à f the t oe.. %"bm* "com 01 jiothe vWt. Le, W?'<aDu.aa strel lakg Of. t sto treott ole Mmet VOMI' oot busy çftý vil miend pav i..6 n thepompe. aàmo ualu* Pe avmuietou h pilor mm 1 i foar S«auomiîîcl'oxaourPI mtUM boieffm thtim t. WCa ap c IaBrplae soeth 9«0- vii os»W eomw& te o ti pie i. *Wouru7 k W sSp a I&-M-Ue YtbOo1gk- O.I* O-Ofhl. M i n i a. w ~ i e n aige. ke and afternoc evefllin ung won efli6ye g U~1êj~art toatr tflgt. Jay waa a 0f be evening., et. MWM*daai* WM aI~lvoe fiMad- -Ci~ ~oawl avrthso -:rw D * I~i~agmeetngOf the cOm- A oomoiaý4 Of the lnarla' I ~OiI "'tO" WlLfluaobe bd hydrant Ivoe eoMna or10fl w 0. A, Wlatle tçrnOoe Olu '>ItOUêflcecOf Mayer il ho mOiter of timPMoco..W. 8uck*-*44feranJohn i" Wemd4a. ft o!O. rthli9me ai i ' luon 0f the. oit 101*Mis hmüdwv**ortte. ý of M nanufacturer «W-ïeoe ntb4Mgs*o1ie t te 1 J ie.mw ïe '~Wl awn v a rDOf d*u i4 Ofpthme ockford wMa fr Ma*aronada (batdit nmcb rak- .*s b, qo .Several of the. Iii odkté e am Ofb Oi PotiertD1011 Iy4séOtb wereInstalli laut i pw, r fheii, a. . . ne won for t ti.prOi. of glvlng them, a (0f Wetly the conter of big locaIl Ight,'be. > t Bloomlngto n ad Denville JI la Ti Îyciai e enIvti * go 1»teoRKua B oit woek to a "m *ansMoumthé ueti. ut cf the now ' 'o4 mon waa mode te moqrn. but prob. PumPWkIEh bbui bOon Instalait iW 'obly 't was nvet' Intonded tbt b NMmbeat Of the. cOuftil and clty oUl chouid peoit mh of hi. tImo et It. cil@,iatte! ndi. . .72 ,. i 1 - liîndsome new models p~tailored -eo ginghanis and perale inthe chOicea1~ colon, Prineasstyle, plaited skirt, high orp LôW neck, nieely tSii- maed, ages 4 to A4yearui youlrn fot be able te intchthemat OIddr~s'Drousses'$148 - Elegant prihg stai --ade inthe Princesa style of -âinelà-ne col- Ored flifens tbambrayi4 strlped ginghamhs amid w14té lawns; yoke of fine îj lac.'...... .................1 5 Pretty new spring dres- e ses for ehudren otages L 6 te 14 years, plendkdhr nmde of dependble quaities of stripe gingham and préale also - plahi, chamnbray. T,', will dehight thelt tie Miss and give her re- markable wear. W %S W, à~s 7c o-The 'ideal LIaZsuit for chldrefiýn, e of a isp1endid grade of blue CÀti. ton cheviot, agesito 6 years, 'the kind tbp we regularly Bell for 50c, 1- speciat at................. ......u Stunningi 1 'i the-ciY of En!gish SÀ4 Fe stem~s ~some. have' We carry ihies :of 13< 'prûidentp hêe>ebecaiu binny; thé dependable ini the cîty. (drens shoe Mies for thé .Mlýden Uke' àiifiecd. 'à-, i s, (3:. .4 WC 'lii us, of our UUPM"el Mi