__________ !KE -OUNTY INDEPENflENT, FRIED. Firsi Mention of Marne 1reieod With PedÏes of Aarty Support Georal Opnion Io Ho lu Ideal Man for 'lb 1fi11 Gfice He Sooks Wackeg.sn A" "Lka OountV aternes- * lhom Nsny Friands Sesought te aun for Representatlve Agtmt Stasmes Consent. and Malces Format Announcoment of intentions Todas- lun Na"Papers. * (From Wedlmds.ys Sun.) Aternes- C. T. Heydecker tiisMarn- ,bitg annouuieed definitels- tàt lhe vii ho a candildate for the repimblcan nomnationt for «taie epreaelit±ve. This means that ho has po.ltlveiY entered thle lista agaiat A. K. filearus thi. preent inoumbent o e Ocoffe. That Att-rwney Bes-docker la the ideal -148! fr t".eflnS g---,.11140?of IL vers-. gres- umcler ef peoMue. Bits experlencesand long and hnorable reourd 'as tate'à attorney-, bis record of activly ltua.re for the public go'od, Ide Ilcuowu bltty, nregrts-, and pulcspirit, the»s are ait «lied ln bIs Attorney Hcydecker lias been Maki Iig thse rounds lu a ort et prelinîl- nal'y canvau o<f the situatio n sd finds Ithâlie will have excelent support. Atorney- Heydecker undertakes the mie atter macs- friends et promîience and standing bad besouglat Sun te enter. SUG4R TRUST IN NEW PROBE 4,cene ot Fedieral Atlack la ahifted te City ocf New Orleans. Washblnai April 7 -The Anerican fugar Refliiing conîpany, the ocalled sugar trust, la te bcten 1<ete tank once Mure b> the iUnied States. This !Iwe the acene of the federal attack te I le S iiftt-d frein New York te NeOrleans.- Wlnfred r Denison of New York, «ho r-audered assitl,îmîro 10Henry t. Sf innon, the govermmeat'a speclal prcacetiior, ini Ile sagar cases, and V'i)ô was recentîs- made assistant et- tebrnies general, bas loft tôr 2<0w Or- le.SIB,'lh. depauture cf Mr. Denison foilowed several conferences ntth1e tresmurs- deparment. the White Hloue &rd the departrnent et Justice. sea". "Wbat time linRK' 01 4dus't knou." ~n'S yoqr wateh B «Woen-We m en YleIm ndLe- HENRY 0, EDWARDS ln strong favor wîlh a majorit>' ef members of the Lake CeunI>' Board «f Supervisera% in is candidacy fo r Chaîrman. It i- ait but cenceded ha will be choscd te bead the Board and Iliat meas sthe introduction of desîma. bie referma ln ceunty offices, flot thea least of whîch la immnediate auditînq of books of ait counIs- offie-rs, a, sîricter accounting et public lunds and curtaiing of espenses imaly ways., _ - >las for s-cars !ffugb6 10- -o -- - .,c hI. w- C man, of the board wîhi mean much t Lakre ceunI>'tax-pa1scrs, Hia sîncerits- and honest of purpose1 FINANCIAL STATU" NT OP OZORGE QUENTIN, SUPERVISOR OF THE ha& evar ceen conrecan, aven ns- 3 IbeFaERNN.t c ppeing bis efforts. He wil i TOP~ F VENON makeas good chairmnan and inaugurale' StateofetIllinos, Lake Ornats. M..argrel ypth htepol Town of Vernon. Office « o['iwt EnPervlsem, anreglmaynesmpah ihtep liue oluowit l8.giau eu t WtyGeorge Quentin, superviseror e ToTwund a-ae cf Vernon du the Cotatty #" @tete aorqsaid, et aunowt of puble fund. re -______________ ceivet snd expoed-by.bias durng thte flscal soar juat losed. endIng on itho 291ii <a>' of Minci, 191 î »fwIn i te aouint of publie funda on hand aSthefLic 1 IK E ANOTHER DO0W I E commoncenent etfsld E ellar; te amuint of public fumas received, andr from wbat sources reeely.ro; the aut of publie turida expecded, and for vitlperpseos expende&d dirng id fiscal year. eilng as aloresaatd Man Seeki ng Land in Cairtornia wdliî The Bs.d George Quen>n belng dulysswom. doth depoiie and sa>' that the Foui-a another Colon>', f ollowlng statement, hylsy nap ols<bed, la a true snd cornect statensont eof Sul Frie :.îs. Ct - A %pri4. the amount oepalle tfume on biand at ite commencement of the fiscal year aitove stMed, the ameunt ef pubieicfonds recetved. andite sources fi-m Augiiatiis 1 Kniid-en ul Chi-agi, t ulilci recelved aditise amount expended snd lurposes for whch expended in Caitorniia Io iiiuet a ate for a sm st taiti ln the tuloe'ig st.temm't. rtrligions set saîtîltar 10to i, une for- Saibscuiied snd Swcuu te before me. mis 2910 day of Mrci. A, D.1910). cmi> liesilirI Se Atixanler l),wie et - eo. H. Sant, Justice oethe*1.peace. - R.F QtN N onCy.Kiii(naradhsbel -Date, 1909. Funds Ft"~vpd, andi Front What Sources , Recived. Aicount(. 1ihown seicmri prouoisa airrill~ go Amount of puhle unt maîso hand aut tce commmemce- te Senthîril Catiluuila ln a tew ilays men t of thte fis. year, cntseaiciumg on té 10e3lttalo osrsesnhtloat-. Apri 22-RPetve frnt àl"Ce. for lHall ent-------------------Tonbi rtir b wllg t ýhat June 18-Re lvel fom akeCe, for Hall ent------------------------500' Ce>uni>' to inistert a irainet of60050 Auguet 31,-Recelved fi-oni, C. Treas, del,'l'vin 'ax----------------- 65 118 acres. l{nud'-em says lis colon)y ta August 31-Recelved front C, io. Ya. del IL R, Tax ..........------731.81 icomPosBed ef elgiuis facilites. Pach August 31. Recelved frein Ca. Treas. del. T. & T. Tai--------------18.64tnit'bsaii>niieti-tnura rMardi 15-Recelvedl frein Hrman Aibrecit Town Tax 1909-...1921.54 etOf $,000 tor the purchassuortla sntd,r LMai-ah t5-Recelved frein Hermnin Abieclt Dog Tai 1909--------- 154-5l'and the religionîs seul oild licrîiîîrir March 23-Rtecelved, freon C. C. Gerbert Hall ent------------------ -Wi.j>uproided at the eîmstei 2775.19 Date. Funda Expended sud fôri-Mbat Purposes Expended. Amount STRANGERS IN 'BERLIN. Sep, .-P-e Saneli. ndg e Ricîoi------------------------0 Their Ceninge and Gongs Atwas Sept. 7-Allient Samsr. Ctierk et Elclctàon ........................... -300 1Sept. 7-lob I-lHoreeberger, Clenk of Electlonu-----------------------300! Knommn ta the Police. Sept 7-J. Chiurchillî, TIuIstlf3 Coinmieocer-------------------.- 560t) I d1r ie.is byket~ie Sept. 7.-J. Churchilîl. Servie as special ofIficer--------------------------210 -an empbeuage aer siruingers lui Berlimn es-p t. 7-Framuk Weland. Service 5as Assesi- .............. ocutill a triemid etnitie bri accasion lu Sept. 7.-J. Lelkam, Service as Hlgitway Commslaner-------------6630 look up anme ouanee." said a tr-tv- Sept. 7-8. T. Foote, Service as Higitwas- Cemmissloiiir...3.. 710 et. W. bad] reep from Vienna. Sept 7-C. C, Gerber, SerVices as Towni Clerk-----------------------40.93 I~ an-f-edwal iadpo Sept.7.-C. C. Gerbent, Service "a Janitor--------------------------.2.50 "da rfID a ntedpo Sept 7-ýee, Quentin, Judge of Election sudSaund. service----------7.50 matie service we cslied et the em- Sept 7.-iteci->'Westerflld, Audting-------------------------------.5o bas-y. Sept. 22.-F-amk H. Juat, prtnticg sud pub.î............. 21.8o> "White Ihere 0e Osppened le thussk Sep. 22.-W. H. Meyer, Dervice as Hiighwvas- Cemmssioner----------40.001 ef anotSer tri-eid. an Ainerican, wbo 1910. i ldgene taeiBerlin about tbree s-ocra Feb, 26.-Elnest Saçiimoder, Bond and Int------------------------.596001 before te repreuet anO rtancf con-- P'eS. 26.-Henmy 0chropdct, Boud and I-------------------------... 624.0t1)r ern and wendered bow be conisi gel Mssch I.-Mra. Enbýni Xutçer, It. ons Bond------------------------0la atrace et hlm Mariais15.-S. T, Fot.ant. on sBonda----------------------------.. 88.00 '.hgl týer'sl h Mesch 29-Pli-t Nation l t , Int. on ýo1ids..... ....... 7(1.( Nttn)l()'ue-2stdte m Mîareh i29.-J. M. Weidner, Judgcetf Election-------------------------. 110bass- secremar-. Jlist wasti a moment.' M as-a 29.-J. P. Rtzecthalem, Modeator U0O9-------------------------200 *Usewrote a noe t sd bacded it te a Marph 29.-Oeo. QiueuUn. Auditcg - -------------------------------------.00, niossemiger. Makh 29-Go,. Srnitis. Audltlng-------------------------------200" We aliat know ait about s-oui-r Marlrh 29-C.C. Gerbent, Jaitiir Seri dc--------------------.. 3I)1 5fri-end within tfteen minutes,' Se said Mardi 29-C. C. Gerbert, Service as 'ToÉn Clemk---------------- :14.58te us M arch 29-C. C. Gerbert Service S lbork railnage fiats -t ... 15 56 "Sure enoucu. wttSn thal lUme te Mareb i29-J. Churctilîl, Re*tru ci ............. 300--------------------i oant>swe Mlamh t29-Legal Adylsen, -liaiksansd iplllea ................... -3 97 seunreaieetwtbnanw. M arcS 29.-#S T. Foots, Iclgiswoi CoMmmisloner------------------->68'00 Fiom it the seî-reismv rend thot So- Ma-cii 29.-W. H. Meyer. igb.Way Commisoiboner ....----------------32 ' pr, sd-uc isd ami-lie-d InofBerlin on sucS a March 29.-J. Leikain. Highway C<Immtieoner----------------------.74.1ý0 date tbrec es-armaprevtoua. Ibat ite M aich 29-Ftd. Gesen, Barytng Horse on rend--------------------3 o lvad nta certain sidressa. fua e lad Mardh 29-1t. Wesftertield, Audting-------------------------------2.0Zotigne tlhe weeti tefaus te a tttie tewn @3alaaee ln banda.1< 8p~errmr...----------------------------341.45 lu the ititertor. but ibst le was ex- -total ... ..... 1.............- . - - - 2775 edcbock wl!t Oiee des ........ 2715,9 "Wett. Se tutited op en te day tbe Police siSnebweuid lie back. and we b af dîamer wmm- li i."-Detm'ct Free MiPresaP w E HAVE beca in the piano business for a gond thmsny yeans. We know what a piano r should be in, tone, construction and design te lac worth the pri-te aske.d for it. Our experience galhed by selling Ihousanda <of instruments ouglht to be worth somethicg le you. When mwc ffet a-piSno îti itstly aftef *c have salis- Bced out8elve*.Itsat., il will reflect ,redil upon us. Wh en yeu btW from us, therefore, yen profli fromn lthe knowledp, 41 - have ganed. Let us prti e W'fiso thcmhouse can ou bellem retuffi fore3>urFmOIly. Cali and-see ur.tock at lthe stor c. F. U#ÜLM , & S RO. LNRW~ Expert Tuning tV lc MM7r - CABLE PIANO COMPANY, <iChcaio) -I t1 -1 ~1 -r--.,, i - PRII, 8, 1910. s,'wf 0fpsis an AIl Ecli Sing Bar « n lsunt To'fée ad o RldThe absolute confidence of the To lve ad toUol public is the basic principal on whkéh ail prosperous business is founded and con- tinues to grow. The womert of Lalke County have leatned to believe in our square deallng mletfrod, and they accept any announcement or promise of Frlednian's as an unqalified truth.. So it is when we hold a sale of any kind, we stand back of out: advertising to the letter, that is the reasonà why tb'S' sale has been a -RECORD BREAKING OCCASION THIS SALE CON7 INDES IN F ULL SWIN We have engaged additional salespeople so those-who could- fot be waited upon Iast Saturday, corne arnd corne early as many more rare bargainshave been added to our immense stock. Sonner Vuts Another lot of ladres' fancy rlbbed vests, regular 25c values, challenge prîce 5c Rubberized In Fanrcy stbipes Regular 15.00 Value. Challenge Price 8m15 Oilidrens Rai. capot Fane5 Llncd allscmed Moed 1.65 Our firsi aim Titis éio*w ecelved twenty.fIvç.ldil sergé stiRs whtch were bouglit to seli for $15, but we* decIded to make E challengeE speclal of them at ...............75 Womon Pan ima Sk1iiIs ÏVAck Ohm. and Bgrqw»a. Full pleated skirts trimmed with satin bands, this is i the greatest challenge bargain ever ~R offered .......... ....... z Wonmns Taffota SiIk Drusu The-popular one.piece styles with lace yoke *f and tucked front, col- ors are bluc, green and gray,worth 18.50 our price W CARE FARE eEFUNDED ON $6.00 PI.RCHASES. is f0 please Eve rybody Corset Osis Lace and Embroidery Trimmed, A large shhlpment of berntu i new Hands.Mety tdtmnd-1 6.00 t. SM values. Our^cheiloge prtce- You1 Monéyý Baktff Yon ore flotSai Td WILI OPERATE NEW PLANT. AUCTION SALE. la> tkc, 1 arisd Stone, 1 400-lb. îîulverlzer; 1 McCorînick mower; 1 11aviz sol niy arni i-ai(il n 2 Ha>' Racks, 2 Set Gravel hay rakte; 1 sod plow; 3 stulible 1lows - liasiiMenssid ru>'LucrsandILeeit i .n Lmter Wagon, 1 Truck 1 3-section lever dras; 1 wooe( te o r h. ý drag; 1 truck wagon; I1iiîrrow-iiic 3ei Mn a Lca. Pubea l'uic Arito ntii t1w a. \'.',Si a îm, 1I ln Wagon, 1 Mllk Wagon, wagnu e 4ve lna o Byads wit a s arn woan ou ai lnk- orila, irieBuggy, I Single Top Buggy, planter, nearly new, ceck row ai- Cit yflerayt1wDiasan Lelor Crimnee on Friday, A'i i IV. 1 p "r I barrel ~<<<u Water Tank, tahn>unts; -t rond wagonu; t two- lut' ystcits lî [,îî -, ud Mecolienrrrîîîng [at ) 15 iir rii ,laiizod MiIt Tas.n, 2 Sets Ilha> horse- nillk wagon: 1 borse rnilk Ca9- Shee Ilcl tailor ail l beopî'rated Iirî1ri . scrhedPulleys ani Forkq,. t Stack on; t two-seaied bugKgi 1 buttkbearîl foiB.tE. LEingnilli-sof iIliedon io I i lI rw n tiratce o ineos1buggy; 1 stone boat. hp ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y ndi>'i iii .l.Flr Heaid of (attie.i1 )rîri a iiilkitl -1iHamnesu-i hae>set work liarneas, si Zand CI> ityAti-. r- \S.nîILnsatid Hcod Ne'w Mik Cojws, talîîî errri- Iraiternis d alv. iiew; 2 set geod work harness; 1 of lonCit. Niýsis.Simonsand In li son. Hed o Ilrseý 1S ýsingle. harness; 8 milk cana; 2 startis Fanrylpurchord lw Head ifs of roth I WHlAAAM .SAGEl, Prop. 1 in bay; 4 atacls Prairie iîay; 1 1abryrpurchasud 9 lyerereeta of bo 1,101) o<bstr,. uciiotiOir. aîack oetimillet; 1 stack of atraw; 20() Lucas snd Lee and ril l operate îcISorlMac l ur, ci'.iI»)trstinke ouot i; -00 busbela utoa et, 4 1 Teain Brown Mares, 9 aind lii, 3,)00_________ dz- 1eikn, n liratce actr> asorgrral,> îiane. hIs., t Gray NMare, 12 years, 1300 Itîs., <t u meroua te mention. building la fini,> u(iîiiîîetl sud a reai- Ga'fus.9yaa 50îsAUCTION SALE. E LNHA NO . len mnaer , ii <e gosnd Bay lomse. 12 yeara, 1350, i Colt corn- ilsn iigut« n i-sit t Terme cf Sale-AIl sumo unilcr SIO- Theing 2 yeara oidn3inBrouduSewss9oe e Sta>tîwoodti arin and w it liter , ilcash; ail soins over $10.0I0 bearing Tlae f2ctory w III i3aiiiitao±ure alioestock, w il sVI ai pubttlic Boiîîtiiîi.O f; ier cent. Interest on good bikalte heels, tongucs, and îl vier sboe, finit- Pigs, 2 Sets Diuble Pis- Nets, 2 Sets the Stanîwood tan-ni, 2 miit(e Cst Of notes No gooda te le remno%îud ii ings. The Locas anîriLee Comnpany Doule Hoanes, i Set Mllk fiai-nass, Wadswoi-tb and 3 1-2 nille-i ai-st <if til seîîled for. .as leen. intlnanenai liflicutlctieemnCe 1 Stsigleharness, new QuantitY- Zit ity i1omile nonS th fYork Ilrru9e E. J. BARNSTABIE, Pi-et>. the faotory was blt at Zion and bas Oats and corn lu bîîn, :30 Tons tame - Vrudncsdiig a VIaIlui I ut, .tlied auffirciiliii ite10operate bey ln barn, 12lý,im. C('reSeed Corn, loîlîra rîr Irrotîcrî to-wit h ento %, lo ilrM the plant. lr. Siiiii)s la a ei 150 bu. Potaitoca, 1 Range SteV'e, 1 i10 head homses-oiir- <coi a r lghuing sumpervisor etf Ubertyvirilie townishipî teoWn fariner and catritatiat snd Mr. Universai ceai atove, 0<5W, 601tes iri igît 9golnd ii Oliuiîri. îanîd wiill aark the retirement et onie of li'lr l a ei kina ZenCI->'stdureka and geese, Qarsîîtity Isard and romii i. the inoat proiniît and active tunt- tre.1Cattte-26 h.ad-?, w Iti alcb y1 bers of the Lake cocuyborle tome>'. ~soft coal, 25 Miik canc, patta & airain- sida ,- ' iîî-îvy sturtîngers - c; sto B w itatboarid tf _________ ers, 70 Grain Bags, 1 Lady'% Bicycle, lî i\a u;iy-r.,ig Dîrhmr uturvitre ýMonda>' Townu olleluir Mutaw 1 Deering Coîîm flhxder. 1 Sulky Plow, bull, 2 iDuirhanm calves, 8l menths old:- , te board aixteen yeams ago and lias mnode the final settlemnent with City' 1 Walking Plow, 2 Double Cultivators, i c11ihe fat cow: Il <-Iroice rilîkers. bisec an excellent member cof te bedy- rtmatursr Westertleld, the figttres in- 1 Single Cuitisalor. 1 Set Drags, 1 MACHINERY. for bis tewn anci for thse cotant>'. ie 1nwcorn linier; 1 McCorilck eolitdi e beqhalt etthe city e.n4 the Set Bobsleighs. 1 Stick, i CentPlanter,,cmii ,binder; i Plano grain binder- 1, la onte of the Set known and llked aI±r~oholr~tn *,00. - 1 Grain Seerter,i Deerbflg S-ower, et i.ofBob sticks; 1 new usabumnet Men la Lake onnty. Our tExperkence Is, Yt .fou r Stevi M