CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Apr 1910, p. 2

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Scof's Emulsion S i6 the original-has been the standard for thirty-five years. Tllere are thousands of so-called just as good" Emulsions, but they are not-they are simply imi- tations which are neyer as good as the original. They are like thin milk- SCOTT'S is thick like a heavy cream. If you îvant it thin, do it yoiurself-wvith water- but dont buy it thin. FOR U LE BY ÂLL DRTIGG!5T b-eUs ifl B-.rk.4 5CR11,'. Skeroh.Boot IC.h beeR ,o.ies* .GooSL.ok P.eey. uOeOrr& BOINE. 409 PesoS St-.Ne" York Mr. and Mre Frank Eriigge visited thre latter@ parent@, Mr. and Mrs. Kramer one day thi8 week. -Mr.-Myron Wells @pe t Sunday t Miss@ Clara Knigge le takîng a short vocation. Mr. Coudreystarinirbas ciranged banrds tram Mr. Andersan ta a Nlc. Os- borne. Mr, and Mrs. J_ . . ouse and danghter Mary were B"ceteller callere ance ve- ning this week. Mrs. Donald Kramer bas moved out boeefront Cbicago. Mr. Black le maving up ovec Mr. Payne'e new store. Tire W. C. T. i-. met with Nire. Bal- comb Thncsday. Mr. and Mrm. Statz expect ta mare in ta their new borne iere eaaon. Mr. George Rasa spend Sunday with iis wlfe and son at lire. J. H. Aynleys. Russel Bouse le eelinrg quite pcond aver shoottug a goose last lianday. Mi@s Ruth lare iras been spending a few days wtth bier sister, Mmr. Jas Dordler. Mr. and Mce. Everet Wells, Mr. and Mca. John Aynstey, Miss Nina Bouse, Mma. Swan, Theodare Swan and lMr. H. A. Watson ielped ta surprise Bernard Swan Tuesday ight at tMr. and Nire. Bert Swan's in Libertyville. Pauni Ray bas received bis embalmers' license tram tue State Board ot Health at Springfield, baving campleted ie course ai study and taken tire examina- tian Feb. lotir and llthin luChicago. Tis autirarizes bri ta iolIîw thre voc'a- tion ot urrdertakig and euîbalmiug. AMiss Alle teuchi, oi llouud Lake, was lu tawu Saturday. Nire. G.eorgec Lacînger n as.a rer-cnt Nunda viitor. Miss Litna lusel. aif W aukeganu, and Miss Nettie Russel, of Grayslake, were at their haienfear 'r ala rt)%er Sunday. Oiscar Hauson slmî.crîdiLig a ira ,r-]km with relatives und rindset at Sîusl,în, Wim. Mesrs. WaltonandniLusk triîneî-tcd businesstin Ciicago Weîis,1ay (i art Mr. ani lire. Ciras.ltiiîight eter- tainsi Mise lMury Iauglît. f ib.îerty'. 'cr11,, vef Sunday. tir. Fred Ilunuil wae bileguest ai relatives un Cicago laet acci. Mesdamnes Dulmes uni Hougircen, ai Wuuconiu, aere lu tam nue day ce- centiy. Misses Cara Raslug und Cardie Vogt, ai Round Lake, ttenisi cirurlir bers Tiursday imorninig. George Vogzei, ai Slon Mil, transuet- ai business lu comu tast Weineeiay. Mr@C.s8'l an sd tirs. Auguet Mluler were Mcenceuy isîtere Maniay tare- faon. Mdisa Catherine Dameli, ai Wct Fre mont, calisi an iricuis here Suniey. MissesLucy Dunnili uni TemeîsWî,tz vielled friends ut Waucauia Friiay p.m. Mr@. Wm. Hiconemus un n auChester, oi Round Lake, mece lu tome Saturiay. Mr. uni Mc». Cht Thampsan, ai Fort HAI, vece uniay visitars ut tire laughl home. Mc.. George Beumeli, ai Weet l're mont, mas lu tamu Mouiay. Mr. sud Mrs. Peter iedruirh, iii tic lhmry, callei au ir"eisbers Mandat. Mc. sud Mr@. Ciras. Parker and child- »e0 vore musaIs ai Mc. sud ire. Lewv RSode astna ville Snnday, Xr.a»d Mrs .. V. Luak, o! WesstFre LAKE OOUNTY INDEPENI)ENT, FRIDAY. APRIL, 8, 1910 WAUCONDA DEPARTMENTI I Correspondent and Agent, Ml. E. MAIMAN F. L. Carr transar'ted businees ut Wau- Tirs îawn electian held at tire village kegan Saturday7. hall Tuesday provei qulte excting, Mise Mue Mainian s e@pendîng tire week twenty tirre votes belng cast, tirere ire- witir~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~n reaoe iiaaî n îet u pposition for tirresoffices: supervis- wit reatiesin igh oo ad Lbery-or, cotiectar and irigiway c oonriennoner tf district Na. 1 and tirhecult was a@ Mir@. E. W. Braa)ks and daugirter lirm. iallows: For supervisor-E. W. Brooks 1). L. Putnam, were UCirirsgo rîitars 154 A. J. R.yurand 76. Foc town Wednesday. clerk-AI S. Powers 1 sa. For aseesor- L. E. Hughes transar-ird businessein C. E. Wbeelock 177. For colecter-C. Chiciago Tuesdav. L. Pratt 99. Len ilearY 122. For iigir' way commissioner district Na. 1-H. M. Mises Mas Fuller ies peîîding tire wcek Davis 139.,iA. J. Vasey 82. For higir- ln Ciicago with ber motirer. way commiseoner.discrlcî Na. 2 te 1111 A fine home talent en etaininen ile ta ire given ut tirs Buptiet irurc ir tlîs Fn day evsning, Apr. S. Tire program wmirci iras bee n arranged fotac1tre ocaoion i- vacaucy-Robt. Domeil 173. Obituar-y iats ai vocal and instrumental music, .as.. icace, son ai1lire. Jas. Grace, Sr., readiugr, speaklng, comic sketches, etc., île-I aI tire - irspital at Onue-1 wiricir wili please and Inlereet tire home ha, Nei., Marccir29, 1910, age 31 yearg, people as tire encire prograurisdtauire 8 montirs and 21 days, alter an Masne cendered by local talent Doors allen of lypiroi lever wiricir iasted ust twelve at 7.30. Prograur at 8 o'elock. Ad- as I a hetm fbeil misiqu, adulte 25c, children 15. ad note, wiricirvas lrelmei tir e ii Tiras. trace. af Ogden, ttahr. is sp-.d- ime tire @train overpowered iris strenglir iug tire week witb hii mother and sieter. aud deatir calied him ta bis eternai Afte tie srvies t tre at o ame. He was tire second son ai Mr. CAlteir r tndayracsan e paor, 1ev d isr. Jas. Grace. Si., and was boru Burke, annauncesi htiro n accaunt oattirh ie a idirm te ar ltretw oepacatitin ai Waucanda and Fox Lake oi Cuba an June 27, 1878, where ire parisires, tire local congregatinu would grew ta uranrord and assisted iis tatir- bave ta bear tire entire ex pense ai tire er On tire farta outil about ten yeare ago pastar. wirich wîuld mean au addition- ire de. ied ire xantsd te ses tire west and al epene a $30 or$40 an cose-leit home ta eeek hie fortune. He trar. aluxenie ofau300ohave0tanis trend- eled tirrangliseveral ai tire western quenly o wold ave o rise he e tates, but ai tire ime aifiis deatir ire cent. uaktng tire $20 pose $24 and tire vos statianed at Omaha, Neir . wbere ire1 $1t6 rews $20. wiriciroire tet wae Dot un- irld a gaod position witir an emPloy. reasonable and al ai tire cngregatian ment agency. Hie ranther and eldest realizing tire nêeceeity ai tire raide îaiî'ed sister lirss Edtella irai been epeiîiing tireir approval. Wauý onda liai ng a tire wiriter witi r. caud Mc,. H. R. reiient priest enîaNs ail tire advantages Riley ait Omaira and were juet planning ai auy ai tire 1iries ru tirir, hue-b der- on rturniug tri their home ru aur village vices and fel justiy [)rond O ahvirîg se- ben tirev reelved word tirat James cured Fatirer Burke for their loc-al Iastar n as i, k at tireirospital. He didu't and will be faund ever ready ta aontri- îîîînk ire nas eseriausîs ill and would bute iovally ta iis .upaort nOt let hi. trieude uaotiiv nid motirer and A grand bal l sta ire given by tire tire. isters tint lie ira@seck untîl ire began muen at tire O.akland Ha.l ùext Friday ta get riarse ar.i ilîcunnbeknowu ta eveninig, Aprîl 3tir, uni nio pains are mim hie flks acre notiiied and aichougir beîug spared ta make it tire s' nt ai tire ire iad tire beet utftuedial rare and Hapke's fu orchestra. inelud- nureing tire band ai tire Aîmigbty tauld iug tcap drums mi lurnîirh music for tirs natie stai. Tire remains werebrougbt occasion and during tirc eveuîng many irere Tirursda.v alternoon, beiug arcam- ai tirs aid tine daucesili ire cailediso punie-I y ire.Glrace and i 's Estella. tire oIdtpeople as well as tire ýung mayITiras. Grace andB. R. RileY. lir suîoy tireeveniug. John P. Blanck, W m. !Rley mSsunuable ta camne in account ai B. Dairme, John Mrphy aud Humer jtireir lîltiedaugirterwmiohiadjnet reaov Cook will act a receptian cammittee and ered tram a siege ot ilineos Tire ineral a must cordial invitation sg extenici to a mas eu on Friday. April let. tram tire ail ai anc communîty and eurounding Transfiguration Cathi rchucrb. ev. temne tii attend. Darioe tickets fity Father Burke officating and delivereng cents and supper extra. Buatgage a fine sermon full oi consolation tfcrtire cirecked Ires. Horee carei for ut tire bereaved relatives.Tirs reniainsareere Olakland bhun. inter-ced in tire tauily lot lu tire Cutirolic Village caucus foc nomination oi tircee cemetery and piaced ta tireir eternal village trustees and village elrk mas rest. Tire deceassi leaves ta mouru hii held iset Satucday ut tire village hall, las,, a mather. tire. Jas. Grace, Sr., tira but mas not very exiting, only 414 votes esters, Miss Estella Grces ai aur village being being cast and resulted as tollowe- and Mca. H. R. Riley, ai Omaha, Neir., For truetees-Jas. Murray 3ti. B. E. and ans brotirer, Tiras. Gracs, ai Ogden, Mimari 36, Vedier Stan, 34 and Homer Utair. ta mirom me exteni aur sineere Cook 1-d.For erk Luri Datoms 31. svFlupatry. LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE OPTICIAN IVANHOE lier. \cttîcf-iL a ira 0l"ke, si-nt last weekth îL,jrr laugirrli-. Grant I i-k 1,1 thii, ta n Mir. anîl Mcp , t Clc- lerîlal,. Ill. %vere relent %iior~e TireHome iî'rl.irrnary .0 et v rnt mîtir Mie.. Emma Raike la.t W .'edut'ia Tire Ladies lenîeteey r'.lriity a ii r-t witli rsr. Jemeen Tirursday, .tpr. 14. Louis Radtke epent scieraI duir witir hi@ brother uni faimlY lu Cbiricurer-cnt- ly. Miss Ia Reidaru, ai Chicago, iited ut Henry Grainee uni aiteneiicirurc irere Suuday. tirs. H. C. Payne mas a Waukr-gan vilitirr une day Iset week. WEST FREMONT. Mr anr] tire FranLz Martini sjreut S:uù,dr.yvîiili,,relativesautWauconda. Mire. Mlintzie, ai tiavinia, i8 visiting tbis wr,kai thebeur.-ofiHenry Tekampe. A. Halerm entertaluci campanvtrîîm Fax River $uudav. 'rc unidlire. Wm Tireis and viriliren v te Ut. Prospxet thie week. t Belle i lireir ai tire mimfortune te hase ber arm huit ans day inet week. 1 Mr. sud IMca. Will Loirman sud son, -R.aymond, were Barrrngton visitors iiunday. Additional Libertyville Locala. Ld Wand Sage abat a wIli goose lait Stnniay mruaneg. vricireighed tvelve _______a ni iamily sud )Mca. Geo. Prey uni sou [7j MFp MD ] Ch&r-les veut ou tire -goos cias,'ta htpM.sage ta est il. tirs.Fred Kersteu sppent ueveral lut, Card of Thanks. iucing tire meek vlsîtung mîtir ber lu-cpar.t iau is aytred ente, tir, and] tire L. W. Pettîs. W ibt hktemu red aruni n.irticair re oassiste]uns lu tire Gearge Happingauni ially bave let " , msand destir of oanc hlive' matir- temu foc tireur neir home in len L eiln Mr*.e Rr-nart Nitz, lMca. t'ira. Saturiay atternion lire. Freî lraren Itîrruin&sd faiiy and in. Brumur lirger entertaînedin lu ir clier i îtt, ai. n i- cil, day. Sire wmthe rec-iet oai nany M'rc. unidtire. 'titiîev iii Chi, au,,, arr-ýycr* ern sîeuding a a'cek a iL i-.H r Jranl i lrl ir' mo'apt es-n . lu.....1 il.niesatir afi RoseCruns near family.lutL,,..( luprti. AIlEuxmi ad nowe Miss Olive Jenke er'riaiuîl ber eeter , uêertr un,- vLuamtce cure. ern. ai Wuukegan Saiuriay auId Suriay. Lardl iEî,,itiEseliI 11I.-2- tirunidtire. Whitney are ependiing a meek lu Detroit, Micir. î,;t aur prisse on drain tâe hera Deliert Meyer la on tire slck liis. bulyiug. Bies Lrtg00C,. 27.11 habamadm ulilie, Ii.i lii-t t1 R. W. MCCLURE & CO, GURNIE, ILL., 1-arm luitîlcrieut. Wagons, Btug- gice. Pluiîng. Steam uandfliot W ater. Heating, Acetylene an(] Gasalîne Liglitrng, Gasoline liii gin,@ biiugirt, sali, excirangcd, rc- paireA. At.salin as wmecan muild wu a il ,e tparcîl ta do aIl kîrîdm inia. chine arîd blactemitir a irk. Oue Gonds are Guaranieed. I Our Prices Reasonabte. PALATINE lied ut bis home Iu Palatine Nlarcir 81ltt. Fr10, of heurt disease, E W. Feu' ton, an aid saldi er and a ruember ai tire 0. A. R.. minci atteuded tire uerai in a body ani laid hmm c e ea in tire cemne- tecy an tire li. Miss Bettie Bolîman eniertained tire Misses Luceile ad Daisy Paddock, oi Arlingtan EBeigirteansd Miss Keru, ai Rocklacd, ta tes Wednesduy. In tirs svening Misses Elsie Gainer, Margaret Young ani Misa Dentan vere gueute. Mr. anidtirs. George Pullbsrg spent Sunduy witir relatives lu Chicago. Mis Cirietine and Martin Pnllirrg spent tire Eauter holidays ut home lu Polatine. L. Lemeeen, Jr., Theodare, George sud ltta Freemaunleit Buuuy marutugý vitir ima aca@aofirousehol'] goods for Canada. lýi W. Wilson is a urember ai tire Sen. lac cluam ai the McKillip Vetpriuary Coi- lege, mirose gradnatiug e51501555 mec, heud Tueuday evening lu Haudel hall lu Ciicago. lied at iis iome lu P"itine Sunduy maruung, .Apcii 3. Mr, Baase, an aid uni mur-t respectei citizen. luterment lu the cemetery outirebilli. Mises fnyder leit Tnsaay evenlng toc Toronto, Canada. rASTON PNAMrDI AS ASSESSOR I1 L.LAKE ZURICH Miss Emma Soip Is vlelting relatives ln Chricago tbis week. Henry Branding made a t!p ta tire city Monday. Miss Lydia Hockeurever le employsd lu tire store for John D. Finkt. Fred Hooft bias tire caritrucita irbnild two big harns on tire G race farm near Honoy Lake. H. L. Breirr, Wm. Buescirlng and Ang. Froeirlick received tire nomination for viUagel trustees aud John D. Fink toc cierk at tire village primiaries last Sutur. day. Louis Scirumacher, ofiier anà Miss Elizabeth .lacabeon, oi Lake Zurich were unlted lu marriage Marcr 8Oth at tire borne of lire brides@ parents, Bey. J. J. Siliermanu afficiacing. Airant ans irnndred pacsons were invited ta tire wedding supper and tire bride ceoelved many valuarle presents. We extend anc irearty congratulations ta tire wortby young people and wlsir tireu prospeclty and happines. Tireir uew home wIlIhireaI GOurer, 111. IVIIlIBBI 71 Mr@. Matilda Jamison, Dr. Jamisonsa urotirer, iran gone ta estay saure lime wltb ber son at Cherry Valley, 111. Mcm. Jaurison acconrpanled ber as far as Chi- cago. Mfre. Josiepine Matirews ceturusi home APril laot ram Rochrester, Itinu., wbere sire ias @pont tire winter. Mr. nnd Mr@. fi. B. Tawer @pettat- urday and Sunday witb lirs. Getorge Gerrlty and cildren ai Union irove. lic@. J. A. Tirain visited tram Satur- mday untri Monday witb iriende iu Chi- camao. -Nîr. Scott Levoy 18 doiug tire hauling oi treight lac tire stores- Fred Steadman, paper-banger ani painter tram Gurnee. re îvarking in ti riciulity. Mies Pearl Cleveland, teailcrofigli Hallow ebool, 8peut Saturday and Sunday witir ber parente. Mir. and lre. Wmi. Thrnr.oa l,î[rcrty- ville, spent Suuday witl tireir sou and fanîîly, Wi.0G.Thoum. 1 Mis@Heltn Safford returued to Wirea- tan Cellege Tuesday at "r liatoi, Ii. Mise Lewis, oi Lake Bluff. client a tesv daye witir Miss Bater. Locaine Webster, af i Hghland Park, rode out on hrie mater cycle and vreited irhis cousins, tirs Deuman baye. 1J. A. Tirain aud atirers fcrr Autiocir 1 lage visited tie M ugon s lodge ()i SI;rlayelake last Saturday. .tMr. and Mmr. H. B. Tower, tir. E. B. rTower aud H. El. Toîver leurs WednesÉ- day tac Chricaga and Tbureday will leve toc LosAngeles, Cal., lireir future home. j C. E. tapic foc Aprîl 10: "iod le Ber,- 3P,. 139:1-12. Vivian Banner, leader. ) Mc . and tirs. R. L. Hughs, af Chicaga pspent Suuday witirtire home flks, tire Spuif aris. eReniemirer tirat tire genuine Cris Creek Lehigir Valley Coal will go fartiier tiran auy bard coul you hum. For sale by tire HaiELtiuBErCoiiîeÂNy, Liberty- i ci th bowemprkommbu abe& Thderb.yoea bave ~purMoobiIouaaa.b.adacbe. Askymu doctor"aot Aysr's Pill for comfpaloai. Declalon of Court la That In ^Il Vot- Ing Precincia Even Where Procinci and Town Coincide Asseasor, Collec. toc and Supervisor Mue ai Cvse Vote Wlthin Five Daya Akfter Ele.- tion la Held. Accordlng ta decision tint Jndgla Joncs cof tire cnrrnty court bas cendered It ls up to thre supervisor, assessor andi Collector of every voiing precluel to canvasa votes of an eloclion witim five days siter It, as untîl tirs vote la cauvassed no cundidate ta elecîsi ta office. 1t mas uirougirt by many t le clalmed tirat mirere a towu sud a votlug pcecluct mers ans aud tire saure by reason af tire saurs boundar- les, nt sa mucir baste would bave ta ire made wthth ie cauvues, but tire court ules dlfferently. Tire case lumincir tire decision vas made le tire election conteat for tire Office of Deerfieli lu micir Cassius B. Easiou contetei and won agaiual William Plagge. lu Ibis Enatans aet- torusys daIlm tire retrirna gave tire election tb Easton. but tlira a esus afterwarda made siroved a lie vote wireu a decldlng vote vas centinlufav- vor of Plagge liy lot. Tire court ruled tirai Eastoi la tire man electsd by one vote no tirat Es- ton sud not Plagge le now tir sas"e- sot for Deerfleli. Attorney %tertin Decicer repmsisented Plazgs sud Cooke. Pope Pope Sud Elam Carkre Esa- ton.~ Piagge bas praye'd au appeti mincir wiii go ta tire supremne court, but tire ujatter is not yst iecided. MION RETIRES FROM NAVAL STATION shoces, suy tire navigelors. Tirey are poeted bmo, closetla tire mater lHue, and no do nut mislead like tire IWalan phrraspercirsi higir ebove lire ses. Tbey baestire best lenses and are almeye visible. Pains ofi uomen, ireai pains, or auv paru stapped lu 20 minutrîes suce, witir tir. Sbioap's Pink Pain Tablete. Sic fuli formula an 25ic Box. Sli lîy ALI. DEALER&. Foc 'Sale, 2.) one car ai Gluten oru trak i*30 per ton. HOME LumBEB Co. c-27-ti F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F FoIlow tlila dvicc Quak er Osta lantire ireatt fal ois; kIs also tire cirespeat. Wiren such men sasProf. ]Fisher of Yale University sud Sir Jamnes Cricirion Bromne, LL.D.-F.R.S. af London spend tire beal parts a1 tireir lives in saîdying ts etiqe ioo ai tire fou 'g ae of un uaiie idifferent certn baîiradvice la airaolutely sale ta bllow. Profesior Flirher laurel In iris ex- perlmenta for ,etlg tire strengtir sud endurance ai atirleicatiraitirhe mesS eateca vere exirausted long betore tire mnen vira vere ted on inch food as Quaker Otts. Tire paver-soa endur- suce ai tire nmat estera ver-e about eigirl limes tireis e tie cai SicJaes riirtn rovne aya-. estl" :I moeosue i.etenty oai t sud cmst h ieqîrertly. 39 Buy b luntire reKWn10lc package, or thre large ine iamily package ai 2fc. W,L. DOUCLAS 03.00 03.50904.00 & 05.ôO1 SHOES8 UNION MADE 3h... Rya' $2.00 Cui ee $10o.00 Crystal Barber Shop uah t time ai service. Il vaur mar dont gstin lui, yliu causer hec b ack Shaving 15C ta Pink Parader next seasun Irer ai eirge.j Artistic Hair Cutting25e FOR SALE-A imo-yeur oiui etîd colt by tire iocegoing bliat promistes ta haus Flrst-class Work t bigues hie sire. This colt eau ire regis- Gruaraîîteed. tered under tire newIrlîlinois luir as Agnao cr e pure bced. AetfrShie Aiea tire 2-yr. aid pure-irsd iy iîy Pink. Laundry. Parader. Botir rau ire seeu ut Patter. ________________ ad s frs o u trr p ci ua a CHAS. E. M ASON, Proprietor. AUGUST RADLOFP,Baasptlace. 2 Cars J. M. P tteron, Libertyvlle, .11. jpu I rdi. 2 Not a Drop of Alcohol What Is a "ltonlc"? A medldine that Increases the strengtb or tone of the whole system. What ls an l'alterative"? A medidune that alters or changes unhealthy action to healthy action. Naine the best Iltonlc and alterative"? Ayer's Sarsaprla the only Sarsaparilla entlrely free from alcohoL Asyour own doctor ail about it. Neyer take a niedidune doctors cannot endorse . .C.A Co.,LoUMi-m GSS. IMarbie and Granite Monumenî s Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence boiicited 126 Genesee St Waukegau if Sicli Dos f f mm usos. ssogie penty' And 1 W " M ehly 1 uMy tris N5eou.ue d lrlàk ovin on. &sige per. Justit lrnkvIW b is essto th.eeorn lm ui5 b30lt 15 dace. and wit put t eeaa rom". u cmwhU» snaer freMyt bc aa s oo b not A«s olOt l peuIlan tre anSeR iecne.woj lakecimie. asv 1 ol rteu tirem art.a mie ec-r ur inYno in 1ii, itNo dP ir. My mio a dDre.o Fmliuent. bve lpri ttanîsan dlcnrpna be c teS.ti dbo ou*i EpsOs as. bte r Isst fu b i t enxis o.ets ae . cl b l es s.It thesieg-a M re s l i.ace t ais, o fnt fani. om D r si - & e . bvbeulds. ee te l lestO& grsa ninene nd hea lpy..5 II Bsi de Is. poer-e . uat rdo b y I s tu 1tls cî oemm. y àpi Sand ses.- vrs t1,Frnm hu md eow bwa «-du -e t-o r. op. Sllelfz 12. *aeine. W bo:OnDims peciptionor ee ma dvc LM .Eo. B Ou 5h:ed"K 0Liluier pYrd o BUL DI"No.4 mATEIA 2 O lIer, cea ri ht N it gradesm o liKIcî o Wliet ue i n Iîiiea r t !. S. IED Po uL BeleYard Forvdedlutesecirýonai 0ace uilsubiveii t 0acre tracts Compny. DYMONO & AUSTIN, Agents, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLS. -1 Weil Knosen Waukeganite Who Ha. ' 5 Seen Many Vears of Service in Navy 25 Wili be Permanently Retir-ci April 9=.Ci50SU15 30, and Wiii Maire Hie Resîdence j W. L Douglas sire.,"a te. loweet In Waukegan. Io Important Man ,ýc». quality conielesinlathes world. ai Station. Teer excellent style. easy fitting sud H. E. Oison bas receirci a notifi- lon weari-n quaities excel tiros e otirer nskes.Il yen have ireenpayiag cation tram tire uavy depariment tirat bigb prices for yoeac lb0.,, tireDorat tins. h ire ahoreplacei an tire retirei flet you need apair give W. LDouglaasiroela Aprîl 30.-'Ic. oison willl ireretirci as inaL.Yoes ecou ave nboney on 7007 wihthe munir of iroatemaîn but iras fotwesr andi gsirts Ss at are just as mitir gond inlaevery w&y as tires.tiraSbava bai tire ionarary titis of captalu mhille been cealing yo higiror preesa. emploYed ulthtie naval trainng t- Il yen cocilti vWt our large factorisi tion as captalu ofthti yard sud înepec- ai Brocikton, Mas,. and oses for yoerrseif how carefully W. L Douglas tih5cse tor aofirarbar uark. nmde, 700 would then endustad wiry Caltaîn oison, as ire le tamlllarly tirey heM tireir salpe, fit bolter &nd kuaieli, bas niais a ioet otf fiendi vear longer tran oSier inakea. C'A R« t55>1 _W. L . [rosi.. td pntela lne lire as assiguci tai service ut tire 5t I. nirril otrete ý M stationuand Ilahicontinue ta live l1 ua.trlrir.ure.oofsl eyn Waukegau atter hie retirement. He B o a 5~~ y. planis a wesirs trip ta Siebaygan, Michrigan, atter iris retiremeut. . B. Colby Mercantile Co. Captalu oison mas anc ai tire first M ta arrive ut tire naval training station LIBERTYVILIE, ILL.- gîte. He le aiea anc ofttihe et itowni mren counectei altir tirestation. Th NodyBbl Iétiue f hcao AT STUI) bas elecrei rtie 1es. I-rancis L Patton, I). D.. L . 1).. î,rsiîlii t oii i n uceton ThIrcîîogrcui Sr-niîrY, ifr a colurse ii oîurIeciturcs onr, 'itl iîri rv lu ILilIigios -' trori 'uil r, oIl ineisîr ,- iai- calolaii tc t Ili il leem aildilprofiessionlu aI mencuof tithe , arr tua h l ltric te tire A-sr-aî ,ui l 1- ie 1-11i seiir,',t and tire iiiur ( :1.- t . , "be-o Ic-tii es mmli ihaie te-t, jgieil I 'NirI irtton inl seicralotlIen of thei-largo-, tics if thue cl-nrtry n ti gr.lît a o-îîol c11c ' taîliimî-eas Ti,' t.utIirctuI chie ofbî' îl the I. inn, of i ii tî iîîn itesîll rtidai 'hni Drli' Pattan lii iii- self ira s prken if tiierui n tirhe "st uîrn ai tir' kîidle lias iane. A ,îuuîlari tr.odP ch onS ll n colurse gi ,-u I yJliiîî iriuier tirie arie 5y.odP rhrnSalo 86uslîces in tlis 1iti I-lIorosi YeartagIr as a gio-out n c jud lîgllll 1,v tir. ut-P N tendance fr-iliidai' to , i a ni bilhe ci, IN impression tirat re-naiici 'llep tuner deni,îustruted tliat lie ,,nid r)tl ru timan k d-es1îîv buti îjro'essli r seI r n. tu-ille tiat i-aiiglun the popular mini.P AD E Tirere ,1n1Ilbelieoîîo Iargr. for admiieisinta 3 2 o .A týiese lectures.4 ,2 P .A Sire, Pinîk '-4,7f')5, twce a iner oîthtie A Frisndly Criticiom. Grand 8xeepstakes and Ciuilionslîlp On tire Occasion of an exibtilon gir- ut ('bicago International. on et tire Ccorcoraxl Art gailery, In Pinîk s tirs grandest Percheron ever imparted ta Arnîscca. Dam, Sirene. an Wasiingtl, hy tire Art Stndenir 2,000 pounn mare mira traces bau-klu league ans youttfui painier mas en- tour fines ta tire greut irrilliant. deavaclng ta Impress uponan id the Pinkr Parader wilI maire th, foliose. merIa aif a wocr ofiris omu. ing rouie frori April 1 ta riuîy 1I "Ton wanod ire amazed," aunounei MONDA-Prairie View. lire actist, "If yau knew tira amaunit or usD yDa on ae lUme expendeti ou my Two Sisters." ' USA - imn Lae "Ohr. I dont knaw tiat I wouid,t, WEDNESiDA--Rockefellsir. ulrily responded tire foriend, "Inasmucir T tRDh'Lk oet as 1 bec tiret people stand lu front of HRDY Lk Foet il foc bouma lrying ta, makte out wirat FocDAx-East.lof Hlf Day It ls."-Detroiî ree Press. SATURDAY-Home. Fresnch Coast Lights. UNDY- o e Prtn IILb.t, e..the... t aoe h ...DY Ho

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