand Htgh Wth Administration. Washington, March 30-The mont ltkely possiiluity for Justice Brewer's plasce seems tu lie Lloyd W. Bowers, thse pratent solicitor general. Mr. Ilowers' naine vas favorabty umen -_________________ Itioned when Preident Taft vas Con- midering te appointiment of a succes- T U sur te Justice Perkliam. FIIiJIILII I CATCH IJf Mr. Bowers and President Taft have been good friends irice they were lnSho tSadDsub ae coltege togetter lit Yaie. holfSadOsub W te TMO WOMEN BURN, TU DEATH For Acres at Buck Ros. Ums Mary Keler and Mrs. Sarah, Gai- top ie c Injries Three Hauts Made and Fully 15,00 lop De ofInjuies.Fish Are Taken From Net- Wlikealiarre, Pa., Mardi ',0 M11Is Besl Catch On Record. Mary Keller and BMr. Sarah aGiop of " isciîy were liurned 10 deatit Tues- Nrli i-li3 Rtlngvlh daY ntorning, Misa Kelers dres oflNac 0-IIg h eaUght lire as ale vas ltghtIng a covered acres cf water at Buck Roe Mtsse and aile vas se, badly turned beach on te Chiesapeake, lirai sur- thSt ahle died acon afterward. prîsedl patient ishermen there and Mms GaIop droîîped a kerosene lan'p tlien astonished tem as the dtsto-b- Mid the biazing cil set eliotih- ance ;eached their seinie.suad made M Ire and site vas dreadfsîliy lturnd.Item oat untit lhey appeared asi; l they would bie lorn sway. A aitad or WYOMING HAS SHOW STORM tvo sh.aed abolie the surface and _________ ibis totd te fisb"'ren taIlite force Fit t l Neariy Three Feet Deep and tnw vas a ct-est scitoot of the fIait whiht <les lad long been hopng Storm la Still Raging. vould corne their way. pg Danser. Cote.. Mardi 20.-Tite btasWilh al their migllttey tuggfed leSt I sumsnc at »cn _ad finalli- got thir -nets out of tie 5flW 50>, Sîtte SStDecmb , wter Stlli the water was rIffltng. 11121 beau raging ait day ln W3omîig. Thte rets wcre rteurned te l and au- tbe faiei Jg nea3riY three feet already 1 ur0 at!md a»d the Bol0414 sIB uagtog. The gale This &as reî.eaIed te litrd ttme CM = h e paileoas, tas fomlhet vlith undlminislied sîtcessasnd atil ami u tibsetion- reomlee the ater nffied Ful, 15.000 fiait liai P lUthila~cIiaiiihall been tatren and the flaliermen liait IË111111*11e and lelegraph i esam tsite best dai- of iheir ives. 11110 ail:in <sdiffiut tonget trace ______ t lb là oea4iomaof stailed trains. TvoDLNY U NERA RS ymmo itansare anov itound ai'DLNYPTU ERA ES Mua aud3m a off 0Cheyenne. Bribery Scandai te Be Thorousgily ln- ~FFRES' US U. RGNI vestigated By Legistature. M-y f Acêden WMResut ofSm. Jackson, Niri s Mardhi 30 A resc, Uhsy~ ficidet Wg Resait f Bone uron vas îassed late iast ereoingI Precticai Jee' Work.. a-thorizing an eyý"îitie session Io ___ - invsailgate s-s ry tphase of the bribie" FranciwO, Msttii 30 Sonie sanadaititut i.ne Itr. iippi iegsire. Wgaedoeijoker jenLas Ante e rtt mit L 5G. tua "" .. a î.liian, ,sas ar- a&rIO 51-t litJeffrEs hai br.o'- .Ir ret'-ir -i ;n :-t charging that MM by a fait frein a W axor 1 ,? c le udt-i-d Sate S(rator T. G. Bt). inuxg Imm ,a bear bus lin tr, 1bo tutvole t-r t nitcd Statea Senator Tebachapt nionnta. ls i,(o '(1< r> ai-utr.tformer Gev. ÀMil s ln bCaIitornia acre O h Vsrdaman. dbring thle rfst sens- *2aited for aathourn e. às tirs Ii cr oi, cnie-t. ulanci- sas subseý- rées d heard notbing fri in hqueftly rüc's'ud on a bond cfor 00 IlbalY Jef vag located on te ruad MMMaae and tsurt-cd bhen iot81BGAMIST IS FOUNO GUILly Of the rumorst lie sstd bon .is ariu_____ weîumil igSLEmil K. Muller Admit& Marriage te 'ZbysZko OCteata Malimcut. Two-Se stence Oeferred. C>kago. !.larch U-.Z lh'i tre gisat rasîler out if l-I M (,.York, Marri 30-Emil Kartttoi Maismount. te Tutk. ir, tri -r 'rari..t rMuullersholr-aLo known as Voin failli nt the Cotiseuln la.- tir ýIHagan. a as i oniicted of blgamy ln tli thereity esrned lIre rii..lt tr, m(let Jersey tiisperial sessions court.J OUtb.The Pote ga'nerlIr(- Çrr.t tali i I on olhriermsrrled Misa Regins. 1>04:51 and te lasitnir -. t2 Crnsd 'iii id.rrir. (JIItololen on Oct. 18J_ ogUted at 7.50satre r,, Mr I an'!tal,,tr r,eeral months desert. ______________ed Ir(r and let Io Ltee Angeles, ahere, MAY NECESITATE A RETRIAL (i tt wrr Ilteluarried Miss Carrie Von 3týIlers ceunsel Deat ofBrowr My Cuse etr ,Idiiitted 0tIrwla o arriages. Judg. oaI f 0B1sandr Mayc Case&Rtra Blair deferred sentence. Waslington, Mardi 30.-There lsaaMSS ORA HSRCET N pouffiblty titte dealt ofi .irtice Breyer vili necesItale a relîearing of Dauglter of J. P. Morgan Later Leave lte Standar Oit and te Tobacco Trust Fer Seattle, Waah. cases ity the aupreme court. Tite effect of Justice Brewers deatii Chicago tîtarcit 30I.-!ilss Anne T on titese two Important cases waaacon Mongan. dasi-hier cf J. 1'. Morgan sidsred at a cabinet meeting Tuerday. Nem York, urriîed ln Chicagîo Tuesday _____________ rrn isitit s mas) for a liodyguard tu FRAU UNARTIED N PRBE leli l ChaKotiomen somethlng about FRAU UNERTIID 1HPROB liiîniecss igrts and tliteir supericrity oser cmen. GOv. Harmons SbtutehOute tnquicy Altter a cci rîrn ai the Congre2s Lands Mark Siater ln Toits. troc]1. mircelre hud becs retors-ad, - ccad wIlrý-bî is e arranged by MUs Columbus, ., Iuirch 30.-Goi lIaI ary Ntîlosuelt (otthe Chicago Uni- mnosatehcuuSegKafttprobe toa î-t>st4tlemlefltirbe left for Seattle. tanded another vctlm. -___-__- Mark Siater, former supervisor f LASK CSOU M NTI state prlsting, bas been fotind giuttv ___ unu a charge of cerllfylng fair.e li. tu Manteli Had Mucli the Bent of the thes mte àuditor. The offesecaires Fight Early. but la Put Out. IL peitentiary sentence. J. C., ILSE FOUNO DEAD IN BED of atukhi pt l ilFra Fr& Klaus cf Iitt Irig for lise and a ha AgIstant Generat Freight Agent of 1îoutnds cf thei- bout ait the Artno C. & G. W. ies cf Gaz Psusonuing. A, A.Isat nîglît alen an uppercut LARE These are the maglc woids that will lure the crowds to our store Frldey and Saturday, for we have purchascd the sem- ple lUnes of thrcc manufacturera at a Tremendous Discount SpeCW l UItS-..Tlîr, great. saîiîîle lut i'iîiuîtîeîs n-el- 250 'tjî)iing $îîios. 'iese aret.-n- one .41)1-n(lidlv ta;iliuîî'eil o<in le (Chiifon uuîuilà iii iii oluî> rs w w tueffuuqt, extellelia wvrsttls andsilusvîric- iv of tille aIl we srae, i itliulinig pla inii ie, lilî<k 8t n ps or whiteand a vtiîaiY i le, auffoiing a w- ie ranige if <liil-e frumi-9 for ...................................................................9 Near Pout Office "Fir3t in Evorything"'- Wauk. etan, Ili. _________ Satilesuits and coats Smiple idrts Tlrt'inesntloss astÀirtiîiýt-fs! high-gnade French viit ands ittiffuin, panamalî skirt.s, inade in swvell new pleategd effes7ta, Worthi up tg) 7.00, for--------- 3.75 Geînuiîîue Fi-'iîiiî lu iît skirts tif tua.t finis' <rispj maiet v, liaiitlsîiuii'13 fi ittu fited witlu satin straps, ets4. wtirtlu 8-50, almo mniaimi- <els for Je1FU (>ver 200 iueîutifiîlns-w- spring skirte muae' of fins' Altnians voile, iinported patiama tanid Englisli pru- nel las iii îîany îîew- effo-o-- t ive Styles, for . ..6.»0 SamqpIe coats ('hilsirons' pr'tty lit ' iierenimi 1opiin (toats, in all uilor>o, wortiî 2.50, <iell:ng--------98C Handsoiîe amsnotment of chl drens co-tsi, tany prft"y StYles 1 f uoirtlu $3, for----------9 Filul- lotuIrîîfGirls, ('<uts in Sizets tp to 14Y-1 year. areut- itinîaîh- of fille s-ng4-s ainil swol l ionne- sjiiiîs aid l vinth up ft $(, for.. 0 *9 SpieniI id i assstîîîont of saîtjl e cs-l11reiu Ma f5, maint'stvesansi îuaterials, %V0110)î ui> t>>- 7.50, for . .....%9 Speclals Bo'giîlax.rI25)gua rat î- t444-il Firinihi lu id glvscllt'79c Regnlar 3.00 uiiglut gîtwius, lu alhli etlil- lrin ii l'rei I i ke ni ii I1-oi 44 speca .....98C lAluit ei*i*i'- riz( iesi ioI Ho s ail c olonsi-, worîili 50c, fir. 1 Laie' nd i lss ni niglut go.nli-, wiintlu 75c, pl i t ...29c - ebloest nllnery Hli.]1 r 1)i i4 tîîsrsst litîts iiile tifa aii't v-o! lut-w ijs andi st raws anud t r~i fiu iil -d wmif Ilî tiswerm, ,wiitii 5.0(0, f l fi . .-.--.-.-..-.-.--.-.-.1.97 Ii-:îîuiti sl i-i-s-t amuî idiis liaüs, muadle taid tiiiiîal inu siî îs-hî At tlilu-tfis fuih- ionî, iîiaiii'orf tinie Fre-nc-h struuii lîauiii, Ni'a1sd ita uis ali h<i hip lus, heutifully triîiiil in sîlia up tut 10 a4iul r5-pfl 100 foir...............5 M Our speo'ial hne tof Nvaimss t tlis Jric s u a sure wiilitor. Wî- thu>w dîîning tluis gale tîver 300 dsnzen, boa titi- fîl Vrt'nvlu lawn and lingi-rit- WaistMs, trni- nied in everv conceiv- ablie style The work Ianshli in titis M-w'aist is wortlîy of tie high pries'sloîios, ys-t tiis loît wlt ch is wtirtlu up hi 2.50 gootitat Big assortument of stÇtpies black taffeta silk waistst, eitluer tîutton front or back wrh4.00, ....1.98 for ......... Extri-, speclai. Ilegitiar 1.50 Shiint Waist.s madie o! fine washablc Frenèh Batiste, tailorsid off ct withi lanndered collar ani peJîilbuttons....... 55e Htrt' we sluoeAa lino of inan-tailoruti 8uiti; înide of fine worsts'ds, You just otiglît tsi ,uooour îine of beIsautifuil excue inii imilm tiail panninas and( fans-y ntveity materîii, nîttol witli strict attention of fine chîiffon iNmxalelothm, iinrted tîlagonalis, French tî-rggrs ansd Lo every detail and carrying that slni splendid no iak iti tnl iidwith ,tat service wve give toi the higher priceo suit, f.>dtelis'ato sîift nicessalino siik, positively worth worth up thi 15.00, special at ............n)toi 35.00, spe-cial for............................-5 It lias bnten ijiani- a <lai sinee we mwere ale to show sus-h n splendid I)id YOîI e(-er luS-ititte hotivevsen ding a Nery lîigh furie toia i îgi issotitui iftii pic.Thits lot. ind-lues overonue hunsiredi resu- iue-tiîrtra1<1 ot <rahigl-priceNi ei~-nuess Iv sweil suititS na~de of the' bautif-ti new S1iark's col ili Inport I l )iiri't lis eliier, mie havie a liui- îîf 500 Raiuull coatljn g ilalierdoso Crash anti very fine storna serges, « tl tut fluis prit-e, iîmo-udiiig îîiauiy finie exclusive varit-ty îof stln a- clra o-thu up to 30 00, for . .00lI tlmivesortîî up toi $20, spîî.ial at.............. 9 9 Thes- partissîltîr woinan will finîl juint what tube wants fo? ery ltlit-it-fiîleuigtlu Spriuig ('st iuade <if finie nnav llie serg, fie iioney in titis lot of suifs, for we have culled fronittis gre'ît lieau tifil m111, c<-îi-nts and e legant niîveiîv ni ixture îîuîteriîl. saipie lurt-lîtis 150 SuitR of<if any st.Nh,11 andi Tiey vinieiit a greaut variet îof snyleis and yo nyhv.orchois-o at ......... an pîlî spo-ial ut.............................. 6 .8 5 ailI dueîwcln.Tyaewri pti$5 ~) jri v-yîorl pti$501 oilely t riruiuîeil iviii lai-e anda 4'fslroi<ler.---e,-<vr 100 utylel4, wort liu11)3.98 tir $7, spet-al . ...31P t r-st aim t iuiejîlt of ;III w4H>l patnamla ol1iez'8i4ti- sTif< iu l 1 01îtîleiii a i alie- ty of %voi'<le -,il h 10.00, p;c(....... 5.98 Buo lit iful n >îit~,iiaglo of si 1k ('ha ntii n or l'on- gI4e, $20, speehil95 sale plic(....99 Sample wa1 »tâ (readt lot of saîuple white iawn waimts Swhjc elîwi'purîlututet c-,;pec-i.ll.v for TH 1 S SALE. Tlieme are of fine quality inateriiil and liandsonieiy on- broidered in many new deoigns andt arc WorthL 50. slXecia1 Saturday înorning sale only Sweli lot of new Evening waists made of messaline, taffetaand changeable silk effectos, worth up to 7.00, for...&075