LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1910. WOSIgi.£ r; At LiJbertyvi11e, Illinois Forced to close out by reason of sickness and inability to go on --- Stock now in the hands of the Chicago Salvage Company for instant realization ---lIt has corne, and must be sold--Save this and wait until Wednesday, April'6th, at 9 a.m.---The entire stock wilI then be at the mercy of the public --- to be sold at less than cost of raw material 81.5 l0W& Stock ofkyD s, SIo.s, Hais, OroerieS, Quosnswars eweed NouSold ud Stock conslsts of $15.00 worth of High Grade Dry (ioods, Shoes, Furnishings, Curtains, Etc., and wilI be sold at less than the actual cost of manufacture. The building is now closed and wilI remain closed Groceries, Wall Paper, Notions, Bedding, Shades, Lace The entire stock is now being re-marked and re-arranged until Wednesday, April 6th. TH1E REASON FOR THIS MIGHTY SLAUGHJER ---lhe proprietor, Mr. W. E. Davis has been afflicted with a complication of diseases for some time pasl and it-has finally become simply impossible for him to longer continue in business. Ihere are times that demand heroic treatment. This is one of the times Mr. Davis has met the situation promptly by placing his stock in the hands of the the Chicago Salvage Co. for instant realizationl. Like a thunderboit from a clear sky cornes the news that this old established business is compelled by circumstances entirely beyond control to dispose of this superb stock at any sacrifice. Necessity knows no Iaw. This will be the most terrific avalanche of bargains ever given in Lake County, and its Ilke will neyer occur again. Everything will be marked in plain figures for instant disposai. The Store is Clossd to Re-Mark and Re-Arrange Stock--WiII Positivsly Open on Wodnssday, April Sth, at 9 &r. HATS Chirago Sl ag o. 's 111e . 1.50 iaets (lieago SalvageC (o. 's price. 1.00 Hats Chlivago sa1 aige < . 1411>c . 54-eilts 'lljvaigo Salvage <4. Y îuî' .. 1.69 1.19 79c 39C UMBRELLAS. ".(R t'il 11)hre hl s , weuic I.4i5.- (4ieago Salvaîg> (.......I'1.49 1.75 UiJîbrellais, \\(-r(-1.0 Cilvao'alage proe.... 1.29 Ullibr 55 >' r4' 1.19. ( huauSlu'e( 4prjiv>e .... .16 ( 'hî>ag>î !Salvage ' .s p e... 9 RAINOOATS AND OVERCOATS. 944 ihssoluitioni Sauc prieo 9 ( '01<-ugo S (!'ug'(). 'S J4r14ce...69 6414' IDissolution1 Sa1> jrie49 ( 'lui>aig(4 StilX'11g ('o. 's 141ioe... . 9 ý 4 I Dissolltl 1 St J)14i4e Ii-ag>Sa! vag>'('o. 's pIce.... 5 ]().(M) ( ravaliette Co'01t, Ciivg slvg ((), pie ...6.49 5() Rii>'ao a1v44 <) ,' Chuicago Sais ag>' Ct.', 1 .....4.29 GROGERIES. 8 Bars Swi't 1rii1e. CJhicago Salvage ('o).'S ......425 70e Japan llakTua. ChcaoSavaeCo'spi(ýe....63c Chic'ago Salvage Co. Y's rc ... 60e Japan Black Tea. Chcao alae o.s rce....59c Chicago SaIl'age Un. 's pr'îî.... 1 45e Japan Black Tea. Chicago Salvage Co. 's pric ... 9 40e Japan Black Tea. Chicago Salvage ('o.'s prie ... 30e Japan Black Tea. Chicago Salvage Co. 's price ... 4 20e Japan Black Tea. Chicago Salvage Co. 's price....19 Canned Goods Etc. Civago Salvage ('o. 's prie .... .12C <'li-aigo Yeast 25e. 14 C'hicago Sallage (144* prie- ...11 Aliii & Iamiier 5441> \ la i7(-. 25 Chag 25c1 (tI ~ ' ( 4's.- fic f oi .. .... .... A flil lite 44) (J'a1l>'ii se'cilsat '(S Dry Goods. ( )aiiiiL i aiiii'ls xw rtlï11h ' C ljii41g44 "1l iL ' ....... 9 (Chic4ago4 sauîl ..'.<....'i9 12q. s iikeî I'I;iiiiel. 'liIlgi Sl 1g) 4. )114'9C 1444 Sliaker Flannil1. Chic'ago4 5141 age (Y. 's pri-e.....7 i<'g sa] \14 e (,().,s pr1 ' '. ... . 2 Best Prints, 5 Chlic4ago4 s1lvage C4's i. . 1 ..... 5 Ciietg(4S I () 4."; pric'..... 6c A 1)44ske;îg 'Tîkîigs wcrtli '-0". 11 'livi(kiltÏs51415 i-t h l. Sadis w I4'use wortli 1(.. ('i4ig4saixage ('O. 'S priv'e......5 ( liitago Sa Ivage ('. 'S pr'îe .... G4iSS('5 & li vi-t<i'. 1)Cw'iti1' 5 (Ilujeago Stlvag ' ()'o. pricee.....6 Cl('ag4 Salv ('4. )1i4'4 10y 0rd fi'................... 39c Sale Opens Wednesday,Apr. 6 and Continues for Ten De.ys Do flot confound this with the so called closing out sales---This is a legitimate sale. W~e are forced to sacrifice this immense stock in order to quit business. Mark the date, mark Rt well, April 6..Look for the large slgns ..Let nothlng keep you away ..The hour Is set ..he date you know N~. B.---RaiI road fare paid to ail purchasers of $25.00 and over. Store for IKent and Fixtures for Sale E.v a Formnerly Smith e Da~vis LIBERTY VILLE a m ILL. Underwear & Notions. 1.1-50I1't'eveal atiSlirts. 19u Clhieago Sal'.age Co.'s priec. . . 1.25 1 r(lli'i'eaai 11(1Shirts.d%9 ('hîieago Sais age CO. 's priec.C 1.44) uiewa' and Shirts. 'h jea1go Sa] sage Co. 's pricec.,. ,9 504. 1 ii1('1'5.Vw 'ii Fand 'li('1i444Salvage 'h iago> salvage 10(<- Pe'arl' Buttons11 ( u4ag4saisagi' ear4111lii o h li4a-1l 4Sal saig> Pea'rl1)! hu Bf >is. 1 Shirts. O (!(.,s prfi'C e. ... ..3c ('().'S price .....7c ('025 price....12c <'o. 's price. .116C E 'iivig aSus g> (o.'s price ....... ýF ?'44 144 1)41 744 Co.j'spriee..... 21c C5t14<4 g Sai 4gu41 e ........8c BOOTS AND SHOES. Si o 444s)1 1 es(.~A , ( liî'ig() S.ivag' ('.'s priee . ....3,4 $2 44 >i~a~d> S4hi)sS. ii i44Sa!alge' ('nY price. (iii>Saix-age ('<s price ..à (lii ugo sal sage C>. 's prace . . ..~ Bootu hss aund Shoes. ('î'uoSalvage ('o.'s p'ice,.. $.4)Boots and l Soes. ('liieago Sailsage Co.'s price ..... $.!4() lBoot s andl Shoes. ('Iicago Saix-age Co. 's price.. $175 Boots and Shoes. (luieago Salvage Co.'s price ...... $1.50 Boots ami Shoes. Chieago Salvage Co.'s price ...... $1.25 Boots and Shiocs. Chicago Salvage Co.'s prie.. 2.98 2.39 2.19 1.79 1.73 -98C 98C 98c 98c NOTE-lt would be impossible to enumer- ate the many thousandls of bargains that will be offered. The prices offered are onlyto show you that we are li earest when we say we are quitting business. IIIjj~. - Yk~. ~ ,I4~4 W4~. s4#~"4~ ....'..~ 246 mm,., ý , e , -- pikea