CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Apr 1910, p. 3

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I LIBERTYVILLE E Corne te, 4*e.o*értiit U~ PèK Se.d CO. J. ÉLI TmRI Phqe 25 ýGS Phone 3 iM àd Cap e.. Sale e.. Fron Feb 26to Mrch17. 883.00 8011 and 8siff Mats .................. .......82.52 02.50 Boft and Stiff Mats-.................................... 2.02 02.00 Boft and 61f? Mats............................... 1-72 si0 0 ats and Capes........ A.................................... $1.29 81.00 H atm and Cape .............................................-86 .75 Mata and Caps ............................................. .62 .60 Mats 4nd Caps,.......... .................................. .43 .Sheep Lined Boys' and Men's Coats. Smal izes will be closed out et 25 per cent. off (rom regula price. Belore bugi.g Veur Spring Suats, give us a cmli, see smplmenmd get, pris.* W. arc agents [or the STA R CLOTtIING CO., which le uoted for its latest styles end perfect lits. Suite made te order [rom $4 1.50 end Up. W. En DAVI LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. We -have just received a large ship- qient of shoes in ail the latest spring and summer stgles and weights. Vmeo urs, Box Colf, Vici, Gun Metal and Pa.tentLeathers. Tan and -Black, 'Wor k Shoes in Iight and,- heavg ieights' [rom $2 OC> up Ilip and Kmee ength RUB8ICR BOOTS et price that are right. Cou,.inlanmd Inspect out lime. J. Be .MOR$E&G iO. ûDiRTYVILLEt lu.. i .1 MRIEFS* L.OL. ^No prn SoNAi N MENTION Toi lessiva p*lctlon ln the Indepen- dent, cspy mtagt i* ln the office no ler than «Tue*&a cf easci wok. Aduar- ; .v aps.lsllvgn, arteasKOO o tek Chua..Am la tbe guest of friendeaet Mim Us*s Mines le vlslting triendi la Ez sa"Uni. B. B. Lj'lle we-wivtb fbioee larrlugton. Bob Bond, aoempsnled ill a frlend vlstod hie parents sud friande Sonday. Jamies ya, of South Chicago, vas tiihenset of tir. amd Mrs. Cd Lynch Sun. C. H. Smith wuas a vaston Setuhl. day, wlere ho d.llvèed a gond slzed ln. voces of cigiare todeiers. 9Today la April lot. Look out for the Piochibook u hesidoeall. Tiere n»y aa etiugatiaebadit, ne~a ladie' Aid Uocley of the Preaby- tort" Chuch vilii serre supper saitheii 1'brdaye#Tula&' April 7tb gS ti8:0o'clock p. nM. Lake Fore.t ha. formad!an Improve- aedt &Pd beutillcation league vhbi Wlllbave lie firei publie meeting April j4tb. Tii. clisoseç r an klug a Mrat loutereet la thei. lu. "-J , va n -, 4 i leu MaiWergwi. »te elppod on a erdé "al, bmdedls a slnd kg ai the. up.i 'lis aufforflga ere promptly ended. 1 Tii.e Pworth L.mgue wV14 give a1 Pbotograpb Social. Prlday evenlug, April Stu at tbseciiure perlore. for tii.1 bosstef the ti.Methodist Old Peopie'o Hom.. ÀA-proaram viilb. gciven and renesbment e eved. Ad~mission. lu. TiU. Mrendeof iMie. Aile Fuller are pleaed tblearu Ibat smeIo.lerecoverlng fr. the. recent accident, somuch n no it h. tainabout ta b. doivu Itairs. Tii. INDEPENDEN<T ln more tliAplean.d to note the. tact, and It îineerely hope. *ho viii returu ta ber '*ease" ln bis office, . lier absence in noticsd lu the. eapsclty of a compostor. R. B. Sylfi. owrer a? the Italter Frm.. nov kuov na. Liaduey Farm, hem just1 compieted a uev coarnem for hie iu. berd of lmporled andi American bred Jerseys, viiichfha. beefi pronounced by nme of oilr muet pramineut farmere tuobe one of tbe bet inthe suite. Tii. viiol. building lean.u@lange room itIlaa self upportiuig roof, so Ibece le nat a post nom voodvoui o? any iind inslde. The valle are pWatered, tbe floor laid wlIh cement, wvile the. a-ol. barn la ltted up vithh @tombions made by lb. Loudea Macbluery go., lowa. 1190v lfbHsiipsusd in Bhymelaud" va. one of lie litereingsalemrtilu ment give by the Tisl Chapter of Wet.inieter Gulld lai Tiurmdsy sud PridaY evenings. Toc, muc cannai b. laid lu regard to the uurlng efforts of Mr. Lovry, viosclaooked the different eharacters aslgned. s a oti lmuet ha asld liai ibeir auigumneata vere carried out intaths leteMr. la giving lie two entertalnuaeaim, everybody taok sdvantage of su "extra", date, a. tbg secomodations lu the Tovn Hall ould 'bave fele short la order ta pvovld. seatiug capaciiy for the bundreds liai attended, sud Itlale ioped liai tth. ame play viii h. repested aoon, a. msily bave already expreeeed a desire taoa-lt- De" a repetition. The Eastr fetivîties came to au sud Mouday eveiug. a-heu St. Josepb'sl Churci gave ou. o? their select dancea, si a-hidI many attended, 50 muci liai thore vas scarc*ly standing ooni for9 tiios. atteudiug. Tii. gatiering va. elect, sud Lberyville's society va. out iu full dress, and a mors mermy1 gathorlng 'neyer met under lb. roof of1 the, Tovn Hall, than tis one of Monday1 night. There vas ithe besl of decormni1 a general sociable time, and thb.tnamle,1 1Inmisbed biv-Eapk.. vas o? tihe s.1 Tii. supper, Ih la learned, wa a aiof a Delmouico. and many pariooi 0f thei. viande placsd beote thim. Tii. crovdi vas large and ihere va. hamdly stand- ing roa. for lb. vasi audience. Hors le viiere Llbertyvile la veai la the. vay of a place ta give dames or an enter- talumeni o? auy kmd. 89 many tickets can b. iald and no* more' Why? Because itheeating capaciby la laad. quate ta acconodate those viio deie ta attend. tius deprlvlug iii.. o? a privelegfe hhey are entiblsd to, *and vise vould b. tios. a-ha vaul4"gelta-. geti.r" sud eret su opera bouse suit..1 able for dances, meetings, entartaiu- meute, or auyuiiing 0f su entertalnlng« nature.1 WE PAY YOU INTERBST ON VOUR 84AVINOS Ail maney pald ln urui stIag)epaitmenî pu or before April 5. dravo tires fuli moixhba lulerget on lIly 1, at8 peroent per annuni. Acmntse.f $100 sud mi amopted. * f Opsa Iu~~594aT Night. MAAL BURI4Se Mr*. Fradriti Brumm Died Monday Evenlng etHMer Home From Fatal Burns Dy.* Sosfire Monday. Chet Porhous "vluged'a wilid Ouse etioday. Sav thelb date April 8Su, for th p. vortb Lague Bocia. James Swanseaa bas returned tramt a vssk's vii viii friendsaet Aqiloci. Quy Lavreioe,4 a »tudeat of tiie Illinois University, ie beros na evday. vWst. Cha~rles A. Focheclà vaietGrayalke Sonday, tIlS. est o, Pareullsud friands lira. Bdeàger entertaimmd a nuinbri of ber fieuds flou Wadsvortb l 1 Tiiursday.- - 1-1 i. lr. RoI,,riou, of the Lyrlo Tbeatre,1 vusa Rockher vistai Be1 toola bie iodait viii hlm. visions cf "is end old summer thml'. could have bh... s ien vii ur eye. ahut 51,0.1 any lima Ilut veek. Monday ,uorslng a large fock o? vlld daaefyed a tve hour tete.att soutliof tàliergvr niaithe gravel pli. ons tilan mar nô veli be talen for gamisi bleaOUscfeerns-*veryiody ka intilelt. l$"leahis ie pot on ibis1 grue math. Aad l'@ mai alvaya noili.a lng but sading rooni, sker. A. A.Oeéady sMd vile bave nom. ta Clants, Nié., wvhs. tbey vil] vlsit1 Mr. ormbwo. lair. ro, thsres e* vii a b e tft ed iiby his motber, fsv Mn nsàd#i9à v l Ichi er lis fls Abler 1hé eceulebo f au appropriati- mmon dlvu by 1ev. V*a de Env. Dit tie- Preshytsrimehchnt undgy morulug, 1ev. eftuRa baptiued these euilreu, , vllcbmuat a great demi0 .1 iican80met Of tbe live.tby- baave decded tulive. vhli i viibe the maklui oflaonored ciinrb members, au Libertyue wômen vIii rend tii. follovlug vlth mucii concerni fonit meapa tual tlsev viiieltber bave ta env off ibeir long bat pus or parchae nev oas befors gnolmg ta Chicago. Mayor Buss algbed Alderman Dauler'î halpin ordin. suc rscsntiy sud vithin ten da. It1 beeoma. effective. Thereatter auj person1 vearing a bat uhuough vhich e pin pro-0 trudes mors tha n suncii le lisible ta aret and punislameul. A maximum fine ai $50 ie provlded in tii. ordinape.c S Progmme. of Radital. Tii. reital of Mis Editi Weil. af Mil- vaukee, sud Mie. Elizabeth RcCrystie, o? Lbertyvillis, vili tài. place atI tb. Methodiat churcii, April 5th. Ticket. 50c for sale t Lavcli'a drng stars. , Tiie following comment on Miss Wel'a readlng ofithe "Happy Prince" at Pabst Tbeater, MilsSuiie., le tahen from tii.1 Evenlng Wisconin: ..Tiie'Happy Prince." Oscar Wlde'. @tory, villa incIental music by Misa Lebmanu, vas one of the. alringly beautiful uhinga of the aiternoon. Il va. &DuI suIntergisetative reeding, shoiiolg an uitllectuel grasp »Of th. an-1 thor's seuiral ide%. ville brinuhiug outi vlthhé muet delienate àath i.e qul. ato pYChoog" csI&aguMouc. I vsas ail tb. mars difficuit becamue a readet muai conceel liana surs, tiie rude ma- teriai ont of viichWilde created hie "Prince." Tii. @tory fleeff le sncb a sin- gflar combiation cf anblliiey of thioughi and tii. merely commun place of poetic fancy, sud thiii.pIlY material of p.choiogical beauty sud cold philoso. phy, that onl.v a reader ofrmal gealu. aud great t«chnièal resource could boid au audience thmough toithe snd vithout e jar ta ith e esibilities, nor a senue. of fatigue rain ta many recurrlug -ords and phrases. Not only dld Miss Weil sucoeed in iuterestiug ber lteners. but elh. maved them toa smanifestation Of1 great delight, the. gracefl u ltile artisi belng entusiasticaliy rscailed; 'Mme.1 Lehmann ehaing honore viii thei. reader on th~e third lencore," Truly1 there are few readema of Mise Weil'$ abil-1 Ity, and the. Wlicousln -conserrstaryi. fortunate lu having ber aisithe bead of ifs dramatic depertmeul." PROGRAMME. ......k.....................Weluf avsii Toaw } uy ........... MaDoweil Miss Elizabeth MCrYstle. Ruse Deep In Jue..................... Rule JMS Defense ...................laylarsuch1 JlrjI Cali on thse BUtCher, marge Beuston Cooke Min Edith Wvil. Vogel &asro net S Nachtucke 1J............Scijun Mise mcorist&.. Au Idyli of tise Pertud............. (»0. Baker Two OooktOomlug nums on a Suburbsa Train QuisU... ....... .......a.....inoxu Goagý ý la Miss We l. . tdadIDI Idis Lette Dieh.........................Grei liprourm.........................einsolO Miss Mcvffl -e Thel :BannirPrince.-.-Liu aslehsID. Oscar vilde 1Mi" Weil. Mins NICrosi.t thisno5. Evoeythltîg fer rien i. -. Iii ameaasmamaammmmm~m BeARGNINS 1 ....UNTIL... se Mouday morulng. MIsr. Fr.derlek Bruni. rscelved fat&] hurna at ber home on Mlwaukee Ave. Ault laceuâtomary et thiatilme of the Y-a for people ta de.tioy rubbieii, or otber accmqlationa of the vlutsr, it wu the daim of the Brumm faalyta ensilionslua asaniW outat. Monday uomlng ffMii r& mm*w va sgaala ts purtléclar vork, sud wvile la tihe stoi MIssLug alot 09f rubb itoilas bonie, ithe 4ancug anis aysd by 9 iel, lguisd er llotlUg, viisa sit besm. a livint oreii. wlldang cailg for laelp, sud trylog bta Ugwulh the lames vlhberOvu andeau baurais. Urlmesbappsuedta b. la tie villuty, sud beariug ber appega, rM ta ber rme.Ta vituse son es, 1%, vas a trfflug rdeal for im, sud tus trot tbought h bd vas asta lovtq aav* ber tri. bêlug bunnsd tu deti. 1 i hopedtsm asat l f.i ta MP to la iB is e cm@ausd Dru,, had wSd th ie porçla, vise ahe U1.1 fo zlaaqsio. . .Grimnes eongiulgiis battît, auld@Wby lie daugiter, vhotsbade vers badly burusd l gla gh*w .9lames. Thea. Sneb" moe S mmcI iedvay liait ber dru elil fom- ber boM, wvian It wus burusd, sud bek la ne 1h. lsaMes yeonquered. Use vas mnnia ilbté 1h.bus, plaeid on a be&. .viag 'UN 'Q1iUMMonsd.Upou * arrivai of plsy*laelavaslw u k d u* iii. berne vers f a ce" loum a nsd ail ihat eculd b. doue ta alleviseber suviva, pro f Do-ava, -m tr& BM ieâl é, bos,. )u&CIuk iluths sveaing. The deceased wu@ of Germen descent, ando of thIe coutry'u sellier., iio had muni frimais, Who vill de.ply mouru ber sudden sud paifl" death. 1Tii. deeaasd lesves a huea.d, lhree dauzbters sund lire. sons ta usouru ber destif. Funeral va. eld ai ieGema Luther» Churcb, Wednsday ailerneez wit i ntetment la Lakealde CemeteMy Mms Brumni wu@ la tbe 78rd year of ber age aitlthe time of her deelli. M. E. Church Services. lass meeting et 10:0e.. M., vUi ib. conducted by Rov., J. B. Mac(luffin. Preacblng ai 10:30 viii b. by the pastor W. L. Whlpple, morang subjecl" The Maturing Harveet." Evening subjeef "The. Cal] and th e ection." Tiiere viii b. a meeting for members of the.Boundai Sehool et 8 P. nm. Sund"y. On Fmlday Ev.., April let, the Hp- worth IfLee ili hold a regnlar montlh. ly business meeting lu the parlor of ithe churcii. Tii. meeting vfiii b.folloved by a April Pool SQ5IL Peope*Esrty Caucus. Notice la bereby given, thaitbe Pan- Pie'@ Partiy vii iiold a a uua aIthe Town Hall, Lhbrlyvilll, on Ssturday, April 2. 1910, for thes purpoue af a ami. naetng tiie foliovlug villageofficers: Tbree Trustees sud Village Clerix J. B. Nous. 26-2tCommtteeman. A Uibertyvilie voman foai 89 through e bols lu ber slocklug. That va. a case vbere a stitchIi n lime vouid have seved It i. @&id there are two different îilds of people who attend churcb-thoee who paan the basket and thons who let tb. basket paslbe.. "The merciful man le merciful ta hic beaat," sand one of tii.mant niercilul thiugs a man can da for hl@. boreilata have hlm clipped before the verni dais ai sprlmg have, came. Tii. hors. vîli do his vomi better and kesp lu betterhealth belng les.lisible ta tae cold If llpped. Làke County farmers are dlacumln tii. poaaiUhlty af callecting daniages for iujury ta property caueed by travellée taklust ta fields viien the igliva. er. mede impeasable through anov drifts. Fences are destroyed end field@ Injured and laud ownere In liaIsction thbnk they have the. rlght ta. collect damages frain the tavn. I a aprnmd Summes saMlIiiery la Belag Receve4,Daill \by Mms.M. A. IFrtlu otyle. ara thaéL8=14, PInkss cati and us0tiew,. W buiiT TiSc Klodt Shime 'Silkswrtà 40t-'per$gàr4 ZS2c W. are shooua fRue fue or lwealhe Novelties. COUin lu«d'mee dmu. The conservative banker, ln maklng boans, muet know ta a certanty. that hie applicants or' ureteu are responsible and varthy aoforedit. Likevise, the prudent- dopoitor v*Ii know the character and the standing of the bauk wllh vblch ho dealo, and the ftt bt thblebX o bas aver 2500 deposftbru ýwM baggrsgýatedeodq4* cg aver $4M0,000. ii eertainly elou it this ep0-- fidence of the, publein lu iis uitutlon. vaut ta thank ail aur frlends eta smalutstl- Ion of their confidence and gaod vill az>d them that h vwili be oureaeuiteffortola the future, maintain this Wbgh taudard af excelence. 'Cake £ouuty nuant Capital .150,000.00 Surplus and Proffits ,80,000.00 Stockholder's Llabillty 60,000. 00 Trotal -$1809O000 Dont Fail To Readg Our INT i.; Colored Cortaies, Dfrêftés. The 20c gindt ai - a Ob Do« to *8 1- EWWY*109 for rien

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