s-.> LARE COUNTYINDEVýbjXe, _RIDÀY,_ APRTIL &.uEP "DRY" TUE f" CIllES WIERE LOr CAL OPTION WINSi Il National Law for Interstate Regulation of Liquor Ship- nients, Bill Passes. Waukegan Local Option Test is but the Merest Incident in Great National Fight. its a lifie bit of a figirl en titi' St t aud dry Issue whicir cornes te) il iti in Waulicgan ahyîtýictli'fdingtg ac- tiOns vote for anîd agaist the saloon. L'it Il means a whole loti in net re- suits particiîiariy If tec cttY goes dry and tire ultimnale condition liraI wili exisi hiers ls ouf ilnei it thfle greaf nu- tionai figirl whch the antli saloon league hIscarrvlng on 10 develop sud Supîtiement lite itusdreds of local figh irtal 0er te itoad land. Item Is te big istlu wa itite îta- flonai leagfe: To keep cities and villages "dry" alter they have bec,, voted that way and to abolish the ground for thre verbal flinfg of the "wets" that a dry viCtory does flot mean that tocs liquor wiii be soid. Ant cIl staled fraftirhe infersfjate reguIatIli o0f tiquer stillîtneiifs Ju i ry territory is fo be a vital(ittuesutlh' thisl rongress and te sîtecfisession to fOllow If. Tire anti saloon ieague id' liltened ltes tvefLti lt , ai'font di rongress. WilI Rtenew Efforts. Thre Naional Anti-Saloon Leaguî ai Washmigton has; deided to1,1,wtics'il \efforfsute 'obtln lcor) latioît itder wlrloir lhe Interstate slipments 0f in. toxcating liitloi e fMay ire ietter fegu-i lated. Tire leagues billiras been prepar d j and wil ire introduced in eactt orf Ihe iegiflafive branches a ifftil e fleaf few days. It dl ffers ln somne resprectsi frontihi lia of ibis character whîch haie ieent îî- Years, and fire leagues iawYeîs believe' lit wiii stanfd a consîltutionaltlest. S. E. Nicholsonlire athor ofrlire teiperance Iaw luIn Idia.na firaîbears' birg name. wii ira've charge of fthe cam- PaIgo before congress. Mr. Nichîolsonî SaYs tire Itague iras no exitetation tirat ibis iegistation wil i e efiscted' at IbIs session, but does helueve il wiii go througirlit tire shrort session, bie- giuniug neat December Tirhe uJecv of ireaenting 1, bil at tilla tinime t o iring tire sîlijet ir- fOre tire pubiîe. State tbranchtes of tire' Anti-Saolon League are f0 agitaf e i1, favor (lf tire lroposed Iegislitioliî No Longer Potitical Question. It la fno longer a jtOltic.ai question Sojtheru democrats are among lire -Mit eanesi advocates vof suir legi', làtlOn. Thle question la one over wiicb thre silest law>ers lu congres' have "Whngled for many years Attie irst; session of tire Sixietir eongrpe tire1 Banae eozarnltee, on tire îudiclary de- voted a great deai of sfudy tu tire legal J aBPect Of tire legîialun tire Anti-Sa Oion 1LeaPue was dtemandiiîg ait liaI tîme. and Phirlander C, Knox, a ho la now skeretArY Of state, gave an opIn' In luwblcirtire otier feuibers Of tire cofnfntfee conefirrvi d fiat ifl i Possible Io write a law lirai Wlli gise ststes tire autborlty over inferslate shilment of lntoxîcýating iq sors. Sen- ator Knox, folowed 111) tirat legall =)PIIon -Ità a blI htiwas favorsbty cofsdere.j by tire senate cummitte On the JudlclarY. At that lietie Anxt-Saloon League sas irupetul 0f: getting tira Muc i desred legislaf Ioný (bIrrogir. 'but tire littuor interesîs goti bnmY. and nothilg waa accomiplilied Beore Senstor Knox tool bord ou' tire question Representavive iitlefield lu tire bouse. and Sena(.to liiler lu! tire senite, bad offered bis amenda.i torY to tire Wilson law andl hall aurk- ed birrd for tireir passage. Soule of tIhe temperanee leaders thsse aiwavs * aseerted tira4 but for lire unfrlendii nae lof SPeaker Cannon, andthlie nid- tInie leaders lu tire senat . the liftle- field-Dollver bli wofiid have ecomp a lais. tn tire isat ampaign tIheP Afti_1 Sajoon l'eague malle son"' effort te 'defeat candidates foi*r ongrevs wiro irad gone out of tireir wav Ilit igir tire leagues propolled legslation Tire league le flot making an>,lireats af r iis time, but Ifs reltresentlî îses here are quletlY ietting thir toe if1lteà îlal Senators and reî)resenî1.1111,e Il' know tirat tire organi',aliîîn is now trout enoughIrnluseverai taf (s 10 Malle and unniake embi; of th ioe frepresentaiives, aîîd f be ~P1«oitbition for islara Importanrt factor i h iee lin o Tir, jalîîe attjjslila Uohlted States senators. fotite i 1,111 d lutI I tt ltfrefvi i tg tfi. ttr baOi rt Anti-Safoon Leagues Influence. 1i1i,01)tIl Jistlvtî Io10 i Tire national AntI-Satooilif,e-agiîe f(lie sleeît i ,is r if sîelia gets a bearing in tireiralls of von- r. Ii' tutuil ttllt'tit'li grms. 'WhitIe If iras ire 11<1un, anslir-ite itîti toit t îti N%'t , ,jo.ij ceede inlugettlng ail if, baslashf,ed foîr, Ieers ai,- 1ii s i'ertastît1t iaI lu tire lar' 'c- -year f iras hptt lis itia- liste h% riiiitoiii ttil Press On ' 1iA deai of legielaiafl j.derd lir,'rilY ' i1, et If la et i , t o uucir credît in colt- [ Tit' l- of c tftiti. i aigl nlection t: ie aboiWhiing of teeiuft , exe'rl(i n ftîs 0(of a hltil tao n jthtie a rrny, amtithi lt r Inc olit e stl t' tf i l it N('St tiiiii t( lu Place of tire canteeiî of rereat u 5t ion it fi it of il, jolt'i quarters. VilOtt. it'giviattt C 55tIlit lit Was lire Influence or itis <rgati ftinks tliiere, intte îî op' zatlon tirat stophed th irsafe or i 1,tot 1lt1igeýtt ingtlIoiglt 51aijiý Catlog lîquors at naflonai soldieri, Por tses etai ian, lire t151hl boures. .tust 00w tire league l9 ex- 1bis beecîtfr3ilto otiitît erlnglifs Influence irere ta oblalît cer- iii Sce laIts for flie iltStri t*4n UliCfldments te tirebili adiniîîing îttlîia. Itllti, akiitiiig ta thzg ferriltories of New IMexico aîtd ItlOisfttuba o ilttttt tý Arisons to sfateirood Tire senatefýtl tta*oitd lte tiaftiti,-I COoManttea on terrîtorie. beade( ti capittal. roquait tirat a renideucee of onre Si5r 111tasti Of Six niontirasirouhd ie e ir tedCaf qul»ed ias a Voter's qualiicatons. Th-Tiretd af leue's represontafîves irere are aBi Telr]ioelsot adre. denrandlntg tirat an educatlona 1uait "a'tirer" ire sali. "are yij CatICDan idi misa ie fised. Tire league killthtie fafîed caif?" la et oUlcly irehind thir lujiult "o' epouded tire olda Visai ly t.esoat, sutrolzig ir tg fir outb over careful'y ooe f Hawvailtutagay wirelrer tirey l et you live. But l'Il put «Vo deu r ViniIUofor theieIlad.s ued traits seine of fiat ftn dnoAL Y T AN Rs ton, lot t8,Ilhicago Highîlands, W. t., Slit I fllinis, 'ounty of L.ake, as.: iune of sall lot Twerty-flve (26) aud r State of lillois, Counfy of Laktes: iblo a!E L YT À S E S $3000. 1fn1 lie Circuit t'uîrt of Laite Cofinty. lwefrty'one (21) fet t ortre from n ir ie Circuit Court oe Lake li i aoýWm n libr and wife f0elR. R. '<I ry Kruger vil. Istiarifie Aiiink, tire koutireriy uine of sald lot tweuty- vy. u Rushttireg t ive (25) and running trence nort-ý thlFOR TUE Meta ott ircio 4ilisîds tiir W. Abtittî, Atîrelîts t'. Turptin, westeriy paralli to salli outirerIyý Matilîla Kofsky Ys. Fred C. Bieder- la1)r1;Nýte1 upn ilr. par e-wsel aallt h etryln D.. 1ihUe îînety (90) feet. thence softir- tadv, Emma Noething, SusaauBie- ilt itttproiitMaiy il.'Ntcl>tigailîanti iusirsf tiib'lrto.T îiu.'tirdSta.Jn etryîîrhe otr etr n Iagitî'ri oî Aî'diew 13çt i di5.61 serva in saitti-"t e itie Kenft nd C.ut W. t' w sfs. Gen. of satd lot tweoty-five (25) nineteen derstadv, Viola Biederstadt No. 3772. ifNo.;;71u, (19) feel. tirence nortirwesteriy parai- Public notice I. irereby given tiret fi tstiiDeeds Filed as Fu.ise dî at (qtitir 'Of section 8, Autioch le]t 0tvie aouîirerîy Une of said lots iry virtue of an ordet' and decree en- 0* urised y owiilitlii '. , $3,0i0. Pubtlic flt!,lîs i treb lî'gven ltaI forty-live (46) feet more'or iess to a, tered intire aiove eutitIed cause lu li ý1ig Lake Count.y Tille and W. R. Rîtfier and wlfe tu Afta K. îy srîot f an ordiîr and decree en- ptoint forty-one (41) fret westeriy froni salîl Circuit Court, at th,,~ Mares tliprolibl 1I rust Company 'Milîler, lot 5, Qaknufsfubdivision, of tered ln ihe abuse entitied cause lu tire easferi ]trio of Ralid lot twenty- Terre, A. D., 1910, tiereof, tire under- tis t itin Fihln-ak .D 1 saiti Circuiît tCourt ai vire Nlarcir Terni four (24), vireuce nortireaeteriy parai- slgned Nlaster-m-Ciraucery of sald iiait etsl- HgrîtdPatW ,.A.f1). 1910, tirereof tire îîîdersigned,,iel ftelire salit easteriy Une of said lot C'ourt, wliI, on Tuesday tire 26th Nliitotsiiit '~'~' Spcisi tas1 n'aeeyo si wenty-four (24) slxty-four (64) fret. day of April, A. D., 19(1, f tire ilto ti i e't a Rcr !EeySet MS RA EACHES N. Y. li oniI 10Tueeqday. tire 3d day of! thefres soutireasterly paraiiei totire irour of 1 o'ciock lu tire afteruoou or s sý,i'...ii tale Transaction Flied in Record. ___'til A. 1).1() aioat tire iour of one' souvireriyliîne of sald iotaslxty-tirreelsald day ai tire eaBy door of tire nirai tiagiet- r's Otffce au CompiId and Fufnisir Loft Mr. Scyan lu Sueriez: Ayre"-Witl i'îI th te aitel;nôou of said day (6)etmoe rissfapluCutHusbtre'ty fWah- l1(ýtertel- e ByLocl Astrct ompny u G Diectt mahI ttire FasstMain Door o-f tire Court twenty-vwo (22) feet soutireastêry gan, lunte County of Lake and tire rie îîî r yLclAsrc opayt oDrc 0Oar.iis i o Cllopite 'ity oM'Waukegau. lu tire frum tire weeueriy uine of ssid lot twen- State of ilinois, oeilliat pubietrauctlon t1 0f IlI T e iaiy UN tiinty of Lake aud State of 1iilois,,ty'ilve (25), thence frorfir easterly par- toIrle higirest and irest bldder ftue 1,lý r'-stric.New Yiirtt, Itr, ti 3.M Ws <iti ,,e]ristt ai ubile auctlon te tire iighest ailel voelire easteriv unre of aaid lot 25 fate fwi eelt:ln ndrs s tiilte.1. Bry.i ad tdtiigtc-. Grace, ant i Sand estbildder for cash, tire foIIow- Lat, o-t: :darch 29, 1910. bere ,it(tire Ifaler \V'iitelni i. 'PothItb ig descrired îropertysistuated flrtire 1lu(10) *..eetirtence suhe8ely LtNumirer One lu), ln Block ltive i 'ieti aund SVfe ît'irairles n;i. 'i.inn Bîîttuîs"t'outny of iLake anîd State of' Ilinois, parailel to tire sotterly line of aaid (5), lu Hall and Çpatermaus Addition Jie iliefi t 6M0rlt iryan l un to-al:ilot twenty-tive (25) 1e a point thirty to D)eerfield, ettuâted lu'tire County rital i i 27,66feet ofiý4block Aires,' said Nlre,.ttryan. "We l'ave T(Ilito o',fuîrreî 30) feet westeriy fron tire easterîy Of Lakte and State of fllinois. Q 1'pat f ltsI.merbwedy-Ternis of sale: 25 per cent casir 'u going to , 5ad . a lontg and 1'ery Intleresiiing fl"ls jS n el ouur(r)-n irene pf sald lot fwenty'flve (25) and Otfr a !sl o ieblneo lýfl1ihsdwlfe f0 Rosie Ru- Dey tttroitttt Southir Aterica, 'IY Addition to thue Nortirwest addition to' fietîce soutirweateriyfiifty'fise 45)ontedyf m adheblcen man. look- iiii1li trii soutir haif of s outir' daugiter Sud I 1wih go direct tu Orrna.tire Town orfLittle Fort, now il, th_, feet ta tire place of begiuui4g. h eieyo ed y' "ne'. l'il Oe-t. i fsection 36, Deerlild, ba." W'<'t'iît,îoJ. ryan I laad t e c'City or Waukegan desct'lbed as comn. flue dJeivYEry of . CLAeKE otework 1).$00i a >passeager on tie steamsip V~erdi mencing at a point ln sald lot itumieý te AD.ELN L CaRcrE, ff." ta it i \"iiiiîr and wife 10 B. C, Boux- 1due lîrrenabotfAprîl 4.. wenty-live (25). whIiri ont Ila hirty IMaster ln Ciraneery,. Mse-uCrney 1 tfîtirt'~(30) fe t westery froni tie easterfy Dated April l t, A.D. 1910. 'lted Marcir 3111t, A. D .,1910 yngte. lu cout and ger Lakte c( I<ane a cago po ouers M Bible f0 Tirey LE' Chien GAI Villa Thre fi ed off t] 0f tire I ed as a Garni cription apector and 015 Lewat on wirer Tirey wl malt yet iieved t] Le wsr Six','titi aI Latte ci5irns 1 s tars. cago vetr Gambn L-ake VI Lewandî sietor (agit av- Pli zgerai lefi at 2: ti te 1 iras faJih Matlon, TireIlit fao aMi abrout as lifehro t narrowly but got Mairon st got $60 Round Rockefel where Il cen1ts5ln gelt more At oui baîttît i lirey glu tag antd safe Les,, Lai Wiratii Sseek fle on a trai ned ln s Meigit o1 At te strutled îrisnned I tirousand Tire et irad in iears ln fipon titis ty, was of Borne 1 iîscklng shipinent ladicatior been cro0 In load men are t in twent: one irour. tire aid o are requl work car minutes, ls use t iplaced Ir It seems as though the wea vers had made a special point of getting beauty ini design this spri ng. A new 4 of beautiful gray fàbric,ý; somei very choice 61Z... Iigvariety of blue fabrics, plain and, with self striprs, and witb rnany fine and hand- some patterns. The new models also are particu- larly good; there's no doubt about it. The clothes we get froni Hart Schaffner & Marx have s1fyle about themn which you don't find li any éther clothes made. AUl the fabýics are ail wool; and the taiioring is the kind that 'such fabrics and such a reouûtation deserve. Topcoats 12.50 to 235.00 Metallir the nets mnobites i le of sca ete I lgý sonIeishîI Thc lire Fintis IS It Otay r N TRAI